Spore Story

Chapter 266 Gashan's Reform Resolution

Chapter 266 Gashan's Reform Resolution

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Before receiving the reply from the empty fantasy, the newly joined 24 tribes that were closer to the Shuilan Plain, with a total of more than 1000 people and more than [-] people, were already ready to go.

After discussing the several suggestions put forward by Konghuan and Bainong, these tribes, led by quasi-priests and pupae, moved all the way along the interior of the ethnic group's territory to the water blue plain, becoming the first group of migrating population .

Afterwards, the ethnic group counted the tribal population of the entire ethnic group with a force far exceeding the reform scale of Lanshan City, and planned to transfer the population of the tribe with a large population distribution to the Blue Water Plain. This activity is expected to officially start at the end of winter.

This is the beginning of the transformation of the entire ethnic group to farming, and due to the stable structure established by the ethnic group over the past few decades, as well as the deterrence of many high-end combat forces, none of the tribes raised any objections.

On the other hand, even with a small amount of seeds and domesticated beasts provided by the Shuilan Tribe, the group's experiments in the Scythe Territory and Hell Territory have not stopped.

Because, compared to the scale of experiments that were almost supported by Painong alone in the early days of the mountain tribe, the ethnic group was an experiment conducted by a large tribe from the beginning. Starting from the experiment of thousands of plants, it obviously had a greater advantage in number, and even more so. The possibility of obtaining a better crop is not ruled out.

At the same time, under the impetus of Kong Huan's suggestion to control the teaching of "Meditation" and "Consciousness of Thought", the head of education, Chu Xia, dug out Huili's original "Suggestion on School Standardization" and brought it to today's meeting.

"The five major tribes now have a total of more than 2000 students in five quasi-priest schools and one priest school. However, fewer and fewer tribes of the same kind have been found outside..."

Sitting inside the temple, everyone found that Chu Xia was in a good mood, because the Thunder Wing problem that had troubled her for a long time was finally solved by herself a few days ago.

For the quiet and introverted Chu Xia, such dazzling things made her suffer a lot.

However, recently, she has finally made a breakthrough in the energy control method training provided by Hui Li. Relying on her own increasing strength of thought power, the dazzling Thunder Wings were finally shrunk into the body by Chu Xia a few days ago, and can be used when needed. When it is time to release it.

And through learning the flying ability of the Youshen Body with magnetic energy, supported by the powerful energy of the Thunder Wings, Chu Xia can even use a small amount of thought power to distribute the magnetic force, and fly with her body in the air. This made her very satisfied.

Recalling the surprised expressions of the group of friends who saw her without Thunder Wings when she went out that day, Chu Xia felt that the temperature on her face rose slightly.

After she calmed down, she embarrassedly nodded to the members who had been waiting for her for a while because she was distracted, and then said: "In view of this situation, I think that the number of quasi-priests has been greatly reduced. What needs to be done now is to train these quasi-priest apprentices with priest potential in a direction that can better promote the development of the ethnic group."

"But the reduction of quasi-priests will directly lead to the reduction of our search range." A high priest stretched out his hand to speak.

These high priests have gradually adapted to today's high-level meetings, so even in front of Youshen, they are now able to freely express their views.

In this regard, the Youshens are all happy to see the results. After all, every time they have a meeting, they always feel very embarrassed to talk about it with a few of them.

Nodding her head, Lingxue looked at Chu Xia with questioning eyes, and after seeing the other party nodding in agreement, she turned her head and looked at the high priest with gentle eyes: "It is certain that the search range has been reduced, but from the latest few times The quasi-priest found that the number of the same kind in the north and south is decreasing rapidly, and the west, apart from the hill tribes on the water blue plain, is the coast further west."

Seeing the thoughtful expressions of the high priests, Lingxue continued: "That is to say, in the future, our ethnic group will send quasi-priests. In this case, they will mainly focus on the eastern mountain range."

"However," Lingxue paused at this point.

Seeing everyone's puzzled expressions, she turned around and took out a report from her deputy.

After all the high priests circulated it, she continued: "This is the report sent back by the high priests in the east a few days ago. After climbing hundreds of kilometers of mountains, what appeared in front of them were not hills. , not a plain, nor a high mountain, but... a desert, full of yellow sand."

Regretful sighs kept coming and going, and even Chu Xia and Chu Jie, who had read the report a few days ago, still frowned with regret. Hopes are all placed on the east side, but the reality has made a big joke for everyone.

At this time, if the ethnic group takes Gashan as the coordinate origin:

To the east is the mountain group, and the straight-line distance from the marginal tribes is about [-] kilometers;

There are mostly hills to the north, and the marginal tribes are about [-] kilometers away from Gashan;
To the south is a gradually gentle forest, and the marginal tribes are about [-] kilometers away from Mount Ga;

To the west is the water blue plain and the ocean further west, and the coastline is about [-] kilometers away from Mount Ga.

These distances are roughly estimated by the quasi-priests and official priests of each tribe by relying on geometry and magnetic sense, and the data are accumulated by each other. The accuracy is extremely poor, but it can barely be seen that the current ethnic group's control range huge.

If it weren't for the high-altitude flight speed of the pupation body, the super-speed flight speed of the soul-level and Youshen-level, and the space-jumping ability of the righteous gods in the high-level temples, the high-level people of Gashan would not be able to manage such a vast place.

Especially on this land of millions of square kilometers, the number of personnel in the latest statistics is only more than 4. What a gap.

Every time I think of this, the high-level people of Gashan are filled with emotion about the control ability of the high-level temple, and Gashan's dependence on the high-level temple can be imagined.

This is also the reason why today's Gashan, knowing that the high-level temple will restrain the Youshen level as a high-end combat power, still has not completely stopped the construction of the high-level temple, but only limited the proportion of the righteous gods in the Youshen.

In fact, if it weren't for the pertinent opinion of Kong Hua, and some ghost gods didn't want to become righteous gods, this ratio probably wouldn't have happened.

From this point of view, both Kong Huan and Bai Nong took it for granted in this respect.


Coughing to attract the attention of all the members, Lingxue made a concluding speech: "Actually, the search of the quasi-priests to the east and west can be suspended. There are more than a dozen quasi-priests in the east who continue to search. Can."

"As for the north, it gets colder the further north you go. Even with a few more clothes, the quasi-priests report that they can't stand it. So it's obviously unlikely that our kind are in those places."

"Therefore, a few days ago, I also stopped the search in the north and asked them to search the coastline and east on the edge. The search in the south can continue temporarily, but the speed can also be slowed down."

"So, our current search should actually focus on some blank areas in the interior, and try to find out the territory of the ethnic group we are currently controlling, and make a map of the entire ethnic group."

After discussing it for a while, everyone agreed.

Then, the topic returns to Chu Xia's original school problem.

Inheritance and Illusion attach great importance to education, and everyone also attaches great importance to this aspect.

According to Chu Xia, today's schools are very irregular, unable to form systematic and high-speed teaching, and it is also a great limit to the future development of the ethnic group.

For example, now, except for the five major tribes, all other tribes have thought about it before teaching the children of the tribe, but they were completely thrown aside when they didn't expect it.

There is no normative requirement for partial pupation, which is a serious waste.

In view of the fact that the quasi-priest school has to be reduced in size, and after the conversion to farming, the various tribes will become stable, and people will have a lot of idle time. At the same time, the outward expansion of the ethnic group is also slowing down, turning to internal development.

Therefore, Chu Xia suggested that, based on the education standardization proposal put forward by Huili, reform the schools of the existing ethnic groups.

Considering that the ethnic group is now entering a turbulent period of transition to farming, it is estimated that it will take one to two years to complete the adjustment of the distribution of the ethnic group, and it will take another two to four years to implement farming, and there is still an adaptation period of about three years.

Therefore, the school reform is also divided into three steps: the first step is to carry out reforms in the five major tribes and hill tribes, starting now; the second step is to complete the adjustment of ethnic groups, and carry out reforms in large-scale inhabited areas; the third step is of course to complete the implementation of farming After that, the school system will be fully implemented.

Then, there is the grading of schools, and the establishment of three levels of schools: basic, extension and division of labor.

[Basic School] will have one apprentice priest as a teacher to teach 1-10 students without any educational foundation, and the teaching content will be "language", "writing" and "arithmetic".

The schooling period is one to two years. Classes are mainly held during the slack period, and only half a day is held every day (my generation’s dream of mouthing teeth). Food is basically brought with you.

It is expected to be set in all tribes with a population of more than 50. After obtaining the illusory farming organization structure, it is set to establish such a school every five villages.

[Extended School] will have 1 official priest and 5 apprentice priests as teachers, and teach 30-60 students who have basic school knowledge and come from ethnic groups. The teaching content is "Advanced Arithmetic" and "Crop Identification" , "Painting", "Song", "Psychic Sensitivity", "Tales of the Clan", "Handwork" and "Experimental Methods".

The schooling period is one to three years. Classes are also held during the slack period, but they need to attend classes all day long. Only during the ten-day market trading period fixed by each city in the middle can they get vacations, and they still bring their own food.

According to the farming organization structure provided by Unreal, taking into account the reality, it will be set as a city to establish a school.

The level of [Division School] is not the same level. It is mainly for further division of labor teaching for outstanding students who graduated from the extended school. There are currently [Associate Priest School] [Management School].

[School for Associate Priests] has 3 high priests, 50 official priests as teachers, and 100-200 professors who expand the school's knowledge base, have good performance in spiritual power, excellent personality, and ghost-level students.

Teaching "Meditation", "Geometry", "Basic Use of Spiritual Power", "Comprehensive Collection of Similar Emotional Fluctuations", "Attention to Communicating with Non-Ethnic Groups", "Crop Planting Skills", and "Glory of the Ethnic Group".

The schooling period is three years, board and lodging are all in Gashan, classes are held throughout the year, and jobs are assigned after graduation (= =).

After the five quasi-priest schools of the original five tribes were consolidated, one quasi-priest school in Gashan was retained, and the rest of the schools would be reorganized into schools for other divisions of labor, or adjusted to priest schools.

[Management school] has 1 high priest, 20 official priests, 10 retired tribal leaders above the original medium-sized tribe, and 50-100 students who teach intermediate school knowledge and are recommended by the village/city where they live.

He taught relevant management knowledge such as Organizational Management Structure of Ethnic Groups, Glory of Ethnic Groups, Precautions for Existing Crops, Management of Market Transactions, Temporary Calendar, Laws of Ethnic Group Behavior, and Geometry.

The schooling period is three years, all meals and lodging are in the school (in fact, they are self-cultivated), attend classes throughout the year, and return to the recommended unit after graduation, or be assigned by the ethnic group.

Now there is only one establishment, which is located in the original calcium carbide tribe. They will be used as reserve personnel for the future management of the ethnic group and replaced by human society, that is, the legendary civil servant mouth teeth.

This is the future school norms for ethnic groups that Gashan combined with existing knowledge, He Huili's original proposal, and a little self-creativity, and has already begun to be implemented in the five major tribes and Lanshan City.

As for the idea of ​​knowledge, after much deliberation, everyone decided to teach it only to official priests.

"By the way, didn't 8051 propose to transfer the school of priests to Dengyun Mountain before? Do you agree or not?" Chu Jie, who hadn't interjected much, raised her head and brought up the matter as if she had suddenly realized.

After she finished speaking, she asked Die Wu behind her to take out the last message from 8051.

After thinking about it for a while, Lingxue, who seemed a little hesitant, looked at the people around her, and finally nodded and said: "Since the school reform is being implemented, we can also integrate the current priest school and move it to Dengyun Mountain."

"It's just," Lingxue hesitated for a while, then said, "Now there are a total of 20 high priests, 113 official priests and 1208 students in the school of priests, all of whom are pupae. Is Dengyun Mountain a little small? I heard that only The size of a primary region, and now we have to train priests for a large number of schools in the future, so we can’t reduce the size of the priest school.”

"Actually, the current quack ape can also be trained by the priest, right?" Chu Qin who was next to her suddenly had a bright eye and spoke out her thoughts.

Today's quack ape has the same fourth-level brain as the previous pupae, so there should be no problem in cultivating priests, and cultivating quack ape priests can further expand the number of priests without increasing food consumption.

And Lingxue's expression flashed immediately, and she looked around at the people in the room. The three Youshen-levels and eleven Soul-levels were all pupae, but the quack apes are also working hard now.

Looking away, Lingxue smiled slightly at Chu Qin.

"Indeed, now is no longer the era when the pupae were completely dominated."

(End of this chapter)

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