Spore Story

Chapter 275

Chapter 275

"Organize the manpower immediately, we are ready to leave, everyone!"

Going back to Darkblood in the canyon, looking at the quack apes who looked full of anticipation, they faded away their tense and heavy faces, put on a smiling expression, nodded, and said what they most wanted to hear.


Cheers came and went, but even so, everyone's voices were still suppressed, because the dark blood had informed everyone early that they must keep quiet and not attract the attention of the black bone ape.

"Attention everyone, the flying brigade, the guard squad and other pupae that can fly, please stay here first, after I take the quack apes away, I will come back and take everyone to fly out together!"

Looking at the crowd of pupae, Dark Blood smiled at them respectfully, and then continued: "Before this time, please continue to guard the defense line."

"Is it okay to make the enemy think that we are still there?"

"no problem!"

All the pupae did not have any objection to this. At this moment, they looked at Dark Blood and the excited Quacking Apes with smiles on their faces.

In fact, if it weren't for the sense of responsibility and the long-standing belief of the Canyon Quack Apes, they could have left from anywhere in the sky.

For the black-boned apes who cannot fly, at most they can only rely on the spiritual attack of the totem captain and their own strong arms to fight against the pupation within a range of [-] meters. The avatars had no choice.

And out of love for the same race as the canyon quack apes, most of the pupae did not choose to leave. Even if a few had the idea of ​​escaping, they would be afraid of the outside world due to worries about the outside world and being alone. forward.

The quack ape species, thanks to Kong Huan's long-term efforts, has become an almost absolute group species.

Without the same kind, companions, and teammates, their combat effectiveness will drop by at least half, and it will be difficult to survive in the outside world for a long time.

And the canyon quack apes are a model of this.

Because they have been fighting against the black bone ape for a long time since childhood, they almost instinctively recognized the importance of unity, and passed it down from generation to generation.

Therefore, even though they were forced to separate from here, the quack apes living in the outside world still gathered together instead of spreading everywhere.

Looking at the determined eyes of these pupae, Dark Blood smiled in relief.

Then, she turned her head to look at the fourth brigade, but her expression gradually sank.

This brigade is the brigade with the smallest casualties from the beginning to now, the number of casualties: 0.

Because the members of this brigade are basically children without combat effectiveness and the mothers who manage them.

After hesitating for a moment, Dark Blood hesitated a bit when he saw the children who were hugged by their mothers and making slight snoring or crying sounds from time to time.

If these children were brought with them under the urgent need for concealment, their whereabouts would almost certainly be exposed.

But how is it possible to give up on these little guys?They are the hope of the future.

Moreover, it is so cute.

Smiling, he looked at the little guy who was hugged by his mother in front of him, staring at a pair of curious eyes, looking at the little guy in dark blood. Dark blood squatted down slowly, and then reached out and touched the other person's head.

At this moment, all the quack apes fell silent.

They are no longer the rigid quack apes of the previous third-level brains. With the support of flexible thoughts, they seem to have realized something.

Especially after hearing the quack apes who were going to explore the way, emphatically explaining the importance of concealment, seeing the dark blood who was stroking the child intently at this moment, everyone became hesitant.

Bringing a child = almost uncontrollable voices = exposure of everyone = fighting the absolutely superior black bone ape in a place without any terrain advantages = all wiped out
No children = hide from the patrol of the black bone ape = escape from the sky = abandon the most important things

The two equations flowed in everyone's hearts, like a flipping scale.

At this moment, a group of quack apes and pupae were all looking at Dark Blood's figure smaller than ordinary pupae with complicated expressions.

What choice should I make at this time?How should I face Dark Blood's choice at this time?

At this moment, Anxue rubbed the little guy's head for the last time, and when he looked up, he saw the pleading mother, and his heart skipped a beat.

Nodding his head, in the expectant eyes of the mother, Dark Blood looked around and spoke.

"Leave the baby."

—————— Red and white dividing line, tea~~——————

"Leave the children!"

This sentence hit everyone's hearts heavily. They looked carefully at the quack apes around them. Some of them showed expressions of relief, but most of them were heavy. Some even looked at the dark blood with eyes that were already Not as trusting as before.

stay, stay...

Although the group of quack apes became empty in their hearts, none of them stood up and said a few words.

Just when the face was full of calm dark blood, and his heart was already beginning to feel disappointed, finally a quack ape stood up.

"I don't agree. With these children, we can cover their mouths at the worst. It should be possible..."

The quack ape who said this seemed relieved, paused for a while, and then yelled at the dark blood: "Even if it is very dangerous, we can't leave them here alone!"

"...haha." To everyone's surprise, Dark Blood actually laughed.

(Do you really think we are going to give up these little guys? Are you willing or not, a group of nine, huh!)
Smiling as if she had succeeded in a prank, revealing a small canine tooth, Anxue lowered her head to the mother whose expression seemed to have become somewhat desperate, showing a reassured expression.

Seeing the movement of the other party tightly holding onto the child, Dark Blood realized whether he had overdone it just now, but now it's all right.

"Don't worry, I didn't say that I would leave the children here and leave them alone. What are you thinking? Do you think I will leave the children to the black-skeleton ape, just like the black-skeleton ape left them when he escaped?" Is it a child?"

Dark Blood's cute and sly questioning tone spread to everyone's ears, causing a group of pupae who had looked at Dark Blood and started to distrust them, and suddenly felt powerless with nowhere to vent their anger.

The quack apes showed doubts on their faces, with a hint of relief and expectation in them.

Anyway, Dark Blood brought everyone here.

Although she hasn't left yet, she personally brought more than 300 quack apes here and blocked more than 1000 black bone apes.He even killed nearly 100 black bone apes with more than [-] casualties.

This ratio has already satisfied the quack apes with clear memories.

As a result, Dark Blood's image was much higher than before. Although she hadn't revealed the specific method, but out of trust, everyone subconsciously believed that Dark Blood would not lie to everyone.

But at this time, Dark Blood somehow remembered 8051.

The other party seems to be playing with himself in the same way in the editing space, but he still makes himself feel trustworthy.

(Sooner or later, I have to go back to the editing space to play with 8051 once, ga.)
Thinking of this, seeing some quack apes getting impatient, Dark Blood smiled and said.

"Although the chrysalis cannot take away adult or even juvenile quack apes..."

Hearing this, the pupae all blushed.

Indeed, a dark blood who is obviously one size smaller than everyone else, who everyone saw with their own eyes has just pupated, can carry an adult quack ape to fly at an altitude of several hundred meters.

But these big brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts (please ignore the uncles and grandmothers), even carrying a young quack ape, can only hop below a hundred meters, and have to stop from time to time to rest.

This incident really made everyone feel ashamed, and while training hard until now, they can only comfort themselves with things like 'you deserve to be dark blood'.

"However, children can."

This sentence caught everyone's eyes.

Yes, although adults and teenagers cannot be taken away, children are only heavy, and they are only about a smaller stone in weight. Flying out of the valley at a height of several hundred meters on the back or holding them is a big man, cute big tits (Properly =.=).

Seeing everyone's reaction, Anxue smiled slightly, nodded and said to the mother who had regained hope next to her.

"Also, even if the pupal body feels that carrying a child is still a bit heavy..."

"If it's a big deal, just add it up to your body. At most, it's no more than a child's leather jacket..."

"Just take it off!"


Looking around at the embarrassed-looking male pupae, and the female pupae covering her clothes, Dark Blood made a face (totem face? black bone ape totem face?) at everyone.

Some things are not easy to change once you get used to them, like clothes. The dark blood who restored the previous memory knew that Quack Ape was still naked before, and it was fine, but now it is miserable to let these guys be naked.

"Anyway, we didn't wear clothes before, so we came here like this. Are big men still afraid of being looked at? As for the sisters, there is nothing to worry about. There is no loss if you look at it. At most, you can beat up those who dare to look afterwards. .”

After finishing speaking, Dark Blood waved his powerful fist.

The whirring sound of piercing through the air made a group of males tell themselves rationally that they would not look at the dark blood's body if they were killed.

Of course, everyone knew that this was just a joke from Darkblood.

Even with clothes on, there are still more than 60 pupae bodies left, which is enough to leave here with the children who can't fully control themselves now.

After the female pupae figured it out, they boldly shook their bodies at the males beside them. If anyone was embarrassed to look away, they would get a lot of laughter.

With such a big ups and downs, everyone's tension was smoothly reduced.

(In this way, everyone can face the upcoming concealed evacuation with a stable mind.) Dark blood thought so.

So, after selecting the children to be kept from the fourth brigade, Dark Blood turned his attention to the quack apes in front of him.

Several days of fighting had severely attenuated the combat-capable quack apes. Right now, there were only a hundred teenagers and adults in total.

In order to facilitate management, they were reorganized by Darkblood into the first brigade, which consisted of three squadrons and eleven squadrons.

There will be no objection to this.

In fact, through this period of fighting, Dark Blood discovered that in large-scale battles, if the commander is a soul-level or mid-to-high-level priest like himself.

Well, the formation of the squadron is actually no longer applicable, because they can easily cross the squadron level and command to the squadron level.

When the details are controlled, you can even command individual soldiers on the front line. Of course, there are not many such times.

Therefore, the formation of the squadron is more like it is used for fixed defenses, such as night rotations, and it feels a bit tasteless.

But now is not the time to change the system, it is not a matter of rights, but a matter of habit.

Therefore, after confirming the number of people and captains of each establishment, Dark Blood ordered everyone to familiarize themselves with their subordinates and colleagues, and then turned around to let the pupation bodies cook most of the remaining food stored, leaving only the pupation bodies. Food for the body and children these days.

Then, after everyone enjoyed a full meal with high spirits, the sky gradually darkened.

It was another ordinary night.

But for the canyon quack apes, this is a new beginning.

Whether it is voluntary or forced, the canyon quack apes who firmly believe in "solidarity and mutual assistance" will completely walk out of this canyon that has bound them generation after generation tonight, and run to a broader sky.

—————— Scene transformation without morals, meow~~——————

Standing on the edge of the temple, Chu Jie completely ignored the people around her, and just grabbed the hand of her cute little maid, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Die Wu, you must come back quickly."

But the high priest Diewu didn't seem to understand the situation, and was moved to tears by Chu Jie's enthusiasm, as if he thought that his long-term efforts had finally paid off.

Then, she gently pulled the little hand bug Chu Jie out of her hand, and nodded heavily at Chu Jie.

"Don't worry, God, yesterday, the day before yesterday, the day before yesterday... I have sorted out all the wishes that you have not moved yet that you need to fulfill. Although I was forced to go out this time, I am not angry at all. "

Every time Die Wu talked, the tears in Chu Jie's eyes became more hot.

"By the way." Seemingly remembering something, Die Wu showed a cute smile: "This time God actually recommended me to find Lord Third Konghuan, so that I can rest by the way."

"These are gifts from God and I 'absolutely' will be grateful for them, so I'll 'definitely' take a 'period' and come back."

"As for those who have hundreds of prayer wishes every day, that," Die Wu said softly, pointing her fingers uneasily: "Because I have been doing it all the time, and Die Yu and the others don't know much about it." , so I will trouble you, God.”

"I can finally take a good rest this time. I will definitely live up to God's gift. Don't worry."

Hearing this, Chu Jie burst into tears.

"However, Die Wu, it would be better for you to come back sooner. As a god, we cannot do without you."

"Ah La," Die Wu seemed shy when she heard this.

She covered her cheeks with both hands, shyly moved her eyes away from Chu Jie, then turned her back to Chu Jie and said, "God, you're so enthusiastic, I'm really sorry."

"However, it's not good for you to be arrogant and arrogant, so, follow your true will, and I will 'definitely' rest well."

"Definitely" was bitten by Die Wu and said.

After finishing speaking, Die Wu smiled and took a few stunned priests and flew to the south.

Only a trace of Chu Jie's mournful cry remained behind.

"Lingxue, I want to go back on my word!"

"Repentance is invalid."

Nodding her head very seriously, Lingxue looked at Chu Jie who seemed to be deeply shocked, turned around and walked towards the inside of Mount Ga with the teacher Chu Xia, who had a long-lasting smile on her face.

Then, her serious expression gradually melted, and finally turned into a big laugh when she walked hundreds of meters, even Chu Xia couldn't help trembling.

"The two god servants are really..."

"Isn't this great? Chu Jie is bound by the affairs of the temple, so she shouldn't have the leisure to teleport around Mount Ga, which makes people nervous." Lingxue didn't have any sympathy for Chu Jie, even with I can't stop being grateful.

But at this time, Chu Xia, who had always been very tempered, nodded her head without showing any sympathy for Chu Jie.

Because she is one of the most harassed by Chu Jie, and because the Thunder Wings are usually kept in Chu Xia's body, except for practicing in the sky, she usually only stretches them occasionally in her residence.

This caused Chu Jie, who was very curious, to often teleport behind Chu Xia, making Chu Xia have to look behind her every time she stretched her wings, which made Chu Jie very happy.

Shaking her head, Chu Xia smiled and glanced at the direction High Priest Die Wu was leaving, and then at Chu Jie in OTZ.

"Actually, I still envy Chu Jie for having such a little maid."

"Huh?" Looking at Chu Xia in a little surprise, Lingxue thought for a while and nodded unconsciously.

However, she quickly shook her head again, and then said with a smile to Chu Xia: "Actually, aren't we also friends? Besides, it's not difficult to really want such a little maid."

"Oh, talk about it."

"Look, we are actually immortal, as long as we don't get killed?"

Seeing Chu Xia nod her head, Lingxue smiled and pointed to those children in Gashan who were running around because of get out of class: "If you want, find a child and train them from an early age."

"Um, this one, cultivated as a loli?" Chu Xia was wiping away her sweat...

"Well, you've been affected too much by 8051." Lingxue was also wiping away her sweat...

Not far away, Chu Jie, who seemed to be planning to continue OTZ, was gently patted by the cautious Priest Die Yu beside him.

"is there anything?"

Although Chu Jie's attitude towards the other priests was also very good, it was obviously lower than Die Wu's.

Seemingly taken aback, the Dieyu girl who looked like a 100% soft girl stepped back a few steps.

While expressing her admiration for High Priest Diewu in front of such a god without changing his face, the little girl also organized her words in her heart before speaking in a gentle accent.

"Well, God, High Priest Diewu said, there are probably hundreds of prayer wishes today, please go back and deal with them as soon as possible."

Chu Jie, who had just heard the word 'diewu' came to her senses, immediately lied on the ground weakly when she heard the words behind her.

"Empty fantasy, why don't you let Die Wu be the god of life? We said so dizzily after seeing so many prayers."

(Han Huan: We haven't merged yet, ga.)
PS: Please explain why when criticizing people in the book review area, thank you =w=
Otherwise, we would rather leave the book review section blank.

Anyway, as long as there is one who supports us, we will continue to write.

(End of this chapter)

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