Spore Story

Chapter 276 The New Tribe of Quasi-Priests

Chapter 276 The New Tribe of Quasi-Priests

PS: The second watch =w=
Thank you for the support of the monthly ticket of the light and dark soul, who is in a bad mood~\(≧▽≦)/~
"Gashan, I am in a place of God! God, please show us the way!"

A sound like howling a wolf echoed in the dark and lightless space...

Chu Hao is an excellent graduate of the No. 13 period of the Gashan Associate Priest School. Although the main reason for being able to get excellent is that he is originally from Gashan, but his strength is not mixed.

When he left Gashan, he was already in the middle stage of the ghost class.

In terms of knowledge base, the children of Gashan are higher than those of the five major tribes; those of the five major tribes are higher than those of the peripheral tribes. This is almost the consensus among members of the current ethnic groups. (Of course, after the school reform, this situation will change, but this has nothing to do with Chu Hao.)
But in the quasi-priest school, with his excellent knowledge base and the good habits he had cultivated since he was a child, the most important thing was that he was oppressed by a group of familiar elder brothers and sisters and teachers, even if he wanted to be lazy, he had no chance.

So, after a year of study, Chu Hao graduated with honors from the school for priests.

According to the general process, he can directly enter the priest school and learn to become an official priest, instead of being a quasi-priest running around.

But the so-called stories and dreams are the culprits who make people make irrational decisions!

Ever since he was a child, he has heard stories one after another of discovering the same kind, and then being promoted to a full-fledged priest or leader amidst the envy of everyone, and then through hard work to become a high priest, a patron saint or something.

This made Chu Hao, like other friends, longing for the outside world all day long, longing for the day when he can find his lost kind, and then let them return to the embrace of the ethnic group.

Therefore, he refused to enter the school of priests. After the tenth period of independent action training, which lasted for more than 100 days, he finally, with the blessings of his relatives and friends, promised that he would not come if he did not find the big tribe. '' wish, Xing hastily embarked on the road of quasi-priests.

However, everyone knows how obvious the gap between dreams and reality is.

It has been two or three years since he came out, and Chu Hao headed south all the way according to Ga Shan's assignment.

But he searched every corner of the road from Mount Ga to the present, and carefully questioned those tribe members gathered by his predecessors, but until now, he has not found any one who is not under the control of the tribe similar.

"These seniors are really hardworking."

During this period, Chu Hao encountered beast tides, watched volcanoes, visited waterfalls, experienced earthquakes, and even saw epic creatures from afar. We will not repeat the dangers and tribulations encountered on the way here.

Then, the picture returns to a dark cave passage.

After venting violently, Chu Hao, whose ears were ringing from his own voice, withdrew his mental power depressedly, sat down slowly, and prepared to practice meditation to recover his mental power.

Time passed slowly like this.

"It takes a long time to meet someone, even a dead soul is good!"

In my memory, the last time I contacted Gashan, and also the last time I saw the same kind, was already half a year ago.

After leaving that tribe, the south seems to have suddenly become another world, without the same kind, these places are full of countless dangerous animals.

"I want to go back."

After two or three years of continuous blows, Chu Hao felt that he had become numb.

The first thing I do when I wake up every day is to make sure that the temporary accommodation I am looking for is okay, and that I am not being snatched away by dangerous animals in my sleep;
The second thing I did was to scan the surroundings with mental power to see if there were any similar ones that suddenly appeared;

The third thing is to make breakfast...

Up to now, what he feels for the hard work of those seniors is no longer admiration, but a trace of complaint.

"No, I swore at the beginning and said 'I will never go unless I find a big tribe', how can I go back in such a disheveled manner now, I will definitely be looked down upon, and then no girl likes me, ah, that's terrible It will be miserable!"

Feeling weak for a while, Chu Hao could only stop meditating, because when his mood is unstable, meditation is useless at all.

"Forget it, let's continue to find the way."

The place where he is now is a cave, or crack, that he found a few days ago when he woke up to do the fourth thing 'rushing'.

At that time, out of curiosity and the desire not to miss any place, Chu Hao got in without hesitation.

There was still some light inside at first, but as we walked, the space became pitch black.

Although the size of the passage is large enough to act as a pupa, for him who is used to flying, he would feel panicked without flying wings for most of the day.

However, when he wanted to go out, he found tragically that he was lost.

Fortunately, both Gashan's lessons and his own experience calmed him down quickly.

Then, he maintained the state of spreading his mental power all the time until he found a good habit of resting in a safe place.

But I don't know how many days have passed, even the torches have been used up, but there is still darkness in front of my eyes.

"Hey, is this God's trial for me?"

"Didn't it mean that all hardships come with rewards? It must be that after going out, there will be a huge tribe waiting for me to incorporate, quack."

So, he regained his motivation once again.

However, the dark movement in the past few days has brought him a lot of benefits, such as mental strength and consciousness, he can obviously feel that it has risen a lot.

This is also the reason why he has the confidence to incorporate a super large tribe. Now he is at least in the mid-to-high stage of the ghost level, and his strength is already considered a master among the official priests.

"If you can't find it this time, just find a place to cultivate to the soul level, and then go back."

At this time, he suddenly felt a breath of air ahead.

It's not that there was no air flow in the cave before, but compared with this wind, the subtle air flow can't be noticed if you don't pay attention.

"Could it be, exit!"

Excitedly, he took a few steps forward, and a long-lost light appeared at several corners, and Chu Hao subconsciously closed his eyes.

The obviously faint light made him feel stinging at this moment.

If you stay in a dark area for a long time and suddenly see light, you should close your eyes and get used to it for a while before opening them. Of course, the premise is that there is no danger there.

The content of Gashan's course came to mind, and Chu Hao closed his eyes excitedly, but instead of waiting in place, he let go of his mental power and moved forward step by step carefully.

At this time, he found that the front suddenly became open.

Feeling that he had adapted to the light, he immediately opened his eyes, and from the corner of his eyes, he saw a figure suddenly flashing in front of him.

"Pupus! Hahahaha, definitely a pupa! I succeeded!"

Although the figure felt blurry, Chu Hao explained the reason by saying that he had just recovered his eyesight, and he couldn't help but feel a burst of excitement when his long-standing dream was finally coming true.

"Ah! That's right."

"Don't run! We are the same kind!"

Chu Hao, who suddenly reacted, couldn't care less about continuing to be excited, and rushed to catch up with the corner a few times, just in time to see the figure who had just escaped from the next corner.

At this moment, that Miaoman's hazy figure has been deeply engraved in his mind.

"Wait! I don't mean anything... Oh, by the way, these people probably don't understand the language, as they said in Gashan's class."

While chasing and thinking, Chu Hao, who finally found what he needed from a pile of memories, immediately roared forward.

quack!quack!quack! ...

(Course for quasi-priests of Gashan: when you meet someone who can’t speak a language, you can try to use the sound of ‘嘎嘎’, which is used to communicate with us who don’t know a language =.=)

Finally, Chu Hao followed that figure and turned a corner again.

Then, he slammed into a wall hard.

"Pain! Hey! Dead end!"

"How is it possible..." Chu Hao's face turned pale in an instant.

"Could it be..."

"Everything just now..."

"It's just an illusion created by the hope I've been squeezing for a long time."

Sitting down on the ground, completely ignoring the tail that was pressed underneath, Chu Hao suddenly felt very tired at this moment.

In the past few years, he has been running south and south, eating and sleeping, especially in the past six months without seeing even one of his kind.

Are these efforts in exchange for nothing more than an illusion in the end?

At this moment, Chu Hao felt powerless for a while.

He leaned against the wall that seemed to represent despair on this side, and looked up at the sky that brought a ray of light.

A gigantic crack seemed to split the mountain wall in front of him, carrying an incomparable majesty of heaven and earth, shocking anyone who saw it for the first time.

But this kind of scene could no longer attract Chu Hao's attention more than a year ago.

Gradually, he felt some moisture in the corners of his eyes.

Scenes from the past echoed in front of my eyes.

The play among children, the play and study of boys and girls, the jealous or envious eyes of quack ape friends when they pupate, the high spirits when they entered the quasi-priest school for their dreams, the high spirits when they left school, and the first-time quasi-priests in the tribe The pretending to be calm during the friendly conversation, the laziness and coping that gradually lost motivation, and then just working to go back...

"You... how about you? Are you okay?"

(Another hallucination.)
Feeling helpless at the sound coming out of his mind, Chu Hao shook his head, even invoked a few strands of electric current to wake himself up, then looked up at the ray of sky above his head, and sat back down again.

(Forget it, there should be no danger here, let's continue to sleep for a while.)
"Hey, I'm asking you something! Boy!"

The sudden roar echoed in his mind, making Chu Hao unable to sleep at all.

So, he was angry.

"What the hell! It's just a hallucination, what is the arrogance? Hundan! I have been searching for several years and can't find the same kind, so I can't even sleep now!"

The roar echoed in the small space, and the 'illusion' in my mind seemed to be frightened and completely quieted down.

Feeling bored, Chu Hao kicked the corner of the wall and sat down again.

But just as he was about to fall asleep, the voice came again.

"Looked for a few years? No way! You turn around the corner on the right, then go straight, then turn left to have a look."

There seemed to be a hint of ridicule and sarcasm in the voice, and it seemed that he was very dissatisfied with Chu Hao's roar just now.

Shaking his head and sitting up from the ground, Chu Hao, who felt much better after venting just now, turned his head and looked in that direction. As for the fantasy in his head...

"Forget it, let's just be God's guidance. Anyway, there is nothing to do now. Let's go for a walk, find a quiet place to retreat and level up, and finally go home."

"Sure enough, it's better to be home."

Thinking like this, Chu Hao, who seemed to have given up, walked forward according to the guidance of the previous 'illusion' (God?) with a dispensable mentality.

(I haven't realized it at this time, I can only say that he is a genuine natural dumb tooth.)


The sound came from far to near, Chu Hao, who had only been away from the wall for a few seconds, ran back dancing, and then patted his chest and panted heavily.

"Scared! Scared me to death! How could there be so many skeletons!"

Carefully looking around, Chu Hao leaned against the wall trembling.

He tightened the clothes on his body. He didn't feel anything at first, but now he carefully looked at the surrounding environment and recalled what happened to him. Only then did he realize that what happened just now was a bit weird no matter how he looked at it.

"Could it be that this is the kind of ghost they were still discussing before I left school, where the undead go after they dissipate?"

Looking around, he saw the whistling wind, the earth covered with bones, the thin sky, the dark and cold land... Also, there was the voice coming from nowhere... "Hey, voice?"

"Oh...you...discovered...you, oops!"

Chu Hao, who was almost scared out of his wits by the shadow that suddenly floated in front of him, was cut short by the shadow's "Oops", and then felt powerless for his own reaction.

At this time, he realized that at some point in front of him, there were piles of shadows floating... "Wait, dead souls?!"

Combined with the previous skeletons, voices, and dead souls here, Chu Hao gradually calmed down, (As long as it’s not Nether, I haven’t lived enough.)
"Hey, weren't you very scared just now? Why didn't you react when you saw us all come out?"

"Could it be that you were frightened?"

"Probably not, but from what he said, he doesn't seem to be from the Canyon Tribe?"


After calmly observing, Chu Hao noticed that only seven of them were talking all the time, and only two of these seven were pupae, and the other five were all quack apes, which seemed to be at least mid-stage ghosts.

And there are no less than a hundred dead souls around, most of them are doing various movements to communicate, or leaning against each other, it seems that they are exchanging spiritual power through physical contact.

(What's happening here?)

Chu Hao was confused, but these kind of people should not harm him, and they seemed to be easy to get along with.

And it's just dead souls, even if they are soul-level dead souls, their spiritual power is about the same as that of high-level ghost-level pupated bodies.

So he sat up straight and asked the question directly.This is also the education of school teachers, 'If you don't understand, ask someone who understands. '

"Excuse me, where is this place? Are there any colleagues of mine around..."

Suddenly, he stopped as if he had been cast with a fixed spell, and his face gradually became ugly. (These talking dead souls all use the same language as himself, doesn't that mean...)
So, his calmness was defeated again, and he lay on the ground in pain, (It seems that he was preempted by some soulless senior, my god! Why do you give me hope again and again, and smash it again and again!)
At this time, the seven people who could talk surrounded Chu Hao who was lying on the ground, pretending to be beaten to death.

"What's the matter with this little guy? He's obviously very energetic. The screaming before was very nice."

"How do I know, I just met him a while before you, and I'm still floating ahead."

"I think it's better to call him up. Now the Canyon Tribe seems to be fighting a war. A few days ago, dozens of them were added. I think he is also a bit powerful. He can save a few deaths if he goes up."


(Life...is hopeless.)
At this time, Chu Hao, who was lying on the ground, had completely ignored the surrounding situation and entered the realm of selflessness...

Then, again, a voice, a bunch of voices, rang in his head.

"Little guy, get up!"

"Although I don't know where you are from, the people of the Canyon tribe are fighting now. Since you are still alive, you must help them!" (What happened to the opening scene of this hot-blooded comic?)
In the end, Chu Hao, who planned to ignore these dead souls, couldn't stand the people's chatter, and sat obediently on the ground.

But when he thought of the previous land of bones, he felt uncomfortable.

"Okay, can you tell me, who is your quasi-priest here?"

From Chu Hao's point of view, the prospective priests found here should be students from his previous classes or from the same class. If he knows him, he should ask the other party to provide him with some information.

Or simply stay in this tribe, and go back obediently when you reach the soul level.

However, the answers of these dead souls made Chu Hao's heart skip a beat.

"Quasi-priest, what is that?"

(I don't know about the quasi-priest! Could it be... wait, hope can't be generated so quickly, or he will be tricked again.) Recalling the character of the God of Life, Chu Hao resolutely suppressed his joy.

Then, he looked calmly at the dead soul in front of him... Eldest sister? (The age of a dead soul cannot be calculated, just like the age of a woman cannot be easily asked.)
"Where's the priest?" A group of dead souls shook their heads, and a glimmer of hope rose in Chu Hao's heart.

"Where's Gashan?" All the dead souls looked at it and continued to shake their heads. The fire of hope found dry wood.

"Then where did you learn the language?"

"Language was taught by the dark blood girl." Speaking of this, the dead soul seemed to be lost in memory.

"I remember that she was only so tall at that time. I heard that she just pupated a few days ago, and now I really miss her." Speaking of this, the surrounding ghosts all laughed.

"Yeah, the scream she woke up that time was much better than this little guy's."



A group of unscrupulous dead souls once again fell into a state of deviation, but Chu Hao ignored it because he had already fallen into ecstasy.

'It's so high', 'It only pupated a few days ago'...

'At least the quasi-priests of Gashan are all adult pupae', then...here, it is still a tribe that is not controlled by the ethnic group.

"God, I'm finally going to succeed!"

"Hey, this young man's strength is not bad, but he was surprised for a while. There seems to be something wrong with his mind. It's really worrying to go up like this."

A group of unscrupulous dead souls nodded...

But at this moment, Chu Hao was completely immersed in the ecstasy of "finally finding a new tribe", and he didn't care about these dead souls who didn't know how long they had existed.

"Please! Please tell me, where is that valley tribe?"

(End of this chapter)

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