Spore Story

Chapter 274 Hush, be quiet when exploring the road

Chapter 274 Hush, be quiet when exploring the road

PS: Number two is here, thank you Mango Hero for your tip. ~\(≧▽≦)/~
Under the gloomy moonlight, there are faint shadows in the woods, and it seems that something is passing by, but for the completely original natural environment, a few night owls seem to be nothing special.

Therefore, the miscellaneous soldiers of the Black Bone Ape patrol just looked at the woods where there was nothing unusual, and continued on their respective paths.

"Dark blood, the trees here are relatively tall, and the ground is full of dirt. If you are careful, even if many people pass by, they should not be noticed."

"Well, remember this location well, and pay attention to eliminating the traces of our movement. If we are discovered, all previous efforts will be wasted."


At this time, it was Darkblood who was leading a small team of shrewd quack apes to confirm the escape route under the nose of the black bone ape camp in the valley.

After the previous sneak attack and counterattack, the two sides fought three very tragic battles. The black bone ape side lost at least 200 people in the defense line, and the quack ape side also sacrificed 72 people.

Regarding this, everyone didn't say much, let alone complain about Dark Blood who led everyone to kill hundreds of Black Bone Apes with a sneak attack. Some people even suggested a few more sneak attacks, but Dark Blood rationally rejected it. Judging from the performance that night, it was obviously impossible for the opponent to make a second mistake.

However, today, after three consecutive battles with the retaliatory black-boned ape, the quack apes began to feel tired of fighting, and they all began to urge and ask the dark blood to organize everyone to escape as soon as possible.

But Dark Blood thought so too, no one wanted to stay in this place any longer.

But to everyone's surprise, the Black Bone Ape, who launched three consecutive retaliatory attacks without success, seemed to suddenly become a different person and completely calmed down.

For the next day, the quack apes were guarding nervously, but the black bone apes were all nestled in their big camp, blocking the entire valley without any intention of attacking.

This made Darkblood very uncomfortable.

"What do these guys want to do? Seeing that a strong attack is not enough, they plan to siege them?"

However, siege is also a way to deal with the canyon quack apes.

Even without considering the food stock that can only support six or seven days, even with the small amount of food brought back by the pupated body flying out of the canyon, this silent sense of oppression would be unbearable for everyone.

Because everyone didn't know if the black bone ape would come to sneak attack when he was happy today, so the dark blood could only arrange a rest.

Therefore, under the constant urging of several captains, and the fact that I didn't want to go on like this anymore.

Taking advantage of the darkness tonight, Dark Blood led a small team of Quack Apes out to confirm the escape route after instructing everyone to guard the line of defense.

And everyone was never worried that Dark Blood would leave everyone behind and run away, because if she wanted to leave, the Black Bone Apes couldn't stop her at all.

As for why the pupation body is not used in this team, it is mainly for concealment, because the pupation body's wings are too conspicuous.

In this kind of covert action, for the black-boned apes who are very familiar with the flying ability of their own pupae bodies, there are at least dozens of pairs of eyes watching the sky at all times. The owner will riot, and even in the woods, the wings of the pupation body will be seen if you don't pay attention.

At first, Dark Blood naively thought about it, and flew out with Quack Ape on its back.

But the pupae were obviously not comparable to the dark blood in terms of strength. Once they carried the quack ape, the height they could fly would not be able to escape the attack from the totem captains below.

Therefore, under the reminders of several captains who had tried and suffered disastrous failures, Dark Blood promptly dispelled the idea of ​​'escape from heaven'.

As for letting her take them out one by one, everyone will probably starve to death by then.

But the sky is not good. If there are armored beasts in the ground, it is actually the best choice, but the problem is that there is not even a single armored beast on the surface now.

Therefore, in the end, they could only escape from the surface.

The terrain of the canyon is strange, and I don’t know what the ancestors who chose to build their nests here thought. The entire canyon cliff group feels like a standard desperation that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but it is absolutely impossible to escape.

From east to west, north to south, there is only such a valley path in the west, and the other sides are cliffs.

The chrysalis might still be able to fly out, but with Quack Ape... a cup.

The overall feeling is a cup.

At this moment, the dark blood's resentment towards the ancestors could already bring them back to life and die again.

And now the black-boned apes are guarding the only passage valley. If they want to escape, they can only explore the way under the eyes of the other party. Remember that they can't attack them, and they can't be discovered by them. The danger can be imagined.

"Meow, when we bring the team back in the future, I will let you miscellaneous soldiers guarding the valley passage experience this feeling for yourself, Sinai!" Speaking of cruel words, it is not dangerous anyway, and the dark blood just uses this to ease your restlessness.

In fact, there was a possible escape route.

That is, the bottom of the canyon.

If there are 30 days, even if he really doesn't want to go to the bottom of the valley, Dark Blood will definitely send people to the bottom of the valley to find a possible passage.

Of course, these people must have courage (before they can move), spirit (before they can explore the way), and principles (before they go out and come back).

However, there was no time for this now, so Dark Blood and the others could only walk carefully through the woods with their waists bent, trying to confirm the hidden path as much as possible.

"It would be great if I ordered some people to go to the bottom of the valley to find the way when I came here."

But this is just talk, (there is no such thing as regret!)
At this time, the light footsteps of the quack ape, who was exploring the way ahead, suddenly stopped, and the dark blood immediately lowered his body, using mental power to make all the people around him still.

After confirming that the captain of the totem can use the induction spirit power through the totem stick, her mental power scan rarely uses it in covert operations, and instead notifies the other party of her whereabouts.

Therefore, the current use of dark blood's mental power is biased towards internal communication and other functions when concealment is needed.

The voice of the black bone ape came from far and near in front. The quack apes of the pathfinding team all tensed their muscles, while the dark blood kept calming everyone with mental power, so as not to be in this situation. Get out of control and expose yourself.

Now everyone is exploring the way, it is easy to kill the black bone ape in front, even if it is hidden, it is easy to kill, but this will still reveal their own intentions.

Because this is already the edge of the valley, as long as they rush out from the valley passage tens of meters wide and hundreds of meters long in front, the quack apes can fly far away.

But if it is discovered at this time, as long as the enemy becomes alert and deploys dozens of people at the entrance of the passage from now on, if the Quack Ape wants to rush out again, I am afraid that it will encounter the same tragedy as the Black Bone Ape's attack on its own defense line before. up.

The sound moved from far to near, and the dark blood could already clearly feel the magnetic field reaction on the body of the black bone ape, which was different from that of the quack ape, and he could even hear their breathing.

(Fortunately, the black bone ape is not an electric creature, otherwise it would be miserable.)
The two black-boned apes looked like swimming whistles, and after a while, they passed by the dark blood and quack apes.

They didn't realize at all that just now, they passed by the enemy.


Gently breathed a sigh of relief, and after Dark Blood carefully sensed with the magnetic sense to confirm that the enemy had gone far, she ordered everyone to move on.

The valley passage is the only way for the quack apes to go out of the valley, but because there is a big camp that almost blocks the entire valley, there are not many people here for the black bone apes.

Especially after several battles a few days ago, the strength of the Black Bone Ape was greatly reduced.

As a result, there are even fewer patrols here for the black bone ape that has shrunk its troops. The two miscellaneous soldiers who just passed by may be guarding the valley passage that is only more than [-] meters wide. It might even be staffed.

Lightly, lightly...

Feng Ren, who was walking at the front of the team, carefully pushed aside the weeds in front of him, trying not to make a sound.

Looking at the valley passage in front of him, he felt a little excited in his heart.

After fighting in the canyon for so long, watching his companions die one by one almost every day, he felt that he might not be able to bear it anymore.

At this time, looking at this valley passage, it has almost become the life passage in the hearts of the canyon quack apes, and it is so close to them now.

(I really want to rush out now.)
But he can't, this team is Pathfinder.

It is a team that explores the way for all the companions who are still alive in the canyon. They are destined to come back even if they go out now. For the friends and children in the canyon, he keeps telling himself in his heart that he cannot escape alone.

Gritting his teeth, he looked up at the surrounding situation, thinking to himself, "There are no enemies here."

Then, he stepped out of the woods carefully, and there were rock piles outside, where only large rocks could hide, so he needed to be more careful.

Dozens of days ago, the first battle broke out between our side and the black-boned apes here.

The chaotic rock group has become an excellent scene for the weak defender.

Without those totem captains, with the terrain and the long-range attacks of the pupae, the quack apes could have defended this place.

But it was gone, looking at some dark blue or dark red blood spots left in the rock, Feng Ren took a slight breath, and then moved on.

In the past, this place was full of corpses of enemies and allies, but now, this place will become the life channel of all the canyon quack apes.


A voice suddenly came out of his mind, Feng Ren was startled, and immediately stopped.

But soon, he remembered that this was not a forest, and if he didn't find a large rock to hide from, this kind of stillness would only make him the clearest target for the patrol.

So, he turned around and rushed behind a big rock in front of him.

The very slight sound did not attract the attention of the two black bone apes, and even the dark blood thought it was just a hallucination.

After waiting for a while, Dark Blood saw the two black bone apes walking past, and she spat dissatisfiedly.

"It seems that there are a lot of guards here. Damn it, from the beginning of approaching here to now, we have encountered four waves, and they are all different black bone apes. What are these guys guarding here? I remember coming in before At that time, there were only two patrol soldiers here?"

Before he had time to think about it, after confirming that there was no black bone ape approaching for the time being, Dark Blood ordered the troops to move on.

But at this moment, she suddenly discovered that there was one person missing from the spiritual power connection.

"Damn it, who disconnected the spiritual connection! Sign up each!"

"Nagato", "Suzumiya", "Asakura", "Tsuruya", "Three Noes", "Tuan Zhang", "Bingjiao", "Qiangqi"

"anything else?"

"Report, no more."


Dark Blood suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. There were only nine people out this time, ten people including himself.

What happened to Fengren, why didn't he even have any sense?

"Everyone is on alert, retreat into the woods and wait, I'll go ahead and have a look, Feng Ren is the first in line!"


Gathering his mind, Dark Blood knew that most of the scary things were actually caused by people scaring themselves. Therefore, Dark Blood kept telling himself, don't worry, don't think about it.

After all the members of the Pathfinder quieted down, Dark Blood checked her surroundings again to confirm that no black bone ape was approaching, and there would not be any hidden totem captains ambush in their spiritual power, so she was careful. He clenched his wings tightly and walked forward step by step.

(the smell of blood!)
He sniffed the air with his small nose, and there was a faint smell of blood coming from the surroundings. Dark Blood screamed in his heart that something was wrong. Feng Ren was probably in danger, and he didn't even make a sound when he died. What is this enemy? ?
After hesitating for a moment, Dark Blood saw a big rock in front of him. During the latest scan, Feng Ren seemed to be near this big rock. When he was told to hide, he should have been hiding behind the rock.

Stepping on the ground carefully, Dark Blood controlled the strength step by step without making a sound, which was not difficult for her with a refined body.

Finally, she came to the back of the rock, where the smell of blood came out.

"This is……"

At this time, Dark Blood suddenly felt a little sour in his nose.

There is no imaginary strong enemy, no imaginary ambush, what is there is just a simple and crude trap, and Feng Ren who has died in the trap.

Judging from the scene, the other party should have been in a hurry to hide, and fell into this kind of vulgar trap that as long as you pay attention, there will be no problems.

And judging from the depth of this trap, if it was an ordinary person, on the way of falling, he would definitely be unable to restrain his fear and shout for help.

If Feng Ren had done this at that time, it would have definitely caused everyone to be discovered by those patrolling black-boned apes in the valley passage where the manpower was inexplicably increased, and then everyone's intention to explore the way would be exposed.

However, Feng Ren, who had been pierced by the wooden thorns under the trap at this time, had a painful expression on his frozen face, but from the beginning to the end, An Xue and others did not hear the other party's voice.

No, not without it.

At this time, Dark Blood thought of the hallucinatory "poof" before, it must be the sound of wooden thorns piercing the flesh when it landed.

"Attention everyone, there is a trap in the valley passage, Feng Ren has been killed."

Resisting the sadness in his heart, Dark Blood, who was expressionless even if a large number of quack apes died in the battle, suddenly felt weighed down.

At this time, she suddenly realized that this bloody smell must be removed as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if Fengren who was attacked by a trap is found, the pathfinding that everyone needs to keep secret will still be exposed.

After carefully confirming the situation of the trap, Dark Blood discovered that it was a trap that had been built for a while.

There is a bit of the shape of the trap on the defense line of the canyon, but it can be seen from the technique that it was not made by Quack Ape.

If it's not Quack Ape, then it's Black Bone Ape.

(They actually learned our traps, although they are still very rough, they already have a trace of trap effect, these black bone apes!)
Looking at Feng Ren in the trap, Dark Blood blinked her eyes, carefully dragged the opponent's body out of the wooden spikes, and then put it in a corner of the trap. Finally, she softly began to pile soil into it.

At this time, if you take Feng Ren's body back, you will only leave bloody traces along the way for the enemy to track. Therefore, Feng Ren's best affiliation is to use this pit as a grave.

Judging from the newness and oldness of this trap, the black bone ape probably has no idea of ​​maintaining the trap. It was built here and has not been moved again. This will prevent the dark blood's actions from being discovered in the short term. Days will do.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take everyone out."

Finally, he closed Feng Ren's eyes carefully, and Dark Blood covered the opponent's head with mud, so that it seemed that the mud falling from the edge of the trap covered one corner.

It can only be done to this extent now, otherwise, after a long time, the sound of her piling up dirt will also reveal her own situation.

Hastily compacted the soil a little, and the dark blood quickly retreated to the woods.

After a while, two more black-boned ape miscellaneous soldiers passed by.

There seemed to be a faint smell of blood in the air, and one of the black-skeleton apes stopped vigilantly, sniffing his nose, with a puzzled expression on his face.

This made Anxue and the others tense up.

The black-boned ape soldier next to him asked a few words, and the vigilant soldier replied, and then, the vigilant soldier seemed to have the idea of ​​going over to have a look.

Seeing this situation, An Xue felt that he was about to collapse. If Feng Ren's sacrifice was meaningless, what should he do?If it is exposed, none of the black-boned apes here will be left. Anyway, the intention of fleeing will definitely be known in that way, and they will simply smash the cans and smash them.

At this time, another miscellaneous soldier seemed to remember something, suddenly pointed to the surroundings, and said something to the vigilant miscellaneous soldier.

And this vigilant miscellaneous soldier suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment, and seemed to be very dissatisfied and kicked the blood-stained rock beside him. In the end, he didn't go over to check, but turned around with his companions and continued walking, and left after a while here.

"Huh." Everyone carefully let out a sigh of relief.

"Let's go, the defense of the passage has been confirmed, now only the situation around the valley passage remains."

After finishing speaking, Dark Blood took the lead and walked in front, carefully instructing the quack apes behind to deal with the traces of walking, and then continued to detect the surroundings, and gradually left here.


Not long after Dark Blood and the others left, the valley passage ushered in new guests, three totem captains and more than twenty guards.

The powerful eyesight of the patrolling black-boned ape immediately spotted what was coming without any concealment, and they immediately went into a commotion, and then went to meet the three totem captains.

But before they arrived, two of the totem captains led all the guards, completely ignoring the black-boned ape soldiers who came, and quickly walked out of the valley through the passage.

The remaining totem captain stood on a large rock in the passage, looking at the two colleagues who left with a complicated expression on his face.

Then, he turned his head to look at the black bone ape who had arrived, snorted coldly, and walked over.

And not far below the rock where he was before, was the trap where Feng Ren was buried. Sure enough, as Dark Blood had expected, these traps that had been built did not receive the attention of the black bone apes at all.

Perhaps, they thought that the trap was built there, waiting for the enemy to enter.

Well, it’s obviously 1w words in the same day, why do you feel that two shifts are so much more painful than three shifts?Strange [head tilted]

(End of this chapter)

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