Spore Story

Chapter 272

Chapter 272

PS: Thanks to stvu for the monthly pass =w=
"Report, Leader Lingxue, this is the "Lanshan City Report" that was just delivered, and the "Ethnic Group Reorganization Plan" that was just sorted out."

The quack ape who came in respectfully placed the leather scroll in front of Lingxue's stone table, then carefully exited the hut and continued his work.

With the continuous establishment of Gashan's dominance, Lingxue, the leader of Gashan, is actually the supreme ruler of the ethnic group.

And as time went by, her deterrent power continued to rise. Even though she didn't want to, people's attitudes towards her became cautious and respectful.

This made Chu Xia, who received complaints from time to time, smile slightly. This is so similar to her own current situation.

Gently patted the stone table in front of him that has been used for decades. Although the rattan table in Lanshan City is much more comfortable than the stone table, let’s not talk about how far it is to transport from Lanshan City to Gashan. Lingxue I don't want to waste manpower on this either.

Today's ethnic groups are caught in the midst of reforms in full swing, and every place is in short supply of manpower.

Putting down the leather scroll in her hand, Lingxue first looked at the report from Lanshan City.

There are two empty illusions there, and the high-level people who understand the significance of empty illusions to the entire species are very clear. To a certain extent, Lingxue, who is the nominal leader of the existing ethnic group, still has to obey the orders of empty illusions.

But in fact, if Lingxue wants to resist, the illusion of the current two soul-level strengths is simply unstoppable.

It's just that no one in the upper echelon would think about such a horrible thing.

Almost all the high-level people in the ethnic group came out step by step with the leader Gaga, and they all know each other very well, so they can be regarded as illusory loyalists.

But looking at the content of the report sent by Kong Huan in front of him, Lingxue still frowned hesitantly.

"The third phantom is in the south. I hope Gashan will send a high priest to lead a team to look for it. Hey, has the third phantom also appeared?"

The voice from beside her really startled Lingxue, she glared at Chu Jie beside her with some dissatisfaction, Lingxue reached out and handed the report in her hand to Chu Jie.

"You lost your job to your poor little maid again?" The maid's statement was made by 8051, and it was accepted by everyone because it was fun.

And Die Wu, who was the original target, obviously became the example of a maid in the eyes of everyone.

Because of having such a capable maid, apart from cultivating and fulfilling important wishes, Chu Jie usually just wanders around.

And in Gashan, where Chu Jie was almost defenseless, Chu Jie, who had no scruples at all, almost became Gashan's harm.

Think about when the two are doing what they love to do, suddenly a person pops up in front of them. This person is still a powerful god of life, which makes the residents of Gashan who have suffered from it very distressed.

"Can't you stop being so elusive? You know, there are many people who are very dissatisfied with your sudden appearance and sudden disappearance."

He took the opportunity to complain to Chu Jie, but the other party obviously didn't have any intention of repenting, and just responded with a few hums.

Reluctantly rubbing her forehead, Lingxue put aside her worry about the empty report for the time being, and picked up the "Ethnic Group Reorganization Plan" in front of her.

The statistics of ethnic groups started some time ago are very fast, because with the hierarchical process of 'tribe-beginner and intermediate temples-advanced temples-Gashan', this kind of statistics only took more than 20 days to complete the summary. Gashan.

Then, Gashan's leader team performed statistical calculations on these reports according to the tabular pattern that was initially grayed out, and finally sorted out the "Current Status of the Ethnic Group".

It shows that the current population of the ethnic group is 44217, including 4239 pupational bodies and 622 tribes.

According to Kong Huan's proposal some time ago, the dead souls below the soul level were not counted, because they could not leave the temple domain.

And after analyzing and processing the "Current Ethnic Group Status" which included 'population data', 'temple data', 'regional distribution data' and 'tribal data at all levels' and other relevant information, several senior executives and the leader team worked together again It took more than ten days to compile and compile the "Ethnic Group Reorganization Plan" that is now in Lingxue's hands.

The overall adaptation is based on the model of Lanshan City, that is, two levels of 'village-city'.

But looking at the content of the plan, Lingxue had to frown again.

Because there are too many at the city level.

According to this draft, the more than 600 tribes of the existing ethnic groups will be further divided into 117 [cities]; each [city] has no more than 20 [villages]; each [village] has a population of no more than 30 people.

Among them, the production of [commodities] that do not require a large population can be transferred to the [village]; while [commodities] that require a large number of people and technology can be produced by the [city], which makes the population of the [city] not low. to 100 people.

But in fact, there are not many [commodities] that the ethnic group needs a large number of people, that is, things like [quarrying stones]. If other small [commodities] only meet the needs of the city, a village is enough.

In other words, only cities with special commodities need to expand their population, such as [Xiguo] in Lanshan City.

What makes Lingxue frown is that there is a huge gap between Gashan and the lower-level [cities]. Could it be that Gashan directly manages more than 100 lower-level cities?

(It seems that there should be a level between the city and Mount Ga, and the number of high-level temples and cities is not balanced. Now there are only more than 30 high-level temples in total, and the distribution is also...)
"Speaking of which, why are you frowning at Kong Huan's dispatch report, Lingxue, she's just a high priest..." Chu Jie, who had read the Lanshan City report next to her, looked at her friend a little puzzled, and opened her mouth to interrupt that the other party was thoughts.

Although she usually doesn't pay much attention to the overall situation of the group, Chu Jie is still very clear that there are at least a hundred soul-level people in the group, and it shouldn't be difficult for her to dispatch a high priest from among them.

But Lingxue, who is more loyal to Konghuan than herself, hesitates once again when faced with Konghuan's report. Why is this?


Upon hearing Chu Jie's words, Lingxue felt a little depressed.

Lowering her head, she took out a leather scroll from the pile of documents next to her, and handed it to Chu Jie. Lingxue took a sip of [Xiguo Soaking Water] from Lanshan City, which has become popular in many tribes, before saying: "Now there are 151 soul-level people in the group."

Seeing that Chu Jie flipped through the scroll and didn't know where to look, Lingxue pointed at a corner of it depressedly.

"Among the 151 people, excluding the 72 patron saints, there are only 79 people; and among the 79 people, 27 people are dead souls."

"According to the "Human-Soul Separation Plan" they proposed before, the soul-level dead souls are used to establish a dead soul management system to separate the dead souls from the living. We have passed this plan in the last high-level meeting."

Seeing Chu Jie nodded, Lingxue calmed down a little, and continued, "And now, these 27 soul-level souls are preparing to go to Lanshan City to receive education."

"Then there are 52 more." Chu Jie can also do this kind of arithmetic problem, so she seemed a little puzzled by Lingxue's nagging.

"Yes, there are 52 more," sighed, Lingxue shook her head and patted the "Ethnic Group Reorganization Plan" in front of her.

"Although Gashan's prestige is high, nearly half of the more than 600 tribes are actually independent. Some of these tribes even have their own soul-level patron saints."

"And because the tribes with the smallest ethnic groups are all tribes with more than 50 members, according to this adaptation plan, almost all tribes will be split up, and some of them will definitely be dissatisfied."

Sighing, Lingxue wrote '52' on the stone table with her fingers, and narrowed her eyes slightly when she saw the two numbers, with a little light showing from the dark pupils.

(Perhaps, this is also a challenge to my ability. If I do it well, I will definitely be appreciated by Wu Huan.)
"52 people, except for the 17 left behind by the school and one left by each of the four righteous gods. For the rest, according to my original plan, each city will send one, but now there are more than 100 cities, and the number of people will be serious. insufficient."

After drawing two lines in the number, Lingxue said: "So, now we can only divide the remaining 31 people into three teams, and monitor the flow in all directions to avoid turmoil."

"As for Ximian, there's Lingyun and the ghost gods, as well as the priest school in Dengyun Mountain, so don't worry about it."

"So, this soul level seems to be too much, but it is actually seriously insufficient."

Looking out of the door through the opened curtain, Lingxue took a deep breath, as if feeling a heavy pressure coming towards her face.

Since becoming the leader of Gashan, the burden on her has become heavier and heavier. In the past, it was only the management of a few hundred people in Gashan. Be smart.

In the beginning, Lingxue was able to make no mistakes when doing things alone;
Then, because of the increased pressure, she began to lead the team to work together to share part of her normalized work, such as food distribution;

Finally, until now, the leader team has increased from the initial eight to 20 people. However, when encountering major events, they still have to hold high-level meetings to discuss together, but the troubles are still unabated.

So speaking of it, for this standardization reform, Lingxue is the most supportive among the senior management.

Because according to Huili, after standardization, it can reduce the workload of Lingxue, the top leader, while improving work efficiency.

"I hope that after this reform, it will really be easier."

"It really doesn't work, I'll lend you Die Wu."

It seemed that she had made a lot of determination. Chu Jie, who was an upright god, looked at the tired Lingxue, and her heart softened. After thinking about it, she sold her lovely little maid.

When Lingxue heard this, she stared at Chu Jie in surprise, seeing that the other party was still hesitating, as if she was worried that Chu Jie would repent, Lingxue immediately stepped forward and grabbed Chu Jie's hands, and said gratefully.

"Thank you very much. With Die Wu, I can definitely relax a lot. She has the strength of the peak soul level, and she is a standard maid." (This has a relationship with the maid==)

After finishing speaking, Lingxue sent people to the high-level temple to find the high priest Diewu, without giving Chu Jie a chance to repent.

"It's agreed that it's just a loan! I'll pay back the third illusion after I find it!" At this time, Chu Jie also came to her senses, and began to regret her impulsiveness just now, but it was too late.

"I know, I know, Quack."

At this time, the High Priest Diewu, who was busy processing a bunch of wishes in the Gashan Temple and at the same time assigned the staff of the priests, didn't know that she could be freed from such tedious work for the time being and go out for a trip.

Of course, if Chu Jie came back and saw so many wishes that had to be recorded on the scroll, she might regret her impulsive decision even more. She hadn't dealt with these things for a long time.

On the other hand, Dengyun Mountain

Today's Dengyun Mountain is no longer the dilapidated scene when Kong Huan and the others came last time.

At this moment, thousands of pupae and hundreds of newly selected quack ape students are working enthusiastically in Dengyun Mountain to build their new priest school.

Two chrysalis were flying on the mountainside, carrying a stone cleared from the ruins of Dengyun Mountain to the surrounding construction site.

Both of them were dressed in the robes of apprentice priests, with two long lines on their chests, and they looked like students who had entered the priesthood school for two years.

Gently putting the stone in his hand, a student looked up at the edge of Dengyun Mountain not far away, with a curious but fearful expression on his face.

Then, he took out a few unknown fruits from the pouch at his waist, and threw one to his companion beside him.

The two, who were a little tired, walked to the side of the mountain and sat down to rest.

"Hey, Fu Mi, will we really have classes here in the future?"

According to the usual practice, the Fumi student who took the fruit went to the teacher not far away and fetched two glasses of water.

Hearing what his companion said, he smiled, and seemed to be very surprised by his companion's reaction: "The teachers have already notified that we are building a new school here, do you think it's true?"

"Why, are you shocked by this kind of floating mountain? Can't believe the facts?"

"No, no, ah, although it is true that I am a little shocked, but I still feel that Gashan is better. I always feel that I am not very at ease when I take classes in such a place where I can't get anywhere."


Seemingly surprised by his companion's explanation, Fumi wagged his tail depressedly, changed to a comfortable posture and sat down, and then looked at his companion with weird eyes.

"You are a chrysalis, big sister, you are flying in the sky, and you can say such words."

"Also, it's been a long time since you became a pupae."

Embarrassed by his companion's eyes, the pupated body took a sip of the spring as a cover-up, then looked at the construction site, ready to change the subject.

She didn't want her companions to know that she was a little afraid of heights.

At this time, she looked forward with some doubts. There was a group of quack apes walking on the ground of Dengyun Mountain. They were all wearing robes of apprentice priests, and a line was drawn on their chests.

"Speaking of which, why does the school accept Quackape as an apprentice? With their ability, can they really sense spiritual power? Even if they can sense it, can they learn that knowledge?"

Also turned his head to look at those quack apes with excited faces, Fu Mi thought for a while with doubts, and then said: "I don't know the specific reason, but I heard a few days ago that these quack apes It suddenly became smarter before, and many individuals who can sense spiritual power began to appear among them."

"By the way, it was that time when we all felt our brains became clearer, and some pupae bodies were able to check other people's thoughts. According to Mr. Xiaomu, it was the former big leader Kong Huan who did something, Make everyone smarter and stronger."

Shaking his head, Fu Mi couldn't explain these high-level affairs clearly.

At this time, he seemed to think of something, pulled his companion beside him, and used his mental power to connect to him.

"Qianyu, I remember you are from a big tribe in the north, what is your name, Yan tribe?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?"

Qianyu asked with some doubts about his companion's sudden use of mental power to communicate.

Looking around, he found that no one was paying attention to him. Fumi continued to use his mental strength to say: "I received a letter from the leader of my tribe a few days ago, saying that Gashan seems to be planning to split and reorganize all the tribes of the ethnic group, and the leader My lord said he didn't want the tribe to be broken up, so he asked my opinion."

"Huh? Is there such a thing?" Looking at his companion in surprise, Qianyu thought for a while and then smiled: "The tribe I belong to has always listened to Gashan's words, and this tribe was originally formed by many small tribes in the past. The tribe is composed, even if it is taken apart, it’s nothing.”

"Not to mention," after a pause, seeing Fumi's eager expression, Qianyu glanced at the other party meaningfully and said.

"Not to mention, Mr. Qianwu, who is the leader, is the quasi-priest who went out from Gashan, and the high-level temple of the God of War is not far from the tribe. So they will never object to this kind of thing."

After finishing speaking, she seemed to feel a little uneasy, and Qianyu patted her friend who had been with her for two years: "What does your leader think, no matter what Gashan does, he won't do anything harmful to everyone, right?" ?"

"Besides, Ga Shan is as powerful as the head teacher Chu Xia, so you might still think..."

"Shhh, be quiet." Carefully stopping his friend's questioning, Fumi scratched his head helplessly, then shook his head and said, "Who doesn't know, the head teacher of Chuxia is recognized as the highest combat power in the entire group, But I can't figure out what the leader thinks."

"Our tribe is different from yours. In the beginning, it was a large tribe with more than 100 people. Later, after being discovered by the quasi-priest, we lived in a high-level area with two tribes who often fight next to us."

"Although there is mediation by the Lord Vulcan Temple in the middle, everyone has lived in peace all these years, but the leader is still very obsessed with the population. At that time, when I wanted to come to Gashan, it was the quasi-priest who was already an official priest at that time. Only when the adults come forward in person will they be successful."

"That's why he was so anxious when he heard about the split this time."

Seeing the helplessness in the friend's eyes, the other party is obviously very satisfied with his current life, but he also has complaints about his boss. Qian Yu looked at the priest school under construction and asked.

"Then did you reply?"

"Returned, because the person who sent the letter at that time was an individual who had just chrysalised in the tribe, and said that he would wait for my reply before going back, so I directly asked him to tell the leader, 'If you want to share it, everyone will share it together, and then don't worry about it. Who is strong and who is weak, and they are all from the same ethnic group. They haven’t fought for so many years, so consider relaxing the relationship between them.’”

"However, I don't know if the leader will listen to me."

"By the way," looking at his thoughtful friend, Fu Mi looked at the large farmland below Dengyun Mountain, smiled and said, "If the split is true, if we want to go back and have a look, I'm afraid we will see This is the scene below.”

Hearing this, Qianyu lowered his head and looked down. It is said that this is the tribe where the original chieftain Kong Huan lived, and it is now called 'Blue Mountain City'.

It is winter now, and there was only a light snowfall a few days ago. In the neatly divided farmland, there are pieces of ice crystals growing, which are really lovely under the sunshine.

"If this is the case, it's not bad, isn't it?"


Huh, I caught a cold, my stomach hurts, my cups——

(End of this chapter)

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