Spore Story

Chapter 278 Welcome to New Central District

Chapter 278 Welcome to New Central District

PS: Thank you flower girl for your tip =w=
It’s still a [-]D chapter~\(≧▽≦)/~
"Hey, code word, Sister Dark Blood has been away for so long, why hasn't she come back?"

A child is lazily lying next to the huge ancestral tree in the center of Xinzhong District, looking at the tall tree trunk and huge canopy with bored eyes, the sun shines on his face through the gaps in the leaves, revealing spots little bit.

He didn't know the real reason why Sister Dark Blood gave this tree such a name.

According to the elder who likes to chatter under the tree, what Sister Dark Blood said at the time was, "This tree is the largest and tallest here, maybe it is the ancestor of all the trees here, elders or something, so it is called the ancestral tree." up. '

But the dark court knew that this was only because when the new central area was established, most of the taller trees around it were cut down, while the ancestral tree left in the central open area was left behind because of its good location. When it fell down, it became the tallest and largest one.

(God knows if this guy would have turned into a dead tree if he had grown a little more.) Thinking of this, Anting secretly laughed.

However, he didn't want the ancestral tree that grew up with him to be cut down.

In fact, there are still quite a lot of trees in the Xinzhong District. The trees on both sides of the road, in the yard, and outside the fence seem to be left over from the original planning of Sister Dark Blood.

And up to now, the new central area has been expanded six times in a row, and none of the trees left behind by Sister Dark Blood in the original planning have been cut down, and the entire new central area has not become untidy because of this. It still looks in order.

This made many people feel awed. As for the elders and leaders who also participated in the discussion at that time...

The dark court curled its lips. According to a few good friends who were watching at the time, among the group of people around the fire at that time, sister Dark Blood was almost the only one talking, and the leaders and elders below were nothing more than It's no use nodding, shaking your head, or just arguing.

The screen turns back, and next to this child who is only a little over one meter tall and obviously only about ten years old, is sitting a young man who looks about seventeen or eighteen years old and is about to grow up.

At this moment, the young man was staring at the sky with his eyes fascinated.

Hearing the child's question, he froze for a moment, then subconsciously turned his head to look at the gate to the west.

This is the center of Xinzhong District, but because the planning was in the shape of a cross at the beginning, young people can directly see the west, south, and north gates from here, but the east gate is blocked by the ancestral tree behind them. So can't see it.

It happened to be around noon at this time, and after a while, the guards would have dinner, but the young man didn't have any intention of moving.

And the West Gate in his line of sight is still bustling. As the dark blood and the leaders forcibly gathered the same kind within a hundred miles around, the current Pan-Xinzhong District (including the Xinzhong District + the five outer cliff cracks) is always full of people. The population has more than 400 people.

Although there were not many new people joining after that, with this base number, there are three to 40 newborns every year. In addition, with the increase in population, hunting has become safer, and the number of elderly people has also begun to increase.

Of course, it has only been a few years. In fact, there are only a few dozen elderly people in Xinzhong District, but there are more than 400 children (minors).

Shaking his head, as if remembering something bad, An Yu lowered his head with a gloomy expression.

Then, he looked at the impatient child, smiled and answered the other party's question.

"Dark blood, when she left last time, didn't she say that it might take about a year to go out, right? It's only been less than half a year now." Turning to look at the child, the coded language asked mockingly: "Why, start now Do you want Darkblood's fist?"

"Uh, you're thinking about it! You've been thinking about it all day long!" After roaring at the code word depressedly, An Ting turned around resolutely, leaving his back to the other party.

But what the code word said next, which seemed like nothing, made him stunned.

"I really do."

"Hey!" At this moment, the dark court immediately forgot the previous unhappiness.

As if he had discovered a new quack ape, he turned his head and stared at Yin Yu, with a strange smile on his face: "I didn't expect, Yin Yu, you are this kind of person, and you actually like to be loved by others...ah no, it's because of you who were secretly picked." Sister Xue clicks, beeps, ga..."

"Quack, when Sister Dark Blood comes back, I will tell her, ahaha... oops!"

The consequence of being too arrogant is being struck by lightning. Although the dark court seems not to be too arrogant, he was still kicked by the code word.

Although this kick is not strong, but with the strength of a person who has joined the security team for more than a year, this seemingly light kick is enough to kick the unsuspecting Anting to the ground. .

"Ah! You are weak, I will fight with you!"

There was a loud roar, but in the eyes of quack apes watching the show, Anting didn't even finish a move, and was overturned again by Yinyu with a light drop of his foot.

(This is the gap mouth teeth!)
The members of the unscrupulous onlookers saw that there was nothing to see, and while thinking so in their hearts, they smiled and shook their heads and dispersed, doing their own things.

"Hmph, with my aptitude, I'll definitely be able to enter the guard team next year, and then I'll learn Sister Dark Blood's [Practice Skills] and [Physical Training], and I'll overthrow you with one move!"

The dark court who was trampled under his feet was obviously not reconciled, and he kept saying harsh words, but what he said was actually correct.

With the gradual increase of the population, food consumption is also increasing. In order to meet the food demand and ensure the sustainable hunting of animals in the territory (=.=), the expansion of the Panxinzhong District has become inevitable.

Among them, while the territory of Xinzhong District is expanding, the outer cliff cracks are also gradually moving outwards, and with pure pupae, a long-distance hunting [flying team] has been established; , Formed a [ground team] hunting in the territory.

In this way, the hunting range of the entire Pan-Xinzhong District has a radius of more than 20 kilometers, a distance of nearly a thousand square kilometers.

The huntable food provided by such a huge area basically satisfies the consumption of everyone, but if you want to practice a lot of dark blood [skills] and [body training], the consumption of food will increase greatly, which will lead to a change in supply again. Insufficient.

For example, for an ordinary quack ape, the food requirement after rest [exercise] is about double that before the practice.

It doesn't look like much, because the pupal bodies eat three times as much as ordinary quack apes, but there are thousands of quack apes...

In order not only to ensure the supply of food, but also to ensure the strength and pupation rate of the quack apes cultivated in the Xinzhong District, Dark Blood and the Elders had no choice but to make a compromise choice three years ago.

[Practice Qualification] is set.

That is, those with better aptitude among the children will be selected into the [Guardian Team] in the New Central District, awarded [Skills] and [Physical Practice], and food consumption is guaranteed, that is, two meals a day will become one meal. Three meals a day, and extra meals if you are hungry at night.

As for those children who didn't join the security team, although it doesn't mean that they can't practice by themselves, but because the food in Xinzhong District is rationed, after practicing these two things, they will not be able to eat enough.

As for the adults who leave the new central area and enter the outer cliff cracks, if they fail to pupate within a few years, they will be deemed to have lost their [cultivation qualifications] and will be reduced to the same supply as ordinary players.

If the pupation is successful, the [body training] that consumes a lot of energy can also be reduced, and more attention should be paid to the [chrysalis combat skills] in the [training skills].

Therefore, after Dark Blood gradually perfected and subdivided [Practice Skills] and [Physical Practice], and finally turned them into two systems, due to food reasons, it was restricted to people with [Cultivation Qualification].

In the new central area, entering the [Guardian Team] means that you have the [Cultivation Qualification].

The reality is like this, the lack of food can only satisfy a few members who have hope to pupate, and the members who have little hope are forced to give up.

Even Darkblood couldn't find a solution to this, because she wasn't good at it.

Hearing the dark court talking about the guards, An Yu's expression became even more gloomy, and he let go of the dark court's foot in a bored manner.

At this time, the dark court, which had already calmed down, finally realized that something was wrong.

Looking at the young man in front of him who has been taking care of him since the canyon and treats him well (M?), the dark court suddenly felt that the other party's performance today was too ordinary, and he felt like a A dull old man.

"Hey, it can't be that people who think about dark blood don't think about food and don't want to think about food, so they have become the ghosts they are now."

Although there was ridicule in the words, how could the code words of concern contained in them not be heard, turned his head and retracted his ecstasy, raised his hand and rubbed the other person's head, and said the code words calmly.

"When you enter the guard team next year, I'm afraid I won't be here anymore."

There was some sadness in Yin Yu's calm tone, because all the elders assessed that he was an adult, and just a few days ago, he had to choose where to go.

In other words, at the end of this winter at the latest, the code word must leave the entire New Central District and go to one of the cliff crevices.

This is mandatory, and even dark blood cannot change it.

Codeword still remembered that a few years ago, some adults did not want to leave here, and Darkblood seemed to have plans to keep them, and submitted some adults to defend the New Central District, take care of children, and assist in education to submit to the New Central District Conference for approval.

But who would have thought that this annoyed the leaders of the cliff cracks. At that time, the roars of those leaders directly penetrated the barrier of the tent, and even the secret words of playing in a far away place could be heard clearly.

Attracted by the sound, the children gathered around the tent saw the red eyes and stubborn expression when the dark blood came out.

After that time, the assessment and determination of "adulthood" was handed over to the elders, the chief representative and Darkblood to make a joint decision, and once they were assessed as adults, they had to go to one of the cliff cracks before the winter of that year.

Moreover, the number of people who choose the same cliff crevice is limited.

Generally speaking, the candidates for selection are evaluated in spring, and the results of the evaluation are used to determine the number of people going to each cliff crevice in summer, and then the new adults make their own choice of where to go in autumn.

But if you are slow and your favorite crevice is already full, you can only choose other crevices.

Fortunately for Code Words, he had just started spring when he was assessed as an adult, and he was very fast when he was notified of the screening, so he directly chose the most popular one, the southern cliff where Dark Blood used to be.

However, when the day of leaving is approaching day by day, the code word that has lived here for four or five years is still a bit sad.

What made him even more depressed was that at this time, the dark blood head teacher went out again.

Hearing the code words, An Ting was only stunned for a moment, then let out a sigh of dissatisfaction.

Before that, he was able to have a relatively high level of strength among his peers, and he was confident enough to enter the defense team, because the code word often brought food to himself, so that he could practice [body training] secretly.

The small movements of some members of the guard team, because the number is not large, the dark blood who understands the situation just turns a blind eye.

Although I have already confirmed that I will be able to enter the security team in the coming year, and there will be no shortage of food, but if the code words leave, I will not only lose a friend in Xinzhong District, but may even lose a relative. The so-called 'better than friend' kind.

In fact, the relationship between the code word and the dark court is more like a father or brother, which was established before the few people left the canyon.

"Can't we stay? There are five cracks in the outer cliff, each of which has at least four flying teams and a dozen ground teams. There is no shortage of adults like you, right?"

Smiling slightly, An Yu looked at An Ting with an unhappy face, and rubbed his head affectionately.

Looking back, didn't I also have the thoughts of these children?But the reality is like this, and the reasons are too complicated. Although the secret words can guess some, they don't want the dark court to know so early.

"You will know later. Anyway, don't you still have a few friends here? You can make more good friends by joining the security team."

After finishing speaking, the code word ignored the other party's dissatisfaction, looked up and smiled, then got up and walked to the dormitory where he was, where there were several friends who wanted to go to the same cliff.

Perhaps, before going, it would be a good idea to fight for a few people to form a small team.

However, at this moment, Simon suddenly became restless.

"Huh? What's the matter?" He looked at Ximen suspiciously. The children there were all happily gathering towards Ximen, while the young people were relatively more stable, but they also rushed there with joy.

However, what puzzled the code word was that these people did not stay there, but walked out of the west gate and continued on their way.

He stretched out his hand to grab the person beside him, and asked politely in coded words: "What's the matter, please? What happened?"

"Well, I don't know, but seeing everyone running, I wanted to go over and have a look. I just came out to fetch water."

"Uh," looking at the innocent looking person who was still holding an empty jug in his hand, both Yin Yu and An Ting who followed behind Yin Yu had black lines on their faces.

The person who was let go looked at Ximen hesitantly, and after thinking about it, it seemed that he planned to follow his instinct and continue to move forward.

"Well, do you want to go and have a look?" Anting couldn't make up his mind.

He hasn't done his arithmetic homework for the past few days, but it will be due tomorrow. He doesn't know whether to join in the fun or go back and be a good student.

Looking at Ximen in the same way, Yin Yu turned his head and looked around, but sweated profusely to find that the Xinzhong District, which was bustling with people just now, was only left with a few flying leaves. It was bleak, and even the old man who told the story under the tree disappeared for a moment.

"It seems that we don't need to make a decision." Wiping off his cold sweat, the dark court also paid attention to the scene around him. While he was speechless at the herd mentality of his compatriots, he had to admit that he should indeed pass , Maverick does not seem to be a good thing.

"Well, let's go." Swallowing, Yin Yu nodded unnaturally, pulled An Ting to follow the flow of people, and walked west.

——————Let’s watch the fun, watch the mouth quickly—————

The first to discover a large number of creatures approaching was a flying team in the west of Chengyun Cliff.

The team had just hunted a larger dinosaur, and two of them were guarding here, while the others were transporting the dinosaur meat back and forth separated by the two.

And one of the pupae was flying in the sky to patrol at that time, so it happened to be seen from a distance, and the dark patch approaching from the west suddenly felt great pressure.

Then, without further confirming the other party's situation, he recklessly let his companions under him first, and immediately went back to inform the cracks in the cliff that 'a large number of creatures are approaching the new central area'.

Then, after his teammates flew out for a while, this person went to confirm the target, but found that it was actually a large group of quack apes and pupated bodies, and the leader of the team was the pupated dark blood education head.

Well, he made a mistake.

But knowing that he made a mistake, instead of reporting the real situation to the cliff crack as soon as possible, he landed directly, greeted the dark blood and began to admit his mistake.

This made a group of members of the four flight squadrons from the western cliff crack who rushed over lively and planned to hunt the moving herd fall silent.

According to the principle of "hunting together with large mobile herds", when Cheng Yun, the leader of the team, and his four subordinates found out that they had made a mistake and began to greet Dark Blood, the other four flying teams that could move through the cracks in the cliff, Also rushed over in a hurry.

Thus, the welcome ceremony that amazed both the Canyon Quack Ape and Chu Hao appeared because of a small mistake in the pupation.

There were more than 130 pupated bodies belonging to the Xinzhong District present. They just surrounded the leader and Dark Blood who rushed over, and walked towards the Xinzhong District facing a group of canyon quack apes.

But the problem is that something went wrong when entering the regular territory (the hunting range of the land team is the regular territory, and the hunting range of the flying team is the spread territory).

"Dark Blood Headmaster, well, when do you think the companions behind you will be assigned? After all, according to the regulations, they are not allowed in now." Leader Cheng Li hesitated, but he couldn't hide his greed from looking behind Dark Blood. The more than 200 people expressed their thoughts.

Generally speaking, according to the previous habits, the dark blood education grows out, or the same kind brought back by other leaders are distributed according to the current composition of the Pan-Xin Central District, and then integrated into the Five Great Cliffs and the New Central District.

However, this time there are too many people in the dark blood belt, and they are comparable to the population of a cliff crack.

And until now, Dark Blood has not revealed the origins of these people.

At the same time, although these people were dressed in tatters, they looked very imposing. The most special thing was that they all listened to Dark Blood very much, which made Chengli feel a threat.

Several cliff leaders, except for Dark Star, are subconsciously limiting Dark Blood's prestige.

They at least hoped that before they took the initiative to join the elders, Darkblood's prestige would not be so high as to completely replace the leaders, especially the nominal leader of the canyon, Dark Night.

However, nine out of ten of the subordinates of the leader of the cliff crack are from the Xinzhong District. Some things, they can't suppress them even if they want to.

Hearing the other party's question, Dark Blood looked helplessly at Chief Chengli.

With the increase of members of the cliff, these leaders have become 'greedy' up.

However, this greed, from Dark Blood's point of view, is not a narrow and selfish greed.

Because with the gradual increase in the population of the cliff crevice, the management experience of these leaders is also gradually increasing, and with it, there is a demand for more population, a larger hunting range, and better survivability. It has become what the leaders of the cliff cracks expected.

This is also true, without any experience in fighting, and not liking dark blood intrigues, that's why he thought that these leaders were thinking about their own gaps, so they made those actions against themselves, so they tolerated everywhere.

But this time, she didn't let the canyon quack apes stay here, but took everyone away. She had already made some mental preparations.

"They can't be separated for the time being." Zhi Liao pointed behind him, Dark Blood said, "Haven't you noticed that they are from the canyon? You should know them, Chief Chengli."


A few years of stable and comfortable life has made everyone downplay the impression of the canyon, especially among the more than 200 people, many of the older generation have passed away, and some of the younger generation have already pupated... and so on. Under the combination of all kinds of factors, everyone really didn't see it for a while.

"Forget it," as Dark Blood stopped, so did the group of people.

"Chenglin, Chengmeng, Aceh."

"What's the matter?" The three captains who were called came over.

Pointing to the people behind him, Dark Blood said: "Let everyone camp here for a while to rest, and hunt at the same time. You and I will go to Xinzhong District."

"Okay, but why don't you bring our guard team?"

The other quack apes, perhaps what they saw in their eyes was the welcome of the large number of pupae in the Xinzhong District to Dark Blood, but the few captains who were closer were still from the two leaders of Dark Blood and Chengli Chengyun. Among the attitudes, it was found that everything was not going well for Dark Blood here.

Unexpectedly and a little funny, he looked at Aceh, who was overly nervous. Dark Blood pointed at the pupae around him, then smiled and shook his head and pulled Aceh over: "What are you thinking, don't forget this place But in my current home, they will protect me, so there is nothing to worry about."

"Oh, that's right!" As if thinking of something, Dark Blood leaped over Chu Hao who was dancing beside him, and pointed to the quack apes in the canyon who came together: "Ya Wu, you will take everyone with you for the time being, and wait for us to come back. Here Be careful before, you know?"


A pupation waiting at the side nodded. Seeing that Dark Blood had no further instructions, he began to tell everyone to rest.

But at this time, Dark Blood turned his head and said to Chief Cheng Yun with embarrassment: "Boss Cheng Yun, let everyone hunt in your diffusion territory now, it's no problem."

(You have arranged everything, so I can't tell you if there is any problem.)
Now is not the time when a group of leaders unite with the elders to oppress the dark blood. Looking at the young pupae around him, Cheng Yun seems to have noticed that he is in this kind of dispensable decision. Among them, there is no right to speak.

Therefore, he simply nodded generously, in exchange for the approval of the cliff crevice chrysalis.

"It's nothing, Dark Blood Education Head, just do as you arranged."

"Thank you." With a grateful smile, Dark Blood took the lead and flew to the new central area with everyone: "By the way, please call all the leaders and elders, and tell me that I have something important and need a meeting."

"Oh, and," after a short pause, Anxue looked back at the dejected Chu Hao, smiled evilly, and said, "Quasi-priest Chu Hao, please come here with me."

—————Welcome to the New Central District—————

"So, Darkblood, what's the matter?"

In a big room under the ancestral tree in Xinzhong District, five leaders, thirteen elders, plus Dark Blood and the four people she brought were sitting around it at the moment.

"There is a very important matter in this meeting. The preliminary situation is from Aceh. Everyone should know it."

In fact, although he was not very sensitive to certain things, Dark Blood could still feel that four of the leaders and even a few elders didn't trust him very much.

But Aceh is the elder among the canyon quack apes, and was once a cliff leader.

Therefore, these people who used to be the leaders of the cracks in the past are more or less friendly with him, so it should be better for Aceh to tell the specific situation.

Nodding his head, after Dark Blood explained that these were all people from the canyon, although Aceh had already chrysalised, the leaders still recognized each other after chatting for a few words.

Then, there is Aceh's account of the encounter with the Canyon Tribe, which also includes speculation after Dark Blood.


"Black bone ape!"

Outside the central meeting room, which was tightly surrounded, a group of people who intended to eavesdrop but were chased out by the guards were startled by the exclamation of this life.

Then, the originally quiet crowd began to buzz. (Refer to the middle and late stages of university elective courses=.=)

"Black bone ape! Has any black bone ape appeared?" This is the child who came out of the canyon before.

"Black bone ape? What is a black bone ape? Is it dangerous?" This is a child who was later incorporated into the tribe.

"The black bone ape is our enemy. Long, long ago, we left from the previous place and came here to escape the black bone ape." The child who came out of the canyon explained.


At this time, some of the quack apes in the guard team who also came from the canyon also began to look back at the hut.

As a result, the cordon gradually shrank, and the crowd who started to get agitated because of the exclamation all over their bodies squeezed in.

And Anting, who was climbing on the trunk of the ancestral tree at this time, looked at the secret word beside him, and asked worriedly: "The secret word, is the black bone ape coming again?"

"It's okay," he patted the other party, and then looked seriously at the hut below.

Although the impression of the black-boned ape in his memory far exceeds that of An Ting, who was only three or four years old at the time, but the fear of the black-boned ape in the dark language has already gradually weakened with the continuous improvement of strength.

Now he even thinks that with the strength of his [Physical Training] after several years of practice and the [Fighting Skill] in [Practice] that is specially used against Black-Bone Apes, even if he faces three Black-Bone Apes at the same time , he can also solve the other party safely.

Seeing that An Ting was still a little worried, An Yu smiled and patted the other party.

"Don't worry, the current Xinzhong District is not the canyon of the past. Even if the black bone apes come, so what, we are not afraid of them now!"

After finishing speaking, the code word also made a fighting move against the air.

This is one of the dozens of [Fighting Skills] skills trained by the guards, which are very useful for both Quacka Ape and Black Bone Ape when fighting.

Looking at the confident code word on his face, the dark court turned his head and saw the members of the guard below. Although they heard that the defense line was shrinking because of the black bone ape, they did not have the slightest timidity, but were full of fighting spirit.

(Yeah, the current Xinzhong District is different.) Yin Yu thought with a smile.

At this time, the members of the guard team who were closer could even hear a few words in the hut.

"Black bone ape... More than 1000 people... Hundreds of people... Shrinking the defense line... Sneak attack..."

The intermittent words made the members of the security team feel itchy, but out of their respective responsibilities, they couldn't rely on them completely, so they could only endure the torment of curiosity like this.

But in the hut, a group of leaders have gradually calmed down.

When they heard that the canyon was attacked by more than 1000 black-boned apes, leaving hundreds of people to retreat, and even lost the territory of the valley and returned to the former cliff crevice, they were only concerned with these companions who refused to listen to persuasion and insisted on staying I feel sympathy, but at the same time I am complacent about my original wise decision.

The performance of these people made Dark Blood slightly disappointed, but he didn't express anything, but let Aceh continue to tell.

Then it talked about the arrival of Dark Blood, the subsequent stabilization of the defense line and the pupation of Dark Blood. Although these leaders had complex expressions in their eyes, mixed with jealousy or admiration, they didn't express much.

But when they heard the subsequent sneak attack and counterattack, and wiped out more than 400 black bone apes in one fell swoop, they finally couldn't help but burst into applause. This sound made the crowd outside eavesdropping also burst into joyful expressions on their faces.

From their ears, the applause came from the hut, obviously something good happened, so everyone has nothing to worry about, right?

But not long after, the hut fell silent again.

A group of leaders were obviously worried about the black bone ape's revenge, and at the same time, they became interested in how they escaped like listening to a story.

In the end, Aceh's narration ended at the conversation between Dark Blood and several captains.

Then, several captains and Dark Blood turned their heads to look at the elders and leaders who were still thinking.

"Is Captain Totem really that powerful?" An Ye, the titular canyon leader, spoke out first.

But he looked at Dark Blood first, and then turned his head to look at Aceh, obviously wanting to get a reply from Aceh.

The dark blood was fine, but Cheng Lin and Aceh, who were careful at the side, frowned in displeasure.

Nodding his head, Aceh took a sip of the clear spring in the water cup to moisten his throat, and then said: "It goes without saying that Captain Totem's combat effectiveness may only be as strong as that of ordinary quack apes in melee combat, but the attack with the totem stick is even more powerful. It can attack anyone within [-] meters."

"In our canyon, I am afraid that no one can bear it except Dark Blood."

At this time, Dark Blood added: "I can only endure three to four attacks, and the first time I am attacked, I will feel dizzy, which will affect my combat effectiveness."

"Is it the kind of spiritual attack that you, Dark Blood, started to teach some time ago?" asked the Dark Star leader who hadn't spoken much.

Thanks to Dark Blood, his cliff crevice has always been the first choice of quack apes in Xinzhong District, and the number of pupae is also the largest, with a full six teams, which makes him the jealous target of other cliff crevice leaders, and also makes him His crevice life is fine.

Therefore, among the five cliff leaders, and even the entire elders, he is the one who supports Dark Blood the most.

"Yes," nodded, and Dark Blood said worriedly: "And you also heard Aceh say my conjecture, although it is only a conjecture, but once it comes true, even if everyone can resist it, there will be a lot of trouble. Big casualties, so..."

"No, I don't agree."

It was an elder who spoke: "We have worked so hard to live here for so many years, and finally built such a powerful canyon in the Panxin Central District. Why did we leave for a guess."

Although what the other party said was very reasonable, Dark Blood still looked at the other party with some depression: "But this conjecture is likely to become a reality! It may even have become a reality!"


Scanning around, Dark Blood settled down, and then said: "Also, even if the Black Bone Ape has only a few hundred remnants, it will be a matter of time before we find our place, then..."

"It's only a few hundred people, but we have more than 1000 people, and there are thousands of people who are capable of fighting in the five cracks in the cliff. I'm afraid of them!"

(I don't know who it was at the beginning, because they were worried about the return of the black bone ape, and hurriedly escaped from the canyon.)
Angrily looked at such an elder, but Anxue didn't say this, because the range of damage was too large, except for Aceh, Chengmeng, Chenglin and Chu Hao, even Anxue himself was here. The killing range of words.

But the original behavior now seems to be correct, at least everyone has not faced the black bone ape like the canyon quack apes.

Most of the members of the elders group are the original quack ape leaders who gave up their positions at the suggestion of Dark Blood (or under the coercion of the leaders).

Now that they see the scenery of the five chiefs, they gradually feel resentment towards the dark blood who made this suggestion at the beginning, and never thought about it at all. So what.

After stabilizing his emotions, Dark Blood glared at the elder, and said word by word: "We can indeed eliminate these hundreds of black-boned apes, but! What about our own casualties? Why bother with casualties that we can get rid of?" Let everyone die!"

Dark Blood's idea is very simple: this world is huge, and there are places to live in. There is no need to pile up the lives of everyone here for one breath. Before leading everyone to fight in the canyon, Dark Blood has more, or to lead everyone more Good to get out of there.

In fact, Dark Blood's thinking is still a little naive now, but it doesn't mean that these elders are really right.

The quarrel continued, and Chu Hao, who was a bystander, didn't intervene. He just quietly watched the girl confront a bunch of elders and leaders with that simple language.

For some reason, he admired her more and more at the moment, and at the same time felt more and more sympathetic to her.

(In this new central district, the management composition does not seem very reasonable. A group of people are arguing. If the black bone ape calls now, I don’t know what will happen?)
(If it were me, I'm afraid I would just take the people who are willing to go with me and leave first. Since these people choose to stay, doesn't it mean that they no longer need your education, haha.)
Shaking his head, Chu Hao still sat with a calm expression.

After a while, he, who was not used to the quarrels of these leaders and elders, turned his head and looked out of the window with the curtain lifted. There were dense crowds of people there, and they should all be people from Xinzhong District.

While being shocked by the composition of the new Central District and the number of people, he was also surprised by the popularity of this dark blood among ordinary people and the weakness of decision-makers.

Before communicating with Dark Blood that day, he had combined other people's words to confirm that Dark Blood was 100% aboriginal and had no relationship with Gashanmu, and no quasi-priests or even priests had been here.

Then, Chu Hao obviously didn't have to worry about the quasi-priest mission being preempted by his seniors or even his juniors.

However, when asked about the source of the dark blood language and other things, she just laughed and didn't talk about it, which made Chu Hao's teeth itch with hatred.

Therefore, when the other party asked 'how did you run into the canyon', he also resolutely kept silent to express his confrontational attitude, but obviously, the other party didn't mind at all.

Thinking about it, now that I have escaped, according to Dark Blood's idea of ​​"the world is so big, there is nowhere to fit in", I am afraid that I will never return to the canyon in the future, so of course I will not be in the real canyon. mind.

(But what about the dead souls at the bottom of the canyon?)

Chu Hao asked himself this way, he intends to bring those dead souls back to the temple of Gashan, but that amount is not something he can accomplish independently, and the dead souls also expressed that they do not want to leave, the endless years seem to give them their own With a set of action modes, it is almost impossible for outsiders to interfere.

Gradually, Chu Hao also fell silent.

When I presented the content of Gashan to the dark blood dean (a quasi-priest complained: it is actually at the same level as the dean of Chu Xia, and her beauty is comparable), the other party was very curious and immediately decided to go to Ga Shan made Chu Hao excited for a while.

But looking at the performance of these leaders and elders now, I'm afraid this is not an easy task.

"Forget it, the soldiers will come to cover the water and soil, and come step by step."

"What step by step? Quasi-priest Chu Hao, please tell everyone about Mount Ga."

At this time, Chu Hao was a little surprised to find that the people in the room were all looking at him, and the girl looked tired at the moment, looking at him with a hint of expectation in her eyes.

Chu Hao subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and after scanning a circle of leaders-level guys, he recalled how he should behave when facing the leaders of big tribes in the quasi-priest class of Gashan; To show their backing Gashan.

At this moment, he felt a sense of nervousness that he had when he took the quasi-priest school exam.

"Well, all the leaders and elders, good afternoon..."

(Hun Dan, is this an interview!)

(End of this chapter)

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