Spore Story

Chapter 273

Chapter 273
PS: One more haunting, thank you Winter of Wind Flower Snow Night for your reward =w=
"Mayor Bai Nong, this is the latest "Lanshan City Commodity Statistics", and this is the information of the new migrating tribe just handed over by Mr. Lei Xin, the quasi-priest who is in charge of the initial resettlement of the new tribe."

"Thank you, White Mist."

"Nothing, this is what I should do."

Looking at the mayor's assistant who left with a smile, Bai Nong stretched his waist, picked out one of the leather rolls and put it on the table, and then walked out the door with information about the newly migrated tribe. He planned to see it in person. one look.

According to the previous plan of Kong Huan (Hui Li), the mayor has an 'assistant to the mayor', who is mainly responsible for data collection, etc., and his function is similar to that of a secretary.

In addition, there are 'bazaar administrators' who are responsible for the management of the market and the commodity management of dozens of villages in the whole city;
The 'farming administrators' who are in charge of farmland planting arrangements and animal taming management in dozens of villages;
'Population administrator' responsible for population management statistics and other related work;
Waiting for dozens of administrators related to various aspects (abbreviated as administrators of relevant departments=.=), they all live in the central village of Blue Mountain.

However, now after the integration of several tribes in the center, the entire center village has become a 'mountain town' with a population of 107 people.

In the empty plain area to the east of Lanshan City, a large number of tribes are moving in one after another. They are all transferred from Gashan according to the previous plan of Konghuan (Hui Li) to fill Lanshan City and Gashan. Tribes in the mountains.

"Hui Li, you are so weak!"

"It's very easy to say a few words, but now it's time to allocate these tribes, and they are actually hiding! Sinai!"

Bai Nong, who was in the air, gritted his teeth in hatred towards Hui Li at the moment.

Back then, when Hui Li left because he needed to hit the soul level and rescue the third empty illusion as soon as possible, Bai Nong also expressed his appreciation for Hui Li's sudden effort. As a result, within two days after the other party left, there were a large number of tribes one after another. Migrating here made Bai Nong, who was the supreme commander, flustered for a while.

Although Bai Nong had thought about using telepathy to find out the other party, he was also worried that Hui Li was hitting the critical moment of the soul level, so he could only endure it if there were no problems.

Fortunately, Huili has not finished yet, and left a management process and planning plan for these tribes before, so that Bai Nong can gradually become familiar with the specific methods.

However, Bai Nong received a report from Gashan today, which is related to the current management organization.

But whether it's Konghuan (Huili), or 8051, Lingyun, or Chu Ling, one or two are invisible.

As a last resort, Bai Nong could only say something irresponsible to the priest who was waiting for a reply, "Let Ga Shan think of a few plans by himself, and then decide according to the situation."

But even so, Bai Nong didn't want to let a layman manage an expert for the sake of his own face, which would make things a mess.

Sporadic tribes logging and hunting began to appear in front of them.

Looking at the fallen trees one after another and the restless animals in the hunting circle, Bai Nong frowned uncomfortably and turned his head away.

Finally, he shook his head to calm himself down.

This kind of large-scale hunting and logging will happen sooner or later. Bai Nong, who has integrated all the memories of Void, is gradually getting used to this feeling, and he doesn't know whether it is good or bad.

"This may be the necessity of the development of civilization. It competes with natural plants and creatures for part of the living space. In the end, the two sides will either reach a balance, or one side will be destroyed."

Landing in a circular area, looking at the quack apes who were busy inside, Bai Nong walked up to the village head of this area.

"Well, get used to it."

The other party was a tribe that arrived here more than ten days ago, because the quasi-priest who took care of them along the way had already informed that they would be dismantled and reorganized after arriving here, which saved Bai Nong a lot of trouble.

And now this small tribe can actually be changed to a village, because their population, housing and village planning have come to an end.

Seeing Bai Nong's approach, he was appointed as the head of this village. He used to be a pupae body of the leader of the tribe where he lived. He took a few steps forward and lowered his body.

"Mayor Bai Nong, everyone is doing well."

"We've all stabilized now, and now we're planning to burn the forest, so if we still think about it, we'll invite you over."

Nodding his head, Bai Nong raised his eyebrows in discomfort when he heard the word 'burning the forest', and then took the lead to walk out of the village.

Passing through the forest belt more than 20 meters wide in the small village, what appeared in front of Bai Nong was not the farmland covered with ice crystals outside the village of Lanshan City at the moment, but the forest circles that had been cut down one by one.

Originally, if it was just to clear the area, it would be enough to cut down these trees, but now in order to make farmland, other methods are needed for the roots of trees that are not easy to deal with.

Therefore, Bai Nong is going to cut out the fire prevention circles one by one in the forest, and then burn the internal forests to make them into the original farmland.

In order to ensure safety, these burning areas are divided into small pieces one after another, and the upper half of the tree trunk has been cut off and taken away, so as to prevent the burning sparks from flying far away due to excessive height, causing unforeseen accidents. Metered forest fires.

At the same time, these forest burning actions must be checked and accepted by Bai Nong himself, and only when there is no wind can they start to burn at intervals.

In this way, although the speed is a bit slower, it is better than safety.

What's more, it is winter now, and no matter how quickly the farmland burns out, there is nothing to grow.

This is the most primitive slash-and-burn farming, but it has standardized safety management, but even so, the process still makes Bai Nong very uncomfortable.

In order to plant a large amount of farmland, Bai Nong has been able to foresee that in the next few years, decades or even hundreds of years, the forest on the entire water blue plain will only be preserved in three places:
One is the forest area tens of meters thick between the outskirts of the village and the farmland;

The second is the more than [-]-meter-wide forest belt on both sides of the dirt road connecting villages and cities, and cities;
The third is the [-]-meter-wide isolation zone reserved as a dividing line between cities.

The role of leaving these forests is mainly to maintain aesthetics, delineate boundaries, and protect the environment.

But Bai Nong can think that when the population continues to rise, these things may gradually disappear from the map.

It wasn't a good guess, but right now he couldn't think of a better way.

"I hope there will be a good management method in the future, so that humans and trees can coexist better."

When he said this seemingly hypocritical sentence, even Bai Nong himself felt uncomfortable, he had already inspected and collected the 30X30 farmland in front of him.

This is the current farmland standard on the plain, a 30X30 area called 'Yitian', and the farmland of each village in Lanshan City has been modified according to this standard.

"Ignite!" No more hesitation, even though he has considered nature, but Bai Nong's real position is still above his own species, (Sure enough, people are selfish.)



The burning fire excited the quack apes around, they had never seen such a big flame.

It is obviously impossible for them to have seen a comparable forest fire, otherwise they would not be standing here.

And those quack apes and pupae who were doing their own work in the distance were startled when they saw the fire here.

"Master quasi-priest, it should be Mr. Bai Nong who is directing the burning of the forest."

Looking at the fire suddenly burning in front of him, there was still a chrysalis that was frightened. Seeing that the fire did not spread, he calmed down. There was a fire not far from where he used to live, and occasionally there would be Small amount of eruption.

The tribe at that time had already planned to leave the temporary residence and continue to migrate, but the quasi-priest happened to come, and they migrated here with the quasi-priest.

In fact, the tribes discovered by the quasi-priests of the ethnic group in recent times have signs of nomadic development.

In one of the tribes, there was even a semi-domesticated animal similar to the original relationship between humans and dogs. That tribe called them [Yan Hu].

Now this kind of Yanhu, which has been transformed into a domestic animal, is rare because of its small number. Except for sending two pairs to Gashan, the rest will continue to be taken care of by this tribe to expand the number.

Now, this tribe has also been arranged to Shuilan Plain, but they are still on the way.

Looking at the gradually extinguishing fire in front of him, the quasi-priest shook his tentacles uncomfortably, and then flew towards a pile of flames that ignited not far away.

"Since Mayor Bainon is there, you can continue to do your business according to the regulations. I'll go and have a look."


Finding the target with mental power, the quasi-priest flew towards Bai Nong.

"What's the matter, Lei Xin?"

Looking at the prospective priest flying in front of him, Bai Nong put on a gentle smile and greeted him.

The other party was arranged by Unreal. When the two were not present, the quasi-priest in charge of the management of these new tribes, because it saved a lot of energy for Bai Nong, Bai Nong also valued this quasi-priest.

"Excuse me, have you read the information about the newly migrated tribe that I submitted earlier?"

"Oh, it's this?" Shaking the leather roll in his hand, Bai Nong smiled embarrassedly, because he found out that he hadn't read the information he had been holding in his hand until now: " Sorry, I haven't had time to watch it yet."

Shaking his head, the quasi-priest smiled and said: "No, I can say it now, it mainly writes about the current troubles."

He nodded to indicate that the other party would follow up and continue and tell his opinion. Seeing that the fire here had stabilized, Bai Nong turned around and took the quasi-priest and the former forest burner to a place farther away.

"It's like this," the quasi-priest cleared his throat and said while walking, organizing his words from time to time, "As of this morning, more than 60 tribes have rushed to the Shuilan Plain. 4 people. But among them, there are only more than 40 [villages] that have been reorganized and distributed, and according to the organizational structure issued by Gashan, three [cities] have been formed.”

Looking at the scroll with some surprise, Bai Nong realized that he had arrived at so many tribes in just over a month.

"How about the food, are your reserves sufficient?"

This problem is the basis of all stability. If these tribes migrate here for thousands of miles, but find that there is not enough food, Bai Nong is not sure whether he will have the ability to let these newcomers whose number has exceeded three times that of Lanshan City. Those who want to grow up, wait calmly for the next year's harvest.

Moreover, he didn't want these people who had traveled thousands of miles to survive to go hungry.

(if food is really in trouble...)
I lowered my head and calculated the food reserves of each village in Lanshan City. In addition to leaving the seeds for the second year and the farmland seeds with an estimated population of 1, the food left for the people in each village in Lanshan City should be able to support them. After a year or so.

(If it doesn’t work, I will first borrow food from the villages to supply the newcomers, and return it after the bean vines are harvested next year. It should be enough.)
At this time, the words of the quasi-priest came to Bai Nong's ears: "No, food has been hunted along the way, plus the hunting here when opening up wasteland, every village has Mayor Bai Nong in your calendar three or four months' stock."

"Eh?" Quite unexpectedly, he turned his head and looked at the village head in front of him, Bai Nong hoped to get confirmation from the other party.

The village chief has been following Bai Nong, and he can obviously hear the undisguised conversation between Bai Nong and the quasi-priest.

Seeing Bai Nong looking at him at this moment, he nodded knowingly and said: "Yes, Mr. Bai Nong, when we first came to our village a few days ago, we had a few rounds of hunting, and the food was enough for hundreds of days. Moreover, it is winter now , Food can also be stored for a long time without worrying about problems.”

"Then I can rest assured that I can start planting some vegetables in the spring of next year, and then plant a large area of ​​bean vines. In addition, I will mobilize a little grain from Lanshan City during the period, and it should be stable enough."

He breathed a sigh of relief, but Bai Nong knew that this kind of stability was a short-term effect brought about by destructive hunting.

I'm afraid that from now on, there will be no more prey in this area.

"Well, Mayor Bainong, what I want to say is actually about the arrangement of these three new cities and the remaining personnel."

"Oh, ah, please." Rubbing his face in embarrassment, Bai Nong turned his head to look at the fire protection circle and the internal trees here, and after confirming that it was correct, he ordered the ignition again.

Selectively ignoring Bai Nong's expression, the quasi-priest smiled and said: "It's like this, the management composition of the three cities is actually based on the template of Lanshan City, but in terms of the arrangement of mayors and administrators , Those village chiefs seem to have their own ideas."

Seeing that Bai Nong nodded thoughtfully, the quasi-priest said with a little expectation: "Gashan's order is that you and Master Konghuan are in charge of everything here, but now I can't find Master Konghuan, so, I I would like to ask you to arrange candidates for these three cities."

"Do those village chiefs all want to be mayors?" Bai Nong asked with a smile as he looked at the quasi-priest a little playfully.

After all, a city with a population of several hundred to nearly a thousand obviously looks much better than a tribe with less than a hundred people before.

Seeming to be aware of his little thoughts, the quasi-priest smiled unnaturally, then shook his head and said, "Not everyone, among them several village chiefs recommended the young chrysalis in their village. body."

"Oh, there are some people who have other opinions, ha ha."

Smiling and shaking his head at the quasi-priest, Bai Nong flew to the tip of the treetops and pointed to several small towns under construction in the distance (actually, they were enlarged villages).

"The first batch of mayors and administrators, you don't have to think about it for the time being."

Without waiting for the other party to respond, Bai Nong continued.

"The mayor will be dispatched by Gashan in the near future, who has the official priesthood rank and who has studied in the management school for a month to take over, and the administrators will be selected from Lanshan City. Experienced personnel take over."

Seeing that the quasi-priest was slightly disappointed, Bai Nong smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Do you think others can't see your thoughts, but don't worry."

Facing the quasi-priest who was somewhat embarrassed in his doubts, Bai Nong pointed in the direction of Mount Ga and said, "Your performance has been very good, so after the resettlement of these tribes is completed this year, you will first take office in Dengyun Mountain as an official Priest, and then go back to Gashan to enter the management school."

"After you come out, I'm afraid you will also be assigned to be the mayor of some place. Of course, I hope you can come here. After all, you already have some experience, don't you?"

Seeing the quasi-priest's expression of sudden realization, Bai Nong felt a little secretly, (We are also people who can educate the younger generation now, quack.)
"By the way, those candidates recommended by the village head, let them learn from you. If they perform well, you can take them with you when you return to Mount Ga. I will recommend them to manage the school and learn about administrators. .Of course, after graduation, it would be best if I can come back here with you."

At this moment, the quasi-priest was already smiling.

He is very clear that with the words of the mayor of Bainong who has a close relationship with Gashan, it is obvious that as long as there are no major problems, he will become the leader in charge of a city with a population of nearly a thousand in the next year, or the year after at the latest.

Because there is a shortage of management personnel, management schools obviously do not have a fixed requirement to study for three years.

At this moment, the quasi-priest felt that his body was full of energy.

"By the way, Mr. Bai Nong, since Mr. Unreal only planned three cities at the beginning, the rest of the people now need you to point out the specific location of the town before they can start planning the village. This is the second thing. "

Facing the quick change of tone of the quasi-priest, Bai Nong smiled helplessly.

Nowadays, people don’t know how to be hypocritical and cover up. If they like you, they are smiling faces; if they hate you, they are black faces;

Not so long ago it was just the 'mayor', now it's the 'adult'.

"However, it's better than hypocrisy."


"No, nothing."

"Actually, I already have an idea about the specific construction site. Look..."

As soon as the discussion turned to the main topic, the quasi-priest immediately recovered his capable look, bowed his head and discussed with Bai Nong facing the map.

It is precisely this that allows the quasi-priests to become the highest contributors to the rapid expansion of the ethnic group to the present level (Chu Xia's language).

Because these quasi-priests trained by Gashan, in addition to the necessary fighting power higher than that of the pupae, have two main abilities: learning and seriousness.

Combat power only allows them to ensure their own safety, and at the same time, when they encounter similar tribes, they can gain a leadership position as soon as possible.

Learning ability allows them to learn the content of "Gashan (N revision)" as soon as possible after they stabilize, so as to strengthen the survival and development of the tribe.

The seriousness with which they work enables them to complete their respective tasks better and faster, gain the respect of the members of their tribe, and further express their surrender to Gashan.

While the ethnic group is steadily advancing reforms, the dark blood in the south is leading its own ethnic group to strive for survival.

(End of this chapter)

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