Spore Story

Chapter 265 Believe In Ourselves

Chapter 265 Believe In Ourselves

The Harvest Festival brought a lot of good memories to the hill tribe members and enriched their lives.

Stories, songs, and even dances gradually appeared in the community, bringing joy to people at their leisure.

As for the market transaction, before everyone returned that day, Bai Nong proposed to hold it every ten days in the future, which was agreed by most of the leaders and made it a normal practice.

Then, when everyone returned to calm because of the end of the Harvest Festival and quietly waited for the arrival of the first snow in winter, from the central group, various reform measures began to be spread continuously, making the whole mountain tribe lively again.

So, the time has entered the end of autumn and the beginning of winter.

Sitting in the group of flowing clouds, ah no, Shui Yun, who should be called the central square of Liuyun Village, looked at her sister sitting next to her with a smile on her face, and handed over a leather scroll.

Flowing Water Village (by water)

Animals: Camelosaurus (2), Furball (1)


Commodities: Salted dried fish, fresh fish, shells

Village Chief: Water Curtain (chrysalis)
Assistant to the village chief: Shuiyun, Shuiyi

"Make sure, sister...ah no, it's the village chief."

Biting the word 'village chief' hard, Shuiyun didn't forget to tease this elder sister who was not used to the change of address, and pointed out the above content with a smile.

In fact, in Shuiyun's view, this reform is nothing but to make everyone more standardized and change their titles.

As for the repeatedly reiterated '[village head] is ordered by the [mayor]', in Shui Yun's view, it is no different from before. When many large tribes were dismantled in order to promote agriculture, they were also Bai Nong, that is, the current Did the [Lord Mayor] agree with the leader?

Therefore, the most important thing in this reform is to let Bai Nong know the specific situation of these communities... the village.

Although Shuiyun could have summed up Bai Nong when he visited all the communities before, but he didn't curl his lips until now, but how can Bai Nong be one of the people he admires, why bother with such small details?
So Shuiyun didn't think too much about it, his main thought now was on how to improve his strength because of that dream.

But for an ordinary quack ape like myself, there is no way of cultivation at all, and his ability is not like that of a pupa body, which can sense spiritual power with a little effort. There are only two ways to develop Shuiyun: One is to sense the spiritual power after pupation and exercise it; the other is to find Bai Nong.

Pupation is necessary, otherwise he will feel unworthy to be with his sister, but he doesn't want to wait until after pupation to practice.

As a mountain tribe... oh, it has also been renamed, it should be called [Lanshan City] now, and Bai Nong, the mayor of Lanshan City, must know how to practice.

Moreover, even if he doesn't know, it's impossible for those powerful ghost gods who must have an unusual relationship with him not to know.

Therefore, after her sister agreed with Liushui Village's report, Shuiyun, the assistant to the village chief, excitedly took the report and came to the center that seemed to be the same as before except for the addition of a stone tablet and the tidy market. The city of Blue Mountains is like no other.

Looking up at the houses with various pottery plaques beside the square in the middle, Shuiyun settled down and walked into the yard with two pottery plaques with the characters [Mayor] at the door.

Inside the house, Kong Huan accepted the [Temporary Calendar] handed over by Bai Nong with satisfaction, read it for a while, wrote December 13rd on the pottery tablet next to it, and then turned his eyes to Bai Nong for confirmation.

Nodding his head, Bai Nong made a gesture of consolation, which attracted a chuckle from Bai Min next to him.

This kind of pottery plaque is based on the principle of waste utilization. It grinds the relatively intact lumps of fired pottery waste into shape, which is just used for writing or marking.

Putting away the calendar, Kong Huan said with satisfaction: "In a few days, I will ask the messenger who came back to send this object back to Mount Ga, and then the implementation can begin."

"Well," Bai Nong smiled, and said with a little regret: "It's a pity that it's not perfect, so don't confirm the year name, it will be changed every year, you need to determine the year name, wait for the error to drop to single digits, and When something important happens, it can be confirmed as the first year and officially released."

Flipping through the leather scrolls sent by various villages, Kong Huan rubbed his forehead, waved his hand to ask Ling Yun to pour a glass of water, but found that the target was not by his side, he couldn't help feeling agitated.

This time the reform does not seem to be much, but it is the key to establishing the class.

The community was changed to the village, and the leader was changed to the village head. It was just a name change, but the focus was on regulation. In the future, the appointment of the village head would no longer be proposed only by the villagers, but also required the consent of the mayor.

This is the key to Kong Huan's establishment of superior rights.

In this regard, the group leaders who were accustomed to the leadership of Bai Nong before had no opinion, perhaps because it had nothing to do with them.

And by the time they leave office, this rule has already been known to the villagers, so they don't need to worry about any unnecessary troubles.

"How's the situation with the third person? When do you plan to leave?" Seeing Kong Huan stop, Bai Nong turned around and asked Bai Min to get two glasses of Xiguo water, and then looked away from his calendar, looking at the Said with an empty fantasy.

Shaking his head, Kong Huan sighed depressingly: "8051 grabbed Xiao Lingyun and Chu Ling to help, it is said that it will take at least dozens of days before they can rest again, and because they are busy with that matter, 8051 may not have much time in the future, At least until it succeeds."

Bai Nong is also very clear about what Kong Huan said, but now he can only believe that 8051 is so powerful for such a scary thing.

However, since the target is that person, why should Ling Yun and Chu Ling go to help?The strength of the two of them is nothing more than a grass in the eyes of the other party.

If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. This is obviously a good habit passed down from Void.

Moreover, 8051 will not harm Lingyun and Chu Ling.

However, because the Youshen level that can guarantee safety is no longer there, and I am used to the fantasy of traveling and looking for people, I became a little hesitant to find the third person at this time.

Moreover, Bai Nong needs to sit in the mountain tribe and wait for Gashan to make a decision before making arrangements for the subsequent migration of the tribe.

Then, among the few people who can sense the exact location of the third person, it seems that only Kong Huan can go.

But even with a few pupated body guards, because the situation of the third one is not clear, even according to what 8051 said, the third one does not even know whether it is a man or a woman, so it is not good to run to the illusory security ensure.

"Now it is obviously impossible to consider the factor of 8051 going together, and you and I can sense the direction of the third place, what about your consideration?" Although, even if you find the third place, you will not merge immediately, but Bai Nong I always feel that the mood of the third pupa is a bit wrong.

This is not wrong with the third person's spirit, but rather that his mood seems to be very tense, as if... he is in great danger.

And dangerous?
According to the mission experience of Hui Li and Bai Nong, if they can chrysalis, there are at least 2000 quack apes who can control them. According to Kong Huan's always careful character, there are at least a few hundred of them left by his side. In this case, there will be danger...

(Could it be Zerg.)
Startled, but Bai Nong then shook his head.

(If it's Zerg, hundreds of quack apes, even two thousand quack apes, I'm afraid they won't be able to deal with them very well. The last time I dealt with Zerg, more than 1000 pupae, dozens of soul-level and all movable ghosts were used God level.)
Therefore, Bai Nong didn't think that a few hundred quack apes could block a Zerg base.

And judging from the fact that the third person can pupate smoothly, and at the same time, the mood is only nervous but not fearful, at least the two sides should be in a stalemate.

Limited by experience, Bai Nong couldn't think of anything else at this time.

"My idea is," Moistened his throat, Kong Huan patted the leather roll on the table and said: "Now I am about to become a soul-level, and you are already a soul-level, but you have to stay behind, so ignore it. Then, wait until I reach the soul level. At the soul level, bring two high priests with you, so there should be nothing to worry about."

"What about the danger on the third side?" With Kong Huan's arrangement, his safety should be assured, but on the third side, Bai Nong didn't know if he could wait.

"We have to have confidence in ourselves," Kong Huan said without any pressure on this: "Don't forget that the third one is also Kong Huan, although he doesn't know the strength of his subordinate species, but from the point of view of being a soul level as soon as he chrysalis, he himself It can't be bad, can it?"

"Even if you can't defeat the enemy, with soul-level strength, there is no problem in escaping, right?"

After thinking about it, Bai Nong nodded, "However, I think we should go there sooner. After all, there are at least 2000 people over there. They are all members of the species and must be protected."

"Now the population of the entire species is less than 3, and the population under our control is only more than [-], but we face many problems."

"I also know this, so I have already sent the reply letter to Gashan, asking them to send at least a small team of quasi-priests, led by the high priest, to search in that direction first. I estimate that when they reach the soul level, According to your calendar, it is around mid-April."

Smiling, he patted the [Temporary Calendar] written in animal skin, Kong Huan smiled and said.

Suddenly, Kong Huan's expression turned serious, and he turned to look outside the door: "Who's outside!"

"Ah, that's me." Shui Yun, who had already come to the door, was attracted by words like 'soul level' and 'strength' when he heard the conversation inside the door, so he stopped outside unknowingly. Acting is no different than eavesdropping.

However, during this period, everyone had no sense of secrecy, and even if Quack Ape saw it, they ignored it.

Being discovered by Kong Huan at this moment, Shui Yun immediately stood up.

"Well, I am the Liushui tribe, ah no, I am the assistant to the head of Liushui village, this is the situation in our village." Putting the scroll on the rattan table in front of Kong Huan, Shuiyun hesitated slightly, but with a hint of He looked at the two Bai Nong excitedly.

"Is there a problem?"

There is also no illusion of confidentiality, and he just frowned at Shui Yun's actions.When he found out that the other party was on official business, he just let it go, but the other party refused to leave at the moment, which aroused the curiosity of Kong Huan and Bai Nong.

"Well, I want to become a Youshen, but I don't know how, Bai Nong, you... you should know, can you tell me?"

"Oh," the two looked at each other and smiled, Bai Nong stopped Bai Min's footsteps that were going to go out, looked at Bai Min, and then at Shui Yun, and asked with a smile: "Why do you want to become a Youshen?"

① Age categories: minors (less than 20), elderly (above 60)

(End of this chapter)

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