Spore Story

Chapter 270 Keep up with me and charge forward

Chapter 270 Keep up with me and charge forward

PS: Thank you Zhang Ge Yuqi for the reward, Airfish, Xiuluka, zload for the monthly support =w=
Today is two updates~\(≧▽≦)/~
Sure enough, chapter 5k is more comfortable to read.

From the big tent in the central camp of the Black-Bone Ape camp, there were bursts of roars and the sound of pottery breaking.

It seemed that the dark blood's last grimace had done a good job. It successfully destroyed several items in the big tent in the core area.

Well, please ignore this achievement.

After a while, the livid-faced little boss timidly opened the door curtain, then gently lowered it respectfully but stiffly.

Finally, he looked up at the thirty or so totem captains standing outside the door, his dantian was so angry that he seemed to be planning to lose his temper.

But just before the anger (resentment?) accumulated in his dantian was about to burst out, out of the corner of his eye, he found a totem captain who had a good relationship with him, pointing his finger behind him from time to time.

Surprised in his heart, the little boss took a deep breath, temporarily diluting the anger in his dantian, then nodded gratefully to the captain, then turned and walked to the outside.

The rest of the totem captains looked at each other, and when they saw the little boss walking away, they followed cautiously.

After a while, there was a sky-shaking roar from the outer camp, but when it reached the big tent in the core area, the sound was already very small.


The dark blood seems to make this group of black bone apes very angry. Not long after roaring, except for the black bone apes who wanted to hunt in a large area, the remaining group of more than 600 black bone apes rushed to the place more than two kilometers away. Quack Ape Defense Line.

However, this kind of battle has been fought dozens of times a few days ago, and everyone has some experience.

The battle lasted from noon to dusk. As the commander, Dark Blood made corresponding adjustments to the entire defense line by understanding the specific combat effectiveness of the totem stick and combining the combat experience of the quack apes who were guarding some time ago.

First of all, when the chrysalis in front of the defense line is defending, they try to be condescending and use long-range projectile attacks, and do not touch the enemy, or even get close.

Although the hit rate of this attack mode is not high, the psychological pressure it brings to the attacker is very strong. None of them knows whether the next flying object will land on their heads.

Therefore, this inefficient attack weakened the enemy's attack momentum by at least [-]%.

And densely covered on the defense line about [-] meters long, those were constantly destroyed, then summed up experience to rebuild, and then were destroyed again, and then summed up experience to rebuild various traps.

Such as trap pits (built-in wooden thorns and tree roots), tripping ropes (several small spikes in the front), mud ponds (several poisonous snakes live), beehives (with a large amount of easily contaminated honey around)...

There are countless troubles and traps, and they have blocked [-]% of the enemy's attack momentum.

So, when they rushed to the guard of the quack ape behind the line of defense, although these tired black bone apes were very angry, they were already at the end of their strength.

After the two sides fought hastily for a round, the leading little boss depressedly led the troops that had lost dozens of people, and retreated along the way they came before.

After the battle, the black bone ape left 37 corpses, most of them were miscellaneous soldiers according to their clothes, and they all died in traps.

The relatively intact corpses were taken back to the canyon for processing. Although the taste was not very good, it was still barely edible after cooking several times.

After all, everyone is stuck in the canyon now, and even hunting is a difficult task, and the stored food should be eaten as little as possible.

As for the chrysalis of Quack Ape Fang, because they have always maintained a policy of not engaging the enemy, although they have only a few victories, none of them were injured.

However, Quack Ape still sacrificed 6 people, all of whom were attacked by ordinary guards and miscellaneous soldiers, while Captain Totem and the little boss did nothing because they were always attracted by the dark blood.

"Let's go back."

After ordering the chrysalis to be alert, Quackape repaired the trap, and thought that a squadron leader was in command of the defense line, Dark Blood returned to the canyon with the corpses of the six people he had sacrificed.

After throwing the corpses of the six companions into the canyon, Dark Blood sat on one of the larger cliff crevices, scanning the six captains and a dozen or so old people solemnly.

For the convenience of command, after waking up, Dark Blood grouped the rest of the same kind according to the actual situation:

The first is the minors. Since they have been protected, there are 221 minor quack apes.

Among them, 71 people with combat effectiveness were organized into two squadrons by Dark Blood, assembled into [the first brigade], and assigned a middle-aged pupa to lead;

The remaining 150 people were organized into 3 other squadrons and assembled into the [Fourth Squadron], which was also taken care of by four middle-aged pupae and fifteen adult quack apes.

Then there are the elderly. Although they forcibly joined the war in the previous crisis and caused a large number of deaths, there are still 12 people who survived. They are all experienced personnel, including 7 quack apes.

The 12 people were divided into quack apes and pupae, and were divided into two groups by the dark blood to form a small team.The job is mainly to stay in the crevice of the cliff, and usually follow the dark blood to provide advice.

Finally, there are adults. Due to repeated battles, they have suffered more injuries. There are a total of 209 people left, and 71 of them are pupae.

The 138-person quack ape was divided into 12 squads by Dark Blood, and combined into 4 squadrons, organized into [Second Squadron] and [Third Squadron], led by experienced Quack Ape;
The chrysalis of 71 people was divided into 7 squads by the dark blood, and assembled into a [flying brigade] with two squadrons and a [vigilance squad].

After instructing everyone not to spread the content of his investigation, Dark Blood selectively told everyone about his previous information.

Of course, out of consideration for everyone's emotions and everyone's understanding, the dark blood does not conjecture that these black bone apes may be a complete military force, and that there may be a very powerful individual among them. Did not say it.

"Dark Blood, how did you prepare for that incident before?"

The first person to speak was Cheng Meng, the captain of the flying brigade. Out of the need to take care of the former leader, capable leaders were mainly distributed in the flying brigade.

"Things?" Glancing at the captain of Chengmeng, Anxue turned his head and looked around at the captains who were expecting because they heard the other party's speech. Suddenly, something came to mind in Anxue's mind, and he smiled slightly: " Don't worry about that, I already have an idea."

"Then can you tell us? You also know that the current black bone ape is much stronger than us. Let everyone be prepared and escape better, right?" A group of people nodded in agreement, obviously everyone It's all very urgent.

You must know that the current food reserves can only supply everyone's consumption for more than ten days. Let alone the taste of the black-bone ape meat, it is still uncertain how much there will be every day.

Rubbing his forehead a little tiredly, Anxue secretly let out a sigh, and then put on a firm expression.

At this time, the one who can't lose confidence is Dark Blood herself. Although she is a little helpless, after waking up, she finds that she has unknowingly become the hope of all the quack apes, so she can't say anything to let everyone down. words.

But to lead everyone out now is actually just the first hurdle, after which there will be a second hurdle of 'rushing back to Xinzhong District' and a third hurdle of 'leading everyone back to Gashan'.

However, just this first hurdle is not so easy.

However, Dark Blood didn't lie about what she said before, and she did have a plan for how to escape.

"The black-boned ape is indeed a bit powerful, but it's not difficult for us to escape, you see..."

Time, in the tactical narration, passed little by little.

Gradually, the time was approaching the middle of the night.

Yawning heavily, Dark Blood rubbed her sleepy eyes, looking at the group of captains and old people who were still discussing enthusiastically, she nodded to the guard captain Aceh, who had not participated in the discussion, stood up and addressed Go outside the cave.

The canyon was still pitch-black at night, but there was a bit of light and coolness in the darkness.

I remember that when I was a child, at night, Dark Blood would nest in the crevices of the cliff and would not come out to die, and was made a joke by the then leader, Uncle Dark Star.

Afterwards, after having the illusion that he encountered at the bottom of the canyon, Dark Blood kept his distance from the canyon even more.

But at this time, looking at the gloomy canyon, Dark Blood somehow had the idea to find out.

"Could it be that he became soul-level and recovered his memory, so he became more courageous?"

With a self-deprecating smile, Dark Blood put on a firm expression and looked away from the canyon.

Rubbing his cheeks to make himself more energetic, Dark Blood turned and walked towards the defense line, while sweeping around from time to time.

Looking at the dark and deep woods, under the faint light of March, it reveals a cold aura like a canyon.

At this time, the eyes were almost useless, and the dark blood simply diffused his mental power to guide the way, and at the same time recalled his childhood life.

"I remember the only night event, it seems to be the night when I dragged a black-skeleton ape alone. The night attack of the black-skeleton ape was... wait!"

Dark Blood, who was advancing, suddenly felt something was wrong, (Is the front line of defense too quiet?)

You know, after the formation, at least one squadron is active in the defense line at night. Out of vigilance against the black bone ape, and three consecutive shifts at night, the quack apes will not be out of spirit due to lack of energy. Who was lazy, but now...

At this moment, a large number of dangerous breaths came from the front, and a side leap slid into the back of the rock. Dark Blood only felt that many javelins were heavily inserted into the position where he was before, and the buzzing tail of the javelin made his body tremble. Heart palpitations.

Before he had time to wipe off his cold sweat, the dark blood sent out a wide-area spiritual shock to the surroundings in an instant, and then retreated rapidly. After retreating a certain distance, he turned around and approached the place where the quack apes were resting.

There were several sounds of falling to the ground behind him, and then, like poking a hornet's nest, the roar of black bone ape came out of the woods one after another.

(Damn it, how could I forget the sneak attack that the black bone ape is best at!)

From returning to the canyon to today's daytime, the black bone ape has strangely never used sneak attack tactics, which caused the dark blood who hadn't fought the black bone ape head-on, and the canyon quack apes who had been idle for a long time, all ignored the possible.

Now it seems that a squadron of quack apes guarding the line of defense is already in danger.

Looking at the quack apes that had been awakened in front of him, Dark Blood stopped and quickly used his mental power to connect to some of the quack apes.

"Find your respective squad leaders immediately! The squad leader finds your squadron leader!"

Pausing for a while, seeing the quack apes start to move, Dark Blood contacted the captains who were still discussing their previous tactics in the crevice of the cliff: "Stop discussing! Black bone ape attack! Flying team, all fly to the canyon Go in, mainly defend the opening of the cliff crevice, don't let the black bone ape rush in!"

"The first brigade protects the fourth brigade and retreats to No. 5, No. 7 and No. 11 cliff crevices. If the situation is critical, you can block the entrance of the cave with stones!"

"Captain of the second and third brigades, find your team immediately, and then use stones, fists, or even tentacles from high places to guard a few entrances for me!"


After giving all orders, the black bone apes in front of Dark Blood had clearly appeared even in such a dark night.

And the only one rushing to Dark Blood's side at this moment was the third squadron in charge of guarding tonight, a squadron that had just been replaced and most of them hadn't fallen asleep.

"Don't disperse, all follow me! We must not let them rush to the entrance of the cave now!"

Speaking to the thirty or so people around her, Dark Blood doesn't think she is good at verbal agitation, so she needs to use actions to make everyone trust her.

Relying on his mental strength without dodging or evading, after throwing a javelin into the air with his fist, Dark Blood led the quack apes behind him to the front, those black bone apes that kept rushing out of the woods.

(How did so many people rush over without telling the guards! Die! Die! Die! Hundan!)

While thinking, Dark Blood kicked up the dirt on the ground, slammed it heavily on the face of the black bone ape in front, and then punched through the neck of this miscellaneous soldier.

If it was during the day, such a powerful punch would probably cause both the enemy and us to pause for a short time.

But now, what the Black-Bone Ape sees is only the fallen shadow of a miscellaneous soldier on his side, but because of the darkness, he doesn't see anything else. Stimulate them even crazier.

However, the quack apes on their side, who were so close that they could see clearly, lifted their spirits, which made Dark Blood feel a little relieved.

But now is not the time to be distracted. Without any pause, he threw out the black bone ape's body and smashed a miscellaneous soldier in front to the ground.

Ignoring the opponent's struggle, a group of quack apes happily stepped over each other.

The quack apes with more than thirty people rushed towards the edge of the forest along the slightly sloped ground like boulders rolling from the top of the mountain. For the twenty or so miscellaneous soldiers who appeared during the period, Dark Blood and the surrounding quack apes could only Delivered a punch.

Then, life or death, keep going.

When charging, any pause means failure, not to mention that there are a large number of black bone apes appearing from the woods, and two squadrons have been integrated in the rear, and they are starting to clean up the leftovers of the dark blood and their charge team, without any worries. The crowd charged even harder.

"Pay attention to follow me!"


Just before reaching the edge of the woods, in order not to slow down his charging speed, Dark Blood took the lead and turned left, leading the remaining 20 people to draw a U shape, sweeping down a few black bone apes who rushed out of the woods, and using Z The word rushed to the entrance of the cave on a high place.

But we can't relax now. When we returned to the original starting position, dozens of miscellaneous soldiers and even a few guards appeared in the woods behind, which indicated that the totem captain had already arrived.

"Everyone rush again! Would you like to!"

The quack apes who had killed the red-eyed apes in the previous charge obviously roared without hesitation.

After confirming the number of enemies ahead, Dark Blood contacted the other two squadrons with mental power. This time with more than 80 people, Dark Blood rushed forward again.

"Follow me! Kill!"



...blood splattered, severed limbs scattered...

kill overnight

When the dark blood recovered from the mixed red and blue blood in front of him, the battle was over.

Dark Blood, who couldn't remember how many times he waited for others, opened his eyes in a daze and looked around.

Scattered dozens of quack apes sat on the ground as tired as she did, but in the eyes of everyone, apart from the rejoicing of surviving after the catastrophe, they were more eager to fight and murderous towards the black-skeleton ape.

People who live by hunting are not afraid of fighting at all.

One's own body has been placed according to custom.

Looking at the large number of black bone ape corpses piled up on the ground, there are miscellaneous soldiers, guards, and even three totem captains.

The totem sticks in the other party's hands had been collected and placed in front of Dark Blood by the quack ape who had cleared the battlefield.

Of the several totem captains, except for one whose brain was ruptured and left with a fatal blow, the other two were torn into several pieces in the ensuing battle.

Rubbing his dizzy head, Dark Blood, who seemed to have suffered more than one mental shock last night, had a cute smile on his face.

At this time, Dark Blood felt that the cheeks when he smiled seemed a little sticky, so he took his hand to wipe it off.

But she found to her dismay that her hands were already covered in dark red blood, and the only effect of wiping her face like this was to enrich her complexion.

"Really, I have to waste the delicious spring water to clean these unpleasant things."

This ordinary complaint made the surrounding and dark blood charge together, and more than 50 quack apes who are still alive up to now burst out laughing.

According to Dark Blood's previous insistence, the quack apes who had been guarding the entrance of the cave looked at the battlefield ahead and the quack apes who were laughing in it, their eyes full of respect.

"The black bone apes have retreated, Dark Blood, are you alright?"

According to Dark Blood's order, the pupae were all guarding their respective posts, and under Dark Blood's order, the captain of the guard who went to confirm that the Black Bone Apes had all retreated landed in front of Dark Blood.

"It's okay, Aceh."

Shaking his head, he looked at his hands in distress, and the dark blood simply wiped the clothes, only to find that the clothes were also dark red.

Then, she put her hands down as if giving up depressedly, and spit bubbles on the ground.

"By the way, I suddenly thought of something just now."

Seeing Aceh tilting her head in doubt, she stopped her funny movements, raised her trembling arm, and pointed forward.

"If they can attack us at night, why can't we attack them at night?"

(End of this chapter)

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