Spore Story

Chapter 288 Gift Family Name and History

Chapter 288 Gift Family Name and History

PS: Thank you for the winter rewards of Fenghuaxueye, and the support of the monthly ticket of the fantasy-loving water bottle =w=
After showing each other their gains, everyone continued to do what they should do.

In this way, the time has been pushed forward to mid-November, which is the 11th... (Wait, 11/11, no matter how you look at it, it is Singles' Day, Sinai!)
However, it is obvious that the quack apes, whose population is only 5 to [-], and the entire high-level is encouraging birth, are still rare species.

Therefore, there will be no holidays or anything.

What's more, today is the first festival of the annual Harvest Festival (historians who have turned over the history said that this is at most only the second time=.=).

In less than half the morning, Kong Huan harvested a lot of useful minerals or beautiful decorations in the pre-built market outside Gashan City, such as [Dragon Tooth Necklace].

The name is obviously scary, but it’s just the teeth of some weak dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurus rex, and then quack ape drilled them with sharp tools, and connected them with a dragon tendon and other threads. Nothing seems to work, but the thing is still selling well.

And it is through this scene that Kong Huan is pleased to feel that people's creativity is being released step by step, which shows that people's lives are becoming more leisurely.

Because this shows that they have more time to think about other things besides eating, otherwise they will not pay attention to these decorations.

So, taking advantage of this rare vacation opportunity, Kong Huan went to the copperware factory alone, and made a bunch of [necklaces] from the colorful ores that he searched for some time ago, and the minerals that were produced after smelting without knowing what to use. , [bracelets], [figurines] and other small things.

Then, he looked at the pile of decorations in front of him and remained silent.

"Why is it all the lady's fault?"

Rubbing his chin, Kong Huan had to admit that he probably yearned for it in his heart, after all, hundreds of years had passed.

"We are existences stronger than the God of Law!" There are countless complex emotions in this roar, far exceeding the resentment of dying to the death group, so I won't explain them one by one here. 【laugh】

"I heard that Dark Blood's last mission reward is mammalian evolution, and the mission is to establish a stable military organization. However, it has already been added to the formal reform next year. Then, at the end of next year, Dark Blood's mission will be It can be completed completely, and the last mission of Bai Nong and I should also appear."

Shaking his head, Kong Huan looked at the pile of small things in front of him again, at this moment, a thought suddenly popped up in his mind, and quickly snatched away his entire thoughts.


Central Executive Yuan

"Lingxue, come here, this is a gift for you."

"Gift? What is this?" Looking at the ring made of small colorful stones in her hand, although it was still pretty, Lingxue obviously didn't know the word gift, so she asked decisively.

After the other party admired it for a while, Kong Huan personally brought it up for the other party, and then looked at the fruits of his labor with admiring eyes, with a look of approval in his eyes.

"Gifts are things to express blessings and intentions or to show friendship, and are items that are given between people."

Speaking of this, Kong Huan feels a little bit emotional, he has always just let them do this and that, it seems that he really didn't care about them.

"Lingxue, you've worked hard all this time, and you've done a great job. Now is the harvest festival, so this necklace gift should be considered a small reward for your hard work."

Although Lingxue looked cute holding the necklace with her tentacles after putting it on, but Kong Huan had to say that she still lacked a bit of design talent, or in other words, the shape of some accessories suitable for humans was not suitable for Quack Ape. 【tears】

After clapping his hands, Kong Huan put aside his previous random thoughts, smiled and said: "Okay, that's it, anyway, the group is not busy now, you can take a good rest and relax today, I will give you a day off."

"Then, I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, Kong Huan turned around and disappeared quickly amidst Lingxue's puzzled expression.

city ​​wall construction site
"Come on, Chu Xia, take this."

"Is this the necklace? Why is it like this? Ah, I don't mean it's ugly."

Chu Xia, who was still busy directing everyone to build the city wall, felt the necklace around her neck with her mental strength in doubt. Her movements were calm, but her observation method left Kong Huan speechless.

The main problem here is that decorations are generally viewed visually, and the main feature of this necklace of emptiness lies in the color. Isn’t it a bit violent to look at it with mental strength like Chu Xia, the necklace will cry Mouth.

Twitching the corners of his mouth, Kong Huan moved Chu Xia's gaze over, stared at her eyes, and said in an educational tone.

"Don't use your mental power to look at it. The world is colorless and too monotonous. You need to look at this kind of jewelry with your eyes. Then you will find that the colorful necklace is very beautiful."

After finishing speaking, Kong Huan stretched out his hands, intending to take off the necklace that he had just hung up himself, for Chu Xia to admire, while lamenting when he could get the mirror out.

But Chu Xia held Kong Huan's hand, then smiled and shook her head.

"Thank you, this is very good, no need to take it off."

Dazed for a while, Kong Huan looked at Chu Xia's calm eyes, and also showed a gentle smile, then pointed to the market not far away and said: "Everyone go and have a rest, the rare harvest festival, everyone during this time You're all tired, aren't you?"

Then, under the gaze of Chu Xia's deep eyes, Kong Huan disappeared without a trace again.

Gashan Market

"Ah!! Ahh?"

Seeing Chu Jie who suddenly appeared in front of him, Kong Huan was so frightened that he took a step back, almost knocking over a quack ape behind him.

Fortunately, the Brother Quack Ape at the back reacted quickly, and when he saw Chu Jie, he also showed an expression of sudden realization, and then immediately stepped aside.

(Chu Jie, how much reputation do you have in Gashan!) Reluctantly waving the black line on his forehead, Kong Huan turned his eyes away from that Quack ape, looked at Chu Jie again, and then stretched out his hand to pat him shoulders.

"Can you stop being so elusive, Chu Jie?"

"Hehe, I got it. Then, what are you doing, Kong Huan? Speaking of which, Gashan has never been so lively, but Die Wu doesn't come out to play with me." Obviously the other party didn't have the slightest introspection, but Kong Huan didn't think about it at all. There is no way.

(are you a kid?)
Reluctantly complaining, Kong Huan grabbed a string of necklaces, but stopped quickly, then put the necklaces back, and took out a little rabbit statue again.

Because he suddenly remembered that for righteous gods like Chu Jie, the things they carry on their bodies are obviously not easy to use, because they have to teleport frequently, and even their clothes are transformed.

Therefore, figurines placed in the house are obviously more suitable as gifts than necklaces.

"Here, your present."

"Gift?" looked suspiciously at Kong Huan, but Chu Jie still seemed to like the fine-looking figurine in his hand: "A gift is something to give, Kong Huan, you said it in your dream, but you never gave it gone."

"Hehe, do you want to give gifts at the Harvest Festival?"

"Well, this, it can be considered." Hearing Chu Jie's casual words, Kong Huan smiled awkwardly, but when he raised his head again, he could only look at Juechen away with black lines all over his head. Chu Jie, and the other party politely left a sentence.

"Then, I'm going to give our maid a present, so take a good rest, Void."

Wiping off his cold sweat, Kong Huan looked suspiciously at the pile of items in the rattan frame.

"I don't know what's going on with 8051, Xiao Lingyun and Chu Ling."

At this time, a familiar figure passed by in front of him.

(Eh, dark blood?)
After thinking about it, Kong Huan still took out a bracelet-like thing from the rattan frame, and then walked towards Dark Blood.

(Although it's the same person, the difference is still very big, and the other person is also a woman. Besides, there are many people who give gifts to themselves, so it's nothing...probably.)

When Dark Blood received the gift, his reaction was very indifferent, but he made an 'objective and fair' comment on the production technology of the bracelet.

Of course, it is negative.

But Kong Huan still saw a trace of joy in the opponent's eyes.

Thinking about it carefully, this empty illusion of myself seems to have been a bit withdrawn since the human period, and the three-consciousness avatar inherits empty illusion's personality. Even if there are small differences, they are still somewhat withdrawn on the whole.

Calculated in this way, although it is not the first time that Dark Blood received gifts this time, it should be very few.

Thinking of this, Kong Huan himself was a little silent, as if he had never received a single gift.

Then, farmland.

"Here, Huili, I'm a man."

When Bai Nong, who was checking the condition of the rice in the farmland and planning tomorrow's harvest arrangement, received a very beautiful necklace from Kong Huan, he was completely embarrassed.

That look was as weird as it could be.

"What the hell are you thinking about!"

Kong Huan naturally understood the opponent's thoughts, and immediately refuted them resolutely, otherwise he would die.

Looking around, he found that Bai Min was not there, so Kong Huan finally explained the reason: "This is for that girl Bai Min, of course you have to deliver it yourself, anyway, I have done so much this time, so I will treat it as a harvest festival." Great delivery."

"Oh, I'm scared to death," sighed heavily, Bai Nong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and then flew towards the place where Bai Min was holding the necklace.

"Meow, it's me too, why is my mind so unclean?"

"So, who's next?"

After looking at the remaining dozen or so things, Kong Huan was gliding slowly in the air, relying on the airflow.

Although I know a lot of people in Gashan, Kong Huan always wants to give these to the closest people, but after calculation, it seems that apart from Lingxue and Lingyun, there are only people from the original Gaga team left.

"After much deliberation, I'm still so withdrawn." With a wry smile and shaking his head, Kong Huan finally thought of someone.

For the soul-level Void, although the spherical spiritual force naturally emitted at this moment, the diffusion range is only tens of meters.

But relying on the not-low-level mental power control ability, the scanning mode that condenses the mental power into a beam has a radius of several kilometers, so it is still very easy to find someone.

Looking at Chu Qin who was sitting on the edge of the cliff and practicing the consciousness technique, Kong Huan sighed and carefully landed beside him.

During the whole process, Chu Qin didn't respond, and seemed to have entered a deep level of consciousness training, but...

Sitting on the edge of the cliff, looking at the bustling market in the distance, looking back at Chu Qin who was calm at the moment.

In the beginning, Kong Huan placed high hopes on the other party. When he was in Calcium Calcium Lair, he was even assigned as a temporary leader and became the No.1 under Kong Huan. He did really well.

If they persisted, the current patriarch of the ethnic group might not be Ling Xue, but Chu Qin.

However, under Chu Qin's seemingly stable appearance, there is a heart that is too eager for quick success. After several accidents, Kong Huan had to arrange her for auxiliary work.

Although the original purpose of Kong Huan doing this was just to insure Chu Qin with good intentions, or to arrange Chu Qin to a suitable place, but such an action as Kong Huan brought other people and even Chu Qin the feeling that It's the situation of 'Empty Fantasy has alienated Chu Qin'.

After that, Kong Huan became more and more busy, so he didn't have much... or no time to pay attention to her at all, which made the situation even more serious.

From Kong Huan's point of view now, Chu Qin was not suitable for doing those things at that time, and he could still bring him by his side, but Kong Huan didn't think so much at that time.

I don't know if it's because of being alienated, which made Chu Qin feel very uncomfortable, so that she felt confused in her heart. She was already at the middle stage of the soul level more than ten years ago, but now her strength is only at the advanced stage of the soul level.

But in the past ten years or so, most of the members of the original Quack team who were weaker than her in the past, Chu Xia, Chu Jie, Chu Ling, Chu Dian, and Chu Yi have all been at the Youshen level; Low, but also the patron saint of the peak soul level; only Chu Qin, who was very optimistic about Konghuan before, is still only at the high soul level.

For more than ten years, she has hardly made any progress, but at this moment, Chu Qin is still practicing the consciousness technique, and Kong Huan doesn't know whether it is Chu Qin who can't figure it out?Chu Qin was still stubborn.

But the bottom line is that Kong Huan is not good at employing and managing people. This is the conclusion that Kong Huan has considered.

Now that he has a three-consciousness avatar, he has been practicing since he was the weakest, and Kong Huan also knows a lot of key points in cultivation, and has summed up some experiences.

In addition to the problem of individual qualifications, the improvement of cultivation mainly lies in the psychology.

To break through from the ghost level to the soul level, what is needed is a relatively stable goal or belief, and to maintain the purity of the heart, which is why sometimes the soul level gives ordinary people the feeling that it is "very stubborn but very simple".

In other words, the more complex the mind, the harder it is to improve.

And summing up the experience of the seven Youshen-levels in the group, he also concluded that a breakthrough from the soul-level to the Youshen-level requires an almost obsessive desire. In the words of fantasy, it is to find one's own way.

Chu Qin's current situation is obviously due to psychological confusion, which has led to his stagnation in cultivation, but there is nothing he can do about it. His confidence in his own words and preaching ability is completely negative.

Looking at the gradually setting sun not far away, and Chu Qin beside him who still hadn't withdrawn from his practice, Kong Huan sighed, got up and patted the dust off his body.

Then, he took out a string of necklaces from the rattan frame on his back, thought for a while, took out another bracelet, and gently placed it on the grass in front of Chu Qin.

"Take a good rest today and go to the market."

After speaking, he didn't care whether Chu Qin heard it or not, he jumped out of the cliff, spread his wings and glided away.

On the cliff, Chu Qin slowly opened her eyes, looked at the two items on the ground, and then at Feiyuan's empty illusion, bit her teeth lightly, but gradually loosened her frown.

—————Some places that are easily overlooked are the key to things—————

On November 11, the harvesting of grain and rice in Gashan City, Central Province and Shuilan Province officially started;
On November 11st, the harvesting of one province and one city was completed. All the rice, except for the basic food, was put into the warehouse. At the same time, it began to rely on driving away heavy dinosaurs and other methods to speed up the construction of inter-provincial areas within the second ring road. Dirt roads; on the other hand, arrange to deliver seeds to the provinces and cities where the entire ethnic group has been restructured for next year's planting.

On December 12, the main festival of the Harvest Festival ended. After the farming and harvesting, the whole ethnic group returned to calm, and since winter had not yet fully entered, the weather was slightly calmer, and the buildings in a province and a city began to enter their last moments.

Time just passed by little by little. When we took a big step and entered the new year, it was already 4 months later.

On January 1st of another year, the Central Executive Yuan.

At this moment, a high-level closed-door tea party is being held in the spacious courtyard.

Regarding this [tea], it is actually just some leaves that look like tea, so in terms of taste, you can't have any expectations.

However, at least it can make everyone who is tired of drinking sweet water feel a special taste.

In this regard, Bai Nong, who searched the entire ring, was already very satisfied. Of course, he would be more satisfied if there were no complaints of illusion and dark blood.

At this time, there were only seven people attending the meeting: Kong Huan (whose position is unknown, can be an administrative consultant), Bai Nong (whose position is also unknown, can be an agricultural and animal husbandry consultant), Dark Blood (the supreme commander of the ethnic militia), Lingxue (Patriarch, nominally supreme commander), Chu Xia (Minister of Education, in charge of all schools), Chu Jie (Eastern God), Chu Dian (Western God), Chu Yi (Southern God), Zhan Lian (Northern God) ), Chu Qin (Minister of the Ministry of Development and Reform, in charge of the development and reform department).

Although Kong Huan was as confused as everyone else about when and why Chu Qin suddenly woke up, but it was hard for everyone to ask if Chu Qin didn't say anything.

But this does not prevent those who know Chu Qin's ability from arranging him to work in this important department, not to mention that Chu Qin is now at the peak of the soul level.

(I'm afraid that in two or three years, there will be another Youshen level in the group.) This is what Chu Xia expressed to the people around when she saw Chu Qin who had been in a vague state.

As for the gathering of the four orthodox gods in one place, this also involves a problem in the realm of the temple.

Generally speaking, a god cannot live without his own temple domain. Of course, 8051 said that spirit gods are fine, but now that the ethnic group doesn't even have a yin god, there is no need to think about that for the time being.

However, because the four Zhengshen temples were all relocated outside Gashan City, people who hadn't thought about the issue of the temple domain before discovered that the two temples were not lower than the fourth-level temples after the second temple was moved. The domains are actually intertwined with each other in the fringe area because of the large diffusion range.

And in this intertwined area, it seems that it is a public temple area, and both gods can enter and exit.

However, its effects may be offset by the domains of different gods, leaving only the original two of protecting the dead and letting the righteous gods act, but for everyone, it is still a surprise.

And because the four righteous god temples belong to four sides, the intertwined domain happens to surround several core buildings such as the Central Executive Yuan, so that the four righteous gods can move freely here.

Speaking of which, this was the first time that the four righteous gods were able to gather face to face after they became righteous gods, so the four parties seemed a little bit embarrassed, even Chu Jie, who had been carefree all the time, was the same.

"This time, it's just for everyone to get together and chat, and talk about certain things by the way."

When everyone was chatting, Lingxue brought up the serious matter at this time.

Because most of these business matters are planned, so it is just to let the high-level executives understand the implementation situation: "According to Kong Huan, after the official restructuring is completed next year, [Festivals] and [Conferences] will be set. "

"Festivals, to be honest, are for fun. For the time being, two are set: one is [Harvest Festival]. Worship to Heaven]; the other is [Nian Ji], the time is January 1 every year, and the same thing to do is [Worship to Heaven] and [Gathering], but the New Year Festival encourages family gatherings, not regional gatherings.”

"General meeting, I don't need to say what it is when I think about it. We are holding a small meeting now. The general meeting just means that there are more people and the time is longer. There is only one tentative plan, which is from January 1 to 2 every year. , Hold the [annual meeting] to summarize the development of the year and plan what needs to be done in the next year."

At this time, Lingxue looked around at the people who were mostly silent, and she put down the documents for the time being, picked up her teacup and began to savor life.

And on her neck, the string of shiny necklaces looked brilliant under the sunlight.

Of course, there were also Chu Xia and Chu Qin, and Chu Jie was playing with the statuette in her hand.

For some reason, this scene made Kong Huan feel a kind of inexplicable pressure, making his behavior appear restrained.

If these ornaments are placed in the human society that came from the fantasy, they can only be regarded as non-characteristic, but now they are moved to the quack ape civilization that has just appeared in leisure time and started to release creativity. artwork.

Especially when Lingxue, who is a high-ranking person and more of a symbolic figure, took them, within a few days, almost all the women in Gashan had a string of people, and even some men were not to be outdone. Of course, it feels illusory More like a bunch of wizards.

Well, in today's society, the distinction between men and women is still superficial, otherwise it will only happen if men are bullied. Just look at how many women there are in the Youshen class, and you will know.

As for these ornaments...Think about those thousands of years ago ornaments excavated by archaeologists, and you can think about the things made by fantasy, and the level of follow-up works of the members of Gashan.

"By the way, Bai Nong, the transformation will be completed next year, and the year name will be officially used in the year after next. Is there really no problem with the calendar?" Turning his head to look at Bai Nong beside him.

Because Bai Min slowly began to learn the communication methods of the little rabbits, he spent a long time with a dozen or so smart and clever quack apes selected by the Gashan executives, who were bored in those internet rabbits. A corner of Gashan City where it is now.

As a result, recently, Bai Nong, who was abandoned by his sister, looked a little lonely and lonely.

This made Kong Huan and the others feel very funny, but at the same time it was difficult to say anything.

Nodding his head, Bai Nong obviously didn't notice what Kong Huan was thinking, otherwise he would become angry from embarrassment, and there would be a scene of 'Bainong making a scene at the venue'.

"In the beginning, my idea was to wait until I had a complete calendar, and then I would officially start using the year name when a big event happened."

"However, from the past two years of use, it seems that the calendar needs to be updated every year. In fact, it is more convenient to use the previous year name." Speaking of this, Bai Nong shook his head mockingly: "So, I can only say that I I didn’t think too much about it before, but it’s not too late to change it now.”

"Oh, that's good." Smiling, Kong Huan looked at Lingxue, who nodded in understanding and said, "Actually, next year's reform will be officially completed, and one city and seventeen provinces will be formally completed, which can be regarded as an absolute major event. So, January 1st of next year should be positioned as January 1st of the first year."

"By the way, let's call it 'Public Era', that is, 'AD'. There is no color on it, and it just happens to be promoted to civilized species when they encounter civilizations in the future, so that the entire Double Moon Star and even the universe in the future Use them uniformly, after all, we cannot have one species rule the world.”

Speaking of this, you can show illusory ambitions.

But in this regard, the few people present had no idea. After the first year was determined, using the first year of AD, then this year was 1 BC.

There seems to be nothing wrong with it, and those who record history can have a basis.

The calendar, which represents civilization on the right track, has been discussed and settled by several people. Although the civilization of Quack Ape has not officially started to implement the calendar, in the hearts of the few present, it has already begun to operate.

"However, shouldn't the ethnic group have a name now?" Chu Xia asked, "Could it be that Gashan is always used? There is also the Quack ape, so we can be called humans."

"Gashan is not bad, but I have serious doubts about Kong Huan's ability to choose a name, so everyone should think of a better name." At this time, Chu Jie jumped out first, which made Kong Huan quite embarrassed.

"Well, do you have any good ideas?"

"The signature attack of our family is electricity, which is thunder, so I think it can be called the Thunder family."

"It seems a bit vulgar." Kong Huan thought about it in his mind, but still shook his head dissatisfied.

And Chu Xia seemed to disagree, after all, it reminded her of what happened in Leiyun.

Although that time, Chu Xia grew Thunder Wings because of a blessing in disguise, but what brought Chu Xia more was the pain of transformation at that time, so she also shook her head and said: "Let's use other symbols. Speaking of symbols, apart from Thunder Wings , our clan still has a large number of priests... Well, by the way, we quack apes are very united, why don’t we call them the group clan?”


Kong Huan took a sip of tea, while Chu Xia looked at him innocently.

(Tuan...Tuanzi? Head?) Bai Nong was a little speechless. Although he was not very confident in his naming skills, neither Kong Huan nor Bai Nong expected it, and the others seemed to be not doing well either.

Sure enough, what kind of main consciousness is there, and what kind of individual species is there?

"Actually, there is nothing wrong with the group clan," Lingxue said with a smile, but she quickly changed the subject: "But after all, what everyone thinks of is just the symbol of our own group. "

"Oh?" Hearing Lingxue's words, Kong Huan's eyes lit up, although he didn't know why he suddenly became interested.

"Han Huan also said in the dream that we live in a sphere, called Double Moon Star." (How many things have you taught =. =)

Nodding his head, Kong Huan didn't say anything.

And Lingxue didn't wait for Konghuan to reply, and continued on her own: "Although I don't know the reason, I think that our ethnic group's vision should not be limited to our own ethnic group. Now we have discovered There are three civilized species."

"Then, in order to reach a certain height, our group needs to have a name that represents the entire Double Moon Star."

"Could it be called the Shuangyue clan? The people among them are called Shuangyue people?" Zhan Lian said with some doubts: "The two words feel a bit strange."

Although the names of people in the ethnic group are now two characters, it has been said in the previous reform that the first character is used as a surname, which can be passed on to the next generation, and it is often the case that a village has the same surname.

Therefore, in the eyes of most members of the current ethnic group, a single character is the name, so two characters seem a bit unnatural.

In fact, at the beginning, the name was just a vain and lazy choice of a word, but later it became a habit, until it became a whole word, and it was changed in vain, and many people couldn't adapt because of habit problems.

"Shuangyue?" Rubbing her forehead, Lingxue seemed to pay a little attention to Zhansi's proposal. She, who was planning to name the Shuangyue clan, stopped her thoughts temporarily when she saw this situation.

At this time, Chu Qin accidentally interjected and said, "In the words taught by Kong Huan, there is a word 'friend', please take a closer look."

After dipping in water and writing the word 'friend' on the table, Chu Qin tapped the table and said, "Isn't this exactly two 'months'? And it's still a single character."

One word awakened the person in the dream, and Lingxue said suddenly with a boxer: "Indeed, it is perfect to use the word 'friend' instead of 'Shuangyue'!"


Because Kong Huan and Bai Nong were reprimanded for having a negative level of naming, they could only watch from the sidelines. It was enough to make the final decision. Even Dark Blood could only watch from the sidelines, becoming the most standard bystanders.

And the three of them have already decided in their hearts that the name should be decided by the members of the species themselves, and the three of them, as long as it is not a bad name, will not refuse it.

Faced with this name, the three of Kong Huan also nodded slightly.

At this time, Lingxue continued: "And using 'friend' has another unexpected benefit. You see, friends, friendship, and unity, don't they also represent a characteristic of our quack ape group?"

As a result, the other people who were not hesitant at first had to admit that this word was indeed very suitable, and Chu Qin proudly raised her head at Kong Huan.

"However," at this time, Chu Yi, who had been silent for a long time and spoke coldly for a long time, said, "There are three moons in the sky, and these two moons..."


"Ahem, this, I have something to say about Shuangyue."

Seeing the situation at this moment, it seems that there is a possibility of silence again, and for the name 'Pengzu', the three of Kong Huan have internal exchanges and expressed their approval.

Especially after knowing the actual situation of the third month, it is obviously impossible for Kong Huan to let this 'pseudo-moon' affect his title as a species.

Moreover, regarding the threat of the 'Third Month', Kong Huan felt that it was basically certain that those who were present now, the people with the highest combat power in the ethnic group, knew that this was also an extremely necessary thing.

...Time is slowly passing amid speculation about the evil moon...

The originally relaxed atmosphere became somewhat dull because Kong Huan suddenly revealed such a powerful enemy.

"Han Huan, our group is really full of disasters."

Hearing Lingxue's emotion, Kong Huan suddenly felt a little lost, without any thought, he said regretfully: "If I am not the main consciousness, maybe..."

"No, don't get me wrong." Lingxue touched the necklace on her neck subconsciously, and said with a smile: "If you are not the main consciousness, we can't even appear, how can we sit here, drink tea and chat comfortably? How about making fun of the 'moon' in the sky?"

"Yeah, why did you suddenly have such an idea?"

"You won't be scared stupid, Kong Huan!"

"It's just a bunch of bugs. At the beginning, Chu Xia could solve it by herself. Now we have the support of the whole ethnic group."

Facing the crusade by several people, Kong Huan looked at the crowd in astonishment, and then was a little at a loss about his own reaction, how could he have such self-defeating thoughts just now.

Indeed, how could it be?strangeness.

Shaking his head, Kong Huan smiled gratefully at everyone: "Okay, after all, the threat of bugs is unknown. What we have to do is to make us stronger. When those bugs come down, they find that the previous prey has suddenly changed. It might be fun to be a hunter."

"So, everyone agrees on the names of the friends, right?"

At this time, there was no disagreement among the people. If the affairs of the related clan were messed up because of an enemy, everyone would obviously not be satisfied.

"In this way, from now on, our quack ape clan will officially get our own name, Pengzu."

"However," Kong Huan smiled and flapped the wings behind him. Looking at the audience, except for Chu Xia who usually puts away because she uses Thunder Wings and looks more like a quack ape, they are all chrysalis with four wings on her back. Avatars, he thought for a while and said.

"Because our group has the ability to pupate, all members of the friend group are called 'people' or 'friends'."

"However, if it is necessary to distinguish normally, Quack Ape can be called [Original Man]; and the pupated body is called [Winged Man]; in the future, because there will be a possibility of secondary pupae, then the secondary pupae body, then Called [heaven and man], how about it?"

As for the issue of the three-consciousness avatar, except for the other three righteous gods present, they are already clear.

After the three righteous gods moved the temple to Gashan City, they also learned some specific inside information, so that their attitude towards Kong Huan and the others now seems to be more respectful than when they were facing Gaga before.

On the other hand, Lingxue and the others, because they are often together, and the three of them don't have much coercion, so they are not restrained.

Hearing Kong Huan's proposal, several people thought about it, and there seemed to be no problem, so they all nodded.

From now on, the whole quack ape is officially renamed as [Peng Clan]; people are called [human] or [friend]; and quack ape is known as [Yuan], [Yuan] or [Peng Yuan]; pupated The body is called [wing], [wing man] or [friend wing man]...

Regardless of whether people in the future will discuss this title, or even explicitly discuss it, but at least now, people have expressed their acceptance.

In this way, the meeting was carried out step by step during discussions, drinking tea, and chatting. After everyone slowly checked the "Administrative Plan", "Military Construction", "Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Development" and other arrangements that had been revised, the meeting ended.

This year, the ethnic group officially started a large-scale reform and harvested results.

If we say that the second year BC was the year of temple reform for the entire Peng clan; then the first year BC was the year of system reform for this Peng clan.

This year, the Pengzu officially entered the era of farming and urban civilization.

On January 1, 1 BC, the Gashan Conference ended. (After the meeting, 'Gashan' also became a word with the same meaning as the 'capital' of mankind.)
At the end of February of the same year, relying on the interior of the second ring road, the roads that have been built to connect the provincial capitals, supported by the latest research on the wheeled carts, the carts of bean and vine seeds were dragged and transported by primitive people and camel beasts Arrived at the four provincial capitals in the second ring, and assigned to each city.

Then, with the support of the 'city-village' road, it was distributed to each village.

At the same time, relying on the transportation of a large number of pupae, more bean vine seeds were also transported to the thirteen provincial capitals on the third and fourth ring roads, and were immediately distributed to various villages for planting.

The scene where a large number of pupated bodies collectively transported seeds was called the "Sky Grain Road" by the people who saw this scene, and it was recorded in the history of various places.

On March 3th of the same year, the real city - Gashan City, was officially completed and renamed 'Pengcheng'.

On April 4 of the same year, the reorganization of the five major tribes originally belonging to the Central Province was completed. Together with some tribes surrounding the five major tribes organized by the temple, a management agency with one province and ten cities as the first ring was finally established, with a statistical population of 1.

In June of the same year, relying on the emergency construction of the inter-provincial dirt road on the third ring road, more rice seeds were transported to the provincial capitals within the third ring road, and were quickly divided into villages; The group once again sent the food to the fourth ring intact.

Immediately, the rice seeds were spread among the whole ethnic group. It can be said that the ethnic group has basically completed the agricultural transformation, and the entire ethnic group entered the farming society.

However, Bai Nong's task was not reminded to be completed, and Gu himself figured out that it was because the harvest had not been completed this time.

In July 1 BC, the restructuring of 7 cities in the four provinces of the second ring was completed, with a statistical population of 31.

In September, 9 cities in the thirteen provinces of the third and fourth rings completed their restructuring successively, with a statistical population of 117.

In addition to Shuilan Province, which had completed its basic restructuring in 2 BC, the total population of the ethnic group actually reached nearly 7.

This number is far more than the 5 people estimated by Gashan executives, which made a group of senior executives smile wryly, but because of this, they have become confident in more effective management after the restructuring.

Then, time once again entered November.

In November of 1 BC, the Pengzu, who had completely changed their appearance, ushered in their second (historians say it was the third) Harvest Festival.

 Speaking of
  January 1st seems to be Singles' Day
  November 11th, then it's Super Singles' Day


  August 8 pinch?

  Speaking of which, we were scared to death today.

  One day there was a snake at least one meter above the window. I asked the neighbors to watch it together, and both of them exclaimed there.

  Snake! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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