Spore Story

Chapter 286 Bai Nong's Acceptance Harvest

Chapter 286 Bai Nong's Acceptance Harvest

PS: Thank you Mango Hero and SharpWeapon for your tip =w=
It is now October 10th, and the cool autumn day looks more comfortable and fresh under the golden support of the farmland.

At this moment, a group of people were walking among the farmlands, heading towards a 'small village' not far away. According to Bai Nong, that was the place where he stored his harvest.

"Is this farming? You don't have to hunt hard for food every day, and you don't have to worry about the lack of animals in winter."

As the former leader of Gashan, Lingxue is obviously very emotional about this kind of thing that can be harvested for a year at a time, because it means that everyone will live more easily.

But she didn't know that this also meant that they would be busier as managers.

Because no matter who they are, as long as they are intelligent creatures, they will think wildly when they are free, and all kinds of things will happen when they think wildly. In the end, these things seem to need managers to finish them, no matter whether they are good or bad. is bad.

Although in order to ensure the amount of seeds for next year, everyone just tasted the beans harvested in summer and was reluctant to eat them again, but the taste is still very good.

In other words, for people who have always eaten meat and are getting tired of eating, this is almost the ultimate delicacy, although people in Gashan often eat wild vegetable hot pot.

Hands gently brushing across the farmland on both sides of the road, the clusters of rice fluttering in the wind, although it looks a bit sparse (from the perspective of the illusion), but compared to those naturally growing rice, it is already a very high yield Yes, this is thanks to the technicians sent by Shanshi.

At this time, a large fence appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Ah, it's coming."

"My harvest this time is mainly concentrated on animals and plants. After all, I am good at these, so if you have other expectations, please stop, hehe." Smiling and said something to the people behind him, Bai Nong So he pulled Bai Min and walked to the place ahead immediately.

Surprisingly, the fur ball didn't know where it was for two days, but the two siblings didn't worry about losing the fur ball at all.

This is a simple piece of land surrounded by a large number of branches, which seems to cover an extremely wide area, at least more than one square kilometer, and there are still a dozen simple wooden thatched huts.

From a distance, it looks like a small village, but the real time for this small village to appear is only four days, and it is only the result of two days of joint labor by ten pupae in the team led by Bai Nong.

For the members of the Bainong team, this is just a temporary storage location, so there is no need to really build a real standard countryside consisting of solid roads and mud bricks and gray tiles.

"Welcome to our small temporary base." Smiling and waving his hand, the gate of the fence was immediately opened by the members of Bai Nong's team who had been waiting for a long time.

The first thing that catches everyone's eyes is a dozen 5X5 ultra-small fields, each of which has a small number of plants growing, and the variety is dazzling.

And Bai Nong didn't seem to have any intention of making any fuss, so after leading everyone to the first field, he asked the pupa member who opened the door to start explaining.

"This plant is called a mud fruit. The edible place is the tubers buried in the soil under the cover of these leaves. They generally grow in relatively barren land, and they are harvested every two or three months. It is a very good emergency food until the third season."

"When we went to [Red Cloud City] to check and accept the provincial capital, a leader of a tribe took it out for everyone to eat. After being discovered by Captain Bai Nong, we brought back a dozen litters of wild ones with soil."

"Although the standard yield cannot be seen yet, it should not be low, and according to the leader, this kind of mud fruit can be stored for more than half a year. They use this as the main food reserve for winter, but they didn't think of actively planting it... "


Everyone walked through several fields one after another, because there are already many crops in the experiment in Shuilan Province and Shuangsi City, so this time the Bainong team is mainly looking for other usable or special plants.

So, after listening to the pupated body named Bai Xiao explain the five edible crops, everyone walked to the sixth field.

"This is, fiber?"

Looking at the clusters of straw-like plants, this is the first thing that pops up in Kong Huan's mind.

Hearing Wu Huan's self-talk, Bai Nong nodded happily and said, "Didn't you say you couldn't make paper at first? I remember that fiber plants seem to be the main raw materials for making paper."

"Could it be that you will?" Kong Huan curled his lips.

The two are exactly the same, at least in the memory of the previous life, and after that, the deep telepathy completely exchanged the memory, and they were basically together later, so the two of them almost knew exactly what the other looked like.

Therefore, Bai Nong also answered very simply: "No."

Everyone was speechless...

"However," with a smile on his face again, Bai Nong carefully pulled out a plant that looked like a stalk from the ground, then rubbed it, turning the stick-shaped stalk into a trace, and then waved it in front of Kong Huan , and finally looked at the dark blood aside.

"Dark Blood, you don't want to have deep telepathy, but you should mainly focus on military and individual training, so you don't have much experience in this area."

Opening his mouth, Dark Blood felt that what the other party said was right, so he could only snort coldly, and turned his head away.

Since arriving in the Gashan ethnic group, although various things seem to be handy without any constraints, among them, physical training and skill training have begun to be carried out in a small area in the first ring territory, but only Bai Nong and Kong Huan always want her to exchange memories , identified with the empty identity, and was very dissatisfied with the dark blood.

He smiled awkwardly. If everyone present knew the relationship between the three, they might have thought that Bai Nong was flirting with beautiful women.

"Forget it, what I want to say is that although none of the three of us can do it, and no one in the ethnic group can do it now, it doesn't mean that no one will do it in the future. I want Gashan to provide three pupae and ten Gaga apes, at least one priest among them."

"My plan is to let them open up [-] fields of land together, of which [-] fields are planted with food for their survival, and the remaining [-] fields are planted with these kinds of fiber plants, and then they will take advantage of their free time. , experimenting with how to take these fibers plants, take the threads, and weave them into sackcloth."

Speaking of this, Bai Nong looked at Lingxue, the manager of the ethnic group. This time, there were only three empty illusions, one younger sister, and one boss who followed.

"There is no problem with this. You can directly transfer people from the Priest School and the Central Province. Do you only need one priest?" Lingxue just nodded and agreed after thinking about it for a while.

Although I still don't know what the use of this sackcloth is, and the entire group is still short of population, but it seems that whether it is the empty illusion or the dark blood who is not in a good mood, they are very interested in it. She trusts the three empty illusions, It also became a little hopeful.

(It can't be something useless.) Lingxue thinks so.

"Well, because this thing requires dexterity, if possible, it is best to send someone with weaving experience. Of course, it is best to send a woman." As for the difference between men and women in Quack Ape, this point is clearest to Wukong.

Because when editing the space, emptiness is due to personal reasons, and the male is edited to the strength type, while the female is edited to the agile type.

It can be said that the difference between men and women in the quack ape species is much greater than that of humans, which is why it is very clear that men and women can be distinguished from the appearance of quack apes (even if they are not mammals).

"are these all?"

After thinking about it, Bai Nong nodded and said: "That's all, but if possible, it's better to come earlier, and I can also assign work earlier. After the experiment is arranged, it can start quickly."

"The fiber plants we are looking for this time are not limited to this one. There are three types in total, which we named as [stalks], [stalks] and [stalks]." Pointing to the three nearby plants, Bai Nong said : "The main reason is that in a few days, the thread vine will produce seeds."

"Okay, if it's quick, they can come here before the rice is harvested." Smiling, Lingxue seemed to think of something, looked at Bai Min who was beside Bai Nong, and then looked away and asked: "By the way, Regarding the harvest festival next month, is it going to be held in the city where the rice is currently planted, and what about the province and the central city?"

Regarding this thing, everyone looked at Kong Huan, and the dark blood on the side was also very interested: "I didn't expect you to even make this thing, you really have a leisurely heart."

There is a lack of entertainment now, and the three illusions are busy all day long, so they have no time to think about these things, so it is also very good to have a leisure opportunity such as the Harvest Festival.

"Well, it is indeed going to be held, and it will be concentrated at the city level. The provincial capital and Gashan City are not complete, and they are not needed for the time being. And this is a good opportunity to strengthen the internal cohesion of the city, but if it is only in Gumi It will be held in the city where the bean and vines are harvested, I am afraid that people outside the second ring will feel dissatisfied."

Rubbing his forehead, Kong Huan continued to think.

If it was held outside the second ring for the sake of fairness, their food seemed to be insufficient, and there was no harvest, so holding the Harvest Festival seemed a bit...

However, the purpose of the Harvest Festival, although it meant to celebrate the harvest, was mainly to strengthen the cohesion of the crowd and at the same time take the opportunity to strengthen commodity transactions.

You must know that although each city will establish a market, except for Shuilan Province, some other allocated cities only conduct barter transactions within each village, and do not go to the market area of ​​the city to conduct transactions, because they do not have this habit.

But the main reason is probably the transportation.

Even when a city is established, it is first necessary to build dirt roads inside the city, so that most of the roads of 'city-city', 'city-province', 'province-province', and 'province-Gashan' have not yet started. But the 'city-village' road was completed early.

But after all, camel dragons are now supplied to the interior of Shuilan Province, and the quantity is seriously insufficient. People can only rely on manpower to transport goods. in between.

"Huh?" At this time, Kong Huan saw a new fruit not far away, said to be called [Autumn Fruit].

The round fruit looks immature, but it is already very attractive. (I think it is another fruit that is as popular as Xiguo.)
(Depressed, distracted again.)
Shaking his head, Kong Huan brought his thoughts of horse racing back to reality, and showed an expression of "you are similar" to Bai Nong and Dark Blood, who looked at him with contemptuous eyes, and then to Lingxue, who was full of black lines nodded.

"If it's going to be held, everyone should hold it, but the first time it must be lively, in order to leave a better impression on everyone, so that they will also have the willingness to participate in the future."

"As for how to do it, I'll leave it to Lingxue and you. You can refer to the previous harvest festival in Shanshi. As for me, I have to learn to be a leader who issues orders, not a subordinate who does things, quack."

"It's laziness." Looking sideways at the other party and complaining, Lingxue thought for a while, it is obviously impossible to do this by herself, because it is troublesome and time-consuming; the maid team needs to organize more and more documents for herself; then...

(Let's throw it decisively at those high priests who like to hold fruit parties as soon as they are free. After all, I am also a manager, aren't I, haha.) Lingxue thought so.

So, the upper beam is not right... (The horse behind it? =.=)

(It seems that I have to find a way to get the wheels, which is a good way to increase the transportation volume.) Withdrawing his eyes from the round autumn fruit, Kong Huan smiled and looked at Bai Nong: "Then, there is still What good stuff?"

"Of course, and Dark Blood likes it. I'm very confident in that." Looking at Dark Blood beside him, Bai Nong smiled slightly, bent over and waved his hands in a gesture of 'Please, my lord'. Even if there is a little expectation, it is decisively hidden.

With a cold snort, Dark Blood looked at the path that was only one path, and walked forward with his head held high.

"Well, Dark Blood seems to have the potential to be arrogant."

Faced with Bai Nong's complaints, except for the little sister Bai Min who was not polluted by 8051 (it was already scary), everyone around, whether it was Void or Lingxue, nodded in agreement.

"These are the sticks? I'd love that!?"

The dark blood's tone was a bit unfriendly, and I don't know if it was intentional, but the dark blood found that he had a grudge against the stick, think about those dangerous weapons of the black bone ape, and [beep——]...

"Hehe, don't underestimate these things."

Wiping off his cold sweat, Bai Nong still didn't know why he made this young lady angry, so he could only smile dryly, while pushing the reason to the female monthly (beep--); One, a round stick chopped off with a special [Lumbering Copper Axe] made by Void.

Then, Bai Nong held both ends of the round stick with both hands and began to bend it forcefully.

The strength of Quack Ape has been said before, if calculated by human standards, it may weigh a thousand catties; and the power of the pupa is slightly higher than that of Quack; About one hundred catties to two thousand catties is about the same.

But seeing Bai Nong struggling a little, this round stick, which is nearly 1.5 meters long and two fingers wide, actually only bends a small arc, but the body of the stick shows no signs of breaking. Plants are not only super hard, but also very tough.

Such a stick, if it is changed to the human world, may be comparable to special alloy steel. It is indeed a magical natural world.

"This is!"

But at this time, Dark Blood and Void's eyes lit up just after thinking about it for a while, while the others could only patiently wait for the explanation because they didn't understand the meaning.

However, after a while, the dark blood's eyes returned to calm, and there seemed to be a trace of regret.

Looking at the wooden stick that was slowly bent to a small arc in Bai Nong's hands, it only rebounded after letting go, and returned to the straight with a whistling sound, Dark Blood said with some regret: "It is indeed very good, No, it should be said to be perfect, but Bai Nong."


"What about strings? Now we don't have the ability to produce bowstrings that can withstand this strength, and there is still production?"

"Dark blood," Bai Nong, who made a preaching look on dark blood's angry expression, shook the stick in his hand indifferently, and said, "So you are also illusory, and your thinking is still stuck On Earth."

"You know, since the double moon star can produce such a powerful plant, why can't there be a matching string? As for the yield, take your time. Our population is small, and there is a forest where we found it. Taking some branches is enough to make two or three thousand."

At first, she was very dissatisfied with Bai Nong's preaching, but when she heard the difference between the earth and the double moon star, Dark Blood's expression immediately lit up. She is a phantom clone in charge of military affairs, and her sensitivity to military affairs is far beyond The other two.

"Could it be that you've already found a good bowstring!" Excitedly grabbing Bai Nong, even though the other party was already gritted in pain, Dark Blood, who was in high spirits, didn't mind at all. (Nonsense, someone else was caught.)
As for the output, since there was no problem, it was decisively ignored by everyone. (=.=)

"Easy, let go! Dark blood, you are obviously a woman, why are you so strong, is it really a mutation! No wonder people didn't use bows and arrows made of stubborn wood in the past. It turned out that it was because you are too powerful many."

Cautiously jumping away from the dark blood, Bai Nong looked at the expectant dark blood, hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I don't have any suitable bow strings yet..."

Seeing that the other party had the idea of ​​rushing over to teach him a lesson, Bai Nong couldn't care less about teasing, and immediately added: "It's not confirmed yet! However, there are already six spare experimental products, but because of the urgent time, we haven't started yet. It's just an experiment, it's not that you don't have teeth!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Nong immediately nodded to Bai Xiao consciously, signaling the other party to bring the things over, otherwise Bai Nong was not sure if he would be killed by mistake. (Is this suicide?)

"Leave the experiment to me. Now the central province has formed a militia of 300 people. I can choose people from them to experiment with bows and crossbows on these weapons. However, in terms of tools, I need more suitable tools from you. of bronze."

Nodding his head, Kong Huan pointed to Lingxue and said, "I have handed over the production of the bronze ware to the Central Province."

"When I went out to inspect before, I found a relatively large open-pit copper mine in the north of Mount Ga, but because it was relatively hidden and I didn't realize it, I didn't find it before."

"Now this copper mine not far from Gashan City has been handed over to me. I brought over a dozen workers from the Copper Ware House in Shuilan Province. It belongs to Gashan City in the Central Province. I plan to let them bring dozens of quack apes to carry out a large number of work. Production can be used as an important commodity in Gashan City."

"Oh, it's ready for mass production?" Bai Nong, Dark Blood, and even Ling Xue asked in surprise.

Although Lingxue knew that Gashan City would build a [Bronze Ware Factory], she hadn't heard from Kong Huan that the problem of high scrap rate during copper wares production had been solved.

Although there are very few bronze wares now, she has also seen the powerful role of bronze wares from many aspects in daily life, and can completely replace the current bone wares that are limited by bones, and pottery wares with fragile textures.

But Kong Huan shook his head when he heard a few people's words: "I haven't solved the problem of the scrap rate yet. The copperware factory built in Gashan City is because there are more copper mines here. Even if there are scraps, they can be remade. Quantity is used to temporarily suppress quality issues.”

"The copper mine in Shuilan Province is too small, so it can only be used to train technicians. At the same time, experimental research can be used to slowly find better smelting methods."

Hearing this, everyone shook their heads depressingly, but as long as they can solve their current problems, Dark Blood doesn't pay much attention to when copperware can be produced normally and on a large scale.

So, she looked at Lingxue.

"Don't worry, Dark Blood. If you need it when the time comes, you can go directly to the copperware factory to find it."

"Thank you." Dark Blood nodded gratefully.

Then, the topic of everyone returned to Bai Nong's harvest this time.

During this period, Dark Blood flew back to the militia garrison in a hurry, brought three pupated militiamen, and ordered to transplant this plant species named [Bowwood] to the field, and after bringing samples of bow strings, everyone followed Bai Nong walked towards the middle cabins.

"Before, everyone was looking at plants. Although this time I was still in a hurry, I think it's pretty good to get these harvests."

"And the most important thing is that most of them are already known by people, so it will be more smooth when they are promoted in the future."

After finishing speaking, Bai Nong pushed open a branch door and walked into the big room.

"Next, there is an extremely important organism that could become second only to rice in importance."

Hearing Bai Nong's words, everyone became interested immediately.

"It's an animal that I've worked so hard to find, and while their kind can be found everywhere in nature, these guys are almost unique because they've been domesticated and can now be farmed directly."

"When I found it, I was shocked."

Walking ahead with emotion, Bai Nong's deep tone came from it, making the people behind him solemn and expectant.

"When I saw them, I realized for the first time that civilization would develop on its own. To think that quack apes can't do without some of our illusions is the real self-deception."


Snoring, snoring...


Obviously, Bai Nong was very satisfied with shocking everyone.

And Bai Min, who has been following behind, carefully observes the expressions of everyone, as if he intends to record it for the black history.

"Meat...meatball beast."囧
"You're so weak, you're playing tricks on me." Obviously, the psychological quality of Dark Blood is not very good. If Bai Nong had explained that he was a meatball beast at the beginning, everyone would only suddenly realize it, but it was said by Bai Nong on the phone before. It seemed as if he was about to meet a great man, and after doing this, the dark blood ran away.

"Ah! Help... help!"

...The tragedy was ignored by everyone (including Bai Min)...

"Okay, ahem, I found these meatball beasts from a small tribe."

"In the beginning, a sculptor in the provincial capital proposed to me that his tribe's food is worry-free, so out of curiosity, we went to have a look."

"When I first arrived in that small tribe, the people in the tribe didn't welcome us very much, or resisted us, so we encountered some obstacles. However, I agreed to give them priority in supplying seeds and gave them a manager. These guys agree."

"To be honest, at that time, I was more curious about the avant-garde of this tribe than these meatball beasts. You know, if it was an ordinary tribe, no one would care about me if I said something that predicted the future, but they It didn’t take long to understand and accept it.”

Cautiously avoiding the dark blood, Bai Nong stood on the fence of the meat ball animal like a traitor, patted his mud-stained clothes lightly, and then pointed to the more than 100 meat ball beasts surrounded by the fence.

It is obviously impossible for these meatball beasts to be brought back by pupation, but fortunately, the Song tribe is located on the edge of the second ring road, and they are driven here by the quack apes through the better road built in the first ring. It was only two or three days later than Bai Nong and the others.

Looking at the ball beasts sleeping and snoring comfortably in the fence, even without the round noses, big ears, and small tails of those signs, when Bai Nong explained the other party's habits, the illusion and dark blood were still involuntary He blurted out: "Pig."

"Well, I also think this name is the most suitable, so I will call them pigs in the future, so as to distinguish them from wild meatball beasts." Nodding, Bai Nong said nonchalantly.

"Indeed, compared to wild meat ball beasts, these pigs are too gentle." Recalling the time when he was almost killed by a mutant meat ball beast, Kong Huan (Hui Li) subconsciously wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Although Hui Li led the team to destroy the monster afterwards, the psychological shadow it left on Hui Li and the others was not small.

Who would have thought that this kind of creature, which is basically the lowest food, could mutate such a powerful meat ball monster?It's weirdly natural.

"How long have these... pigs been domesticated?" Looking at the [pigs] that were completely different from the wild meatball beasts, Lingxue asked with great interest.

"More than ten years, at least five or six generations." Pointing to these seemingly similar pigs, Bai Nong said: "These pigs, I selected just grown up, and there are only ten males, and the remaining 90 The bulls are all female."

"..." Nodding stiffly, Lingxue looked at Bai Nong with a strange expression. (Is silence better than sound at this time?)
"Well, this is also to reproduce as soon as possible. Don't look at me with such eyes, especially you, you are not the same as me." Although he wanted to accuse Dark Blood of the same, but suddenly remembered that the other party was a woman. Nong was speechless.

"Oh, well, so, when is the breeding season? How much can it reproduce at a time? How long can it spread to the entire population?"

Staring at him and making helpless illusions, Bai Nong thought for a while and replied: "The breeding season should also be spring. According to a member of that tribe who often observes, a sow can give birth to 5 to 10 piglets at a time. And it takes a little over a year for a young pig to reach maturity."

Opening the wooden sign on the fence, Bai Nong looked at the records above, thought for a while and continued: "An adult pig should be able to feed a quack ape for a month. But if you consider the future food, rice, side dishes, etc. Putting everything together, a pig can probably support Quack Ape for three or four months."

"As for how to spread, I will also leave it to Lingxue and your Gashan management. After all, this is not my main job."

"Okay, I will arrange some people to take care of these meats when I go back... Well, pigs." Obviously, Lingxue is not used to this kind of name, but everyone doesn't mind it.

Then, Bai Nong continued to walk forward.

The crowd then visited two vegetarian animals.

According to Bai Nong, these two animals are better than the concentrated animals domesticated in Shanshi. If further observations are correct, they may be domesticated into mounts.

Since then, people have seen three small vegetarian creatures, which are expected to be used for poultry, such as collecting eggs.

"It's a pity that there is no frying pan, and there is no tomato, otherwise we can make delicious tomato scrambled eggs." At that time, Kong Huan was so emotional.

It is worth mentioning that two of these three small creatures are electric creatures, and they all come from the surrounding area of ​​White City.

Generally speaking, except for Gaga Ape, which has a reserve of calcium carbide and specially planted calcium carbide trees, other electrical creatures, no matter plants or animals, grow and live around calcium carbide mines.

As for the calcium carbide tree originally discovered by Konghuan, it has now become the core plant supporting the rapid spread of the entire quack ape group. From the perspective of Konghuan now, the calcium carbide tree discovered at that time may be a rare mutant plant.

Of course, now this kind of plant has been planted by the quack apes and has grown in almost all the places occupied by the group, so it can be called calcium carbide tree species.

It is also the calcium carbide tree that allows the planning of the ethnic group to be more free.

Then, Bai Nong settled in front of a big house, turned his head to look at Kong Huan, Dark Blood, and Lingxue, and finally looked at Bai Min, shook his head at Bai Xiao who followed, and told him to leave.

"Well, let's all come in, this time the things are very important, so we need to treat them with caution."

Carefully pushing open the door, everyone was a little bit interested in Bai Nong's speech, and suddenly remembered the pig before, and then they didn't feel the slightest bit.

However, Bai Nong didn't feel disappointed about this, instead he smiled and said: "This time it's the truth, I don't know if this is a species, or a collective mutant they just produced, but they are indeed, quack to us Something that is of great use to the species of ape, not even corn."

Following Bai Nong's words, everyone entered this larger house.

Before the dark blood entered, he habitually scanned with mental power and electromagnetic induction, but unexpectedly felt that the creatures in the hut had extremely strong magnetic field reactions.

Coupled with the illusory memory, Dark Blood was surprised to find that this kind of magnetic field response was probably second only to Quack Ape, and even slightly stronger than ordinary electric creatures.

You must know that the Quack Ape has a magnetic field response that far exceeds that of ordinary electric creatures because it has a first-level energy core.

(Could it be an electric creature with an energy core?)

Thinking so, Dark Blood entered the hut curiously.

At this time, a pair of curious eyes suddenly appeared in front of him, startling the dark blood who was thinking.

"Ah! What!"


The dark blood that retreated suddenly, inevitably stepped on the following Kong Huan again, and everyone was focusing on the little guy who suddenly appeared at the door at the moment, so that there was no such thing as a cup of empty illusion. personal discovery. (including dark blood=.=)

"Migu, come here."

Waving his hands to keep everyone quiet, Bai Nong seemed to do something to the fluffy little animal with a pair of rabbit ears. Before Bai Nong spoke, the little animal who was watching everyone vigilantly reacted instantly, and then turned to Bai Nong ran away.

Holding a small animal with a small arm, about the size of a fur ball, but with white fur, Bai Nong motioned to everyone to continue walking towards the hut, then turned and walked in.

"Did it sneak out? Is this the animal you introduced to us this time? A pet? Or fur farming?"

Although Dark Blood likes this kind of little thing very much, but with the embarrassment of being startled before, she seems to be a little resistant to this little guy.

And the most surprising thing is that none of these guys who were basically masters above the soul level before found this harmless guy no matter how you look at it.

"It's them, but I haven't closed them at all, and, don't say it's so scary, how can such cute things be used for fur breeding?"

"It's not closed?" Looking around unexpectedly, there is indeed no fence in the whole hut. Compared with the size of the little guy and the gaps that can be seen everywhere in the wooden house, it is obvious that it is indeed very easy for this little thing to escape. thing.

At this time, in a corner of the hut, everyone found more animals of the same kind.

And it seems that there are more than 30 small furry animals with long ears shaking their ears at the same time and turning their heads to look at the crowd, but they are not as vigilant as the previous small animal, as if they knew that the people who came in were not in danger.

And Kong Huan was even more speechless to find that Bai Nong and Bai Min's little pet furball, which was suspected to be missing, was in the middle of this group of little guys at the moment, and it seemed that the two sides had a happy conversation.

God knows how these two different species communicated.

(No wonder I haven't seen Maoqiu in the past two days, so I found a new friend.) Secretly discussing, but Kong Huan had a lot of doubts in his heart, so he stared at Bai Nong in a daze like everyone else.

Gently patted the little animal in his arms, the other seemed to be very obedient, so he jumped down obediently and returned to the middle of his group.

To everyone's surprise, these small animals seemed to re-line up in a very coordinated manner without any communication, and continued to watch the fur balls.

And it seems that the fur ball children's shoes seem to be a little unwell, looking at Bai Min with pitiful eyes, and I don't know how long they have been surrounded.

"Tell me, what's the problem!" Obviously, everyone couldn't stand Bai Nong's procrastination.

"Okay, have you noticed that these little guys are highly coordinated?"

"I just see them being interested in furballs." It's an unreal rant, and it's true.

From the beginning to the present, except for a glance at the person who came in, this group of little guys seemed to maintain this movement around the fur ball, neither moving nor screaming.

And this kind of behavior obviously put a lot of mental pressure on the furball, but the carnivorous furball has no intention of using force in the face of these little guys, even though it is a head taller than these little guys, it still has sharp teeth.

"Well," shaking his head, Bai Nong pointed to these little guys and said, "Do you think these little guys are not communicating with each other? That's because we are still at the level of language communication..."

"Could it be that these little guys can communicate with each other with spiritual power!" Lingxue said in shock.

"Uh, no." After wiping off his cold sweat, Bai Nong remembered that his own species was also not a creature limited to language communication.

"These little guys don't have high mental strength, how can they communicate..."

"Very peculiar."

After finishing speaking, he seemed to be very emotional, and Bai Nong just looked at the little things in a daze.

However, this kind of behavior obviously made everyone very dissatisfied, even Dark Blood didn't do anything, Bai Min stepped on the other party first: "Xiaobai continue to talk, don't be distracted!"


"Hmm, actually, Void, Dark Blood, you all remember things like the network of the human world, or something like radio communication."

No one responded this time, Bai Nong could only continue to explain boringly: "Actually, they have a kind of electric energy core, in simple terms, it is a battery."

"For our species of quack ape, this core may be more suitable than the energy core, because due to physical problems, we have always used electrical energy, so after calling the energy of the energy core, we will subconsciously convert it into electricity One step, but this power core can directly generate electricity."

"However, it can't be modified now, so my focus is not here, but on the way they communicate."

Speaking of this, Bai Nong patted a small animal that was closer with emotion, but the other party did not respond.

"These little guys have actually built a network by themselves. All their communications are based on this network. After my experiments, the range of this network has actually reached ten kilometers."

At this moment, both Kong Huan and Dark Blood couldn't sit still.

"Only electricity?"

"Yes, only electricity, and it is very weak electricity. Calculated, the electricity in their cores may only have an energy value of 2 to 3, but it fully supports the network connection of these little guys at all times."

"Even, I suspect that their thinking is carried out by a group, that is, a network. This is why these little guys were not vigilant against us before, because as long as one of them determines that we are harmless, The rest will think so."

"This... But, is there only so much in this group?" Originally, I wanted to say, "This kind of thinking network has developed civilization a long time ago", but when I saw more than 30 little guys, I immediately changed my question.

Nodding his head, Bai Nong's tone seemed to be a little hesitant: "At least the ethnic groups I have encountered are only so small. I don't know if there is any division within them, or they are the only ethnic group that has produced this kind of mutation."


"What I want to say here is that this way of communication is a very good reference for us."

"By following the methods of these little guys, we can now build a network that connects the entire community."

"I believe that you all know the role of the Internet in promoting development."

 Keep on talking nonsense.

  However, recently it is really a tragedy to say that the upstairs is being renovated, and the sound of electric drills is endless from morning till night, ah!We don't like drill bits!sinai.

  And not far away is still building...


  Sure enough, what is urbanization, what is industrialization...

(End of this chapter)

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