Spore Story

Chapter 268 An Unexpectedly Powerful Enemy

Chapter 268 An Unexpectedly Powerful Enemy

"The two soul-level guys in the previous induction, why do they feel so familiar?"

Carefully lying behind the rocks on the top of the mountain, Dark Blood recalled the feeling before breaking out of the cocoon, while relying on the spiritual power of the soul level that was several times stronger than that of the ghost level from time to time, scanning the black bone ape in the small plain in the valley ahead .

If the spiritual power at the peak of the ghost level is 1 point, then as long as you break through the membrane of the soul level, the spiritual power will increase to 4 points, and the difference in quality is even one level apart, which is not the same.

"It seems that there is no attack intention for the time being, you can take a rest."

Heaving a heavy sigh of relief, Dark Blood took a few steps back carefully, and after making sure that the mountain peak completely blocked the sight of the black bone ape, he spread his wings and flew back to the canyon.

For the terrifying vision of the current group of black-boned apes, Dark Blood had learned it when he came here. If he hadn't been able to flash fast at that time, and was still outside the valley, he didn't attract the attention of the black-boned apes. It's a canyon scene.

Embarrassedly avoiding the pupae who warmly greeted him in front of him, Dark Blood returned to the crevice where he used to live on the grounds of thinking.

Scooped a skull of clear water from the familiar pond and poured it on top of his head. The small white horn shone brilliantly under the refraction of the sun. He shook his head, and Dark Blood sat down against the wall.

Name: Dark Blood/Void
Power: 37
Energy: 68
Consciousness: 350
Spirit: 32227/35000
Number of control species: 1877
Current target:

300. Increase consciousness to [-];

[-]. Lead the surviving compatriots back to the Gashan ethnic group.

Harvest: memory fragments, "Concentration of Power".

Perhaps because of the physical exercise that she has been insisting on, it has caused a kind of tempering of the will. The dark blood with a consciousness of more than 290, once pupated, became a serious soul-level early stage, which surprised her.

But this pupation, there are many surprises for Dark Blood, both good and bad.

However, Darkblood doesn't pay much attention to these things now, because her only purpose at the moment is to 'lead the surviving compatriots back to the Gashan tribe' that has been revealed in the mission.

"Gashan," chanted these two words with nostalgia, opened the memory of the main consciousness called emptiness in the memory bank, only looked at it for a short while, Dark Blood shook his head again to calm himself down, And bring your thoughts back to reality.

Now there is a question, whether this "surviving compatriots" refers to the compatriots in the canyon who have been reduced to more than 300, or should we add the more than 1000 compatriots in the new central area.

However, this is not a problem for Dark Blood, "Since we are going to Mount Ga, let's take them with us when the time comes. Mount Ga has been developed for so long, so it is much better than here."

"Moreover, the distance between Xinzhong District and the canyon is not far, only tens of kilometers. Even if you are careful, the black bone ape may find them. With the current strength of the black bone ape, the new central district may be able to stop them, but the large number of casualties is not enough. It's unavoidable."

However, Dark Blood didn't think about how the New Central Region, which has developed stronger than the previous canyon, would react to his proposal to evacuate and migrate if it hadn't really faced the threat of the black-boned ape.

After kneading, the arms and body became sore, and the reasonable muscle training allowed the dark blood to adjust the muscle composition of the body well, so that the slenderness and agility of women were further developed.

Waving a straight fist, the whistling sound of the wind seemed powerful, but it made Dark Blood frowned dissatisfied.

"It seems that the sudden increase in power brought about by the pupation just now is not a good thing for me in a short period of time. Moreover, although the fighting method of the pupation body was summarized in the Xinzhong District before, there was no Good test subjects, the enemies that the pupae fight are not very strong..."

Shaking his head, Dark Blood walked out of the cliff.

Problems and troubles are just things waiting to be solved, just like a stone blocking the way, just move it; if you can’t move it, just smash it; even if you can’t smash it...

Hehe, Darkblood raised the corners of his mouth cutely, showing a smile that captivated all the males along the way.

"Can't be smashed? I'm a pupa now, just fly over."


"Leader Chengmeng, I'm going to see the other side's black-boned ape that can attack the pupated body from the air. You should pay attention to defending the line. There may be a big battle after I test it."

"Dark blood you..."

"You don't have to worry about my strength. You ten pupated bodies are besieging me now, so don't even think about hurting me." After saying a harsh word, Dark Blood lightly punched the rock in front of the leader, The seemingly weak and feeble little hand directly sank into it.

Looking at the flying gravel in surprise, several pupates who wanted to express their concerns decisively stopped talking about their throats, but the frenzy in their eyes escalated further.

This punch, if it hit the black bone ape, would be a penetrating injury. (PS: The strength of ordinary pupation body is only between 15 and 20.)
In the dense forest, the dark blood shuttled like a shadow, spreading a spherical mental force around her body. With the help of all-round perception, she easily avoided all obstacles, and the quack ape standing on the defense line I can feel a gust of wind blowing by, but the visual feedback is completely unacceptable to the dark blood figure moving at high speed.

The time was too hasty before, and the dark blood just looked at the black bone ape holding a totem from a distance, but at that time she had not broken through to the soul level, and she could not see the specific situation of the opponent at all due to the spread of her mental power.

But now, Dark Blood, whose scanning distance is calculated in kilometers, is confident that she can check the opponent's situation at a distance beyond the distance of being discovered by the opponent, and her strength has skyrocketed to the soul level, which also makes her full of confidence.


The dark blood that circled the side of the black-boned ape carefully gathered its wings, and crawled behind several rocks. After confirming with mental strength that no black-boned ape was looking in its direction, it only slightly revealed its small head.

What appeared in front of them was a large camp-style tribe, with a large number of animal skin tents, fire piles, weapon racks, bacon racks and other things, as well as many utensils and houses that the quack apes had no time to destroy when they evacuated.

Judging from the behavior of the black bone ape and the use of items, their civilization level should be almost the same as that of the quack ape.

Is it because of study?

The quack ape relies on the illusory constant promotion to reach the current level of civilization. When is it now, the dark blood does not want to attribute the civilization of the black bone ape to the other party's own development, and there are indeed quacks in bacon and weapons. The shadow of the ape.

But as a qualified leader, she can't ignore the possibility of developing these things by the black bone ape just because she doesn't want to.

What's more, that kind of totem black bone ape seems to be developed by themselves. This kind of black bone ape on the ground has the ability to attack the pupation body tens of hundreds of meters in the air, which makes everyone very happy. .

A small tent in the central area moved, and a standard black-boned ape walked out holding a totem stick, with various ornaments hanging on his body, and what made Darkblood angry was that many of them were pupae The skeleton of the body.

The muscles on the legs of the totem black bone ape with anti-joint joints are slightly loose, which may be due to relying too much on the attack power of the totem stick and losing the opportunity to exercise.

His eyes were shining brightly on his slightly taut pointed face. He had obviously participated in many battles and had rich experience.

The totem stick was tightly held by a big hand with sharp claws, and it seemed that it was highly valued.

For these, the dark blood is swept away.

Her main attention was still on the totem stick carved with a fierce face.

The dark blood can guess the existence of this thing, and it's not like the ancient totem worship has no memory of this aspect.

However, the principle of the long-range mental attack ability possessed by this totem stick is unknown.

There are too many unknown things in this world. For my species who is still in the primitive world, the first thing to learn is to understand the slightly difficult things, and ignore the super mysterious things for the time being.

But just when Dark Blood was about to use his mental power to check, he found that the other party turned his head and looked in his direction, with a hint of doubt and a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"Damn it, the perception is too sensitive." Immediately backed away, Dark Blood planned to change the location.

But the matter didn't end there. Just as Dark Blood withdrew his head, suddenly the warning signs sounded all over his body.

This was an instinct she got from fighting countless dinosaurs in Xinzhong District. Without any thought, Dark Blood jumped sideways, threw herself on the ground, then rolled on the spot, and hid behind a big tree not far away.

The sound of bang bang bang bang behind him made Darkblood feel relieved by his quick response.


A very strange pronunciation came from behind Dark Blood, followed by a series of regular tones.

Darkblood knew that the voice he couldn't understand but had a stable tone must be a language, but since the other party could develop a totem stick for supernatural attacks, language didn't seem to be a problem.

What's more, I was just careless before, with soul-level strength and power far surpassing ordinary pupae, I would still be afraid of a black bone ape, what a joke!
However, many people do not know that jokes are often derived from reality.

When the dark blood rushed out from behind the tree, he confirmed the enemy's position with his mental strength, then turned around and punched, an ordinary straight punch went straight to the black bone ape in robes who was also holding a totem stick in front of him.

A series of movements were standard and smooth, and even the dark blood was somewhat satisfied. However, facing this seemingly sure-to-hit attack, the totem black bone ape was not even surprised, but his eyes were slightly serious, but he still relied slightly He turned his head and dodged it.


Before he had time to marvel, Dark Blood immediately turned his fists into palms, using the twist of his waist to drive his arms towards the opponent's neck.

Seeing this, the opponent kicked his legs back immediately.

Because Dark Blood is using the fighting skills of the Quack Ape, she can see the rich close combat experience with the Quack Ape from the movements of the enemies she is fighting.

But it seemed that he was just a former fighting master.

Because he relied too much on the totem stick, he lost his former flexibility. In the end, Dark Blood's hand knife cut off the opponent... the skull necklace hanging around his neck.

Seemingly surprised by this, the black-boned ape roared loudly while taking several steps back to distance himself, and raised the totem stick in his hand to the dark blood.

"Here we come." One of the purposes of this trip was to test the power of this stick, Dark Blood, who did not dodge or evade, and stretched out his mental power with all his strength.


"Uh," shaking his body a few times in shock, the dark blood, whose expression changed drastically, suddenly rushed forward, and his previous combat experience was completely used at this moment.

The punch that burst out with all the energy smashed the skull of the black-boned ape who was also shocked by the opponent's attack from the totem stick but failed to hit it, and who reacted a beat slower.

Without stopping any longer, Dark Blood reached out and grabbed the totem stick that was still flying in the air, stepped back, avoided the flying javelins, and instantly disappeared into the woods.

After a while, a group of panicked black bone apes rushed out from the woods. While checking the totem black bone ape that was completely dead, they separated into several people and searched deep into the woods.

(End of this chapter)

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