Spore Story

Chapter 290 Well, the primary civilization is finally here

Chapter 290 Well, the primary civilization is finally here

[Civilization Control Center is restarting...]

[Detect user civilization...]

"Hello everyone, I am the auxiliary system 8051 that has not appeared for a long time."


"What was that just now?"

Rubbing his still dizzy head, Kong Huan opened his mouth to say this question, and then continued to lie down on the ground to recover his corpse.

"Well, I'm not excited. I used to work for the system, and now I'm working for my future self. You won't be confused by the voice just now, right? 8051 asked with concern."

"I'm not saying what you said."

Somewhat impatiently interrupting 8051, Kong Huan controlled a few strands of electric current to flow through his body, allowing him to regain control over his body.

After turning his head and throwing a look of 'I'm fine' at Xiao Lingyun and Chu Ling who were concerned, Kong Huan continued: "Although your words make people want to complain, but what I want to ask is the question just now. What the hell is the sound of confusion, and something that's restarting?"

If the chaotic reminder sound in his mind hadn't been suddenly cut off and restarted by 8051, Kong Huan would probably have a nervous breakdown caused by this sound.

"Oh, just treat the chaos just now as a useless remnant of the system. Anyway, I have forced the restart of the civilization control center, so the same thing as before will not happen again. You can rest assured about this. 8051 The remnants of it are little favors."

"Ah, that's right," clapping his hands, 8051 with a suddenly enlightened expression, turned his head and saw the conference personnel who were leaving the square not far away, turned back and smiled at Kong Huan and said, "It may take some time for the civilization control center to restart." , now the meeting is over, take advantage of this time, let's call Shang Lingxue and the others to Chu Jie's temple to discuss."

After finishing speaking, ignoring the confused emptiness, and the completely unknown three main consciousnesses of Xiao Lingyun and Chu Ling, 8051 teleported to the high platform where Lingxue was, leaving the three people looking at each other in blank dismay. people.

"Forget it, let's go to the temple and wait for them."

Scratching the back of his head helplessly, Kong Huan took a deep look at the talisman statue holding two bone blades in the center of the square, turned around and walked towards the Chujie Temple at the east gate with the two main consciousnesses.

Different from the statues of the shrines, they are for everyone to visit and exist as movable altars.

The stone statues to be placed in the statue area reserved in the center of the square will be based on those great heroes and heroes who have made great contributions to the ethnic group. After she/they pass away, carved exclusive statues will appear in the core area of ​​the ethnic group, as the ethnic group Members, remember the place of great men and heroes.

At present, only during the Zerg War period, the spirit talisman that died in battle was unanimously recommended by everyone, ranked in the corner of this square, and became the first hero to enter here.

The stone statue is carved from a whole rock under the control of Youshen-level thoughts. The body is five meters high and the base is two meters high.

On the base, two sides of the base use a relief-like pattern to engrave the figures of the pupated bodies and quack apes that participated in the battle at that time. Of course, the enemy's Zerg base, dogs and war bees are also among them, but it is obvious that they are villain.

On the other two sides, the battle history at that time, as well as the life of the talisman and his contribution to the ethnic group were engraved respectively.

This can also be regarded as the first step for people to learn gradually, learn from great people, and realize gratitude.

This kind of behavior was not proposed by the three illusions, but was proposed by the management of the temple.

In the allocation, the management of the temple will be mainly responsible for the virtue of the people, which can be regarded as a beginning.

As for this, Kong Huan and the others are happy to see it succeed.


"Hasn't it started yet? This thing is really inferior. 8051 complained impatiently about the restart speed of the civilization control center."

"You ask me, I ask who to go to." Kong Huan, who was sitting in the center of the temple surrounded by a group of people, was obviously not very comfortable.

At this moment, everyone is waiting for this with big eyes and small eyes. It is said that something very important to the development of the race has been activated, but looking at the sky outside, it is already dusk.

"Or, everyone can wait while eating."

(As expected of a maid, Die Wu, although you have become the head maid, you are still a qualified maid.) Kong Huan nodded gratefully to Die Wu, he was trying to divert everyone's attention instead of Now it is looked at by everyone as if they were visiting animals.

After a while, food such as rice and stew made by various cooking methods were brought to the altar of Chu Jie's temple one after another.

Since the appearance of idols, the altars of most temples have been occupied by idols, and there are dedicated stone tables for eating.

But Chu Jie was an exception. Perhaps because he was obsessed with the original words of using the altar as a dining table, Chu Jie put the statue inside the temple, but Chu Jie, the priests of the Eastern God, still kept it on the altar, or this It is good practice to eat at an altar-like table.

Therefore, the people in the Chujie Temple are now doing as the Romans do.

"Well, the taste is really good. It's really hard work for you to find so many seasonings." Only at this time, Kong Huan would not hesitate to praise Bai Nong.

But regarding this, Bainong kept silent, just sipping the delicious stew, while Bai Min sat beside Bainong, aiming at Xiao Lingyun's ears in disbelief, as if he really wanted to go up Touch it, but under the pressure of Youshen level, she can only think about it.

"Since the Civilization Control Center hasn't been activated yet, let me talk about some things about the Civilization Control Center first. 8051 is feeling the delicious food while recalling his memories of the Civilization Control Center."

So, while putting the food into their mouths under the observation of spiritual power, everyone turned their attention to 8051. This is also a major feature of the Pengzu.

"Hmm, unlike the editing space, the civilization control center is controlled by the consciousness of the planet..."

"No wonder you said you would work for your future self," Kong Huan muttered in a low voice. Suddenly, he looked at 8051 with surprise and interrupted the other party's words: "Wait! So, after you become the will of the planet, Isn't it equivalent to you opening a server, let's play it! Uh, this kind of power..."

"Don't be delusional! 8051 quickly shattered Kong Huan's delusions." 8051's unexpectedly severe tone surprised everyone, and Kong Huan looked at 8051 even more suspiciously.

Although no one present except Bai Nong and Dark Blood knew the meaning of what Kong Huan said, it did not prevent everyone from enjoying the daily training of 8051 to Kong Huan.

But this time, 8051's reaction seemed to be very different from the usual training, and it seemed that because of the illusory sentence, he became a little less interested.

"Okay, I don't want to talk nonsense anymore." It seemed that it was a little tired, 8051 suddenly calmed down, and then looked at Kong Huan and said: "Civilization Control Center, after the restart, the friends should get the evaluation level of primary civilization , but the control center itself should only be level 1, so the control center can enable [Mission Mode] and [Research Mode].”

"In fact, because I'm mostly hearsay, I only know so much about the control center used by the aborigines. After all, I have never been in contact with the control center used by the aborigines."

"[Mission Mode] is the mode in which you complete the missions and then get rewards."

"The only thing I know here is that these tasks are basically planetary consciousness tasks proposed according to the principle of equivalence based on the actual situation of the species and the needs of the planet."

"Even if I become the will of the planet, I can't cause much interference, because I can't violate the principle of mission formation. The most important thing is that you and I are not smart people who can play tricks."

"The control center just opened can only be counted as level 1, so the reward points obtained should only be used for [research mode] and upgrading the control center."

"[Research Mode] is to use reward points to complete the research of certain technologies. I don't know which technologies to research and how to research..."

Suddenly, Kong Huan's heart moved, and before 8051 could continue talking, his eyes suddenly became dull.

The illusory changes were quickly discovered by people around.


"Don't touch it! It should be that the Civilization Control Center is activated, just wait until he wakes up naturally."

8051's voice was rare and severe, and after she finished speaking, she didn't continue to talk, but started to savor the food in front of her.

"What's the matter? 8051." The careful Chu Xia had already noticed the abnormality of 8051, and looked worriedly at 8051 who seemed to be in a bad mood. She could only ask questions when her own thinking was fruitless.

"It's nothing." Shaking his head, 8051 poured the food into his mouth in a fit of anger. If she hadn't been a conscious body and digested the food without hindrance, the only consequence of this action would be to spill it all over the floor.

"It's just that I don't live up to Kong Huan." He glared at Bai Nong and Anxue next to him, but just after finishing the action, 8051 nodded apologetically to the two, and then sighed heavily.

(What the hell do you want to say!)
Bai Nong and Dark Blood, who were confused by 8051's actions, planned to continue asking questions, but looking at 8051's actions, it seemed that there was more to come.

Sure enough, wiping the corners of his mouth, 8051 looked at Kong Huan who was motionless, propped his head and looked at the people who had stopped eating, smiled apologetically and said, "Actually, I regret finding Gray Li so early. , or brought him with me so early."

Ignoring everyone's suspicious gazes, 8051 looked at Bai Nong and Dark Blood with a wry smile and said: "The trial of the three consciousnesses, the final reward and the task training in it are all meaning to ordinary people, but now I just If you want to understand, the most important thing is to train your main consciousness.”

"Look at the gap between Hui Li and Bai Nong's Dark Blood." Speaking of this, 8051 pointed to Kong Huan, then pointed to the confused Bai Nong and Dark Blood.

"As an ordinary member, Bai Nong unified a tribe of more than 1000 people step by step, established a calendar, farming, and domestication, and was respected by people. Now it is the middle stage of the soul level."

"Dark Blood, also as an ordinary member, gradually became the mayor of the new central district with more than 1000 people, established a physical training system, and led everyone to resist the attack of the black bone ape, and walked out of the canyon. Although it cannot be used in ethnic groups for the time being, it is a potential organizational model. Now it is the middle stage of the soul level."

"As for Hui Li," 8051 sighed, and turned to look at Kong Huan: "Although Hui Li is the most similar to the original Kong Huan, he is also the worst one."

"Perhaps it was too early to find Huili. Under our protection, he has never been able to have the same pressure as Bai Nong and Dark Blood. So until now, he is immature and wants to be lazy. Although he has completed The unity of the ethnic groups, but almost all of them rely on illusory knowledge, the combined effect of the high-level members of Gashan, and how much really belongs to him?"

Speaking of this, 8051 and everyone were a little silent, and although Bai Nong and Dark Blood wanted to defend Huili, they seemed to be a little helpless.

"8051, you are wrong on this point." Chu Xia looked at 8051 with a serious expression, "Although I don't know what the relationship between the memories of the past and the achievements of the present is, but he is an illusion, and After all, he was the one who took the lead in completing the unification of the ethnic group, and most importantly, he was also working hard to do various things for the ethnic group, such as those bronze wares, those carts, and those markets."

"These things don't seem so great, not so dazzling, but they have slowly integrated into our lives, affecting our lives, and making our lives more comfortable."

"Just like the gratitude proposed by the management of the temple, although Void is hesitant to do things and often makes mistakes, our species is indeed moving forward step by step, isn't it?"

Everyone listened quietly to Chu Xia's defense, one sentence after another.

Then, what seemed like a crusade meeting against Kong Huan turned into a summary meeting of the achievements of Kong Huan, Bai Nong and Dark Blood.

When everyone reacted, the sky had completely darkened, and the altar in front of them had already been cleaned up by Die Wu.

Smiling and clapping his hands, 8051's heart moved and he looked at everyone.

"Forget it, success or failure, let future generations judge. We just need to watch the group move forward a little bit, and watch the group wipe out the enemy."

8051, whose expression has gradually relaxed, looked at Kong Huan whose body seemed to be shaking slightly, smiled and made the conclusion.

—————As long as civilization continues, she will not fail—————

[The start-up of the Civilization Control Center is complete. This start-up took a short time and defeated 10% of the control centers in the world. Thank you for using it. 】

"..." (short... 10%, you are 360!)

[The Civilization Control Center is a system established to promote the development of the original civilization. It is an evolutionary control center and a civilization auxiliary system based on the will of the main star of the original civilization. 】

Civilization Control Center
Level: 1

Belongs to: Friends
Civilization points: 10
Upgrade needs: 1000 (insufficient)
Current functions: digitization, task mode, research mode

Looking at the operation interface in front of me, I imagined it for a while, or according to the experience of the editing space, first refer to the two things proposed by 8051. Generally speaking, these are relatively important.

task mode
Obtain the currency of the civilization control center transformed from the energy of the will of the planet through tasks to supply other functions.


[-]. The control center sets tasks of different levels according to the will of the planet;
[-]. The main consciousness selects the corresponding acceptable task and confirms whether to accept it;

[-]. The main consciousness accepts and completes the task;

[-]. The main consciousness acquires civilization points.

Currently, only one task can be performed at the same time. To improve the function, the Civilization Control Center needs to be upgraded.

Enter the task module

research model
The mode of accelerating the development speed of the original civilization requires the currency support of the civilization control center.


[-]. Propose research projects through members of the species, and these projects will be displayed in the civilization control center, waiting for selection;

[-]. The main consciousness chooses a certain research project, and selects the researchers who will participate in the project according to the requirements of the project;
30. The control center evaluates the success rate of the project based on the difficulty of the project and the individual abilities of the project members. When the success rate exceeds [-]% (the default value can be modified), the control center will give the required civilization points and time;

[-]. The main consciousness pays the civilization point that it can bear, and a suitable research location;

[-]. The control center corrects the time required for research according to the civilization points paid by the main consciousness;

[-]. The main consciousness confirmation research begins, and the research location and time are isolated;

[-]. The control center starts the research, during which the main consciousness can suspend the research at any time (do not return the civilization points), terminate the research (return the remaining civilization points), and accelerate the research (additional payment doubles the civilization points);
[-]. If the research is successful, the research site and time will stop in isolation, and the researcher will be involved to obtain the corresponding or all research information.

Currently, only one research can be carried out at the same time, and the improvement of the function requires the upgrade of the Civilization Control Center.

Go to research module

Nodding his head, after Kong Huan roughly understood the corresponding content, he did not rush into each module, but turned his head to look at the main frame again, and focused on [dataization].

According to the human experience that has begun to blur, dataization has always been the key to the game, and it is also the goal that people are eager to achieve in reality, because it can make it easier for people to filter abilities, such as test scores.

But in practical applications, because the accuracy cannot be grasped, and mistakes are often made, digitization can only become a beautiful dream, which is integrated into the game.

However, things like digital by-product proofs are very popular.

Of course, the accuracy of these things is more difficult to grasp, but it is accepted by people because of the blurred judgment, which is human beings.

However, Kong Huan is not interested in paying attention to human affairs now, that is already in the past, he is now the main consciousness of the Pengzu, a person of the Pengzu, human beings, what is that?

digitization (skill)
Skill Description: Consume 1 civilization point to generate a basic attribute frame in the target consciousness, allowing the target and the main consciousness to observe the target's own basic attributes at any time.

Currently, it can only be used on single creatures, and can only display basic attribute boxes. To improve the function, the civilization control center needs to be upgraded.

Withdrawing his attention from several interfaces, the emptiness at this moment makes the corners of his eyes twitch.

"How do you feel, this 'Currently only..., the function improvement needs to upgrade the civilization control center' has a sense of familiarity that makes people speechless."

Dazed for a moment, Kong Huan suddenly remembered, isn’t this thing the same type as 8051’s [beep——]!

"Sure enough, such a guy is indispensable at any time."

Shaking his head, Kong Huan waved away his inner disbelief, and opened all the mission modes and research modules in one go.

The research module is the most important for the fantasy and friends, because it is the real cheat for the rapid development of the group.

But as soon as he saw a blank interface, Kong Huan was speechless, and finally found a line of small words in the lower right corner: research projects need to be proposed by researchers with professional skills before they can be researched.

"Well, from this point of view, I can only actively ask the researchers to propose it. Waiting is not a good habit." My ears moved, as if I heard something. I planned to wait for the fantasy proposed by the researchers. It's better to take the initiative.

Then, he looked at the mission module.

Then, he was dazzled.


In the entire mission mode, there are mission titles like a list. After reading hundreds of them from beginning to end, I feel my brain is starting to feel dizzy. These missions have not been fully displayed yet.

But for these tasks, Kong Huan was a little speechless.

Because, these are all simple tasks that are so trivial that people can't help but roll their eyes. If you look carefully, they are all marked as level 1.

I don't think it was released by a super-great existence like the will of the planet, but it seems like a mission made by a small village chief to amuse children.

(Is this the legendary novice task?)

"Hey, Civilization Control Center... Well, let's call you the center. Are these missions really issued by the will of the planet? Generally speaking, shouldn't the will of the planet be sent out like destroying a race that threatens the planet, killing a certain Do you want to make a dangerous item, save someone... (omit the N word) or something like that?"

Based on the experience of editing space, Kong Huan directly raised his doubts.




Obviously, the civilization control center is far less advanced than the editing space, and it seems that it doesn't even have an auxiliary consciousness.

(Is this really for native civilizations? That soulless civilization can understand these things, Sinai!) Sora went crazy with his fantasy.

...time flies...

The body moved, and Kong Huan opened his eyes in a daze. Looking at the group of people gathering lively in front of him, smelling the aroma of food in the air, Kong Huan felt that his stomach was a little empty, and began to complain.

"Ah, Kong Huan has woken up!"

"Die Wu, give me some stew."

——————— Telling about the magic horse, so I won’t be long-winded—————

"Empty illusion, are you sure this is a mission issued by the will of the planet that you received from the civilization control center."

Putting down the shovel in her hand, Xiao Lingyun asked a little depressed: "Why do I feel like those miscellaneous wishes in the temple?"

In fact, the few people around felt a little strange that the Civilization Control Center, which was said to be very powerful at the beginning, actually released this kind of mission.

Although they have expectations for the research model, everyone is still speechless about such trivial tasks. The most speechless thing is that the main consciousness must be involved. Even if you call hundreds or thousands of people, the main consciousness cannot be lost.

"Okay, stop rambling, I did take over the mission from the control center, but this mission is a simple and quick mission I specially selected for experimentation, so hurry up and complete it."

After finishing speaking, Kong Huan gently put the sapling in his hand into the pit, Chu Ling at the side immediately piled soil into the pit, and Xiao Lingyun was in charge of watering.

That's right, this task is to plant trees, embarrassing.

Planting trees
Rating: Level 1

Mission Objective: Plant 100 Muyun Tree saplings in Pengcheng.

Mission reward: 1 points

Task description: Due to the construction of Pengcheng, the urban greening situation is extremely serious. Collect 100 Muyun tree saplings outside the city and plant them inside the city, so that Pengcheng can get initial greening.

It's only 1 reward point. When I first saw this task, I was so angry that I wanted to flip the table.

But in the end he still chose this task. Why did you choose this task?Because, the missions that can be accepted now are all level 1, and the rewards are also 1 point.

This made Void feel helpless.

And 8051 obviously has nothing to do about it, it can only say, "Let's try to upgrade" such irresponsible words, and run away.

Finally, under the ultra-luxury lineup of several Youshen-level and several Master Consciousness, this level 1 task was completed in less than half a day.

[The level 1 task 'planting trees' is completed and rewarded. 】


task record
Level 1 Missions: 1
Level 2 Missions: 0

"Okay, the task is complete, let's go to lunch." After finishing speaking, Kong Huan walked towards the restaurant with some abandonment.

Of course, that's just an appearance.

In fact, anyone with gaming experience knows that accumulation is needed at the low level, and what is needed most at this time is patience, so Kong Huan has no complaints about this.

And now all he has to do is experiment with two other functions.

"Digitalization, who do you want to digitize? Me?"

After the Civilization Control Center mission is completed, the attribute box for the Trial of Three Consciousness missions has disappeared.

According to 8051, it is now that the emptiness can integrate the original illusory body with the real main consciousness body to receive the support of the species consciousness.

But the three of them have to fuse together to be considered a real fusion. Otherwise, if Konghuan fuses his body, Bai Nong and Dark Blood will no longer be the clones of Wuxuan, that is to say, they will no longer be able to fuse.

Dark Blood really wants Kong Huan to do this, but both Kong Huan and Bai Nong hope that Dark Blood can also be fused together, which leads to the real body of the main consciousness, which is still placed in the original temple of Gashan.

Looking at it now, the tribal group on the hillside of Yuanga Mountain is more like an illusory mausoleum of the main consciousness at this moment...

(This is a tragic association.) After thinking about it, Kong Huan still felt that his thinking was indeed too chaotic, and it was better to return to the right track.

After spending 100 point of civilization that can only be obtained by planting 1 trees, Kong Huan transformed himself into basic data.

[Consume 1 point of civilization, the basic data target: illusory, whether to proceed. 】


A faint ray of light flashed past, felt the various parts of the body, and after confirming that there was nothing abnormal, Kong Huan called out the attribute frame in his consciousness.

Races: Wingman, Friends (primary civilization)

Strength: 27 (10)

Energy: 102 (50)

Consciousness: 339 (100)

Spirit: 29990/33900 (3000)

Intelligence: 15 (10)

The values ​​in ( ) are the average values ​​of creatures of the same type, and this sentence only appears when viewing for the first time.

"Not bad, all items are above the racial average, hehe." Although a little proud, Dang Konghuan is very clear that he is the main consciousness, and he is also the main consciousness that has been cultivated to the soul level. Average, then you can jump into the crater (whether it is emptiness or this control center =. =).

"There is nothing abnormal about digitalization, there is no imaginary restriction of the body, it seems that it is just detection rather than change."

After moving his whole body and confirming Wuyou, Kong Huan opened the entire central interface again, and it really showed that it took a kind of high-level friends half a morning to raise the civilization point to 11 o'clock, and it has once again fallen back to 10 o'clock. [-] O'Clock.

"Then, the next step is research, ahhh." He opened his mouth and swallowed the stew in front of him, and Kong Huan picked up the pottery bowl in his hand, and drank the remaining broth without a drop.

And no one is wasting food while doing it.

Although the ethnic group has entered farming now, and food can be said to be worry-free for the high-level people, none of them will waste food, which is derived from a long-standing instinct.

Because every time there is a wasteful behavior, people will think of their hunting life, and consciously blame themselves for their behavior.

Although it is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, it is difficult to go from extravagant to frugal, but now the ethnic group has not even seen the shadow of extravagance, so it is understandable that everyone advocates thrift.

(However, how many generations can this good habit last? One generation?) Kong Huan doesn't know about this, but he hopes to last longer.

At this moment, Lingxue, who finished eating, looked up at Kong Huan and the people around him, hesitated for a while and said: "Kong Huan, now that the organizational structure has been established, we, as leaders, cannot stay here with you all the time." Do these tasks, and then you will have no problem doing it yourself."

"No, no, go to work, don't delay your work. I'm testing this control center now, and I'll let you know if I find anything." Put down the pottery bowl in your hand, and wipe it with the clean leather handed over by the waiter. Wiping his mouth, upon hearing what Lingxue said, Kong Huan said it nonchalantly.

He knew very well that Lingxue and the others, even Bai Nong and Dark Blood, had already held important positions, and it was impossible for them to be as free as before.

In this case, he himself, who has no position, has a greater degree of freedom, and as the control center, he also needs this degree of freedom in order to perform better.

(How should I say this, let's do it unintentionally.) Withdrawing his thoughts, seeing that everyone had finished eating, Kong Huan got up and walked to the door, while Xiao Lingyun and Chu Ling, who had no specific work, immediately followed.

"I'll go to the copperware factory first, and you can go about your own business." With a wave of his hand, Kong Huan walked towards the industrial area.

At this time, he seemed to have thought of something illusory, stopped and turned to look at Chu Ling and Lingyun, after thinking for a while, he pointed to Xiao Lingyun and said: "Little Lingyun, it's a waste for you to follow me like this, now you The main task is to gather all the net rabbits into the territory of the ethnic group as soon as possible, after all, it is a new species, the number is not large, and a small problem may lead to a big problem, so we must take good care of it."

"Don't worry, Kong Huan, I'm also consciously speaking." She shook her ears cutely, Ling Yun rubbed against Kong Huan, then nodded to the people beside her, and flew towards the current location of Wangtu. go.

Now, for Xiao Lingyun, who is the master of the Net Rabbit clan, besides the few people present, the most important thing is the Net Rabbit.

This is an instinct derived from the main consciousness. If it weren't for the fact that these people have a high status in Xiao Lingyun's heart, I am afraid that when she succeeds the main consciousness of the net rabbit, she will say hello and immediately leave the group to find those who are scattered. Net rabbits mutate everywhere.

As for the possible danger of Xiao Lingyun's going out, she is so illusory that she is not worried at all.

Leaving aside the strength of Xiao Lingyun's ghost body, as the main consciousness, even if she dies accidentally, she will be reborn in a certain net rabbit.

But it is precisely because of this ability that Kong Huan does everything carelessly, because he always says to himself in his heart, "It's okay to die anyway".

But now, he doesn't want to do that anymore.

"Chu Ling, you are the same. Although the hell butterfly is a mature species, it is basically impossible to go extinct unless it encounters a major crisis, but in order to further deepen the relationship between the hell butterfly and its friends, I think you can take the lead." Establish an organization that makes the Hell Butterfly a companion creature."

"For example, let the Hell Butterfly be responsible for killing pests in the farmland. I will leave it to you to do the specifics. If you don't understand, you can ask Lingxue and the others. Of course, I can do it too."

It was about the two species she valued the most, Chu Ling obviously would not slack off in the slightest, her eyes lit up when she heard Kong Huan's suggestion, she nodded heavily, then turned and flew towards the Executive Yuan.

In terms of management details, the current emptiness is probably not as good as the people in the Executive Yuan.

"It's all over, let's continue with my work now."

Looking calmly at everyone doing various things, Kong Huan smiled and walked towards the copperware factory.

After the control center was activated last night, 8051 explained some points to Konghuan in detail, and then left.

Because, she still has to work hard to improve her status in the will of the planet, which is extremely important to both the friends and 8051.

In fact, although he entered the consciousness space and checked the situation of the civilization control center, unlike the editing space, the civilization control center was only a consciousness space after all, so Kong Huan could still hear what people said at that time.

As a matter of course, he clearly heard 8051's sigh and Chu Xia's concern.

Kong Huan didn't know if 8051 said those words on purpose, but he didn't mind, because he could clearly feel 8051's kindness.

Stimulated by those words, he himself began to reflect.

As for everyone's excuses for themselves afterwards, it made Kong Huan feel great pressure, and this pressure prompted Kong Huan to make some changes to himself.

But it's not easy to change a person's personality, so his plan is, every time he sets a goal, he must do it well.


copper factory
This is the first production plant established by Unreal with more than 20 employees.

The furnaces inside are all extremely crude, because Konghuan does not have the same powerful memory and scope as those super traversers. Whether it is an open-hearth blast furnace, it is a fog in Konghuan's view.

This has also led to the copperware factory. Although the number of smelting utensils is not small and there are many technicians, the yield rate is still less than 20% until now.

Of course, this is doubled compared to the initial one, which makes people feel better when they say it this way.

"Bai Yan, how is it? Is there any new method? Or new harvest?"

What appeared in front of Kong Huan was a primitive man with a face full of black and gray.

Because Yiren's wings are extremely vulnerable to injury in this kind of high-temperature workshop, this kind of factory can only allow original people to enter.

As for Kong Huan, as a soul-level man, he is always observing his surroundings because of his mental power, so he doesn't need to worry too much about it.

"It still doesn't work, Master Konghuan, we recorded the production process of each product, and then compared the differences between the finished product and the waste product, but sometimes the production process that looks exactly the same is actually a finished product and several waste products."

After more than two years of busy work, the yield rate has only increased from 10% to 20%. Many people in the copperware factory are from Shuilan Province, and they are obviously not very satisfied.

They gave full play to their imagination here. Except for some specious ideas that occasionally popped up in the void, most of the things here were thought up by the more than 20 original people themselves.

Diversion groove, double-layer combustion, semi-closed combustion chamber...

In this regard, Kong Huan can only rack his brains to answer, the past knowledge is only on the Internet, on TV, or even in fragments of novels, but for Kong Huan who can hardly remember his relatives and friends in the past memory, these Don't even think about things.

(Perhaps, 8051 is right, I am too obsessed with human memory.) With a silent sigh, at this moment, a former person with the same head full of black and gray came closer to Kong Huan.

"Master Unreal, I think it is possible to let some priests combine with us to expand the number of experiments. After all, we have put forward too many experimental conjectures. God knows how long it will take if we have more than [-] people to experiment one by one."


[Discoverable research project: preliminary smelting of copper]


"You guys wait first." Although he thought about visiting the copperware factory, there should be a research project, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly and so easily, which caught Kong Huan by surprise.

Turning to the door, let the original person who just made the suggestion stay around so that no one would disturb him, and Kong Huan opened the research interface.

A solitary [Smelting - Copper (Primary)] appeared in the selectable state, and appeared in the research interface that was blank before.

Select this item in your mind, and a new small interface appears in your consciousness.

Smelting - Copper (Elementary)
Metal smelting is the beginning of civilization's deep utilization of natural resources. After the research is completed, the current yield of copper ware will exceed 60%.

Participating researchers: 0/5 (please select a researcher)
Participating study site: None (please specify)

Key Item: Copper Ore (Available)

"Uh, it's so simple." Withdrew from his consciousness, Kong Huan looked at the researcher Bai Phosphorus in front of him, imagining adding him to the researcher list.

Suddenly, a change occurred in the small interface.

Smelting - Copper (Elementary)
Metal smelting is the beginning of civilization's deep utilization of natural resources. After the research is completed, the current yield of copper ware will exceed 60%.

Participating researchers: 1/5 (researchers can be added)
Participating study site: None (please specify)

Key Item: Copper Ore (Available)
White Phosphorus——Intelligence: 12——Skill: Metal Smelting (available at primary level)
Success rate: 12% (less than 30%, unavailable)

"It shows intelligence and skills. It seems that research also requires professional knowledge to be symmetrical, but..."

Depressedly, he looked at Bai Lin, who had a black charcoal face full of doubts, and shook his head speechlessly: "This guy's intelligence is only 3 points lower than mine. How did this thing calculate?" (= = )

Rubbing his forehead, Kong Huan turned his head and looked inside the factory. Since there are 5 researcher places and professional skills are required, the researcher can only be selected from the copper factory workers who have several years of smelting experience.

"However, if I had known this earlier, I should have chosen an available guy from the Yiren to come to the Copper Ware Factory..."

"No! No, why am I thinking about these useless things again, be cautious."

Shaking his head heavily, he even slammed into the wall angrily to wake himself up, then turned around and walked into the copperware factory.

 What to say?

  Forget it
  Let's continue to modify the codeword.

  Oh, by the way, speaking of it, the starting point fandom area has been so cold recently.

  Let’s push books too =w=
  Name "My Sister Is So Cute"

  You can know what it is written by listening to the name, ha ha.

(End of this chapter)

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