Spore Story

Chapter 284 The Maid Team and the Sculptor

Chapter 284 The Maid Team and the Sculptor

Lingxue, who was burying her head in the leather scroll, sighed helplessly, and gently wrote the word 'temple' on the stone table in front of her with her fingers.

In the eyes of the high-level people of the Gashan ethnic group, the greatest use of the temple lies in communication.

Through the teleportation function possessed by the god of the temple, the high-speed communication capability brought by it enables Gashan to obtain the information of the area where the temple is located in real time regardless of the distance, and command and control the priests in these areas, and even mobilize troops during this period Several budding riots were quelled.

But the current construction of the temple has many problems because it was not paid attention to at the beginning.

At a high priest exchange meeting a few days ago, a high priest directly pointed out that the current construction of the temple is extremely unreasonable and needs to be regulated immediately.

In fact, both ordinary priests and high-level officials had this kind of thinking, but it was not as clear and thorough as the high priest's analysis in his subsequent speech.

For example, Chu Jie's ten high-level temples, because she was the first to become a righteous god, are mostly distributed around the five major tribes, that is, within the ethnic group;

The temples of Vulcan War Scythe and War God Chu Yi are interlaced on the outskirts of the five major tribes.

However, the closest temples of the two righteous gods to Mount Ga are tens of kilometers away.

Usually, in order to maintain the timeliness of communication, some important documents are used by the high priest. Although the flying speed of the high priest is slightly higher than that of ordinary pupae, there is still a lot of waste during the period.

Only the fourth righteous god, the water god, Chu Dian, appeared for a relatively short period of time, so the distribution of the current temples is relatively reasonable.

However, these temples occupy the west side on average, but just because Chu Dian had just become a righteous god, they were notified to stop the construction of the temples, so only three temples were built for the time being.

Therefore, the High Priest proposed.

Anyway, each righteous god has ten places in the temple. After destroying the altars that are out of position, and then rebuilding a new altar in the standard position to improve the planning, it seems better.

For example, build a small temple for each righteous god in Mount Ga, and then move the remaining temples of Chu Jie, the God of Life, to the east; the remaining temples of War Scythe, the Fire God, to the south; To the north; the temples of Chu Dian, the new fourth righteous god of water, are all built on the west.

However, this seemingly promising proposal, which was approved by a group of high priests, was absolutely opposed by the four righteous gods and their representatives as soon as it was proposed at the high-level meeting.

Although it seems that there are not many temples that the four righteous gods actually need to relocate, the process of destroying the altar and then rebuilding it will make it very difficult for the righteous gods to accept.

The destruction has been built, and the altar of the temple in the temple area has been opened. For the righteous god, it is like cutting off the flesh of the god.

But the problem is, if this is done, both the control of the ethnic group and the communication will be a great thing, even these righteous gods have to admit this.

Therefore, the high-level can continue to discuss this.

However, if you really want to make a decision on this, unless Bai Nong and Kong Huan nodded in agreement and put pressure on the top, otherwise it would be impossible to pass under the circumstances of Zhengshen's full opposition.

What's more, this will make the righteous gods feel dissatisfied.

Therefore, the high-level stalemate was like this, and no one was willing to make concessions, and gradually shifted the discussion point to how to relocate the temple without damage.

"Master Lingxue, a message from Shuilan Plain."

With a light voice, a member of the maid team directly under Lingxue walked into Lingxue's leader's hut and handed one of the letters to the other party.

Out of a good impression of Die Wu's capable maids, Lingxue and Chu Xia each formed a ten-member maid team in order to share their increasingly heavy workload, and was in charge of document arrangement. (Much better than Chu Jie with a single maid, Chu Jie is jealous...)
"What's the content?"

Looking at the label of the letter, it is only a two-star confidentiality level, which is a level that his own maids can also check. Generally, the maids will read this kind of document by themselves and report to Lingxue.

The classification of secrecy was created after the appearance of "Consciousness Technique".

Because of the emphasis on things that can cultivate consciousness such as "Consciousness Technique", for the members who are allowed to practice this thing, Ga Shan's selection prerequisites are all confidentiality, followed by individual strength.

After all, the current high-level officials in Gashan are not idealists who want the world to be united.

As the ethnic group continues to expand, it is inevitable that some resistance will be encountered. In other words, although the mode of expansion of quasi-priests is mild and subtle, there will still be resistance from many similar and even heterogeneous people with strong territorial concepts.

There are also many species before civilization, which have appeared before the eyes of the quasi-priests.

Therefore, if this kind of cultivation things flow out, it will only add enemies to Gashan, even if those enemies may become friends.

As a result, imitating the hierarchical system, the senior officials of Gashan have set up the "Document Confidentiality System" for many important documents and cultivation methods, that is, some important things are classified, and only people with corresponding levels can view them.

Although due to the problem of control, I am afraid that only documents above the top-secret level can be truly controlled, but with the deepening of the reform, when the time comes to link with class privileges, under the influence of the group, better results should be obtained.

These levels are:
Ordinary level, that is, as long as you are a member of the Gashan ethnic group, you can check things;
Confidentiality level, this is at least the level of the leader and priest. After the system is changed, it is the level above the mayor, which is allowed to view things, and cannot be discussed with members below this level;

For example, things like high-level general communication are at this level, and some practice methods that have spread such as "Meditation" are also at this level. Of course, the supervision of these methods needs to be implemented slowly later.

Top-secret level, this is something that only the upper echelons of Gashan, that is, above the provincial level, can view, and it is also not allowed to discuss with members below this level;

For example, three illusory things are at this level.

Restricted level, this is something that can only be viewed by at least three of Lingxue, Chu Xia, the four righteous gods, and the three Konghuan who have passed and obtained permission. People other than nine people talk about it, even those who also know this level of stuff.

The "Consciousness Technique" is tentatively designated as a restricted level. Up to now, only more than 20 people have obtained permission to practice, and even the patron saint, only seven people have obtained permission for the time being. It is conceivable that Gashan attaches great importance to it.

Of course, these seven people are already at the peak or high stage of the soul level.

As for the editorial space, it has not been rated, because it is a secret of the high-level people, and they are going to keep it closed in their hearts forever, and even if the space agrees to spread, they plan to persuade it to keep it secret.

Then, the topic returns to the current topic.

When the maid who came in saw Lingxue asking a question, she needed to refer to the internal information first, and then she thought about it before classifying and speaking.

"It's Mr. Unreal's report. He said that he finally broke through the soul level, and now he has stabilized at the initial stage of the soul level. However, since there are nearly [-] people in the Shuilan Plain, more than a dozen cities need comprehensive management, so we can't leave for the time being. open."

"At the same time, Master Kong Huan also applied to Gashan to announce the unification of the eleven cities in the Shuilan Plain and merge them into Shuilan Province, and then dispatched the provincial command organization. They are establishing the provincial capitals in the existing eleven cities in the Shuilan Plain. .”

"This provincial capital is expected to include more than 500 types of buildings such as high-level temples, provincial management, and a large market, with a population of more than [-] people."

"At the same time, Lord Konghuan sensed that the third Lord Konghuan is not dangerous, and seems to have calmed down now, so I want to ask if the Lord Diewu we sent has gained anything, and whether he has found it. Above."

"Oh, thank you." Waving her hand, Lingxue accepted the letter with a smile.

Although he is very experienced in calendar, agriculture, and animal domestication, Bai Nong's ability in organization and management is indeed not very good, so now the eleven cities in the Shuilan Plain are mostly managed by a few of his subordinates, The quasi-priests and official priests provided by Gashan are in charge.

Now Kong Huan can help Bai Nong share the burden, which obviously makes Bai Nong very satisfied.

From Lingxue's point of view, Bai Nong can actually let go of the matter in the Shuilan Plain for the time being. It is the most correct thing for him to go to Shuangsi and Hell to lead the experiments in the two places.

As for the provincial institutions, let Kong Huan recommend people from Shuilan Plain to study, and Gashan assigns high-ranking officials. This is also for the stability of Shuilan Plain and the trust in Kong Huan and Bai Nong.

After thinking about it, Lingxue wrote down her opinion with a pen.

At this time, the door was dark again, and the little maid who had just walked out walked in blushing.

"Well, Master Lingxue, this is the letter that Master Die Wu just sent, top-secret." It means that this maid has no right to check it.

Smiling and pointing to the table, Lingxue took a sip of the water glass next to her, looked at the maid who hurriedly put the documents in her hand on the table, and looked out of the room through the opened curtain.

At this moment, the weather is clear and windless, and the climate in late winter is a bit cool, but not as cold as in deep winter.

"What a coincidence, just as Kong Huan was asking, Die Wu's letter arrived."

Looking at the letter on the table, Lingxue smiled, and thought with some clarity: "Top secret? You must have found it."

"By the way." Opening her mouth to stop the maid who was about to leave, Lingxue asked suspiciously: "Where is Lingxin? Her level should be able to check this, why didn't she come over?"

"Ah, High Priest of the Spiritual Heart, she was called by Chu Xia's head of education to take a management course, and she only comes here these days to deliver documents."


After being silent for a while, Lingxue rubbed her forehead depressedly, remembering that some time ago, because Chu Xia lacked people with management experience, she borrowed her soul from her to teach the teachers who run the school.

Thinking of this, Lingxue felt speechless about the lack of available talents in the Gashan ethnic group, "Take your time."

After saying this old saying, Lingxue waved to the poor maid, and then let the trembling little maid leave.

In fact, it's not that these people are timid, but because Lingxue, who is a Youshen level, gradually increases in strength, the coercion he naturally exudes becomes heavier and heavier. In front of them, there will be a feeling of facing the mountains.

And due to the lack of effective control methods, the Youshen class who are used to their own situation have not adjusted this kind of coercion. As a result, Lingxue, Chu Xia and the others were gradually isolated in Mount Ga. Although they did not claim to be gods, they Has been worshiped like a god.

In this way, in addition to being busy with work, Lingxue and the others can only communicate with each other, which further makes these high-level people in the eyes of ordinary members even more distant, mysterious and powerful, and awe-inspiring.

Regarding this, Lingxue and Chu Xia were speechless, because they couldn't tell whether this thing was good or bad.

When she opened Die Wu's letter, the first thing she saw was the third emptiness, Dark Blood's discovery.

"Great, this can make Kong Huan feel at ease... uh."

I was going to say that, but when I continued to look down, Lingxue realized that this dark blood was not only a woman, but also didn't have a high identification with the empty fantasy, which made her sigh depressedly.

However, when she saw Die Wu's words that the New Central District where Dark Blood was located was preparing to migrate to the Shuilan Plain, she suddenly smiled with a kitten-like expression on her face.

"In this case, let Kong Huan and Bai Nong think about it for themselves. Anyway, for us, it doesn't matter whether there is one Kong Huan or three Kong Huan. Three seems to be better."

As a result, Quack Ape inherited the fine tradition of Kong Hua, and it was once again manifested in the high-level of Gashan. The victim this time seems to be Kong Hua himself.

Then, continue scrolling down.

This time it was the black-boned ape problem.

But this time, Lingxue, who learned well, breathed a sigh of relief after reading the full text.

In fact, this time the high-level executives in the New Central District agreed to move to the Shuilan Plain. In addition to the oath at the beginning, it was more due to the reserve strength of the Black Boned Ape, with a population of tens of thousands, and a place not far from the canyon. southern plains.

This forced the people in the New Central District to make a decision whether to move north with Diewu to the Shuilan Plain, or to stay here to face the revenge of the Black Bone Ape God.

No matter when, leaving home is a painful thing, but there are only more than 1000 people in Xinzhong District. After winning a brilliant victory, although everyone chose to leave, their emotions have stabilized a little.

As for the threat of the Black-Bone Ape, if everyone eliminated Hong, the little boss, it might not be long before the unscrupulous Black-Bone Ape God would send more and bigger troops to attack.

At that time, Gashan, who has nothing to do with the actual situation, may suffer a lot of losses.

And put the macro back, he has a record of attacking the god statue, obviously he can't turn back, so he can only rebel.

Once he is able to provoke the third rebellion, there will only be three situations:
Failure, this is the most likely situation. After all, Hong's strength is too weak, and their god is at least the Youshen level, plus those loyal subordinates, and the most important thing is the strict hierarchy, so that this god has an absolute advantage. Then, the possibility of macro being able to win will be less than one level.

But even if he fails, due to the internal characteristics of the Black-Bone Ape, he will enter a period of turmoil for at least two or three years, and according to the habit of that god, the population of the Black-Bone Ape will probably decrease again. , It should be no problem to reduce tens of thousands.

Three hundred for ten thousand is an individual decision.

And if this macro works a little harder, it will be able to create a stalemate with the Black Bone Ape God.

That would be very good. In this way, the Black Bone Ape will be busy with civil strife for at least ten years. God knows how long it will take to calm down and turn his attention to Gashan, and even keep stalemate like this. This is probably Die Wu's worst want.

And by that time, even if it stabilizes, it is still unknown how many tens of thousands of black bone apes will be left.

With the help of this period of time, the Gashan ethnic group has been able to calmly complete internal reforms, strengthen Gashan's control, and further deploy defense lines.

As for fighting in the past, Die Wu has not thought about it, but now the total population of the ethnic group is only over 4, but they control millions of square kilometers of land. After the implementation of farming, the vacated area may be even more terrifying .

Therefore, Die Wu even thought about reducing the scope of the ethnic group's territory. Of course, this was just a passing thought.

But in Die Wu's view, as long as the group can complete the unification and restructuring, the black bone ape will no longer be a threat.

And when the population of the ethnic group is satisfied, if the quack ape thinks the black bone ape is a threat, it can send troops to wipe out the existence of the black bone ape at any time.

Even if Hong can win in the end and defeat the Black Bone Ape God, the internal losses of the Black Bone Ape will be huge.

And from Hong's memory, it is obvious that many leaders are soul-level, so after they win, these leaders who dare to rebel when there is a powerful god suppressing them, will they be willing to accept Hong's, and they People with similar strength are suppressed.

Even if they are willing, Die Wu will not be willing.

In this way, the black bone ape may be torn apart.

Whether a united enemy is formidable or a divided enemy is formidable, I am afraid it goes without saying.

After reading Die Wu's analysis, although Lingxue breathed a sigh of relief and calmed down a little bit about the threat of the black bone ape, out of vigilance, she decided to strengthen the vigilance on the southern border.

Then, it's about the statues...


A loud roar mixed with joy startled the maids in another room outside the hut, who were busy processing various documents.


"I do not know either?"

"Linglan, what kind of documents did you send just now to make Master Lingxue so happy?" Because there are so many people, most of the tribes are still autonomous Gashan tribes, and the documents that need to be processed are actually much less distributed to them. .

Attracted by Lingxue's cheers at this moment, since the natural coercion of the Youshen level is not strong here, several people stopped their work and surrounded Linglan who had delivered the documents before.

"What are you doing! You all know the first letter, but I can only say that the second letter is from High Priest Diewu, because it is top secret, so you just think it!"

Taking a very forceful glance at the crowd surrounding her, Linglan flicked her tentacles gracefully, and suddenly saw the figure shaking in the leader's hut opposite, obviously the leader Lingxue inside was about to come out.

Her expression immediately became a little panicked. Although it's okay to take a break during work, she didn't want Lingxue to think that they were lazy people.

"Quick! Sit back quickly! Leader Lingxue is coming out..."

Before Linglan finished speaking, Lingxue had already walked to the hut where the maids were.

She doesn't have any opinion on the leisure of everyone.

Nodding her head, Lingxue smiled at a group of flustered maids, and said, "I'll go out for a while, and if there are urgent letters, I'll send them to the temple."

After speaking, Lingxue left like a gust of wind.

"Huh, Lord Lingxue's sense of oppression is so strong." A maid sat depressedly on her stone chair, patted her chest in horror, while watching the figure disappearing outside the door, she complained to the people beside her.

"Yes," everyone nodded in agreement, "Speaking of which, the sense of oppression from the head teacher Chu Xia seems to be stronger, and I don't even dare to stand in front of the head teacher Chu Xia."

"I thought it would be fun to be a maid here, but I didn't expect it to be so hard."

At this time, a pupated body wearing the robes of the high priest walked in with a pile of documents.

Seeing that everyone was complaining, she frowned with some dissatisfaction: "What are you talking about, this is just a routine report from the ethnic group and tribe, finish it quickly."

After finishing speaking, the high priest reluctantly picked up a pile of leather rolls piled up in a corner of the hut, and walked towards the warehouse next to the leader's compound.

This warehouse does not store food, but unimportant leather scrolls. Looking at the pile of leather scrolls, the High Priest of the Spirit Heart shook his head depressingly.

"It would be nice to have something thinner to write on."

At the same time, in Gashan Temple, someone complained the same as Lingxin.

"If only these things could be thinner."

Looking at the pile of leather rolls as tall as a person beside her, Chu Jie felt dizzy.

This pile of things is actually just a few hundred more complicated wishes, but because the leather scroll is thick, and you can only use charcoal for writing at ordinary times, a leather scroll as long and wide as a small arm can't write many words, so you have to Replacing one will result in a huge consumption of leather rolls.

Now, due to the lack of leather scrolls and the increasing demand for leather scrolls from high-level officials, the people who can use leather scrolls have been limited to the leader and above.

And if farming is implemented, hunting will obviously be greatly reduced, then the raw materials for leather products will be further reduced, and by then...

"Why doesn't Kong Huan know how to make paper?"

Shaking her head, Chu Jie, who had seen paper and pens in the dream teaching, sighed depressingly.

This question was actually asked by chance by one of her priests, but she had no solution.

In fact, people who don't have a leather scroll feel helpless, but she who uses a leather scroll feels even more helpless.

At this time, she sensed that Lingxue was approaching, and looked at the pile of leather rolls beside her. After thinking about it, she put down the charcoal pencil in her hand, stretched her limbs, and walked towards the door.

Out of the corner of Chu Jie's eyes, she happened to see a stone slab above the temple, on which was written: 15th, 4th.

—————Whether you like it or not, the world is still moving forward in its own way—————

Time passed quickly and jumped to June 16th.

It has been less than 1 days since Mr. Bai Nong's calendar was officially implemented, that is, January 1st of the next year.

Rubbing his somewhat confused eyes, Songwen woke up from his sleep.

Maybe members of ordinary tribes don't pay attention to time, but Songwen does, because he received a notice from the quasi-priest a few days ago, asking him to go to the temple to gather today, that is, on the 10th. He and a few others People, together with the quasi-priests, will go to Mount Ga.

Looking at the sky outside the door, he got up and walked to the earthen pot beside the tent, where there was still the leftover broth from last night, once it was heated up, and some chili was added, it was delicious again.

Although they pay attention to the time, for ordinary people like Songwen, they still don't pay attention to the saying that the next year will be a lively and turbulent year.

Although he is usually leisurely, he also knows from the leader that in the next year it seems that he will do tribal reform, implement farming, implement the calendar, establish an organization, etc., but he only knows that these things will not affect himself and others. Big, so just ignore it.

At least their Pine Tribe has confirmed that it will be changed to Pine Village next year. Apart from that, there is almost no change, whether it is location, personnel, or even food, because the Pine Tribe only has about forty people.

The original calendar for the next year has already been sent to the leaders of the various tribes early, and the temple will notify them on time as to which day to start counting.

However, Songwen is just an ordinary quack ape, and after dozens of years of age, there is no possibility of pupation at all.

So until now, he has given up, anyway, now he has no worries about food and clothing, what else can he do when he becomes a chrysalis besides being able to fly... Although, I am so envious.

Looking at the peaceful pine tribe, Songwen smiled, and used the dead leaf fan in his hand to make the fire in the small stove a little bigger, so that the soup in the clay pot would be more fragrant.

In fact, if it was in other tribes, Songwen would definitely not be able to live so easily, but he was lucky to be born in the current Song tribe, or the people of the Song tribe are very lucky, because they chose a smart The leader, although the leader is only a quack ape.

More than ten years ago, the Song tribe at that time had not yet joined Gashan, and they struggled for hunting food every day.

Then one day, the old leader of the Song tribe died, and the people who hadn't pupated for a while elected the smartest person in the tribe to be the middle-aged Quackape as the new leader.

Then, the leader led everyone to migrate to the present place, the mouth of a valley.

People at that time soon understood why they lived at the mouth of the valley instead of in the valley.

Because their leader, after migrating here, tried to drive dozens of meatball beasts into a small valley.

But the true significance of this move, I am afraid that no one knows, including their leaders.

What they think is probably just "without a good way to store food, drive these live meat ball beasts into the valley with only one passage at the mouth of the valley, so that they can easily grab food from the valley when needed." Out of the meat ball beast to eat' such a simple content.

In order to save food, people caught those old and unable to reproduce individuals from this valley, and subconsciously kept the young beasts and female beasts.

Although the first 20 or so meat ball beasts only lasted for more than ten days, and there were only three female beasts and a dozen newborn baby beasts left, but the leader and everyone saw hope from it, yes , because usually these 20 or so meat ball beasts can only last for a few days at most.

So, everyone spent dozens of days again, without better tools, trying to catch live meatball beasts even though they were injured.

This time, they drove a herd of more than 60 meat ball beasts into the valley, and then, with the support of the meat ball beast's strong reproduction rate and survivability, these meat ball beasts survived and multiplied in the valley.

The Pine Tribe relied on occasional hunting of other animals, combined with this group of more than 60 meatball beasts, the entire Pine Tribe comfortably passed through the winter for nearly a hundred consecutive days, and none of the quack apes died as a result.

This is almost a miracle for everyone, and the leader and the meat ball beasts who are heroes have become heroes in the eyes of everyone.

But at this time, there are more than a dozen female beasts and more than 70 baby beasts in the valley, which is more than the number that was driven away before.

Hope, this is absolute hope.

Faced with this result, everyone felt unspeakably excited about it, because it meant that they could get more through hard work.

Therefore, the leader directly led the fanatical crowd, and began to collect and capture the meatball beasts everywhere. Although it was inevitable to kill them by mistake, as long as they were still alive, they were all driven into the valley by their brains. This behavior directly led to the following years. There was not a single meatball beast around the Song tribe.

But the rewards of hard work are huge. After dozens of days of hard work, the number of meatball beasts in the valley has increased to several hundred.

(The newborn meat balls are as long as small arms, while the adult meat balls are generally two and three meters long.)
Afterwards, even though the Song Tribe killed an adult and strong meat ball beast every two days, in the second year, the number of meat ball beasts in the valley not only did not decrease, but increased.

Everyone is so happy, because from now on, everyone no longer needs to go out to hunt, they just need to guard the Taniguchi well, and go in to catch a meatball beast when they want, and life begins to become more comfortable.

Of course, this isn't without its downsides.

That is, almost every once in a while, the Pine Tribe has to face a meat ball beast raid (monster siege?).

However, after the leader led everyone to use larger trees and rocks to build a wall at the entrance of the valley, leaving only three quack apes side by side at the wide entrance, the defense of the meat ball beast raid also became Take it easy.

And as time went by, the Meatball Beast, which had almost no enemies in the valley, seemed to have gradually lost its ferocious aura after the hopeless raid, and began to adapt to the leisurely life in the valley.

After all, the reason why the meat ball beasts with such a high reproduction rate did not occupy the world is that there are too many enemies in the outside world, and in the valley, the killing of quack apes is almost negligible.

At the beginning, when people went in to catch the meat ball beasts, they would encounter some attacks and resistance from time to time, but later, when the meat ball beasts saw the quack monkey coming in, the first action was to run, and the second action was to open their legs Flying, the third action... no explanation.

Perhaps in their view, as long as they run past their companions, they can avoid being caught. Of course, this is also the case, as long as their companions are also adults or old meat ball beasts.

However, this also brought out a difficult problem for everyone, that is how to catch up with these guys...

The Song Tribe and the Valley Meatball Beasts are having fun in this way, carrying out the activities of one foot high and one foot high, day after day, year after year...

The Meatball Valley has become the biggest secret of the Song tribe. They usually go out to hunt occasionally to cover up the food of their own tribe, but they absolutely strictly guard their own tribe, but this looks the same as other tribes, so there is no anyone doubts.

And they, occasionally, would use meat ball beasts to exchange things in other tribes, and lived comfortably.

Even though not long after, the quasi-priest of Gashan ushered in this area, and even established a patron saint temple not far away, everyone still kept the secrets of their tribe.

Of course, from time to time, they would still use meat ball beasts and other food to go to the temple and the quasi-priest to exchange the effective utensils made by the people he gathered.

Over the past few years, there have been more and more meat ball beasts in the meat ball valley where the Song tribe is located. During this period, the leader even organized everyone to hunt the meat ball beasts several times, so that the number of meat ball beasts in the valley can be maintained at [-] to [-]. two thousand.

"If the quasi-priest hadn't taught us the method of bacon and cured meat, perhaps the meat during hunting would have to be wasted every year." (Because fresh meat is not easy to preserve, bacon or cured meat is generally used in transactions. )
Sipping the broth in his mouth, Songwen smiled as he looked at the leader's hut in the middle of the tribe, which was full of strings of delicacies.

Of course, the same is true in the hut behind Matsubun himself.

A small tribe of dozens of people, relying on a valley that constantly produces meatball beasts, slowly continued.

They don't have the tired appearance of other tribes at all, but it may be this kind of comfortable life that has caused the tribe so far to not have a new pupae.

"As long as everyone lives comfortably, it doesn't matter if there is a pupate." Thinking this way, Song Wen poured the last drop of broth in the clay pot into his mouth, muttered aftertaste, and turned around with the pot Went to the water tank outside the house.

Speaking of which, in the past, the tribe had to run hundreds of meters to the small river to get water, but now, the tribe's water intake point has been changed to a well at the bottom of the mountain, which was dug by the quasi-priest.

But at that time, because they were worried that the secret of the valley would be discovered, the leader and everyone did not let the quasi-priest come up, but just dug such a pond called "well" at the foot of the mountain.

Thinking about it now, at the time when everyone dared to resist the chrysalis quasi-priest and not allow him to enter the tribe, Songwen was a little scared. Fortunately, the quasi-priest didn't care, otherwise...

Smiling and shaking his head, Matsufumi greeted the companions around him, and at the same time cleaned the clay pot with a filament taken from a plant called [loofah].

Although everyone was not used to cleaning utensils at this time, Songwen gradually began to accept the teachings of the quasi-priest after the well incident.

And keeping it clean is the most important thing. If the whole tribe can do what Songwen does, I'm afraid there are only the leader and a few other companions.

Smiling proudly, Song Wen looked up to the sky.

Since clothing (meat ball beast leather) and food (meat ball beast fresh meat) are worry-free, and after joining Gashan, there are temples and powerful quasi-priests suppressing them, the surrounding tribes no longer dare to fight openly, The Song Tribe, who are more or less careful about the prying eyes of other tribes, has not been nervous for a long time.

Such a comfortable and lazy life made the members of the Song tribe almost turn the Song tribe into a meatball tribe.

And the few people who usually go to the temple not far away, under the teaching of the quasi-priest, also began to take everyone to learn some useful things such as language and characters in their spare time.

Although the tribe is extremely lacking in the number of pupae (none), but in other things, the Song tribe has become the most powerful of all the tribes in the surrounding area, such as singing, sleeping, dancing, carving, etc. , painting, etc.

Up to now, the Song tribe has joined Gashan for six or seven years.

To the surprise of the quasi-priests, almost everyone in the Song tribe can write a few words, and most of them can read more without any problem. is useless.

"Hmph, it's useless, it's useless, how could I be invited by the quasi-priest?"

Thinking of the mocking faces of people from other tribes, Songwen snorted secretly, and then put the cleaned clay pots in a corner of the tent.

Songwen himself is also a person who seems useless in other tribes, but he has a skill.

This skill is carving, and some of the quack apes also like to carve in their spare time, but among the surrounding tribes, with a combined population of 200, Songwen is the best at carving.

Because the Song tribe has no shortage of food and no worries about safety, people have a lot of leisure time.

Usually Songwen is very careful and cautious when carving. It may take six or seven days for a small carving, and it may even take dozens or hundreds of days for a large one. But he has this time, otherwise he would I don't know what to do when I come down.

And the things he carved surprised even the quasi-priest, because these carvings were so lifelike, as if they were real.

Once, he put a carved vegetarian dinosaur in the grass, and even attracted a dinosaur.

Although this was only learned from a child in the tribe, and the authenticity could not be confirmed, he was still proud of it.

And what he is best at is figure sculpture, and... meat ball beast sculpture (no explanation).

After clapping his hands, Songwen rubbed his face to make himself look more energetic, and then turned his head to look in the middle of the tent.

There are all kinds of carving tools that he made with bones, branches, grass, etc., which are the most convenient things for him. From the simple bone spurs at the beginning, to now there are nearly dozens of tools of all kinds. I can't remember how many years I have been carving.

From his thatched bed, he dug out a relatively complete piece of meatball leather, and carefully wrapped these important tools with it.

Then, Songwen randomly picked a few pieces of bacon, wrapped them in animal skins, carried the two packages on his back, opened the curtain and walked out of the tent.

The mid-morning sun shines on Songwen's face, and this ray of sunshine is so warm and seductive when winter is approaching spring.

"Songwen, when you get there, remember to listen to the words of the priest. I heard that the adults in Gashan are very powerful, so don't cause trouble."

Turning his head to look at the source of the sound, Songwen saw the leader who was gradually showing his old age, smiled slightly, and then nodded to his companions around him.

"Don't worry, leader, I won't embarrass our Song tribe people, I will let them know that we are not useless people."

 what!civilization!Let's speed up our entry into civilization!Open the Civilization Control Center, gah! ! ! ! !
  Ah, what happened just now?
(End of this chapter)

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