Spore Story

Chapter 267 The Story of Remaking Reality

Chapter 267 The Story of Remaking Reality

PS: Thank you Haicheng Yefeng for your monthly ticket support =w=
This is a large canyon. The cliffs inside the canyon are covered with dense cliff crevices, and many of the cliff crevices have been abandoned, exuding a bleak atmosphere.

But there are still more than a dozen cliff crevices, and there are a lot of signs of activity, indicating that there are still living things here.

In one of the larger canyons, there is a group of people in a daze around a huge cocoon at this moment. Their expressions are desperate, but there is also a trace of fanatical expectation.

At this time, a pupation body covered in scars reached out and patted the quack ape beside him.

"Cheng Lin, is it really possible to escape now?"

His tone was full of worry and fear, and when he spoke, he looked at the hole in the cliff from time to time, as well as the giant cocoon on which everyone seemed to place all their hopes.

"I don't know if I can escape, but I know she is our last hope."

Although the tone was also full of worry, the tone of the young quack ape revealed more fighting spirit and hope.

After answering the question of the pupated body, he secretly reached out and rubbed his sore feet, and his thoughts returned to more than 100 days ago.

At that time, he was still hunting outside the canyon with the leader of his cliff crack.

Because there is no threat from the Black-Bone Ape, and most of the members have left, the food in the canyon is still abundant. Everyone even used the bacon and bacon provided by the girl named Dark Blood to store a lot of spare food. , This may be the sequelae of previous hunger.

How long has it been?
For people who only see the alternation of day and night, and have no concept of days, seasons, and years, the battle between the canyon and the black bone ape seems to be a complete memory.

During this period, several batches of new children have been born, and they live in a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

In his spare time, the old man will tell the children the stories of the past, the enemies of the past, and the girls of the past.

Everything looks so peaceful, so stable, and so intoxicating.

These children, even those young people, who reverence the strong man in the story, fear the enemy in the story, and fantasize about the girl in the story, never thought that there would be a day when they would be able to see these things with their own eyes. The characters in the story, even those old people did not expect.

However, the first thing they saw was the last thing they wanted to see - the enemy, the black bone ape.

The black-boned ape who was driven away a few years ago, adhering to the tradition of "to eradicate evil, must be counterattacked", appeared again in front of everyone, but at this time, their number has far exceeded before, and their combat effectiveness is even more incomparable And language.

What makes everyone even more painful is that there is a strange occupation among these black-boned apes. He holds weird and terrifying wooden sticks and behaves crazy, but he can use those wooden sticks to attack pupae flying tens of meters or hundreds of meters high. Transformation.

In the past, facing the black bone ape, if the pupae didn't dive and attack, it would be fine, but now, it can't even get close to the battlefield.

No one knew what was going on, but because of the fear of the unknown, coupled with the strength of the enemy and the slackness of their own side, everyone retreated steadily in the subsequent contact and defensive battles.

The canyon, which had already grown to more than 700 people, lost less than half of its population in an instant because of the first unexpected contact.

Cheng Lin, who was also one of the members of the first group to meet the enemy at that time, became one of the few survivors among that group.

Not because of the benevolence of the enemy, they brutally killed all the quack apes and pupae they came into contact with;
It wasn't because he feared the enemy and fled first, he even brought two bloody black bone ape heads when he returned to the canyon...

Perhaps out of caution, he, who was also hunting, recalled the shadows in his childhood memory when the black bone ape appeared. Relying on his familiarity with the terrain and his agility, he survived in the end.

After that, the defense line of the canyon, which had not been activated for several years, was opened by the older generation of pupae with the new pupae.

At that time, almost all the members of the canyon who were able to move were piled up in the valley that was only tens of meters wide and had a rough road.

The corpses of both the enemy and the enemy were piled up in the small valley.

But even so, the people only held on for a few days, and they had to take food and children and retreat from the small plain behind the valley where they had lived for several years into the crevice of the canyon that had been abandoned by everyone.

Ironically, a few years ago, the black bone ape also fled from this small plain.

But this time, it feels like the quack apes are only a little bit better than the retreat of the black bone ape, at least there is still some buffer time to bring food and children.

At this time, just like the strong man in the story appeared, the strong man who saved everyone appeared.

To everyone's surprise, this strong man was also the girl in the story. While this made the young people happy, they worried several times for the girl.

This girl, of course, is Darkblood.

She left the Xinzhong district where she had been staying for several years, and the reason why she came back here was mainly because of the pupation mission.

Because she did not find any other quack apes around that canyon, and even searched an area with a radius of more than 60 kilometers around Xinzhong District, but still found nothing.

And the number of people in the original canyon couldn't meet his needs of [-] people.

As a last resort, she chose to return here, a past that most quack apes in the New Central District do not want to return to.

But here is the only place where Darkblood can confirm that there are a large number of quack apes.

Although she unexpectedly encountered a large number of black bone apes when she came back, but relying on her own strength close to the soul level, she returned to the canyon without any danger, and what she saw was a group of dejected people of the same kind.

"What's going on with you? Could it be that the few years of leisurely life have made you forget how to smash the head of the black bone ape!"

"Although the number of black-boned apes is a bit large, it is not uncommon in the past. It even happened before that black-boned apes rushed into the cracks of the cliff. What is going on now! We still have at least so many people, and we have two lines of defense! "

That's what the dark blood said at the time, and all the pupae who said it lowered their heads in shame.

If it were any other person, these pupae would probably become angry with embarrassment, but only the dark blood would not.

In the past few years when they talked about the past, Dark Blood was molded and imagined by everyone to become a perfect and lovely teacher, and even his status in everyone's hearts has a tendency to be deified.

What's more, there are still a group of young people or uncles with bad intentions, so just ignore them for the time being.

After learning about that weird profession from the crowd, Dark Blood, who has recovered all memories except editing space and human memory, immediately associates it with moves like mental shock.

She also felt that the situation was tricky, thinking about it, and from the huge memory bank, she found out what she had seen and learned in those illusions at the bottom of the canyon. combat experience.

Combined with the advantages of the terrain, the dark cave has rebuilt a line of defense on the ground made of gravel, trees, traps and other things.

It is not what it used to be, even if Dark Blood had a good method back then, she was just a little girl, her prestige was limited to children and her own, and any suggestion that was unclear would be rejected.

But now, she is a strong person who can instantly defeat any pupae in the canyon in a duel, so everyone can't help but say no.

What's more, her current prestige is not the same as it used to be. Even in Xinzhong District, the younger generation is taught by her.

Therefore, under her leadership, the existing more than 500 people have established a slightly stronger line of defense.

But just when Darkblood was about to further consolidate the line of defense, and then considered leading the team to escape from the canyon, she had no choice but to usher in a chrysalis.

This kind of helplessness is difficult to express. The original purpose of the dark blood coming here was to increase the number of control and then pupate, because the quack ape could not be found outside; but now here, the primary purpose has become to defend the black bone ape , and took everyone out, however, the purpose had just changed, but was forced to start to chrysalis depressingly.

a full fifty days

These fifty days passed in the blink of an eye to the dark blood, but the awake people did not feel so relaxed.

A few outstanding people stepped into the hall of using spiritual power with the help of Dark Blood, led the crowd to rely on that line of defense, and under the constraints of the code of conduct that seeks no merit but seeks no faults, they temporarily held this place. line of defense.

But the death of personnel has become a daily occurrence, and they are almost exchanging their lives for time.

Facing the dark blood who has become the spiritual pillar of everyone in just a few days, the 50-day wait seemed to them as long as [-] years.

And the trust in Dark Blood, or the pinning of hope, rose to the apex under this kind of self-hypnosis.

"Persevere, persist until the dark blood comes out, and we will be able to survive."

"Persevere, persist until the dark blood comes out, and we can get out."

"Persevere, persist until the dark blood comes out, and we can kill the enemy."


God knows if Dark Blood will continue to stay in the giant cocoon because of distrust of himself when he hears these deteriorating and heavier expectations, and then become a dead soul...

However, none of these dark bloods knew about it.

When she woke up, all she remembered was the promise she made to the quack apes in the canyon before she cocooned, that she would lead everyone to escape.

Therefore, when Dark Blood's consciousness gradually recovered from reading the long memory of the editing space, what she thought was still:

Are you holding the line?

How could I escape with more than 500 people?

Even if they escaped, how could these black-boned apes not notice the existence of Xinzhong District?

Where did these black bone apes come from? Did they escape before? But why is there such a big difference in number and strength?

And because of being too entangled in the problem at this time, the assimilation process with the emptiness was unexpectedly postponed because of this.

Even out of Dark Blood's strong obsession, she temporarily archived the memory of emptiness, existing as a memory of the past, and did not bring it up.

But even so, under the traction of the consciousness of the same attribute, she sensed the existence of the other two.

"Who is it? Why do these two people feel so familiar?"

But that's all. Dark Blood doesn't know about the three-consciousness avatar, and the memory she obtained ends on the eve of the collapse of the editing space, that is to say, she doesn't even know about the collapse of the editing space.

And because she was busy with current problems, she didn't even have time to sort out these seemingly chaotic memories.

Her main purpose now is to lead the more than 500 (in fact, there are only more than 400) of the same kind here to escape safely without attracting the attention of the black bone ape.

The eyelids trembled a few times, and the dark blood opened those black jewel-like eyes. The clear and sharp eyes seemed to penetrate the thick shell of the giant cocoon and shine on the anxiously waiting people outside.

A look of joy appeared on their faces at the same time, as if they were summoned, everyone stopped their movements and turned their gazes to the giant cocoon in the middle.

"Finally, it's time to come out."

(End of this chapter)

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