Spore Story

Chapter 292 Black Bone Ape, and the Technology Research and Development Bureau

Chapter 292 Black Bone Ape, and the Technology Research and Development Bureau
In the dark cave passage, the black-boned ape Fengwen Rian, who is the leader of the Fengwen tribe, frowned dissatisfiedly at the dripping water and the almost scratched cave roof above his head. head.

He opened his mouth, as if thinking of something, but he still chose to remain silent.

Unwillingly, he lowered his head slightly, then wrapped himself in his clothes, and Lian strolled to keep up with the black bone ape in front of him.

"Welcome to our world, our new friend."

Startled in his heart, Rian subconsciously stopped and raised his head to look around, but he just hit the ceiling of the cave, making a dull crashing sound.

With a muffled snort, Rian rubbed the top of his head. He was obviously at a loss for the 'brain communication' here.

To regain his composure, Rian tightened the totem stick in his hand.

As the supreme leader who commanded tens of thousands of black bone apes, his long-standing backlog of power, coupled with his firm belief in God, made him calm down slowly, and then he nodded to the leading black bone apes Head, continue on your way.

But the hateful voice in his mind didn't stop, instead it became active because of Rian's previous performance.

"As expected of Fengwen Li'an, one of the three leaders who conquered tribes with tens of thousands of people step by step." But the other party's tone was full of sarcasm instead of admiration.

Rian just smiled at this. Many leaders who are not as good as himself have had this kind of tone, but he only took it as enjoyment. However, he heard it in this way today, which surprised him.

"Is it surprising, no, don't worry, don't fear, let alone doubt, soon, you can reach this level, isn't that why we got together?"

In the gentle voice, there was an irresistible temptation, which made Rian clenched his fists a little nervously, because this feeling was very familiar, every time he faced God, he had this feeling, according to now , the opponent is obviously an enemy.

Taking a deep breath, Rian didn't make any more expressions, just kept his face stiff, and continued on his way, looking around while walking.

However, the voice has to say a few words every once in a while, and it feels that the accent is constantly changing, as if different people are speaking.

Finally, Rian couldn't bear it any longer: "Who the hell is this? I was only invited to meet Hong. He is a sinner that God wants to catch with all his heart!"

I don't know if it was too nervous and depressed, but Rian actually said all the thoughts in his heart.

"Damn it, how did you say it!"

"No, are you too nervous?"

"Eh..." Covering his mouth, Rian looked at the playful eyes of the black bone ape leading the way, feeling like a lowly slave who used funny moves to win a little reward from the adults, and he was performing completely unnoticed s things.

He really wanted to kill the black bone ape who was leading the way, but he realized that he couldn't bear the killing intent. At this moment, he felt that he had made a wrong decision this time.

But at this moment, he couldn't help regretting it anymore, and the hateful voice sounded again: "It's fun, isn't it, Fengwen Rian, it's sincerity to speak out what's in your heart."

(How come, this is the power of God!)

After becoming a leader, not only did his status rise, but Rian discovered that he and the other two possessed a certain degree of brain communication, the ability of the former gods. God's belief is more fanatical.

And it was precisely because of this that when the voice sounded in his mind before, he was able to have a certain resistance.

However, the power of God is still mysterious and unpredictable. For example, to guide a person to say what he thinks in his heart. Up to now, Rian has only seen it from God three times.

Once, God let a rebel who was arrested tell the truth; once, God let a servant who poisoned God’s food tell the mastermind behind the scenes; another time, God let a rebel leader The leader of one of his relatives, speaking of his loyalty, that person is Ryan.

Fortunately, Rian successfully gained the trust of God that time, but it also made Rian feel extremely angry at Hong.

But now, under this ability to say what he thinks, an indescribable fear began to arise in his heart.

At this time, a familiar voice sounded in Lian's mind: "Hong? What a memorable name, Lian, my 'kind' family, long time no see."

When the voice appeared, Rian, who had long lost his original composure, had been dragged by the black bone ape leading the way, and turned into a spacious cave.

The huge karst cave looks as if the entire mountain has been hollowed out. Although overall it is very simple, it is hard to conceal the sacred atmosphere in it.

A dozen figures sat around the protruding rocks in the cave wall, with indescribable holiness on their faces.

And under the cave, the black-boned apes who kept walking by would carefully bow and even kneel down to the people in the cave wall every time they passed by. The humility and fanaticism on their faces made Rian feel so familiar with.

If all these were in the tribe's temple, he would salute these figures like the other black bone apes, because gods are often like this.

But it wasn't here, it was the lair of rebellion, the lair of the enemies he wanted to destroy, at least he thought so.

More importantly, he saw one of them, one who was extremely familiar, and the other who was extremely resentful, who had the same mother, the same age, but different achievements, relatives, and enemies.

In fact, the difference in achievements only started a few years ago.

The opposite of a group that has rapidly expanded to 10,000+ people, wandering around with his ever-growing army, causing chaos;
One moved to the position of one of the three highest leaders under the gods, leading an independent super tribe with a population of more than 1.

"Wind Pattern. Macro!"

Gritting his teeth and uttering the name, Li An, who was looking at the other party, remembered the extra efforts he had made because of this Hong's rebellion, and the effort that was almost unbearable for him, and his brain couldn't restrain his dizziness.

But he looked around and recalled the preparations he had made before coming, but his heart gradually settled down.

"Tell me, you, no, what do you rebels want to do? Hmph, so what if I've been exposed, do you think you can escape?"

"Idea? Of course, it is to overthrow the rule of false gods, so that the people can obtain a stable life, so that the restricted gods can release their own power, so that the black bone ape can become the overlord of all things in the world!"

"As for escaping? Why do you want to escape?" The voice still rang in Rian's mind, which made him annoyed, but at the same time helpless.

This unstoppable invasion made him wish he could use the rocks on the ground to smash his head with one stone.

However, he was stunned by Hong's confident words.

(Exactly what a macro can say...)
(No, this group of Hundan! They are rebellious! Do they think they can fight against God! Do they think they are really God!)
"Damn it, you are not allowed to speak in this way! I have notified God when I came here, and now God and my tribal army must have surrounded this place. Do you think you can escape the siege led by God himself! "

"You sinners! Crazy! Delusional! Don't dare to bear mistakes, rebellion against the majesty of God! You can't even be slaves!"

Rian's roar echoed in the semi-enclosed cave space, causing a commotion among the surrounding black bone apes.

But soon, these black-boned apes calmed down. The enthusiasm in the eyes of the dozen or so people they looked at the cave wall did not diminish at all, but became more serious because of Rian's threat.

(How is it possible, aren't these people afraid?)
"Hehe, don't be afraid, you can actually have this kind of ability!" Although his voice was extremely gentle, Rian felt a chill all over his body.

"No..." Before Li An could say anything, he suddenly found out in horror that the life-like totem stick in his hand flew out uncontrollably, and then stopped in front of Li An.

Looking at the totem stick staring at him, a burst of ecstasy suddenly appeared on his face, (could this be God's instruction?)

As soon as his legs were weak, he knelt down heavily like this.

"God, are you finally here? I have found the rebels in front of me, please destroy them!"


A cold snort seemed to be repeated more than a dozen times, and it sounded in Rian's mind at the same time.

With a crisp sound, Rian raised his head subconsciously and found in horror that the face representing the majesty of the god on the totem stick handed to him by the god himself after he became the commander, was actually split like this A bitter mouth.

As if the heart also stopped beating at this moment, before Lian reached out to hold the apparently strong totem stick, the whole stick suddenly turned into pieces in front of Lian.

ding ding dong...

"How...how can..."

Everything changed so fast that Rian couldn't react much at all.

At the moment when the totem stick shattered, he suddenly felt a huge impact emanating from his mind, and his brain seemed to feel an indescribable swelling feeling because it couldn't adapt to this ability for a while.


He clearly felt that his head would burst in the next moment, but Rian, who was holding his head tightly with his hands, found that the bulging feeling was gradually weakening, and the pressure seemed to be released suddenly through some places.

Immediately, the wonderful feeling of "everything is in my hands" began to continuously impact the fanatical beliefs that Ryan had built up over the past few decades.

"See, this rich world; understand, this world sealed by false gods; understand, this is the evil of false gods..., you, you are also a god, you can also become a true god, and you can also overthrow the evil False gods rule as gods!"

The brainwashing voice, coupled with the ability to constantly recover, sapped Rian's desire to resist little by little.

And while these voices sounded, it was flowing in my mind, from the beginning to the present, the endless killings and crimes produced by God, those crimes that were covered up by countless words and praised by people.

"No, that's to eliminate the rebellious sinners!" This is Lian's righteous justification after finding out according to God's propaganda;

"No, that was a measure of last resort to prevent the rebellion from happening again!" This is what he searched his mind to find out the speeches of some heroes who were killed by gods and the previous generation of counter-rebellion heroes;

"No, those are..." This is...


After a while, looking at Fengwen Li'an, who was lying on the ground wearily, foaming at the mouth, and shaking his body constantly, one of the black bone apes on the cave wall seemed to chuckle lightly, and turned to look at A person sitting in a high position.

He still kept his mouth shut, and said with spiritual power: "The great true god, will he return to the right path and join us?"

In order to prove their identity as gods, the dozen or so people on the cave wall no longer use their voices to speak, but use their spiritual power to communicate since they joined this organization, because in their view, this is the power and influence that gods should have.

"Don't you think that's how we came here at the beginning? Only when we succeed can we be qualified to become true gods. If we fail, we are nothing but sins of false gods."

A person said nonchalantly, after he finished speaking, he looked around, then closed his eyes, and continued to practice something.

And at this time, the corner of the mouth of the person in the high position who was questioned earlier seemed to be smiling.

He looked at the fainted person on the ground, and said expectantly: "Don't worry, his ability is a great help for us, and he may even become the fourth true god."

Having said that, Hong turned his head to look at the other two black bone apes sitting at the same height as him, and then nodded to them.

Around the three of them who claimed to be true gods, there was a small thing floating, including wooden carvings, stone plates, and skulls.

These are not just decorations, but also a seed, a logo, a standard.

When people here think they are capable of reaching the true God, they choose a sign for themselves.

Then, they will practice facing this symbol every day, until one day, this symbol can be suspended around the body. At this time, they are called "Shishen"; and when this symbol has been suspended, they will no longer need to rest At that time, they can call themselves "True God".

From then on, this symbol will accompany them, suspended around the body without falling, to demonstrate their strength and status.

And the macro who first proposed this standard, his logo, is a small macro with six wings on his back.

"Forget about Li'an's tribe, our goal is only Li'an. As long as there are more and more true gods, the false gods will be nothing to worry about. When the false gods are eliminated together, the people of the tribe will soon wake up and join us. embrace."

"Then, let everyone leave. In order to awaken more friends, to obtain more true gods, and to welcome a greater victory, let that evil false god live for a while longer."

"For victory! For victory!"

Accompanied by the frenzied roar, amidst the reverent expressions of the black-boned apes, the three figures disappeared on the wall of the cave.

The other dozen or so figures grabbed the 'marks' they each made for themselves, led the rest of the people, packed up their few things, and began to disperse and leave along various hidden passages.

When tens of thousands of black-boned apes followed a dozen glowing unknown objects into the cave, all they saw was the cave that had been cleaned up.

The only thing that can prove that everyone has gone to the right place is the broken totem stick on the ground.

"Wind pattern Rian!"

Accompanied by this roar, the totem stick fragments were further reduced to ashes, and another tribe was destroyed and scattered, and at the same time, a new leader was born.

————— Religious fanaticism is everywhere—————

"What, those little guys have already gone back?"

"Yes, this morning, after they finished copying the "Complete Book of the Management Structure of the Friends" at my place, they bid farewell and left from the exit of the cave left for them in the eastern mountain area of ​​the city."

She waved her hands nonchalantly, perhaps in Chu Qin's view, since these little guys are not in a hurry, it is not an urgent problem, so they left as they left.

"Huh, fortunately, we have already ordered dozens of catties of mushrooms from them a few days ago." The dark blood on the side had an expression of 'I am very foresighted', looking at the mushroom soup in the bowl, and smashed the bone next to it. The bones in the soup were taken out and broken into pieces, sucking the delicious bone marrow bit by bit, his eyes narrowed slightly, like a kitten.

"Forget it, let's go, but it's a bit surprising that he didn't come to me in the end."

In terms of the relationship between Kong Huan and the Dunjia Clan, generally speaking, every time the Dunjia Clan left, they would find Kong Huan to chat about some recent situations of the Dunjia Clan.

This is a way for both parties to maintain a relationship, and it is also a form of Dunjia development.

Although recently, because I have been busy with tasks, it is not very easy to find Konghuan during the day, but at night, Konghuan usually stays in the hut that belongs to the commanding residence, which is not difficult to find.

(Could it be something urgent?) Shaking his head, the incomprehensible fantasy still retracted his thoughts.

Then, he put down the clean clay bowl he had eaten, and looked at the busy crowd outside the window.

"By the way, Lingxue, have I picked out the 10 winged people research teams I want?" Compared to the situation of the Dunjia people who are already considered foreigners, Kong Huan is obviously more concerned about the research modules related to the development of his friends. Care, after all, people are selfish.

Although the research on copper smelting has only started for a month, it has already been suspended once during this period. One is because the control center reminds the research team that there is a shortage of copper mines;

In this regard, Unreal believes that the control center is doing a good job, at least when it is paused halfway, the research will not be affected in any way, and the civilization point will not be extra.

At the same time, through the information obtained during the pause, Kong Huan discovered that even if the research is not over yet, the by-products that have been researched so far are enough to elevate the development of the ethnic group to a higher level.

(95 points are worth it.)
And this situation has further raised everyone's expectations for the research module.

Probably Lingxue is also very concerned about this important function. While asking questions in the air, she said without any thought: "The 10 researchers have already been selected, including three high priests, and the rest are all selected by the priest school. Excellent priest."

"Oh, by the way, there is also one original high priest and two original priests."

"Hey! That original high priest, the old guy from the priest school, is he willing to let go this time?"

You must know that when the first original high priest appeared, it caused quite a stir among the entire ethnic group.

In the eyes of ordinary members, the Youshen class is absolute strength. In comparison, the soul class has become the direction of everyone's efforts, so when the original people can also appear at the soul class, many original people who can no longer chrysalis also work hard again stand up.

At that time, Gashan didn't think about asking the other party to come over, as an example of hard work, and arranged the other party to work in management schools and other places, but the principal of the priest school resolutely kept the other party.

But today, he was actually sent over to join his research team, which was quite surprising to Kong Huan.

"No, it's not the first. There have been three original high priests, and this is just one of them, named Lei Yin."

Smiling and shaking his head, he actually wanted to make a gesture when he asked for the high priest from the school of priests.

'Propaganda and image' is something that rulers must pay attention to in the dream education of the past. Although they are not proficient, several people in the management usually pay attention to these.

But now there are three original high priests, and Gashan wants to transfer one of them, so the old headmaster of the priest school has nothing to say.

"Oh, it seems that Yiren's advantage is being gradually overtaken by the number and efforts of Yuanren." Looking at Chu Xia meaningfully, Kong Huan smiled and said, "This reminds me of Dunjia." Compared with the gap between the priests of the clan and our priests, they are really working hard."

"Well, although it's a bit sad, it seems that the classification of ethnic groups should be a little more serious in school, and it seems that teachers' training also needs to be paid attention to. Maybe some experience of the Dunjia tribe can also be learned."

With a sincere smile all over her face, Chu Xia said something that would make students and teachers even more painful, but she didn't seem to be conscious of it at all.

"By the way, Lingxue, it's no problem to mobilize three high priests at once."

"It's nothing. In the past, the soul-level squad was mainly used to patrol various places and ensure the rule of Gashan. But now the restructuring has gradually stabilized. After the official farming in various places, people expect a peaceful life, and no one will be so stupid. Proposed to separate from the ethnic group, so the role of the soul-level squad is already very small."

Picking up a cup of hot tea that the waiter poured out of a teapot made in a pottery factory, Lingxue drank it in one gulp, savored it in her mouth, and then thought about it.

"Now there are more than 100 soul-levels, except for the soul management gods who are fixed in the temple; the soul-level souls in the revenant state are transformed into soul harvesters; there are dozens of soul-level people, and they only keep one soul-level squad, and the others are Filled into the mayors who served as high-ranking officials and important places in various places, or joined various classified schools to serve."


Calculated in this way, Lingxue suddenly discovered that the soul level still seemed not enough.

In this regard, she could only sigh helplessly and said: "It's not that I don't know, but I was taken aback. I didn't expect that when I thought that there was no need for a soul-level patrol team, I would be more relaxed. I didn't expect... "

But seeing Kong Huan's expression seemed a little unnatural, Lingxue still smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about Kong Huan, after all, the research team is the top priority, and it is still feasible to mobilize three soul-level high priests."

"It's nothing to me. These 10 members are actually more of a backup and management role. After all, they can't cover everything. If there are some researches that require a high professional nature, they can only start from doing these things. People call."

"That's right, the number of people in the ethnic group is indeed still a little less. It would be great if we could find the population of 8051 faster."

Prior to this, 8051 relied on the agent's exclusive planetary movement ability to mark the distribution of friends in various places for the quasi-priest school one by one, and the graduates of the quasi-priest school were constantly looking for clues.

However, various civilized races are gradually developing in various places now, and the territory of Double Moon Star is relatively large, and the quasi-priests of the Peng clan can only be found on the current continent.

As for those friends on other continents, Kong Huan can only temporarily ask 8051 to gather them together, in order to protect themselves, and wait for the group to gather in the future.

However, even so, the recent population growth rate has also begun to increase. The quasi-priests who went out found many ethnic groups that were closer but had not been discovered before, and brought them back, so that some people in the periphery The sparsely populated provinces also began to emulate the inner provinces.

But after thinking about it, Lingxue still felt that some things should not be rushed, so she could only smile, and then changed the topic: "Speaking of which, after the research on copper smelting, do you have any plans for the next research?"

Speaking of this, several people present looked over.

At this time, it is noon break, the days have gradually entered the end of spring, and the bean vines have also been planted, waiting for the harvest in May.

Therefore, it can be regarded as half of the slack season, and everyone can have some time to discuss here.

In comparison, Kong Huan looks relaxed and free, but in fact he is the most tiring one, because he not only has to do tasks constantly to ensure that his civilization points are sufficient.

It is even more necessary to run around, collect possible research projects, and organize manpower.

Rubbing his sore shoulders, Kong Huan opened the research interface of the control center.

Walking around between missions to collect the illusion of research missions, there are 5 more researchable items in the recent research interface.

Although I don't know what the criteria for the emergence of these research projects are, I found that if the research task is too difficult or too large, even if it is clearly proposed by a friend, it cannot be displayed on the research interface.

(Maybe it's because the level of the Civilization Control Center is too low, of course, it may also be that there is no prerequisite technology, and the research is too advanced.)
The 5 available research items are: [Textile - Hemp (Primary)], [Smelting - Calcium Calcium (Primary)], [Domestication - Riding Beast (Primary)], [Cultivation - Martial Arts (Primary)] , 【Construction - cement (primary)】.

Of these five projects, only hemp and cement were proposed by the empty fantasy, which shows that 'proposing' is also a loophole that can be exploited, but no one knows if it is not true.

But practice can also be studied, which made Kong Huan feel a sudden light in front of him.

(If you can study it step by step, it may be okay to let the ethnic group become a civilization of practice. At that time, as long as the absolute strength and character of the management are guaranteed, then there is no need to worry about many things.)
Of course, now that I am constantly urging myself to maintain stability, this fantasy is quickly transformed into one of the future development plans.

Whether it is feasible or not depends on the most basic elementary martial arts research.

"So, what do you plan to study next? Do you need our reference?" After listening to Kong Huan's narration, everyone gathered around.

In fact, among these five research projects, cultivation was proposed by Dark Blood, domestication was proposed by Bai Nong, and calcium carbide was proposed by Lingxue casually.

Therefore, in the emptiness of this moment, I am afraid that several people will have a fight, which is not a good thing.

(Emergency rescue.)
Unnaturally looking at the enthusiastic crowd, Kong Huan wiped off his cold sweat, first gave Chu Qin who was watching the show, and then turned his eyes to the more reliable Chu Xia for help.

Sure enough, it was Chu Xia who cared the most about people. Under Kong Huan's expectant eyes, she patted the three people surrounding Kong Huan with her mental power, and then said with a smile: "Sit well, and now the monthly income is 250 catties. The leader of Gumi is still so unstable, do you want other people to laugh at him?"

But before Kong Huan could express his gratitude, Chu Xia continued: "Speaking of which, Kong Huan, have you concluded any conditions or rules for the emergence of research?"

"This?" After thinking for a while, Kong Huan pointed his fingers and said: "Now it seems that it must be a technology that the ethnic group is capable of researching. For example, when I asked Bai Nong to propose research on internal combustion engines, the control center did not respond."

"It must be a technology that the proposer can understand. For example, I asked a person to propose research on cement. At first, the control center did not respond, but when I explained the function of cement to the person in detail, and some fragments of the manufacturing method I knew , the control center accepts it.”

"Now it seems that only these two types have been discovered. According to 8051, this is because the control center wants the original civilization to develop its own technology, instead of obtaining the technology of other civilizations for nothing. Now it is me, the pseudo-native Civilization has taken advantage of it."

"That is to say, even the current copper smelting may be different from the human civilization in the memory of the three of us."

"Of course, even if there is a gap, we probably don't know."

Laughing self-deprecatingly, Kong Huan nodded and thanked Die Wu who was beside him for adding tea, looked at the crowd, and was about to share his thoughts and arrangements for the next research when Elder Sister Chu Xia spoke again.

"Exactly, emptiness."

"Can you add the research project of the school? Speaking of it, although this kind of education is feasible at different levels, it feels that there are too many problems in many details, such as the specific learning knowledge of the students, the food arrangement of the students, The training of teachers... Wait, if you always wait until the problems are obvious before you modify them, isn't it too much time lost?"

"Uh," Wei Wei was taken aback. As soon as Chu Xia finished speaking, Kong Huan found out with mixed emotions that a new candidate research project [Education—School (Elementary)] suddenly appeared in the research interface.

(It seems that the system can also be studied.)
"Yes, yes, but for the next research project, I want to wait until the end of the copper research, compare the time and cost of these 5... well, 6 research projects, and then determine what needs to be studied."

"And," Kong Huan said with a smile after looking at Bai Nong, "As for the domestication of mounted beasts, I think that when the time comes, I will let you do your own research after using the research center to find out the time required for the research."

"Then, when the next research project is completed, we will try again the time and cost required for animal domestication. If this research is real, there will be a certain amount of reduction."

"Actually, I think that for some research projects that are not a big problem, it is still king to conduct self-research as before. After all, the level 1 control center can only open 1 research position now, and upgrading to level 2 will not consume any civilization. point, and I do the task without rest, I am afraid it will take two years."

"So, that's about it. Although the civilization control center has 141 civilization points, the more money the better, isn't it? Then I will continue to do the task."

After speaking, Kong Huan clapped his hands, said goodbye to everyone with a smile, then turned and left.

"Money? By the way, Kong Huan, after the research on bronze wares, copper coins will probably be minted! Ah, man?"

Anxue looked around, and saw that several people were spreading their hands, so she had no choice but to rub her tentacles resentfully.
[Discoverable research project: copper coin casting. 】


This is the sound that just walked to the gate, and after hearing the voice of Dark Blood, he was startled by the notification from the control center, and finally got caught by the poor gate. Please ignore it.

—————Only unexpected, nothing impossible—————

"So, you are the ten researchers provided by Lingxue, right?"

This is a newly established [Technical Research and Development Bureau] directly under the [Top Management], and now Kong Huan finally has his external position, [Technical Bureau Director], senior manager level, monthly salary of 200 catties of rice, No benefits on the surface...

"Why do I sound like some disgusting handsome guy with a weird mask, or some dead M with an ugly hat? Strange." This is what Kong Huan thought when he first heard about this position.

Of course, Bai Nong and Dark Blood, who knew the inside story, completely ignored it. As for whether they were laughing in their hearts, no one knew.

Therefore, according to historical records, on March 1rd, 3st year of the Pengzu calendar, a [Technology Research and Development Bureau] that profoundly affected the future development of Shuangyuexing was formally established.

"It just so happens that digitization is of no use to Lingxue and the others, so I keep these civilization points and use them for you today. Since I can be selected by Lingxue, I shouldn't be a mediocre person."

After seeing his ten subordinates, Kong Huan had already made up his mind.

As for whether these ten people will disagree with Kong Huan, let’s not talk about Kong Huan’s strength in the mid-soul level, just because of the various high-level publicity, Kong Huan’s reputation is no less than a few among the management and priests. A Zhengshen and Lingxue are the leaders.

A series of shimmering lights flashed, completely ignoring the illusion of these light and shadow effects, and directly checked everyone's attributes.






"Really, why is everyone's intelligence so high? They are indeed not mediocre." In the illusory ORZ who was deeply hit.

From the attributes of the three high priests, the gap between Yuanren and Yiren can be clearly seen, but no matter what, they are still at the soul level, and they are not comparable to ordinary people in terms of consciousness.

And from Kong Huan's point of view, if it wasn't because Lei Yin was a little older and had already passed the time of pupation, if he could be properly cultivated when he was young, he would obviously be a master who could easily pupate.

The attributes of the remaining few priests were all slightly above the normal level. After teaching a few people how to check the attribute box with consciousness, Kong Huan turned his attention back to the one in his hand, which was sent by Ling Xue. report.

This is a report sent by a senior provincial official. The content is nothing special, and the most important thing is the language pattern.

This kind of language mode gave Konghuan a sense of familiarity, and it was also very fun.

The content of the report is: "...a fire broke out in the east of the city, and the city affairs bureau quickly extinguished it without major damage. By February 2, senior officials personally cultivated and opened three fields. I am very happy..."

Speaking of this interesting report, Kong Huan has to think of the current information recording status of "bamboo slips and leather go hand in hand, carving knife and charcoal dance together".

Until the advent of paper or other better writing platforms, everyone can only be forced to use this method.

However, due to the detailed requirements of various reports, some reports that cover too wide a range have to be sent to Pengcheng by car.

No matter how you look at it, it seems very unrealistic, but the book carts from various provinces to and from Pengcheng are still going their own way.

As a result, some people below, in order to save effort and use their brains, gradually appeared a simplified version of the language, while retaining the specific content, the language was slightly simplified.

For these people, because there is no mentality of "language must be kept standardized" on the whole, there is no pressure to do it, but whimsy often bursts out.

But when Kong Huan and Lingxue saw these words, they felt like they spewed out a mouthful of tea.

"No matter how you look at it, it is the rudimentary form of classical Chinese." And what was placed in front of Kong Huan at this time was one of the bamboo slips.

"The emergence of classical Chinese is indeed a good thing for enriching culture, but in terms of administrative management, it is better not to, because it is easy to cause misunderstanding due to oversimplification." shook his head.

But the main reason for this phenomenon is still the crudeness of the writing platform, so...

"It seems that the next research project is better to come up with hemp. Before Bai Nong proposed that the paper research was not accepted, it should be due to the lack of basic research on hemp." After thinking about it, Hollow wrote on the back of the bamboo slip: "But For entertainment, not for administrative use."

Suddenly, Kong Huan noticed that the bamboo slip was crooked, and he accidentally cut off a corner.

Then, before he could react, the entire desktop, no!It was the whole house shaking.

The ten people who were still curiously feeling the interface that marked their own attributes in their consciousness before also woke up immediately.

"Get out! Everyone get out immediately!"

 Why don't you always want to get up in the morning?
  It's really hard to say about power, Quack.

(End of this chapter)

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