Spore Story

Chapter 293 According to experts, it is a geologically active period

Chapter 293 According to experts, it is a geologically active period

When the feeling as if the earth was shaking suddenly appeared, Lingxue was still leisurely flipping through the reports from the various provinces of the ethnic groups. The moment a faint sense of vigilance emerged in her mind, the whole hut began to shake creakingly , but she was quickly stunned by this feeling.

For today's Pengzu group, things like earthquakes are obviously large-scale natural disasters that have never been encountered before.

What will be the reaction of people who encounter this kind of natural power for the first time?Fear, stupefaction, indifference?
Although the strength has reached the Youshen level, and the usual power is also extremely powerful, Lingxue only realized at this time the true meaning of the sentence 8051 said, "before the spirit level, it was just an increase in strength". .

It's ridiculous, or it's very real. While the Youshen class brings a surge in strength, it also brings extremely powerful perception.

But it was this kind of perception that made Lingxue stand completely dumbfounded at this time. It was even more powerless under the pressure of the will of the planet when Chu Ling and the two became the main consciousness. At this moment, Lingxue couldn't even think. Some difficulty.

She didn't make any movement, she didn't even think to open the protective layer of thought power, Lingxue just sat on the seat like this, so that the tiles that fell beside her from time to time would occasionally bring a few traces of dust on her body, although It couldn't hurt Yiren's tough skin, but it was enough to make Lingxue look ashamed.

Fortunately, the shock didn't last long, and even though the building was shaking and creaking constantly, only a lot of tiles fell, and the walls still stood firm.

When Lingxue roughly woke up, the earthquake had ended for a while.

Looking up at the sky, the roof blocking the view has disappeared, leaving only a few beams and the blue sky.

Shaking her head with a wry smile, Lingxue looked at the precarious beams with some fear, pushed away the dust on her body with her thoughts, then got up stiffly and walked out the door.

A few breaths of time passed, and when Kong Huan rushed out of the room with the ten players he had just obtained, the vibration had already stopped slowly.

Nothing seemed to have happened, except for the scattered tiles, some smashed beams, and cracked brick walls.

However, Unreal does not intend to use what it sees as the criterion for judging.

Closing his eyes, his mental power was instantly scanned at the limit range, and he checked the damage of the entire friend city and its surroundings.

When the scan was coming to an end, Kong Huan finally sensed the spiritual power of countless people who had reacted, which should be sent by a large number of righteous gods and soul-level people in Pengcheng.

Because everyone is worried, there is no hostility between each other, and when different spiritual forces come into contact, there is no interference. By the way, we exchanged information about our location.

Then, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

At least, no one had any major problems. As for the houses that collapsed and then rebuilt, anyway, they were bungalows that could be built in only two days.

"According to the classification of human beings, this should be around level 7."

Although initially it seemed that there were not many casualties, he still felt a headache and withdrew his induction. The illusion that humans had experienced earthquakes quickly reacted, and told the people around them not to enter the house, because the aftershocks are not that simple.

At the same time, Kong Huan asked his ten researchers with fairly good psychological quality to be responsible for maintaining the order of the surrounding personnel, telling people to stay in the open area and not to run around. Immediately, he spread his wings and flew towards the Central Executive Yuan.

There is actually a very strange phenomenon in the current ethnic group.

In terms of psychological quality, the best should be the quasi-priest; the second is the high priest; the third is the priest and the god level; and finally, of course, the ordinary person.

This makes people feel a little helpless, because quasi-priests often need to survive in the wild alone and face various crises, and because of the shortage of Youshen class, most of the time they stay in fixed locations as strategic forces and have fixed jobs, such as Several righteous gods, such as the two leaders Lingxue and Chu Xia.

"Lingxue, why did you just come out! Are you okay?" Looking at Lingxue who just walked out of the yard, Kong Huan complained with some fear, but seeing the slightly stiff movements of the other party, he secretly sighed and greeted her. go up.

Stiffly showing a smiling face, feeling the empty and calm emotions, Lingxue asked suspiciously: "I'm fine, but what happened just now, it feels like the whole world is shaking, is it because the will of the planet is angry? Didn't it mean that she still Haven't formed an independent consciousness?"

"No, don't worry, it was just a natural phenomenon just now."

Naturally, he reached out to hug Lingxue and patted her on the back. Feeling the trembling body, Kong Huan caressed her lightly in a funny way, and then explained calmly: "It's like rain and thunder. , this time it's just a natural phenomenon called an earthquake, but it doesn't rain as often as it does."

(It seems that the life of the Youshen class is too comfortable at ordinary times, and it is not an absolute good thing.) After thinking about the training of the Youshen class, Kong Huan exuded all his spiritual power, connected to several other managers, After asking everyone to gather in the Executive Yuan, he patted Lingxue who had calmed down in relief, then let her go and sat on the ground.

Looking up at the dusty Pengcheng, Kong Huan found that the direction of the copperware factory seemed to be wrong, and immediately stopped the copperware research through the interface, and then used his spiritual power to notify the nearest high priest to go and have a look.

He didn't know if the smelting research would be affected by the earthquake. Although the research hut didn't even fall off a single tile during the previous scan, the people involved in the research are all important talents, and the soul is still the head of the department. , Kong Huan felt that it was better to be careful, and it would be fine to stop anyway.

"...Really, arrange their treatment properly, and let everyone else stay on the playground and don't run around." Withdrawing his mental power from the high priest who was going to the copperware factory, after confirming that there was no major problem, he asked Dark Blood and Bai Nong who just arrived nodded.

After confirming that Kong Huan and the others had experience in dealing with earthquakes, Lingxue also completely calmed down, and quickly regained her competence as a patriarch.

Then, noticing that the management had gathered, she began to assign tasks: "Dark Blood, appease the team members immediately, and then take them to the surroundings of Pengcheng to check the situation, so don't worry, stay in the open area and wait for further orders. "

"Bai Nong, you are responsible for counting the losses in Pengcheng, to see how many people were injured and how many buildings were damaged."

"As for this earthquake, since Kong Huan knows about it, I think you should also be very clear about it. I don't know how to do it, so I will leave it to you to arrange it and try to do it well."

"Chu Xia, Warhammer, the Executive Yuan and the Law Court are all organized, and let Bai Nong and Dark Blood dispatch them."


Dark Blood didn't make any rebuttals for linking himself with the void this time. The two nodded to everyone, then turned around and flew to their respective destinations with serious expressions.

At this time, a burst of light flickered on the square of the Executive Yuan, and the four righteous gods who had reflected gathered in the Executive Yuan and looked at Konghuan.

Kong Huan, who was going to explain first, looked up and looked around, but happened to see a mess of friends.

Although there is a city affairs bureau now, the people in the city affairs bureau are also ordinary people. They are also in chaos when they suddenly encounter such a natural disaster with no experience.

Frowning with some dissatisfaction, Kong Huan turned his head and said to the four righteous gods: "I will talk about the specific situation later, let's use mental power to calm the surrounding people first, and each is responsible for the situation inside the respective temple areas. Lingxue is in charge."

"...Okay." Although I really wanted to get the earthquake information from Kong Huan, but seeing the calm Kong Huan at this time, the agitated emotions of several people calmed down a little.

Below the Youshen level, lying to the Youshen level has no effect, because although the communication at the Youshen level still carries language, it actually subconsciously uses spiritual communication at the same time.

Therefore, any language art has no effect at all when one's emotions are fully exposed.

Therefore, when everyone realized that emptiness was not an forced composure, they quickly thought that the current situation should not be serious.

As a result, everyone gradually calmed down, just like Kong Huan comforting Lingxue before.

The four righteous gods each nodded to indicate that they would do what they were told, and then there was another flicker, and the four righteous gods left again within a minute of their appearance.

And after giving these orders, Kong Huan ignored the people beside him, but nodded to Lingxue and Chu Xia, let go of his mental power, and began to use the group's spiritual power to calm down one by one, calming down the restless crowd .

This is the big difference between the friends and the human race.

Even in the late stage of primary civilization, when the human race faced such large-scale turmoil, they could only rely on propaganda, oppression, or the individual quality of the people to stabilize the crowd;

But the Peng Clan is still in the early stage of primary civilization, but because they are proficient in the use of spiritual power, they can rely on a few powerful individuals to calm the restless crowd with mental power in a short time.

But Kong Huan also knows that everything has advantages and disadvantages.

Because of the existence of such a powerful ability, the Pengzu has extremely high requirements for the management, strength and ability are indispensable, but the most important thing is to have virtue, or care for the members of the group.

Otherwise, if the high-level people are a group of villains who bully the people for profit, under such a powerful force, it will be difficult for the people to obtain a good life before a new strong person emerges.

It may even lead to the psychology of ordinary people relying on the strong instead of self-improvement.

This makes Unreal have extremely strict requirements when setting up high-level selection.

But people will have mistakes and omissions, so Konghuan can only enjoy the beautiful reality while planning for the worst in his heart.

Of course, no one wants things to develop in the worst direction.

Half a day has passed like this, and the restless crowd in Pengcheng has gradually calmed down under the mutual comfort of Youshen class, Pengcheng team, and people who have gradually woken up.

And Bai Nong and Dark Blood, who had experience in disasters like the illusion, also began to organize manpower to arrange rescue and make statistics on the situation.

Although there were two small aftershocks during the period, under the appeasement of six Youshen-levels and a dozen Soul-levels, no further commotion was caused.

At this time, Kong Huan's eyes flashed, and a colorful figure appeared in front of him.

—————Different civilization, different earthquake response—————

"What's going on this time 8051? Is it a normal situation or a problem with the will of the planet? Where is the shocking heart?"

Although 8051 had said before that it would support Pengzu's meteorological data, this earthquake is a natural disaster, so 8051 did not come to warn in time, and Konghuan didn't care too much.

But now that 8051 can appear so quickly, it means that she already has some useful information that she can tell herself.

"Sorry, I didn't notice in advance this time. 8051 looked at the affected Pengcheng very apologetically and said."

"It's nothing. We scanned it with mental power before, and there is not much loss. It should just be that some houses need to be rebuilt, so don't worry."

Not letting 8051 continue to sigh, Kong Huan seemed a little anxious at this time, because he was still a little worried because of the sudden earthquake: "Is there any specific situation about this earthquake?"

"Yes, when the earthquake happened, I was inside the will of the planet and sensed the whole process." As we spoke, there was another small aftershock, but at this time everyone had already calmed down, sitting like this On the square, Kong Huan waited for the explanation of 8051, which was interrupted by aftershocks.

"The center of the quake is far from the ground, mainly in the northern part of Gashan, about ten kilometers away from Pengcheng, and the power is not great."

"So, Pengcheng should be the hardest hit in the surrounding areas. If there are no major problems in Pengcheng, then the surrounding villages should have no troubles. You don't have to worry about Konghuan. 8051 said a little relieved."

Slightly relieved, at this time, Lingxue, who went to check the overall situation of Pengcheng, just returned, and when she saw 8051's arrival, she immediately flew over and hurriedly asked: "8051, what is the situation this time and the will of the planet?" Is it related? Although the illusion theory is a natural phenomenon, isn’t the will of the planet natural?”

"It doesn't matter, huh? Who said that the will of the planet is nature? Lingxue, you think it's wrong."

Seemingly surprised by Lingxue's opinion, 8051 turned his head to look at Kong Huan, who was full of doubts, and asked in a strange tone: "Do you also think that the will of the planet is nature?"

"Isn't it? Doesn't the will of the planet represent the nature of the planet?"

"..." Rubbing his forehead helplessly, 8051 spread his hands and said.

"It's also my fault that I didn't make it clear before. The source of the planet's will is all conscious life forms on the entire planet. It is composed of their free consciousness and survival consciousness. Because of its great strength, it can interfere with certain natural phenomena. , but it is not natural."

"In fact, you can regard the planet as an altar, and all conscious creatures as believers, and the will of this planet is finally condensed under the sacrifices of countless believers, but it has not yet achieved self-awareness. Otherwise, I wouldn't have the guts to steal it."

"So, the will of the planet is not the planet, but represents all conscious life on this planet."

"Then you are saying that this natural phenomenon is the natural activity of the planet, not the emotional changes of the planet's will, or has nothing to do with the planet's will?"

"It really doesn't matter this time. 8051 is a little helpless about the misunderstanding caused in front of us."

Then, as if he was satisfied that the two of them understood a little bit, 8051 nodded, then closed his eyes as if feeling something.

But after a while, her expression became serious again, with a hint of helplessness.

"Kong Huan, now there is good news or bad news, which one should I listen to first? 8051 helplessly confirmed what he already knew before, and finally felt that Kong Huan should know."


Being tricked by 8051, Kong Huan's heart suddenly tightened.

Originally, this earthquake was not very powerful, so if it is handled well, even if there is a more powerful earthquake in the future, people can calmly deal with it, but 8051's expression and pretendingly relaxed tone made Kong Huan a little worried.

"You'd better tell the bad news first."

Sure enough, what 8051 said made Kong Huan unable to stop a mouthful of old blood from spurting out, (play me!)
"The bad news is that the entire Double Moon Star is about to enter a geologically active period."

"Geologically active period? What?"

Obviously, both of them forgot that there was a real aborigine here.

Recalling the memory of human beings, it seems that Kong Huan has not forgotten some of the "geologically active" situations, but he just knows that earthquakes and volcanoes will become more frequent.

Therefore, he turned to 8051 for help.

But I don't know if 8051 didn't want to cause everyone to worry too much, or she didn't know much. After thinking for a while, she began to explain.

"Geologically active period, all I know is that earthquakes like the one before may occur more frequently, and there will be more disasters such as landslides, collapses, subsidences, and volcanoes. Therefore, I suggest When you build a city in the future, it's best to let me confirm it, so as not to build it in a dangerous area."

"Oh. So, what's the good news?" She rubbed her forehead helplessly. The series of disaster names not only made Lingxue nervous, but even Kong Huan was a little depressed.

"Oh, the good news is that Planet Will has observed that the movement of planetary plates is accelerating, but we have not yet been able to determine whether this is temporary or will continue to increase."

"What kind of good news is this!" Kong Huan was depressed.

"Okay, okay, the real good news is that you guys are lucky. Although you didn't have this awareness before, the construction sites of more than a dozen provincial cities and friend cities are all safe and not in the gaps between plates, so don't worry about appearing Great disaster."

"Huh, that's pretty much the same." He gave 8051 a hard look, Kong Huan was already used to 8051's bad taste anyway, but Lingxue was obviously taken aback.

At this time, 8051 seemed to think of something, and said with some regret: "Although your current territory seems to be worry-free, the acceleration of plate displacement is a very dangerous phenomenon for the races on the entire planet, so I can't stay here for a long time." treat."

"Currently, the creatures on the entire planet are exuding survival consciousness. The consciousness of some sensitive creatures even affects the operation of the planet's will, so that I, the sole agent, have to run around. Otherwise, if I don't pay attention, the planet's will will arise. self conscious."

"Meow, why can't we mobilize more planetary wills!"

Facing the frenzied 8051, Kong Huan and Lingxue could only keep silent, and said that anyone who could help would definitely help. (It's almost crap.)
"Forget it, then that's about it. The main thing you should pay attention to is safety."

"Ah, that's right." 8051, who had just got up, seemed to remember something, cast a reassuring look at the two of them and said, "I'm gathering friends from other continents according to the friend clan model, but..."

Carefully looking at Kong Huan, 8051 clasped his hands together, made a cute expression and said: "Well, in order to gather them, we are in the name of Kong Ling, the god of the earth, you don't mind."

Kong Huan, who was so frightened by 8051's expression that the hairs all over his body stood on end, froze for a moment, and then said helplessly: "It's nothing, Kong Ling, you gave yourself a name?"

"Ah, that, yes, I feel that the number is not easy to use at this time, I can still hear it, haha, then, I will go first, bye." After finishing speaking, before Kong Huan could answer, 8051 smiled and disappeared In front of everyone.

"Empty Zero? Why such a name?"

Shaking his head, at this time, Kong Huan had the opportunity to ask about the specific situation of Ling Xuepeng City.

According to Lingxue, this is the current loss situation summarized by Bai Nong and Dark Blood.

The loss of personnel is still being counted. In addition, first of all, the city wall was built very thickly, so none of it collapsed, and there were actually two cracks.

The second is the brick bungalows in the city. Because the walls are thicker and there is only one floor, the houses are only cracked at most. You only need to pull out the bricks in these cracks and rebuild.

However, since all the houses are roofed with tiles, during the earthquake, the tiles and beams fell everywhere, causing considerable indirect losses.

A lot of people were injured by these things (to this extent, friends can't be killed), and a lot of pottery was also damaged, which brought a lot of losses to the cleaning work.

Finally, there are the raised animals. Because their bodies are fragile and they are kept indoors when they are not in use, many of them were accidentally killed. Fortunately, the three most important animals, the hell butterfly, net rabbit and camel dragon Nothing was lost.

Camel dragons are basically pulling carts outside because of time constraints.

The hell butterfly has been flying outside, and after the living area is limited, many hell butterflies are distributed around Pengcheng. The earthquake caused almost no damage.

And the net rabbit that looked the most dangerous was arranged in the hut, but it was also uninjured.

Because according to the person who took care of it, before the earthquake, the fur ball playing with Wangtu suddenly exploded, and Wangtu seemed to know something, and at the same time the furball exploded, he consciously ran out.

The actions of the little rabbits even drove the few people who were practicing the ability to build electromagnetic networks at that time to chase them out.

As a result, when everyone ran out following Wangtu and Fuqiu, an earthquake occurred.

This was a wake-up call to Kong Huan. After entering civilization, the original disaster warning ability of the Pengzu seems to have been reduced a lot. For example, in this earthquake, Kong Huan didn't feel it at all.

In this way, to further warn, in addition to 8051, it seems that creatures with sensitive perception can also be kept.

"How many fur balls are there now?"

"Ah, what?"

Seeing Lingxue's puzzled expression, Kong Huan reached out and hammered his own head.

(Although Lingxue is the patriarch, it is impossible to know everything.)
Release the mental power, Kong Huan nodded to Lingxue to wait a moment, the released mental power has found Bai Nong, and then connected to the other party's spirit.

"Bai Nong, how many fur balls are there now?"

Even the Minister of Agriculture may not be able to remember exactly how many hairballs there are now.

But Bai Nong is different. The species of hairball has a good relationship with Bai Nong, so that Bai Nong is also very concerned about the situation of the hair ball.

Therefore, although it is unclear why Kong Huan asked this question, Bai Nong quickly recalled the latest data: "There are already more than 70 fur balls in Shuilan Province, and more than 20 in Central Province. What's the matter?"

"I can't tell right now, let's do your work first, and we'll talk about it at the meeting tonight."


After disconnecting from Bai Nong, Kong Huan looked at Lingxue and explained: "The early warning ability of fur balls is probably better than we imagined. I plan to distribute a certain number of fur balls to each province as a key to early warning of crises. point, it can be used as a disaster alarm.”

"Well... that's fine, it's better to have something than nothing, but the ability of Fuqiu is still uncertain after all, so it can only be used as a reference for the time being." Compared with Kong Huan's one-step idea, Lingxue is obviously much more mature. It still sounds unrealistic to pin your expectations on a small animal.

"Okay, this..."

"Empty fantasy, something happened in the Gashan quarry!"

—————Civilization and nature can only maintain a dynamic balance—————

"What about casualties?"

Standing on the original site of the Gashan quarry, Kong Huan looked at the quarry completely buried by the soil with a dark face.

While he was speaking, Chu Xia and Lingxue, who were Youshen-level, were mobilizing their mental power to continuously lift off the soil layer above.

"It has been confirmed that 11 people died, including 1 Yiman and 10 original people. According to the report of the temple, the ghost of the dead Yiren said that there was a sudden earthquake at that time, which was very powerful, causing the mud, rocks and trees on the top of the mountain to fall. , the people below were buried before they could escape, and most of them died of suffocation."

"Cut!" In my heart, I was annoyed that I didn't notice the safety of the quarry, took a deep breath, looked at the dug up corpse, and let myself wake up with a few strands of electric current.

"What about the family situation?" Although there are still dead souls, in order to separate the dead souls from the living, Kong Huan set that all the dead souls will be assigned to the nearest soul management temple. , or work assignments, or arrangements for cultivation.

Therefore, those who want to be alive are dead when they die, and they are not allowed to look for the souls of the dead.

However, the number of unused souls keeps rising, so that some temples have begun to backlog.

But Kong Huan couldn't find a way to deal with it. Let the dead souls dissipate and return to the will of the planet. Although this is a natural situation, Kong Huan always feels that he can't do anything.

As for the establishment of the six reincarnations mentioned by 8051, it is just a joke to the current emptiness.

The high priest next to him replied carefully: "Three of the 11 people have families, and the remaining eight people are single."

At this time, the buried quarry had been roughly excavated, and the efficiency of the two spirit-specialized Youshen-levels using mind power was definitely higher than that of excavators, not to mention the precision advantage of mind power.

After a while, the bodies of 11 people were excavated, and the two who did not find the dead souls unexpectedly found that they were still alive on the edge.

After arranging the two survivors to the temple for treatment, the corpses were also taken to the cemetery outside the city, and the family members were notified to come.

Then, Kong fantasized and wanted to say to Lingxue: "Three of them have families to pay 500 catties of grain for each family. Although it is not much, it is also a kind of expression."

"Needless to say, this is one of our measures. I also know that everyone has farmland now, and they don't care about such a small amount of food, but this is an attitude of the ruler, and it is also a measure to calm the people."

"Psychic comfort can only be used in emergencies after all. After that, the management still needs to slowly let the people feel the value of our existence as rulers."

"And this kind of disaster is the key. Only with a stable management class can it play a role in this kind of disaster."

A few words in succession made Lingxue nod her head continuously, and after thinking about it for a while, she finally stopped her words, and then flew to Pengcheng with a few people.


Looking at the houses with broken roofs one after another, Kong fantasized about the geologically active period mentioned by 8051.

"It seems that the tiled roof cannot be used for the time being, but this time is already late spring and early summer, and the thunderstorm season is coming, so it is impossible not to use the roof."

"Let's use thatch for the time being. Anyway, the rice was harvested last year, and each family still has a lot of rice stalks left."

Having made such a helpless decision, Kong Huan could only smile wryly in his heart, and then ran to the copperware factory.

If the quarries were the worst damaged, the copper factories were the next worst.

Extreme care must be taken during smelting. Even though everyone used a very crude method at this time, resulting in a small amount, the copper water splashed by the falling tiles during the earthquake and the mistakes caused by the vibration also caused six accidents in the copperware factory. People were slightly injured, and even one person was seriously injured.

The seriously injured person was splashed with hot copper water on the head and throat, and died on the way to the temple.

The remaining six people were placed in the temple, and after the wounds on their hands and feet were treated and bandaged, they fell asleep under the spiritual power of the priest.

As for the injury of breaking off the tentacles and tail, it is much easier to deal with, because the healing speed of these two parts is very fast.

"Spirit, are you alright?"

Seeing the five researchers chatting around the playground in the factory compound with the survivors of other copperware factories, Kong Huan immediately rushed over.

"It's okay, we didn't feel anything there, and the water didn't even sway. If it weren't for Master Konghuan, you stopped, we still don't know what happened? Hehe, but thank you, Master Konghuan, for your concern."

"It's nothing, how is the research going?" Seeing that there was no more dangerous situation around, Kong Huan also heaved a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.

It is impossible for the copperware factory to start work within a few days, and the workers just took the opportunity to take a break and adjust their emotions at the same time, and Pengcheng also happened to suspend the production of copperware. When the research team succeeds, they will start building new copperware factory.

"Now that the research is coming to an end, we are now extracting copper from the ore, making it into independent shapes, and then refining these copper blocks... The current yield is already 50%, and we have also obtained [Casting], [Forging] and other sub-techniques, it is estimated that there will be more than ten days, and we will be completely successful."

I don't know if it's because of this research that Lingxin fell in love with this profession or what. When it comes to the research situation, the originally stable high priest became as excited as a little girl who found her favorite toy, and talked endlessly. Recent research results speak for themselves.

At this time, workers who had been staying around because of the earthquake and didn't know what to do also surrounded them.

Void didn't stop it, but waited for Lingxin to finish speaking with a smile on his face. As for the workers around, they listened to these steps thoughtfully.

In fact, at the beginning, Kong Huan could still understand, but later on he could only maintain his posture to show that he was still listening.

In the end, what he could understand was that the yield rate was about to pass, and the research would be completed in more than ten days, so he asked them to continue to study these situations.

"Okay, everyone heard it too. We will have better smelting technology in a few dozen days, and the problem of yield rate can be solved."

"This time I will give you a one-month vacation, but this month's salary is still 100 catties per person, and you can go to the Ministry of Industry to collect it tomorrow. After you go back, everyone should think about the method Master Lingxin said, and it will be used in the future. .”

After finishing speaking, ignoring the workers who heard that there was a month's paid holiday and slightly lowered the fear of the earthquake just now, Kong Huan asked Lingxin to bring the other four researchers to the hut allocated for smelting research.

Several researchers seem to be very dependent on this hut, and they have the idea of ​​not coming out after entering. At first, Kong Huan thought that they were extremely enthusiastic about research, but once their mental power was swept away, Kong Huan became embarrassing.

These guys, after seeing the tragic situation outside and comparing themselves to the unscathed situation when they stayed in the research room, for the sake of their own lives, they felt that the research room was safe.

(Meow, forget it, it’s human nature.)
Thinking like this, Kong Huan stepped into the hut one step at a time. Outsiders can enter and leave the hut at will before starting research.

Looking at the specific situation of [Smelting - Copper (Primary)] in the research interface, it shows [Copper Ore: 12/100].

"Lingxin, is there enough copper ore?" Smelting research can't be done with just a few people in a hut, and a lot of raw materials are needed, and these things will only appear after the smelting starts.

At the beginning, the hut was filled with crude smelting tools like the copperware factory that Kong Huan moved in, but now it has completely changed into an appearance that Kong Huan doesn't recognize.

As for the amount of copper ore, 100 should be the amount of copper ore that this hut can store.

At the beginning of the research, Kong Huan had already stored 100; on the 20th day, Kong Huan replenished it again; but now it has only been 10 days since the last replenishment, and the quantity is only 12. Obviously, the consumption of copper mines is not enough. Stable, or increasing.

In fact, Kong Huan is very curious about how the research laboratory allows people to research these technologies. According to Lingxin and several other researchers, after starting the research, they feel that their brains are much more flexible, and it is easy to think about things related to the research. can figure it out.

In other words, the research office should have improved the researcher's ability related to research.

And it was only improved during the research, but after the research, these research results have become familiar to the researchers, and it feels that the researchers have succeeded in their own research.

Hearing Kong Huan's question, Lingxin smiled awkwardly, and took Kong Huan to a corner of the hut: "There is no shortage of copper mines, but we have smelted the copper into finished products, and we don't want to melt it, so the consumption is very small." more and more."


His eyes brightened. Although several researchers seemed not very good at designing finished bronze wares, there were quite a lot of bronze wares piled up in the corner.

From the simple-looking copper sticks, axes, and nails to the well-made copper knives and copper arrowheads that have obviously been polished, there are dozens of finished products, large and small, piled up in one corner of the hut.

Lifting a copper spear, it seems that because they have not been supplemented with resources such as wooden sticks, the body of the copper spear and the spearhead are all made of copper.

If it's just so illusory, it's just admiration. Although in terms of creativity, the entire copper body is used, the lethality is indeed not small, but the focus now is not here, but on the hardness.

"It feels a little different from copper."

"Ah, this copper spear is our latest product."

"A few days ago, we found that some copper nuggets after smelting copper ore were harder than ordinary copper nuggets, so we tried it out and found that if we add some other minerals to the copper nuggets with higher purity, we can produce This kind of thing, they should be suitable for cutting tools."

Lingxin proudly took out two pieces from a stack of copper pieces, one was obviously of high purity, but the hardness was not so good after being pinched by Hollow; while the other was slightly blue-gray and harder than pure copper Much higher.

At this time, Kong Huan also thought of what it was, and a smile of approval appeared on his face.

"Okay, you guys go ahead, I'm going to bring a batch of copper ore over here, and then start research, if you need any resources, just tell me, I'll wait for your good news."

Although the copperware factory is basically destroyed, as long as the research results are obtained, the Pengzu will be able to build a better copperware factory with greater output.

When such bad news as an earthquake happened, they could still get such happy things. Whether it was the empty fantasy, or Lingxue and the others who were told about it later, they all felt relieved. It's progressing faster.

In the sky, sundries flew by from time to time, and then, as if consciously, they fell onto a pile of sundries, and then were dragged by a box truck temporarily made by the resumed car factory, and dumped on the side of the road outside the city .

Of course, the bronze ware factory is on holiday, and the workers in other factories have also been promised that after the reconstruction of Pengcheng, they can get a certain period of vacation.

As Youshen-level Lingxue and others, as well as the four righteous gods, the efficiency of using mind power to work is extremely high. With these humanoid construction machines, in just three days, the debris and dust scattered everywhere in Pengcheng , was cleaned up.

If it wasn't for the thatched roofs of the houses, and the old and new walls that can be seen from time to time along the road, I am afraid no one would have thought that there was an earthquake here just a few days ago.

"Fortunately, the intensity is not strong this time."

Looking at the friends who are gradually recovering with relief, and the people who are getting used to the occasional small aftershocks, Kong Fan looks at the children who are irritatingly calling and running around when the aftershocks appear, with helplessness on their faces .

(These little guys are really teenagers who don't know how to feel sad, and they don't have a sense of crisis. No, is it because adults are too sensitive?)
As for the surrounding cities and villages, on the day the earthquake happened, the team sent people to check it out.

Fortunately, because it was mid-morning when the earthquake occurred, most people were working in the fields and the children were at school.

As a result, up to now, 17 people have died and 81 people have been injured, and only two cities in the northeast of the central province are affected, plus Pengcheng.


(End of this chapter)

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