Spore Story

Chapter 282 The First Ambush in History

Chapter 282 The First Ambush in History

PS: Thank you Interstellar Travel Dust for your monthly pass support O(∩_∩)O
What's wrong with me?
The little boss lying limp on the ground watched the pupae leave him, under the puzzled eyes of a group of subordinates around him, until the other party completely disappeared from his sight. Lie down on the ground almost exhausted, and began to breathe heavily.

For the first time, he felt dissatisfied with his vision, which was stronger than ordinary black bone apes.

Lying on the ground, looking at the blue sky, it was the first time he felt such a sense of powerlessness, even when facing the gods of his own race, he had never felt this way before.

When he thought about Quack Ape uncontrollably, he already knew that the other party was not his god, but his enemy.

But it hit him harder.

For a long time, he didn't think that his side would lose.

Even if he attacked the enemy in the canyon, but couldn't attack for a long time, was counterattacked, but was escaped, in his opinion, these were just clever tricks played by the opponent. If he really wanted to fight head-on, he would never lose.

Therefore, when he was deprived of his command and had to give way to the commander with whom he had always had a bad relationship, he even had thoughts of fighting for power, or a showdown, without any objection at all. Enemy concerns.

But at this moment, he was at a loss.

He is not sure whether the other party is the god of the quack ape, because the other party can move freely.

But the opponent has a god-like power, which has been confirmed by his personal experience.

Then, the little boss smiled, laughing at the inexplicable eyes of the teammates around him.

Although I don't know why the other party let people like me go, the reason is probably the same as his god, and he doesn't like them at all.But this pupation body is not known to be a god, but she carries a few ordinary pupation bodies, which shows that she has a high degree of identification with ordinary pupation bodies.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for her to stand by and watch the fleeing quack apes being attacked by another group of people.

From his uncontrollable thinking before, the little boss already knew that the other party knew the situation on the other side, because he had a similar communication with God, and he even took the initiative to share the specific situation of those guys on that side, through this Patterns tell each other indirectly.

On the side of the little boss before, using the life of hundreds of people plus a "Captain Totem" who was confirmed to have "deceived" everyone, the conclusion that there is no Quack Ape on this side can be determined, and the direction of the other 1000 people to go There must be quack apes.

Not long ago, when the little boss came to this conclusion, he sighed that he was robbed by the other party and made a great contribution.

But at this moment, he was thankful that there was no quack ape on his side.

Otherwise, when they just encountered this terrifying pupate, all the people on their side might not even be able to survive.

As for the more than 1000 of the same kind on the other side, they are just opponents, and it is better to die, and then they can regain command.

Of course, it would be even more delicious if only the opponent's little boss died and more soldiers came back.

The evil laughter echoed by the small river outside the forest. Against the background of the continuous roar in the forest and the worried voices of several totem priests, it seemed incomparable...

but.The little boss probably didn't expect that the quack ape, who was facing his opponent's 1000-man army, was not the two or three hundred remnants they thought, but more than [-] troops with reasonable organization (could be considered a militia=.=).

Moreover, the opponent did not choose to attack head-on, but... to ambush.

—————Where there is life, there is fighting, no matter human beings, animals, or even plants...—————

In human history, the battles in which the weak prevailed over the strong were generally based on the power of heaven and earth, such as floods, fires, and strong winds... well, it's all like this.

In fact, the ambush can be regarded as borrowing the power of heaven and earth.

But that is indirect, it borrows the terrain advantage generated by the power of heaven and earth.

And under the circumstances of fighting with the power of heaven and earth, it seems that such types of battles as defeating the strong with the weak and gaining a chance of life will be included in the classic battles.

Of course, if there are too many battles of the same type, then only the first case is a classic, and the latter ones are just apprentices, unless these apprentices perform better than their teachers.

For example, the arsonist Zhu Ge took advantage of the wind to set fire to tens of 10 people in Cao Ying, and then his boss was burned by others for how many miles? ……forget.

As far as the civilizations of Double Moon Star are concerned, this battle of Dark Blood seems to be the first time that more than a thousand people have used ambush tactics, or the first time there are records. Thousands of people are definitely incomparable, but this is an ancient, or prehistoric era.

However, this is the first time, because the gap between the enemy and the enemy is not too great, and there are only more than 1000 people, which makes it a lot of eclipse, which was originally included in the classic battle example, but also allows future generations to gain a lot of transcendence. Opportunity, this is the two sides of history.

As a result, the most famous example of this battle is the two concepts of 'the first time' and 'dark blood command'.

Since it is attractive, and the key word is "ambush" of the terrain, generally speaking, it will not be a battle where the main attacker loses.

This battle was divided into several parts by later generations, and it has been ridiculed by various ethnic groups in history, and it is certain that it has supported many people.

First paragraph

This was at the very beginning, when the offensive and defensive sides were not close yet, it mainly depends on the attitudes of the two sides before the battle, which can also be regarded as a comparison of advantages.

The ambush party is lazily guarding the mountains at both ends of the passage, making stones and other throwing weapons boredly, waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

But after waiting for two or three days, the enemy hasn't come yet, and not many people will be in a good mood, and among them, some of the stones were even used by the boring soldiers to use bone blades, pottery blades and the like in their spare time. Carved some patterns.

This kind of behavior made the descendants of the quack ape deeply feel the confidence of the ambushes at that time, and at the same time, they were proud of the elegant behavior of their own species that pursued art even in battle.

But in fact, this is just because the soldiers have been guarding for too long and have not seen the enemy, and they are bored.

So the history...

The ambushed party, they have come all the way, as the small boss who leads the team, it seems that they still have some brains, at least they sent out a reconnaissance team.

It's a pity that it's just a bit of a brain. Except for the scouting team that went out, the entire team of more than 1000 people is sparse and there is no sense of tension.

As for the forward team, just look at the situation of the big team to know what that guy looks like.

The main reason is that, for them, there are more than 1000 people on their own side, more than 200 people on the enemy side, and there are children with them. They can't win, which is obviously intolerable.

Therefore, these guys can't feel any tension about these foods that are just waiting to be eaten.

In fact, the taste of Quack Ape is indeed better than that of their own people in their opinion, and it also has a refreshing effect.

The performance of these ambushed people has been written in the history of the quack ape. Although the enemy commander has a brain, he is helplessly limited by the overall strength of the black bone ape, so the troops are scattered and useless, which leads to the final battle. ending.

Of course, the history of the Black Bone Ape Fang is just the opposite. Any mistakes are the commander's fault, and have nothing to do with the subordinates.

It seems that the commander is a meat ball beast, but God knows who is the person who brought a meat ball beast to the position of commander?The Boss of the Meatball Beast, or the Elite Meatball Beast?It's food anyway.

So, it's still history...

Second paragraph

This is the beginning of contact.

The first ones to spot the enemy were of course the high-flying pupae. This was the innate advantage of the quack apes, and the black bone ape had to admit it.

Of course, here, in the history of the black bone ape, this is the innate advantage of the quack ape. The hidden meaning is that if you don't have this advantage, it's just a dish.

In this regard, the history of Quack Yuanfang smiled and said nothing. This typical behavior of not eating the fruit and saying that the fruit is bitter can be understood by anyone with a bit of a brain. This is self-confidence! (Rejoice flies by =.=)

So, after the ambushed reconnaissance team "carefully" searched the passage (note that this is the passage, not the sides of the passage), the main force pulled out a long team swaggeringly and walked in the passage.

In this regard, the history of the black bone ape explained that people at that time did not have the concept of ambush by large forces, and in addition to the pile of sewage that was poured on their commanders before, this behavior is also justifiable.

It seems more reasonable, well, we really can't expect anything from a meat ball beast commander, can't we, otherwise this race would have surpassed the black bone and become the first species, how could it be reduced to a leisurely domestic food.

Of course, the history of Quack Ape still firmly grasps the point of the opponent's overall strength. Obviously, both sides have their own persistence, and it depends on who is stronger.

Third paragraph

This is a part of the battle, and it is also a part of the controversy.

The so-called half a step ahead, you are a genius; one step ahead, you are a madman.

Dark Blood is a prehistoric heavyweight commander, obviously she won't be called a lunatic, but she can be called immature, after all, this is her early battle.

She arranged the ambush with a cautious attitude, and set up the tactics of "attacking from head to tail, then flanking the center". With a certain amount of time to organize, the little boss of the black-boned ape broke out and fled westward in the later stage.

In the historical commentary, it was said that if the dark blood had been deployed across the board at that time, then all the more than 1000 black bone apes would have to stay.

In the history of the black bone ape, what is said is that the dark blood people at that time did not have a systematic concept of ambushes, they just had the abacus of 'surprise attack, and then attack the center'.

That is to say, this is an ambush that came out of this accident.

In this way, the ambush action of Dark Blood and others is just an addition, not the main tactic, which even shakes this classic battle example with 'ambush' as ​​the key word.

In this case, Quack Ape Fang would definitely not agree.

In the history of Quack Ape, the dark blood at that time was cautious in thinking, but due to his youth and lack of combat experience, he lacked experience, so he made a cautious tactic of "ambush from head to tail, while keeping the center".

Although it was later shown that this gave the Black Bone Ape a small chance, combined with Gaga Ape Fang’s previous appreciation for the enemy commander, it also shows that it is only because the enemy commander’s middle reaction is fast, and the dark blood commander Officer doesn't matter much.

However, it can be seen here that both the history of the quack ape and the black bone ape agree with this small mistake of the dark blood's ambush.

This is the harm of stepping too far, so why should measures be adapted to local conditions and vary from person to person. 【stand hands】

However, the black-boned ape is catching on to the irony, while the quack ape is trying to make up for it.

So, it's also history... [Tea]

Then, the third paragraph ends and enters the later stage of the battle.

That is to let us recover from the quarrels and ridicules of history, and let the theme and time go back to the time when the black bone ape organized defense in the center after being attacked.


Dark Blood has never thought that she is a person who likes to fight, and even said that she is good at fighting. Although she has been fighting since she was a child, her real purpose is to let everyone live in peace.

Then, after the ambush has been carried out to the present, it has been confirmed that at least 700 people have been killed and injured by the black bone ape, and everyone is a little bit flustered.

The small members of the Guards around were a little excited at the moment, and seeing the compatriots attacking the center bit by bit, they also began to request to participate in the battle in person, adding a few victories to their Guards career.

At that time, they themselves can also swagger and sit under the ancestral tree, facing a pile of small octopus heads, and say things like "Back then, I..." and so on.

And in this kind of large-scale battle, the totem captain walking in the front and rear, because of the obvious target, was smashed into a meat paste by the quack ape ambushes with stones carved with patterns from the very beginning, and he couldn't even see the totem stick. Arrived.

This can be regarded as special treatment, and he was smashed to death by a work of art.

However, because some carved stones have a good splash effect, some shrewd Yachang captains who noticed the situation will use this kind of art weapon extensively in possible future battles, so I won’t say much here.

So, this journey seems to be going smoothly.

Looking at the situation, Dark Blood also planned to send the little guards he was protecting to practice their skills, but at this moment, the attack in front was very weak and there was a problem at this moment.


At this time, the battleground seemed to have changed from a surprise battle to a frontal battle, and the dark blood's spiritual power swept forward without any disguise. .


Dark Blood sighed, and then planned to order the ambush troops still on the mountain to gather at the top of the middle mountain and attack the stubborn black bone ape stronghold in the middle of the passage.

But at this time, Dark Blood found out depressedly that since the attack went well at the beginning, the ambush soldiers who were already at the front and rear ends had already rushed into the passage in a swarm. Now it is okay to let them go up, but it will take a lot of time. At once……

Fortunately, the quack ape species has its own advantages.

Under the order of the dark blood, the flying cliffs of several gorges immediately gathered at the top of the central mountain, and then began to throw anything they could find at the group of black bone apes in the passage, whether it was stones, broken branches, small animals ...Even, a guy threw a dinosaur down.

"Oh my god! 囧"

Seeing the innocent one humming and screaming in mid-air, shaking his limbs and smashing a totem captain who couldn't dodge into a meatloaf, Dark Blood couldn't complain anymore.

But in this way, it also reminded the black bone ape and their little boss who were squeezed in the middle, that is, 'staying here can only wait for death, waiting to be smashed to death by the flying dragon...'.

So, in order to survive, they went crazy.

The reason why Dark Blood chose this passage at the beginning was because it was on the only way.

But the more important reason is that this passage is not wide, only enough for a dozen black bones to walk side by side, which will help to lengthen the formation of the black bone apes and reduce the commanding force of the black bone apes.

But now when the end-to-end attack is achieved, the dark blood finds to his dismay that the numerical superiority of his own side, which has eliminated most of the opponent's population, has also been eliminated in this narrow passage.

"Both sides take defense... No! Attack with all your strength!"

I originally planned to let the two sides defend, and then block these black bone apes in the middle, relying on the increasing number of blatantly throwing dinosaur pupae on the top of the mountains on both sides to kill the dark blood of these black bone apes, suddenly remembered Captain Totem's attack ability.

If it is defense, these general attack powers are between the early to mid-soul-level abilities. It is not at all able to block the quack apes who generally only have mid- to low-level ghosts, and even ghosts. At the same time, they have no mental training. liveable.

Therefore, facing the black bone ape, he can only attack, and attack against attack.

And the commander of the black bone ape seemed to be calm on the spot. After the initial panic, he quickly gathered more than 20 totem captains, most of whom were around him, and launched a high-speed surprise attack in the direction he came from.

But to the east where the dark blood was located, he asked the three totem captains to adopt a tactic of steadily defending and retreating.

In fact, if it was a battle between the same race, the little boss at this time would definitely choose to surrender without hesitation.

But the problem is that this is a battle between species, either you die or I die, at least until now, neither side has the idea that civilized species can coexist peacefully.


The dark blood that scanned the battlefield with mental power secretly took a bite, and then spread its wings and rushed into the sky.

"Chu Hao, you assist Uncle Dark Star, watch this side for me, and attack hard!"

"Chairman of the Dark Night Gorge, please manage the flying cliffs on the top of the north mountain, and try to hit those guys who look like leaders in the middle of the black bone ape!"

"Master Cheng Yunxia, ​​you are the same, please manage the flying cliff on the top of the south mountain, but mainly hit those totem captains!"

"I'm going to look west."

While flying, Darkblood is also directing all aspects of the battle.

Now it seems that the safest thing is the ambush troops from the north and the south. They are on the top of the mountain, and they don't have to worry about the black-boned ape below who is bent on breaking through. They just need to find the dinosaur, throw it down, continue to find the dinosaur, and then...

And the most dangerous ones are the troops from the west. They were retreating steadily under the assault of Captain Totem's team, and failed to effectively block Captain Totem's attack, but Dark Blood didn't blame them for this.

Because in this kind of melee, they are facing almost dozens of soul-levels. At this time, I am afraid that even the Youshen-levels need to be careful, let alone them.

Therefore, in order to block the small boss's troops, the Quackape side in the west can only use human lives to fill it, which is absolutely unacceptable by Dark Blood.

However, no matter the west or the north or south, they are only auxiliary, and it is the troops in the east that are most likely to completely win the battle.

Because, as long as they can break into the Black Skeleton Ape team, which only has more than 300 people, before the west side is broken through, they can create chaos and confirm victory.

The dark blood flying over the black bone ape saw that the black bone ape completely ignored the flying objects on the top of the mountain, rushed forward wholeheartedly, and immediately took the opportunity to approach the little boss on the ground.

"Psychic shock!"

Dark blood is not very good at this kind of move, so it can only launch an all-round impact regardless of whether it is the enemy or ourselves, and it consumes a lot of mental power, but its advantage is that even if the opponent's strength is similar to his own, causing the mental power to rebound, the attacker The backlash is not great.

Therefore, the dark blood who was resolutely turned back was only slightly dizzy.

Then, she controlled her wings, gliding steadily and rushed over the group of black bone apes.

Fortunately, the black-boned apes focused their attention on the west and east, and didn't pay much attention to the sky... because in the eyes of the black-boned apes, the sky was full of flying dinosaurs at this time (the ambush chrysalis turned bad =.=)

"Captain Totem's spiritual power should be only around the middle stage of the ghost class, but there is actually a guy at the early stage of the soul class. I didn't expect that little boss to be so powerful."

Dark Blood, who was flying in the air, took the time to look at the Black Bone Ape team below, but found that his previous mental power shock had only killed a dozen or so insignificant guards and miscellaneous soldiers, and the little one who was the main target Neither the boss nor the totem captain suffered much damage.

"It seems that I'm really not suitable for mental power battles." Feeling that nearly 1/3 of the mental power was consumed in an instant, Dark Blood shook his head.

Saying so, I saw her suddenly rushing into the junction of the two armies on the west line of defense, and then suddenly retracted her wings at a height of ten meters, and her heavy body was suddenly pulled by gravity, and she stepped on a Finding that the sky was getting dark, Captain Totem, who was about to avoid it, carried it on his back.

Obviously, this miserable totem captain was pierced by Dark Blood's slightly slender feet.

Relying on its own powerful strength, Dark Blood doesn't even need to attach electric currents to its fists like ordinary quack apes in order to inflict additional damage on black bone apes; or use tools to strengthen its own attack power.

Her lethality is even several times stronger than the quack ape holding a bone hammer.

"Ah, damn it, I didn't pay attention!"

The so-called overkill, originally planned to make a continuous movement to sweep over several totem captains beside him in order to reduce the pressure of the dark blood on the west side, but suddenly found depressed that his feet were accidentally caught by the totem captain's sternum, With a corpse weighing hundreds of kilograms on her feet, her movements suddenly slowed down.

As a result, the totem captain who reacted next to him immediately raised the ugly totem stick in his hand to the dark blood.

"Go to hell!"

Shocked, he didn't dare to use the dark blood of the mental power shock, taking into account the same kind around him, raised his right foot with all his strength, and smashed into the group of totem captains with the black bone ape corpse.

Then, when the other party was throwing a rat attack, he tore the difficult corpse in half from the opening where the right foot was stuck with both hands.

A large amount of blood exuding a disgusting smell flowed out from the torn wound, and both the enemy and the enemy seemed to be stunned by this sturdy move of the dark blood, and there was even a short period of calm on the battlefield.

However, the innocent dinosaurs flying in the air still fell to the ground, making the peace not last long.

Realizing the ferocity of Dark Blood, these smart totem captains began to consciously avoid the place where Dark Blood was, and used ordinary soldiers to hold Dark Blood back, while others tried their best to break through Quack Ape's defense line.

Because, the entrance to the channel is approaching.

"Get out of the way!"

Once again, he smashed the head of a black-skeleton ape with a heavy punch, but these black-skeleton apes seemed to be unaware, and rushed towards the dark blood with fierce eyes.

(It's so possible! No matter how fierce a creature is, it's impossible to attack in such a situation that it knows it must die.)
He planned to see the performance of the totem captains, but at this moment, Dark Blood realized that he had been surrounded by black bone apes. If he opened his wings at this time, he would definitely be torn into rags immediately.

"Sure enough, are you still not used to fighting with pupae?"

With a wry smile, Anxue looked carefully at the black bone apes around him. In this kind of melee, even if he was strong, he might fall on a small mistake.

But at this moment, she suddenly found that these fanatical black-skeleton apes seemed to have regained their clarity and began to retreat.

"I want to run, but there is no way!"

How can such an opportunity be missed, and once again charge up to send out a mental shock, because it is not sure whether these black bone apes have the same kind outside, the dark blood only uses a small amount to make these black bone apes feel dizzy, but it is enough up.

The opportunity was fleeting, and taking advantage of the brief pause of the actions of the black-boned apes, the dark blood didn't bother much, leaped high, and then spread its wings to fly.

The pressure around her immediately returned to zero, but at this moment, what she saw was that the West Black Skeleton Ape had rushed out of the passage.

Quickly check the troops in the west. Fortunately, there are not too many casualties. It seems that they are taking the initiative to retreat, but why? ...

At this time, Dark Blood suddenly remembered that he had assigned the commanders of the teams on each side from the very beginning, but he hadn't said anything about taking over the west side just now. Therefore, the other party should have suffered too many casualties if they saw the west side's troops blocking it. So order the team to retreat.

"All gather in the west!"

Taking a deep look at the Black Bone Ape fleeing to the west, the dark blood stopped the western troops who were about to pursue, and through mental power, notified several gorges chiefs.

The black bone ape did not stop after rushing out of the passage. Under the leadership of the remaining eleven totem captains and the little boss who survived the catastrophe, the black bone ape troop of more than 100 people followed their path rush away.

"Dark blood, why don't you chase after them? There are only so many black bone apes left."

Looking unwillingly at the black-boned ape fleeing into the distance, several canal chiefs asked Dark Blood.

"Wait a minute, everyone is tired after fighting for so long, let's repair it first, and then fight back to the canyon together. Now the number of black bone apes is only so small, we are very tired, and they are even more tired, so we don't need to overdo it." Worry."

Although he was very unwilling for the enemy to escape, Dark Blood watched the quack apes who were excited but hard to get tired, especially the quack apes in the west, and they still didn't let everyone continue to chase.

Although catching up now will definitely lead to victory, the casualties will be huge, but these casualties are obviously avoidable.

In the battle behind the passage, these people in the west were basically supported by their will.

But at the same time, the black bone ape is only supported by the will to survive. At this time, even if the black bone ape escapes, they can't escape very far, because they must rest, otherwise they will run to death.

But even if they rest, they will be immersed in the fear of the previous war, waiting for their own harvest.

Moreover, it is getting dark now, and it is easy to be attacked by the black bone ape when fighting.

Therefore, Dark Blood does not plan to pursue it now.

At this time, one's own side already has an absolute advantage, so there is no need to rely on odds to win, just to eliminate the opponent step by step by being positive.

Then, a summary of the channel battle.

Looking at the commander who reported their statistics to him, although compared with the number of casualties of the enemy, this is already very small, but the dark blood still bowed his head a little sadly.

"Have the corpses been managed?"

"The 87 quack ape corpses and 24 pupal corpses have been moved to the open space, and the core of the pupal bodies has also been taken out. By the way, there are more than 100 dead black bone apes..."

"Kill the seriously injured ones, and find the [-] lightest ones, preferably guards and above, and tie them up and wait for them to go back to torture, and kill the rest."

"Okay." After speaking, the gorge chief turned and left.

Nodding his head, Dark Blood turned to look at Chu Hao, and the other party reported knowingly: "Because the battlefield is too big, and I am only at the peak of the ghost level and have not reached the soul level, so I can only rescue 16 dead souls. Incarnate 12 people."

Smiling gratefully at Chu Hao, Anxue stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead, and said calmly: "It's nothing, it's good to be able to save so many, when the temple is repaired, we can protect everyone."

"Sacred Temple?" Chu Hao looked at Anxue suspiciously, and seeing the other person's expression, Anxue's eyes flashed, and he said with an innocent expression: "What you said before, isn't the quasi-priest going to build it? Protect the temple of the dead?"


Unexpectedly, Chu Hao's answer this time was extremely resolute. He shook his head, and then said to Dark Blood: "Gashan stopped building all temples below the high level some time ago, and even high-level temples There is also a plan, and it cannot be established casually.”

This is the information that Chu Hao received from Gashan when he left the last Gaga ape tribe and passed it on to each tribe for use by quasi-priests.

At that time, he sighed for a while, because he planned to become a patron saint after the soul level, and then work hard towards the righteous god, but now the road ahead is blocked. Since then, he has never thought about establishing Temple, so I won't say these things to Dark Blood.

As a result, he looked at Dark Blood with even more doubts.

"Hey! Is that impossible? It must be you who said it!" At such a time, Dark Blood would never admit it.

But under such circumstances, the more you talk, the more likely problems will arise, so she directly changed the subject: "Then please continue to take care of the dead souls. I don't have much experience in using mental power, and don't wake everyone up yet. By the way , how about the wounded?"

Although he really wanted to draw conclusions from the dark blood place, Chu Hao, as a quasi-priest, was not ignorant of the seriousness. After recalling it carefully, he said sadly: "Most of the casualties this time were caused by the pincer attack and interception later. , a lot of wounded."

"There are more than 30 seriously injured people such as severed limbs. Even if I have learned treatment, there is no way. After all, there are not many wound medicines. Herbs such as six-leaf clover can only be obtained from the ethnic group after establishing a stable territory. , and now I don't have one."

"Really?" Looking at the members gathered in teams not far away, Dark Blood shook his tail in a depressed mood, then took a deep breath, a few strands of electric current flowed through his body, bringing out a little shimmer, and then, She looked up at Chu Hao again.

"So, what about minor injuries?"

"Minor injuries are nothing. Although there are more than 200 people, I will take you and hand them over to my guards to clean the wounds of the slightly wounded. So there is no danger, just a few dozen days of rest is enough. But my medicine has been used up, I hope there will be no major battles in the future."

"Really, that's good." Hearing this, Dark Blood forced a smile.

Through the dark night, Dark Blood looked at the direction in which the black-boned ape was escaping, and there was an undisguised killing intent in his eyes, which was also the eyes of most of the quack apes and pupae at the moment.

Dark Blood and the others have no doubts about whether these black bone apes can be eliminated. Captain Totem is indeed a great threat, but if hundreds of pupated bodies throw weapons at high altitudes, they can also destroy the opponent without damage. Of course, this tactic Not very available here.

If it is placed on the plains, Dark Blood can even let the Pupates in the air, using bombing to slowly grind away these enemies, no matter how many they have, but here is hilly and mountainous, they are easy to hide.

Whether it is rocks or trees, these black bone apes can gain the ability to avoid the high-altitude assault of the pupation body. This is why the quack ape, which has the air advantage of the pupation body, is in a stalemate with the black bone ape.

However, Captain Totem's attacks are also spaced out. Once approached by angry quack apes, they can only be torn apart.

"Okay, everyone, take a good rest tonight, and tomorrow we will completely wipe out these black bone apes."

After clapping his hands, Dark Blood said confidently, and at this moment, everyone didn't have any worries about it, because at this moment, there were more than 800 quack apes, and there were more than 600 people with fighting power, while the black bone ape only There are less than 200 left.

It has always been the black bone ape that attacks the quack ape with a superior number, but it is still just a stalemate.

Now finally one day, the quack ape has a numerical advantage over the black bone ape, so failure is almost impossible in the eyes of these people.

As night fell little by little, Dark Blood lay on a small bed made of dinosaur skins, looking at the dim Milky Way, and gradually fell into a dream.

Bone Ape Fang
After losing the battle and even escaping to exhaustion, this is obviously a great blow to the current small boss of this team.

But looking around at the totem captains who looked tired, mostly with minor injuries, and fearful, the little boss didn't have the mood to vent.

He has seen those too. For the totem captains, those quack apes will be extremely cruelly torn apart as long as they are caught. This has left a very bad memory in the hearts of these totem captains who managed to escape. Facing the quack ape, he cringed.

And the little boss, who escaped for most of the night and could only choose between running to death or being caught up and killed, finally asked everyone to stop and rest.

After a while, a few scattered fires were lit, and the black bone apes who went out to hunt finally returned to the valley with a few small dinosaurs under the hopeful expressions of the people who stayed behind in the camp.

In fact, if they hunted with Captain Totem's totem stick, their hunting success rate would obviously be countless times higher, but absolutely no Totem Captain dared to do this, and it couldn't be solved by death.

Looking at the east side wearily, the little boss has long since lost his original vigor, and now he just looks back at where he came from with a complicated expression.

Going back, it can provide me with a sense of security, and it is the only place my army can go.

But after going back, how should he face the one in the big tent, how should he face the opponent who was ridiculed by him.

At this time, the little boss (No. [-])'s resentment towards his opponent (No. [-]) has already broken through the sky.

The other party must have said that the enemy only has more than 200 people out of resentment towards him, and there are children in this situation.

The more he thought about it, the more he thought about it. The other party was also the commander of a thousand-man army, so how could it be possible for him to be rushed out by hundreds of people.

This soul is weak!

Thinking like this, the little boss's heart gradually calmed down.

The number of enemies encountered this time is obvious to all his subordinates, and there is even a black bone ape who led the way, which belonged to the opponent's subordinates, survived.

When the time comes to confront the person in the big tent, the responsibility caused by his mistakes can obviously be minimized. Although he will still be punished for this, the other party is likely to be sentenced to death.

Gradually, the bad mood of the little boss improved, and the group of remnants and defeated subordinates around him seemed to be more pleasing to his eyes.

It was already early in the morning, and the little boss looked at Captain Totem who was holding the roasted thigh and carefully handing it to him, and nodded in satisfaction.

But just when he wanted to take a bite of this delicious food to fill his stomach that hadn't eaten for most of the day, there were a few horrified roars in the team.

"Damn it, what's it called!"

Although his mouth was roaring like this, the little boss dropped the food in his hand in an instant, grabbed the totem stick, and checked the surrounding situation.

Then, he discovered the source of the panic.

In the western sky, several black spots of pupae appeared from far and near.


"Could it be that there are enemies in the west? How many enemies are hidden in this Hundan?"

But soon, the little boss discovered that the other party was only eight people, and his mood gradually stabilized.

The roar calmed down the frightened subordinates, and the soldiers and captains who gradually realized the actual situation were also ashamed of their previous actions, and at the same time showed their ferocity.

It is almost impossible to resist when facing thousands of enemies, but now there are only eight chrysalis, as long as the opponent comes down, then he can give the opponent a good look.

All the totem captains thought so, and the black bone ape soldiers even raised the improvised wooden spears, intending to avenge their shame.

But looking at the eight pupae that were approaching constantly, the little boss felt a bad feeling in his heart. He looked around and saw that everyone was staring at the sky intently, while he carefully held the totem tightly. Stick, leaned towards a small hole on the side of the valley.

Just leave the battle to the subordinates. If it's too dangerous, I'll take the responsibility of going back and questioning that Hun Dan for everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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