Spore Story

Chapter 281

Chapter 281

PS: Thank you Mango Hero for your reward~\(≧▽≦)/~
"It's been two days and you still haven't come."

Shaking his head amusingly, Dark Blood ignored the complaints of the little girl guards, and just sat there, scanning the situation of the Five Gorges with mental power from time to time to avoid accidents.

In fact, she didn't think so herself.

Although I knew that even after the escaped black-skeleton apes went back to report the news, it would take two or three days for these black-skeleton apes to arrive here after they made a decision and sent troops.

With Dark Blood's patience, it's okay to say that she has already practiced so many battles.

But these quack apes from the Xinzhong District, because of the disparity between the quack apes and their prey when they usually hunt, coupled with teamwork, they never have to wait for more than half a day. Basically, they find their prey. wipe out.

Of course, sometimes when encountering a large area of ​​animal swarms, there have been two or three days of preparation before, but that is not like waiting in one place like this, and spending two days in a daze.

"Uncle Dark Star, did you find anything?"

Dark Star, who was flying high in the sky, shook his wings to make his gliding posture more comfortable. Hearing Dark Blood's question at this time, the person in charge of high-altitude reconnaissance recalled the method Dark Blood said, and then answered in his mind: : "No enemy found."

The person flying at an altitude of more than 4000 meters at the same time is not only the dark star, but also another pupae.

After asking one by one, the dark blood took back the spiritual power that had spread out. Although they would take the initiative to tell themselves when they found the enemy, the very boring dark blood would also ask a question from time to time. Regarding this, several chrysalis Everyone just smiled.

As for spiritual power, although it consumes part of it every time it is used, for Dark Blood, a night of meditation can restore most of it.

For the current quack ape group, the combination of spiritual power and priests is already an indispensable thing.

Commanding battles, discovering enemies, long-distance communication, dream education, fine observation, enhanced perception...etc.

After thinking for a while, Dark Blood sat back in his small tent.

After arriving in this area two days ago, she discovered the excellent ambush terrain here, because there are not many battles such as the use of strategies between large civilized forces in this world.

Therefore, this ambush terrain that anyone with a bit of scheming can see, before the more than 1000 people in the entire Five Gorges, only one person, Dark Blood, realized it, because their thinking was still limited to Ambush units in single-digit enemies, so this kind of terrain looks a bit big.

Of course, the Black Bone Ape has experience. Dark Blood did not arrange the crowd in the position where it is easiest to ambush the enemy, but set up ambushes at the front and back of the necessary passage formed by these mountains. At that time, there will be Dark Blood's soul level With mental power, you can flexibly guide the battle.

And if there was a dangerous person who needed a team like Dark Blood, she could temporarily transfer the command to Dark Star, and Chu Hao, the quasi-priest who stayed beside Dark Star, would be in charge of delivering the order.

"Hey, Sister Dark Blood... Ah, district chief, um, we're going to go to Mount Ga to eliminate the enemy this time?"

"Huh? Where did you hear that?" Darkblood looked at his little guards unexpectedly.

Because they are all from the security team of Xinzhong District, everyone in that place knows that except for the elderly and children, they are not very old, only seventeen or eighteen years old at most.

For quack apes, adults are considered adults (physiologically) in their 20s.

But after training in the guard team, in terms of physical fitness and skills, they may even surpass the battle-hardened quack apes like the canyon quack ape.

Of course, due to their extreme lack of actual combat experience, Dark Blood doesn't have much hope for their performance in battle.

In addition, although people don't have a sense of secrecy yet, moving to Gashan is not a final decision, but it is still in the discussion stage.

Whether to go or not depends on the result of this battle, so only a few leaders and elders know about it, and none of them like to talk too much.

At this time, the team members who were questioned subconsciously looked at the quasi-priest Chu Hao who was taking the time to practice the black bone ape language in the distance.

"ok, I get it."

Helplessly covering his forehead, Dark Blood had to lament in his heart, how could he forget this familiar guy.

So far, many people in Xinzhong District have known this quasi-priest who looks very 'powerful' and 'kind'.

(Is it possible that the quasi-priests trained by Gashan are of such high quality now?)
Thinking in this way, Dark Blood's confidence in Yu Gashan seemed to be stronger.

"Hey, Sister Dark Blood, you haven't answered me yet!"

Feeling the shaking arm, Dark Blood nodded helplessly.

"This is still under discussion. Whether we go or not depends on the outcome of this battle."

At this moment, Dark Blood suddenly remembered something, turned to look at his team members, and asked, "If you want to go, would you like to?"

"Eh? Why did you suddenly ask me, Dark Blood, aren't you chatting with Shadow?" The team member who was accidentally named next to him looked depressedly at the laughing teammates, touched his head, and then acted like he was thinking far away...

"No, why are you willing or not? Dark Blood, if the New Central District Conference makes a decision, we will support it; and if no decision is made, we don't need to think about it, right?"

"..." (You are so lazy.)
Dark Blood stared at this nonchalant team member speechlessly, and shook his head feebly: "You, I want to hear your thoughts."

"Would you like to go to Gashan?" A team member next to him finally came to his senses.

Dark Blood's eyes lit up, and he nodded immediately. It's a good time to listen to everyone's thoughts, maybe it's more useful for him to make a decision, isn't it?

Seeing that there was excitement to pass the boring time, the surrounding team members gathered together and quickly formed a few circles here, but they were all members of the Guards.

"But we don't know what's going on with Gashan, whether it's good or bad." A member of the team expressed the feelings of the crowd.

Dazed for a moment, Dark Blood looked at the nodding crowd and wagged his tail depressedly.

She thought that she didn't seem to tell them about Gashan's recent situation. Under such circumstances, even if someone supported her, it was because of her trust in Dark Blood, not her yearning for Gashan.

He looked up at the sky, it was only mid-afternoon, there was a team of pupae monitoring in the sky, and the ambush soldiers had also ordered properly, thinking that he had nothing to do, so he just happened to talk to these guards about Gashan.

So, she sorted out the language and started from Gashan at the very beginning...

Time, just like this little by little.

The Gashan mentioned by Anxue actually learned about it from Chu Hao. After all, the Gashan in her memory was still the group composed of five big tribes more than ten years ago.

But what Chu Hao knew about Gashan was information from a year ago, a super group with tens of thousands of people and nearly a thousand tribes.

But after listening to Dark Blood's description, a group of guards did not express much.

In fact, in addition to expressing amazement at the number of tribes and population in Gashan, those high-end strengths mentioned by Dark Blood, such as Youshen level, Soul level, and the Zerg base killed by lightning, are almost The guards didn't show much.

After all, they don't have that kind of concept in their hearts.

lightning?I've seen it before, but I don't know its power. I only know what the adults said about thunderstorms, don't use electricity, don't stand under trees, try to hide in the cracks of the cliff, etc. It seems that thunderstorms are very dangerous;
Zerg?I have never heard of it, let alone seen it, who is better than the black bone ape?Thousands of war bees and dogs, what the hell?Beast tide?
As for pottery, books, bacon, etc., etc., these new central districts seem to have them too.

In this regard, the dark blood is also a little helpless.

Although she knows the strength of the Youshen level, she can't imagine the Zerg and the Lightning Technique. One can imagine what she will look like when she tells it.

Unknowingly, Anxue's expression darkened, (In this way, do you really want everyone to go to Mount Ga?)
"I really think that even if we win this time, we should go to that Gashan."

Anxue, who was already uncomfortable with everyone's low-key reaction, immediately smiled when he heard Anyin's words, completely unaware that the group of team members around him were probably talking about his district chief in their hearts, and the emotions in their hearts were reflected on their faces. You can see it.

"An Yin, tell me what you think?"

"Hey! Ah, that," An Yin felt very good, bearing Dark Blood's expectant eyes, but she was just looking at Dark Blood in a bad mood before, so she spoke to comfort her, and now she needs to tell the reason ...

But seeing Dark Blood's gradually dimming expression, it was hard for her to refuse.

At this time, An Yin suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind.

(The only thing that can attract us in Gashan? It is the advantage of numbers.)
"Ah, yes, it's the number of people!"

Seeing that the teammates around him were all looking at him, and Anxue stopped his falling emotions and looked at him again, Anyin carefully wiped off his sweat, admiring his own reaction, and at the same time carefully organized his words, fearing that something would happen. mistake.

But gradually, she also discovered some key points.

"I remember Dark Blood said that the Black Bone Ape might have more than this little strength?"

"Eh? Did I say that?" Dark Blood thought about it carefully. It seemed that she wouldn't say anything that was crucial and needed to be kept secret.

But seeing Dark Blood's reaction, Dark Voice immediately betrayed the other person: "The quasi-priest must have told us what you said."

"This soul is weak!"

Mourning for the quasi-priest Chu Hao in her heart, An Yin continued.

"In any case, we only have more than 1000 people in the New Central District, and the number of people added every year is only a few dozen. Since the Black Bone Ape can send at least 2000 people twice in succession, their backing must be stronger."

"In this way, our New Central District alone may not be able to fight against such a powerful group of black bone apes."

After coughing dryly, Ying Ying, who had been taking care of An Xue by his side, immediately handed over a glass of clear water. An Yin drank it unceremoniously amidst everyone's envious expressions, and then squinted his eyes in an endless aftertaste, making the eyes of a group of onlookers pissed off.

In fact, it is unknown when Dark Blood discovered that the capacity of one of the organs of the Quack Ape, the 'water sac', was constantly decreasing and shrinking.

The reason may be that everyone does not lack drinking water, and they all start to drink boiled water and spring water, drink and eat immediately, and do not store them in the water bag, so the water bag is rarely used.

Even the human stomach will shrink if it eats less for a long time, not to mention the water sac, which seems to be a dispensable organ now.

However, from Dark Blood's point of view, this is not a problem, it's just a natural evolutionary adaptation.

Moreover, if the water sac is eliminated, perhaps the body complexity of the quack ape can be further reduced, and the population may increase slightly.

At this time, he finally finished the aftertaste-like dark voice, secretly smiled, and then continued: "So, we also need a backing, and Gashan is the backing."

"But I feel a bit reluctant to leave the New Central District."

"Yes, I remember the ancestral tree in the middle clearly."

"..." The atmosphere sank again, and Dark Blood, who was not very good at this, suddenly became at a loss.

"Well, the Xinzhong District has only been established for a few years. At that time, we will also build a new Xinzhong District (= =) among the Gashan ethnic group, and let everyone choose to stay there even if they are adults. With the backing of Gashan, we don’t have to worry about this kind of migration again, isn’t that great?…”

For Anyin's words, the team members gradually agreed, which made Anxue feel relieved.If you can't do it yourself, it doesn't mean that others can't do it. This is a talent.

But at this time, An Yin added something superfluous and said, "It's just like leaving the canyon back then", which immediately made most of her previous efforts go to waste.

In this regard, Dark Blood could only cry from the sidelines.

But at this moment, Anxing suddenly landed beside Anxue, then patted her on the shoulder, and said to the people around: "It's all dark, let's go eat first."

"Yes, uncle!"

Everyone said in unison, and then followed the dark blood who got up, and ran to the several cauldrons where dinner was being cooked.

Seeing the crowd happily gathered around the cauldron, Anxue heaved a sigh of relief and looked up at the sky.

Due to the light at night, the high-altitude reconnaissance of the chrysalis is no longer available, but I have already assigned the formation two nights ago, so I don't have to worry about encountering a night attack.

Unknowingly, the sky darkened again.

"Sunrise and sunset, come and go, how many years has it been? Gashan."

"Don't look at the sky while walking."

"Ah, got it, Ga."

—————— We live in a world that will never stop—————

"High Priest Diewu, do you really have no definite direction? And you don't even know the specific target."

Gliding at an altitude of [-] meters, seven pupae bodies in priestly clothes are surrounding Die Wu, who is wearing the robes of the high priest, carefully using various senses of the body to search for the existence of the same kind.

But what surprised a few people is that since leaving the big tribe that was on the edge of the fractured ground fissure, the people who flew along the river flowing out of a large waterfall to the present, have not had any quest-related gains, not to mention a quack There was no sign of the ape.

"Take a break."

Looking at the surrounding situation, Die Wu nodded and continued to raise the altitude. Sure enough, a group of cloud jellyfish was found around the clouds.

These large floating creatures that usually fly above or around the clouds have become the transfer station for Die Wu, a small team, for a long time.

Of course, it is just a transit station for a temporary rest, they will not cook on the back of the gentle and lovely cloud jellyfish, they will be struck by lightning.

Compared with Die Wu, who is a soul-level high priest, the other seven priests are similar in physical strength to ordinary pupae.

Looking at the High Priest in the sky who easily landed on the cloud jellyfish, several people looked at each other helplessly, and then worked hard to stimulate the four wings with electric current, and with the help of the high air flow, they finally raised the altitude again, lying on their stomachs. Very tall cloud on jellyfish's back.

By this time, several people were already panting from exhaustion.

"Why don't these big guys fly low."

"Don't be greedy." The companion on the side retorted: "The flying of the little guys this time is considered low."

At this time, she looked at the High Priest Die Wu of the same cloud jellyfish, and still asked curiously: "High Priest, do you have any definite goals? It doesn't seem like a good idea for everyone to look for it piece by piece." It's over."

Although Die Wu would have a good time with Chu Jie's message when she left Gashan, but in fact, the most urgent person along the way was the high priest who said something wrong.

While everyone was talking about each other's arrogance, they also envied the relationship between High Priest Diewu and God.

"I don't have many good ideas. At that time, the direction provided by Master Konghuan was only the south, which did not belong to the ethnic group. It seems that he didn't feel very clear."

"Who is it? How do we search? We don't even know if it's a man or a woman. Even if we see each other, how can we tell if it's the target?"

Speaking of ordinary people, it is definitely impossible to send a team of high priests and official priests. They are very confident about this, but they don't even know the target. How can people find them? They are not quasi-priests.

"This," hesitantly looked at the crowd. Obviously, this involves a high-level issue. Although Die Wu also knows the inside story, she can't tell everyone casually.

But looking at the team members who were full of enthusiasm, Die Wu thought about it, and decided to play a side-ball: "He is a person with the same status as Master Kong Huan, as for whether it is male or female... well, it should be male. "

"Then why didn't Master Kong Huan come by himself?" For these people who were only in their teens when Kong Huan was still living in Gashan, the concept of Kong Huan was only the original big boss, and it is different from the current high-level people in Gashan. Just respectful people.

Some of them have never even seen Kong Huan's face, so they can't talk about the intuitive feeling of Kong Huan, let alone agree with it.

"This." Die Wu didn't have any extra thoughts in this regard: "I heard that Master Konghuan is working hard to reach the soul level, so I can't come here for the time being."

"Soul level?"

A group of priests immediately curled their lips. Although they are also working hard towards that goal, as people respected by the high-level, they have not yet reached the soul level. Under the current social situation that values ​​strength more, this level can be...

However, due to the principle of confidentiality, Die Wu couldn't tell them that the three-consciousness avatar and editing space were basically top-secret things.

But after all, Kong Huan is someone his god Chu Jie agrees with, and Die Wu, who knows the inside story, doesn't want to lower Kong Huan's status too much, so as to affect the image of the high-level people in the hearts of everyone.

"As a matter of fact, Master Kong Huan was at the Youshen level more than ten years ago, and seems to be the first Youshen level in the ethnic group. I just heard that for some reason, probably to become more powerful, it became what it is now. Maybe it won’t be long before it’s done.”

Everyone reluctantly accepted Die Wu's explanation. After all, as the high priest, the other party would not lie to himself that these were priests.

(It was Youshen level more than ten years ago, so in order to become more powerful, it won’t be Yinshen level after success?) Several priests lay on the backs of several cloud jellyfish, feeling the soft touch of their backs at the same time. , also thinking like this, (The head teacher Chu Xia at the Youshen level is so powerful, so what about the Yinshen level?)
Time passed by little by little, and a very boring priest was observing the sand table-like ground through the almost transparent body of the cloud jellyfish.

Suddenly, she let out a scream and jumped up from the cloud jellyfish's back, and the cloud jellyfish, who was very dissatisfied with the opponent's large movements, immediately sent out an electric current, so the priest suddenly froze.

Then, under the curious eyes of her startled teammates, the priest with a sad face gently rubbed the restless little jellyfish under his body until the other party calmed down, then carefully walked to the edge and looked at the ground again.

Seeing the opponent's movements, several people also looked towards the ground.

"This is?"

"Die Wu, this is not a group of quack apes, hundreds of people!"

"Not quite like it."

Because they are at an altitude of [-] meters and at such a long distance, the normal vision of a few people can't see the situation below clearly.

Even Die Wu, who is at the advanced soul level, can't scan that far with his mental power.

From this point of view, the bottom is just a group of almost black dot-like creatures, which seem to have hands and feet, and seem to be wearing clothes, but there is no way to be more specific.

"Want to go down and have a look?" A priest suggested.

"and many more."

Die Wu, as the temporary captain, did not let everyone leave the back of the cloud jellyfish. Although he has seven official priests on his side, plus himself a high-level soul-level high priest, it is not easy to face hundreds of people .

The most important thing is that from the actions of the opponent, it seems that they are preparing to attack something, and it is easy to cause misunderstanding if it goes on at this time.

Looking along the moving direction of these black dots, there is a large forest.

"Are they hunting something in the forest? What needs so many people?" The priests who were also paying attention to the scene below carefully hid their bodies behind the cloud jellyfish.

Although they don't think that the people below can see themselves at this distance, the priests are all experts among the official priests, and they are well prepared in this respect.

At this time, the scene below is changing rapidly.

First, those who rushed into the forest in groups, seemed to have encountered something in the forest, and the people outside the forest suddenly accelerated.

At this time, a person who seemed to be the leader was about to rush in when he was surrounded by dozens of people.

This person seemed very dissatisfied with this, and was constantly contacting the people around him in the circle, as if intending to let these people disperse, but even so, he still couldn't leave the circle.

This made everyone watching the show on the cloud jellyfish feel a little bit emotional, what's going on?Could it be that the subordinates are protecting the leader?

On the other hand, more and more people rushed into the forest, and the battle seemed to become more intense, because there was a lot of commotion in the forest, and even a lot of animals rushed out from the edge.

But the people on the outside turned a blind eye to these animals that could be food, and only focused on dealing with the things in the forest.

"This doesn't look like hunting, does it?"

A priest spoke out what everyone was thinking at the moment.

Also nodded, Die Wu saw it more clearly than these priests.

In the forest, there seems to be a very fast thing fighting these people.

These things look like they have hands and feet, and they are humanoid.

In comparison, they seem to be more like quack apes than these people outside, because their tails are very clear, long tails like quack apes, but the tails of these people outside cannot be seen.

At first Die Wu thought it was too far away to see, but now it seems that these people have no tails at all.

Then, it is certain that the hundreds of people outside are not quack apes.

"It's a battle of two races, and neither is a quack ape."

The reason why Die Wu came to this conclusion was that the speed and agility of the quack ape-like species in these forests were beyond the reach of ordinary quack apes.

Perhaps after rigorous training, some powerful quack apes that have not yet pupated are fine, but they will not gather such a large number here.

According to Die Wu's calculations, there are at least a hundred of these forest species.

The battle between the two sides is still going on, but Die Wu loses her previous enthusiasm after confirming that neither party is a quack ape.

"Let's go, enough rest, we have to continue looking for someone."

However, Die Wu is not interested in this, which does not mean that the other people are also not interested.

Compared with a certain maid who concentrates on completing the task and then going back to continue to take care of her master, these official priests are more interested in the ongoing racial battle, after all, they usually do not have such a good opportunity to travel.

Moreover, these races seem to be clearly organized and tool-using civilized races.

Before this, everyone had hardly seen other civilized races except the quack ape and the armored beast. How could they let go of this good opportunity to observe now?As a priest, experimental observation is the basis.

But several people also know Die Wu very well. If they just use observation as a reason, they will obviously not be accepted by Die Wu, who is already the high priest of the temple.

So, an official priest had an idea.

"Die Wu, stay and watch." Seeing that Die Wu was about to refuse, the priest pointed to the battlefield below under the expectant eyes of his teammates.

"Look, we are just looking for it aimlessly. Since we can confirm that the target is in the south, that is, this direction, and the races below seem to have their own language..."

"You mean, you can get information about quack apes from them, and then find out about the quack apes around you?" Die Wu is worthy of being the high priest. It was just a habit before, but now that she is a little bit of an official priest, she immediately thinks After understanding the key points, the priest who proposed the idea had to be impressed.

Nodding, the priest added with a smile: "Also, even if they have no information, it is a good thing to have a good relationship with a civilized race that is only a hundred kilometers away from the edge of the group, isn't it?"


In this way, several people continued to lie on the back of the cloud jellyfish, and began to watch the crowd without integrity, watching the real version of the offensive and defensive blockbuster.

But the two sides who were fighting in full swing on the battlefield below had no idea that they had become actors and were being commented on by the audience.

"These shadow-like guys are very smart. They actually took advantage of the geographical conditions of the forest to stand in a stalemate with enemies several times their size."

While the official priest was speaking, several people from the attacking side suddenly ran out of the forest, and these people rushed to the person who seemed to be the leader who was surrounded and protected without stopping.

Then, a scene that made the audience strange appeared.

The person who looked like the leader seemed to say something, and several people around suddenly surrounded one of them, and then without waiting for the other to resist, they punched and kicked the person until the other was killed.

"Eh! Infighting?"

Without waiting for the audience to make the next reaction, the people who were surrounding the leader all rushed towards the edge of the forest, but they did not enter the forest, which was dangerous to them at the moment, but were on the outskirts. stopped.

"Everyone pay more attention to this battle, it is also an experience for us."

The priests who were watching excitedly heard Die Wu's words, nodded in understanding, and then continued to watch the play.

The voices below could not be heard at high altitude, but several people could confirm what those people below were roaring.

Because with the roar of these people, the people in the forest below began to try to break away from the enemies in the forest.

And the accident happened at this time, when those people started to try to escape, their enemies suddenly all hid.

Maybe these people in the forest seem to be retreating, but Die Wu and others in the sky can clearly see that these shadowy people in the forest have made the illusion of retreating, and then in these There are ambushes where no one can see.

"It seems that the intelligence is not low."

After sighing like this, Die Wu decided in her heart that the battle between the two sides was about to end, and began to plan how to contact the two sides to promote the development of her mission.

In the forest below, as the attackers continued to retreat, by the time they all exited the forest, the attackers had already suffered more than half of their casualties.As for the defenders, they didn't find many casualties.

The attacker left nearly half of the corpses in the forest during this battle, and most of them were created by the defenders using the terrain to sneak attack when they exited the forest.

"They retreated too quickly. If they retreated step by step in a group, with their numerical advantage, these ambushers would be useless at all."

"Yeah, by the way, Die Wu, when will we go down, and, do the two races have to communicate?"

And Die Wu, who has been paying attention to the two races, is also considering this issue.

Two races, one attacker and one defender.

The attacker can clearly see that the civilization is higher than that of the defender, because the attacker at least has clothes to wear and uses tools and weapons; the defender mostly relies on physical strength. Although there are obvious organizational tactics, it is more like those hunting in groups carnivorous organisms.

In fact, if Die Wu and the others hadn't found a few simple tree houses and a few fires in the forest where these defenders lived, they would not have counted these defenders' creatures as civilized races at all.

At the same time, Die Wu also found that the defender's creatures did not pursue after the attacker left the forest.

In other words, they live in this forest strictly and conservatively, and may have very little access to outside exploration.

Looking around, this fast forest is not big, at least Die Wu can see it at a glance from high altitude, and there is no sign of Quack ape in it.

Then, as a mobile attacker, it should be the main target of several people.

"Ask these attackers outside, they may know more, and, they don't seem too threatening, they should be able to communicate."

At the same time as saying this, the attackers below had regrouped, but they did not attack, but left their own corpses behind, turned their heads and walked to the east, Die Wu immediately led her team to land on the opponent .


"Hey, Die Wu, something seems wrong."

When they were about to get close to these, Die Wu and the others were found far away, and when they were roaring at the gathered unknown creatures, the priests behind Die Wu suddenly stopped and began to hover in this empty layer (height).


Die Wu didn't feel anything at all. In her opinion, this is just a civilized race. It seems normal to be alert when a creature is approaching, and to drive it away with a roar.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party has encountered a pupae body, so it is even better, whether it is an enemy or a friend, they should be able to obtain some useful information, and Die Wu is very confident about this.

After all, compared to those quasi-priests who have only studied the course for more than a year even if they use the soul-level dream teaching.

As a high priest, Die Wu has been trained for more than ten years, and her consciousness is also at the soul level. Her ability to communicate with other races is already much higher.

She can sometimes even obtain useful information by asking animals to complete temple missions. Of course, this already involves the same unique skills as Die Wu and Chu Xia.

So, in front of Die Wu, Chu Hao is just a scumbag with only 5 fighting power.

"I felt threatened, as if if I got any closer, I would die."

Although dissatisfied with the fact that he felt threatened when facing a group of losers, the priest still expressed his feelings without reservation.

"Are you too?"

Several priests nodded, and Die Wu frowned suspiciously.

How could the following people, who looked like creatures on the ground, threaten the official priests who were [-] meters in the air.

Can't figure it out, but Die Wu still thinks it's better to be careful.

"You are monitoring in the air now. I'll go down and have a look. These species look similar to quack apes. The similarity of their brains should be very high. It's not difficult to ask something."

After speaking, Die Wu landed towards the open space in front of the group amidst the instructions of several priests.

When both sides are nervous, if you fly directly at the opponent's leader, you will be attacked 100%.

But what Die Wu didn't expect was that when they appeared, they were already identified as enemies by this group of creatures.

Therefore, she who was still landing in the air of more than ten meters, suddenly received a mental attack.

"Huh? A mental power attack at the initial soul level!"

Shaking her head, Die Wu, who hadn't suffered too much damage, immediately flew up again. Since the opponent took the initiative to attack, at this time, she didn't intend to make friendly direct contact.

It seemed that the opponent's hostility was already obvious. If it wasn't out of vigilance, then it must have had a history of fighting with the quack ape, and they could recognize the few people who were in the shape of pupae.

"What's the matter? Butterfly dance?"

"It's okay, the other party is sending out a spiritual attack at the beginning of the soul level, no wonder you say it's dangerous. But your danger sensing range is only 100 meters, which doesn't match the strength of the soul level."

Shaking his head and putting aside this thinking temporarily, seeing that the team below seemed to be in a dilemma after the attack was fruitless, Die Wu immediately let go of his true soul-level advanced strength.

At the advanced stage of the soul level, if calculated according to the data model of emptiness, there are already more than 800 consciousness points, more than 8 spiritual power, and the scanning distance of a beam is several kilometers.

Now Die Wu and the others are only more than 100 meters away from the ground, and their huge mental power instantly engulfed hundreds of black bone apes below.

With such a huge mental power, the fifth-level brain immediately analyzed the difference between the brains of these black bone apes and the brains of quack apes at high speed.

Then within the time of a glass of water, these black bone apes began to feel that they were suddenly inexplicably afraid of the enemies in the sky. Although they really wanted to resist, these ordinary black bone apes still trembled.

And the little boss in the center, who could still resist a little, suddenly felt a thought coming from his mind.

Suddenly, the fear in his memory gushed out like a tide, eroding his reason in an instant.

"God God?"

Sitting down on the ground, the little boss remembered that this scene of talking directly in his mind, feeling that his own thoughts could not be hidden at all, isn't it the ability that only the gods of his side can have?


Die Wu unexpectedly felt the little boss's thoughts.

At this moment, the fear caused by these people under her control is not great, after all, there are too many people, and there are dozens of individuals around the middle stage of the ghost level among them.

So, at best, she just made these people hesitate a little bit in their actions.

But this leader who seems to have the highest level of mental power and initial soul-level strength has the greatest fear reaction, just like an ordinary quack ape facing the oppression of ghost-level mental power.

But Die Wu didn't mind this, because it was more convenient for him to ask what he wanted.

The spiritual communication between different races definitely does not use language, but for Die Wu who is experienced in this area, there is no problem at all.

First of all, let the leader show severe fear, so as to temporarily fear and surrender to Die Wu;
Then mobilize and guide this leader whose thinking is almost defenseless, and let the other party's thoughts think about the same creature as Die Wu and others flying in the sky, that is, the pupa;
At this time, the little boss began to arrange the most profound impact first, recalling the content related to the pupae in his memory.

From these contents, Die Wu soon discovered the situation in the other direction, which also included the resentment of this small boss towards another small boss, and the fact that another small boss led a large number of troops to attack in another direction intelligence.

Of course, the most important thing is the direction.

"An old enemy?"

Looking intently at the black bone ape below, from the thoughts of this little boss, Die Wu has already discovered the relationship between the two parties. Although she is happy to finally find the quack ape, Die Wu feels that this is the case. It's boring.

Turning her head to look at the east, Die Wu glanced back at the hundreds of black bone apes on the ground who were at a loss, snorted coldly, and flew towards the east at high speed.

"Keep up, the target may be in danger!"

At this time, it will take some time to eliminate these hundreds of black bone apes, but Die Wu is worried about the situation on the other side, so he can only let these weak guys go.

(To ordinary people, you are powerful enemies, but to me, you are all little bugs.)
(End of this chapter)

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