Spore Story

Chapter 285 Development of Farming and Provincial City

Chapter 285 Development of Farming and Provincial City
PS: Thank you Mango Hero for your reward, and Zijing Lanling for your monthly pass support O(∩_∩)O
"Look, I said it's fine to leave these troubles to Gashan. You have to learn to trust their abilities, instead of saying that you can't do everything yourself, but want to participate in everything yourself."

From the well-crafted big house, a cheerful and relaxed voice came out, and the owner of the voice sounded emotional, and there was a hint of ridicule that seemed to be absent.

"Hey, in fact, you should go to Gashan to do your organizational reform. After all, it is the core of the current ethnic group, and it can save a high priest to deliver letters, right? Moreover, there is also a certain educational foundation there. In this case, it is obvious that there are more people and more power.”

Waving the thick bamboo slips in his hand, Bai Nong looked at Kong Huan, who was propping his head up, with some amusement, but found that the other party was in relief, with a hint of desolation.

"What's the matter?" Bai Nong was a little uncertain. Although they were all illusory, after all, the most important childhood experience in this life was different for everyone: "Are you dissatisfied with the result of Gashan's discussion?"

"It's nothing," smiled, reached out to take the emptiness of the bamboo slips in Bai Nong's hand, and looked at the words on it with emotion, at least on the surface with a calm mood.

These words should be summed up by Lingxue. Although the handwriting has become a little bit more powerful and a bit more heroic when using a carving knife, it can still be seen that there is a trace of delicacy unique to Lingxue's handwriting.

A large volume of bamboo slips was discussed by dozens of high priests, and Lingxue concluded that it was related to taxation or the considerations related to the survival of the urban population.

"...After a few days of discussion at the meeting, we believe that we, as managers, don't need to worry too much about the survival of the urban population. Because there will be a lot of surplus food in the peripheral rural farmland; and the people living in the city It’s not about eating and drinking for nothing, but having your own business.”

"For example, through the development of urban industry, city managers can use these industrial products to trade grain in the market and obtain food from farmers; then, the managers distribute these grains to the staff of various departments in a certain proportion..."

"...We should have more confidence in the self-survival ability of ordinary people. They are far more flexible than we think. After cities appear, they will come up with more ways to obtain food. Even in this way , all kinds of occupations in the city that you taught in dreams before will appear, didn't you say that the emergence of cities is truly civilization..."

"...So in fact, building a city is just a development platform we give to ordinary people, allowing them to obtain food indirectly in another way, and at the same time allowing them to develop themselves in this wider space. We only need It is enough to manage the order of the city and not let it be destroyed, otherwise the demand for management personnel will be a bit scary..."

"... Regarding taxation, after reading your letter, we feel that it can and needs to be implemented. After all, you have also said that long-term consideration is needed. However, it is obvious that there should not be too much at the beginning, which will cause public resentment, just like the prospective Priests can't be too aggressive when they first arrive in a tribe."

"So, after discussion, we believe that a symbolic tax of 1/100 can be collected on each field to maintain the use of the management with a small number of people, so that the public can gradually adapt to this taxation behavior. After a long time, the time has come When necessary, we will increase taxes within a reasonable range, or exchange commodities for food..."

"...That is to say, we temporarily decided to set up only one tax method, which is 1/100 [farmland tax]. As for the [commercial tax] and other taxes you proposed before, we feel that it is not appropriate to implement it now, and it feels too much It’s ahead of its time, and it’s only just started trading in the market.”

"The Gashan executives have calculated that even if it is only 1/100 of the [farmland tax], by next year all ethnic groups will start to plant with limited restrictions. According to the amount of 5 fields planted by an adult, then the entire ethnic group is now 4. Among the more than 7 people, more than 3 adults will be able to reclaim about 17 fields..."

"...If we only count the output of rice, then by the end of next year, Gashan will be able to obtain 68 catties of rice, which is enough for 600 pupates who are not productive at all for a year."

"Although it seems a little small, you have to know that after we have calculated that after the reform of the entire ethnic group is completed, people like me who do not produce because of busyness now will only add up to more than 200 pupae."

"In addition, Gashan, whether it is a school (including basic, extended, and classified schools), a maid team (for female managers above senior officials), a male servant team (for male managers above senior officials, to be equal), or secretly The stable military organization (ethnic militia?) proposed by the blood, because there is no shortage of leisure time, so they can open the fields by themselves."

"Although they don't have 5 or more fields per person like ordinary farmers, they can also open 2 to 3 fields, which is completely enough to meet their own needs. You know, a quack ape can open 1 to 2 fields , one grain harvest is enough to feed the whole year, not counting the bean vines and interstitial vegetable plantings.”

"In fact, in another year or two, we will no longer be short of seeds, we will no longer be short of land that can be reclaimed, but we will be short of people to reclaim the land..."

"...Therefore, you don't need to worry too much about the problem of the city, and Gashan has made a final decision on [farmland tax], and provided seeds and technology in exchange for their tax revenue to all tribes Announcements have been issued, and the opposition received is not great."

Looking at the large volume of text, Kong Huan smiled gratifiedly.

"The notice about [farmland tax] has also been posted on the bulletin boards of the markets in various cities, and everyone has no objection."

Sitting against the wall, Kong Huan stretched comfortably, and when he heard Bainong's supplement, he smiled and was noncommittal.

People in Shuilan Province will obviously not disagree with the collection of farmland tax. You must know that in order to expand the farmland, all the harvests of the hill tribes, except for their own use and next year's seeds, have been handed over to Bai Nong under the call of Bai Nong They assign.

Sometimes, while admiring the devotion of the hill tribe, Kong Huan also wondered why Bai Nong could get such great support from the hill tribe. You must know that Hui Li before Kong Huan chose to leave because of internal conflicts in the tribe.

But about this, Bai Nong doesn't know. As for Bai Min...

Looking outside the door, Kong Huan shook his head helplessly, it seemed that because of being too busy, everyone ignored her, and after Dark Blood came, Bai Min often exercised with Dark Blood.

The limbs, tentacles and wings were all spread out, and then humming in satisfaction, Kong Huan looked away from the door and said, "I'm relaxed now."

Hearing Kong Huan's exclamation, Bai Nong smiled: "Yes, now Gashan has entered the stage of self-development to a large extent, you don't need to worry about some specific things anymore, as long as you improve in the general direction. Come out and take care of it, the rest is that they in Gashan can do better than you."

"Of course, you still have to pay attention to some possible problems. After all, in terms of civilization experience, we still have some advantages for the time being."

After finishing speaking, Bai Nong handed another letter beside him to Kong Huan: "You are not the only one who is relaxed now."

Compared with Kong Huan's loneliness when he found that there were fewer and fewer things he could do, Bai Nong seemed a lot more open-minded.

"Originally this year, due to the lack of seeds, we could only temporarily meet the planting needs of Shuilan Province and Gashan City in the Central Province, but the original Shuangsi Ling provided more than a dozen kinds of plants at once this year, although all of them are vegetables rather than staple food plants. , and can only meet the needs of the central province and one province, but it took me more than ten years to produce such a thing, and a group of them produced it in a few years, and I have to say that this is the gap in quantity.”

"So, I also have to lament that the era when one person develops a civilization may not appear."

"In fact, Hui Li." Patting the other party, Bai Nong pointed to a pile of leather scrolls and letters around him, and said meaningfully: "We should recognize our own status, we are the main consciousness, not researchers."

"Status?" Looking at Bai Nong who seemed to have figured something out, he sank into his own thoughts.

Gradually, his face became softer.

In the completed Shuilan City, bursts of laughter came from the small courtyard of the Central Executive Yuan, and Bai Min, who had just walked outside, stared at the gate with dissatisfaction, curled his lips, and then patted him on the shoulder. The little furball turned and left.

"Let's go, Maoqiu, let's go and play with Sister Dark Blood, hmph, let these two guys ignore us."


I don't know when, the two who used to look like mortal enemies have become inseparable like close friends at this moment.

And beside the gate that Bai Min and Mao Qiu had just passed by, on a relatively smooth stone slab embedded in the wall, it was written in charcoal: April 4th.

Due to urban construction, [urban foundation], [main road], [water supply system], [drainage system], [city wall], [house], etc. need to be built successively.

Therefore, even though Kong Huan, the master architect in the eyes of everyone, is actually just a man who likes to play management and construction games. Planning, but then transforming the planning into real objects still requires a lot of spare manpower.

Even though quack apes and pupae have strong self-advantages, combined with some gadgets provided by the illusion, the construction speed is not slow, but a small city cannot be completed in a day or two, and because of the need to take into account safety, Various factors such as stability and expansion, the site selection of the city also needs to run around with a bunch of architectural apprentices.

In order to speed up, some places that are determined to be safe even build the city foundation first, then build the internal security system, and residential buildings, and finally build the city wall.

As for Shuilan Province, because it was a farming model from the beginning, people usually have more leisure time besides farming time. However, it took more than 6 months to roughly complete the construction, and most of the time was spent on the construction of the city wall.

For the people in Shuilan Province, the implementation of village public ownership is still implemented, and the concept of private ownership has not been strengthened for the time being. Therefore, when helping with construction, almost everyone organized by each village brings their own food. This is nothing to ordinary people. , but in the eyes of the empty fantasy three, they were very moved, and even made the three of them consider whether to postpone private ownership.

However, in the other dozen or so provincial capitals, because people usually need a lot of time to hunt, even if Youkong Huan planned the location and building model early, under the influence of food, weather and other conditions, most places still can only be separated from each other. Work every few days.

Therefore, by mid-May, when the bean vines were harvested, the only provincial capital that had actually been built was Shuilan City. As for Gashan City?That is a real city, not something these small towns can compare to.

During this harvest, people in Shuilan Province selflessly provided the seeds to Gashan and other provinces except for their own use and planting in the next year.

In the absence of rice seeds, the provinces can rush to plant another season of bean vines, while Shuilan Province and Gashan have begun to prepare for the planting of rice in June.

However, due to the contributions made by the original mountain tribe members under the call of Bai Nong, they will receive a ten-year tax exemption period, that is, the farmland reclaimed by the people of the mountain city will not collect any tax within ten years, regardless of How much they have cultivated in the past ten years is the same.

In fact, in the current ethnic group planning, at least five times the reserve land is reserved for each city;

And several other cities in Shuilan Province will also receive a three-year tax exemption after supplying a large number of ethnic group seeds this year.

Although the current tax rate is already extremely low in the eyes of everyone, it is impossible not to take advantage of the benefits, so people in Shuilan Province have expressed great support for it.

Then, the time passed into June, the June of sowing hope. (Why we think of 'endless June' first=.=)

Previously, I planned to imitate the Harvest Festival and open a reclamation festival first, but I was dizzy by a bunch of "Organizational Revision Specific Opinions" from Gashan, which was discussed and revised by people from the management school. The smelting experiment of [copper] also had to be suspended temporarily;
And Bai Nong has to be busy leading the team to guide the planting of bean vines and other plants in various provinces, and to select animals that can be domesticated;

As for Darkblood, they are busy building an experimental garrison in Shuilan Province [Shuilan Gorge] (refer to the militia organization model in the original Xinzhong District), and are planning to take 200 people from this gorge to farm in Shuilan Province. Don't have any spare time.

In this way, the idea of ​​the Reclamation Festival that Kong Huan originally proposed in April, by mid-June, when people started planting seeds, no one could think of it.

In today's Shuilan Plain, most of the forests in the more than 6 square kilometers of Xiaoyuan above the gourd have been turned into farmland and villages by Bai Nong in the mode of direct burning.

At this moment, there are many people busy in the square farmland.

At this moment, a huge mountain range flew across the sky.

But the people who have become accustomed to this did not express anything. Even the people from the former Xinzhong District and the current Xinzhong City who came here at the latest and had only seen Fukong Mountain a few times just looked up at Fukong Mountain enviously. , just continue to immerse yourself in your work.

Today's Fukong Mountain has been renamed Priest Mountain because of the settlement of the Priest School, and a large house has been built on the mountain.

It has the strength of 22 high priests, 121 official priests, 1011 pupa students and 219 quack ape students, making it the strongest ethnic group except Gashan.

At this moment, a group of curious students were commenting on the scene below the mountain on the Priest Mountain passing through Shuilan Province. It was the first time for many of them to see such a large-scale farming scene, and they were inevitably curious and surprised.

Therefore, under the curious eyes of the students on the passing priest mountain, where the priest school is now located, the entire Shuilan Province is being covered by a scene of blazing fire.

Where the Priest Mountain passed, except for the remnant forests reserved for partitions, decorations, logging forests, and reserved land, the rest were divided into standard fields, and men, women, and children, all worked hard to cultivate them.

In the fields, there are still many new wooden plows produced by the industrial zone of the provincial capital, but limited by the output of qualified copper utensils used to produce such wooden plows, the number of these wooden plows is not large, and almost one village can only Queue up to use one.

But these are provided to these villages for free, which can be regarded as a small compensation for their previous contributions.

Of course, the members of the Priest Mountain flying in the sky didn't know this, and they didn't pay attention to it. They were just proud and shocked by Quack Ape's behavior of transforming nature on such a large scale.

"It's so lively, such a big place is full of people."

At this moment, Zhengwu Quacka, who was studying at the Priest School of Dengyun Mountain, was looking curiously at the scene below from the side of the mountain.

Suddenly, a pupate student flew over him at high speed, bringing up a strong air current that made Masahiro's body shake slightly.

Surprised, he carefully retracted his body back to the land, and then looked at the far away pupae, although his expression was dissatisfied, but his tone was not without envy and he said: "It's great that those pupae can fly down. "

"Indeed," said the companion beside him with a hint of envy in his eyes, but said without respect: "However, it's nothing if a pupa can fly. At the Youshen level, there is no difference between a quack ape and a pupa. Principal Chu Xia can’t even see wings on her back, so she can still fly.”

"Uh, the head of education is the Wings of Thunder, how can we compare?"

"Tch, I'm just a metaphor, that is to say, as long as we reach the Youshen level, we can fly with the power of thought." The companion immediately explained, obviously for people like himself who are only in the middle of the ghost level, can they reach the Youshen level? The god-level seemed unusually confident.

"Youshen level, it feels so far away." Zhengwu didn't care about this, but he just sighed a little, and continued to look down the mountain.

What gave these quack ape students great motivation was not themselves, but another quack ape, who was the first quack ape to break through the peak of the ghost level and reach the soul level since the records of the entire group.

Although the other party may be middle-aged and elderly in their 60s and [-]s, he has become the idol of all quack apes like a shining star, and announced to the pupation that quack ape can surpass the pupation.

His appearance filled the quack ape trainees who felt short when facing the pupation body all the time.

In their view, since there is one, there are two, as long as they work hard, they may also be able to enter the soul level, and if they are lucky, they may even become righteous gods.

Of course, this is more of a hope for the quack apes now, but it is precisely because of hope that there is a future.

"By the way, it is said that the entire ethnic group is implementing this kind of farming reform. Could it be that my tree tribe is also doing this?" The quack ape on the side carefully pulled the edge of Dengyun Mountain, popped his head and looked down.

"Sure, I heard that all the provinces in the second ring are planting a plant called bean vine, and your tree tribe is in the area near the second ring, how could you be missing, right?"

The basis for what Zhengwu said came from the small world piled up on a platform in the center of the priest mountain, which was provided by the teachers relying on the simplified map of the ethnic group's territory provided by Gashan, and the method provided by the dark blood lord who is currently in charge of military issues.

During the holidays before, the apprentice priests who learned about the places to be allocated from their respective tribes, after returning, actively pointed out the places where their villages and cities would be allocated in the small world.

So in just one vacation, this small world has become a more accurate picture of the ethnic group than Gashan, so that Gashan asked the teacher of the priest school to copy a copy and send it to Gashan for record.

This is also something that makes the students of the Priest School extremely proud, because this small world is participated by the entire Priest School.

But now, almost all students, including Gaga Ape students, can view the specific locations of the temples, provinces, and cities of the entire ethnic group from above.

So much so that some school teachers jokingly said that the ethnic territory of Mount Priest had been reformed two years ahead of schedule.

Because there are many villages and cities in that small world, it will take a year or two before they actually appear in the ethnic group.

"Hee hee, too." The quack ape was obviously very happy to hear that his tribe could also get these things.

But looking at those pupae that fly freely, the envy of quack ape students reappeared in their hearts. They all need to be carried by the pupae, otherwise, at a height of several thousand meters, the quack apes don't think they can come back intact after falling.

Although the current quack ape students are all qualified to enter the Dengyun Mountain Priest School because of their good learning ability and the ability to sense spiritual power.

But in the eyes of some pupae students, they are just measures taken by the group to take care of the quack apes who account for the majority of the population.

Because of this, since the school of priests began to admit quack apes, the relationship between pupae students and quack apes in the school has not been very good.

Although with the efforts of the teachers, there are no irreconcilable contradictions, but this invisible opposition has not been eliminated.

But there is also a fusion in the opposition. After all, the quack ape has not always been the quack ape, not to mention that some of the pupae and the quack ape come from the same tribe. It is not impossible for the current population of the group to be less than 5 to [-].

Of course, the antagonism has not been completely eliminated, and there is also a reason why the teachers did not intervene further, because these teachers discovered that this invisible antagonism will make the students of the entire sacrificial school improve a lot.

Because quack apes have no wings, they can only move around in the small area of ​​Priest Mountain. Lack of entertainment, they spend far more time studying than the pupae who like to fly around. As a result, some pupae students who are unwilling to be surpassed I also began to reduce my usual travel thoughts and became calm.

And the appearance of the No. 1 soul-level quack ape stimulated the pupated students even more.

In this regard, both Konghuan and Gashan executives are supportive, but they have repeatedly asked the teachers of the priest school to control the speed.

"Ah, it's not good, it's windy, everyone, hurry up!" Suddenly felt a gust of strong wind, and some pupae that were envied by everyone before became crooked, and Zheng Wu immediately realized that something was wrong.

After a loud roar, he turned around and ran towards his dormitory.

The speed at which Priest Mountain floats in the sky is actually not slow, or very fast. If the wind is downwind, the relative wind speed on the mountain is not high. At this time, students like to go out and hang out;
But if there is headwind, weak wind or even no wind, the relative wind speed on Priest Mountain will be so high that people hardly dare to go out, and the pupae will fly into the sky at this time, and if they are not careful, they may be blown to the ground.

It is precisely because of the characteristics of the priest mountain floating in the sky that most of the buildings on the mountain are circular, hemispherical or even in the shape of sinking into the ground, instead of the square shape of red bricks and black tiles that are common in buildings on the ground.

Although the requirements for the workers will be higher in terms of construction, the skills of these workers will be further honed, making them more casual but reasonable in the subsequent construction.

Up to now, the entire Mount of Priests is composed of large or small circular buildings.

Even, if they are close together, and the two buildings often carry out the flow of people, then a semi-cylindrical passage will be built between the two buildings to facilitate the passage of people in times of strong wind.

If Kong Huan takes the time to look at it, he will probably exclaim, this is not the place where the moon base in the human world is located.

Well, it looks pretty much the same.

In fact, the Priest Mountain is not as beautiful as people imagined. Seven or eight out of ten days there are strong winds here, and at this time, people can only stay in their houses.

During the day, I only watched the farmland construction in Shuilan Province for a long time, but because of the strong wind, I had to go back to the large spherical classroom built next to the mountain, and listen to the teacher's lecture, which made most of the apprentice priests feel extremely boring. .

However, after only three days of this ordeal, the students were dragged out of their weird houses one by one by the teachers, and then gathered on the slightly flat land of the Priest Hill.

"It's finally here."

As a quack ape, Zhengwu usually spends his time reading and studying quietly on the mountain except for the teacher's arrangement. This is not because he is easy to learn, but because he doesn't have a familiar pupa body to ask, let the other party I took myself down the mountain to play, but was forced to stay on the mountain.

Generally, only such large-scale events (such as holidays) can he land to the ground under the leadership of the pupae arranged by the school, so he is very concerned about such large-scale events.

Some time ago, the school had notified that Gashan had allocated a school field for the students, which would serve as the school's food source. Seeing the sowing of seeds in the Shuilan Plain a few days ago, he also thought that the school field might also start to operate.

"Today... well, the weather is fine."

The principal, who is usually not very serious, finally said these words after holding back for a long time under the watchful eyes of everyone, which immediately stunned a group of expectant students below, while the surrounding teachers ignored it.

Coughing dryly without hesitation, the principal looked at the crooked students in the audience and nodded in satisfaction.

"It seems that everyone is in good spirits, so if you work harder, you should be able to turn over the land in the school field today, so that you can sow seeds tomorrow. Ah, it would be great if you could harvest the day after tomorrow. Why do you grow so much? It's been a long time, obviously a child can walk in a few days from the egg."

(Is there any relationship between the two?) Everyone complained silently, but the principal didn't mind it at all, even if he wanted to, with his level of manipulation of mental power, he could clearly know what the students were thinking.

"Then, the class that is the first to turn over the required land today will be rewarded by the school with a bag of Xiguo per person."

"Yeah!" As for the number of Xuetian, these guys obviously didn't have any idea to ask clearly, because they had already started to analyze how to use Xiguo.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the students below, the principal nodded to the teacher thinking to the side: "Then, Mr. Zhanwen, for the past 50 days or so, these little guys will be counting on you."

"Principal, are you really not going? Always stay on the mountain..."

He waved his hand nonchalantly, and the principal smiled and said, "After all, there are so many things in Priest Mountain, so I don't worry if I stay here. Besides, if I go, these little guys will probably be very reserved."

"Prudish?" Turning his head to look at the group of students below who were discussing the upcoming 50-day busy farming holiday, Zhan Wen didn't have the feeling of "these guys will feel nervous or even stiff".

However, out of respect for the principal, he didn't say much.

Although the old headmaster is probably a middle-aged man in his 40s now, but he is only in the middle of the soul level, but the headmaster has a good impression both among the students and the teachers.

Moreover, it is said that the old principal is the former leader of the Shuangsi tribe among the five major tribes that are about to merge into the central province. This identity alone is enough for the members of the ethnic group who are generally in awe of the five major tribes to express enough respect for him. I'm revered, that's a master whose status is no lower than Master Lingxue's once.

"Okay, let's go!"


On June 6th, the school field set up according to the standard of a student's three fields was completed in just one day, and then these guys who seemed tired and unable to lift a little energy quickly snatched the Xiguo provided by the school. The speed of coming out is 7% faster than the previous time when the ground was turned;

On June 6, the sowing of all the school fields of the Priest School was completed and the observation period began.Bored, a group of students began to make wooden animal skins and other things by themselves, and recorded the experimental subjects who were observed. This is probably the legendary occupational disease (=.=);
On June 6th, the harvest of the school field... no wonder.

Going against the laws of nature, the current quack apes obviously don't have that technology, so everyone can only carefully look after the school field where the seedlings haven't even grown yet.

Perhaps because of the aftereffects of the herb planting class, these students and even some teachers were dissatisfied with the slow growth of rice.

If there were not a few farmers from Shuilan Province who came to give guidance on the way, these guys who are extremely good at growing herbs, but it is the first time to grow crops, I am afraid that they would have done things like picking seedlings to encourage them out of impatience. up.

Well, although they haven't even seen the seedlings yet.

Then, the time was spent peacefully and steadily in this way. Since there was a plan at the beginning, starting from January 1 this year, everything was actually carried out step by step according to the plan.

Of course, it can't be exactly the same, but it's not completely different either.

As for the Black-Bone Ape, according to the report from the Southern Zhengshen War Scythe who had completed the migration first, there was no Black-Bone Ape from the south to the canyon, let alone any other abnormalities.

As for the expected third rebellion that might be provoked by that macro, even Die Wu had already thought of the name in advance, whether the rebellion named 'Final Judgment' will happen, is it about to happen, has it already happened... ...the public will not know.

This expected rebellion, the focus of discussion so far, I am afraid that it still stays on this cool name.

"What a cute name!" This is the great God Chu Jie, ah, the current Lord of the East, to his head maid Die Wu (after returning, Die Wu couldn't bear Chu Jie's pleading, and finally sent his servant The maid team has been upgraded from group level to team level =. =) Comments.

Then, on August 8th, the construction of the second provincial capital was finally completed, and it was named [White Rock City] because the city was next to a large open-pit calcium carbide mine, but Gray Stone City was obviously not as good as White Stone City.

The electrical biological resources around this city are extremely rich, so that Bai Nong, who went to visit and inspect the acceptance, also selected five electrical energy organisms from the surrounding area of ​​Baishi City, intending to bring them to the central province for domestication.

Except for Shuilan Province, which promoted farming from the beginning, and the Central Province, which has the strongest background, the other provinces used to be in the normal hunting mode, so they are almost the same.

Therefore, not long after the completion of the construction of Baishi City, within a period of almost a month, more than a dozen provinces seemed to be scrambling for attention, and one provincial city after another emerged one after another.

Fenggu City, Liuhe City, Dunjia City, Yanhu City... and other 17 provincial cities were finally fully completed in mid-September.

Then, as if tired, Bai Nong and Kong Huan, who were in charge of the inspection and acceptance work, finally met in Gashan in mid-October.

"Bainong first tell me what you have gained."

Everyone is sitting around at the moment, from the foundation of Gashan City, beside a large stone table inside the newly built [Central Executive Yuan], and Kong Huan is drinking the Xiguo water in the cup without any image, gradually missing Get some tea.

After all, this kind of Xiguo water is just a sweet drink, and it’s good to taste once in a while, but the high-level executives who supply it almost every day are getting tired of it after a long time. Get me the tea out'.

It's a pity that Bai Nong is not the creator of plants. Let alone whether there is such a thing as tea in this world now, fantasy would be boring, wouldn't Bai Nong not?To know the degree of his fusion with the illusory consciousness, it is at least 90% now.

Moreover, the most important point, Kong Huan has only seen tea leaves, not tea trees...

As for the inspection work in various provincial capitals this time, that is only one of the main tasks. On the other hand, there are: bringing back management students selected and recommended by various provinces; looking for carnivorous animals, special animals, and special plants that can be domesticated and eaten ; View the population, climate, geographical environment, etc. of each province.

After all, during the previous planning, everyone was too busy to go back to direct the farming, so they didn't have the energy; while the provinces said that after the provincial capital was established first, the candidates for the management organization would be established.

Bai Nong, who also has no image at all (there is no image at all =. =), just teased the little fur ball on the table until Kong Huan spoke, then raised his head and rubbed the sore wing roots, and then looked to the side Bai Min nodded.

Now Bai Min, this younger sister, has almost become Bai Nong's maid, monitoring Bai Nong's every move all the time (a very dedicated maid), although she has not yet pupated, but in the eyes of Kong Huan and Bai Nong, Bai Nong has a good physical fitness Min, pupation is only a matter of two or three years.

With the sound of a pile of bamboo slips being toppled over, amidst the stunned expressions of Kong Huan, Lingxue, and Chu Xia, Bai Min's sister, the maid, threw Ito Kuang... no, it was a bamboo slip in a rattan frame, and poured it onto the ground made of masonry and carving. The workers spent three days working on the giant stone table, which took up half of the table in an instant.

You know, this conference table is expected to be used by ten pupated bodies. 【stand hands】

But Bai Nong seems to be very proud of this, but...

"Well, Bai Min, can you be gentle in the future, be gentle, or the table will cry."

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Bai Nong looked at the expressionless Bai Min, and couldn't help wondering if he had neglected her recently, but now he took Bai Min with him everywhere he went. Hou Bainong still flew around with Bai Min on his back.

This kind of action even unexpectedly increased the strength of Bai Nong's wings. Of course, it is incomparable with the dark blood who practiced [body training] and [skills training] since childhood.

If it was just a hand-to-hand fight, Dark Blood alone could knock Bai Nong and Kong Huan to the ground, and then step on two feet.

Speaking of Dark Blood, the other party has also been invited to Mount Ga now, but they are discussing with a group of high priests: how many [militia] should be set up in the ethnic group; how to recruit [militia]; how to organize [militia]; how to train 【Militia】; How should 【Militia】 be arranged...

After all, it's all [militia], which is also a helpless move.

Now the ethnic group does not have the ability to establish a full-time regular army, so they can only start building from the [militia] that is half-farmer and half-soldier.

And Dark Blood had no choice but to choose to accept this, and then continued to compete with a group of high priests who knew the ethnic group better because they often patrolled the entire ethnic group as the soul team.

Nodding nonchalantly, Bai Min waved at the little fur ball, the little guy who didn't hold much grudges, just abandoned his former master and jumped into Bai Min's arms, leaving Bai Nong speechless for a while.

(It seems that they are really ignored at ordinary times.)
"..." (We really want to complain, why do you realize this when your pet is dissatisfied, but when your sister is dissatisfied, there is no reaction, are you still a sister-in-law?)

Then, Bai Nong, who had no idea that he was being complained about, looked at the somewhat unexpected emptiness, and asked with a very sincere smile.

"Could it be, you don't have any records?" (I was shocked by the bamboo slips that we are almost Xuefu Wuche's records, ah quack quack...)
"Yes." Although he still stared blankly at the pile of bamboo slips on the table, after thinking about it, he seemed a little hesitant and illusory, so he opened his mouth and asked, "Can't you just use leather scrolls for such a large number of records?" Well, we don’t lack such a few scrolls, how could you think of using so many bamboo slips, wouldn’t you be tired when carrying them?”


The proud expression immediately stopped, and Bai Nong was instantly knocked down to the ground.Oops
And the slight grunting sound from behind gave Bai Nong the final blow.

"Stupid Xiaobai."

 Civilization is really complicated;
  Thinking, it is even more troublesome to say;


  Why does civilization need ideas to support it?

(End of this chapter)

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