Spore Story

Chapter 294 Learning from Kewpie, Marketing of Cement

Chapter 294 Learning from Kewpie, Marketing of Cement
PS: Thank you very much for Lin Ying’s monthly ticket support~\(≧▽≦)/~
Human beings seem to have a great scientist named Einstein or something who proposed a theory called relativity.

At the same time, he seems to have guessed that if human beings reach or even exceed the speed of light, they can go back to the past, or even drift into the future.

Of course, no one knows whether this conjecture is really feasible, except that it provides food for a large number of poor people who can only tell stories.

Because no one has done it, or rather, no one has done it at all. (Sir, at least it seems to us ordinary people.)
However, Kong Huan now found a way to reach the future very quickly.

Unfortunately, this method is a one-way ticket, that is to say, this method cannot be called 'time travel', but should be called 'burning time'. ORZ
That is

Concentrate on doing one thing.

It’s very powerful, it’s very accurate, I really want to flip the table... I believe many people have had this experience, quack.

So, after roughly dealing with the post-earthquake problems and handing over other work to professionals, Unreal continued. Ever since the control center appeared, I couldn't stop, 10 level 1 tasks——1 2 Level 10 tasks——1 Level [-] tasks—… Scientific name: endless loop.

So repeating this ordinary and tense life.

When the men in the harem, who are poor people, feel a lot more illusory than those harem men who are absolutely better than others, and when they wake up, more than two months have passed like this.

"Sure enough, time flies by."

Of course, more than two months is nothing to him who has lived for hundreds of years.

This has the same meaning as what a narcissistic old man with a white beard said, "Your life is but a moment of flicking your fingers, you wait for me to flick your fingers to fulfill your wish." (It’s very embarrassing =.=)

The research on bronze ware was completed early, and the wreckage of the old bronze ware factory, under Chu Jie’s happy burst of thought power, turned into ashes in less than half a day, and then piled up on the road outside the city in a row. the first paving stones.

Kong Huan was very pleased with Chu Jie's thrifty behavior, and handed over the factory reconstruction work to Chu Jie.

Then, the construction of the new copper ware factory took a full 10 days. Under the constant complaints about the boring God Chu Jie’s various natural sluggish behaviors, and in the eyes of the workers who looked at miracles, finally because of the high priest Die Wu’s Participated and accomplished.

The new copperware factory is divided into three parts: [Smelting Area], [Casting Area], and [Forging Area].

[Smelting area], that is, the area used to smelt copper ore into copper blocks, because the output is expected to increase in the future, so the [Smelting area], which will greatly increase the transportation pressure, was not built inside the city It is not an industrial area, but an open-pit copper mine built on the side of Ga Mountain outside the city.

Of course, at the same time, smelting areas were also built beside the copper mines in Shuilan Province and Liuhe Province, and the roads were connected first. Kong Huan resolutely carried out the fact that human beings have been deeply rooted in the soul since childhood, deeper than the memories of relatives. The truth of "If you want to get rich, build roads first".

[Casting Area] All the things that are not demanding and have rough shapes are manufactured. Of course, the blanks are also made here.

Later, Kong Huan also thought about whether to start minting copper coins, but because the production of pure copper has not yet fully increased, so he stayed in the bottom of his heart for the time being.

But the strong resentment towards the currency made the group of Kong Huan think about setting up a mint by themselves all the time and manage all the mints, and even Bai Nong had already begun to recall the monetary policy and other situations.

You must know that metal currency is not the kind of paper money, which can be compared to things that are turned into waste paper by accident under the hands of high-achieving students who are proficient in finance, which is actually legal money grabbing.

As for the [Forging Area], it is the place where there will always be popping sounds. If you come here with your super IQ, you can also figure out what this place is for. (Weapon Forging Area)

Speaking of which, after the smelting research was completed, in addition to the bronze and other harvests, Kong Huan also found that several people who participated in the research had evolved into individuals with intermediate smelting technology.

Well, this is definitely a good thing for Kong Huan, but it's a pity that he hasn't been able to find a better ore now, or he hasn't had time to find it yet.

Therefore, after the four researchers were temporarily assigned to be the instructors of several districts by Konghuan, Lingxin, who was still unsatisfied, was sent back to his job, and continued to face piles of documents with his intermediate smelting skills.

In the recent period, due to an accident, they were pulled away to do research. Without the minister of the Ministry of Industry, the subordinates of the Ministry of Industry are much more relaxed.

And Kong Huan is the one who looks down on other people's idleness the most, because it shows that he is very busy, which is Chi Guoguo's envy, jealousy and hatred!

Then, the second research [Textile - Linen (Elementary)] was put on the agenda by Void.

Because the needed personnel can be selected from the existing people who are experimenting with making linen, and there are still many wing people to choose from.

Therefore, the ten researchers in the Technical Bureau who seemed to be turning into soy sauce did not participate in this research.

But in line with the principle of never letting others idle when they are busy, these ten researchers were arranged by Konghuan to study basic skills in various factories, such as carpentry, smelting, logging... and so on. , as it is called, lays the foundation for future research.

Perhaps it is because there is a lot of research foundation at the beginning, especially the linen can already be made. What is lacking for this research goal is only mass production capacity.

When selecting five researchers, the control center actually prompted that two junior carpenters were needed.

So, empty-handedly, he ran to the carpentry workshop of the depot, and arrested two carpenters who didn't know why.

Then, in less than 20 days, the cost did not exceed 50 yuan, and the linen was draped on Kong Huan and others.

Of course, in order to prevent the researchers from feeling dissatisfied, Kong Huan generously let the researchers wear this kind of clothes first, and Kong Huan was the second batch.

God knows, the first batch and the second batch were separated by only a few seconds, but this is the art of leadership, the art of language. (=.=)

"So, when it comes to food, clothing, housing and transportation, clothes come first."

Tighten the linen clothes on your body. Although it is not as warm and strong as leather clothes, it is not limited by the output of leather, nor does it hold the breath of leather. Up to now, the high-level people who have felt the effect of linen have accepted this kind of thing, and the linen clothes The production plant has also started to build.

Of course, it is still built in the Pengcheng Industrial Zone in the central province.

According to Kong Huan: "We want to completely build Pengcheng into a comprehensive and real city, and use Pengcheng as the representative of the early stage of our Pengzu's primary civilization."

(The implication is that after further development, Pengcheng will become the former representative?) Of course, this sentence is obviously not what Wuhuan said.

Then, since Mai's research is so powerful, Kong Huan obviously won't waste the civilization points accumulated during this period.

As for keeping the upgrade, in the view of Kong Huan at the time, at least let Pengcheng have a stable development. After all, the civilization requirement of 1000 points (revised) is neither high nor low.

As for what is "stable development" and what is the general standard, I'm afraid only Kong Huan knows. (does he really know?)
Thus, the third research appeared, which was [Papermaking] that was accepted by the control center after the appearance of linen.

To talk about [Papermaking], we have to start with the four great inventions of a certain civilization in ancient times... (N+1 words omitted)... So, when I was full of expectations, I opened the research interface and readily handed over 1/ 3's money bag and 10 researchers waited for another 20 days before a piece of slightly yellowish rough paper calmly appeared in front of Kong Huan. (Does paper have expressions?)

By the way, this study is also very humane, with a rabbit hair brush for writing and a cup of refined ink as a gift.

"This, this is the legendary paper?" For such a rabbit hair brush, Xiao Lingyun chased the fantasy of half of the friend city. Looking at the ink-stained brush, after painting it, it was a large area that continued to spread, obviously. The water-absorbent paper should be very good, and I burst into tears with excitement.

"Here, Bainon."

"What are you doing?" Looking vigilantly at the illusion in front of him that seemed to be quite shocked and became a little mentally abnormal, Bai Nong subconsciously took a step back.

Regarding the results this time, although paper was indeed produced, this kind of paper that is almost impossible to write on is unacceptable. In Bai Nong's view, brushes and ink are more useful.

Glancing at Bai Nong who was on alert, Kong Huan gave him a contemptuous look.

Then, he twisted his uncomfortable body on the chair, looked at the other party and said, "With this thing, it will be convenient in the future, don't you understand?"

"Also, let's classify it into theoretical research this time. Anyway, without this step, we can't make better things, right? We are not those short-sighted managers."

"..." (How much resentment do you have.)
Looking at the other party with a black line on his face, Bai Nong felt that Kong Huan might be too busy recently and kept repeating tedious and monotonous tasks, which caused some mental instability. It's better not to stimulate the other party for the time being.

"Okay, as you said, it's not impossible to continue. Now that the paper has come out, will better paper be far behind?" After finishing speaking, Bai Nong waved his hand, pointed to the door and said, "I'm still waiting for you." You have to be busy with the bean vine harvesting arrangements for a few days, so you should go back and have a good rest first, and walk slowly."

"Cut, boring."

Wagging his tail smartly, using his tentacles to put the chair in place, with a slightly bleak back, Konghuan walked out of Bainong's Minister of Agriculture's hut.

At this time, according to the general situation, Hollow should start researching the next topic of [Papermaking] [Improved Papermaking], and this topic indeed appeared in the space research when Bai Nong just spoke. On the interface, it shows that it can be researched.

But Kong Huan returned to the Research Bureau compound, added a standard researcher, and after looking at the specific instructions, he decisively threw it aside.

It's not that I'm in the mood, it's not that I don't have confidence, and it's not that I don't want good paper anymore, but... a situation that may happen to everyone, there is no currency in circulation.

improved papermaking

The emergence of paper that can write on is a great leap in the history of recording.

Participating researchers: 5/5
Participating research location: Papermaking room attached to Pengcheng Maiyi Factory (available)

Key: Fiber Plant (available)
Lei Yin——Intelligence: 15——Skills: Papermaking (available at primary level), woodworking (available at primary level)

Success rate: 91% (usable)
Civilization points: 200 (please provide)

Time: 40 (estimated)


"This is cheating, isn't it!"

Depressed to the emptiness of flipping the table, now he has finally figured out that upgrading is the kingly way.

After the upgrade, the research position is +1, and one position can be used to research short-term effective technologies, and one position can be used to research long-term advanced technologies like this;
After the upgrade, the data display will obviously change, it is no longer the basic to no longer basic attribute, at least the skill should be able to appear;
After the upgrade, more advanced tasks will obviously appear, so there is no need to run between 1 o'clock and 10 o'clock every day like now, turning into a miserable 101.

At that time, it will no longer be like now, where even 1 point of digitized money has been counted and counted again, wishing to tear 1 yuan into 2 yuan and use it. Of course, it would be even better if it can be used as 100 yuan.

"This tragic life, a 1000-point upgrade!" (Corrected, 1 upgrade to 2 only needs 1000 points=.=)

"However, it is impossible not to study at all."

After calming down a little, Kong Huan opened his control center interface, looked at the remaining 177 civilization points, thought about it, and opened the research interface first. [Construction - Cement (Elementary)] just added.

Invite a few subordinates from the Technical Bureau, make a study of the situation in vain, add these people, and then...

"3 days! 10 o'clock!"

Just passing by the door, Xiao Lingyun, who was still holding a net rabbit in her arms, was startled by the roar of the beast in the room.

Looking at the big signboard of the Technology Bureau, Xiao Lingyun gave the yard a hard look, ignored the situation inside, turned her head and walked away on her own.

If you observe carefully, you may still be able to see that little rabbit carefully held by Xiao Lingyun in her arms, the happy net rabbit, with a few tufts of rabbit hair missing from its tail strangely...

If Kong Huan saw this scene, maybe he would pull out a few more.

——————'Compared to the sturdy wolf howling, the soft rabbit fur is really better. 'A certain empty phantom—————

"Oh, this is the cement you mentioned last time, is it really that good?"

Puzzled, she squeezed the powdery object called "cement" by Kong Huan and several researchers. Lingxue looked at the cement flowing out from between her fingers, and looked at Kong Huan curiously.

at this time……

boom!Click!Ah! ?

"What, it doesn't seem to be as strong as I remember? Don't tell me it's a bean curd project?"

"My dark blood lady! At that time in your memory, you were still powerless, self-righteous, bored at home like mud, without any motivation, and continued to code words with an obsession~~ what!"

Taking a deep breath, Kong Huan looked at the dark blood shaking his fist dissatisfiedly at the hard lump of cement with a small hole in front of him, and complained to the other party silently and with grief and indignation.

In front of him, the crack was smashed by the dark blood's fist, which was the concrete wall that Kong Huan intended for Lingxue to accept as an acceptance target. Who knew that before he had time to show it, the poor little guy was smashed by a violent woman's fist. "Looks like I haven't read the almanac today," maybe this little guy (cement?) is thinking like this.

When I first found out that this task only takes 3 days and 10 o'clock, Kong Fantao turned it on without even thinking about it.

Then, after the finished product came out on the fourth day, he discovered that the method in his memory that he told the researchers before was no different from the results of this research.

Burn stones, water them, burn stones again, water them again, smash stones into powder, and finally process them to become a beautiful construction tool—cement (ancient version) [Sahua].

In other words, for this thing, Kong Huan didn't need to study the interface himself, and it only took ten days and a half a month to get it out, which is just a little troublesome.

At this time, the nature of the illusory Grandet was exposed, "My 10 civilization points, my three-day work is the result of my eloquence!"

Well, this is the end of the matter, under the scornful eyes of a group of researchers, Kong Huan finally remembered the image problem of himself as the main consciousness.

So, with a twinkle in his eyes, he quickly stood up from the ground and coughed a few times, and began to use the super skill: [Leader's Speech] on these heroes who had researched the cement.

"Well, everyone has done a very good job in this research. First, I want to... (zZZ)"

After Kong Huan thought that the audience had forgotten what happened before because of his hypnotic speech, he finally stopped this behavior that caused extreme pain for both parties, took a big sip of water, and called Lingxue and a few people came, ready to sell.

Although the cement is still somewhat primitive, the production process of modern cement has not changed much, and no matter how poor the finished product is, it is much better than the buildings built with bricks and tiles today.

Especially now that there are occasional weak earthquakes around Pengcheng, even the building combination of "one-story house + thatched roof" often needs to be repaired.

Otherwise, it will be in disrepair for a long time (maybe about 1 year is a long time=.=), and then it will be buried under it while sleeping. Because the skin and bones are very strong, it will not be crushed to death, but will be suffocated. die, then...

Ah, I need a little clarification here. According to expert 8051, the area where Pengcheng is located is not a plate boundary, so it should not be considered a seismically active zone.

Then, Kong Huan was thinking, since this place is not yet a plate boundary, but there are still weak earthquakes, then... what about those real plate boundaries? 【stand hands】

And then, ah, it’s still the next, how many tragic afters are there...

Then, Lingxue and others came here, and the previous scene appeared.

topic return
"Well, as you can see, Lingxue."

Ignoring the dark blood's fist and the glass concrete wall with a hole in it, Kong Huan suddenly remembered the words of a great salesman who seemed to be called 'QB', 'We just have to ignore every detail Problems, as much as possible to describe shortcomings as advantages; small advantages as great advantages; great advantages as indispensable places...'

As for whether the original sentence is this thing, Kong Huan doesn't know, he can't even remember whether he had a sister when he was a human.

"Hmm, look, you know the power of Dark Blood, right?" Pointing to Dark Blood, Kong Huan compared it with facts as much as possible, which shows that he is still far from the status of the God of Marketing.

Seeing Lingxue nodded, Kong Huan put on a gentle (almost written as 'violating harmony'=.=) smile, and said in a provocative tone: "If what is in front of us now is the city wall outside Pengcheng , what will be the result of punching with the strength of Dark Blood before?"


Seemingly remembering something not so good, all the people present had strange expressions, and Dark Blood, who usually had a strong style, became even more coy.

On the contrary, it was the emptiness who was the topic elicitor, with an inexplicable expression on his face.

(Ah, so curious! No way, my gossip soul is on fire.)
At this moment, Kong Huan seemed to have completely forgotten about what to sell, but looked at Lingxue who listened to him the most, expecting her explanation.

I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing?Among the few people present, although Chu Xia looked gentle and calm, everyone who knew her very well was deeply impressed by her dark-bellied mentality; The relationship between events and illusion is not so good.

Therefore, the only patriarch Lingxue who could make Konghuan feel the dignity of his main consciousness, when he saw Konghuan's expression of asking for help like a kitten (Lingxue's perspective), his heart trembled slightly, and he pulled away awkwardly. Twitching the corners of his mouth, he carefully used his mental power to connect to the empty brain, and then briefly explained the matter.

In fact, it is not a big deal.

The matter has to be traced back to the days after the earthquake, because there were several cracks on the city wall, and it was impossible for everyone to let those cracks stay there, so they learned how to deal with the cracks in the house and planned to tear down the city wall at the cracks. Then rebuild there with new bricks and stuff.

Then, Dark Blood was ordered to lead her team, and was assigned to be the most primitive demolition office, responsible for demolishing the city wall... the parts that needed to be demolished.

Then, Dark Blood, who was not in a good mood at the time, saw a group of Yiren and Yuanren surrounding the city wall, brick by brick, planning to dismantle the city wall just like demolition of a house, and suddenly became a little impatient.

At that time, she was actually a little patient.

So, she looked at the bricks and started counting: one brick, two bricks, three...

No hypnotic effect at all!
When he counted to the 501st brick and saw that the city wall had only been demolished by a corner, Dark Blood finally went berserk.

alarm!alarm!Unit [-]'s dark blood rampage!

Completely ignoring the existence of the people around him, Dark Blood yelled domineeringly: "Get out!" (It looks like a big black-faced man by a small bridge=.=)

With the first punch, dozens of bricks flew out;
Another kick, and the corner of the wall is missing;
Another punch, the entire city wall (the part that needs to be demolished) is reduced by 1/4

You humanoid tyrannosaurus...ah no, tyrannosaurus is a matter of one punch to ordinary primitive people, so...ummm...

You are as high as! ! (~ (—o—) ~)
In the end, amidst the shocked and admiring expressions of a bunch of team members, the majestic Lord Dark Blood stood at the place that she had cleaned up in less than a cup of tea. It was 4 meters long, 5 meters wide, and 5 meters high. At the city wall of Mi, he flicked his tentacles very chicly.

Then, she scanned the surrounding crowd with majesty, turned around, strode through the wall break, and directly entered the residential area inside the city from outside the city, leaving behind a strong but lonely figure for everyone...

(The above is the perspective of a member of the team present at the time)

"That...that, dark blood."

"What are you doing!" From Kong Huan's expression, he could see that his embarrassing story had already been known, and he glared at Lingxue, who was obviously the leaker, and then looked at Kong Huan vigilantly like a pervert.

God knows, if the targets of perverts are all existences like dark blood, then the country's laws can also directly state 'the treatment of perverts: the pervert's medical expenses will be paid by himself, and if he dies, it will be considered that the victim has overprotected' Now, it doesn't need to be secretive to be accepted by the public.

"It's nothing, it's just, I'm curious if I use 1 civilization point to digitize it for you."

"1 civilization point?" Dark Blood pouted his lips and said, "I don't want the things you got from cleaning up the sewers for a long time, come and digitize them for me! Hmph."

After finishing speaking, ignoring Void that was completely hit, Dark Blood swaggered towards a group of trembling researchers with his head held high amidst the guarded eyes of a group of people.

Then, she calmed down a little bit, stared at High Priest Lei Yin who was the leader of the research team and asked, "So, what is the output of this cement now?"

"Huh? Ah, that output... output, output."

Stared at by the mighty Dark Blood at this time, Lei Yin, who was already a high priest in the middle of the soul level, was still sweating profusely.

Seeing that he looked around in a little bewilderment, and then glared at his companion beside him, he regained consciousness a little bit, and took out a bamboo slip from the research site.

"Ahem, that, Lord Dark Blood, please take a look, this is a summary of the research."

With some doubts, he took the bamboo slips that the other party handed over with both hands in great respect. Dark Blood nodded gratefully to the other party, and then opened the bamboo slips.

At this time, Chu Xia and the others did not come together because of curiosity, but they covered the bamboo slips with their spiritual power.

In fact, although it was a bit embarrassing, because of the empty words, everyone still subconsciously used dark blood as the standard, comparing the current brick wall with the cement wall of the research team.

The nearly 5-meter-thick brick wall was solved with a few punches and kicks by the dark blood, but now the concrete wall is less than half a meter thick and two meters high, and the dark blood punched it down, but it was just a crack instead of a direct penetration. It has already explained the advantages of cement compared with brick walls.

Frowning with some dissatisfaction, Dark Blood looked at the situation analysis above, and seemed to have calculated it in his mind, then handed the bamboo slip to Lingxue, and then looked at the researchers who had calmed down a little: "What's the matter?" What's the matter, the output is so low."

"Well, Lord Darkblood, in fact, that's the case with the production process. Now to increase the output, we mainly need to solve three aspects: one is the lack of raw material cobblestone; the other is the lack of fuel charcoal; the third is the shortage of manpower. .”

"Then do it. There is a shortage of manpower. During the slack season, there are idle and panicked guys everywhere. Even female hooligans and male hooligans who dare to flirt with the opposite sex are everywhere. Just catch them; as for charcoal, let charcoal It’s enough for the factory to make more, and now that there are bronze saws, logging should not be a problem; as for pebbles, aren’t there a lot of them by the river?”

"Well," wiped off his cold sweat, although Lei Yin knew the specific situation before, but under the oppressive eyes of the dark blood, he felt that his mind seemed to have turned into a mess , Things that were very clear before, but now I can't think of them.

(Could it be that this is the stage fright that Master Kong Huan mentioned?)

At this time, Lei Yin could only seek foreign aid.

First of all, she turned her attention to the 'colleagues' - the other two high priests, but the other two shook their heads and said that they had not participated in the research, so they did not know the situation;

So, she turned her head and turned her gaze to the 'boss' - Kong Huan who fell to the ground, but the other party was still repeating 'the one who cleaned the sewer... the one who cleaned the sewer...';
In the end, she shook her head and shifted her gaze to Lingxue, but Lingxue didn't seem to have any intention of refusing.

(It seems that at critical times, the people who can be trusted in the end are not in the two relationship groups of 'colleagues' and 'superiors'.) At this time, Lei Yin seems to have obtained the truth.

"Okay, Dark Blood, I should be able to figure out the situation in this regard." But what people didn't expect was that it was Chu Xia who spoke first this time.

Patting on Dark Blood, who was a little nervous and eager to change the subject because someone brought up the embarrassing thing she did on the spur of the moment, Chu Xia smiled.

For such a thin-skinned Dark Blood, she was actually very surprised, because they were both illusory, and Hui Li and Bai Nong were far behind Dark Blood in this aspect.

(Is this also the reason why Dark Blood doesn't agree with Void?) Without dwelling on it, Chu Xia patted the concrete wall beside her, showing a satisfied smile.

Even though a hole was cracked by the dark blood, the concrete wall still has a rock-like texture. Chu Xia, the president of the Executive Yuan, has already decided to mass-produce it in her heart, but the restrictions in the three aspects are indeed unreasonable. How easy it is.

"The manpower problem is easy to solve. Although it is not like what you said in Dark Blood, you can catch a lot of hooligans at once, but just like other factories, you can recruit more workers during the slack season. This method It's also doable."

Ignoring Anxue's nodding and smiling, Chu Xia changed her tone and said with a little hesitation: "However, these other two questions are hard to answer."

Smiling and nodding to Kong Huan who had finally recovered from the blow, Chu Xia looked at Kong Huan's encouraging eyes with pleading eyes, smiled and dismissed the idea of ​​letting Kong Huan explain. There is probably no benefit other than making Kong Huan suffer, although Chu Xia did have this idea.

"If you want to increase the production of charcoal, you need to increase the amount of logging. But now copperware factories, car factories, carpentry workshops and other places need wood. Pengcheng already needs to cut down a lot of trees every month. If you want to increase the amount of logging, I am afraid that the surrounding forest area will begin to decrease.”

"There are also pebbles. It is true that there are many riversides, but there are also many dangerous creatures in the river. They often sneak up on animals and people by the riverside, and they are likely to cause casualties to us."

"The forest is shrinking?" She didn't seem to be deterred by Chu Xia's question. Darkblood, who has the lowest human experience, obviously doesn't think these two things should be a problem.

I saw her go around the concrete wall a few times, during which time she didn't know whether she stepped on Kong Huan intentionally or unintentionally, but of course, she completely ignored it.

Then, as if thinking of something, Dark Blood's eyes lit up, and he turned to face the concrete wall...

No, bypassing the concrete wall, she looked at a group of people around and said, "Although I really want to say, it's okay if there are less forests now."

"But I also know that for the sake of long-term consideration, we still need to pay attention to this point. Otherwise, when the opening is opened, and step by step, the forest area will eventually decrease, resulting in a decrease in atmospheric oxygen content, which in turn will lead to a decrease in the size of organisms. It will make our descendants lack meat to eat, so..."

(There is also a reason, embarrassing) This is the thinking of the people around. Obviously, what they think at most is the reduction of trees, leading to problems such as water and soil erosion, which was what Kong Huan told them back then.

Looking down at Kong Huan squatting on the ground rubbing his feet imposingly, Dark Blood said, "Just like regulating hunting back then, we also only need to regulate logging."

"Anyway, the lumber farm is now under the jurisdiction of our management. Ordinary people are not short of food because of the low taxation. Besides, they can also go to work in Pengcheng factories at ordinary times, so that there will not be a large number of people who will go alone to chop wood. The condition of the wood."

"For those seedlings and old trees in the forest. We protect the seedlings to keep the forest active; we protect the old trees, mainly as a backup; as for the felling targets, we focus on those that grow too densely and are not old. On a tree that is not too low."

"This will not only provide us with raw materials, but also make room for the saplings."

"After felling, we can use the Wingman to bring the wood from the air to the nearest road, and then transport it to the lumber field, without having to drive all the way to cut a piece of wood."

Rubbing their chins, several people thought and perfected this method in their hearts, and felt that it was indeed feasible. (This was originally the law used in human times.)
Seeing that Dark Blood was so happy, the other two obviously didn't point it out consciously, while Lingxue and the others nodded in agreement.

Then, Chu Xia said: "Then, the problem of charcoal is solved, and the problem of logging is also solved by the way, but what about the problem of pebbles?"

"By the way, let me explain first, it's not that we can't destroy the creatures in the river, but because of the will of the planet mentioned by 8051, we can't kill creatures indiscriminately, otherwise it will lower our evaluation of the will of the planet. "

"It is said that if the evaluation is too low, it may cause large-scale disasters caused by the direct control of the planet's will. For us who have entered farming, it will not be worth the loss."

"Elimination or something, um... Since it can't be eliminated, let's find a way to expel it." Dark Blood's answer this time was very fast, so fast that several people were stunned for a moment before they realized it.

"Expulsion, what is the expulsion method?" At this time, Chu Xia seemed to be interested.

In fact, the issue of the river is indeed very important to the current Pengzu, because when the Executive Yuan was building roads, some important road sections had to use a large number of wingmen to fly over with goods because of the river. , or take a long way around.

If the problem of river creatures can be solved, then the bridges and boats will be created according to what Konghuan said, and a large number of wingmen will be released to fill other places where they are needed, and the speed of road running can be accelerated.

In fact, in the final analysis, the human resources of the ethnic group are still too few.

Ah, this tragic population has been calculated based on the current reproduction rate. Even if a civilization like human beings lives for 5000 years, by then, the population of the friends will not exceed 1 million at most.

This makes the state of Ga, which has been thinking about how to limit the population growth all day long, and has even used everything to the extreme, be embarrassing.

Nodding proudly, Dark Blood hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head to look at Kong Huan and said: "I remember, at the beginning, Kong Huan seemed to have done a mission, it was to help a bunch of Tyrannosaurus Rex move, (whispering) the patriarch's sense of dignified friends, Going to help a group of Tyrannosaurus Rex move for food, Quack."

"Don't think I didn't hear it!" Standing up beside Lingxue with a black face, Kong Huan still nodded: "Yes, the first level 2 mission is this."

"That's right," clapping his hands heavily, Dark Blood said with a smile on his face: "I remember that the illusory missions were all issued by the will of the planet. Since the will of the planet also agrees, it cannot be supported in a certain area. These animals can be allowed to migrate away while the organisms are alive."

"Then, for our convenience, let's get busy and move all the dangerous creatures in the river to other areas, such as the estuary, or some lakes, etc. We just need to let 8051 give us a reference, which ones As long as the place does not cause displeasure to the will of the planet, that’s fine.”

"Little 8 is now an agent, so he still has this ability."


When do creatures become silent?When shocked?When scared?When speechless?Or... when he was dead?
This is all nonsense!
In fact, the phenomenon of silence occurs because the biological brain thinks too fast, or the brain does not think, these two situations.

Calculated by this standard, as long as these two extreme situations can occur, creatures will be silent, no matter who they are. 【Push glasses】

So, now, due to the various brain reasons of everyone, the entire technical bureau fell into a brief silence.

Then, Chu Xia was the first to react.

"Dark Blood, you should come to our Executive Yuan to work!"

Thus, the head of the Executive Yuan, in front of the head of the military academy at the same level, poached the corner of the opponent's corner.

The most important thing, it was the director of the military academy who was dug up... 囧.

Then, there was another wordless silence.

"Okay, at least the dark blood methods should be available, so let's solve the logging and manpower problems first, and after calling 8051, we can start cleaning up the river."

Thinking that 8051 has a totem-like contact tool named Kongling, the god of the earth, Kongling plans to end today's cement sales first.

Anyway, the original purpose has been achieved, although more things have happened.

"Cut, what do you mean should be usable?" He murmured a few words in a low voice, looked at Mr. Sun who was about to go home and sleep, Dark Blood still nodded, then turned and walked towards the restaurant.

(It would be great if I wasn't an illusory clone.)

  Sure enough, I still don’t know what to say, Ga, good afternoon everyone?


(End of this chapter)

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