Spore Story

Chapter 271

Chapter 271

PS: One more haunting, thank you for the winter rewards of Fenghuaxueye, and the support of snock's monthly pass. O(∩_∩)O
"Are you all ready?"

"Report, the first brigade is assigned to the entrance of the cave; the fourth brigade retreats into the cliff; the second brigade defends the defense line; my third brigade and the flying brigade are all ready!"

Nodding heavily, the captain of the third brigade, Cheng Lin, was lying on the ground carefully at the moment, looking at the dark blood not far ahead, and reporting the situation to the other party through the dark blood's spiritual connection.

Calculating the time, it was only a short while before the sneak attack by the black bone ape.

At this moment, under the instigation of Dark Blood's words "Since the enemy can sneak attack us, why can't we sneak attack them", the quack apes are all fighting.

And the third brigade, which had been defending at the entrance of the cave before, with sufficient physical strength and energy, and the flying brigade, which had been defending in the canyon with strong combat effectiveness, were the soldiers who were going to teach the enemy a lesson in this secret cave.

The twilight of the early morning has just cast on the valley, and the cool air of the early morning is dispersing little by little in the dense forest.

Everyone was carefully shuttling through the tall woods, and the pupae of the flying brigade were at the forefront. Since flying would expose their targets, they all chose ground running, a marching method that had not been used for a long time.

"Is your body okay?"

Witnessed with his own eyes the dark blood leading three squadrons to launch several charges against the enemy last night. At this moment, he had already admired the dark blood to the point of surrender.

But after such a big battle last night, the remaining quack apes of the three squadrons have already rested in the crevice of the cliff, can the dark blood's physical strength still support it?This is a problem.

"It's okay," said Dark Blood, who was walking among the dense forests, and at the same time let go of his mental power to engulf all the attacking troops, carefully sensing everything around him.

Since it was a sneak attack, one had to be careful not to be found. There were only two brigades of soldiers on his side. If he attacked like a black-boned ape, he might not even be able to stir up any waves.

Hearing Cheng Lin's concern, Dark Blood's heart warmed up, and then shook his head: "The physical strength of the pupation body is higher than that of the quack ape, and my body has been exercised, and the physical strength is also higher than that of the ordinary pupation body, so even if I was so strong last night A big battle didn't cost much."

Seeing Anxue's vigorous movements, Cheng Lin didn't know if the other party was lying, he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but saw Anxue's stubborn face, and finally stopped what he said.

In fact, the dark blood does not consume much physical strength, but it consumes a lot of energy.

Last night I had been discussing tactics with several captains, and just as I was about to go to sleep, I encountered a surprise attack again. I just squinted at the dark blood for a while, and I didn't feel any rest at all.

Now she is completely using energy to stimulate her body to provide energy, and according to her plan, this sneak attack will not last too long, so Ren Yiren can still survive.

"It's coming! Pay attention to concealment, stop."

Directly notified the dozen or so team leaders inside through mental power, and the quiet team stopped immediately.

Lying on the canopy of a big tree, squinting and carefully inspecting the black bone ape camp in front of him, the huge camp group was completely silent at this moment.

Dark Blood didn't know how many black-boned apes attacked in the early morning, but there were more than 100 black-boned apes lying on the small slope between the entrance of the cave and the dense forest, and there were even three totems among them. Captain, there are at least 400 people who attacked.

According to the recent battle statistics of the Black-Bone Ape, although there were more than 1000 people, only more than 600 people actually participated in the attack at one time.

Dark Blood couldn't figure out the reason, and it could only be attributed to the fact that the other half of the people were responsible for guarding and hunting the camp. After all, these more than 1000 black bone apes could not be supported by such a small area as the valley.

Therefore, last night's sneak attack was obviously an all-out attack, but it was discovered and blocked by Dark Blood and others.

But even so, the remaining combat power in the Black-Bone Ape camp cannot be ignored.

According to the habit of the black-boned ape, he might send hundreds of troops to attack his own line of defense during the day.

Darkblood now has two options:

One is to take the troops and wait until the enemy leaves the camp to attack one's own defense line, and let the troops take advantage of the emptiness of the camp to attack, so that the number of black bone apes facing them is much less;
The second is to take advantage of the opponent's unpreparedness and launch a counterattack now, but this will have to face more than 1000 black bone apes, although they are probably still resting.

"Sneak attack is to catch the enemy by surprise!"

After thinking about it carefully, if the black bone apes in the camp had slowed down by the time the black bone apes sent out their troops, the sneak attack would no longer be very meaningful.

The more important point is that our own troops don't have any experience in sneak attacks. Even with a lot of instructions from Dark Blood, the longer they stay here, the easier it is to be discovered.

"Chenglin, Captain Chengmeng, remember to start attacking from these camps later, and go straight through!"

Using mental power to transmit the image of the camp to other people, this kind of high-level mental power use method, dark blood does not know.

Therefore, at this time, she could only stand on a high place and carefully point out the target for the two captains.

"If you can, try to avoid the small tents in the middle. I'm afraid there are many totem captains there. I need to pay special attention to the big tent. It gives me a dangerous feeling."

Hearing that even Dark Blood felt threatened, the two captains all looked condensed and nodded emphatically.

The camps that were targeted by Dark Blood this time tried to avoid the camps that Dark Blood had attacked before, and she worried that the vigilance of those camps might be higher.

And the big tent in the middle gave Dark Blood a sense of threat, making Dark Blood have to be careful, but it wasn't to the point where he didn't even dare to launch a sneak attack because of fear.

"Remember, the main thing is speed! Don't get entangled. The mission of your flying squadron is to light those tents with torches; and the mission of the third squadron is to prevent the black bone ape from fighting the fire and escaping."

"If there is an enemy in the way, kill it. If it doesn't block the way, kill the one that goes smoothly, and let go of the one that doesn't go well, do you understand?"

The two captains nodded, and then, Dark Blood notified more than a dozen small captains of the precautions.


Bone Ape Camp

This sneak attack was almost a disastrous failure. Only four of the seven totem captains who led the team came back, which made the little boss very angry.

At this moment, after being yelled at by the people in the big tent again, the little boss directly scolded the four totem captains who had fled back.

Then, he took the totem captains with bloodless faces to check on the hundreds of people who had retreated.

But looking at the piles of black bone ape soldiers lying on the ground resting in the outer camp, the little boss surprisingly didn't make any roar, but turned to the central camp.

He felt a little bad in his heart. Although he also attacked the enemies in the canyon, since the enemy flying in the air appeared, his battle seemed to be very difficult.

He even regrets now that he didn't attack that line of defense with all his strength some time ago.

In fact, he was mainly attracted by the various fighting methods of the quack apes, and subconsciously oppressed the quack apes a little bit, hoping to get more benefits from these quack apes that seemed to be in his pocket.

But now, he felt that he had made a mistake and underestimated the quack apes who could drive the group of black bone apes out of the valley too much, so he wanted to eliminate his previous mistakes.


When he came out of the big tent in the center, the little boss's face had regained his calm.

The people in the big tent had already agreed to his plan, and even praised him unexpectedly, which flattered the little boss.

What he has to do now is to organize all the black bone apes in the entire camp, launch a final attack on the enemy, and clean up these hidden dangers in one fell swoop.

(So ​​what if you can stop the attacks of hundreds of us, so what if you can stop sneak attacks.)
The number of enemies in the canyon was already clear to the little boss after a long period of observation.In addition to the young and old, there are only more than 200 people in combat.

(I piled up more than 1000 black bone apes, and I can trample you to death if I step on them.)
With a cold snort, the little boss stopped the twenty or so totem captains waiting outside the door, cleared his throat, and prepared to issue a pre-war declaration.

But at this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly discovered that black smoke was rising from several camps in the periphery at the same time.

His face suddenly turned livid. The chaotic black smoke reminded him of the flying enemy who dared to be in the sky, imitating the appearance of a totem stick, making faces at his side.

Could it be that it dared to sneak attack!
The declaration before the battle turned into a hunting declaration. Amidst the yelling of the little boss, more than [-] totem captains rushed to the outer camps with their own guards.

But gradually, the little boss sensed that something was wrong, because two camps in the inner circle also started to smoke, and the speed of chaos in these camps could not be caused by one person, even if the other party could fly.

At this moment, two guards stumbled towards the small boss and reported to him that the outer camp was attacked by a large enemy force.

At this moment, those camps that were completely unprepared and most of the members were still resting from exhaustion had fallen into chaos.

It's like the black-boned ape hadn't made a sneak attack for dozens of days, making the quack ape slack off, allowing the opponent to take down the line of defense in one fell swoop.

Quack Ape Fang had almost never sneaked into the camp of the Black-Bone Ape before this, which caused the Black-Bone Apes to be more slack than Quack Ape Fang, especially before the Black-Bone Apes had just attacked Quack Ape, and they did not expect it at all At this moment, it will be counterattacked.

Even if there was a dark blood solo harassment incident before, it didn't attract any attention from the black bone apes.

With a roar, the two guards were kicked away. At this time, nearly half of the outer camps and two inner camps were on fire.

The twilight in the early morning was completely taken over by the firelight, and the flickering firelight danced in the dark silver pupils of the little boss. Gradually, he calmed down.

Then, the little boss turned around and pulled up the fearful guards on the ground, and ordered the two to issue a notice to the camps that were not in danger in the rear, and everyone gathered in the central camp.

Seeing the two guards rushing to the rear at high speed, the little boss frowned and began to think.

After a while, he turned his head to look at the big tent, collected himself, then pulled out the totem stick at his waist, and rushed towards the half of the camp that was burning with fire.

He didn't want to put out the fire, but to bring out the totem captain and soldiers.


"Come on!"

Also taking the lead, Dark Blood did not charge on the ground this time, but flew more than ten meters in the air, pulling out the dry firewood on his back from time to time, and then relying on the powerful electricity of the pupae to ignite it, Hit the eye-catching tent below.

But as a commander, her main task is still in the air, combining visual and spiritual perception to understand the dynamics of the battlefield.

In fact, the command of Quack Ape is very advanced.

Because the commander is soul-level, with strong spiritual power, Dark Blood can contact any soldier of his side on the battlefield.

As a soul class, the dark blood flying in the air is like a front-line early warning command plane, unifying the dynamics of the entire battlefield.

If necessary, the dark blood can even notify the soldiers directly, which makes the quack apes react several times faster than the black bone ape.

And in this kind of sneak attack, the effective command gave Quack the Ape the advantage.

However, Darkblood still has one main task, which is those totem captains.

Although the sneak attack by the black bone ape in the early morning has clearly shown to all the quack apes that Captain Totem is actually very fragile.

The two totem captains who were torn apart were attacked by a group of quack apes who were the first to grab the totem sticks because they were approached after attacking one or two people in a row. Then they responded with gang fights, and finally fell apart.

Therefore, when faced with a small number of totem captains, the quack apes can completely use their advantages in numbers and speed to deal with each other, but the dark blood does not want to make their own casualties too large.

At this time, Dark Blood's eyes froze, and she saw more than twenty totem captains rushing towards her.

"Damn it! Too many!"

Facing these twenty or so totem captains, the quack apes need at least 100 people to succeed, but because of the scattered forces, there are only a dozen quack apes here, which is not enough for the opponent's teeth. Deal with three totem captains with multiple points at the same time.

"All retreat!"

At this time, unable to fight, Dark Blood directly ordered the dozen or so people below to leave the camp, while she herself turned around, avoiding the sight of the totem captains through the barrier of fire and smoke.

Although I really want to kill the opponent, the main purpose of my side now is to create chaos. If these totem captains get together, they can only go to one stable place. Time is beneficial to the quack apes, but if the opponent disperses...

"It's better to spread out, so that I can slowly harvest you, Quack."

A large number of flames, fueled by the flying brigade, gradually engulfed most of the black bone ape camp, and the strong heat made it almost impossible for the pupae to stabilize their flight posture.

Seeing this situation, Dark Blood thought for a while.

Is it to let the pupae descend to the ground and continue to attack?Or let everyone retreat?

Looking up at the battlefield, six or seven of the dozen or so camps on the outermost ring had been engulfed in flames in the third-ring camp during the previous investigation, and four of the camps on the inner ring were also on fire. However, due to the large distance between the camps, , it takes time for the flame to spread.

Finally, Darkblood turned his attention to the central area.

The pupils contracted sharply, looking at the scene in front of him, Anxue gritted his teeth unwillingly, and secretly shattered a mouthful.

Then, she turned her head and issued an order to all the captains, "Retreat steadily, and kill all the black bone apes on the way."

Then, Dark Blood once again cast his sights on the central area, the patches of black bone apes.

The opponent's quick reaction was beyond Dark Blood's expectations. Just as his troops destroyed most of the camp and were cleaning up the remaining black bone apes, the black bone apes had already stabilized.

But they didn't have any intention of rescue, they just gathered little by little towards the central area, and those who stayed in the central area just watched the fire all over the sky.

At this time, she saw one of the totem captains, the little boss of the black bone ape in cumbersome clothes, who also looked calm.

And just when Dark Blood looked at him, the other party happened to see Dark Blood in the sky.

The flames and thick smoke separated the two sides, and the dark blood flew in the air, flapping its four wings, showing a powerful deterrent under the support of the flames and thick smoke;
And this little boss is standing on the edge of the flames, behind him are more and more black bone apes, even in the face of the strong heat and the continuous screams from the flames, this little boss still looks calm Looking at the dark blood in the sky.

Then, he first turned his head back to the central area, and began to count the black bone apes who were gathering at a slower and slower speed.

The dark blood also took a deep look at the other party, and then used mental power to notify all the quack apes, and immediately gathered at the pre-determined place outside the camp.

At this time, the chaos in the Black-Bone Ape camp was coming to an end, and the remaining Black-Bone Apes in the camp shrouded in flames had been cleaned up by the Quack Apes.

Summarizing the battle, Dark Blood discovered that at the beginning, he had set a policy of continuous charge. After the battle, he stagnated because of the hatred of the Quack Apes for the Black Bone Ape. They could not let go of any Black Bone Ape they saw. What's more, the black bone apes at that time were so defenseless.

But it was also because of this that we didn't bump into the black bone apes who had already gathered in the central camp and were waiting in full force.

Dark Blood didn't know whether it was a success or a failure. The situation on the battlefield changed rapidly, and no one dared to say that he was completely sure.

In terms of tactics, the original purpose of this sneak attack was to teach the enemy a lesson, while at the same time causing the enemy to fall into chaos, and then kill the enemy. This seems to have been successful, and very successful.

When gathering in the woods, Dark Blood did a little statistics. In just one sneak attack, more than 500 black bone apes were wiped out. Even if there were errors, the difference would not be outrageous.

You know, only the fourth brigade and the flying brigade attacked the quack apes, and the total number was only more than 100 points, and the loss after the battle was only a dozen people.

This looks like an unquestionable victory.

But recalling what he had seen before, those black-boned apes gathered in the central area, those eyes that were beating with fire, and the calm expression of the little boss, Dark Blood had a bad feeling.

As far as strategy is concerned, this sneak attack seems to have provoked the enemy's anger very well, and I am afraid that the next battle will be worth playing.

The team walked in the trap group in front of the defense line, and the quack apes in the rear well concealed these non-dangerous paths so as not to be used by the enemy.

And Dark Blood flew in the low sky, recalling and summarizing the battle from time to time, his expression constantly changing.

After a while, she suddenly smiled.

"If you are angry, be angry. Anyway, the black bone ape and quack ape have been fighting for thousands of years. There is not much hatred between them."

The phantom images of those canyon bottoms flashed in my mind one after another. Since the arrival of the quack ape at the beginning of the canyon, the battle between the two sides has never stopped, several generations, dozens of generations, hundreds of generations...

"Perhaps, this confrontation will not stop until one side completely falls down."

(End of this chapter)

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