Spore Story

Chapter 269 This Enemy Is Not Simple

Chapter 269 This Enemy Is Not Simple

PS: Happy May Day everyone.

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Running with all his strength in the woods, Dark Blood dodged left and right from time to time.

Her mental power has been carefully diffused to every space around her, but out of disappointment with the previous performance of mental power, she also mobilized the energy in her body and strengthened the magnetic sense to sense the life reactions around her.

The dark blood didn't stop until he was nearly two kilometers away from the black bone ape camp.

He carefully inspected the surrounding woods with his eyes, and then used his sense of smell, magnetic sense, and hearing to confirm with all his strength. Finally, with the help of mental power, Dark Blood confirmed the surrounding situation: "Except for some small animals, there is no Black bone ape. '

"Should...there was no ambush..."

A heavy panting sound came from Dark Blood's mouth. Normally, the distance would be only two kilometers. With Dark Blood's system, even if he charged with all his strength, he would only be panting a little. The target will be exposed and he can only continue to walk his legs, but he will not breathe heavily like now.

This time, it was mainly the fatigue of the heart that made Dark Blood exhausted. For the first time, she felt that the situation was losing her control.

The previous attack came too suddenly. If it wasn't for the survival instinct that Darkblood had cultivated in fighting for a long time, the usually unresponsive magnetic sense would have played a role due to nervousness. Get stabbed and die, then become a revenant.

At that time, the dark blood did not dare to hope that the enemy could not see the souls of the dead, such an illusory fluke.

"Why did you escape my mental power search?"

At that time, Dark Blood's mental power search was launched in all directions, and all the black bone apes within a radius of 500 meters were under Dark Blood's surveillance, but that was just Dark Blood's self-righteous thinking before the attack.

"Empiricism kills people's teeth!"

The attack she encountered before seemed to appear out of thin air, which caught her by surprise, who trusted in the search of mental power.

Although the Dark Blood practiced less spiritual power because of his specialization in strength, but no matter what, he could be regarded as a formal priest.

If it's just the totem black bone ape, the dark blood can also be explained by 'the opponent's totem, since it can attack with mental power, may also be able to shield it with mental power'.

However, at that time, there were many ordinary black bone apes, and their distribution was extremely wide, and they were very close to the dark blood.

At this distance, even a Youshen-level spiritual shield would make people notice something abnormal, but Dark Blood still didn't feel any reaction.

"Could it be Yin God or even Spirit God level?" She was silent for a while, until Dark Blood remembered the totem black bone ape who seemed to have some experience, but was instantly killed under her all-out blow. Ran smiled: "How is it possible, even if it's only the Youshen level, I can't kill it in seconds."

However, the situation at that time looked like an ambush laid by Dark Blood that had been prepared long ago.

"Could it be that I have been discovered when I approach a certain distance, but can the black bone ape discover my ability at such a long distance?" This thought made Dark Blood break out in cold sweat, but she temporarily ruled out this idea, Pushing forward along the conclusion of "discovered early", I finally remembered the powerful vision of the black bone ape.

"It seems that I was accidentally seen by those black bone apes who were far away on the road. Damn it! I was careless." This reason seemed more realistic, so it was directly accepted by Dark Blood.

After rubbing his thighs, Dark Blood reconfirmed that his surroundings were all right, and then he jumped to sit on top of a big tree and regained his lost energy.

Looking around, Dark Blood smiled self-deprecatingly: "Obviously promoted to the soul level, but he was made timid after only one attack. It's a failure. If you let those little guys in Xinzhong know, I'm afraid they will laugh." Lose your teeth, hehe."

If it weren't for worrying that the other party has the same mental power wide-area scan, and even the conventional search method with a diffusion radius measured in kilometers, Dark Blood wouldn't have run so far in one go, but she didn't want to run away because of the idea of ​​"should not be". Surprise yourself.

However, there is still a problem no less than 'the enemy can hide within the scope of his own mental power'.

"Why does a small totem stick actually make me dizzy as a soul level, if it was in the sky at that time..."

The dark blood didn't dare to think about it. Looking at the totem stick in her hand, except for the scary point, she shook it casually, and then imitated the movement of the totem black bone ape and pointed forward, but the stick in her hand seemed Ignoring Dark Blood's command, he calmly did not react, and Dark Blood took it back without hesitation.

"What has actually happened?"

Although he couldn't sense the enemy when he was attacked before, with Darkblood's ability, it didn't seem difficult to escape or even kill them.

The overall strength of those ordinary black bone apes is also at the level of the quack ape, while the totem black bone ape seems to be an elite selected from the ordinary black bone apes, but the short-range is between the pupae and the quack ape.

But only this totem stick can make the seemingly weak totem black bone ape have the ability to make the soul-level self feel dizzy.

"I'm afraid this attack has the strength of the middle stage of the soul level. No wonder Chengmeng and the others will say, 'Once the pupa is close to the opponent, there is no way to come back'. This is almost absolutely frustrating. It seems that there was some misunderstanding before. They're gone."

Flipping the stick in his hand, the material of the totem stick seems to be some kind of soft dark red wood. I don't know what the carving tool is, but it should be sharper than pottery, and the carving on it is a picture of 'horror' Compared with the ordinary black bone ape face, this face...

"So ugly!"

This is the evaluation of Dark Blood. If the face of an ordinary black-boned ape can be considered barely readable, and occasionally a few can make a living, this face has sharp teeth and sharp mouth, bear eyes and long nose. No matter how you look at it, it is a curious face. Underneath, the only feeling given to the dark blood is severe stomach discomfort, which seems to have the effect of promoting dieting.

However, if you keep staring at your eyes, you will have a feeling that 'the other party is also watching you'.

Quickly parting the totem stick in her hand, she stretched out her hand to wipe off the cold sweat on her forehead. At this moment, the dark blood only felt a cool wind blowing on her back, which made her shiver uncontrollably.

"Why do you feel this way? Could it be that the carving technique of the black bone ape has reached such a powerful level?"

After brushing away the fear in her heart, she covered the totem stick with spiritual power again, but she still didn't gain anything.

"Do you want to leave the body with your consciousness to perceive it?"

After thinking about it, and looking at the surrounding environment, Dark Blood still shook his head, this place is not considered safe yet.

"Forget it, let's talk about it when we go back, and continue the investigation now."

After finishing speaking, she took out a larger leather roll from her clothes that was used as a recording tool, wrapped the totem stick with a small arm and put it around her waist, and walked through the shadows of the trees with extreme caution.

But after running for a while, Dark Blood stopped again.

(I just killed a totem black bone ape. Although it doesn't look very powerful, it is compared to myself, and there are obviously not many totem black bone apes in the black bone ape, otherwise the leaders of the alliance would not It may be able to stop it. Then, the black bone apes must be more vigilant now, the effect of the investigation...)
Suddenly, Dark Blood smiled, revealing a fox-like sly smile.

As a result, the Black-Bone Ape camp became lively.

On the other hand, inside the Black-Bone Ape camp.

A group of black-skeleton apes with almost desperate expressions were carrying a dead body of a black-skeleton ape. His head had been completely shattered, as if he had been hit by a boulder falling from a height of tens of meters.

But the surrounding black-skeleton apes didn't feel any discomfort about this, but when they saw the clothes on this black-skeleton ape, they showed such a surprised expression, but that's all.

In their eyes, there is no sorrow for the death of their companions, only a trace of awe, and a trace of doubt.

And several of the black-skeleton apes wearing the same clothes and holding totem sticks had a dignified expression when they saw the dead black-skeleton ape.

After a while, the body of the black bone ape was carried to a big tent.

From a distance, this tent is no different from other big tents that ordinary black-boned apes live in. Only when you look closely can you find that it is cleaner than other tents, and there is a top of the totem stick at the entrance of the tent. A pattern that looks like a curious face.

Darkblood had seen this tent from a distance before, but due to the perspective and distance, she didn't notice the big tent that was actually in the center of the big camp.

The totem black-boned ape guarding the gate frowned when he saw the approaching corpses and the black-boned apes, then turned around and reported respectfully to the inside of the tent.

Several black bone apes carrying the corpse stood tremblingly beside the corpse, looking at the totem black bone ape at the door with longing eyes.

It wasn't until the totem black bone ape stopped listening respectfully, then turned his head and glanced at the black bone apes with a haughty expression, that he opened his mouth to speak a series of words.

The bodies of several black bone apes trembled at the same time, and the expressions on their faces seemed a little stiff, but the despair weakened a little bit. Looking at the corpse on the ground and the tent beside them, they looked at the totem black bone ape He nodded, then turned around and ran towards several dilapidated tents, as if something terrifying was chasing after him.

With a cold snort, the totem black-boned ape guarding the gate withdrew his gaze, hesitated for a moment, and inserted the totem pole in his hand into his belt. The same kind with the lower half of the head quickly put away their expressions, put on a respectful expression, and dragged the corpse into the tent with both hands.

Everything has returned to calm again.

After a while, the totem black bone ape calmly opened the door curtain and walked out of the tent. Although his face was a little pale, he still obediently stood outside the tent and looked ahead.

But after a while, he frowned, his face was so dark that it seemed that water was about to drip.

Because, when he saw the dilapidated camp where the black bone apes went, suddenly became chaotic, and there seemed to be fire in it.

He yelled a few times to stop the two totem black bone apes passing by, pointed in that direction, and then said a few words.

Nodding respectfully, the two totem black bone apes immediately ran back, beckoning more than 20 neatly dressed black bone apes to rush towards the dilapidated camp.

However, before they ran halfway, another camp farther away suddenly became chaotic, and there was a loud roar in the fire, which made several totem black bone apes speed up angrily.

At this moment, the totem black bone ape guarding the gate looked solemn.

This time, he didn't rush to call people over, but completely ignored the chaotic outer camp, and stood by the tent thinking.

But in such a short time, several camps have been in chaos one after another, and even a few camps inside have begun to turmoil.

Unable to stand now, the totem black bone ape in cumbersome clothes took out the totem stick from his waist and ran towards the dozens of small tents surrounding the big tent.

After a while, a group of black bone apes gathered in this central camp.

Following the roar of the gatekeeper totem black bone ape, all the totem black bone apes raised their totem sticks and rushed towards the surrounding chaotic camp in batches.

"Hehe, the 37 people holding totem sticks should all be middle-level personnel. This is the elite in the game. Hehe, let's call you [Totem Captain]."

Dark Blood, who was hiding behind a rock on the top of a mountain one kilometer away, was carefully scanning the opponent's situation with mental power, and at the same time confirmed it visually.

The spiritual power can know the specific situation, but due to the previous incident, the dark blood cannot fully believe the perception result of the spiritual power.

Although vision cannot see the specific situation clearly at such a long distance, it can confirm those moving objects.

After the combination of vision and mental power, Dark Blood can obtain the investigation data he wants.

"It seems that each totem captain leads a dozen or so neatly dressed black bone apes. Could it be the personal guards of these totem captains? Quack, why don't we call you [Guards]?"

Smiling slightly, the location where Dark Blood is now is the place she spent half a day looking for carefully. There is no place around where she can sneak attack and ambush her, and even if she encounters a strong attack, she can directly rush to the sky to avoid it.

"In addition to these black-skeleton apes, there are also many black-skeleton apes with chaotic clothes and less leather. They should be the legendary miscellaneous soldiers. They should be called [Miscellaneous Soldiers]."

"It's a pity that we are only interested in the same kind. No matter how little you wear, you can't attract us, Quack."

"Well, there are a lot of them, probably more than 1000."

The chaos was obviously caused by the dark blood, the purpose was to mobilize the strength of the black bone ape and let them show their own strength.

I hadn't noticed it before, but only then did Dark Blood discover that the camps of these black bone apes are very hierarchical, divided into the center, the inner ring, and the outer ring.

The central camp is the big tent and dozens of small tents;

There are five or six camps in the inner ring, which are small camps formed by several large tents, surrounding the central camp;

There are more than a dozen camps in the outer ring, among which there are mainly small camps made up of simple tents, but there are also a few small camps that don't even have tents, but just a few fires to form a camp.

The chaos in an outlying camp only led to two totem captains and more than [-] guards, which surprised Dark Blood a little.

However, the chaos in four or five camps in a row after that finally attracted the other party's attention.

She was satisfied with this result. Arson and killing apes were no problem for Dark Blood, but paying attention to possible ambushes took up most of Dark Blood's thoughts and made her feel tired.

But this time the enemy didn't seem to find Darkblood, so there wasn't any ambush, which made Darkblood wonder, but at least it's a good thing, isn't it?
"Although weeding scares snakes, if the purpose is to know the number and types of snakes, it is much easier than carefully pulling out grass piles. As long as you can run away in time after confirming the situation, hehe."

At this time, Dark Blood, who confirmed most of the situation, turned his head to look at the black bone ape in cumbersome clothes. Judging from the previous performance of the other party, he has a very high right.

"It is certain that the black bone ape has a class, so this guy is... the leader?"

After thinking about it, it didn't look like it. If it was the leader, why would the other party guard the door of the big tent, so...

"It looks like there might be a black-skeleton ape in the tent who sticks to his boudoir, and the other party is the leader. Then this black-skeleton ape? The prime minister? The minister of defense? What a mess, I'll call you [little boss]."

Cursing his lips, the dark blood was about to continue to check the specific distribution of the camp, as well as the combat power and weapons of the black bone apes, especially the big tent, when he suddenly felt something wrong.

"what happend?"

After thinking quietly for a while, Dark Blood was suddenly startled: "Why, didn't you see the children and the old man?"

A tribe is a complete society, and the three generations of old, middle and young are indispensable.

Although it is not accurate to every black bone ape, Dark Blood's previous investigation can at least confirm that these black bone apes are all adult individuals with combat effectiveness, and even most of them are adult males. Although there are females, they account for a proportion It was very unreasonable, which made her suddenly have a horrible thought.

"Could it be that the more than 1000 black bone apes in this camp all come from a huge tribe, and they are just combat troops sent by this tribe."

Combined with the previous search results: civilization level in the primitive stage + strict hierarchy + perfect language communication + standardized camp distribution +...

All of these points to a conclusion, and the "no children and old people" found in the end becomes the key to unlock this conclusion.

They are just a military force.

"how can that be!"

Dark Blood was afraid of his own thoughts. In his memory, even if he was as powerful as Ga Shan, he couldn't organize such a large army.

And now there are only more than 400 people on my side, including more than 100 children and elderly people. Even if they can escape, there are only more than 1000 people in Xinzhong District, and nearly 1/3 of them are children and elderly people.

"Calm down!" To calm down his emotions, Dark Blood looked around, planning to go back and continue thinking.

Now her basic investigation of the black-boned ape can be completed, other ancillary things, before she can think clearly and calm down, she can't continue, otherwise, with the current mentality, there is no guarantee that she can escape the ambush.

Cautiously crawling back, he took the time to look at the camp in front of him. During the period of dark blood thinking, the chaos caused by the dark blood attack in several camps had gradually subsided before the totem apes arrived.

After confirming the cause of the confusion, the other party may organize an attack on their own side, so now they need to go back.

But at this moment, from the weird big tent in the middle, there was a sudden tremor that made Dark Blood feel palpitations.

Without thinking too much, Dark Blood immediately spread its four wings according to the previous plan, and rushed to the sky at high speed.

It wasn't until it was close to the clouds and reached the maximum height that the pupated body could reach, that the dark blood turned to the direction of the canyon and flew back to check the position where it was before and the reactions of the black bone apes in the camp.

"Huh? No attack?"

There were no enemies on the ground where they were before, and there was no movement in the big tent. It was because of the flying of the dark blood that the black bone apes on the ground were all roaring in this direction, as if they were planning to shake the dark blood down with the roar.

Making a face in the direction of the black bone ape, Dark Blood turned and landed on the canyon floor.

"The harvest of this investigation is really not small."

Well, here we have six or seven consecutive days of high temperature above 30 degrees, painful to say, but it was officially comfortable after a heavy rain last night, quack, ~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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