Spore Story

Chapter 287

Chapter 287

PS: Thank you for the support of the monthly ticket in a bad mood =w=
Many things are just unexpected, not impossible.

The network is a very familiar vocabulary for human beings, or a very important tool.

Human history has developed for thousands of years, and species have developed for tens of thousands of years. Only then did this network lead to the explosion of information, which greatly promoted the communication and development of civilizations.

Of course, that's a human problem.

And at this time, when this quack ape had just entered civilization and hadn't even been recognized, Bai Nong found a kind, or a group of strange little animals, and in front of all the decision makers, The construction of species network is proposed.

From the perspective of many established civilizations, this is almost a fantasy, but the question is, there is an example in front of everyone, a role model to learn from, why these little rabbits can do it, but the quack ape can’t?

Thinking about it carefully, both Void Fantasy and Dark Blood had to admit that for the current species of Quack Ape, this is not impossible, but very feasible.

Because the quack ape has the ability to control electricity, and compared to the undetectable electromagnetic field of ordinary creatures, any ordinary quack ape can feel it through magnetic sense, and the electromagnetic field they naturally emit has reached the standard of these little rabbits .

In fact, if it is only to realize the basic communication function, the problems that quack ape needs to solve are control and adaptability.

So for a moment, Kong Huan became excited.

Each quack ape has an energy core. Although the energy core of the quack ape is in the form of fusion in the body fluid, it can still provide at least 5 points of energy for the quack ape.

In addition to the species-specific electric energy cells, each quack ape naturally emits a strong electromagnetic force. Usually, people do not use it, resulting in a lot of energy waste.

And as the energy of the individual increases, this waste increases, and the increasingly powerful pressure of the Youshen class also comes from this to a large extent.

But now, if this electromagnetic force that naturally radiates outside the body is utilized and controlled, then a nationwide network will be formed.

Even if it goes a step further, individuals with higher energy can be used as a local transfer station to achieve the effect of covering all territories...

If it is said in too professional terms, it may be difficult for people to understand.

Then, let’s replace it with an example that is very easy to understand, and replace it with an example in the anime. At this time, Kong Huan immediately thought of a person, or a group of standard examples—the Yuban sisters (Yuban 14939 sent a congratulatory message =w=) .

Although they are human, they have similar electrical control abilities to the quack apes.

So, using each quack ape as a port to connect tens of thousands of quack apes in the whole group, what will be the scene at that time?

Looking for examples in the same anime again, we found out again—the fantasy hand system (Professor Mushan sent a congratulatory message =w=).

Even if we don't use this network for national thinking, we only use the high-speed information exchange function of the network.

With the example of human beings, we can know that this is enough to allow the current Quack ape species to enter the channel of rapid development, which may be extremely beneficial to the Double Moon Star species facing the possible Zerg threat.

As a result, the illusions at this moment... have been completely trapped in the beautiful fantasy of the future, unable to extricate themselves.

That is to say, the three Konghuan in the hut, no matter whether they admit it or not, with their human memory, they all lost their minds uncontrollably at this moment.

(Everyone establishes such a network, so that all kinds of experience can be shared, and if you don’t understand, you can ask the network, and you can discuss it together if you don’t have the network. And in the future, you don’t need to send technicians to farm, and direct network communication is feasible. In that case...) This is how Bainong got lost;
(With such a network, organization and management will be more convenient, which is almost needless to say. Even a model similar to network authority can be built, and the manager is a high-level authority. Of course, this requires personnel with higher energy values. Reasonable distribution, and then...) Kong Huan also smirked;
(With this communication method, even if there are only militias in Gashan, the highest-speed early warning and command system can be established. Then, can an informationized army in the cold weapon era already appear! Ah, our system...) dark blood dizzy;
(With this kind of network... ah, what is the network?) Bai Min thought suspiciously. (You don't need to blend =. =)

Poor Lingxue, because she doesn't have any network knowledge, can't find the crux of the problem. She can only stare depressedly at the four people who seem to have fallen into silence, thinking speechlessly (as expected of emptiness, they all like to wander off so much.)
(However, why is this girl Bai Min joining in the fun?)

But out of the desire not to disturb the thinking of the three of them, Lingxue thought for a while, and walked towards Bai Min, (seeing that she was also a little lost in thought, she probably learned something from Bai Nong, so I can just ask.)
"Hey, what's going on?"

For Lingxue, the super leader (囧), even though Bai Min knew that the other party still had to listen to Bai Nong, she still seemed a little cautious. This was mainly due to the oppression of the Youshen level, after all, Xiao Baimin was only in the middle of the Yinhun level.

Recovering from distraction, Bai Min looked at the other three people, and nodded to Lingxue: "I don't know, it seems that every time Xiaobai talks about Internet rabbits, he will have this kind of reaction, but this time ...Probably there are similar ones, so the silence was longer."

"Is it called [Net Rabbit]?" Lingxue didn't know whether to complain about Bai Nong's naming ability, so she could only smile awkwardly at the side, and then found that she didn't know what to do.

So, she turned around and walked towards the net bunnies in the middle. They looked very cute, and they should be able to communicate.

"Ah, wait!"

Suddenly discovering that Lingxue wanted to touch the ears of the little rabbits, Bai Min was startled and immediately reminded her loudly, and the sound also woke up a few people who were distracted.

However, Bai Min's reaction was obviously still slow. Following a strong electric current, Lingxue's body froze, then trembled unnaturally, and then returned to normal.

Seeing that the attack was hopeless, these little rabbits seemed to confirm that Lingxue was a dangerous person, and suddenly ran away.

"My God, I forgot about it when I was distracted."

Bai Nong rubbed his forehead depressedly, and then tried his best to control the energy of his whole body, so that a few weak electric currents flowed regularly throughout his body.

Because of Bai Nong's previous description, several people present noticed that at this time, Bai Nong's external magnetic field produced abnormal vibrations under the regular flow of current.

At the same time, those net rabbits who were about to run out of the house stopped suddenly, and then turned their heads to look at Bai Nong suspiciously.

At this time, the few people except Bai Nong consciously controlled the magnetic field around their bodies, so as not to let it interfere with the vibration of Bai Nong's magnetic field.

Based on the previous performance, everyone has already understood the meaning of these little guys, so they are extremely cautious.

And Lingxue even pulled Bai Min to her side in order to assist her, who has the weakest control over energy, to cover up the magnetic field.

Under the attention of everyone, the one closest to Bai Nong among the little rabbits approached him cautiously.

Then, everyone clearly noticed that the magnetic field outside the rabbit's body began to vibrate slightly, very regularly, just like speech.

So, everyone decisively turned their heads to look at Bai Nong, waiting for his 'answer'.

But Bai Nong still just shook the magnetic field a few times as before, and then did nothing.

(Could it be that one sentence travels the world?) Kong Huan and the others thought in silence.

And Bai Nong's behavior also confused the little rabbits. A group of little rabbits seemed to have come to a standstill like this, and it seemed that a group discussion was going on.

At this time, everyone was watching the little rabbits nervously. Although it was not impossible to arrest these little guys now, friendly communication was obviously more comprehensive and harmless than hostile communication.

"Bainong, do you know how to do this when you come and go?"

Feeling that Bai Nong was sending out the same magnetic vibration to these little rabbits again, Kong Huan couldn't help complaining.

Here, apart from Lingxue, he has the highest energy control, so he can clearly feel Bai Nong's method, and he can even use it now, but he is worried that it will be self-defeating, so he can only wait quietly.

"No way, do you think this magnetic field language is so easy to learn? It took me a long time to learn such a sentence. In the electromagnetic network of Wangtu, this kind of shaking seems to be a kind of kindness, and because I am too busy, I There's no time to practice anything else."

"Then how did you bring them back, did you rely on good intentions?" Kong Huan was deeply puzzled by this.

Now it seems that the situation of Bai Nong bringing back the little rabbits is like a strange sorghum who easily seduces a group of loli with a lollipop. Is this possible?You know, the current loli is a species more dangerous than the strange sorghum!
At this time, Bai Nong's side suddenly paused for a while, and seemed to remember something.

Then, everyone saw that Bai Nong turned his head to Bai Min, no, it should have spread out on a rabbit and hid in the fur ball on Bai Min's shoulder.

(Eh? Could it be that the little fur ball is still the key? I asked why it was left here.) Seeing Bai Nong's movements, Kong Huan blinked in doubt.

At this time, Bai Nong has already used his mental power to signal Bai Min to throw the little fur ball over. (=.=)

After a while, the trembling little furball comrade was placed in front of a little white rabbit again, and everyone clearly saw a gleam of light flashing in the little white rabbit's eyes.

Then, a scene that made everyone feel overwhelmed appeared.

Perhaps it was Bai Nong's previous goodwill that made these little guys give up their vigilance. When the little fur ball appeared, all the little rabbits jumped around and surrounded the little fur ball again.

And with the previous experience, at this time, except for Bai Min, the quack ape girl, the others are all pupated bodies, and they immediately sense the electromagnetic field fluctuations of the net rabbits with their magnetic sense.

Sure enough, the seemingly calm little white rabbits were extremely enthusiastic about the invisible electromagnetic field fluctuations.

(Damn, hairball, everyone is watching.)
(I just watch, don't talk.)
(I'm making soy sauce, ah no, just watch)

(Come and see, there is a fur ball here)
(Front! Put down that furball!)

(Oops, don't squeeze!)

The above is purely a brain supplement, if there is any similarity, it is purely... a miracle?time travel?

Then, the topic is back on track.

"I said Bai Nong, why is the little fur ball more popular than you."

The words were so right that Bai Nong couldn't help but stare at Kong Huan.

At this moment, everyone has gathered in a corner of the hut, looking curiously at the gray-black little furball surrounded by a group of little white rabbits; Don't tell the story'.

If a pure-bred earthling arrives at this time, I am afraid it will be very depressed, because there is no sound from the two piles in the hut... (The fur ball continues to remain silent.)
One pile uses electromagnetic networks, and the other pile uses spiritual power networks.

"How do I know this, but I have a guess for the time being."

"Then tell me quickly!" Seeing Bai Nong's hesitation, Anxue became furious. If Kong Huan was always indecisive, she would not want to admit this identity!
"Oh," as if staring at Dark Blood sadly, Bai Nong glanced at a group of seemingly calm little white rabbits (senior netizens? Been surfing the Internet since birth=.=), and then Bai Nong said in his spiritual power : "Doesn't the little furball have a very strong early warning system?"

"I wonder if this group of little guys have encountered one or several furballs before, and then lived together for a while. The most important thing is that these little guys may rely on the early warning ability of the furballs to obtain Very good survival and development."

"With the complementarity of the two species, there is a kind of symbiosis-like pattern, but then something may happen, causing the fur bulb to leave or die, so they are always looking for another fur bulb."

"As for the time, I don't know, because the network between them is common, so their memories may be passed on."

"The furball was the first to discover these little guys. However, it was very excited to play with these little guys at the time. Who knows that it has been a long time, and it has begun to get used to it, haha."

Looking at the group of little white rabbits watching fur balls with black lines all over their heads, and the bored fur ball surrounded by them, everyone thought at the same time, (It's no wonder they can adapt.)
"Forget it, there are hairballs here, and we provide food, these little guys probably won't run around."

"It's just poor furball, let's continue to get used to it." The unscrupulous master Bai Nong, after obtaining the consent of the second unscrupulous master, younger sister Bai Min, decisively ignored the little furball's sad eyes, and led everyone out of the hut one after another. Then gently close the door.

"Phew, it's so stressful." Lingxue breathed a sigh of relief. Facing these cute little guys, she felt very tired as she had to carefully control the magnetic field of her body.

(Lingxue who can make Youshen level say this, obviously, little white rabbits, you can already 1V5.)
"So, although it is very attractive, it will not happen overnight. First of all, it is necessary to establish a course on the fine control of electric power. The energy control theory obtained in my mission is just available, and some people can be selected to experiment after a while .”

"So, the problem of the network can be put aside for a while, and then it will be improved slowly after the farmland is harvested for a while. So, Bai Nong, is there anything else to gain?"

After thinking about it carefully, Kong Huan felt that establishing a network in the ethnic group was not an easy task.

Because that would bring about a whole new set of governance, hierarchies, education, all sorts of things that would almost completely disrupt the existing organizational framework.

After all, this is not the indirect mode of human beings who need a computer terminal to log in to the network, but a completely direct login using the human body as a port. In other words, this is almost a study of a brand new language and world framework.

Therefore, in the view of Kong Huan, this is not something that can be done simply.

(In this way, the formal experiment can only be done after the restructuring is basically completed and a large number of personnel can be mobilized for research. The management of personnel in the ethnic group is still too chaotic.) Thinking so, Kong Huan turned to look at Bai Nong, said what he said before.

Looking up and looking around, Bai Nong thought about it for a while, shook his head and said: "This time, it is mainly the harvest, the provincial capital and so on, are all built according to the plan, except that the shape of the houses in some places is slightly different due to geographical factors Other than that, there’s nothing special about it, so it’s okay if you think about it.”

Nodding his head, Kong Huan got up and shook his limbs, and then said: "Indeed, then go and see what I have gained now."

This time, Bai Nong went to several provincial capitals in the north, while Kong Huan went to the south, so each has its own harvest.

Saying so, Kong Huan walked forward with a smile.

Looking up at the red sun at noon, Lingxue smiled and said: "It's already noon, everyone should go back to Mount Ga and have lunch."

"Ah, yes."

——————Civilization is formed by the accumulation of countless accidents and inevitability—————

The difference between Bai Nong and Kong Huan (Hui Li) is obvious to everyone.

If Bai Nong went out to inspect the provincial capital, he mainly focused on plants and animals; when Na Konghuan went to inspect the provincial capital, he mainly focused on minerals. (In short, they are not doing their jobs properly =.=)

Following Kong Huan, they ran to Gashan City, which was under construction. The people in the warehouse area of ​​the city, led by Kong Huan, entered an ordinary hut.

From this we can better see the difference between emptiness and Bai Nong's harvest.

Because both plants and animals need a relatively wide land, for temporary storage, the Painong team even reached the point where a small village needs to be temporarily built;

But the main part of the minerals is the mining area, which cannot be moved away, so Kong Huan can only record the places where the various ores were found, and then bring back some samples for display and experimentation.

The first thing that everyone noticed in the hut was a kind of off-white stone, which could be recognized by anyone who was an electric creature - calcium carbide.

Since Void used calcium carbide to form the biological skeleton of fish at that time, this species has formed an indissoluble bond with calcium carbide. To build a nest, you must be close to calcium carbide, and to find the same kind, you must look for calcium carbide. Daily food also needs calcium carbide. ...

However, after the calcium carbide tree was accidentally discovered by Kong Huan, people paid less attention to calcium carbide mines. Nowadays, almost only quasi-priests pay attention to calcium carbide mines when they are looking for non-ethnic species. location, because it is easier to find the same kind without calcium carbide trees there.

But this time, Kong Huan brought calcium carbide back, but the main purpose was not to eat it.

He stretched out his hand to grab a palm-sized calcium carbide, and with a flash of lightning in Kong Huan's hand, the gray-white calcium carbide turned slightly paler, which should be a sign that the calcium carbide has been purified a little.

A few people are clearly aware of this, so everyone was puzzled when they saw Kong Huan enter the room and make such an action first.

"Calbium carbide mines in nature are generally off-white, but in our cognition, pure calcium carbide should be bright white. Then, it is obviously other dross that causes calcium carbide to turn gray. Think so."

Seeing that everyone hesitated for a moment, they all nodded, Kong Huan smiled and asked everyone to carefully remember the appearance of calcium carbide at this time.

Then, he took a deep breath, and began to mobilize the energy of his whole body, continuously discharging the calcium carbide in his hand, until the sweat oozed from his forehead, and then he stopped and took a big breath.

After the body relaxed a bit, Kong Huan put the calcium carbide in his hand in front of everyone again.

"Look carefully, how is this different from the previous calcium carbide."

"It has indeed become whiter."

"Better looking."

"Should be able to eat."


Hearing a bunch of answers, Kong Huan remained silent.

He obviously overestimated everyone's understanding a little bit, or in other words, he didn't make it clear: "Hun Dan, pay attention to size, size!"

"Eh?" looked at Kong Huan suspiciously, and everyone looked at the calcium carbide in his hand again, and compared it with the appearance in memory.

"There's no difference? It's still the size of a palm." Several people said so.

But at this time, Lingxue gestured with some hesitation, then reached out to take the calcium carbide in Kong Huan's hand, seemed to scan it with mental power, and then said: "It seems that it has become a little bigger, but the difference is very small, but, Under such a strong current just now, the purified calcium carbide should become smaller?"

"Discharge can condense the calcium carbide in the calcium carbide mine, and the strong current can even disperse the dross in it, making the calcium carbide mine more pure." This is almost the consensus of all quack apes.

Moreover, during the illusory discharge before, some dust also appeared around the calcium carbide, indicating that the dregs on the calcium carbide were indeed washed away.

But if it is really just to wash away the dross, then the calcium carbide should become smaller rather than larger.

This is also where Lingxue was puzzled. Usually, everyone didn't pay much attention to the details, but now that it was brought up by Kong Huan, several people had to pay more attention.

But Lingxue was still more willing to believe that she was dazzled, after all, she didn't know how to explain this situation.

"Indeed, it has grown bigger." Hearing Lingxue's answer, Kong Huan smiled gratifiedly, then looked at Bainong and Dark Blood with contempt, and threw the calcium carbide in Lingxue's hand to Dark Blood beside him: "Not just Got bigger and got heavier."

"In fact, the difference in getting bigger is too small, so it may be difficult to notice without mental power, but the difference in getting heavier can be clearly compared through the scale we made a while ago. Let's come and have a look .”

Having said that, Kong Huan walked to the middle of the hut and opened a rattan frame wrapped in animal skin.

At this time, everyone discovered that there was actually an exquisite scale inside, and dozens of copper ingots, which were obviously modified from the scales made some time ago.

Taking out another raw calcium carbide ore, Kong Huan put it on the scale, measured the number of copper ingots with the same weight, and then handed the raw ore to Lingxue.

"What are you doing?" Looking at the raw ore in her hand, Lingxue looked at it inexplicably, and then looked at Kong Huan suspiciously.

Smiling, Kong Huan pointed to the sweat on his forehead, and said to Lingxue: "For the discharge of this raw ore, I just consumed too much power, and it is still recovering, so there is no power. If the power used is too small, it will display No effect, and you are the Youshen level, the strongest electric power here can just make the effect more obvious."

"Oh." As soon as the words fell, bright and uninterrupted flashes of light appeared in the hut, making everyone have to close their eyes, and there were even a few traces of thunder.

(Even if there is only one energy core, the energy of Youshen level is really not comparable to our soul-level pupae.)
Feeling so emotional, after feeling the end of the continuous flashes, Kong Huan finally carefully opened his eyes, and after recovering a little vision, he immediately looked at the calcium carbide in Lingxue's hand.

Then, he froze.


At this moment, what is quietly lying in Lingxue's hands is no longer the gray-white calcium carbide ore, nor the pure white crystal calcium carbide as imagined in the fantasy, but a light blue light that emits electric current, like energy The core is generally translucent crystal.

"Is this food edible?" Bai Min complained, but everyone decisively ignored it.

But at this time, Lingxue's main attention seemed to be still focused on the comparison of volume and weight at the beginning. She carefully turned the crystal in her hand, then scanned the volume with mental power, and finally looked at the crystal in her hand and said : "There is almost no need to test the weight. It is more than double the weight, but the size...does this need to be compared?"

Shaking the crystal in his hand whose light gradually stabilized, Lingxue's tone seemed a little strange.

Spreading his hands, Kong Huan expressed that there was nothing he could do, because anyone with eyes could see that this naughty calcium carbide had undergone another change. At this moment, its volume was more than half smaller than the original ore.

In the beginning, the ore was the size of a palm, but now in Lingxue's hands, it is no bigger than the thickness of a thumb.

In this way, the theory that Kong Huan had thought before, and had not been put forward to everyone, was completely aborted, and his head became a little confused.

"I originally came up with the theory that this kind of calcium carbide may be artificially multiplied under the stimulation of energy. Because according to some tribes, if some calcium carbide mines around them are struck by lightning during a thunderstorm, the become bigger than before."

Having said that, Kong Huan glanced at the crystal in Lingxue's hand speechlessly.

"Originally, I thought that due to the characteristics of calcium carbide, the stimulation of a large amount of energy may lead to the enlargement of human bones, and I planned to conduct a large number of experiments, but now from Lingxue, I'm afraid our bones may be bigger. The secret is still far beyond our imagination."

"As for being struck by lightning before, there was no such thing. It may be because there are too many calcium carbides in the mining area, and this thing conducts electricity, so the energy allocated to each calcium carbide is not a big reason."

"Then, Lingxue, how do you feel about the crystals in your hands? Try it out," she focused on looking at the calcium carbide crystals in Lingxue's hands. There seemed to be tiny electric currents flowing in them, making the energy value and control power of the surrounding people outside Lingxue's. All the highest illusions, all felt a little threatened. "Be careful, this thing may not be very simple."

Under the watchful eyes of several people, Lingxue carefully stared at the calcium carbide crystal in her hand. First, she used her best mental power to scan the structure and outline in it. Then, she shook her head in surprise.

"Observed by the spiritual power, this thing is completely solid, and it is difficult for the spiritual power to go deep into the interior. There is a strong resistance to mental power on their edges."

At the same time, Lingxue's magnetic sense is also working. Relying on her long-term practice and fine manipulation, her control over electromagnetism may not be inferior to that of Kong Huan (Hui Li), who has specialized since childhood, but today's little Calcium carbide gave everyone quite a surprise.

"The electromagnetic force on the surface of the crystal is very strong, and it seems that there is a thin layer of material attached to it. This should be the main thing that blocks the spiritual power."

After thinking about it, Lingxue mobilized the same little energy left in her body to generate a trace of electric current to flow to the crystal in her hand.

This time, Lingxue didn't use the electric energy that was almost as powerful as the lightning strike technique of the Youshen body before, but only invoked the amount of current slightly higher than that of the ordinary pupation body.

But at the moment when the current touched the crystal, Lingxue's heart trembled due to the spiritual warning from the Youshen level.

In an instant, as if concentrated sulfuric acid was poured into clear water, the current inside the crystal, which had gradually stabilized after Lingxue stopped the current supply, suddenly emitted a bright light, and the powerful energy was agitated, even making Lingxue The dust around the snow is unnaturally suspended.

"Not good! Throw it into the sky!"

Before Kong Hua finished speaking, Lingxue, who had already foreseen that the energy fluctuations of the object in her hand were not right, had already used all her strength to throw the crystal through the gate beside her to the sky. Lingxue also immediately set up a three-layer mental shield around the hut, facing the direction of the crystal.


Just as the intense flash was produced, the deafening explosion attracted everyone around Gashan City.

Fortunately, because people were building the city walls around the city, and it was just after noon at this time, most of the pupae were still eating lunch on the ground, so the explosion did not cause any real casualties.

The most affected ones are probably the few people in the hut.

Since the crystal was thrown dozens of meters, it suddenly exploded. Even with the protection of the Psychic Shield, everyone was still stunned by the strong explosion.

The buzzing made several people have to cover their ears tightly, and after dozens of breaths, everyone recovered one after another.

At this time, Lingxue said that her mind shield, which could block three to five energy balls of the Zerg, had just broken a layer just like this.

"..." Everyone was speechless.

"In my limited memory, there is only one explosion that can be compared with this thing. Although this explosion is a bit worse than that one, it can already be said to be on the same level as that white evil self-destruction."

Except for Kong Huan, no one in the room had seen the power of Bai E's self-detonation, so he was only slightly moved, mainly immersed in the shock of the explosion just now.

However, perhaps due to feeling the power of the explosion at close range, although it was only a violent explosion in the range of about 40 meters, it still reminded Lingxue of the super explosion of the talisman back then, and her expression became a little gloomy.

And Bai Nong, who also recalled Bai E, also seemed a little uninterested.

In fact, apart from Bai Min who was simply shocked by the explosion, the others were all thinking.

But no matter what a few people were thinking, this explosion has already shown that their bones are probably not simple things, and even dangerous, even though there has not been a single case of such danger.

At this time, Chu Xia, who was attracted by the explosion, also rushed to the scene, while Chu Jie was temporarily helpless because the temple had not been moved.

"what happened?"

Looking at the messy scene, Chu Xia asked in surprise.In addition to the warehouse where Lingxue and the others are located, there are several warehouses of the same specification around here, but they have all collapsed at this time. From the situation at the scene, Chu Xia can tell that Lingxue has protected them, otherwise the hut where they are located is definitely not safe. convenient.

However, these warehouses are empty because Gashan City has not yet been completed, so there is no need to worry about greater material losses.

But this also reminded the people of Kong Huan that if they encounter such uncertain experiments in the future, they must ensure the safety of the surrounding environment and themselves.

After listening to Lingxue's detailed description, Chu Xia just nodded, and then said helplessly: "Since everyone is fine, you should pay more attention to Kong Huan in the future."

Then, she began to order the people who had just arrived to clean up and repair the collapsed house.However, since she was busy directing the construction of the city, she could only say a few words of caution, then held back her curiosity and flew out of the city.Moreover, she also had to shoulder the responsibility of explaining the reason for Chu Jie.

"Speaking of which, Lingxue, are you alright?"

Although he threw the things out in time before, Kong Huan still grabbed Lingxue's hand with some fear, looked through it carefully, and then wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his hand.

(I really didn't expect that calcium carbide is so powerful, but,) I looked down at my body and Lingxue's body, which are all supported by calcium carbide, (why the calcium carbide in the body has never appeared before? What about that kind of thing?)
Thinking like this, Kong Huan felt that his knowledge seemed to be getting less and less.

(It seems that it is imminent to establish a stable education management system and release more brain power to fill research institutions.) There are too many unknown things in this world, and it has already made the illusion unbearable, and I want to devote myself immediately in.

"It seems that you need to make the ghost body be careful in the future, and don't want to make a short-term large-scale discharge of small-volume calcium carbide raw ore like before."

Carefully looking at the calcium carbide ores on the side, Bai Nong turned the pale white ore in his hand. He couldn't believe that this thing, which looks not much different from ordinary stones, has such strong explosive power.

"Do you think it might be that Lingxue's continuous discharge before caused the calcium carbide to undergo a qualitative change and condensed into energy crystals; then because of the irregular process, the internal energy was unstable, and under the stimulation of Lingxue's current, Create chaos and explode?"

Although he doesn't seem to have much say in this aspect, at least he still has illusory memories, and at the same time has the dark blood of a level-[-] brain. After thinking about it, he still puts forward a specious conjecture.

"If, I mean, if this kind of energy crystal can be mass-produced, and then the explosion time can be controlled, it will be much more powerful than ordinary grenades. I'm afraid it has the power of 105mm or even 155mm howitzers." In my business, Dark Blood talked about the military again, which made the people around who were still afraid of the previous explosion speechless for a while.

After pondering for a while, Kong Huan shook his head, nodded again, and finally put the calcium carbide in Bai Nong's hand back on the wooden table.

"The reason is probably what the dark blood said, but we obviously lack both theory and experimentation. It is best not to think about that kind of thing at this time. Even if we are lucky enough to create another one, we don't have enough right now." theory to control it, let alone mass production."

"Besides," Kong Huan shook his head while looking at Lingxue's little hand: "Based on the energy level, only Youshen-level can make these things now, at least as a soul-level me, I used all my strength to burst into electric current before. What was produced was the piece that Bai Nong just took, that kind of purified calcium carbide, not the explosive crystal."

"However, although there is no problem with Lingxue's reaction this time, once the number of times increases, accidents will inevitably occur. At that time, the highest combat strength of the current ethnic group, the Youshen level, was sacrificed for the explosion power of a few ordinary pupae bodies. It is obviously not cost-effective to sacrifice the Youshen-level bombs."

After finishing speaking, Kong Huan completely ignored the previous calcium carbide issue and directed everyone to look at other things.

But for this calcium carbide energy crystallization, everyone has left a shadow in their hearts.This is especially true for Kong Huan and Bai Nong, because both of them know the conjecture proposed by 8051 that 'the third month is the Zerg base'. If this kind of bomb can really be mass-produced, it will also be a great opportunity for future battles. Great help.

However, everyone at this time temporarily put aside the previous explosion and began to visit other minerals.But it is minerals, it is better to say colorful stones.

Because Kong Huan didn't have much experience in mining, the copper mine was discovered before because the pottery scythe produced by a small tribe was extremely sharp, and it was only after further exploration that it was discovered.

With the appearance of the copper mine discovered by that small tribe, Kong Huan was able to further discover a copper mine around Mount Ga.

But for other mines, he seemed a little powerless. He could only look for those stones that looked different, and bring them back for smelting experiments, in order to summarize a primary mineral distribution map of the ethnic group's territory.

However, due to the lack of time, what everyone saw now, except for the copper mine, can be confirmed, and the other colorful stones, in the eyes of the few people present, are just good-looking.

"There are so many things now. After a while, it will be harvested, and then it will be formally reformed next year, and there will be network problems like you, Bai Nong, and now there are calcium carbide, and so many minerals..."

The more he talked, the more powerless he felt, Kong Huan could only shake his head to stop his complaints, and then sighed.

"Sure enough, it's best to assign various tasks after the restructuring. We decision makers, just be responsible for assigning tasks, Quack."

In this regard, several people present deeply agreed.


 There are still a few chapters to officially enter civilization, ah, it feels good... Ga
  Suddenly saw that it was already 120w, how did we write it?

(End of this chapter)

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