Spore Story

Chapter 280

Chapter 280
PS: Thank you for the reward of the winter of the wind and snow night~\(≧▽≦)/~
"Is this the result you spent most of the night asking from the black bone ape?"

Sitting on the rock quite speechlessly, with his legs dangling and his hands supporting the rock, Dark Blood looked down at Chu Hao below with an expression of an extreme queen.

Of course, please ignore the dress, ga.

Constantly wiping off his cold sweat, Chu Hao was obviously not very satisfied with the result he got, but the problem is, he can only ask this kind of thing until now.

At this moment, standing under a rock a few meters high, stared at by Dark Blood and a group of girl guards, he felt powerless in the face of Lou Long's rampage, although he had only seen the gentle Lou Long family , Haven't seen the other party go berserk yet.

"Hey, I didn't think it through. I treated all civilized races like quack apes."

Shaking the leather scroll in his hand, Dark Blood sighed helplessly.

These corresponded to the questions she had asked before, and wrote the result that Chu Hao spent most of the night asking, but...

Q: How many people are there?

Answer: Many, many. (results summarized after multiple inquiries)
Q: Who is in the big tent?
Answer: I don't know. (same as above)

Question: How much stronger is the small boss than Captain Totem?
Answer: A lot of power, no one can compare. (still)

Q: Where are you from?

Answer: From our tribe. (…)

This is cheating!
Looking at the question and answer written, Dark Blood has the urge to vomit blood, what use do you think this kind of answer can be!What's the use!The soul is weak.

Fortunately, Chu Hao is not an idiot, nor is he a quack ape with a third-level brain who could only follow orders mechanically before.

If it was really just such an answer, Dark Blood and the others would not talk to Chu Hao here, and they would probably hand Chu Hao directly to the guards as a living target for skill practice.

So he should be thankful that the thinking of his quasi-priest's fifth-level brain is still a little flexible.

Therefore, when these questions failed many times, Chu Hao found another way, asked other relevant detailed questions, and changed to a different direction, and then unexpectedly learned about a not-so-good thing.

Black-Bone Ape has reinforcements.

By way of comparison, using the original Valley Black-Bone Ape as a reference, when asking these captives who had the larger number, the Black-Bone Ape finally said something effective.

More than the original people.

How many people are there?
Chu Hao didn't experience the battle between the canyon quack ape and the black bone ape, so he didn't know much about it, so he immediately rushed to the dark blood who was leading the guards to practice combat skills with his conclusion.

"Are there more people than at the beginning?" Frowning and looking at the scroll in his hand, Dark Blood suddenly felt proud of Quack Ape's education level.

Void attaches great importance to education, almost to the point of obsession. Every ethnic group must learn language and arithmetic from the very beginning.

Then it will be mandatory, at least at the captain level, to learn writing and further arithmetic.

However, due to the low usage rate of characters among ordinary quack apes, few people actually master them. However, almost every quack ape can do arithmetic. At least addition and subtraction within a hundred digits, and even multiplication and division are not a problem.

I'm talking about each one here, not the captain level.

In comparison, these black-boned apes can only use 'many', 'few', 'many', and 'very few' to describe the quantity in their eyes, which seems so ignorant.

But after careful consideration, Dark Blood suddenly felt absurd.

Think about it, if both the enemy and the enemy have the ability to communicate with captives like Chu Hao, the captives of the black bone ape can only tell general information, and they are all misleading data; In more cases, it can still be accurate to at least two digits...

"Uh, meow, why do I have such a weird feeling."

Rubbing his forehead, Dark Blood brought his thoughts back to reality.

Now, based on the analysis of the Black-Bone Ape's information, at least it can be confirmed that the Black-Bone Ape has no less than 1000 reinforcements.

This news alone is enough to make the dark blood depressed, and if you add at least 600 people left from the previous Black-Bone Ape, the Black-Bone Ape has surpassed the current Xinzhong District in terms of population alone.

But the Xinzhong District can really fight, but there are only more than 1200 people in the Six Gorges.

"We are not meatball beasts waiting to be slaughtered." (If Dark Blood knew what happened to Huili, he wouldn't use the meatball beast as a metaphor =.=)

Having said that, Dark Blood ordered Chu Hao to go back and continue his inquiry in a flexible mode, and at the same time try to summarize the language of the black-boned ape for future communication.

Even the enemy needs to master the other party's language in order to better understand the other party and eliminate the other party.

And this time, the Black Bone Ape sent more than 1000 reinforcements, which made Dark Blood feel inexplicable.
It seems that no matter whether it is the victory of the new central district or the victory of the black bone ape, the battle between the quack ape and the black bone ape may not end so soon.

"Dark voice, ask all the canyon chiefs to hold a meeting."

Dark Blood, who was going to make a decision directly, hesitated for a while and decided to ask the opinions of everyone (at least get the approval of these canyon leaders before making a decision, and the future battles will be more flexible.)
As for meetings, this has long been the norm in Xinzhong District, but if it is just an irrelevant trivial matter, Dark Blood will not go back to participate.

In a short while, six gorge chiefs who were busy with reorganization rushed to Xinzhong District. They were all pupae, and it took only half a day for them to travel dozens of kilometers.

As for the formation of the team, in fact, if it is just a matter of assigning formations, it only takes half a day. The later running-in and training is what really needs time, but what the New Central District lacks now is time.

"According to the news from those black-boned apes, their number is no less than [-], and they are all individuals capable of fighting. Based on the ratio of totem captains, they now have at least forty."

After seeing everyone coming, Dark Blood directly stated his calculations.

Several canyon chiefs and elders suddenly chatted buzzingly, while Dark Blood sat aside, quietly listening to everyone's thoughts and discussions.

After a while, Aceh turned to look at Dark Blood and asked.

"Your thoughts?"

what idea?Is it the idea of ​​whether or not there are still fights left, or how to deal with these enemies?
Dark Blood really wanted to ask this question, but seeing the emotional expressions and fearless eyes, Dark Blood gradually relaxed in his heart, and then smiled self-deprecatingly in his heart.

(Indeed, since I have already decided to fight, how can I, as a commander, be timid before fighting?)
Smiling, Dark Blood tapped the stone table top in the center of the conference room. The light knocking sound echoed in the small conference room, and Dark Blood's firm voice sounded along with it.

"We are definitely going to fight. I believe everyone has confirmed this. Therefore, no matter whether the enemy is hundreds or thousands, we should not be afraid."

"Now, my plan is to..."

Pausing for a moment in a wicked way, seeing the expectant expressions of the canyon chiefs in relief, Anxue blinked and turned his head to look out the window.

(From the fact that the Black Bone Ape was able to send more reinforcements in a short time this time, the strength behind the Black Bone Ape may be beyond our imagination, and their tribe should not be very far away.)
(But so what? Our goal now is to defeat these enemies in front of us, and then return to the Gashan ethnic group safely. As for whether it will send more people over in the future, that is a matter of the future.)
(Of course, if Captain Totem and even the little boss can be captured, maybe more information can be obtained.)
Thinking about it this way, Dark Blood didn't keep the bosses waiting for long, and continued talking after slightly nodding his head.

"Instead of sitting here and waiting for the enemy to come to the door, we might as well take the initiative to attack!"

The dark blood's tone became a little passionate: "It's been so long that the black bone ape has always attacked us, but why not come here to reverse it? You say it is right."

Speaking of this, she wagged her tail mischievously.

Then, looking at the chief and elders who were shocked by the words of the dark blood, the dark blood smiled complacently, and then waved his hands to stop the two chiefs with worried faces.

"I know that the six gorges now need time to reorganize and resettle, and some details, such as the placement of officials at all levels, are still a bit problematic."

"But this time, if we still stay in our own home like this, waiting for the enemy to come, and then we fight back, isn't it the same as before? Moreover, this place is different from the canyon. Although the terrain defense is suitable, it is not powerful."

"Also, if the enemy discovers the existence of the new central area, and then the black bone ape uses the sneak attack they are good at, it will be hard for us to guard against, isn't it? Everyone must sleep carefully every night."

"In this case, it is better for us to take the initiative to fight in the past, shorten the fighting time as much as possible, and we have the final say on where to fight and how to fight, then the possibility of victory will definitely be higher."

Dark Blood looked at the group of elders confidently. In fact, her reasons here may not be sufficient, but a single 'initiative' has already moved the hearts of these elders and elders.

Why stay and fight?It's not for the sake of shame.

Throughout the endless ages, quack apes have always been on the attacking side, but they are not weak.

These people who have grown up in defensive battles have subconsciously planted the feeling that 'the black bone ape is the attacking side, and the quack ape is the defensive side'.

This is probably why the quack ape lacks active behaviors such as sneak attacks.

But at this time, Dark Blood suddenly admired that he led everyone to put all his eggs in one basket and drove away the black bone ape, allowing everyone to gain several years of peace, but he himself paid for his life to become a spirit.

It was he who made the canyon quack apes see the benefits of taking the initiative for the first time, but the casualties were so great that everyone still hesitated about this kind of initiative.

However, after a counterattack by Dark Blood, he killed hundreds of Black Skeleton Apes, while his own team lost more than a dozen people, which officially made these canyon leaders feel suddenly enlightened.

Now hearing Dark Blood's 'initiative', everyone's eyes lit up.

After so many years of passive defense, he took the initiative twice, once in exchange for several years of peace, and once brought the canyon quack ape out of the dead.

But now, everyone is once again taking the initiative to attack to win, isn't it a good way to avenge their shame?

As for other strategies and tactics, these commanders did not have this kind of awareness, because what they thought was still limited to the primitive era.

This is the gap between Dark Blood and them, not big, just a small step.

Once these gorge chiefs take this small step and their vision reaches the level of dark blood, I am afraid that their strength will definitely surpass dark blood, but how many people in this world can step out?

In the afternoon of that day, Dark Blood left the sixth gorges, which had just gone through the war and was still exhausted, as the defense and hunting population of the new central area.And I took the Five Gorges adapted from the five cliff cracks in the original Xinzhong District, plus more than ten days of food, and marched carefully along the original road to the valley.

Only at this time did she think of marching by land, there are still a few days away from the valley. I am afraid that at this time, those black bone apes who escaped have just returned to the valley.

While expressing depression about her previous impetuous behavior, she was also thankful for this time difference, because it laid a better foundation for her own battle preparations.

"Hehe, I have a good idea, Quack."

Looking at the road ahead, a strange smile suddenly appeared on Anxue's face, and confidence was gradually returning to her face.

——————The black bone ape search team is fleeing—————

In a large dense forest, six black-boned apes are being led by a totem captain... Well, there should be no leadership, right now.

So, they all ran for their lives in the direction of the big camp in memory with shocked faces.

From the fact that there is a totem captain among them, it is known that this is not the search team from the direction of the dark blood, but now they also lost more than half.

The world is still big.

With a miserable howl, Captain Totem looked back in horror and found that there was another team member missing.

How many times in a row is this already today?Recalling the previous experience, the totem captain was full of regrets.

Why did I go after those dark shadows?
But there was no time to think about it anymore, he continued to move his strong legs, his right hand tightly held the totem stick in his hand, only the uneven touch from the cold face above seemed to make him feel a little bit of progress motivation.

Run, just run out of the forest.

The way he looked towards the edge of the forest ahead seemed to remind him constantly.

There were two more slamming sounds, this time without even screaming, it seemed that some team members had been wiped out, but Captain Totem no longer planned to count how many guards he had left.

Just seeing him staring at the light in front of him with all his heart, one can tell that the only thought in his heart is to run forward.

At this time, there seemed to be some shadows shaking in the bushes ahead, Captain Totem waved the totem stick in his hand without thinking, and after a strong mental impact, he jumped over the corpse on the ground.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the corpse on the ground. It was not an enemy chasing them, but an ordinary animal.

The appearance of those enemies, this totem captain, can remember clearly even if he only saw them once.

The sharp bone tail can easily cut off the arm of the black bone ape; the spiky spikes in the hands seem to be cursed by the devil, and any team members who touch it will become slow in a moment, and then they will be killed by someone who doesn't know where. The leaping shadows dragged into the darkness; the same feet seemed to be upright, but he still felt on all fours as he bounced and ran through the trees.

But these are not important, the totem captain knows that there is no quack ape in this direction, even if there is, it will definitely be killed by these terrifying beasts (thanks hey-AJ! for providing).

At this moment, Captain Totem felt relieved, because at that moment, the sun enveloped his whole body again.

Thank God, I'm finally out!

Perhaps his god was dissatisfied with his behavior of fleeing in the face of the enemy. Just as he was feeling so emotional, he seemed to be tripped by something, and the totem captain suddenly rolled forward without defense.

Surprisingly, the roll seemed to save his life.

Because at that moment, a dark diamond-shaped spike passed through his shadow without a sound and disappeared into the dense grass in front of him, but Captain Totem didn't notice this attack at all.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of falling to the ground, Captain Totem looked around.

The result made him sad. There were more than 30 subordinates in total, and only two of them could escape from the forest.

Captain Totem, who was almost in despair because of a sprained foot, found that the enemy did not continue to rush out.

Shouting at the two who escaped later, the two team members seemed to hesitate for a moment, looked at each other, and then rushed over, helped the totem captain who was in a mess and walked towards the camp.

There were bursts of roars from behind the forest, but to the totem captain's ears, it was like fairy music.

Long-term hunting experience told him that these enemies only made a little noise at the beginning, and after hunting their own team members, there was no more sound from the enemies. The roar that appeared now showed that they had given up.


His throat seemed a little thirsty, Captain Totem patted the nervous guards beside him, and pointed to the small river not far away.

Regarding the virtues of his subordinates, he is very clear. Until now, these people have stayed behind, so they can escape. I am afraid that they have never seen what these enemies look like.

Captain Totem despised this very much. As for him himself staying behind, it was because as Captain Totem, how could he act like a low-level soldier who charged into battle?
Buried his whole head in the river, and a huge amount of clear water flowed into his mouth, Captain Totem felt that the thirst in his throat seemed to be slightly relieved.

However, just as he was about to raise his head, he gradually felt something was wrong.

The body... the body works well...

Suddenly, he felt a force pushing himself away, and then there was the roar of the team members in fear.

what happened?

Looking back at his team members, he found that the team members who had always been in awe of him were greedy, but now they were looking at him in horror, and they were retreating step by step, as if he was about to throw them into a slave camp .

huh... huh...

Just when he was about to speak, he found that his throat seemed to be cracked, and he could only make a gurgling sound.

In the eyes of the two black-boned ape players, their rosy and plump captain turned into a mummy in just a moment, and lay motionless on the ground.

And next to this mummy is just an ordinary river that cannot be in an ordinary river.

Glancing at each other, the two suddenly rushed towards the captain who should have died. One of them shifted his hand a bit and only grabbed the arm of the mummy; the other began to grab the totem stick tightly held in the captain's right hand. .

Suddenly, the captain who had turned into a mummy and should be dead no matter what, suddenly grabbed the arm of one of them with his left hand.

Shocked, the black-boned ape withdrew his hand reflexively, and the captain's once strong arm was easily torn from his body like mud, but the severed limb was still tightly grasped. The arm of the black bone ape who intends to take out the totem stick.

He only felt a dry friction in his right arm...

The screams echoed on the riverside exuding a terrifying atmosphere, but the two people who were attracted by this scene couldn't hear all the words that their captain tried his best to say.

"No, no, quack, quack, quack ape..." (Ding ~ ~ heartbeat returns to zero =. =)

(This is the language of the black bone ape. Of course they don't call the quack ape the same, but this is translation, translation, quack.)
At this time, the black bone ape who was so frightened and sat on the ground looked suspiciously at the mummy next to him, and his expression suddenly became happy.

Then, he touched the mummy with his hand, but there was no response; he kicked it again, but there was still no response.

With a twinkle in his eyes, he turned his head to look at his teammates who were struggling to pull off the mummified limbs that were holding onto his arm. The black-boned ape stepped forward, quickly put the totem stick into his arms, and then didn't look back. ran to the big camp.

Only the teammates who didn't notice the situation were left, and the mummy of the captain who turned over due to his huge force, revealing the barely visible scratches on his back.

A few days later, outside the valley passage.

According to the original arrangement of the little boss, most of the team members who went out to search have returned by now, but there is no trace of the quack ape.

In the big tent in the morning, he was reprimanded again. At this moment, he was pulling the fire in front of him with a tired and desolate face, and there was a circle of totem captains sitting quietly around him. Some of them looked calm, and some looked sad. , Some eyes are wide open, some eyes are flickering...

All this was seen by the little boss who seemed to be focused on pulling the fire, but he was not in the mood to express anything to these people, and just quietly waited for the other two teams.

If they didn't come back by night, he could confirm that there must be enemies in the direction of these two teams.

But the problem is that the direction of the two teams of black bone apes is exactly opposite, which makes the little boss feel helpless. Could it be that there are quack apes on both sides, is it possible?

At this time, four black-skeleton apes with ragged clothes, wounds all over their bodies, and a tired look were carried by four guards to the center of the camp.

After a while, the little boss sat up from the ground, with joy and killing intent, turned around and prepared to walk towards the big tent.

At this time, another black bone ape with bloodshot eyes rushed in from the gate of the camp, and the other party waved the totem stick in his hand from time to time.

Behind the other party, there was still a black bone ape chasing, but the chaser stopped in disappointment after watching the previous black bone ape enter the camp.

He looked at the black-boned ape who was approaching unexpectedly, and it was clear from the clothes of the other party that he was a guard, not the captain of the totem.

So, the totem captain of the opponent's team is dead.

With his eyes fixed, the little boss thought for a while, then shook his head and continued on his way.

Now that the direction of the quack ape has been determined from the previous batch of four black bone apes, the little boss doesn't want to waste time here.

Although according to the regulations of the ethnic group, if the guards are not well protected, they will be killed or incorporated into the slave camp, but if they bring back the totem stick, they have the opportunity to become the new totem captain.

Normally, in order to get a possible new totem captain, this little boss would definitely deal with it well, but now that he couldn't protect himself, he was in no mood to pay attention to the other party's possible totem captain.

But just as he was about to leave, the black bone ape saw that the little boss was about to leave, and seemed anxious, and suddenly yelled at him.

"Quack Ape! Quack Ape!" (The translation is correct =. =)

Stopping in his tracks, the little boss turned his head and looked at the black bone ape suspiciously. Could it be that they really found the quack ape in their direction.

Only two guards came back with totem sticks, which seemed to fit the little boss's impression of the group of quack apes he met, but he looked suspiciously at the four who were resting on the ground. He felt a little confused about the mixed soldiers of the black bone ape.

Could it be that after these quack apes escaped, they didn't gather together to preserve their strength, but instead scattered and fled in two diametrically opposite directions?Do they want to die?

After a while, the little boss who learned more about the specific situation entered the tent between the two big camps.

When the sun rose again the next morning, the big camp began to get busy.

Ever since the sneak attack failed and was counterattacked, the little boss found that he hadn't laughed much.

Of course, it is the same today.

With a livid face, he looked at the small boss of another large camp in front of him in high spirits (let's just call it No. 1000 =.=). The team chased in that direction.

But looking at the side, he had to follow the other party's instructions. While leaving at least 100 people to protect the big tent, he also took the remaining 500 people to guide the dangerous man who was directed by the guard who came back with the totem stick. Forest rushed.

And this guard, who had already changed into the totem captain's clothes at this moment, was proudly looking at the people around him, including this little boss (let's call it No. [-]), looking very high-spirited.

However, captain totem is not something that can be done with just a stick.

Thinking in his heart about this villain, the little boss glared angrily at the large army that disappeared into the distance, and led his team, which was less than half the number of the opponent, to walk in the opposite direction.

This little boss remembered very clearly that after the other party learned that there were only more than 200 quack apes in the canyon, he looked down on these quack apes and himself who failed together.

But this time there are quack apes in both directions. Four miscellaneous soldiers came back from one direction, led by a brave totem captain; two guards and a totem stick returned from the other direction, led by a Is a not very brave totem captain.

If you think about it carefully, you can find that the direction that this little boss is going by himself is obviously more dangerous than the direction that the opponent's main force is going.

However, he couldn't help but go.

Because he failed.

As for his previous proposal to join forces to attack the enemy in one direction... Is the loser still trustworthy?
—————Class and competition, reform and compromise are all indispensable factors of civilization—————

Lingxue and Chu Xia, who planned to completely transform the ethnic group into farming civilization in one step, had to hold back their progress after reading the latest reports from the Shuangsi tribe and the two agricultural bases in Lanshan City.

"It seems that the idea is a bit simple. Fortunately, there is no announcement, just let them discuss the feasibility."

After looking at the leather scroll in her hand, Lingxue still had no choice but to say to her friend beside her.

Also sitting in the leader's hut, drinking the newly delivered Xiguo water in the water glass, Chu Xia also nodded helplessly.

"Yeah, we didn't know what farming was before, but now we take it for granted."

Since the letters with Lanshan City are becoming more and more frequent and the content is increasing, the transmission of high-level temples, even if factors such as memory errors or slips of the tongue are not taken into account, this large amount of data is not something that the righteous gods can remember clearly, or It's not easy to remember clearly.

In desperation, Gashan had to mobilize a non-priest from the severely lacking soul class to deliver letters by flight between Gashan and Lanshan City, but it took four or five days to go back and forth.

And Chu Xia also proposed to use the telepathic ability embodied in pupation to carry out long-distance information transmission, but in this method, because the thinking of the two parties in the transmission is unstable, mistakes often occur, so we can only continue to experiment Instead of adopting.

Therefore, what was placed on the table of Lingxue and Chu Xia now were the grain production statistics of Lanshan City, as well as Bai Nong and Kong Huan's opinions on agricultural reform.

Due to the need to take care of the same people who moved to the Shuilan Plain, the grain production of Lanshan City this year has reached 5000 cities with a population of 1000, leaving behind the existing ones in the Shuilan Plain. In addition to the cultivation of farmland, Gashan can only provide 300 catties of rice seeds and [-] catties of bean vine seeds.

Oh, right.

Along with this letter, there is also a cylindrical pottery cup with a cover, a solid cube of unknown substance (fist size), a scale marked on it, and a wooden stick with a hook.

These things look very fine, and it would take a long time to come up with just that refined cube.

According to the report of the soul-level pupa body that sent the letter, this clay cup is a unit of volume, and the amount that fills a clay cup is called a [cup].

The unknown substance is called [copper], and the courier does not know where he got it from, but it was indeed provided by Void, and matched with the wooden stick marked with scales, adding some fragments, Together it is called [scale].

After the courier demonstrated it once, Lingxue and Chu Xia, who had learned balance and leverage, already knew its real function, but the specific meaning of use was still after combining the data letter sent by Kong Huan. Only then is it reflected.

Kong Huan turned the weight of rice consumed by an adult quack ape into one catty a day.

And a standard 30X30 farmland is called a [field].

One field of rice in Lanshan City can produce about [-] catties of grain at a time, while the seeds needed for one field are a little more than one catty; About seven catties.

Now what can be provided to Gashan is only one thousand catties of rice seeds and three hundred catties of bean vine seeds, which means that Gashan can only grow one thousand fields of grain rice and forty or fifty fields of bean vines at most. Serving more than 1000 quack apes.

In other words, although the seasons of bean vines and rice are divergent, it is impossible to promote farming among the entire ethnic group in the coming year.

As for the double sickle territory, it is mainly an experimental base, and the yield of various plants is not high.

After thinking about it helplessly, Lingxue made a decision to plant all the thousand-jin seeds provided to Gashan around Gashan, but save all the harvested grain.

Calculated in this way, in the second year, even without the support of Lanshan City, hundreds of thousands of fields can be expanded, and the entire ethnic group will not have to worry about it.

"It's nothing, just wait an extra year."

Chu Jie, who didn't know when she appeared, was listening with a haggard face at the moment, and after Lingxue made a decision, she said nonchalantly.

For her ghost body, unless she consumes a lot of energy, she doesn't need to eat at all.

"Huh? Chu Jie, are you done?"

He looked at Chu Jie quite unexpectedly, because Die Wu was not here, Chu Jie was obviously busy recently, and the opinions of Gashan members also disappeared.

"Hmph, don't forget that Kong Huan said at the beginning that you have to do things yourself, that's what idiots do. So, during this time, I trained Die Yin and the others well, quack, in a few days, I will be free La!"

Looking at the proud Chu Jie, Lingxue and Chu Xia wiped off their cold sweat at the same time.

It seems that Gashan is coming back again.

Then, the two selectively ignored Chu Jie and turned their attention back to the business of the ethnic group.

Although it is stupid to do everything by yourself, there are some things that the following people cannot do.

Different from the current managers who are all educated by Gashan, the Gaga team, Lingxue, and Lingyun are the first batch of people taught by Konghuan in the dream. It's useless, several people have studied or understood it.

There is even such a thing as stir-frying, but now these clay pots can be stewed, stir-frying?forget it.

"There is obviously no way to promote farming within this year and next. What about provincial, municipal, and village reforms? Should we suspend them?" Lingxue asked the people next to her after flipping through the recent opinions from various tribes below on this organizational reform. Chu Xia.

When the news was first revealed, the opinions of these tribes, except for a few tribes established by quasi-priests and close to the high-level temple, agreed, and the other tribes, no matter how big or small, were unanimously opposed.

But judging from these opinions now, there are no major opinions on small and large tribes. On the contrary, there are still many people who resist the medium-sized tribes.

Because, for today's small tribes, changing the village is at best changing the name.

When the upper limit of the number of villagers was initially proposed to be 30, they still objected, but then Gashan made a step back and raised the upper limit to 50. Under the inquiry of the soul-level high priest team, the opinions of the small tribes immediately eased, even though some Tribes whose population exceeds this number are also willing to divide some of their population;

Large-scale tribes generally have a population of 200 to 300 people. After Gashan synthesized their opinions, the size requirements of the city were changed according to the actual situation. , and the opposition of these large tribes then disappeared;

Only medium-sized tribes, because whether it is a change in the size of the city or the village, they must be integrated with the surrounding tribes, and then a city-level management team must be selected among them.

This makes them feel pressure, because with the development of the ethnic group and tribe, their tribal private consciousness is getting stronger and stronger, and they have gradually become independent again, and this is also the willingness of Lingxue and the others to implement reforms as soon as possible, otherwise someday these guys Running away with the tribe and becoming a nomad is not impossible to survive. At that time, unless the tribe uses high-level force, it will collapse instantly.

In this regard, Lingxue and Chu Xia are considering how to deal with it.

At this time, the suggestion of a pupae from the leader of the team awakened Lingxue and Chu Xia.

"Anyway, the number of medium-sized tribes is about 100 people. Because of hunting, the control area is huge. Now that farming doesn't need so much land, it's better to organize them into a town, and move some small tribes around to become villages..."

Thus, the suggestion of the pupae was adopted.

And in this way, although forced by helplessness, the real changes in the ethnic group are still small, but so far, the resistance of the entire ethnic group to the reform has been very little.

"Let's go step by step." This was Chu Xia's comment.

But in this way, the number of cities has more than tripled, and one or two levels of management must be added between the city and Gashan.

In order to strengthen management, the high-level executives did not add more middle layers, but added a [provincial] level between the city and Gashan. Basically, 10 to 20 [cities] set up a [province], and the entire ethnic group 17 [provinces] will be established.

The settlements of the [province] managers are mainly placed around the high-level temple.

The [city] level is responsible for commodity transactions between villages and cities; the [provincial] level is responsible for the commodity transactions between cities; and the commodity transactions between provinces can be divided into regions or carried out in [Gashan].

Of course, the construction of roads takes more time but has to be done.

In fact, this title of "Province" is a homonym of "God", and it was proposed by Chu Qin who occasionally attended high-level meetings.

As for whether it came from emptiness, no one knows.

Because, the teaching of illusory dreams is one-on-one, and because of his frequent whim (or deviation from the topic), everyone's teaching content will be different.

However, Chu Qin said that this was her own idea, and no one would doubt it.

So, at least on paper, a four-level farming management has been established in Gashan—province—city—village.

Of course, the division of ranks alone is not enough without a specific organizational framework.

But among them, combined with the three-level framework of Gashan-city-village originally proposed by Kong Huan, and a little modification based on reality, it became the current four-level framework, and several people have no pressure on this.

Moreover, it will take at least a year to implement it now.

Take a look at the stone slab not far away, which clearly says '14th 20th' with charcoal.

(There are still more than two months until next year.)
Everyone is not in a hurry. The management school has already started training students. Waiting for one more year will allow more talents to be available.

In the framework of the provincial level, Lingxue and the others did not make any concessions at all. They had to be trained by the management school before they could take office.

So after hearing Lingxue's question, Chu Xia nodded directly and said.

"Anyway, we are not in a hurry right now. We can transform the five major tribes first. The population of the five major tribes will be transformed into a unified central province with a population of nearly [-]. Each tribe will be transformed into a city. For the time being, it will still be supported by hunting."

"At the same time, the shelves at the provincial level can be set up first, such as the specific location and organizational structure; and the city and village levels can also allow them to deal with it internally under the supervision of the soul-level team, so that they don't have to be in a hurry."

Nodding her head, Chu Xia continued, "After the harvesting of the Thousand Fields is completed next year, we will use the experience of the five major tribes to reform and combine the problems that have arisen. After the revisions, we can implement them to the entire ethnic group next year."

Smiling, Lingxue said with a relaxed face: "Indeed, I thought that the farmland in the Shuilan Plain, plus our thousand fields, would be enough seeds for the entire ethnic group. After all, the population of the entire ethnic group, if one Converting the pupated body into three quack apes, it is only about [-], and only [-] to [-] catties of seeds are enough."

In terms of computing power, Ling Xue, who often deals with data, is better than Chu Xia, so she quickly came to this conclusion, with an even bigger smile on her face.

"Ah, by the way, in this way, Lingxue, the leader of Gashan, seems to need to hand over the position of mayor after converting Gashan into a city, otherwise it will be very troublesome to manage the city and the ethnic group. Oh." Chu Jie on the side finally interrupted.

But Lingxue just smiled at this, and made an attitude that I know very well.

Then, she stared at the bored Chu Jie and said with a smile.

"I don't know now, has our little maid Diewu found her target?"

(End of this chapter)

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