Spore Story

Chapter 291 Let's start now, tasks and research

Chapter 291 Let's start now, tasks and research
"So, the talent is amazing, and it is needed at any time."

After proficiently adding the best performers carefully selected from the copperware factory to the list of researchers, and after some screening and replacement according to the data displayed on the interface, the research interface finally stabilized at the current Condition.

By the way, although there is no money to attribute all the researchers, after this kind of experiment, Kong Huan accidentally tested the intelligence of more than 20 people in the copperware factory for free, and gave each of them a corresponding amount of money. numbered.

(It’s free, this is my dream =. =)

"This can be regarded as taking advantage of the loopholes in the control center." Kong Huan thought triumphantly, because this is indeed something he made himself, although it is not very glorious.

As for those children's shoes with a big 9 written on the intelligence mark behind their names, Kong Huan could only laugh at himself for fun.

(They don't know the deeper meaning of the word anyway, quack.)

Smelting - Copper (Elementary)
Metal smelting is the beginning of civilization's deep utilization of natural resources. After the research is completed, the current yield of copper ware will exceed 60%.

Participating researchers: 5/5
Participating research location: The smelting hut attached to the Pengcheng Copper Ware Factory (available)

Key Item: Copper Ore (Available)
Bai Yan——Intelligence: 12——Skill: Metal Smelting (available at primary level)
White Phosphorus——Intelligence: 11——Skill: Metal Smelting (available at primary level)
Spirit Wood——Intelligence: 11——Skill: Metal Smelting (available at primary level)
Water Stone——Intelligence: 10——Skill: Metal Smelting (available at primary level)
Battle Copper——Intelligence: 9——Skill: Metal Smelting (available for primary level)
Success rate: 85% (usable)
Civilization points: 100 (please provide)

Time: 67 (estimated)

"Can the research be successful in only two and a half months?"

Rubbing his chin, which is actually a bit prickly, and imaginatively thinking about the content of the attribute interface, (according to the instructions, if you pay 100 points at one time, it only takes two and a half months, and the problem of the high scrap rate of copper smelting can be solved. At that time, the ethnic group can be fully advanced to the Bronze Age.)
(No, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is to prove the effectiveness of this kind of research, when the time comes...) There was another flash of electricity, and Void let himself withdraw from the fantasy.

He no longer wants to let himself be limited by his own fantasies.

Adding 10 Civilization Points to the Civilization Points does not change the success rate. It seems that what can be affected is the attribute of the researcher, so it is set at the beginning and will not be affected by the Civilization Points and time.

(No, it should be said that the researchers affect the success rate, and the success rate affects the civilization points and time.)
However, perhaps because civilization points provide 1/10, which annoyed the control center, the time suddenly became 1 year.

"..." This makes Kong Huan feel so embarrassed, "Lack of money and teeth!"

"A basic smelting of copperware requires 100 points of civilization... Hey, let's do the level 1 task obediently."

Reluctantly dismissed the five scheduled researchers, Kong Huan didn't tell them what to do.

According to his plan, for this first research, it is best to obediently collect 100 civilization points before opening it. After all, it is only a preliminary research, and it is impossible to charge a high fee.

(Doesn't that mean that future research will cost more!) Kong Huan was startled, and suddenly felt that the future was bleak.

However, Kong Huan's current thinking is to seek stability in everything and lay a good foundation in order to have a future explosion.

So in the next ten days: cleaning the sewers, treating animals, cleaning the streets... Kong Huan and his team almost completely became a team of friends in the city.

When the tenth level 1 task 'Relocate the Bird's Nest' is completed, the excitement of the empty fantasy.

"We can finally choose a level 2 mission!"

——————The dividing line of work—————

His eyes flicked left and right quickly, and he focused and quickly scanned the glowing screen in front of him.

"Plague treatment, no technology, PASS; volcano warning, too far away, PASS; beach creature rescue, seaside danger, PASS..."

After passing N level 2 tasks in a row, Kong Huan finally found a satisfactory task.

The criteria for Unreal to choose the first level 2 task are: it needs to be not far away so that it can start quickly; it needs to take a little time so that it can be completed as soon as possible; it needs to be completed with the current technology, otherwise it needs to study technology.

Just three requirements, the PASS dropped a lot.

When faced with these level 2 missions, Kong Huan finally had the feeling that 'these missions are issued by the will of the planet', but some missions actually had to go to other lands, for friends who don't even have a boat yet As far as humans are concerned, is it necessary to fly over thousands of kilometers of coasts with wings?

"Speaking of which, the ship... no, it is not necessary now, and the ocean is too dangerous for the current friends, this is not the ocean of the earth, the double moon star ocean, even if the Youshen class passes, I am afraid it will be extremely dangerous. "

Recalling the dangerous animals on the coast that Bai Nong saw in his memory, and the super predators he and others saw by the big river, Kong Huan shook his head helplessly, and then opened the first 2 he had just chosen. level task interface.

T-Rex Rescue

Rating: Level 2

Mission objective: Bring a tyrannosaurus rex family in the eastern region to a relatively open plain without too many powerful creatures.

Mission reward: 10 points

Mission description: Due to the large-scale distribution and development of farmland by the friends, the living space of certain species is being compressed a little bit.The Tyrannosaurus rex family, which used to be at the upper middle of the food chain in this area, is now in crisis of survival.Find them and bring them to a relatively safe plain where they can continue to reproduce.

"A relatively safe plain? The Shuilan Plain is fine. Now the Shuilan Province only occupies the upper half of the gourd in the Shuilan Plain, and there is still a large area of ​​original space, which is just right."

After thinking about it, Kong Huan turned around and called a few Wingmen team members, and flew towards the direction marked in the mission.

Executive Court

Lingxue, who was gradually getting busy, put down the statistical report on the characteristic products of the friends from various regions submitted by the Ministry of Commerce in her hand, and put it on the table. The most superficial letter read "The Latest Harvest Report of the Prospective Priest".

Then, she stretched her limbs heavily to make her stiff body feel more comfortable, then she sat up from the chair and flapped her wings lightly.

I don't know if it was sitting in the office for too long, Lingxue felt that she had almost forgotten how to fly.

"Lingxin, how is the void?"

Although everyone felt that Kong Huan should be allowed to do something on his own without interfering too much, Lingxue was still a little worried after seeing the head maid who was handed back by Chu Xia after the school was regulated. Smiled, or asked each other.

Smiling clearly in his heart, Ling Xin, who also serves as the minister of the Ministry of Industry, waved his hand, recalled Kong Huan's recent performance, and said with some doubts: "Generally speaking, nothing is wrong, but Master Kong Huan For a while, he took his own team and was doing some miscellaneous things, I don’t know why, he hasn’t been to the copperware factory for more than ten days.”

As the minister of the Ministry of Industry, Pengcheng's bronze ware factory is obviously under the jurisdiction of Lingxin. After officially taking up this position, she learned that she has several factories directly under her, and the most important copper ware factory, but due to finished products She was the worst performer due to the rate problem, which made her very dissatisfied.

But before, Kong Huan had already offered her a guarantee of 'increasing the yield rate to 60% within half a year'. Out of trust in Kong Huan, Lingxin had already made a promise early on that 'when the yield rate reaches 60%, expand the city of friends'. Copperware factory, and plans to build two new copperware factories in Shuilan Province and Yuhe Province, where copper deposits were also discovered.

So, now she is eagerly waiting for Kong Huan's results, but she doesn't know that Kong Huan, who has been disappointed by everyone, has been doing some miscellaneous things recently, which makes Lingxin feel puzzled and even a little dissatisfied.

However, Lingxue's reaction at this time made Lingxin even more puzzled. After hearing Lingxin's narration, she waved her hands nonchalantly and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, Kong Huan still keeps his word, and these things are indeed planning for copper smelting, so don't worry."

Of course Lingxue knew that Kong Huan was doing missions. Although she had some complaints about these missions with low reward values, she also knew that there was nothing she could do about it, so she didn't want to put more unnecessary pressure on Kong Huan.

But if the research of the control center is really successful, then she might dispatch more people to help Konghuan, or even become a special department. The old people of the Gashan tribe who have come step by step in time know it very well.

But Lingxin just hesitated for a moment, and didn't continue to ask. Judging from the responses of Lingxue's commanders, Lingxin already knew, and there was obviously something that he didn't know.

But as the Minister of Industry and Head Maid Lingxue, she is very clear about the setting of the secrecy level, which obviously involves things beyond her own secrecy level.

However, although Lingxin did not personally participate in the copper smelting, but based on the principle of understanding the situation of the factories under his jurisdiction, Lingxin also knew some of the smelting process. It shouldn't have anything to do with copper smelting.

(Forget it, maybe there are still some parts that I don't understand, why don't I go to the copperware factory today and try smelting by myself.) Thinking this way, Lingxin nodded to Lingxue, Go to the copperware factory.

Taking a deep look at Lingxin, Lingxue smiled, and got up and walked towards the restaurant, (Maybe everyone is eating there at this time.)
Roar! !

"Ah, there is a Tyrannosaurus Rex!"

"What! Go!"

"Come and see!"

"It's been a long time since I saw a Tyrannosaurus rex. Back then..."

"It's actually a family, I rely on it!"


"What's going on?" Lingxue walked out of the gate of the Executive Yuan, just in time to see a large group of guys who had just got off work and were bored rushing towards the west gate. The chaotic scene made Lingxue deeply dissatisfied. (Maybe a city patrol should be formed to keep an eye on these guys who make a fuss about anything.)
Simply flying through the air, easily dodging those impatient Yiren, Lingxue walked through the chaotic crowd and walked into the Pengcheng restaurant, just in time to see Chu Xia and the others sitting quietly at a table and laughing.

Nodding to the waiter who seemed to be looking at the crowd outside, Lingxue sat beside Chu Xia with a puzzled face.

"What's the matter? A group of people are running, so I can only fly over cautiously, fearing that there will be a flight accident."

"It's all right, whoever dares to block the way, just punch them in the past." Smiling and waving the chopsticks in his hand, Dark Blood pointed at Ximen and said, "Empty Fantasy just accepted a level 2 task, and the reward is 1% of the level [-] task." times."

"Oh, a level 2 mission makes these people so lively?...No! Isn't the illusory mission a secret!" Although she was a little concerned about the ten times the reward, Lingxue knew very well that the ten times the reward was only 10 points. Of the 100 required for research, ten more need to be done.

Moreover, how can so many people discover something that involves secrecy?
"No, Lingxue, you are impatient. The important thing here is not the mission, but the mission goal." She smiled pretentiously, Chu Qin didn't have the appetite to drag Lingxue, but said directly: "Do you still remember the Tyrannosaurus rex?" .”

"I remember, but it's been a long time since I saw it. It seems that a few years ago, there was a time when people liked to hunt this kind of animal that was good in strength, large in size, and very chewy in meat. It was not very dangerous for quack apes. animals. But the number seems to be too small, so I didn’t hear much about it after I was looking for trouble.”

Thinking of this, Lingxue looked at Ximen clearly, and frowned again: "It was Kong Huan who found the Tyrannosaurus rex, but what is the mission? It shouldn't be hunting, right?"

"Of course not, it's migration. Speaking of it, it can be regarded as finding a home for these Tyrannosaurus rex. It is said that it is a small-scale primitive ecology, which can no longer satisfy the survival of Tyrannosaurus rex, so we need to find a bigger place for them. use."

While talking, Chu Qin also spread her hands silently. Although the Tyrannosaurus rex has not yet reached the point of extinction, what happened to these Tyrannosaurus rex now also made the sentimental she feel a little sympathy.

Of course, the role played by the friends here is obviously not as deep as thought.

"So, how long will this task take?" Although she also felt a little emotional about the experience of the Tyrannosaurus rex, Lingxue wanted to calculate the difference between the level 2 task and the level 1 task for better development in the future.

"I asked Kong Huan, and he said that he planned to bring these big guys to the water blue plain, but later found that it would take too long to go back and forth, so he simply found a nearby plain with fewer friends, It is estimated that it will be enough in two days, and if it does not work by then, you can go directly to the Shuilan Plain."

"That's good." Nodding to express her gratitude to the waiter at the side, Lingxue opened the covered pottery bowl that the waiter gave her, and a tempting mushroom aroma rushed over her face.

"Ah, the mushrooms from the Dunjia tribe, I also want... ahhh, um, the food brought by the Dunjia tribe this time is really good." He just split half of the bowl of mushrooms in front of Lingxue's eyes.

Regarding this, Lingxue could only be speechless for a while.

"Let me tell you, this time the representatives of the Dunjia tribe will be in Pengcheng for two months. If you really like it, you can go to their place to make a deal. Even if you don't have one, you can make a reservation. And I remember that there are a lot of deals in restaurants. ?"

"Tch, those guys don't know if they have been bored underground for too long, and they have become very dull, and they talk strangely and boringly."

"Indeed, the Dunjia clan has been living underground. Compared with the Peng clan, there is a big difference. Although they are not hostile, it is still a bit difficult to communicate with each other."

"It's nothing like Chu Xia." Lingxue wiped out all the mushrooms in the bowl first, and waved her hands nonchalantly after hearing Chu Xia's speech, "After all, our two races have lived together for so long, and their culture is almost the same. They were all influenced by Gashan, so apart from appearance and personality, everything else is pretty much the same, so don’t worry too much about those little things, as long as you maintain this relationship well.”

"By the way, did the representatives of the Dunjia clan say something this time? Chu Qin."

Because there is no need to set up the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the time being, the reception of the representatives of the chieftains of the Dunjia tribe has been handed over to the Development and Reform Department. Chu Qin, who is the head of the Development and Reform Department, thought about it and shook her head.

"Those guys are reticent. They have only traded some underground food until now, and then they said they hoped to stay and investigate. They didn't say anything about it. But I can see that although they are a little eager, they are not to the point of life and death. They should You must have encountered a little trouble."

As if recalling the reactions of the representatives of the Dunjia clan, Chu Qin rubbed her cheeks and said with a smile: "This time they suddenly appeared on the ground, it has been more than half a year since the last time, it seems that they were frightened by the population of Pengcheng." I jumped, and now I’m still wandering around, touching here, looking there, it’s really fun.”

"Keep it secret."

"I know that," she stuck out her tongue at Chu Xia. Chu Qin's development and reform department is now almost a hodgepodge. Each department of the Ministry of Development and Reform has almost become a hospital, but speaking of it, in terms of classification, the minister of the Ministry of Development and Reform is indeed at the commanding level like the deans, and there is no difference.

According to what Kong Huan said in the original planning, the role of the Development and Reform Department is to deal with responsibilities that other departments cannot shoulder, and then when a certain type of responsibility is too much, reaching or even exceeding the level of other departments, it will separate this type of responsibility A single column.

Of course, this is only a responsibility of the Ministry of Development and Reform.

—————Separation and Coexistence of Civilization and Nature—————

[The level 2 mission 'Tyrannosaurus Rescue' is completed and rewarded. 】

[Task records: Level 1 (10), Level 2 (1). 】

"I can only accept Level 1 tasks again, what a tragedy."

After putting a female Tyrannosaurus rex, four small Tyrannosaurus rex, and a male Tyrannosaurus rex encountered on the way together in this primeval forest that no friends had reclaimed, Kong Huan ignored the noisy male and female two dragons, After confirming that the task was completed, he quickly checked the task bar.

As a result, without any surprise, all the optional characters became level 1.

"The road is long and long." Kong Huan, who was quite desolate, walked towards the group step by step against the background of the Tyrannosaurus Rex facing each other.

In order to save time, Kong Huan accepted a task of walking seeds, along the way, he found some plants that might be useful, and went back to the city while doing the task.

It took a day and a half to go there, but it took three full days when I came back, but once these three days came, another 10 level 1 tasks were paid for.

"That's a good way, haha."

If you go out with level 2 missions every time, but you can collect 1 level 10 missions when you return, by doing so, you can get 20 civilization points almost every five days, which seems to be a very good way from.

After a summary calculation, Kong Huan realized that according to this, he might be able to start the research of [Smelting—Copper (Elementary)] in less than a month.

Moreover, during the 2 months of smelting research, you can continue to do tasks. When the research is completed, you can rely on the civilization points obtained during the task to start further research immediately.

"Hey, in this way, it means that it's just the beginning of this month, and I can only do boring tasks, um, work hard, young man... no, we should be hundreds of years old... um, work hard, old man. "

囧RZ (Shadow in the Corner)

"Quack ape did not resonate to figure it out!"

(What kind of messy spoken language is this, these bastards must not be able to pass the second level of Chinese!) Swipe away the boring complaints in your mind, the illusion that was distracted, just stand at the corner without passing, but put your mental power first Released in that direction.

(What, it turned out to be the Dunjia tribe.)
Although they have already stood on all fours, and there is an obvious neck between the head and the body, but the iconic scales of the pangolin now extend from the back of the head of the Dunjia to the soles of the feet like hair, and the claws on the hands are short. A lot, but still cold.

If it weren't for the Dunjia people who also started to learn the language, use tools, and established a hierarchical management system such as "big leader-leader-captain-team member", Kong Huan and others would not want to admit that after they just stood upright, their height was no more than The one-meter little guys have become civilized species.

But at this moment, the two Dunjia tribesmen in long robes obviously didn't imagine the unbearable situation they thought.


"It's me." He let out a voice helplessly, so that the two of them would not be too nervous, and Kong Huan stood out from the corner with a big stab like this.

In fact, Kong Huan already knew that he had been discovered when he saw the opponent's attire with his mental power.

Because the culture of the Dunjia tribe is inherited from the civilization of the Pengzu, and since the Pengzu didn't keep secrets about techniques such as meditation at the beginning, the Dunjia tribe who are closely related to the Pengzu can also learn it.

Although it is different from the species of the friends who can quickly evolve to the fifth-level brain through tasks, the naturally evolved Dunjia tribe, because the overall brain level is only three or four levels, whether it is brain computing speed, thinking depth, and mental power The amount is far less than that of friends.

But perhaps it is because of this lack that things are rare and precious, and they know how to cherish them.

By practicing meditation, even the junior Dunjia priests at the Yinhun level can catch up with the senior Priests of the Friends tribe at the Yinhun level in terms of fine control of mental power.

And it is precisely because of this situation that in priest schools, teachers often use the situation of Dunjia priests to flog those priest apprentices who do not work hard.

The two Dunjia tribesmen in front of them were dressed in robes, their behavior was vigilant and delicate, and their spirits were sensitive, which was the hallmark of the high priest of the Dunjia tribe.

Of course, the High Priest of the Dunjia tribe is only at the high level of the ghost level, but this is considered to be a ratio of one in a thousand or even lower among the Dunjia tribe, and in terms of fine control of mental power, this is the early stage of the soul level. Kong Huan didn't dare to say that he surpassed the opponent.

"Lord Kong Huan." Seeing who was coming, the two high priests of the Dunjia clan saluted Kong Huan at the same time.

Although Kong Huan didn't know much about it, the Dunjia clan knew very well about Kong Huan's status in the Peng Clan.

Not to mention that Kong Huan usually treats the Dunjia tribe very kindly and friendly, and has left a good reputation, so after confirming that the person who came was Kong Huan, the two high priests of the Dunjia tribe were also slightly relieved.

However, they were obviously still a little puzzled as to why Kong Huan appeared there. Although they also thought about whether Kong Huan was eavesdropping, this idea was just a soy sauce, and disappeared as soon as it appeared.

"Well, what are you doing here? Are you in trouble? I happened to pass by just now, and I accidentally heard what you were talking about, but I didn't hear it clearly."

This kind of behavior of blatantly saying that I eavesdropped, and saying that I didn't hear clearly, and asking others to say it again, I am afraid that only Konghuan can do it.

Although the language spoken by the Dunjia tribe is also the language of the Peng tribe, due to physical problems, the pronunciation feels as different as Mandarin and Cantonese.

Clearing his throat, a High Priest of the Dunjia Clan who was struck by lightning seemed hesitant to speak out, but seeing the expressions of his companions beside him, he still shook his head and said, "It's nothing, Lord Void, we're just discussing , How to learn information such as organizations that have recently appeared in the Pengzu."

"Oh, you can just say it directly, what's the problem?"

It has already been seen from the reaction of the two high priests that they have something to hide, but he didn't feel the illusion of maliciousness from the other party, and he didn't intend to delve too deeply into the internal situation of the other party, so he just smiled and said directly: "About the specific details of the recent restructuring. We have nothing to keep secret about the situation, if you want to know, you can actually go to Commander Chu Qin, and you can get detailed information from her."

Wagging his tail unnaturally, Kong Huan raised his head to look at the sky, and bowed slightly to the two high priests.

"It's getting late, so I'll leave first." Seeing the two Dunjia people nodding, Kong fantasized about it, and then turned around and said, "However, if you have any troubles, you can just talk to me, after all, we are friends, aren't we?" .”

After speaking, Kong Huan turned and left.

And the two high priests withdrew their gaze from the emptiness, and then looked at each other, still with hesitation on their expressions.

"The minds of these little guys are getting more and more complicated. It's strange. It's obvious that the brains of the friends are four to five levels, which is much higher than them. Why don't you feel that the friends' minds are so complicated?"

Walking on the street, Kong Huan recalled the performance of the two high priests of the Dunjia clan, and compared the friends he met with the high priests among them.

"Hello, Mr. Kong Huan." A passing Yuanren seemed to know Kong Huan, greeted Kong Huan with a smile, and continued on his way.

Smiling and nodding to the other party, Kong Huan was still thinking.

When the sign of 'Commanding the Residential Area' appeared above his head, Kong Huan finally came to a conclusion: "Perhaps it is because the friends' survival pressure is not great, and they haven't experienced power, money and other messy things for the time being. Therefore, most of the current friends have shifted their brain activities to 'how to live a happier life'."

"In comparison, after the Dunjia tribe left their friends and went deep into the underground world, they were likely to develop into other models within themselves, and then under the pressure of life, some changes in competition occurred, which caused the Dunjia tribe to change their minds even more. Seriously, that’s probably why.”

"what reason?"

"The difference between Dunjia people and friends... Hmm! When did you come back, Chu Ling?" Looking at the butterfly girl next to her in surprise, Kong Huan looked at the two hell butterflies following her, and asked curiously road.

"I've been in the group all the time, and it's Xiao Lingyun who went out." Chu Ling seemed a little dissatisfied, she shook her wings, and Chu Ling landed beside Kong Huan and said, "But Kong Huan, discuss with Chu Qin about the allocation of Hell Butterflies." Now, there is a problem."

"Let's talk," now that Chu Ling found her, it was obviously impossible for Kong Huan to refuse, not to mention, the allocation of Hell Butterfly was originally proposed by Kong Huan: "What's the problem?"

"Look, the Hell Butterfly is poisonous after all. Although friends are not afraid of this kind of poison, more and more other creatures are domesticated by the ethnic group, so..."

Seeing Chu Ling's perplexed expression, she quickly understood the emptiness and thought about it.

"Indeed, I didn't notice this at the beginning. Why don't you tell Chu Qin to set up an animal management organization to uniformly manage the domesticated animals of the group, and at the same time allocate the action areas of the hell butterfly and other species so as not to cause any harm. question."

Continuing to think about it, Kong Huan said: "The position of the Hell Butterfly in the group can be reconnaissance, vigilance, and defense, and it can participate in battles in the future; it should be distinguished from the functions of freight, food, pets, etc. of other domesticated animals. I will give Chu Qin some more details in the next day, you should have a good discussion with her during this time."

"Oh, thank you."

Smiling and flying around Konghuan a few times, perhaps because of the influence of the hell butterfly group, now Chu Ling likes to fly around the target whenever she is happy, although it looks dazzling to Konghuan and her friends.

But if you think about it carefully, if this target is replaced by other animals without poison resistance, it will be an illusion of death.

Thinking of this, Kong Huan also somewhat understood Chu Ling's difficulties at this time.

Because after becoming the consciousness of the hell butterfly master, she also began to produce toxins, even more powerful than ordinary hell butterflies, which made Chu Ling dare not contact ordinary people, let alone other animals that have no resistance to poison up.

Although the instinct has a certain ability to control the toxin, after all, it has only been about a month for Chu Ling to become the main consciousness. It may take a year or two for Chu Ling to fully grasp the current toxin.

Then, time moves forward step by step.

For the next 20 days, Kong Huan was busy doing trivial things one after another. While he was out of breath, he also accidentally added several small departments to the Department of Development and Reform.

[Urban Affairs Bureau], a management department set up separately in each city, is responsible for managing urban miscellaneous affairs, such as urban fire prevention, road cleaning, drainage system management, water supply system management, etc. [bureau chief] is an intermediate manager, set up after completion To each provincial capital, directly under each city;
The [Animal Bureau] manages the specific classification arrangements for all kinds of animals in the whole group. After the organization is completed, it is handed over to the [Ministry of Agriculture], and then the [Animal Bureau] is established in each province, and the [Animal Department] is established in each city.

In this way, these functions that should have been managed by the Ministry of Development and Reform were separated out, allowing the Ministry of Development and Reform to free up more manpower to develop in other directions.

Of course, after making the suggestion, Kong Huan didn't care anymore, because he was still busy with various tasks.

At this moment, Kong Huan was once again standing at the gate of the copperware factory that had been away for more than a month, his expression seemed filled with emotion.

"It's really N passing through the house and not entering."

Looking at the long-lost copperware factory in front of him, and recalling the days when he regarded the copperware factory as his home after the completion of Pengcheng, Kong Huan felt extremely embarrassed.

The sound of the wooden door turning did not attract the attention of anyone inside, because the clanging and roaring sounds in the factory far surpassed the slight friction of the rotating shaft, and only when the door was opened, the slight cold wind made the few workers who were closer to the door turn around. looked up.

But they just nodded to Kong Huan, and even though they were a little surprised at Kong Huan's appearance, they resolutely turned their heads and continued to beat the copper ax in their hands.

Nodding in satisfaction, Kong Huan took off the flammable robe, hung it on the clothes rack in the corridor compartment, and then walked through the empty corridor of more than ten meters before entering the noisy and hot copperware factory.

Looking around, the whole factory is full of big men, sweating profusely...

Since the last "Dark Blood Mission Completion Event", due to the difference in physique and size between men and women, Dark Blood urgently created things like bust (have you never eaten pork or seen a pig run? =.=) , while Unreal adjusted the workers in each factory.

Today, most of the people left in the copperware factory are men, while most of the women are transferred to car factories and other places.

"Master Kong Huan, you are here." At this moment, a female voice sounded behind Kong Huan.

"Huh?" (Didn't we transfer all the girls away?)
Kong Huan turned his head to look behind him with a complex expression of depression and anticipation, and what caught his eyes was a light blue skin that was slightly wheat-colored, mixed with the quack ape logo.

look up
It's two clumps wrapped in a big piece of leather...

"Well, we really shouldn't have any expectations." ORZ
"Expectation?" Lingxin, who followed Kong Huan in, listened to Kong Huan's words depressedly, as if he had thought of something bad, his eyebrows frowned unnaturally: "Master Kong Huan, is it that you said 'solve the problem of the yield rate of copperware within half a year? ', are you going to break your promise now!"

Startled by Lingxin's stern tone, Kong immediately shook his head and defended without even thinking about it: "No, I'm here today to formally start research, don't worry."

"Oh, that's right, that's good." Perhaps a little embarrassed by his previous reaction, Lingxin's tone softened instantly, although it still seemed stiff, it still made Kong Huan feel speechless about Lingxin's rapid expression change. (Has this face-changing skill already transcended race? The only boundary is male and female?)
After thinking about it, Kong Huan suppressed this thought, turned around and called out the five original researchers who had been selected before.

"Well, Mr. Unreal, I have come to study every day during this time, I don't know if I can participate in the research."

"No, it needs skills... um? Do you know how to refine it?" Hearing that Lingxin participated every day, Kong Huan immediately changed his tone.

In fact, he also wanted to see the difference between the winged people and the original people participating in the research, but unexpectedly all the people who could refine their skills were the original people, and there was nothing he could do about it.

At first he tried to add himself to the researcher, but the control center shamelessly reminded that 'the main consciousness cannot participate in the research', which made Void unable to do anything.

Without waiting for Lingxin to nod, Kong Huan held the idea of ​​'anyway, the control center can detect it', temporarily eliminated the researcher whose intelligence was marked as 9, and then added Lingxin.

Thus, an interface that makes illusory joy but also depressing appears.

Smelting - Copper (Elementary)
Metal smelting is the beginning of civilization's deep utilization of natural resources. After the research is completed, the current yield of copper ware will exceed 60%.

Participating researchers: 5/5
Participating research location: The smelting hut attached to the Pengcheng Copper Ware Factory (available)

Key Item: Copper Ore (Available)
Spiritual Mind - Intelligence: 17 - Skill: Metal Smelting (available for primary level)
Bai Yan——Intelligence: 12——Skill: Metal Smelting (available at primary level)
White Phosphorus——Intelligence: 11——Skill: Metal Smelting (available at primary level)
Spirit Wood——Intelligence: 11——Skill: Metal Smelting (available at primary level)
Water Stone——Intelligence: 10——Skill: Metal Smelting (available at primary level)
Success rate: 92% (usable)
Civilization points: 95 (please provide)

Time: 40 days (estimated)

The joy is because the success rate has increased greatly, the civilization point has actually decreased by 5 points, and the required time has been reduced to 40 days.

Depressed... Needless to say, look at the intelligence of 17, and think about the illusion of myself... I don't want to explain. (=.=)

"It seems that we should form a research group with winged people. When there is research in the future, we can let a winged man with professional skills lead the original people to study together."

As for why not all winged people are used, one is because the number of winged people is not large, and the other is to take care of the emotions of the original people who have not successfully pupated.

Immediately paid 95 points. I had already reached 103 points of civilization in my body. Seeing more than a month of hard work, it dropped to 8 points in an instant.
[Smelting - copper (primary) officially started. 】

Hearing this prompt, Kong Huan immediately looked at Ling Xin and the others.

It seemed that something suddenly appeared in their minds. Lingxin and the others looked at each other, and finally Lingxin stepped forward and said to Konghuan: "Master Konghuan, since the research has started, they and I will go to the research site."

"By the way, please help me to allocate my work during this time, thank you."

"Also, copper mines may need to be replenished during the period, please make arrangements."

"Then, please wait for our good news."

After finishing speaking, Lingxin led several colleagues to the research hut allocated by Konghuan.

"That's how it started?"

 It's Monday again...

  Ask for votes and support...

  Then, continue to code words...

  Ah, by the way, water and electricity are really important now, the water cut off yesterday made us have to go to the restaurant, so pay attention to keep water...

(End of this chapter)

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