Spore Story

Chapter 283 The Rebellious Black Bone Yuanga

Chapter 283 The Rebellious Black Bone Yuanga

(This god should be very angry.)
Dark Blood, who had been fighting all this time, was able to find time to walk away, which seemed to indicate that their battle was not dangerous, but the fact was just the opposite.

She didn't know how long she had been fighting, but she felt that she had almost lost the strength to punch, but the number of shadow beasts in front of her still remained unabated.

(No, it's just because these souls can be resurrected infinitely.)
From Dark Blood's point of view, this should be the case, because the total number of these shadow beasts on the field is only those, neither too many nor too few, and every time one dies, it will appear in the middle of the ruins of the big camp that seems to be an altar one.

Even though these guys are almost destroyed by touch, their attack power is indeed terrifying.

In the entire New Central District, only Dark Blood and Die Wu are able to withstand this kind of attack. Even Dark Blood is under the protection of Die Wu, so they can work together to resist the land shadow beasts, so that these guys will not rush into the rear. Among the apes.

But even so, looking at the occasional pupation body falling from the sky, Dark Blood's heart is still bleeding.

shadow beast
This is a word that came out of Die Wu's mouth after fighting for a while, the full name is 'Shadow Monster'.

However, Die Wu said that it was only because she felt that these enemies looked like shadows, but changed from two-dimensional to three-dimensional.

Of course, the dimensions and so on are still made up by dark blood brains.

Therefore, these unnamed things are called "Shadow Beasts" in the history of Quack Ape. This is the first time this kind of thing has appeared in the sight of Quack Ape, and the way of appearance is very shocking. ...However, their exit was very aggrieved and very speechless.

But now they are clearly not the time to exit.

After fighting this kind of enemy for a while, Dark Blood also saw some clues, that is, immature and unstable.

To put it simply, this kind of shadow beast seems to be a failure.

Its attack power is super strong, the initial attack power of the soul level, there are more than 800 people present, but only two soul levels can block this attack;

However, its defensive power is almost zero. If any pupae body rubs against the opponent with a little force, the thing will collapse immediately. Almost gone.

However, the most annoying thing about this thing is its infinite resurrection. Perhaps this is not the reason for the shadow beast itself, but needs to be investigated from their source.

Thinking of this, Dark Blood turned his head to look at the altar in the distance. At this moment, it seemed that there was a statue in the altar, but perhaps because of poor technology, this thing was considered to be a stone before.

It wasn't until Die Wu and Dark Blood got a little closer that they could see clearly that it was a statue similar to a totem pole.

And those shadow beasts ran out of this statue rather than from the round platform that looked like an altar.

"Die Wu, it seems that the altar or the statue must be destroyed first, otherwise these things are simply endless. Where does this power come from? Is it another hidden Youshen class? But is the Youshen class so powerful? ?”

"Without us blocking it, it would be very dangerous if these dozens of shadow beasts on the ground rushed to those people behind!"

After fighting for so long, Die Wu also began to become a little impatient.

After being familiar with the single mode of shadow beasts, the attacks of these shadow beasts are no longer useful to Die Wu and Dark Blood, so their current battles are mainly to avoid the attacks of the spirit balls, and at the same time block those who want to rush through. A shadow beast with two defense lines.

When I was not familiar with the battle before, I let go of less than ten shadow beasts once, but it caused the death of no less than 30 quack apes.

[Spirit Ball], this is also the name Die Wu took, it is the name for these attacks.

Because, I don't know if this kind of shadow beast is not finished, so from the beginning to the end, there is only this kind of mist-like spherical attack at the beginning of the soul level, and those various body shapes seem to be completely for display.

He looked at the quack apes gathered a few hundred meters behind in the same embarrassment, and dark blood looked angrily at the shadow beasts below, carefully analyzing and comparing the current situation.


Immediately connected to the current commander of the ground troops, Dark Blood ordered through his mental power: "Zufu, later I and the high priest Diewu will send a shadow beast over every little while, pay attention, use a team People introduced these shadow beasts into the forest, try not to let them gather..."

"...The number of spirit ball attacks is small, and it is not difficult to hide, so your purpose is to hold them back, not to attack. After we finish the altar, come back to deal with these guys..."

In fact, after such a fight, it is impossible not to see these places with the dark blood ability.

What's more, although the air was caught off guard at the very beginning, and more than 20 people were lost almost instantly, but after understanding the opponent's attack methods and abilities, the flexible chrysalis immediately relied on three-on-one tactics, division of labor and cooperation, This kind of enemy who is about to collapse at the touch of a finger is quickly restrained.

However, because they are not very used to air combat, these pupae bodies, which should be the favored ones of heaven, are easily attacked and accidentally injured by flying shadow beasts.

Fortunately, this situation is gradually improving, and people have to lament the learning and adaptability of the pupal body.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, the allocation of various tactics was completely arranged by Dark Blood.

Then, Die Wu and Dark Blood, who understood the method, gradually released the shadow beast that ran out of the altar or the statue after being eliminated.

Obviously the attraction of the large army is greater than that of the two hedgehogs of Dark Blood Butterfly Dance. These let go of the shadow beasts rushed into the large army without stopping, but at this time Zuofu also cleverly dispersed the large army .

The shadow beast froze for a moment, then decisively followed the nearest team, and then went into the forest to fight in the field.

"Okay, the rest is you."

The altar is an extremely important component in the eyes of anyone who understands the formation of the double moon star, or the god of the quack ape.

It seems to have become a core of transformation, allowing gods to have the ability to stably use believers and even the will power provided by believers. It also allows gods above the Youshen level to obtain the ability to teleport between altars.

And because of this, the altar became the key to God.

Kong Huan, who used to be a dream god, gave up the idea of ​​continuing to be a god because of the destruction of two altars (one mountain top and one Ga mountain), and instead let Chu Jie take over the position of the righteous god.

Therefore, if you want to destroy the foundation of a god's rule in one place, the best way is to destroy this altar.

Dark Blood and Die Wu flew towards the altar, while avoiding the flying spirit balls from the sky, while looking at the altar which was gradually reducing the frequency of shadow beasts.

This is not to say that the monster spawn rate of the altar has been reduced, but because the death rate of the shadow beast has been reduced. (This is a helpless decision.)
Therefore, this shows that the containment of hundreds of quack apes and pupae bodies is still effective. Even if the attack of the shadow beast is at the soul level, even if its attack frequency is almost one breath and one spirit ball, so what, its number is only so small .

"Is this just brushing the boss?"

Die Wu's sudden words made Anxue almost crash into the big tree in front of him with his wings unsteady.

"I said, where did you learn these words?"

"Master 8051, she often says some funny things, even I am called the 'Maid of God' by her!"

Looking at the proud Die Wu, Dark Blood looked at the altar in front of him, but still held back the idea of ​​complaining.

"Smash it with a rock or something! Except for mental attack, our other attack power is too low!"


But at this moment, the boss that will definitely appear finally appeared.

Accompanied by this moment, Dark Blood only felt a blackness in front of her eyes, and the unbearable dizziness made her hang on the top of the tree below without being able to guard against it, so she didn't fall off, but fortunately Don't fall off, otherwise the wings will be miserable.

"You dare to attack my territory, you are looking for your own death!" (Okay, this is a brain supplement =. =)

Dark Blood, who was suddenly attacked and hung on the treetop in a very disfigured way, looked vaguely at Die Wu, who seemed to be not seriously injured, nodded with all his strength, and then turned to look at the people who seemed to be questioning himself. illuminator.

(Lighting body? Is it the Youshen class? This is a tragedy, and the most powerful one here is Die Wu, a high-level soul class.)
Just when the dark blood was frightened, the luminous body didn't seem to be very busy fighting (the villain's habit), just floating above the altar, scanning the surroundings.

In the view of Die Wu, whose eyes were able to see clearly because the damage was not serious, this luminous body has at least reached the level of elementary school students compared to those shadow beasts at the level of kindergarten children.

Because this figure can already see the appearance of the black bone ape, although the face is a little blurry, but at least you can know where are the eyes and where is the nose, but this shows that the other party is not a real person, but also a shadow beast, but it should be regarded as a It's more advanced.

"Attack is at the level of the advanced soul level, and should be around the peak of the soul level."

"Really? But I'm afraid we will suffer if we fight head-on. The main purpose is to attack the altar."

"Yeah, you're awake."

Die Wu found that Dark Blood woke up so quickly, but Die Wu who woke up a step earlier was a little surprised, and looked at the other party with some understanding, and then said through mental power.

"How about I go to contain the opponent, and you attack the altar with all your strength?"

From Die Wu's point of view, although Dark Blood, who was once a Youshen-level avatar, seems to have only the consciousness of the early soul-level, the quality of this consciousness is obviously not lower than that of the mid-to-high soul-level.

As for Die Wu herself, if she hadn't been hit by a few spirit balls accidentally before and was a little weak, she would never have been dizzy for such a long time in the face of the mental shock just now.

If the luminous body came out and attacked the two of them, the two of them might be planted here, but the problem is that the other party's attention seems to be no longer here.

At this time, the battle situation has stabilized a little bit, and neither Dark Blood nor Die Wu believe that these shadow beasts of the opponent are absolutely infinite, so the longer the time, the more advantage they will have.

At this time, the seemingly brainless 'god' (spiritual shadow?) seemed to search for something to no avail, paused for a while, and then radiated his emotions outward again.

"Annoyed? What's going on?"

"Look carefully, what does this guy seem to be looking for?"

Through mental power, both Die Wu and Dark Blood exchanged their thoughts with each other.

After a while, Dark Blood, who had recovered a little, arranged their respective tasks with Die Wu, planning to rush forward to deal with this enemy who had no sense of crisis.

But at this moment, under the puzzled eyes of the two, a dozen boulders suddenly flew out from the top of the mountain not far away.

These boulders seemed to be aimed at the altar, and if they were hit, the altar would definitely be killed, no doubt about it.

But what puzzled Dark Blood and Die Wu was that the 'god' who was above the altar had discovered the stones the moment they appeared, but had no intention of blocking the stones that were clearly aiming at the altar. Raising his hands, it seemed that he took these stones for something and was reprimanding the other party.

This scene made both Dark Blood and Die Wu dumbfounded.

"Is this guy really brain-dead?"

Well, another word popped up. Although Darkblood nodded in agreement, he was still a little uncomfortable hearing these words from their mouths.

"Hey, look carefully, is there something on the stone?"

The sharp-eyed Die Wu immediately pointed to a flying stone, and Dark Blood quickly recognized the totem stick with a disgusting face.

"It seems that this so-called god regards the rock where this stick is on as his subordinate, hehe, there is a good show to watch." Dark Blood and Die Wu who were planning to rush forward consciously stopped, and began to play the quack apes Good tradition, onlookers, ah no, there are only two people, so they are onlookers.

In this way, under the constant reprimand of the god, a group of very unobedient stone subordinates smashed on the altar with a muffled sound.

The first piece missed the target, and the 'God' was furious, and seemed to send out some kind of attack. Of course, attacks such as spiritual power are ineffective against stones;

The second piece, still missed the target, 'God' continued to be furious, and seemed to send out a mind attack, because this stone hit the previous stone with a thud, which also surprised the dark blood. Could it be that even this shadow beast Also at the Youshen level?

The third piece was still missing the target, whether it was Dark Blood, Die Wu or the 'God' were furious, "Can you be more accurate, Hundan!", and the 'God' yelled at Around, there seemed to be a range of thought power fluctuations, and the trajectories of all the stones were disturbed;

The fourth piece, hit the target...


Dark Blood can vouch for that poor 'God', the 'God''s previous mental impact definitely intended to push the stone away, but the problem is, it's so hard to die, how many stones in the fourth wave depend on Closer, if you don't interfere, according to the previous accuracy, the opponent has a 90% probability of missing the target, but this interference...

So, because of this thought force impact, several stones collided with each other in the air, and one of the stones, which would definitely miss the target, corrected its track instead, and happily slammed on the altar... the statue on top of it.

what! ! !
The meaning of this sentence does not need to be translated, everyone can understand it, at least Dark Blood and Die Wu can understand it. (=.=)

With that click, a small opening was cracked on the altar, but the statue's head fell off rather fragilely.

Then, without waiting for the 'god' who had been hit hard to react, the last few boulders also vigorously smashed on the altar and the statue one after another, and they were so slow that they could only match the stones that had already been thrown on them. Come here for an intimate encounter.

So, the sound of 'click' and 'ah! 'The sound resonates, the sound is getting more and more louder...

Finally, from beginning to end, the light and shadow that only sent out two shocks of thought power and two shocks of mental power, and roared and roared for the rest of the time, just like those shadow beasts, turned into light spots all over the sky with a bang, and dissipated in the sky. in the air.

What a place of twinkling stars!

At this time, cheers erupted from the sky, looking for the reputation, the two dark blood saw the disappearance of the flying shadow beast, and the circling celebration of the pupae;
Then, cheers erupted in the forest, and they turned their necks, and the dark blood and the two knew that it was the disappearance of the land shadow beast, and the quack apes were celebrating;
Then, cheers came from the top of the mountain, and they twisted their necks again. The two of them knew that it was...

"Wait, do you remember that we never sent an ambush on the top of the mountain!"

Dark Blood and Die Wu looked at each other, no matter how cheers were heard on the top of the mountain, it is possible that there are fellow Quack apes on the mountain who endured the humiliation.

At this time, there was a rustling sound from the top of the mountain in the distance, and then one after another figures appeared at the foot of the mountain.

Black bone ape! ?

Looking suspiciously at these black bone apes with happy faces, Anxue looked at Die Wu depressedly, and then at the quack apes who just ran out of the forest.

The originally jubilant scene became stiff again, and the two sides faced each other across the big camp, but the dark blood or all the quack apes could see that the fighting spirit of the black bone apes was not high, and they were very serious about themselves. The damage to the altar where the god resides is without mourning.

"what happened?"

"Forget it, the black bone ape is the enemy, everyone is ready to fight!"

Seeing the gathered quack apes and the chrysalis circling in the air, Dark Blood nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the black bone ape in front with a serious face.

Although our own side has the upper hand in numbers now, the physical condition of everyone is not very good due to the continuous battle just now.

And these black bone apes seem to have been hiding in the mountains just now. Although they don't know why the other party is happy about the death of their own gods, Dark Blood is not interested in knowing the internal situation of the black bone apes.

"Dark blood, wait a minute."

At this time, Die Wu's voice came.

"These black bone apes seem to have something to say."

Looking suspiciously at Die Wu in mid-air, to be honest, Dark Blood has gradually gained some confidence in battle command, but in terms of interpersonal communication... Forget it, let's go back to training soldiers and fighting little monsters.

(Do you understand?) Dark Blood was going to ask this question, but out of the corner of her eye, she happened to see Chu Hao running around in the Quack Ape team, and immediately thought of the reason.

(It seems that Die Wu, who can communicate with other races almost instantly, is the real master of talking compared to Chu Hao, who takes more than half the night to communicate.)
"You only have 5 scum in battle."

After staring at Chu Hao speechlessly and saying this, Anxue obediently followed Diewu forward. Although he had some confidence in the strength of the high priest, Anxue still felt that it would be more secure for him to keep up. What's more, it's negotiating with the world-feuding black-boned ape now, as the district chief, she should be there anyway.

Depending on the situation, the other party seemed to have something to say, and after fighting for so long, even if it was just delaying time to rest and recover, it would be a good thing for him, so Dark Blood didn't mind the two sides chatting about family matters.

"Share the words of the black bone ape with me."

After speaking, Dark Blood felt the intention of the opponent's little boss.

It is still only at the early stage of the soul level, but compared to the first encounter, it seems that the external use of spiritual power has suddenly become enlightened.

At this time, the little boss seemed to be nagging about how despicable his original god was, how much he and others suffered from it...

But the dark blood is not really Xiaobai in the primitive period, but from the intriguing human society.

"Just tell us what you think, we are not interested in listening to your own affairs!" Just after finishing speaking, Dark Blood saw Die Wu's resentful expression.

Since it was a delaying tactic at the beginning, wouldn't it be better for the other party to say this, but Dark Blood found that he really didn't have the endurance in this regard, especially after understanding the behavior of this little boss.

From the other party's description, Dark Blood can already confirm that they were the ones who destroyed the altar with stones.

But Dark Blood imagined that he was standing in the position of the black bone ape, no matter how much this little boss and that god were opposed, it was just a matter within the same clan, just like two brothers fighting.

But when they stabbed their brother in the back when the dark blood and other foreigners attacked one of them, no matter who they were, they would feel ashamed.

Of course, although he is not ashamed of the opponent's behavior, Dark Blood will never mind that the enemies in the future will be like this, so the foreign battles of his Quackape clan will be as easy as before.

But at this moment, the little boss seemed to be choked by the words of the dark blood, and stared at the dark blood with some resentment, and then looked at Die Wu suspiciously.

Obviously, he regarded Die Wu as the leader of the dark blood side, but ignored the real boss of dark blood.

Perhaps, this Black Bone Ape thought Die Wu was a god, and Dark Blood was just a little boss like him.

Smiling slightly, Die Wu looked at Anxue, seeing that Anxue shook her head to indicate that she was watching a show and didn't speak, so she was relieved and continued to communicate with the little boss.

Obviously, although Dark Blood is capable in battle command, she is really not good at this kind of negotiation. She is too impatient.

...time flies by like this...

He planned to take the opportunity to procrastinate, and then wipe out the dark blood of the black bone ape, but he continued to be vigilant under Die Wu's persuasion.

"Dark blood, what's going on?"

"Yeah, why did you let these guys go?"


Facing the questions from several canyon chiefs, she smiled wryly and shook her head.

It is obviously not easy for her to let go of these feuds, but in the face of Die Wu's explanation, Dark Blood finally made this choice.

What is the reason?

Taking a deep look at the Black Bone Ape fleeing to the south, Dark Blood sighed.

"Don't worry, after letting these people go, we can get peace for a long time, and we can even cause more black bone apes to die than these hundreds of people."

Looking at the people who were still puzzled, Dark Blood pointed to the Xinzhong District, and then nodded to Die Wu and the others who were checking the weird altar in the big camp.

"I will explain in detail when I return to the New Central District."

Facing the dark blood's words, the several bosses opened their mouths, but they didn't say anything. Facing the increasingly majestic dark blood, they had gradually recognized their respective positions.

——————Sometimes, for greater gains, you can give up some immediate interests—————

Black bone ape

This is a species that lives in the subtropical region of the Double Moon Star. They obviously don't know their past evolutionary history, because they don't have the main consciousness like the quack ape, but are completely native to the Double Moon Star.

In order to gain Die Wu's trust and let Die Wu let them go, this little boss let Die Wu perceive almost all the information he knew about his species without reservation.

Therefore, the following information is compiled by Die Wu, the information remembered by this little boss.

On the whole, from the memory of this little boss named Hong, the history of the black bone ape in the past few decades is composed of two rebellions and three stages.

The first stage

This was Hong who was just a child decades ago, that is, the tribe where this little boss belongs was attacked by a big tribe, and Hong became a member of this big tribe as a slave, and this A large tribe has a leader who claims to be a god. (It's just a name now, gah.)
This was the first time he saw the present God.

At that time, the entire tribe had a population of two to three thousand people, led by this god, and ruled all of them with a strict hierarchy.

The highest, of course, is this god;

The second level is now these small bosses, they are called leaders.At that time, these leaders were all selected from powerful ordinary black-boned apes, and they needed prestige, strength, and God's approval. Only when the three were satisfied, could they reach that position;

The third level is soldiers, they are powerful adults, but they can't beat the small boss, so they can only become the main force of the battle, and they look forward to being promoted to the position of leader one day;

The fourth level is ordinary members, these are normal children or old people, usually led and cared for by soldiers;
The fifth level, which is also the lowest level, are the slaves. They come from various sources, including the population obtained by attacking other tribes; there are also adults who are too weak in their own tribe; or people who are hated by the leaders and gods.

The slaves couldn't get enough food, but they had to undertake a lot of fighting and heavy labor tasks. However, slaves could still become ordinary members after gaining attention by cooperating with soldiers in fighting.

From this point of view, this is completely a slavery society, and it is indeed the case.

And as the god who established all of this, he obviously became a person revered by the middle and upper classes, but his position also became something that everyone yearned for.

The strength of the entire tribe, under the leadership of this god, has continued to expand in the past ten years.

And Hong, who was just a slave at the beginning, was left by a soldier because of his outstanding fighting skills. Later, he was lucky enough to save a small boss and became a soldier directly.

However, as the tribe continued to fight, and continued to win.In a society that relied on hunting, the number of its gathered population still reached a terrifying tens of thousands. The tribe became overwhelmed as a matter of course, and even ordinary soldiers began to lack food.

Thus, the first rebellion arose.

Some of them are ambitious, or have a long-term vision, and the powerful leaders, just under the trend of inner emotions, brought some soldiers, ordinary members and even slaves who were loyal to them, and took advantage of the time when the god went out to hunt the beast tide. When the time is right, quietly leave the tribe.

Then, they proclaimed their gods outside and fought against each other, as if they had the idea of ​​forming a tribe that could fight against the real gods before they came.

This situation obviously made this real god very dissatisfied.

For him at this time, the life and death of the people below has nothing to do with him. What he enjoys is nothing but the admiration and fear of countless people. Will food and other things be lacking for him?

Therefore, he picked up the weapon he hadn't used for a while, and began to attack those little bosses who dared to leave him from near and far.

Every time he conquered a tribe, he would kill everyone, conveying to everyone, 'As long as you dare to defy yourself, you must be punished by death'.

Hong, on the other hand, was lucky to be in the tribe where the god was.

In the continuous crusades and battles, because of deliberate actions, he gradually gained the appreciation of the gods, but because of insufficient strength and prestige, he could not become the leader, so he turned into a guard of the gods.

I don't know if it's the unspoken rules of all the worlds. The speed of transmission of bad news is generally very fast. The false gods who are far away are afraid, and they feel regret and fear for their actions.

Some false gods united to defeat the gods, but they were defeated by the powerful strength of the gods and the high morale of the soldiers.

Then, other false gods relegated themselves to the position of chieftain, and then brought troops to plead guilty to God.

But God was just enjoying the killing at this time, and killed all the leaders and their subordinates who pleaded guilty, together with the false gods who jointly attacked before.

As a result, the remaining dozen false gods became panicked.

And maybe it's a mess of pressure generating motivation or something, these guys' brains suddenly lit up (the electric creature said no pressure), and they first re-degraded themselves to the leader.

However, they did not plead guilty to the god, but carefully carved the appearance of the god in the location of their respective tribes, and worshiped respectfully every day, and sent delicious food and other things, praying for God's forgiveness.

Then one day, Hiro, who was looking forward to rushing into the enemy's tribe and venting wantonly, suddenly found that the god in front of him disappeared instantly. (PS: Before again, this god has not been sacrificed yet.)
Just when the attacking troops were about to collapse because of the disappearance of God, God suddenly laughed and flew out from the tribe that everyone planned to attack.

Everyone was stunned.

This event became known as the 'Rebellion of the False Gods'.

second stage
After this "false god rebellion" event, the black bone ape called God became the real god of worship. He obtained several statues and possessed the ability to shuttle between them.

And because of this ability, the tribal alliance was generously divided into several parts by the happy god, although the population of the tribal alliance had dropped by more than half at that time.

And those leaders who rebelled before, all died in the following years.

But everyone secretly understood that it was because they were punished by God.

Soon after, something revolutionary [totem stick] appeared.

This kind of thing that can make some black-boned apes who are only slightly stronger have the attack ability like a god, was used by the god as a symbol of a new class, and was set between the two classes of leaders and soldiers at that time.

That is, [Captain Totem].

Therefore, Hong, who was not qualified to be a leader but was better than ordinary soldiers, was naturally transferred from a guard to a totem captain, and was able to lead more than a dozen soldiers and corresponding slaves, and was assigned to a force The powerful leader's subordinates did things and left God's side.

After this incident, a few more years have passed in such a peaceful manner. The black bone apes in the entire south seem to have been collected by several tribes under the banner of the gods. If the number of several large tribes under the entire super tribe , I am afraid it has exceeded one hundred thousand.

Of course, this was only an estimate by Hong, who was still the captain of the totem at the time, and the real number may be more.

When hearing this data, both Die Wu and Dark Blood took a breath.

Among them, Die Wu knew better. If counted by time, the Gashan ethnic group had just started to adopt the quasi-priest system at that time, and it hadn't been long since they had expanded moderately to the outside world. The total population probably did not exceed [-].

And precisely because of sensing this data, Die Wu and Dark Blood didn't pay much attention to the remnants of the black bone ape soldiers who were only 300 people in front of them.

"Die Wu, we are exhausted. It seems that we have killed more black-boned apes than others have killed in a single rebellion."

Faced with Dark Blood's emotion, Die Wu could only remain silent, who among the quack apes dared to do this obviously just didn't want to live.

You must know that there are not no restless guys in the Gashan ethnic group, but because of the overall gentle mood, even if these people make mistakes, they are small mistakes, and for small mistakes, they will be locked up for a few days at most, and some food will be reduced.

The number of criminals who were really killed because of public outrage could be counted on two hands, and most of them were expelled from the tribe.

However, for quack apes who are accustomed to social life, to survive alone... this is probably the real heavy punishment.

And looking at this leader (little boss) named Hong, both Anxue and Diewu began to become confused, what is the other party's purpose?
Then, the story continues.

Into the second rebellion.

As long as it is a species with desires and is in a society with strict classes, it will have further thoughts.

With the development of the tribal alliance, the strength and power of these second-generation leaders have gradually become stronger, and their desires have naturally arisen irresistibly.

And because time has passed for several years, although the god is still powerful, he has been bound in the area where several god statues are located, and has faded from the minds of ordinary people, becoming an unattainable goal.

As a result, these leaders, driven by their own strength and desire, gradually, like the first-generation leaders, developed a desire to resist.

This time, instead of being stupid like their predecessors, they joined forces with each other from the beginning.

Then, after 'deliberation', they planned to attack all the idols where the god was located at the same time.

Long-term sacrifices have made them clearly know that these statues are the weakness of gods. As long as these things can be destroyed, the god who cannot fight at all the statues at the same time will definitely be bound to the last statue.

Then, to meet this god is to fail.

But this time, the second-generation leaders of these cups still miscalculated, and there were only two things that were ignored by them.

One is their subordinates, the totem captains they rely on;

One, but those stone statues that they despised and thought could be easily destroyed.

To the complete surprise of these powerful leaders, when they led the troops to attack, some totem captains who were in charge of guarding the statues took their wits out of their wits and escaped with the statues.

The leaders who didn't know that the statue could still move were dumbfounded, because after trying their best to break into the temple, they were greeted by an empty altar.

This unexpected move bought an extremely precious buffer time for God to defeat the enemy one by one.

At the same time, during the battle, the later the stage, the easier it is for the captain totem to rebel.

Although the strength of these totem captains is not as good as that of the leaders, the ants kill elephants more often. Generally, the leaders of the totem captains have more than a dozen totem captains, and they cannot stop the totems who continuously attack with soul-level spirits. team leader.

At that time, Hong's strength had probably reached the peak of the ghost level, and he had some vague sense of danger. When he felt that the boss was about to be wiped out, he decisively contacted the totem captains who were hesitating.

The moment they knocked the leader unconscious, Hong personally stepped forward and stabbed the leader to death, and at the same time, the god also came to this place through the statue, and happened to see this scene.

So, Hong was lucky again, he directly replaced the leader and became the new leader, also known as the little boss by Dark Blood.

The rebellion was quickly quelled.

In this battle, the god also seemed to have suffered a lot of injuries. After slaughtering all the rebels, he ordered everyone to repair the altar and return the statue of the god; while returning to the core area where he was, he was silent. down.

This event, known as the 'totem rise'.

Then, time enters the third stage.

After the "Totem Rising" event, the second-generation leaders gradually withdrew from the stage of history, and all new leaders had to be produced from the totem captains, and all the totem sticks of the totem captains were also replaced with the current style, and It is strictly forbidden to leave the body.

But for some reason, God did not give the order to chase down those fleeing black bone apes.

In the following years, God became very low-key. Although Captain Totem and the third-generation leaders were still loyal to this God, they also began to have friction and fights with each other as God relaxed.

But God still doesn't see it.

At the same time, the number of god statues gradually increased.

Although the controlled population dropped sharply to [-] to [-] due to the previous "Totem Rise" event, it recovered slightly afterwards.

Then, the key point, the more than 200 black bone ape remnants who were driven out of the canyon by the canyon quack apes appeared in the eyes of today's tribal alliance.

And the first to find these remnants happened to be Hong's tribe.

"There are enemies to the north."

These black-skeleton apes, who seemed to be stronger than ordinary black-skeleton apes, brought such information to Hong.

However, for him who has become the leader, it is meaningless to fight some enemies to expand his achievements, but his subordinates need achievements and fights.

So, he still reported this information to God.

In Hong's view, these are probably the black bone apes who escaped after the last rebellion, and they should have been killed by the gods, but unexpectedly, these people were kept by the gods and became soldiers directly, and some of them were even killed by the gods. God is going to the core area and seems to be the captain of the totem.

This made Macro feel a little wrong.

So, he began to take care of these refugee-like savages who couldn't even speak.

Finally, he obtained their specific situation from these black-boned apes. These savages have been fighting another race in that canyon, and it has been countless generations.

So bluffing!

Hong could not restrain his interest in the race described by these black bone apes, and finally, under the instigation of his subordinates, he took the initiative to propose to God to attack these enemies.

But unexpectedly, this permission actually waited for five full years.

Then, Hong finally took more than 4000 soldiers selected from his own tribe of more than 1000 people, and took the latest god statue provided by the god, and ran to the north canyon.

At the same time, the god seemed to become active again, and he began to order the troops to spread out again, and set up a leadership class between the god and the leader, which could manage several leader tribes.

Of course, these commanders are all selected from the chiefs.

And the god even said to Hong, "As long as you can destroy the enemies in the northern canyon, you can directly become the leader and allocate three leaders. '

What an honor this is. He was not the only one who was excited when he set out to fight, but the totem captains under him were even more excited. After all, according to what those black bone apes said before, even if the enemy has five years of development, there will not be many people , More than 1000 soldiers are already at ease.

But the reality is obviously cruel. We already know the process and the ending.

Not only were they defeated, but they also took another territory, the leader's troops close to Hong's territory, and the leader's life.

Therefore, time is also fate.


 Suddenly there is a sensory horse, well, we will continue to work hard, huh.

  That's it, keep asking for support.

(End of this chapter)

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