Spore Story

Chapter 279

Chapter 279

PS: Thank you Feng の Sorrow and Fuzeoka for your support =w=
Today is still a big chapter of W, quack O(∩_∩)O
"Quasi-priest, your water."

"Thank you."

Chu Hao nodded gratefully, and took the pottery bowl from the pupa in front of him with both hands. While missing the bamboo tube he discarded due to an accident on the way, Chu Hao was lost in thought about his current situation.

Although it has been confirmed that he cannot gain the prestige of the leader, or even the dark blood, Chu Hao has won the approval of some people in this new central area with his good education level and personal strength, including several leaders. .


Although everyone said that there is no knowledge about Gashan here, they all confirmed 100% that the dark blood education chief who brought these things was an absolute aborigine, and even one of the leaders said that he was watching Dark blood grew up.

However, whether it is language, pottery or clothes, etc., Chu Hao from Gashan has a sense of sight.

(Is there really such a coincidence in this world?)

Walking on the alleys in Xinzhong District, Chu Hao felt wrong no matter what he thought, but he just couldn't find the connection, and...

Holding the bowl in his hand, Chu Hao looked at the top of the ancestral tree in front of him, where the person sitting there had a gloomy face.

Chu Hao sighed secretly, spread his wings and flew to the opponent's side, standing on the branch beside him.

"Drink some water, after sitting for so long, even if the breeze blows, it's almost dry."

Dark Blood was fascinated by the water bowl that suddenly appeared in front of him. The clear spring water, under the support of the pottery bowl, showed a faintly visible shadow.

(Is this me?)
Tilting his head, Anxue just stood there blankly, looking at the shadow in the bowl in front of him, the shadow's eyes showed confusion and powerlessness, and there was a trace of deep disappointment, was it disappointment in himself?
Dark Blood shook his tail in distress, and continued to maintain his posture, staring at the pottery bowl in front of him in a daze.

(Why are you still not moving? Whether you want it or not, your hand is about to break.) Chu Hao on the side persisted depressedly, looking at the girl with a dazed face in front of him, but he couldn't say anything to disturb her.

It wasn't until the shadow in the water became unstable due to the unnatural shaking of the water bowl that the dark blood woke up from the behavior of looking at itself, and then reached out to take the pottery bowl in front of him, making Chu Hao finally heave a sigh of relief.

But Anxue didn't even look at the people next to him, and took a sip of the clear spring on his own, holding the pottery bowl and continuing to meditate.

(Hey, hard work.) Shaking his head, Chu Hao was careful not to cause the tree to shake, so he just sat on the branch and looked at the girl's back.

"Thank you."

"Huh?" Seemingly surprised, Chu Hao suddenly woke up, looked at the dark blood in front of him, but found that the other party was still moving without any movement.

(Hey, is it a hallucination again? Huh? Again?)
Dark Blood was still sitting on the edge of the cliff with his knees in his hands and his bowl in his hands, silently watching the crowds coming and going below, the children playing happily, the fires being lit one by one, and the elders who were sitting with charcoal for dinner.

what!kill!kill! ...

The roaring sound attracted the attention of the two of them, and they turned their heads to follow the prestige. Dark Blood recognized it at a glance. It was the guard dormitory in the center of Xinzhong District.

At this time, a group of teenagers were roaring in it, practicing the [combat combat skills] obtained by Dark Blood summarizing the quack apes' experience in dealing with the black bone ape.

"Hey, the actions of these people are so strange? Is there some hidden effect?"

At this time, Anxue remembered that Chu Hao from Gashan probably didn't know about this, but she didn't have the mood to explain.

Chu Hao, who was observing Dark Blood's reaction, suddenly became depressed. In fact, these things were invented by Dark Blood [Practice], and he had already learned about it from the children here before. The other party still didn't respond.

(I'm such a failure.)
But Dark Blood looked at these quack apes who were practicing, but felt heavy.

At first, the only purpose of her making these things was to let everyone exercise better and live better, and she never thought about using these things to attack one day.

But now, not only the Xinzhong District, but even the five outer cliffs, including the canyon quack apes who are temporarily arranged to stay in the spreading territory of the western cliffs, have begun to learn this special method to deal with black people under the guidance of the teacher. Bone Ape's skills.

At this time, Chu Hao's voice came again.

"Sorry Darkblood, I am indeed an incompetent quasi-priest."

When Chu Hao's voice sounded beside him, Dark Blood still didn't move, as if he didn't care about Chu Hao's self-blame.

But just when Chu Hao felt that he should jump from here without spreading his wings, the voice of Dark Blood came unexpectedly.

"It's nothing, maybe I was wrong."

(It’s fine if you just open your mouth!) He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn’t agree with Dark Blood’s reply: “You are doing this for everyone’s benefit!”

Dark Blood was a little surprised by the answer beside her, but she still shook her head firmly.

"No, I'm just imposing my ideas on everyone... that's all."

He flicked his tentacles to stop Chu Hao's words, Dark Blood shook his head, then turned his tentacles and pointed at the crowd below: "What I hate the most are self-righteous people, but now, when it's my turn, I realize that In fact, I am also such a person.”

Laughing self-deprecatingly, the dark blood who opened the chatter box seems to have no intention of letting Chu Hao continue to talk: "For a long time, leaving the canyon, establishing a new central area, organizing reforms, improving [body training] and [skills training], Then I went back to the canyon and led everyone all the way, I think I am already very good, and everyone should listen to me."

"You are already very good, but I wouldn't be able to do it differently." Chu Hao's grunt on the side caused Dark Blood to chuckle, but there was no pride in the laughter, but a hint of loneliness.

"Do you know? Uncle Anxing's words are truly correct."

"The leader next to you?" Chu Hao asked after recalling it. He remembered the pupae at that time, and said one sentence from the beginning to the end.

"Well," nodded, Dark Blood withdrew his gaze from the quack apes below, and then looked up at the starry sky, where there is still a Milky Way flowing in it, but it is strange and familiar, recalling the uncle's words, She blamed herself deeply.

"He said, 'How long has it been since you heard what other people think?' And that was it."

"Yeah, what other people think, hehe." Shaking his head, Dark Blood drank the clear spring in the bowl in one gulp, ignoring the spring water flowing on his body, grabbed the empty ceramic bowl in his hand, and stood up again.

"After the meeting, I asked many people, but their answers were all the same." With a slight smile, Dark Blood looked up at the guards who were in contact with the sparring. up.

"Actually, everyone is yearning for a war."

Dark Blood laughed again, and there seemed to be a hint of relief in his smile this time.

Looking up at the distant sky, those pupae who were rushing back to the crevice of the cliff one after another, Dark Blood gently sniffed the branches under him. Although countless years have passed, the leaves are still fresh.

"I also thought of this. I heard from Antong that you had a big battle with the black bone ape in the canyon at first, but after the victory, because of the great loss of strength, you were worried that the defeated black bone ape would return, so you chose to leave."

Quietly talking about his conjecture in a statement tone, Chu Hao thought about it with the attitude of an ordinary member. Empathy is the way of thinking that the teachers of Gashan talk about the most, but there are not many that can really be done. Chu Hao is one.

"Perhaps, since that time, although everyone seems to be intoxicated by the current stable life on the surface, in fact, everyone who once fought against the black bone ape still has a bit of resentment and a bit of resignation Bar."

"So, even though we now know that there are more and stronger black-boned apes, we still have to fight." Pointing to the hard-working teenagers in the security team, Chu Hao suddenly realized that he might have told the truth.

After listening to Chu Hao's analysis, Anxue gave a wry smile, and looked at the underside of the ancestral tree, the one who would sit there every day, rushing non-stop, telling the children around him about the past and the black-skeleton ape over and over again. The fighting elder's eyes gradually cleared up.

"It turns out that the one who really doesn't understand the truth is me."

'Anyway, we're going to fight!If we win, we can talk about Gashan slowly; if we fail, we can do whatever we want. '

Seeing the dark blood returning to calm in front of him, Chu Hao remembered the decisions made by the leaders and elders during the afternoon meeting.

While expressing admiration for these leaders, he couldn't figure out why the girl who was so persistent before would agree.

(Is it forced?)

Chu Hao shook his head. Although most of the leaders were fighting against Dark Blood at that time, when the meeting was at a later stage, there were suddenly voices of support for Dark Blood outside the room. Those voices were so powerful and full of trust.

Chu Hao could clearly remember the trembling body of the girl sitting in front of him when he heard the voice; and the heavy expressions of the leaders when they heard the voice.

But even with such support, when the leaders made this proposal, the girl still agreed.

Now it seems that the reason lies in what the Dark Star leader who was beside Dark Blood said.

Shaking his head, Chu Hao simply stood up and also looked at the sky. At this time, the voice of Dark Blood sounded again.

"Hey, Chu Hao, tell me about Mount Ga."

"Okay, but dark blood."


"Are you really not from Gashan?"

"Dark Blood is 100% aboriginal."


—————Understanding the past—————

In the early morning of the third day, another meeting was held to summarize the content of the previous meeting and arrange specific arrangements.

Although the leaders said that they would personally participate in the battle, Dark Blood only needs to watch from the sidelines, but how could she stand by and watch?
No matter how unconfident she is, she is unwilling to be a spectator.

Therefore, Darkblood still stubbornly participated in the battle meeting, and was the first to put forward a proposal.

"The first is to add a new cliff crevice, which is the quack apes from the canyon. My idea is to place them in the northwest, with Aceh as the leader."

This kind of proposal that seems to reduce one's own benefits will definitely be rejected before, and then a large group of people will quarrel.

But after calmly scanning the surrounding leaders, Dark Blood unexpectedly discovered that today, for some reason, these leaders and elders did not have the tit-for-tat in the past. After Dark Blood made this suggestion, he nodded in agreement.

"I want to participate! No matter what, I am also the head of education of Xinzhong District. I will bear the responsibility for victory and failure!" Recalling what Darkblood said before, several leaders shook their heads silently.

Although Dark Blood didn't see it, Aceh and Chu Hao, who were staying at the side, could feel that the voices of support for Dark Blood that popped up after yesterday's meeting had changed the leaders' attitude towards Dark Blood. a great change.

What did you say?It should be that these leaders figured out something and gave up something.

But at this time, seeing that there was no objection, Dark Blood did not let Aceh, the newly appointed leader, make a speech, so he directly put forward the next proposal.

As for this, several leaders and elders are already used to it.

This proposal is about combat readiness.

Counting now, there are already six cliff crevices with a similar number of populations and pupae, but these are all cliff crevices composed of adult individuals. Since they usually only need to hunt, they are very casual in command.

However, Dark Blood has already discovered from the previous battles in the canyon that a reasonable and effective command class has a far greater impact on the battle situation than the outbreak of a strong individual during a battle.

"My suggestion is to reorganize the existing cliff cracks."

When Dark Blood put forward his suggestion, all the leaders of the cliffs only considered it for a while, and there was no objection.

Although they may resist in their hearts, they also have to admit that Dark Blood's ability and experience in large-scale battles are far beyond those of them, who usually only engage in large-scale battles when hunting herds of beasts. .

Moreover, Dark Blood's arrangement this time did not make them unhappy.

In Dark Blood's proposal, there are four levels: [District], [Gap], [Cliff], [Team], and [Group].

Today's six cliff crevices, after comprehensive reorganization, are six [gorges], all of which are headed by the existing leaders.

Among them, a [group] of 3 people, three groups plus a captain, form a [team]; a [team] of 10 people, eight teams form a [Ya], and one of the eight teams has a personal guard of [Ya Chang] ; One [Ya] 80 people, this is the establishment of Quack Ape, that is, the establishment of land troops.

In addition, the pupae body is composed of four [teams] [Ya], and there is also a guard team of Yazhang.

Then, two land [cliffs] plus one flying [cliff], three [cliffs] form a [gorge], plus [gorge length], the number of people is 201.

The existing six cliff crevices are arranged and reorganized according to this method. Since the original five major cliff crevices received a certain amount of population supplements from the Xinzhong District every year, and firmly followed the rule of 'the number of people in the cliff crevices remains the same', the current population of the five major cliff crevices is basically the same.

The only valley with a different number of people, under the proposal of Aceh, more than 100 children were handed over to Xinzhong District, and then all 43 adults were obtained from Xinzhong District this year. After a little adjustment, Even the Sixth Gorge formed by the canyon quack apes has basically filled up to 201 people.

Then, these six [Gorges] formed a [District] with 1206 combatants.

At the same time, in the security team of the new central district, the juvenile individuals were individually assigned and organized into a cliff, which became the district chief's guard team.

But when faced with the position of District Chief, Dark Blood, whom everyone agrees with, hesitated.

(I am like this, am I still qualified to take on this kind of responsibility?)

She just sat quietly like this, and all the leaders and elders also watched calmly.

The eyes of the leaders were very complicated. From the voice of support yesterday, these leaders already knew that they could no longer suppress the dark blood.

In fact, they shouldn't have arranged Darkblood as the head of education in the new central district in the first place.At that time, even if Dark Blood was appointed as the leader of the cliff crack, it would not allow her to gain the prestige she has now, but that is already in the past.

Although the unwilling leader searched for the person who made the first noise outside afterwards, he found nothing.

"Dark Blood, did you hear the voices of those children yesterday?"

Just as Dark Blood hesitated, Dark Star's voice came from beside him again.

"Uncle..." At this moment, although there was a tinge of complacency and a touch of emotion in her heart, she knew that this came from everyone's trust, which made her unable to relax anymore: "Well, no matter whether we win or lose, I will definitely Will be with you all!"

"No," pointing to everyone present with a smile. For Dark Star who really watched Dark Blood grow up, he also knows Dark Blood's inner stubbornness and some small tempers best, saying, "It doesn't matter whether you win or lose." , it sounds a little suspected of being lazy on the grounds of lack of self-confidence.

Therefore, he will not agree.

"You must lead us to victory. I am here to express my stance. If you win, you can do whatever you want; if you fail! You take the people from the New Central District, and I will stay!"

These words were sonorous and powerful, but the pressure on Dark Blood increased several times.

Looking at the uncle depressedly, she finally nodded.

(I used to always want to gain the trust of others, but now I have it, why is it so heavy?)
Looking at the leaders with firm expressions in front of him with a complicated expression, Dark Blood realized once again that he didn't know them well.

(Forget it, as long as you win, right?)

Thinking so, Dark Blood showed a heartfelt smile.

At this time, the door curtain was lifted, and a pupa rushed in.

"Ya Wu, what's going on?"

Seeing Ya Wu with an eager expression, Anxue's heart suddenly relaxed, and the thought of "Sure enough" came to his mind strangely.

——————The enemy is on the move—————

When the sun was shining directly on the ground, the black bone apes in the big camp outside the valley were still walking sparsely.

And many black bone apes are scattered in a wide area, it can be seen that they are hunting, but that kind of hunting is almost destructive.

Whether it was the family of dinosaurs, the young children in the nest, or the fruit left on the tree trunk, all edible things were brought back to the camp.

Looking down from the sky, the camp has a clear demarcation.

Between the two camps, there seemed to be an invisible wall, separating a neat and large tribe from a smaller, dilapidated tribe.

Neither the buildings nor the people in it moved to the other side.

And in the middle of these two camps is a big tent.

At this moment, several totem captains outside the tent were anxiously looking at the big tent, as if they were waiting for the result of the trial.

At this time, the curtain of the tent flapped, and their little boss Shi Shi suddenly came out, his face as unsettled as ever.However, what worries these totem captains is that the little boss's face is full of anger and disappointment.

Then, another little boss came out with a calm face, but he could see the uncontrollable pride in his eyes, which made him look high-spirited, which was different from the dejected expression of the little boss who walked out before. sharp contrast.

Holding back the original little boss who was about to leave, the newcomer smiled, patted the other party pretending to be cool, and then pointed around while saying something in his mouth.

After that, he ignored the other party's more ugly expression, laughed and walked towards his neat and huge camp.

Glaring at the back of the boss with resentment, the little boss waved to the totem captains who had been waiting outside the tent, and walked towards his camp.

After a while, the personnel in the entire old camp began to be mobilized on a large scale.

And standing outside the camp, looking at the groups of black-skeleton apes neatly arranged in front of his eyes, this little boss swept every black-skeleton ape in turn with a serious expression, whether it was miscellaneous soldiers or guards. It was still Captain Totem, their faces were full of confusion and worry.

After a while, these personnel began to disperse in two groups, leaving only the empty camp and the little boss standing quietly in it.

Then, he took a deep look at the valley passage, turned his head and walked towards his small tent.

—————Prisoner of Species War—————

Turning his eyes away from the migrating quack apes, Dark Blood looked at the four black bone apes tightly bound by rattan, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he was suppressed again.

Then, she looked suspiciously at Amo who called them over.

Seeing the dark blood's sight, Yawu said proudly: "I remember dark blood you once said, 'If there is a chance, I really want to catch a live black bone ape to see'. It just needs to be concealed and not caught, luck is good this time, this group of guys are surrounded by us, hehe."

As he spoke, Ya Wu handed the totem stick in his hand to Dark Blood.

"This belongs to the totem captain. Unfortunately, he is too dangerous, and we have no chance to capture him alive. After all, in order to kill him, we all died a quack ape ourselves."

Although it was easy to say, Dark Blood could still see the seriousness of the other party's expression. Everyone escaped with difficulty, but one person died. No matter how you look at it, it makes people uncomfortable.

Perhaps, compared to the people in the Xinzhong District, the members who have now been reorganized into the Sixth Gorge are actually the people who don't want to fight the least.

But because the compatriots here chose to fight, they could only hold back their unhappiness and continue to persevere.

(Will everyone blame me in their hearts?) Dark Blood laughed at himself, or shook his head to shake off the thought, then looked at Yawu and asked: "How many people have died with them? How many have they come?" People? Tell me about the whole process in detail?"

Gathering his mind, Yawu kicked the dishonest black bone ape on the ground, then pointed to the fourteen black bone apes on the ground, and began to describe the specific process.

The whole incident went like this.

At that time, Ya Wu was leading the crowd, planning to go hunting.

At this time, one of the pupae flying in the sky suddenly found a group of black spots in the west.

Out of vigilance and the memory of the black bone ape's terrifying vision, he landed decisively without any confirmation.

Then, Yawu, who also understood the abnormal vision of the black bone ape, immediately ordered all the pupae to come down, and then personally led five teams of quack apes and three teams of pupae to the previous pupae to find the enemy's Direction, rushed over.

Perhaps the purpose of the black-boned ape was to find the fleeing quack ape. They never expected to be attacked. They all stood at high places in a scattered pattern to search for targets, so their positions were very obvious.

The quack apes hiding in the woods, on the contrary, can hide better.

After confirming that there is only one totem captain and 32 black bone apes on the other side, Yawu, with eight teams, directly ordered the quack apes of the two teams to ambush in the place where the totem captain must pass, and at the same time let the other teams hunt separately Other black bone apes.

However, his order is to deal with them one by one based on the advantage of numbers.

Therefore, although they had the advantages of terrain and local numbers, which made the battle smoother, and most of the black-boned apes were killed or captured, but because of seeking stability, they were unable to react in time, and were killed by two black-boned apes who were behind. Using the same woods, it escaped the pursuit of the pupae.

As for Captain Totem, although he reacted quickly, he actually killed a quack ape who was rushing forward with a totem stick before he was attacked. This was also the only quack ape who died, but he was still killed by a large group Qiu Shen's quack apes were torn to pieces.

"You mean to let him go!"

If the whole process was just an ambush with the purpose of killing the opponent, it would have been very good in the eyes of Dark Blood, but this was obviously the Black Bone Ape team that was searching, but they were let go because of this, which made Dark Blood feel a little bad.

At the same time, what puzzled Dark Blood was that the search team was actually composed of more than 30 black bone apes led by Captain Totem.

(You really think highly of us.)
While sighing, Dark Blood also knew that the two black bone apes who had escaped would definitely report back.

Then it won't be long before the large army of the black bone ape will come over.

(But are you ready?)
Darkblood thought she was ready for this, but for others, she didn't want to add her thoughts to others now.

(Forget it, this is the end of the matter, let's make preparations early.)
"Ya Wu! Code word! You two lead a team and spread out on the way of these black bone apes. Pay attention to concealment. If you find a large number of black bone apes coming, don't fight, come back and tell me immediately!"

"Okay, but...these black bone apes?" Aceh looked at the black bone ape who had struggled on the ground for a while, and seemed to have no strength, so he was lying motionless on the ground at the moment, looking at the black bone apes around everyone with terrified eyes , these eyes make most people feel comfortable.

"Leave it to me. Although none of us can understand it, someone here may understand it, haha."

Ignoring the people around him, and hearing the surprised expression of someone who could understand the words of the black bone ape, Dark Blood smiled and turned to look at Xinzhong District.

The quasi-priest who is not in a normal mood should have learned in school how to communicate with quack apes who don't understand the language. Although he is now replaced by a black bone ape, he should be able to do it...probably.

"Okay, let's go then." Nodding, Aceh took the code word assigned to him in the Sixth Gorge just now, and walked westward.

The quack apes who came with Code Word all elected him as the captain, and he also knew Dark Blood, which was convenient for management.

After turning his head and nodding to Anxue, Anyu took his classmates with him excitedly, and followed Yawu forward.

"Then," squatting down carefully, looking at the terrified black bone ape on the ground, Dark Blood showed a smile that he thought was very gentle and amiable.

In the eyes of the quack apes around, it was 100% sure that it was the friendly smile of the few, but judging from the more violent shaking of the black bone ape, they seemed to think that it was almost the same as the devil's smile.

However, Darkblood would be very happy to be treated as a demon by the enemy.

"Then, now it's time to teach you (meow) and teach you (meow). I hope Chu Hao will be more energetic, so that he can face the enemy better."

Clapping his hands, Dark Blood, who was very satisfied with the reaction of the black bone ape, pointed to a dozen or so black bone apes around him, and said with a smile to the pupae waiting beside him: "Take them all away, I will You need to have a good chat with them, ah quack quack quack!"

However, when a dozen black bone apes were thrown in front of Chu Hao, he frowned hesitantly.

"Although I can't remember when I told you that our quasi-priests learned to communicate with quack apes who are not speakers of quack language, but it was all the brain fluctuations of quack apes that were summed up by the education chief and the others, and then let us It took us more than 200 days for this course alone to obtain the ability to use mental power through a large amount of memory."

"However, this is the first time I've seen a creature like the black-boned ape that belongs to the same tribe. I don't know what fluctuation patterns the other party's brain has. If I try it rashly, I may become an idiot. This..."

"do not worry."

Waving his hand interrupted Chu Hao's worry, and Dark Blood didn't feel at all uncomfortable about turning the black bone ape into an idiot.

As for this, the surrounding pupated bodies also showed indifferent expressions, and a few of them were even eager to try, as if they really wanted to see what the idiot black bone ape was like.

This made Chu Hao have to lament the bad relationship between the black bone ape and them. You must know that in Gashan, even when people treat their prey, they choose the way with less pain, and the prey is carefully screened, only looking for middle-aged and elderly people. Or a thin individual, who will attack a strong and obese individual only when food is scarce.

It is said that it is to keep animals hunting sustainably. Of course, Chu Hao has no interest in understanding these at all, and he will know when he reads "Ga Mountain".

Although, like the bamboo tube of his own cup of tea, "Ga Mountain" was also lost by Chu Hao due to an accident, but he thinks that the book has been roughly remembered by him in the years between boring searches.

The quasi-priest of this tragedy.

At this time, the voice of dark blood came.

"Anyway, there are fourteen here. You only need to know the general communication method when you leave one at the end. The other thirteen are up to you. You can bake or boil them as you like, but remember to cook them. When they are boiled several times, and put more salt, their taste will not be very good."

The dark blood at this time, Chu Hao looked evil.

Especially when talking about roasting, Dark Blood stretched out his cute tongue and licked his dry lips, and then made an unbearable expression, which attracted a group of pupated bodies around him to laugh in agreement.

(Sure enough, is there still a gap between me and them?)
Thinking this way, Chu Hao turned his head to look at the black bone apes on the ground. Several of them seemed to have resigned themselves to their fate and were obediently lying on the ground without moving. There was even one who was taking a nap, which made Chu Hao depressed again. (Dude, a little professionalism, you guys are captives.)
"Well, I will do it as soon as possible. If the brains of the black bone ape and quack ape are similar, it should be enough in half an afternoon. But if the difference is too large, it may take a long time. It may be hundreds of days or even years."

"Don't worry, the head of the black bone ape seems to be similar to that of the quack ape."

After recalling it for a while, Dark Blood nodded cutely, then shook the tentacles behind him and pointed to the head of a black bone ape next to him, which made the other party shiver, but Dark Blood seemed very satisfied with it: "The one in here The white stuff is probably the only thing that tastes better on the black-boned ape, and it looks like that..."

Chu Hao didn't listen to the rest of the words. Under the serious protest of his stomach, he had already focused his attention on the black-skeleton ape on the ground, and released his mental power to start investigating.

Although it is not uncommon to see heads when eating prey before, they are all individual mouth teeth that are very different in shape from Quack ape.

And these black-boned apes, although their legs are anti-jointed, their tails are very short, they don't have useful tentacles and cute one-horns, and they are not electric creatures, they still look very similar to quack apes from a distance.

Therefore, Chu Hao always felt that eating a black bone ape was a terrifying thing.

Therefore, he suddenly felt that his decision to take down this beautiful girl was not a mistake, but seeing the girl looking at him with great interest, he still fell into it rather M.

Time drifted into the next night like this.

To Dark Blood's surprise, she tried her best to wait for the news in the Xinzhong District, but until now she has not waited for the arrival of the Black Bone Ape, and she has not even made any movement.

This made her almost unable to bear the thought of sending a team of pupae, and even went to see what the black bone ape was doing by herself.

However, after reminding Aceh to send people to replace Yawu and the secret language team who had been guarding for a long time, she returned to Xinzhong District under the insistence of a group of elders.

But now, Chu Hao rushed over suddenly, and finally attracted the attention of Dark Blood who was about to move.

"Why, one day is enough?"

Dark Blood and a small group of guards who followed her looked a little curious, and some of the girls even expressed doubts about Chu Hao's ability, but Chu Hao didn't mind it at all.

"One of the prerequisites for our quasi-priests to complete the task is to communicate. Except for you, the quack apes in other places use different languages. Therefore, in order to communicate, we spent most of our school time relying on mental power and memory to distinguish between them." The dizzying thinking fluctuates!"

"You know, this thing can't be written. According to Chu Xia's dean of education, it can only be understood, but can't be passed on." And I was No.1 in this class, Quack."

Speaking of this, Chu Hao still raised his head proudly, but when he saw the slightly impatient expression on the dark blood, he immediately restrained his movements.

It's not a good time to be angry.

"Well, let's get down to business. The brain fluctuations of the black-bone ape are almost the same as those of ordinary quack apes, and the slight difference is almost negligible. Through Ga Shan's experience summed up over the years, I have roughly understood the other party's thinking mode , but learning a language is not so simple.”

Seeing Dark Blood's disappointed expression, Chu Hao hurriedly made amends: "However, there are some things we don't need to know all about. In fact, language is just a medium. When spiritual power communicates directly, language doesn't have much effect."

Hearing Chu Hao's powerful words, Anxue was stunned, and suddenly he couldn't laugh or cry.

Because, this sentence seems to have been written by her when she was an empty fantasy, when Gashan was compiling "Gashan". One of the students took it over and preached to himself.

What should I say?Heaven cycle?

However, upon entering the hut, Darkblood still frowned uncomfortably.

It's not that they are uncomfortable with the miserable condition of the black bone apes, but that several of them are roaring indiscriminately, and their excrement is scattered everywhere.

"This...Chu Hao, didn't you say that there is no difference? Why did you still make an idiot, and it's still...so..."

Bearing the dark blood in embarrassment, and with the strange eyes of her female guards, Chu Hao touched the back of his head in embarrassment, and quickly asked the quack ape, who was assigned by the dark blood to his assistant, to pull out these failed products and deal with them , and then remedied.

"Well, isn't there still a slight gap? So, there were a few small mistakes during the period. Of course, there is no problem now, and the remaining few can basically communicate normally."

"Basic?" Dark Blood cast a distrustful glance at Chu Hao, and then turned to look at the black bone apes on the ground with puzzled expressions.

Judging from the expressions of these black-boned apes, Chu Hao probably had a preliminary communication with them, which made Dark Blood admire the other party a little in his heart. Of course, the expression must be calm.

Originally, the soul-level dark blood, with the illusory mental power thinking and communication ability in memory, seems to be able to do this, but because of her specialization in physical power, her mental power control is extremely low, and she can use mental power to communicate with other people of the same race. The communication is already very good.

Alien?Forget it anyway.

"Ask them these questions: How many people are there? Who is in the big tent? How powerful is the little boss compared to Captain Totem? Where do they come from? Then just report these to me."

After finishing speaking, Dark Blood led his own guards and exited the hut with a very bad taste, leaving behind Chu Hao with a depressed face.

"Dark Blood...District Chief, um, is it really possible to be a quasi-priest? It sounds so powerful, this Chu Hao."

"Oh," glancing at the members of his little guards, and looking at the pairs of curious eyes, Dark Blood smiled and said, "Let's call me Dark Blood, we are about the same age anyway, as for the quasi-priest The ability is indeed good, but if you want to learn, I can also teach you."

"Eh! Can you?"

"When did I reject you on this?"

"Yeah! I also want to speak with spiritual power like a quasi-priest."

"I want to, too. I want to use mental power to make people dizzy like a quasi-priest."

"I want to be like..."


Hey, looking at a group of excited underage guards, Dark Blood suddenly thought a little depressed, when did this Chu Hao let his lovely guards know so much about the profession of priests?
(End of this chapter)

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