Spore Story

Chapter 289 Development, Evolution and Welfare

Chapter 289 Development, Evolution and Welfare

This is the first festival of the Harvest Festival in 1 BC. Although this calendar is only used in the minds of a few high-level people for the time being, Kong Huan has already begun to use this to calculate his own life.

Of course, many things from the past, who remembers which year it was?

So, leave these to the great archaeologists in the future, this is the most realistic idea of ​​fantasy.

Different from the previous Harvest Festival which had no real name, this time the first harvest festival, the entire ethnic group has cultivated farmland, and harvested bean vines once in the first half of the year.

Although due to the limitation of the number of rice seeds, the group cultivated not many fields this time, but it was enough to meet the food reserves of the whole group for more than a year.

"In a few days, Bai Nong, your mission should be completed. At that time, you can know whether it is the civilization control center or the pupation component has been upgraded, and you can also determine the difficulty of the mission."

The three of Kong Huan and the four of Bai Min are walking on the main road of Pengcheng (formerly Gashan City). dusty scene.

The trees on both sides of the road grow one by one in front of the roadside shops, but now most of these shops are just inside Pengcheng, the shops set up by the empty three people, selling some items purchased from other provinces and cities.

In the words of Bai Nong, it is up to us to promote the circulation of commodities before people realize it.

However, this also added a lot of food reserves to Pengcheng by the way, so that the warehouses that were blown up by Lingxue and the others some time ago are now mostly full of food.

The hard ground, the bustling streets, and the tidy tile-roofed houses, all of these gave Kong Huan a sense of space-time confusion.

If it weren't for the fact that the surroundings, including himself, were all familiar and unfamiliar friends (Quack ape), perhaps, he would have thought that he had traveled to ancient times.

"You said two tasks, which one should be delayed? After all, 8051 said that there are still hundreds of years to delay, so as to facilitate our development."

Walking and walking, Bai Nong unnaturally raised his head to look at the sky.

Because it was noon, the glare of the sun made it difficult for people to find the hidden moon, so Bai Nong just recalled the shape of the third moon in his mind, and then looked back.

"The role of the civilization control center is still unknown, and the upgrade of the pupae body can make the group stronger, but..."

Looking at the direction of the Executive Yuan, Kong Huan smiled and said: "The pupation upgrade requirements are definitely higher than the first pupation. The difference from the advanced soul level, or even the ghost level, but if you think about it, it's better to practice hard."

"So, I'm leaning towards the Civilization Control Center. After all, according to 8051, this thing can be regarded as an evolutionary version of the editing space. Its function is to facilitate the overall upgrade, not the pupation of a specific pupation."

"Maybe, I just don't know what's going on at 8051. If she's here, you can ask her for her opinion, or ask for something specific." Shaking his head helplessly, Bai Nong turned to look at the side and Together, Bai Min teased the dark blood of the little white rabbit in Bai Min's arms.

"By the way, Dark Blood, how is the establishment of your military organization going? When is it expected to be completed?"

Hearing Bai Nong's words, Kong Huan withdrew his gaze from a busy grocery store, and looked back at the dark blood with a leisurely face.

Her final task this time is similar to the current task types of Kong Huan and Bai Nong. They are all system reforms of ethnic groups, which makes it impossible for Kong Huan to further predict what her next task will be based on changes in the tasks of several people. how is it like.

Taking his eyes away from the fluffy little white rabbit, Dark Blood thought for a while and said: "The militia patrols in each city are still under construction, I'm afraid it will have to wait until after the main festival; although most of the militia gorges in each province have been completed, they are still under construction. It is because of the relationship between farming, and we have to wait until after the main sacrifice; but the three gorges directly under Mount Ga, because they have been built some time ago, have no effect on the farming now, and we can train slowly in the future."

"Of course, in order to be more perfect, I am writing a specific book on military aspects, and at the same time improve the construction of troops. If possible, it is best to standardize."

"As for when it will be completed? Well..."

Tilting his head and thinking for a while, Dark Blood looked at the calendar slate on the wall of the Executive Yuan in the distance, "Today is November 11th, after doing the math, it should be around mid-November, when the ethnic groups add up to twenty militiamen The canyon will be fully constructed.”

"Oh, by then, the friends can officially enter the age of mammals."

(Yeah, I said it with anticipation.) Hearing what Anxue said, Kong Huan nodded, and subconsciously looked at the flat chests of Anxue and Bai Min.

Bai Min didn't know what to say, but Anxue's eyes gave Kong Huan a hard lesson, and he could only look back with a smirk.

(Hey, sure enough, that part is missing... even if you have poor breasts.)
At this time, a small car passed in front of Kong Huan and the others. Hearing the rattling sound of the wheels rubbing against the axle, a smile appeared on Kong Huan's face.

These small cars were all designed by Unreal a year ago, and then expanded and produced by the [Car Factory] in Pengcheng Industrial Zone.

The bow wood originally intended to be used as the body of the bow has now been tested to produce many excellent bows and arrows.

And because of its excellent characteristics, it was also valued by Utopia who was busy making transportation tools at that time, so it was made into the axle of a trolley, and it performed very well.

Of course, limited by the output and insisting on the rational use of resources, the bowwood used as the axle is made of thicker parts, while the bow and arrow is made of finer parts. Even the parts that are neither thick nor thin are kept as resource reserves. .

As for the wheels, use the large trees that can be seen everywhere today, cut out the round wheels from the whole log, then wrap the outer edge with copper strips to fasten the wheels, and at the same time wrap the joint between the shaft and the wheels with copper skin, making a [bow wood] Shaft] and two [log wheels] make the service life of the trolley greatly increased.

Nowadays, there are many types of transportation vehicles in the ethnic group: there are two-wheeled flatbed vehicles, two-wheeled trailers, four-wheeled box vehicles, and four-wheeled trailers...

However, limited by the production of qualified copper, it has been more than a year since the production of this small car, and the [refined car] produced by the [car factory] in the Pengcheng Industrial Zone, with copper-clad wheels and shafts, is only a few years old. Fewer than 50, and all of them are two-wheeled trailers.

These refined vehicles have been enriched into the freight team of Pengcheng. Under the handling of the domesticated camel dragon, the transportation volume is close to 5 catties at a time.

These vehicles played an extremely important role in transporting seeds to the provinces, and made people in each province see this convenient means of transportation for the first time.

At the same time, there were only [conventional small cars] with copper shafts, regardless of size, and a total of more than 600 cars were produced in total.

Among the more than 600 conventional vehicles, 20 provinces have allocated 1 two-wheeled trailers for transportation to their cities or central provinces, and the transportation capacity of bicycles is about [-] kg;

And through the bazaars in various provinces, 60 such small cars were traded. Such a small transaction volume is mainly due to two points:

One is cognition. People’s impression of this kind of car is mainly in the seed transportation in Gashan. Besides, it has not found its important role in life for the time being, so there is still little demand for it;

The second is the price. One of the cheapest [conventional two-wheeled flatbed trucks] will cost 100 catties of grain, so many people who have just started to harvest and store food, even if they feel the role of the trolley a little, can’t make up their minds to pay for a The quarterly amount of food is exchanged for this new thing, even if the transport volume of this car is six to seven hundred catties;
However, Kong Huan and others believe that with the passage of time, the usage of small cars will gradually increase, and the types will also change due to different needs.

As for the rest of the cars, they were all filled by Lingxue into the freight team in the central province. Together, these cars can transport nearly 30 catties at a time, which is enough to mobilize food from the provinces in an emergency.

However, because the wheels of this conventional trolley are not copper-clad, they need to be replaced frequently, which forced Kong Huan to independently produce the wheels in advance, and established the [Wheel Factory] affiliated to the [Car Factory].

As for the [Small Car], which does not have copper-clad shafts and wheels, due to the high rate of wear and tear, it caused a waste of resources, so less than 200 cars were produced, and they were discontinued by Unreal.

Most of the small cars produced in the early stage were sold at low prices to people in the central province and Shuilan province, two provinces with better road conditions.

"Speaking of which, is it really feasible to implement assembly line production this time?"

Looking at the small cars passing by on the stone road in front of him, Bai Nong looked at the yard of the depot not far away with emotion, and then looked at Kong Huan.

Some time ago, perhaps seeing the gradual increase in the number of people buying small cars in the market, Kong Huan reformed the car factory and implemented assembly line production.

But in this regard, Bai Nong felt a little too hasty: "Although the output of assembly line production will be high, the requirements for precision will also increase accordingly. Can the current production capacity, education level and technical level reach this level?"

"The car factory uses high-quality copperware. The accuracy only needs to reach the centimeter level. After all, there is no need to be too demanding. The product is just a simple car now, so I have refined the meter ruler It was handed over to the car factory for use."

"And in each factory, I have people who have reached the level of extended school education, as technicians, they all have some knowledge of geometry, so don't worry."

Smiling, Kong Huan pointed to a small car parked on the side of the road. From the details, it can be seen that this is the latest production of the car factory. Careful workers even polished the edges to make the whole look very comfortable.

Hollow pointed to the area where the shaft and the wheel meet and said: "I have already refined the meter scale down to millimeters, but I only require them to be accurate to centimeters. The millimeters are only for temporary reference, and there is no requirement. Moreover, in Although there were some minor problems during the production, I have resolved them.”

"Now, the car factory has been completely divided into four factories [Bearing Factory], [Wheel Factory], [Body Factory] and [Assembly Factory], and it has almost established an industry with the [Lumber Mill] and [Bronze Factory] .”

"Hehe, fortunately, Pengcheng was built very large at the beginning, so there is no shortage of space. After the adaptation period of this period passes, the daily output of two-wheeled trailers in the [regular car] should be stable at 10. "

Speaking of this, Kong Huan patted the small car in front of him proudly, but when his eyes caught the copper on the axle, he quickly got down again.

"Hey, there is still a problem."

"It's the output of this tragic copperware." Sighing heavily, Kong Huan completely ignored Bai Nong's teasing, rubbed his forehead, and said, "I don't have much experience in smelting, so I usually leave it to other people to test , As a result, the finished product rate of the copperware factory is still less than 10%.”

"Sure enough, does education still need to be further deepened? But now it is the double moon star, no matter whether it is physics or chemistry, I don't know, no, it is definitely very different from the earth, at least when relying on spiritual vibration and measuring the acceleration of gravity. Then I discovered the difference, the radius of the double moon star is probably larger than that of the earth."

"So, I just asked Chu Xia to establish a stable education system as soon as possible, and then let those students who came out of the extended school, or even the classified school, build up step by step a civilized technology system that belongs to the Double Moon Star and the Peng Clan. .”

"Now the [depot] wants bronze wares, the [carpentry workshop] wants bronze wares, the [militiaman] wants bronze wares, and the [lumber mill] wants bronze wares... But the current output of the copper wares factory..."

Looking at the helpless emptiness on his face, although he didn't want to hit him, Bai Nong still said: "Actually, we still have a problem, I don't know if you have noticed it?"

"Just say what you have!" Kong Huan replied angrily.

"Well," Bai Nong said helplessly, spreading out his hands, "that is, we can still use charcoal for smelting, but we should still be in the age of dinosaurs, so what about coal and oil?"

"You know, coal and oil are probably still in the form of wood and dinosaurs in front of us. Then how to solve the energy problem in the future? It is impossible to wait for millions of years before we all become fossils and oil before developing energy. "

"...Hey!" X2
The two were knocked down in an instant, and just like that, they started OTZ on the street, causing a bunch of bored people around to watch.

"I'm so ashamed." Glaring at the two guys angrily, Dark Blood flirted with Bai Min, and then the two stepped forward, one by one, dragging the two guys to a restaurant not far away.

At noon, for people who have already started to have leisure time, it is time to have lunch. Although this restaurant is established on the commercial street of Pengcheng, the people who usually go to eat are only people in Pengcheng. Now It's more like a group canteen.

"Take your time, what are you two guys thinking about in the long run?"

"Also, don't always look at the Friends by the standards of human civilization."

—————Knowledge, technology, strength, organization... Sure enough, education is the most important—————

On November 11, the official harvesting of the ethnic groups began. Looking at the east, west, north, south, the ethnic groups are located on millions of square kilometers of land. As long as there are friends, there is a piece of land.

People drove away the animals on the land, cut down the trees that occupied the land, built fences with trees to block the animal attacks, burned the plants on the land with flames, and fertilized the farmland.

In this way, the first separation of humans and animals began.

Of course, what we need to pay attention to is not here, as long as we know that the farmland has started to harvest seeds on a large scale.

On November 11, after the lively harvest festival in 31 BC, which was completely incomparable with last year, Bai Nong, who was still counting the amount of grain obtained from this harvest and trade in the warehouse area, received his own Sent by the maid team (resolutely not male servants), preliminary statistics on the harvesting of farmland in various provinces this time.

Then, the notification of task completion came as promised.

Name: Empty Fantasy/Bainong
Power: 20
Energy: 67
Consciousness: 409
Spirit: 37737/40900
Current goal: Increase the number of cultivated fields per capita to 20 fields.

Harvest: Chrysalis component upgrade.

After being in a trance for a while, Bai Nong, who had a somewhat gloomy expression, froze for a moment, and looked at the farmland statistics in his hand again.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief again: "Fortunately, there are only 7 or 5 people in the ethnic group who can farm, and the per capita is only three or four fields per person. There are still many fields to reach 20 fields per capita. time, and it can still be controlled.”

Wiping off his sweat, Bai Nong was speechless about his behavior of controlling and not wanting to complete the task. (However, since my task reward is to upgrade the pupational components, the illusory one is obviously the civilization control center, and I don’t know what it is. If I don’t have a second-level pupationalization, I will lose money.)
Looking up at the industrial area, Kong Huan has often stayed there recently, because the development of more and more ethnic groups is restricted by technology, especially the restrictions on basic theory are extremely serious.

The ethnic group does not know the air density of the double moon star, nor the chemical composition of the double moon star or even the system world. In the experiment, many things are prone to unknown errors due to the illusory habits of the earth.

But for now, it can only be kept like this for the time being, because in the research of basic theory, the three of them have little experience and no right to speak. Go through middle school all over again. (=.=)

Therefore, Kong Huan can only conduct research on applied technology first, and then slowly accumulate background information for the group. Until a certain day in the future, Kong Huan or some other friend scientist will obtain a theoretical breakthrough in order to further improve the technical level of the friend group. .

Regarding this helpless move, the three of Kong Huan expressed that they had to accept it.

"I remember Kong Huan said that his task is to organize and restructure the ethnic group. Now that the reorganization of the eighteen provinces of the ethnic group has been completed, I think it will be announced at the annual meeting."

Shaking his head, Bai Nong turned his attention back to the document in his hand.

This time, the entire eighteen provinces of the ethnic group reclaimed a total of 23 fields of farmland. After the harvest of rice, the rough statistics showed that the output was 7000 million catties.

However, in order to allow farmers to have more food surplus, the entire ethnic group did not collect taxes this year, but plans to start collecting taxes after the official operation of various government departments next year.

Moreover, this year, due to the sale of goods from production factories such as Pengcheng's copperware factory and car factory, as well as the goods reselling activities carried out by Konghuan, a lot of food has been saved for Pengcheng. Under reclamation, enough food was obtained.

At the same time, with the two role models of Pengcheng and Shuilancheng, it is also possible to disseminate urban management experience to managers from various provincial cities during this year's annual meeting, so as to further stabilize the cities in each province.

At this time, a loud noise came from the industrial area.


"It's coming again." Shaking his head, Bai Nong continued to do the work in hand.

During the recent period, in order to find out the smelting method of copper ore and more available minerals, Hung Huan almost hides in the smelting laboratory in the industrial area.

Occasionally, when encountering those flammable ores with a high degree of expansion, this kind of explosion is common to the fantasy who is slowly figuring out the method of mineral experimentation from scratch.

However, thanks to Lingxue's accident, everyone attaches great importance to safety protection, so some potentially dangerous experiments are carried out in an open area, and they can be monitored with mental power from a long distance away, relying on long poles Wait for the tool to do it.

And Kong Huan has expressed more than once that he really hopes to be promoted to Youshen level immediately, so using mind power is obviously safer and more convenient than manual control.

"I also want to upgrade to the Youshen level."

Bai Nong smiled, and after saying something, he continued to work hard.

—————— Theory, the basic theory is the premise of the development of science and technology—————

After the rice is harvested, it is time to welcome winter.

This year's winter will be a carefree day for the entire ethnic group.

Different from the primitive society of human beings, extensive and scattered planting was used at the beginning. Even if the farming experience of Bai Nong was excluded, the initial planting technology was derived from the fine planting of medicinal herbs. Therefore, in the absence of professionals, The cultivation of these grains can only be taught temporarily by priests who are good at growing medicinal herbs.

From Kong Huan's point of view, they are all planting plants, which should be about the same.

As a result, people in many places seem to be overly careful about the management and monitoring of farmland. In some places, farmers even imitate priests and build a stone wall on the side of the farmland. Write records on it.

Some people who can't write, even under people's creative thinking, use pictures instead on the white gray walls to record their daily growth.

And Bai Nong, who occasionally goes out to investigate, can only be speechless in the face of the stone walls full of various abstract paintings. However, he did not prohibit this kind of behavior, but let people change "every day" into "every five days" ', and focus more on pests in farmland.

In this way, when the rice of the entire ethnic group was harvested, the output was slightly improved compared to the original Shuilan Province.

In addition, it was the first time to cultivate, and all they were looking for were relatively fertile land, and bean vines had been planted before.

Therefore, when winter comes, for the first time, people no longer need to be busy hunting and storing winter grain every day, but when they think of it, they go to the warehouse and see the full grain inside, and people's hearts are full. will calm down.

In this regard, everyone will put on a smile of relief and approval.

So, time continues to move forward, every day, every second, all kinds of things happen, but it is impossible for us to record them all.

In mid-November, the sight returned to Pengcheng.

The heavy snowfall of the previous day allowed everyone to appreciate the beauty of the world covered in silver.

But today, thousands of Yiren and Yuanren are standing in the central square of Pengcheng, stepping on the icy white snow under their feet, but no one feels cold because of it.

This is not only because of the thermal insulation effect of the animal skin boots, but more importantly, this is the moment when the first army of the ethnic group was officially established, which made the blood of those who understand the meaning a little excited.

After routinely delivering a bunch of nonsense, the army drills began.

The first is a rehearsal for the Wingman (chrysalis) units.

So far, a small [Wingman Team] has been established, with a total of 120 members.

The weapons of the Yiren team are [Flying Feather Bows and Arrows] made of bow wood, with a range of about 300 meters. However, since the Yiren are all flying units, the range and lethality will also vary depending on the situation.

At the same time, the protection of the Wingman team mainly comes from [full-body vine armor], but it is the [Air Combat Medium Armor] mode: it is composed of helmets, breastplates, skirt armors, leggings, and armguards, which can cope with ordinary armor in terms of protection. Stones and wooden sticks are commonly used attack weapons by the double-moon star species.

With an order, I saw that the Wingman team of this gorge flew to the sky at the same time. After lining up in the sky, they circled around Pengcheng neatly, and then began to dive to the ground.

Then, they raised the bows and arrows in their hands, and drew the bowstrings at the straw figures made of corn poles in the central square.

In an instant, the flowing bow and arrow pierced the ground with a whistling sound.

He looked at it intently, covered the dark blood in the audience with his mental power, frowned slightly, but quickly returned to normal: "The hit rate is about 30%, it's not bad."

But for other people who didn't know the inside story, what they saw was densely packed flying arrows, pricking each straw man into a hedgehog. This shocked everyone and brought the whole square into a short-term calm.

However, the members of the Wingman team didn't react much, because they had seen a lot of this in the usual training, but when they landed on the ground after the performance and saw the amazed expressions of their companions around them, their faces showed Such a smugness.

However, these guys obviously don't know that their performance is just "okay" in the dark blood of their immediate boss, because this means that the training in the future may be more serious.

For a Yiren team like this, the order issued by Gashan is that each province must have at least one cliff and at most one gorge. It can be used for farming during busy farming seasons and for training during off-seasons.

When facing ordinary enemies, you can directly send out the wingman team.

And if you are facing a large number of enemies, you can use the members of the Wingman team as the team leader or even the captain, and quickly expand the 4000 Wingman teams in the [-] provinces of the ethnic group to [-] people.

Although in this way, Shanxia's combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced, but winning by numbers is a good way when the enemy's individual strength is not strong, but the overall number is high.

The performance of the Yiren team is completed, and of course the next step is the [Original Team].

Different from the flying unit of the Yiren team, which is a group of three people, three teams in one team, four teams in one cliff, and three cliffs in one canyon, the Yuanren team is formed as a "three-person team" because it is all ground troops. One group of people, one team of three groups, one cliff of eight teams, three cliffs and one canyon' mode.

In other words, although the original team is also a gorge, but the number has reached 240 people.

The performance of the entire original team mainly focused on the overall formation march, battle charge, and group combat.

The equipment of the Yuanren team is different from the Yiren team's single mode of bow and arrow, but is more abundant.

In total, the original human team has three arms: archers, spearmen, and sword and shield soldiers.

The attack weapons of [Archers] are [Land Battle Bow and Arrow] and [Bronze Dagger]. The bow and arrow models are slightly smaller than those used by Wingmen, because their range of action is limited to the ground, so the range is reduced to about 200 meters.

The protective equipment is similar to the Wingman's [Land Battle Medium Armor], except that the rattan armor is covered with leather, which can protect some small attack scratches, such as thorns in the forest, and at the same time it does not affect the movement.

Archers, as wingless support and as a long-range attack force when fighting in dense forest-like spaces, enrich the combat of land troops.

[Lancers] have two types of attack weapons: [Bronze Spear], which is used as a long weapon for close combat; [Wooden Short Spear], which is used as a projectile weapon to supplement the lack of medium-range attack power of Archers.

In terms of protective equipment, the spearmen use [Land Battle Heavy Armor]. On the basis of medium size, a small amount of copper or wood is added to key parts, such as the heart, to protect the scattering of bows and arrows at a long distance.

Spearmen are mainly the main force of melee combat in group battles. Combat in groups can put a lot of pressure on the enemy; short spears thrown at mid-range can cause great casualties to enemies within a hundred meters.

The attack weapon of the [Sword and Shield Soldiers] is the [Electric Copper Knife] mixed with calcium carbide, which possesses considerable strength.

Although its length is less than one meter, it can actualize the power attack ability of the friends.This is a by-product of the void smelting experiment, and the output is not large.Therefore, until now, only the central province has this type of arms, and the number is less than a cliff.

The protective equipment is different from the rattan armor of other arms. The sword and shield soldiers use the [Land War Full Body Heavy Armor] inlaid with wood, and the [Bronze Wooden Shield] made of a whole piece of wood inlaid with copper skin. In terms of weapons, Wingman's [Flying Feather Bow and Arrow] also needs to enter 30 meters to shoot directly.

However, if the original human with epic-level dense muscles punched it with all his strength, the copper and wooden shield would cry; if he threw two punches, the poor guy would be torn apart.

This may seem weak, but in fact, it can withstand a punch. The power of this copper and wooden shield is already very good.

You know, the strength of ordinary primitive people is also around a thousand catties.

"In terms of military formation, is there only such two gorges troops now?"

There is no research on combat in the cold weapon era, and there is no combat research. Lingxue and the others, looking at the army of less than 400 people, thinking of the situation that thousands of pupae were needed to deal with a Zerg base last time, I felt a little bit in my heart. Not satisfied.

"Don't underestimate the militia." Dark Blood shook his head, explaining in detail the difference between trained regular troops and miscellaneous soldiers.

Finally, she made a comparison: "If it was the same Zerg base as last time, we used more than 1000 untrained pupae at that time; but with the current army, any gorge can easily win."

"At the same time," at this point, Darkblood nodded to the guard beside him, signaling him to bring over what he needed.

Letting go of the documents sent by the guards, Dark Blood pointed to the documents in the hands of several high-level officials standing on the square and said: "In addition to the mandatory requirements of the provinces to assemble such troops, each city will also depend on the population. Component 1 to the patrol of 3 teams."

"The patrol team is equipped with hard wooden sticks and stubborn wooden bows and arrows, and wears [light armor] with only breastplate and skirt armor. A team consists of four wingmen and six original men, responsible for security patrols."

"It is estimated that such a patrol team will have a total of 4000 people when it is set up. It can be assembled into a large force in an emergency. Although its combat effectiveness is not as good as that of a team that is trained in addition to farming, it is also better than farmers without any training."

"In the future, the members of the team will be selected from outstanding patrol members, and the patrol members will be selected from adults who have at least basic school knowledge."

Having said that, Darkblood clapped the leather book in his hand.

On the top of this book is written "Military Organization of Pengzu Ethnic Group" in sixteen characters, a thick book, although not as good as "Gashan (Nth revision)", but it is enough to make other books far behind .

"This is the organizational structure I have recently concluded, and it has been implemented in the existing army. So, is this military organization qualified?"

Speaking of this, Dark Blood looked at the patriarch Lingxue.

Although Lingxue also listened to Kong Huan and the others, at least in their hearts, Kong Huan and the others felt that the ethnic group needed such a core leader.

Looking at the three Konghuan who were staring at her seriously, Lingxue was slightly dazzled.

She remembered once again that she is now the patriarch of a large ethnic group with 7 people. When she recalled Gashan, which had only more than 100 people in the beginning, she felt inexplicable.

"Lingxue? Lingxue!"

"Ah!" The call awakened Lingxue from her contemplation, her face blushed slightly, Lingxue smiled awkwardly and said, "I'm sorry, I remembered many things from the past, and before I knew it..."

Several people looked a little stiff, but after hearing Lingxue's answer, they calmed down.

If you really want to talk about distraction, no one present can compare with a few empty illusions. Of course, this is not an ability to be proud of.

Smiling, Dark Blood nodded to indicate that it was all right, and then put the book in Lingxue's hands: "Then, Lingxue, the military organization of the ethnic group, was officially established today, that is, on May 1th, 15 BC. As the patriarch, you have no objection."

"No, no." Nodding hurriedly, everyone expressed their understanding of Lingxue's trance during this period, so when they saw Lingxue losing her composure, they just smiled kindly.

But as soon as Lingxue finished speaking, the three of Kong Huan suddenly felt a shock wave, and immediately turned their heads to look at Dark Blood.

As soon as Dark Blood wanted to nod, he realized that everything in front of him had stopped.

Every time there is a big change, the energy of the double moon star wrapped in the whole system will fluctuate abnormally, so that the emptiness at the core can clearly feel all this.

The fluctuation quickly swept across the locations of all the friends, and the bodies of every quack ape began to change.

Regardless of male or female, the appearance of all quack apes (friends) began to change, the body became more solid, the skin became more delicate, the internal organs began to be replaced, and the reproductive system was completely replaced... Countless details will not be discussed here. up.

When everything returned to normal, except for Dark Blood, Bainong and Void, no one noticed this, even though many of their bodies were completely different from before.

At this moment, Kong Huan, who woke up, subconsciously glanced around, checking the changes of other people.

Then, he felt some itching in his nose.

(It's been many, many years, and I finally saw something familiar and attractive.)
"Illusion, image."

In terms of mental strength, the words from Bai Nong made Kong Huan recover a little bit.

Immediately, he looked at the parts of Lingxue, Chu Xia, Chu Jie, even An Xue and Bai Min with some embarrassment.

For some reason, he felt that if he stayed here any longer, he would die.

"Well, I'll go out for a while, you guys continue."

After finishing speaking, Kong Huan ran towards the copperware factory where he had been living recently, as if fleeing for his life. What he saw along the way made Kong Huan a little surprised.

Because it is winter, the people (Quack Ape) are all wearing full-body clothes, and after watching the team's performance, because of the cold weather, people either go back to their houses to roast the fireplace, or go to work in the factory.

Therefore, the people I saw along the way, especially women, have not crossed the line too much.

But Kong Huan discovered a strange thing, that is, there are many women on the road, because of the reason why Quack Ape had flat chest before... (as everyone knows).

Then, when the upgrade of mammals is completed, the armor of some powerful women should obviously be squeezed, but what the empty illusion sees is a piece of clothing and armor that fits so well that the empty illusion cannot While not lamenting the humanization of the system, I also have a better understanding of the power of the system.

"Really, I can't bear such a little pressure, it's too substandard." Kong Huan, who was lying at the gate of the copperware factory, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and the moment he opened the door, a gust of hot air rushed towards his face.

However, this is obviously a normal thing for Kong Huan who often goes in and out of the copperware factory.

Reaching out to untie the clothes on his body and hang them on the clothes rail inside the door, Kong Huan suddenly stared at the row of clothes on the clothes rail in shock.

He remembered a very serious problem.

"What's the matter? Master Konghuan."

At this time, a question with a slight bell sound behind him made Kong Huan tremble all over, his neck seemed to stiffen at this moment, and then driven by his subconscious mind, he involuntarily looked behind him.

"Ah! It's not good, Master Konghuan is bleeding!"

"It's really interesting." Accompanied by a voice that seemed to be his last words, Kong Huan fell into two groups of soft objects, and his eyes were dark.

His fainting may be due to the great difference between hot and cold, or it may be due to other things, but... Sah, who knows.

Under the Executive Yuan building, Bai Nong rubbed his forehead and looked at the group of beauties beside him.

Well, he is also empty after all, but he is just a step further than empty (Hui Li) on the level of a hypocrite. (=.=)

"Well, Lingxue, how do you feel?"

"Feeling?" Lingxue withdrew her eyes from the running away Void and Dark Blood, looked around, and then looked at her slightly swollen chest, which Bai Nong glanced at from time to time, and frowned suspiciously .

"Speaking of which, it seems that the chest really feels a little heavy?"

"Hearing what you said, it seems that I have a little bit too." When she said this, Chu Xia stretched out her hands to support the two balls on her chest in doubt, and then said, "It feels like these two balls are heavier than before."


"Eh? Bainong, why are you bleeding too? Ah, why do you say 'also'?"

In this way, the entire quack ape has officially entered the era of mammals, and the first to suffer the bloody disaster are the two male fantasy children's shoes.

As for Dark Blood, she was shutting herself up in a special hut for military troops with her face flushed at the moment, looking at the drying rack for flat clothes except for the clothes on her body that had a slightly enlarged chest.

"Damn, why did you ignore this thing." Stretching out his hand and rubbing it carefully, Dark Blood let out a heavy sigh of relief: "Phew, fortunately it's not big." (Self-weight=.=)

At this time, the space above Pengcheng was slightly distorted, and a colorful figure suddenly appeared with a faint light.

When it changed before, in an unknown dense forest on the main road, a bland spore suddenly shriveled up.

  The one from yesterday didn't even have any answer...Gah.

  Then on November 11th, Super Singles’ Day;
  Evolved to August 8th...


  The two teams of bachelors get entangled, so isn't it...the **** festival, Sinai
  囧Have we become corrupted too, this tragic world...

(End of this chapter)

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