Spore Story

Chapter 277 Moving towards the next stop

Chapter 277 Moving towards the next stop

PS: Ahahaha, there is only one update today, but it is a big W chapter, quack. =w=
Huh, sure enough, with the same number of words, it feels more painful to code out a chapter with the word W, especially when revising, [tears]

Thank you for the reward and support of the winter of Fenghuaxueye~\(≧▽≦)/~
"Attention everyone, we are about to reach the valley passage, there are many traps inside, remember to be careful."

After notifying more than 100 surviving quack apes one by one through mental power, Dark Blood carefully pushed through the weeds blocking the way and continued on.

From nightfall to arriving here at this moment, everyone along the way can be regarded as safe and sound.

Of course, this is all thanks to the cooperation with the previous Pathfinder and Black Bone Ape.

They concentrated the main patrol force in the direction of the valley camp facing the canyon. On the contrary, they allowed everyone to walk to the present almost unimpeded after bypassing the concentration of patrol soldiers with the help of a small path.

This made Dark Blood say it was a fluke, after all, he was bringing more than 100 people instead of the previous ten people.

Although everyone has rich combat experience, it does not mean that everyone must have rich experience in stealth.

However, perhaps due to the coordinated influence of various factors such as the atmosphere, the guidance of the dark blood, and the guidance of the members of the hidden team of the same team, everyone successfully hid themselves well when the patrol soldiers who did not have a high frequency arrived on the way. .

In fact, being able to bring everyone here is already half the battle.

Because, even if everyone is discovered now, they can still rush out in one go, even after killing the patrol soldiers in the valley passage.

However, he will definitely be chased by the black bone ape all the way afterwards, which is not what the dark blood wants to see.

"All stop!"

All the quack apes held their breath carefully, trying not to look at the two miscellaneous soldiers who were approaching. This was a special order from Dark Blood, "When you meet an enemy, you must look away, and there are a few people arranged separately to monitor That's it. '

Because Dark Blood didn't know if the two miscellaneous soldiers would feel something if they were stared at by more than 100 quack apes with murderous eyes.

In her memory, there are not a few animals that can sense murderous intent, or in other words, there are only a few that cannot sense it.

This is a test for the quack apes' psychological quality, but it is the smoothest one, because all the people here have experienced wars.

Among the quiet team, Dark Blood looked up at the sky and smiled.

In fact, tonight is indeed a good opportunity to run away.

Under the bright moonlight, the strong wind is raging in the valley, and the road chosen by Dark Blood is just downwind, relying on the barriers of the woods and the wind, no matter the smell or the sound can be better. cover up.

Looking at the small pit in front of him where Feng Ren was buried, he couldn't save his dead soul at all because he didn't have time.

As for the souls of the individuals who had been sacrificed before, Dark Blood only saved a few.

The reason is that in the area of ​​the canyon, the dead souls dissipate so fast that many weaker dead souls hardly appear, and this also strengthens Dark Blood's belief in taking everyone away.

"The third team reported that the patrol passed by us..."

"The eighth team reports that the patrolling soldiers are far away from us, and should not be able to see us anymore!"

"hold on……"

"Okay! Everyone get ready." Dark Blood notified everyone batch by batch through the spiritual connection.

"Be careful, don't run too fast! There are many nasty traps in here! Carefully, advance under the cover of rocks, one team at a time, no more."

After carefully observing the surroundings, it seems that there is no change in the arrangement of patrol personnel.

(But yes, it's only half a day since we finished our investigation and came here again...)
Suddenly finding himself distracted again, Dark Blood was startled, and shook his head to wake himself up.

Then, while carefully scraping the grass in front of her with her tentacles, she used electric current to flow through her whole body under the cover of trees from time to time, and after strengthening the magnetic sense, she used it to sense the surroundings.

"There is no life reaction in the valley passage? It seems that the last war made this place a restricted area for life? And he has more confidence in the trap than us inventors? Hehe, that's good."

Thinking of this, Dark Blood turned his head and nodded to the team closest to him: "Remember, I have said a lot about the precautions for passing through the valley passage, so I won't repeat it now. But after passing, immediately find a hidden place to hide , we will leave after we are all over, you know?"

Several people nodded, Dark Blood looked around again, then waved gently.

"The first team, go!"

The speed of the first team was indeed not fast, because they not only passed by themselves, but also shouldered certain pathfinding responsibilities.

They first carefully opened the bushes, then walked lightly to the edge of a rock, looked around carefully, and after confirming the exact location of the traps in front, they carefully scratched the edge of the rock a few times. Road markings for subsequent syncs.

Then, several people continued to walk a few steps, arrived at the next rock, and repeated the previous action.


The time passed by every minute and every second, but the first team stopped and stopped more than [-] times in the valley passage of about [-] meters.

Finally, when he reached the outermost cliff edge of the passage, the team leader waved his hand lightly.

Then, everyone immediately disappeared into the shadows in front of the valley.

"The second team..."

"Dark blood, someone!"

A small team leader in the periphery suddenly covered his mouth, and almost shouted in a moment of anxiety. Fortunately, she reacted quickly and stopped the urge to speak in time.

There was a long silence again, until the two patrolling soldiers in this group walked over, and after confirming again, Dark Blood wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with a wave of his hand, and then nodded to the second squad that came up behind him.

"Meow, it's so exciting."

"The second team... go!"


Several teams passed by in a row, and several groups of patrol soldiers came during the period, but they were all discovered by the vigilant peripheral quack monkeys, and they were notified in advance to hide.But in this era, it is obvious that the enemy has not been able to come up with a better way of warning, so that the dark blood can reach here smoothly.

With the increase of the past squads, while the number of quack apes on guard in the valley gradually decreased, there were more and more perfect road markings in the valley passage.

In this way, the passing speed of the next few teams was slightly accelerated, but the dark blood didn't care about this.

In fact, due to her high mental tension, the passing speed of the people she saw in her eyes was still like a snail, which made her feel like returning to the era of small molluscs with only one flagella in her memory.

"Squad Ten...wait a minute...alright, let's go!"

This is already the penultimate team. After passing, it will be the last team, and then the dark blood.

After waiting for another batch of black bone apes to pass by, the team rushed out according to the dark blood order.

If it wasn't for the dark blood reaching out in time to grab it, an overly nervous quack ape would have almost rushed out facing the black bone ape patrol, which made the dark blood feel a little vigilant.

Now that the number of people is getting smaller and smaller, the quack apes left behind watched everyone pass by, and their emotions obviously became anxious.

And just as she was thinking this way, a quack ape from the tenth team in front actually slipped because of rushing too fast.

But fortunately, he covered his mouth in advance.

And even luckier, he has a companion by his side.

I saw that these teammates didn't wait for the other party to fall to the ground, they grabbed tentacles, grabbed tentacles, grabbed tails, grabbed limbs and lifted limbs, and just like that, lifted this guy who didn't know whether it was lucky or unlucky. Then he quickly hid behind a rock.

However, perhaps because they were too nervous, these teammates were so strong that when this guy was put down, his face had turned dark black.

No way, it hurts.

But his teammates saved him, so instead of complaining, he had to be grateful, otherwise he would be spiritually educated by the dark blood who was getting more and more majestic.

Dark Blood, who was watching in the woods, let out a heavy sigh of relief, and kept rejoicing in his heart that he had just passed the patrol team, which was the safest time; and everyone's reaction was quick, so the fault of the quack ape was not unavoidable. estimated consequences.

(and many more!)

After calming down, Dark Blood suddenly discovered that the number of patrolling soldiers, after careful recall, seemed to have expanded a lot compared to the previous investigation.

As for the initial feeling that the patrol team hadn't changed, it was because Darkblood was too focused on the passage of each team and felt that time had slowed down.

"Could it be that the black bone ape also feels that we will run away in the next few days? But it's not sure?"

Thinking about it, there is also this possibility. When people think about problems, they usually think of themselves and others. The black-boned ape would choose to abandon children and the wounded to escape, so it is not impossible for them to think that the quack ape will escape.


"We're not giving up on the kids and the wounded."

During the period of dark blood's thinking, the tenth team finally passed through the valley passage without any risk.

After the initial accident, these people were extremely careful in their subsequent actions, even more careful than when the first team passed.

"Everyone, get ready, victory is just around the corner, don't let anything go wrong!"

He told the No.11 team next to him that Dark Blood told them to leave first, and he would arrive later.

After all, the wings of the pupae are really eye-catching. If they walk together, it will be easy for everyone to be exposed.

When the No.11 team had walked halfway and was about to reach the other side, Dark Blood carefully checked the surrounding situation, and after confirming that no patrol team had arrived, he stepped forward and hid in with an afterimage. The trap pit where Fengren sleeps.

"Quack, I really appreciate the black bone apes digging such a hiding place."

Carefully hiding in the pit, after confirming again that no patrols were coming, Dark Blood took a deep look at the dirt bag, then turned around and jumped out of the trap, rushing to another larger rock.

"Feng Ren, I'm about to make your wish come true."

——————Separation line of the escape route—————

"Is it all here? Each team confirms the number of people, and then reports in their minds!"

This place is already outside the canyon, but the dark blood who just arrived was not in a hurry to lead everyone away, but counted the number of people first.

"The number of the first team is confirmed, and all 10 people are here."

"The number of the second team is confirmed, and all 10 people are here."


"The number of the No.11 team is confirmed, and all 11 people are here."

"very good!"

Dark Blood was also agitated. After confirming that everyone had reached the outskirts of the valley without any danger, she was still trying her best to suppress the restlessness in her heart.

(Finally brought everyone out, but not yet.)
"Attention everyone! If you want to cheer, wait a little longer, let's go further away! Otherwise, we will still be discovered!"

After speaking, a group of quack apes immediately covered their mouths, and some of them were naughty, and even covered the mouths of their companions with their tentacles.

Smiling slightly, Dark Blood did not comment on the actions of these people.

Judging from everyone's performance, when they stepped out of the valley, the tension in everyone's hearts had completely disappeared.

Dark Blood will not pour cold water on it, but this is not an absolutely safe place. The current purpose of everyone has become to return to the New Central District in complete concealment.

As for Dark Blood, she wants to convince the elders and leaders of Xinzhong District to make the decision to go to Mount Ga with her. Although she doesn't even know the exact location of Mount Ga, she can only sense that it seems to be in the north.

Under the leadership of Dark Blood, the team of more than 100 people still maintains the mode of disposing of traces at any time and walking slowly in concealment.

Although everyone was flirting with each other in the team, no one talked irrationally.

However, everyone has completely lost their previous tension.

And Dark Blood didn't want to keep everyone nervous, because she had already activated her mental power, and of course, she tried her best to avoid the valley around the scanner.

At the same time, she reminded some emotionally stable people on the periphery from time to time to continue to pay attention to the surroundings, especially the situation behind her.

Slowly, the early morning twilight finally appeared in front of everyone, and at this time, everyone was three or four kilometers away from the valley.


Heaving a sigh of relief, Dark Blood stared at the quack apes who looked at her expectantly. A group of guys covered their mouths in a funny way, and looked at Dark Blood with flickering eyes, as if to show how obedient they were.

"Okay, everyone can cheer!"

Suddenly, the quack apes who had been suppressed for a long time howled wildly.

However, there were not many people who really laughed, instead there was a little bit of crying.

There were more than 600 people in the canyon before the encounter with the black-boned ape. Now including the batch of pupae and children, there are more than 200 people. How many of them are familiar to you, and your familiar companions will stay there forever. Now relax Everyone can finally release their inner emotions.

Calmly looking at the quack apes below the hill, Dark Blood couldn't completely relax at this moment, and didn't want to be affected by everyone's emotions.

So, she turned her head and walked to the periphery of the team, then climbed up the hill to check the surrounding environment.

Not far in front of people, there is a small river more than five meters wide, and everyone is in a hilly area. There are not many trees in this area, but a lot of weeds grow.

There are some large vegetarian dinosaurs haunting them, but these gentle guys generally don't mess with them and don't attack anyone.

Quack apes rarely appear in this periphery, and with the poor brain capacity of these big guys, they won't remember this group of people who haven't attacked them at all.

Therefore, even if several quack apes ran to play beside them, these guys just hummed a few times, flicked their tails, and ignored them.

And the quack apes are not hungry now, and they don't want to attack these friendly animals no matter how they look.

Of course, there are more of them, probably because everyone is in a good mood, so they have no intention of fighting.

"It looks like there should be no danger, Cheng Lin!"

He turned his head and stopped a quack ape who was sitting on the ground with tears in his eyes but looked at a group of companions with a smile. Captain of the first brigade, remember to take everyone with you, and try not to run around before we come back."

"Understood, you should be careful all the way."

Nodding his head, he seemed to be a little uncomfortable with the sudden disappearance of the pressure. At this moment, after receiving the dark blood order, he felt his energy regained in his body. After wiping his eyes, he got up and walked towards the crowd.

"Ok, I know."

Turning around to look at the rising sun, Dark Blood smiled, took a deep breath, and then roared in the opposite direction of the valley, releasing the negative emotions accumulated in his heart.

Then, she turned her head and looked embarrassedly at the quack apes who were all looking at her, and looked at the expectant eyes of the mothers among them, and waved her hands very coolly, spreading the four wings behind her.

"Remember, before we come back, no matter how many black bone apes we find, we must hide and don't get caught."

After speaking, he flapped his wings, and the dark blood rushed to the sky.

This time, she planned to break in from a high altitude.

Looking in the direction of the valley in front of him, Dark Blood's already softened face brought out a trace of chill again.

"Black bone ape, this is just the beginning."

—————— Meow Meow is on the way, Ga—————

"Huh, I didn't expect this canyon to be so high!"

After beating to death Chu Hao who didn't take off from the land of bones, he found to his dismay that the places where there were no bones were relatively narrow spaces, and he couldn't spread his wings and fly high at all.

In desperation, he could only choose to climb from these places to a more open area, and then fly out of the canyon.

Although this action made a group of dead souls appreciate him, the price was that Chu Hao didn't climb out from a high slope in the canyon until noon.

Then, Chu Hao, who turned over the highest point, happened to see the huge camp in the distance and the figure running back and forth in it.

His body began to shake.

Because of his eyesight, Chu Hao couldn't see the specific figure of the creature inside, but judging by his hands and feet, it should be a quack ape.

Moreover, the number is at least five hundred.

"I'm touched, God, you finally opened your eyes!"

Cheering loudly, under long-term depression, success seemed to be close at hand. Without any investigation and confirmation, Chu Hao rushed down with a short body.

And as Chu Hao approached and continued to cheer, the 'Quack Apes' in the big camp seemed to have discovered Chu Hao, and they all gathered lively.

At this moment, Chu Hao didn't think about anything else, he just ignored a lot of obvious doubts, and just kept cheering in his heart, flapping his wings constantly.

"This is a tribe bestowed by the gods. I can finally go back in a beautiful way. Beautiful girls, those proud girls in Gashan, just wait. The time when our High Priest Chu Hao will bring a big tribe back is coming. !quack."

"That idiot in front! Stop it!"

(Huh? Why is this tone so familiar, like the group of arrogant women leading Gashan's team?)
(However, how could there be someone from Gashan’s leader team in such a place? So ignore it, is it really an illusion again.)
So, Chu Hao, who was deceiving himself, continued to charge forward.

Even though the previous encounter with the dead had confirmed that the previous one was not an illusion, his subconscious hoped that it was an illusion, and this was even more so with his subjective consciousness.

Otherwise, if the leader of the team appeared here, wouldn't that mean that he would be disappointed again? How could this be possible!

But soon, just when Chu Hao felt that the appearance of the 'quack ape' in front of him was a bit strange, he suddenly found that his tail seemed to be pulled, and then his whole body could not move forward. The Horde' began to keep moving away.

"Okay, that's a lot of strength!"

"No! No! My dream! My hope of returning home!"

"What a mess, are you an idiot! You actually charged towards the camp of the Black Skeleton Ape!"

As the "big tribe bestowed by God" got farther and farther away, Chu Hao finally calmed down.

Then, he discovered his current situation.

The long tail is being held by a pupation body, and a large number of pupation bodies are following the pupation body.

But now, these pupae have landed on the mountain peak, staring at themselves with depressed and angry eyes.

(Uh, did I do something outrageous? Impossible?)

Looking carefully, the clothes of these pupal bodies seemed to be tattered, and most of them were holding children in their arms.

(Huh? Refugees? Ah, now is not the time to think about that.)
At this moment, he felt his tail loosen, and Chu Hao's body almost subconsciously rushed towards the big tribe again, but the two pupae behind him quickly calmed him down.

Then he turned his head to look at the tail-grabbing pupa that looked like the leader. (=.=)

"Okay... so beautiful, I'm afraid I can compete with Chu Xia in education, I'm so lucky!" Chu Hao's eyes began to shine.

Chu Hao couldn't restrain his excitement when he finally found the same kind.

And seeing the group of pupae in front of him at this moment, he was even convinced in his heart that this place must be a big tribe, and as for the big camp below, it must also be composed of quack apes.

As for the title of 'Black Bone Ape', it's not uncommon for the quasi-priests to encounter it before. After all, the title 'Quack Ape' seems to have originated from Mount Ga.

Combined with the current situation, Chu Hao presumptuously made a conclusion within two seconds:
Here is a tribe hostile to the chrysalis and the quack ape, and these chrysalis call the quack ape 'the black bone ape'.

Then, in order to carry out the justice of love and truth, for... ahem, no, it is for the future glory of our quasi-priest Chu Hao. (Going home or something, it seems to have taken a back seat.)
As a quasi-priest, I must first establish a position among these pupae;
Then, I want to transform these 'lost' pupae, let them realize that Quackape and pupae are one family, an inseparable whole, is...

In the end, of course, it is to bring this beautiful lady pupae and a large tribe with a population of nearly a thousand to return to the embrace of the Gashan ethnic group in a glorious manner.

Ah ha ha ha ha...


Looking at the chrysalis in front of him with a black line on his forehead, the dark blood wanted to smash this seemingly unfamiliar guy with a punch.

The chrysalis, who had been hiding very carefully before, were discovered by the black bone apes because of this reckless bastard.

However, fortunately, it is now a pupation body. If this bastard had problems when the quack apes were escaping, it would be a disaster.

And now, it's just a matter of going around a few more laps.

But at this moment, looking at the guy in front of her who was smirking like an idiot and staring at her with shining eyes, Dark Blood felt uncomfortable anyway, then, she seemed to think of something, and smiled slightly.

As a matter of course, a quasi-priest was stunned for a moment.

However, what Darkblood thought was not as good as a certain quasi-priest thought.

(Forget it, no time to argue with this guy.)
Turning his head to look at the two pupae who didn't have children with them, Dark Blood smiled and pointed to Chu Hao who was smirking nervously: "Stunned, take away."

It is impossible to abandon the companion, but looking at it like this, this person will not follow obediently, and Dark Blood has no time to explain (mainly because he is not in the mood).

Moreover, after a short pause, the black bone apes had already approached. If Captain Totem approached them, it would be troublesome to take off at that time.

The poor quasi-priest passed out gorgeously like this, and then was transformed into two pupae, each of whom lifted the two wings on this side, and took off again with the crowd.

(Is this guy here to amuse and adjust the atmosphere?) A group of pupae were thinking.

"However, I don't seem to have seen it before, and the clothes are not very torn, is it strange?"

"Could it have just pupated?"


Even though they were talking like this, everyone still didn't stop, and they had already started to fly around the valley, avoiding the black bone ape below from time to time.

With the current situation, everyone's safe escape can be confirmed, so after the comatose person with this tragedy circled around the sky several times, everyone was finally covered by the shadow of a hill. It disappeared into the sight of the black bone ape.

—————The furious black bone apes rushed past—————

"Ah, I'm so dizzy."

In a daze, Chu Hao opened his eyes with difficulty.

What appeared in front of my eyes were a few leisurely white clouds and cloud jellyfish swaying in them.

Then, he suddenly woke up half awake, and in shock, he propped his wings and bounced his body off the ground.

There was an exclamation, and Chu Hao only felt the unstoppable pain at the tips of the four wings, and they went down again.

"What... what's going on?"

Slowly recalling the previous scene, Chu Hao was about to turn his head to look around when he heard a complaint.

"Move around, scare me."

Looking for the reputation, this is a pupate whose name is not known. His clothes are also slightly tattered, but he is in good spirits, and there is a trace of undisguised joy on his face.

(Hehe, are you actually happy that we woke up?) A quasi-priest thought narcissistically.

"Well, why am I here? What about the other pupae?"

"Pupational body? You say Chengmeng Captain and the others, they are there."

Seeing that Chu Hao was still a little dizzy, the quack ape seemed to have no intention of continuing to blame him.

In fact, after finally escaping from the canyon and letting off steam, everyone is in a good mood now.

Looking around, Chu Hao found that this place was no longer the last location in his memory, the canyon and mountains, but a hill, and the sky had gradually darkened.

Hearing the quack ape's reply, Chu Hao turned his head to look in that direction, just in time to see the beautiful woman in his memory, as well as several pupae and quack ape, they seemed to be discussing something.

"Hey, quack ape!"

(What's going on? Shouldn't the pupae be fighting against the quack ape? Why are they together?)

At this time, according to Gashan's course, you should have a good relationship and a better attitude towards yourself. The pupa next to you asked: "Well, the pupa and Ga... the black-skeleton ape has no confrontation." Yet?"

He suddenly remembered that the pupae here seemed to call the quack ape the black bone ape.

"Black bone ape?" Hearing Chu Hao's words, the pupae's eyes suddenly burst into flames. (Electric sparks are indeed flowing =. =)

She clenched her fists tightly, then stared at Chu Hao and said, "Those black bone apes, sooner or later, we will kill them all!"

"Uh," although he knew it wasn't directed at him, but feeling such a strong resentment at close range, even Chu Hao, who was a high-level ghost-level, felt a bit chilly, and he suddenly felt that his future was very bleak.

(Although I don't know why there are a few quack apes there, but looking at the current situation, the confrontation between the pupae and the quack apes is very fierce, how could this be!)

"Well, can you take me to meet your leader?" Chu Hao said, looking at the other party with a gentle expression.

At this time, he felt that he needed to understand the opinion of the other party's leader first, and then slowly plan for the future situation. After several years, it seemed that there would be nothing more.

Moreover, although the situation here is complicated, God knows if this tribe will be abandoned, will there be such an opportunity in the future.

What's more, as a member of Gashan, one should work hard for the harmonious coexistence of Gaga ape and pupae.

Thinking so, Chu Hao turned his head and looked at the pupa who had always had a good attitude beside him.

"Well, can you tell me about the current situation?"

——————Separation line of detection information—————

"...So, the destination we are going to now is a canyon formed by the cracks in the cliffs where I used to be, and I call it the 'New Central District', but it is just a transit point."

"When I get there, I will convince the people in the New Central District to leave with us. After all, it is only a few days away from here, and the unwilling black bone ape is likely to find that place. Once they fight, they will be considered as winners." No, everyone can't eat well."

"Then where are we going in the end?" Aceh asked, "You also know that with our current situation, after all these turmoil, everyone wants to have a stable residence, and now it seems that if you say I'm afraid we still have a long way to go?"

What Aceh said is also the voice of everyone.

The canyon quack apes have experienced such a long period of turmoil, and there were several years of peace during the period, which led to more yearning for a stable and peaceful life, and no longer want to live in turmoil.

If it is not the dark blood proposal that leads everyone out, everyone will probably reject it directly, and choose to stay in the new central area.

What's more, there are only 700 black bone apes now, and according to Dark Blood, there are more than 1000 people in the Xinzhong District, and the average combat effectiveness seems to be higher than that of the canyon quack apes.

In addition to the more than 200 people who have been fighting for a long time here, once they fight with the black bone ape, they will not lose no matter what.

"I know what you think," he waved his hand to appease several participants above squadron leader, Dark Blood sorted it out in his heart, and still expressed his worries.

"I don't know if you have noticed that all the black bone apes are adult individuals capable of fighting?"

Hearing Dark Blood's question, everyone nodded, and then looked at Dark Blood suspiciously: "That's true, but is there any problem?"

Obviously, it's not that everyone didn't notice this situation, it's just that they didn't realize the meaning it represented.

Pointing to the side of the hills in the distance, the quack apes and pupae there were dividing and roasting a Tyrannosaurus rex that had just been hunted and was hunting herbivorous dinosaurs.

Among the crowd, lively children were walking and playing, while several elderly people sat lazily aside, looking at the children cheerfully.

"A normal tribe may have no old people because of the cruel fighting or even the system, but it will definitely not be without children, but the camp of the black bone ape does not."

"What does this mean?" Dark Blood sighed slightly as he looked at the crowd and saw that they were all thinking but not knowing what to do.

For everyone, this kind of knowledge is not easy to think of because they don't have any experience.

Therefore, Dark Blood didn't wait for everyone to come up with it, and continued: "This means that this group of black bone apes is not a tribe, but... but a battle between a tribe, or a combination of several tribes." force."

"What I mean is, there may be more than this few people behind them. Think about it, even if all the adults in that tribe are here, how big is this tribe?"

Everyone habitually calculated the ratio of adults to children in the canyon quack ape. Even if it was the ratio in a stable period, everyone was shocked into a cold sweat.

"Dark blood, do you mean that these black bone apes come from a huge tribe, and they are likely to send more people to attack us?"

Cheng Meng, who said this, turned his head to look at the joyful crowd not far away, and suddenly felt powerless.

My companions, are there so many disasters and disasters?
Fortunately, Dark Blood quickly answered his question: "What I said before was just a conjecture. A conjecture is an idea that may or may not appear. Therefore, the reality may not necessarily be what I guessed."

"Maybe these black-boned apes just abandoned the children just to kill us. According to the behavior of the black-boned apes, it seems possible, isn't it?" Although this possibility is very small.

Smiling slightly, Dark Blood pointed to the direction of Xinzhong District: "What we have to do is to plan ahead, just like back then, if everyone hadn't been lucky enough to leave the canyon with us, there wouldn't be the present situation." Isn't that the case?"

Seeing that a group of older generation leaders looked a bit wrong, Dark Blood smiled and said indifferently: "So, it is actually the same now, we have to consider the possibility of being discovered in the New Central District, and there is a huge tribe behind the Black Boned Ape Or the possibility of tribal groups, so take everyone to a safer place in advance."

"At that time, we may still be able to rely on the power there, slowly develop, and eventually drive these black-boned apes away, can't we?"

"Well, I agree to go to that place." It was Cheng Lin who spoke. As a representative of the younger generation, he was obviously not as worried as the older generation.

"Then... well, I agree to go to that place too. But, will the people in Xinzhong District agree to come with us?"

"This one……"

In fact, Dark Blood really didn't consider the possibility of people's opposition in Xinzhong District. After all, she has been serving as the head of education in Xinzhong District, and now almost half of the population is educated under her management.

Therefore, her prestige in the New Central District is almost the highest now, especially now that she has successfully pupated.

"Don't worry, I will convince them." In the end, I felt that there should be no trouble if I went out, and the people in the Xinzhong District moved out of the canyon to avoid the black bone ape, so now there is a black bone ape. Threat, if you think about moving once, there won't be any trouble, right?

"That's good, we all agree." Everyone nodded.

"Well, everyone, go and have a good rest first. The Black Boned Ape will soon find that the canyon they have attacked for so long has become an empty ruin. They will send troops out to search tomorrow at the latest, hehe."

"Yeah, so we have to take a good rest tonight and make those bastards angry, angry, the more they do this, the happier we are, hahahaha!"

At this time, the dangling Chu Hao also followed the pupa to Dark Blood's side.

He had already seen the scenes where quack apes and pupae co-existed, and learned about the specific situation of this tribe from the unsuspecting pupae. , but also found that I am afraid that I am hopeless with the position of leader.

After all, this leader named Dark Blood has a high status in the hearts of these people.

But fortunately, the purpose of the quasi-priest is to find the lost kind and bring them back to the group, but here is at least dozens of days away from the most marginal area of ​​the group, according to the footsteps of Quack ape. This leader will agree with his suggestion ?
Chu Hao was deeply puzzled by this, but he felt that this was his last hope.

(Perhaps, it is a good way to use the power of the group to make these people who are deeply endangered by the black bone ape have expectations.)
Thinking like this, Chu Hao put on a determined expression, and looked at the girl who was standing on the top of the hill in front of him, facing the cool night wind, calmly looking at the happy crowd below, no, it was the leader.

valley pass
Because of the pupation event in the afternoon, the black bone ape who confirmed that all the quack apes in the canyon had disappeared was currently searching the entire valley and cliff crevices.

Although the patrols in the valley passage stated several times that no enemy was found here, after several totem captains dug up a quack ape corpse from a trap and found the safe passage sign on some stones, all the black bones The apes can already confirm that the enemy has already left here.

And these dereliction of duty patrol soldiers were thrown into the humblest miscellaneous squad by the angry little boss, and became like cannon fodder.

However, these black bone apes only moved their camp outside the valley, and did not immediately search for the enemy.

In the early hours of the next day, amidst the cheers of several black bone apes who did not dare to be lazy at all, a group of nearly a thousand black bone apes came from the south.

After a while, the little boss, who hadn't slept all night, stared at the black-skeleton ape in the new team with an ugly expression, and then stiffly welcomed the high-spirited opponent into the new team that had also migrated In the big tent outside the valley.

At the same moment, Dark Blood, who had finished breakfast, was also leading the crowd with hopeful eyes, and the quasi-priest Chu Hao, who looked excited, to clean up the traces of the presence of the crowd, and rush towards the Xinzhong District in the east.

(End of this chapter)

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