Spore Story

Chapter 295 Upgrade Control Center, Control Mode

Chapter 295 Upgrade Control Center, Control Mode

And so, according to a certain love's great theory, and a certain space's small discovery, time was burned again.

Hahaha, that's it, meow.

This time it was not a few months last time, but a full two years.

Why so fast?That's because, in order to accumulate the upgrade needs of the civilization control center, Kong Huan was cruel and finally decided to upgrade the control center as the first priority.

Therefore, during this period of time, basically no research was carried out, so under the maintenance of a wave of obsession, Kong Huan was busy with various trivial tasks every day.

This may also be a kind of mental training.

In the past two years, the only task the ethnic group has to do is to stabilize, to completely stabilize the 7 people in the existing ethnic group, to establish a stable organization, a stable system, and a stable military...

As for fantasy...

According to Lingxue, she has become a maintainer of the relationship between the friends and the natural world, patching everywhere.

And according to what Dark Blood said, he was as tired as a dead dog, and even she couldn't stand it and wanted to help.

It's a pity that these tasks must be led by Kong Huan, and the control center has additional requirements for the upper limit of personnel for each task, so that in many cases, Kong Huan is busy from morning to night, and everyone can only eat and sleep When I see the emptiness in the rest.

Then, time children's shoes, invited by friends, came to January 2, 1 AD, which is the New Year Festival in 1 AD.

"Happy New Year!"

"Hey, Kong Huan, don't be so sluggish, I've worked hard on you during this time."

"Yeah, it's been two years, no matter how you say it, it should be enough."

"Yeah, speaking of it, how many civilization points are there now?"

As soon as they heard this question, everyone immediately gathered around, obviously expressing their extreme curiosity about it.

Looking up at the crowd, Kong Huan stretched heavily, and then took a sip of the Xiguo water in the cup.

"Sure enough, Xiguo is still needed to relieve fatigue."

If so, Kong Huan let out a sigh of relief.

During this period, no one disturbed Kong Huan's movements. Obviously, the two years of busyness made everyone feel a little admiration for Kong Huan's obsession.

Throughout the year, only this New Year's Festival allowed Kong Huan to let himself take a break, and only opened three researches during the period, [Improved Papermaking], [Education - School (Elementary)] and [Cultivation - Martial Arts (Elementary)] .

Other than that, Kong Huan just sat silently with these small tasks.

And I don't know which day it suddenly occurred to me that Kong Huan turned off the system prompts under the pretext of exercising perseverance and endurance. (Actually, I am dissatisfied because I look at the unsatisfied civilization points every day.)
As a result, Kong Huan can only repeat the task continuously until now.

Now that he managed to endure it, Kong Huan himself thought it was a miracle.

Putting down the water glass, Kong Huan nodded to everyone and said, "I don't know exactly how many. After the paper research is completed, I will close all the prompts except for the task, and I will wait until after the New Year Festival to see."

"When the paper research was completed, there were still more than 100 civilization points. According to my calculations, it should be barely enough to upgrade now."

Saying so, amidst the expectant eyes of everyone, Kong Huan also rubbed his sleepy eyes, also penetrated into his own consciousness full of expectation, and then clicked on the interface of the control center.

The first thing that appears is not the main interface, but the task interface.

This is also the opening sequence set by Unreal during this period, because, since it is planned to "not see the harvest until the New Year's Festival", the control center is also very humane to satisfy the role of the other interfaces temporarily suspended by Unreal.

However, since it is planned to end this painful life after upgrading, this order also needs to be changed back.

After several operations in a row, the control center finally returned to normal.

Civilization Control Center
Level: 1

Belongs to: Friends
Civilization points: 1411
Upgrade required: 1000 (available)
Current functions: digitization, task mode, research mode


With a plop, Void and powerless lay down on the table.

"What's the matter? Isn't it enough?" Seeing Kong Huan's movements, several people suddenly showed regretful expressions on their faces.

"Forget about emptiness, the big deal is to conduct research every few months, and then you can slowly accumulate it, right? After all, you are too tired to do it in one step." Regarding Chu Xia's words, everyone nodded in agreement.

In fact, what everyone values ​​most about the control center is the research mode, because this mode has brought a lot of benefits to everyone in just a few studies.

The first is the study of [bronze ware], which officially entered the Bronze Age for the ethnic group.

The three major mining farms, in cooperation with the bronze ware factory in Pengcheng, have made the use of bronze ware radiate to the whole ethnic group step by step.

This allowed various copper tools to enter the Peng clan with a population of less than 7.

Although most of the provinces that are used on a large scale are only within the second ring road, and it will take a year or two to wait for the third and fourth ring roads, but people have already seen the productivity improvement brought about by bronze wares.

Then there is a series of research on [linen]. Although it is a bit expensive, it has allowed the ethnic group to appear, such as linen, paper, ink, etc. that can be used in large quantities.

Although limited by the output of high-quality paper, it cannot be popularized in all schools for the time being, but at least in the management, paper has become the main recording tool.

It makes it easier for the ethnic groups to transmit information. A series of book carts on the road in the past have disappeared, and the warehouses full of leather and bamboo slips have also become bookshelves exuding the fragrance of books.

The sackcloth factory started construction in various provincial capitals, and planned Matian belonging to the provincial capital, specializing in the production of various types of sackcloth that are popular among ordinary people, and traded to obtain food, feed the urban population, and even give back to friends. .

As for the research on [cement], although it is temporarily limited by the production of raw material stones, it cannot be popularized yet, but the use method that has been tested in the past two years has also made everyone see its broad application prospects.

As for the research of [School] and [Elementary Martial Arts], and their effects on education, as well as the improvement of Dark Blood's physical training and skills, I won't describe them one by one here.

Ah, when it comes to this, I have to talk about 8051. It seems that she has not been easy in the past two years. Compared with Kong Huan, she seems to be half a catty.

The last time Konghuan was planning to clean up the river for the sake of cement, it also looked for 8051.

But at that time, 8051 was too busy to stay for long.

As a result, the ethnic group had to temporarily think of other ways to maintain the experimental use of cement.

And in the past two years, Kong Huan has been doing tasks that make people speechless, and 8051 seems to be rescued everywhere because of Shuang Yue Xing's intermittent cold.

During the annual festival last year, 8051 appeared, and complained that there were too many disasters on the planet recently, and sometimes it was too busy.

And this year's festival, 8051 has not yet appeared.

So, the topic returns

Just as everyone was shifting from comforting Kong Huan to what the next research topic should be, the muffled voice of Kong Huan lying on the table finally came from the table: "It's not that it's not enough, but it's almost half over."


"But because we turned off the reminder, I didn't even see the reminder that it can be upgraded, meow!"


"Cut, take it upon yourself."

"Deserving it."

As soon as the words fell, the people who had been surrounded by the illusion scattered like birds and beasts, and each returned to their own positions, and then exchanged with each other the joy and beauty of last year, as well as some small and big complaints, and looked forward to the development of next year.

Speaking of which, the past two years have been really peaceful. Except for earthquakes, heavy rains, lightning, and landslides, the entire ethnic group has been improving step by step according to the plan.

The first-level stone roads between provinces and provinces have been completely built, and the second-level dirt roads between cities are almost complete. As for the third-level dirt roads between villages, they have already been walked out.

Then, relying on the large-scale production of bronze ware, the car factory expanded its output and lowered the price, making the second-level dirt road of the entire ethnic group the busiest now, with more than a dozen kinds of Tuo beasts and dozens of cars running on it, showing a A bustling scene.

"Hey, Chu Qin, I heard that there will be three divisions this year, isn't it too much?" Seeing that Kong Huan hadn't responded for a long time, Lingxue turned her gaze away from Kong Huan, turned to look at Chu Qin beside her, and provoked The topic diverts attention.

"Not much," Chu Qin sighed, looking at Kong Huan absent-mindedly, and then shook her tentacles in dissatisfaction.

"You don't know that our Development and Reform Department has a lot of work, such as diplomacy, warehouse management, and sundry disposal. As long as it is a task that cannot be found, our Development and Reform Department is responsible for it. But the Development and Reform Department is from top to bottom. Now, the whole ethnic group is less than 100 people, and we are almost exhausted, so it is better than Wuhuan."

"Um, thank you for your hard work." Wiping off her cold sweat, Lingxue had no choice but to temporarily avoid Chu Qin's strong resentment.

At this time, Chu Qin had no intention of stopping, but continued to say: "Three departments, one is the [Ministry of Finance], which manages the collection of taxes, the payment of salaries to the staff of each department, the statistics of warehouse stocks, and other related assets. management."

"If it is left to our Development and Reform Department, I am worried that there will be troubles. After all, the wrong payment of wages in the car factory last time is not a trivial matter. If everyone is more reasonable, I am worried that the workers in the car factory will throw the car factory in a fit of anger. It was smashed."

The corners of her lips twitched in embarrassment. Lingxue recalled the last incident, and she was also a little scared. The car factory is now second only to the copperware factory, and it brings the largest income to Pengcheng. Even if it is calculated by the entire ethnic group, the car factory is the No. [-] factory. A source of income.

In this way, a standardized financial management department seems indeed indispensable.

"What about the other two departments? Anyway, we're fine now, so let's talk about it." Seeing that Chu Qin seemed very interested, Lingxue continued to ask.

According to the regulations of the ethnic group, the entire Peng clan holds an annual meeting every year, but the big annual meeting like the first year is only once every ten years unless there is special notice.

In normal times, the annual meeting only needs the senior officials of the provinces to arrive in person. Generally, any major events are only discussed at the annual meeting except for the urgent summons from the high-level temple.

In other words, generally speaking, this departmental reform should not be brought up until the annual meeting a few days later, but for high-level officials, there is obviously no such restriction.

"The other two are just bureau-level units, under the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Culture respectively..."


"Meow, these guys."

Seeing that there was no response from the crowd, the void flowed down the table like ooze, and finally lay down on the chair.

Speechlessly looking at the interface of the control center, Kong Huan has already made up his mind to turn off the prompts or something, and will never do such a sad thing in the future.

"It's more than 300 points. I'm afraid it was completed when the rice was harvested, Sinai! I knew that I could upgrade in December last year, but now I have to wait until January next year."

Then, as the resentment of the past two years, Kong Fanan didn't even think about it, so he directly opened the upgrade option in the control center and clicked OK.

A tingling sensation suddenly spread from the mind to the whole body, which made Kong Huan suddenly feel that his extremely sensitive perception was in a trance.

And seemingly indifferent to Kong Huan, they all paid attention to the people on this side, and stopped their respective topics at the same time, turning their heads to look at Kong Huan.

With the experience of starting the civilization control center last time, several people were careful not to disturb the empty fantasy.

[The Civilization Control Center has been upgraded to level 2, the data-based skills have been upgraded, the task mode has been upgraded, the research mode has been upgraded, and a control mode has been added. 】

Civilization Control Center
Level: 2

Belongs to: Friends
Civilization points: 311
Upgrade needs: 10000 (insufficient)
Current functions: digitization, task mode, research mode, control mode

Whether the new ability is good or bad, but Kong Huan believes that at least the name sounds good.

"Control, how domineering to say, what we lack is this." 囧
Therefore, he intends to save this model for observation until the end, which is the same as saving good things for last to taste.

The first thing to open is still the task mode.


"Zhenmu has new ideas." Although complaining like this, but the reward expectations for level 3 missions are still not the slightest reduction. After all, no matter how low it is, it can't be lower than 10 points. As for the difficulty...

ignore it

Then, there's the research mode.

The two research positions arrived as promised. Apart from that, apart from a large number of research tasks that have appeared in the past two years, there is nothing that can bring unreal surprises.

"Let's start the advanced research of martial arts tomorrow. The population of friends is too small. Perhaps in the current period where good and powerful external weapons are still being developed, it is better to focus on the development of individual strength first."

Today, Shuangyuexing, from 8051's mouth, also knows that Kong Huan is in a dangerous period. Whether he wants it or not, this kind of natural drastic change will obviously make the species living in it restless, so there will probably be no less battles in the future.

Therefore, even though he didn't want to, Kong Huan also knew that the peace of the ethnic group might not last long.

While thinking, Kong Huan opened the data interface, and then a reminder sounded.

[Digital skills upgrade, data standard reset is automatically turned on, explicit skill display is turned on, and the level 2 data interface is turned on. 】

[Automatically upgrade the basic attribute interface of the main consciousness to a level 2 data interface. After that, 1 civilization point can open the basic attribute interface for 10 people, or open the level 1 data interface for 2 person. 】


The two prompts in a row made Kong Huan stunned. The improvement of the previous two modes is not so powerful. I didn't expect that such a skill upgrade as dataization would be so arrogant.

"We like it, though, Quack."

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Kong Huan opened his level 2 data interface, and everyone who didn't know what Kong Huan was doing could only look at the corner of Kong Huan's upturned mouth, continuing to wait curiously and depressedly.

Races: Wingman, Friends (primary civilization)

Strength: Strength 30, Mastery 2
Energy: strength 120, control 5
Consciousness: Strength 370, Control 3
Spirit: strength 37000, control 4
Brain: memory 7, activity 9
Skills: woodworking, smelting (beginner), papermaking (beginner), masonry, experimentation (high)...

For these [Strength] and [Control], Kong Huan didn't know what it was at first, but after careful observation, he unexpectedly found that the control center gave specific instructions in a very humane manner this time.

[Strength refers to the total amount that the ability can explode, that is, the highest value of the individual. 】

[Control refers to the control level of this ability.Note: The evaluation of this level is based on the level issued by the Priest School of the Friends. 】

"...the standard of the Priest School of the Friends."

So, Kong Huan immediately understood, because the three Kong Huan personally participated in the formulation of the grading standard.

Among them, Dark Blood is in charge of power grading, Bai Nong is in charge of consciousness grading, Kong Huan is in charge of energy grading, and as for spirit, Chu Xia is in charge...

"Could it be because of this that our energy rating has reached LV5..." 囧.

For some reason, Kong Huan suddenly had the idea that if he threw a coin, he could also fire an electromagnetic cannon.

It's a pity that there are no such things as coins.

Of course, according to the fine tradition of emptiness, he still disregarded Dafa to wake himself up from his fantasy and looked at the part of the brain that replaced intelligence.

[Brain memory refers to individual memory speed and accuracy; brain activity refers to the relationship between individual thinking speed and imagination.The addition of the two values ​​is the original intelligence attribute. 】

"So that's how it is. It's more accurate, or more detailed."

After thinking about it, Kong Huan closed the interface smoothly.

As for skills, although they are also very important, as long as Kong Huan knows that they have appeared, he is not interested in the skills he has mastered.

In fact, it was because after seeing a lot of beginners and remembering the intermediates of other researchers, Kong Huan felt a little embarrassed.

Next, is the new function 【Control Mode】...

——————Sure enough, the one who upgrades the magic horse is the most loving————

A small question, as the main consciousness, what is the biggest regret of emptiness?

opposite sex?How is this possible? There are many people of the opposite sex around Kong Huan.

Well, although, in fact, he will go to attack, I am afraid there is only one.

From Kong Huan's point of view, Lingxue and the others have always been just family members, children, and sisters.

So, for a split second, all targets belonging to the friend clan are excluded.

Then, only 8051 and Darkblood are left.

However, everyone is clearly aware of 8051's personality. If Kong Huan is allowed to attack, the final result may be a tragedy;

So, could it be Dark Blood... Obviously, Kong Huan has no self-interest. (=.=)

Therefore, emptiness is still a tragedy...

Ah, digressing again.

So, what is the biggest regret of going back to the emptiness of the main consciousness? 'this problem.

In fact, this regret is that it cannot control the entire species like other main consciousnesses, but can only lead the members of the group gathered in front of it.

However, when the control center was upgraded to level 2, something called [Control Mode] was born out of nowhere, lying in front of Kong Huan.

"A load of crap."

After saying such a sentence inexplicably, Kong Huan opened the interface in front of him without any response.

In an instant, it was like a map, and it was like a black cloth, and it was like nothingness, and it was like...something messy.

In fact, a thing that seemed to be marked as a map, but most of the place was black, appeared in front of Kong Huan.

However, upon closer inspection, Kong Huan found that although most of the surface was black, there were dots of white dots scattered on the entire black cloth, and these white dots were different in size. If you observe carefully, they can expand... …No, it should be closer.

At this moment, Kong Huan frowned.

He suddenly found one of the white spots, no, it should be called a white spot, and he seemed to have seen it somewhere.

Because they didn't understand the inside story, the hearts of the people who saw Kong Huan frowning tightened. When they were thinking about what happened to Kong Huan, they suddenly found that Kong Huan raised his head.

Hey, get out!
But before everyone asked questions, Kong Huan suddenly said: "Chu Jie, show me the map of the ethnic group."

"Ah, ah, oh, I'll go right away."

After a moment of daze, Kong Huan sank into the depths of consciousness again. Chu Jie looked around depressedly, and finally looked at Lingxue. She is the righteous god of the east. Although she can check the group map, this is now a top-secret things, but she is usually not interested.

"The ethnic group map, the latest one is the big map made last time with [moon paper]. It is on the inside of the wall next to the bookshelf in my office. Be careful when taking it out. Although it is made with a wooden frame, the paper is still easy to draw. Broken... Uh, are the two guys so impatient?"

Shaking her head speechlessly, Lingxue looked at Chu Jie who disappeared after a flash of light, and looked at Kong Huan again.

Unexpectedly, at this time Kong Huan suddenly opened his eyes again, and looked around suspiciously, as if it was a little strange that Chu Jie disappeared so quickly, he finally looked at Lingxue.

Although Chu Dian and the righteous gods were invited to the New Year Festival, they all postponed for their own reasons, so only Chu Jie was present who could teleport. Now that the other party has left, they can only find the most effective Lingxue.

"what's up?"

Before Kong Huan could speak, Lingxue consciously spoke first.

"Ah, that's it. Help me bring over the latest summary statistics of the ethnic groups. I have some useful discoveries."

After speaking, Kong Huan once again sank into the space of consciousness.

In fact, this [Control Mode] gave Kong Huan a lot of surprises this time.

Smiling slightly, he looked at the interface in front of him again, using countless strategy games as a base, if Kong Huan could no longer recognize what appeared in front of him, he would be worthy of the title of traveler.

"It turned out to be a map."

Indeed, this can be said to be a map of the entire Double Moon Star, but unfortunately, most of the places are completely black, and it is divided into three parts as a whole.

[Unexplored], the black area occupies more than [-]% of the map, and belongs to the area where no friends are involved.

[Explored], the gray area, the area other than black, you can observe terrain, plants, and man-made buildings, but you can't see people.

This is an area where friends have appeared. Most of the man-made buildings are not ruins, and there should be people there.

And when the attention is focused on these areas, the empty phantom finds that the perspective is getting closer to the target a little bit.

When choosing these man-made buildings, you can even check the building conditions.

For example, Kong Huan randomly selected a gray area, and after zooming in, he saw more than a dozen tent huts and a large tent in the middle.

Focusing on the big tent first, the interface immediately displayed the corresponding information, and the content made Lei feel illusory inside and out.

[Tribal Big Tent—Sacrifice Target: God of the Earth Kongling—Priest: 1—Subsidiary Function: Tribal Leader’s Hut]

[Tribal leader's hut - leader: 1 - population: 21 - civilization level: primitive civilization]

"8051 is really everywhere." Regarding the existence of 8051 that can be found in any small tribe, Kong Huan can only complain helplessly.

Trying to look around, Kong Huan found that there are many areas with a large population, and there are 8051 sacrificial tents.

"Forget it, after all, we asked the other party to do it, and it seems that the life of the tribe without the sacrificial tent is obviously not as good as that of the tribe with the sacrificial tent, although it is not as good as the people of the friends."

"Wait!" Only then did Kong Huan react. Since it is obvious that this place is a friend tribe that does not belong to the ethnic group, does it mean that he has seen the situation of the entire species to some extent?
"Has our responsibility as the main consciousness finally become dominant?"

Shocked, Kong Huan turned his attention to the last type of area.

[Real-time exploration], this area... Kong Huan is very familiar.

"Isn't this the friend city!"

When I think of the fact that I have been doing various small tasks around Pengcheng for two years, the natural environment around Pengcheng is unexpectedly good, and the relationship between creatures and friends is extremely harmonious, and the ultimate goal is to upgrade This thing has an indescribable feeling of emptiness.

In fact, Unreal couldn't find this area at all at first.

Because, at the beginning, this area felt invisible on the black cloth map with a length and width of less than 1 meter.

But the big gray area that encloses this area surpasses all other gray areas.

And Kong Huan is even more familiar with this gray area, so everyone should be able to imagine that this is why Kong Huan asked Chu Jie to find the friend clan map because this gray area is the current friend clan territory.

After further zooming in on this gray area, Kong Huan saw the only area where biological activities could be seen.

If you pay more attention, you can also find that the size of this area is exactly as large as the current mental scanning range of the empty illusion.

It's just that Kong Huan didn't notice this.

He is now curiously zooming in on the map, admiring the situation in Pengcheng from what is almost called the "God's perspective" in the game.

At this moment, a glowing figure flew out from the Executive Yuan.

Just seeing the empty illusion here, he recognized at a glance that it was Chu Jie who was sent to run errands by himself, because the other party couldn't teleport because he had to bring something.

And obviously, Chu Jie didn't feel the empty stare, just carrying a big map of the friends, flying from the gate to the courtyard where the empty people in the residential area, didn't even notice that just walked out of the gate Lingxue.

"Hehe, it's so funny how Chu Jie is in such a hurry."

"Eh? Lingxue actually went to get the information herself."

"Meow, no matter how we look at our sitting posture in the chair, it doesn't seem to be very good."

Smiling, Kong Huan turned his attention to the other side.

Now this feeling, this is a brand new experience, Kong Huan knows that he is in that yard, but he seems to be admiring the entire friend city in the sky, but the people in the friend city will not feel anything.

How should I put it, it's like using a satellite to observe where you are in real time.

[Ordinary dwellings - type: thatched brick house - population: 3/5]

This is an ordinary small house in a residential area. Due to the earthquake, it has been temporarily replaced with a thatched roof. Now that the empty illusion has upgraded the control center, it is obvious that it is also planning to solve this problem.

Then, Kong Huan tried to move his sight down further, and actually penetrated the house so easily.

No, it should be said that the situation of the three people in the house just appeared in front of Konggen.

This is the ability of the main consciousness.


"Meow, I'm still in the mood to do this kind of thing in broad daylight, and the kid is taking a nap in the next room..." 囧
Kong Huan quickly backed out, his face flushed.

And the few people who had been waiting for Kong Huan outside were obviously once again confused by Kong Huan's sudden blushing behavior.

But Kong Huan continued to play unconsciously.

[Tiaoshi Well - Depth: 20 - Water Volume 5 - Accessory Parts: Wringer. 】

[Restaurant - Provides simple cooking food - 12/50 - Outbuildings: kitchen, warehouse, well. 】


"Suddenly, it seems that this thing also has a data query function, which is similar to digitization," Kong Huan nodded and smiled with satisfaction, rubbing his chin.

This feeling of controlling everything is really amazing to Kong Huan, and what surprised Kong Huan even more is yet to come.

When Kong Huan focused his attention on a pedestrian who was walking on the road, although the specific attributes of the other party were not marked, Kong Huan found that with the increase of his attention, he was getting closer to this person.

Then, when the perspective is about to fully touch this person, a prompt box appears in front of Kong Huan.

[Temporary possession or not, level 1 possession is available, number of times this month: 0/5]

"Agreed." Regardless of what it is, Kong Huan at least knows that it will definitely not be harmful to him.

So, without even thinking about it, Kong Huan simply chose [Yes].

Then, in a flash, when Kong Huan opened his eyes, he found himself walking on the street, as if he was sharing the other party's sight.

And from this person's actions, it can be seen that the other party has no reaction to this.

[Level 1 Possession: You can share the individual perspective of the species; the success rate is related to the strength of the possessed target and the recognition of the main consciousness; possession time: 1/12 day. 】

"Success rate, that is to say, is it possible to fail?" Rubbing his forehead in distress, Kong Huan wandered the street with the woman for a while, then turned into an alley. (Sure enough, it is still male instinct, and the opposite sex is chosen as the observation target =. =)

At this time, Kong Huan suddenly discovered that several males who were not good at first glance appeared in front of him...

"It's not so bloody, you can meet it casually, even though it's spring now, don't be so impatient."

At first, when a person suddenly appeared in front of him, Kong Huan subconsciously wanted to use his identity to threaten the other party, but when he saw the sudden rapid movement of the perspective, he realized that he was still in a possessed state.

(Run, let's get these souls arrested after we run away.)
(Meow, even though it’s spring now, the ethnic groups already have regulations and laws, why are you still so dull! How can you embarrass the people of the law court!)

(Well, the quarry is replenished again.)
However, before Kong Huan could figure out how to deal with these guys, he found a wall in front of him.

(Ah! Dead end, isn't it, so old-fashioned.)
"Control center, exit the possession!"

Fortunately, the possessed state can be withdrawn at any time. Although one chance is gone, Kong Huan does not regret it at all.

In a blink of an eye, he realized that he had returned to the courtyard, and in front of him was a group of people who looked more like their consciousness was out of the body because of the use of possession, and they seemed worried about it.

But Kong Huan didn't have time to ask these reasons, and when he turned his gaze, he immediately found Chu Jie who was about to hand him the map.

Then, ignoring the map in front of him, he hurriedly said to Chu Jie: "Ordinary residential area, a small alley on the third street, hurry up."

After finishing speaking, seeing Chu Jie stunned for a moment, he reacted and quickly disappeared in front of his eyes. Kong Huan nodded to several people, returned to the interface again, and moved the perspective to the previous place again.

But unexpectedly, Chu Jie seemed to teleport to the wrong place, and instead of appearing there, she appeared in another alley.

Just when Kong Huan was about to exit the control center again, and then use his mental power to notify Chu Jie, a scene that made Kong Huan extremely depressed but somewhat relieved appeared.

The women who were blocked in the alley seemed to have calmed down after the initial panic.

She looked at the three people who came to her panting when she was about to leave this dead end, with a very obvious and disdainful expression on her face.


And then there were these three guys, before they had time to speak some rogue-specific language, they saw a shake in front of them, and afterimages of that seemingly weak body appeared, swimming in the gap between the three of them.

After a while, there were three more prepared quarry workers on the ground.

"Let's take a closer look. Why does this guy have a bit of dark blood in his practice skills, and the shadow of basic martial arts basics? Could it be that he came from the Xinzhong District?"

Looking at the woman who seemed not relieved, and stepped on the three ugly men, and Chu Jie who finally felt it, but didn't know the so-called Chu Jie, Kong Huan subconsciously wiped his cold sweat.

Speaking of which, the quarry has not been very popular since the last earthquake.

In desperation, the ethnic group made the decision of 'assigning those who have made mistakes to work in the quarry, and how long they have to work for as long as they have made a mistake'.

With Wu Huan's familiarity with the laws of the law court, these three mischievous guys who tried to moles can obviously do the work of the first half of the year.

"With this kind of strength, they are all gangsters. Hey, the guys are really depraved now, no, maybe it's because their strength is too weak, and no girls like them, so they can only be gangsters..." Kong Huan shook his head to let himself go back to normal .

Then, he exited the control center, notified Chu Jie with mental power, and handed over the three miserable guys to the police department under the Law Court.

Finally, under the bored and expectant gazes of the onlookers, Kong Huan took a deep breath, completely withdrew from the space of consciousness, and then looked at everyone.

"How about it, the upgrade should be successful, how is the function?" Obviously, everyone seems to be more concerned about this important thing than Wu Huan.

"Um, that, how should I put it, it should be, it's amazing." Thinking back to the world he observed from the perspective of the game, commonly known as 'God Mode', Kong Huan narrowed his eyes comfortably.

This is not an illusory game, but a real world in which emptiness lives.

"Be specific."

An impatient voice suddenly sounded next to his ear, startling Kong Huan, he withdrew from the aftertaste of that feeling, turned his head to look at 8051 exuding condensed colorful light, and shook his head helplessly.

"When did you come here? Also, don't be scary!"

"Oh haha, you're the one who's scared. Then, what's good about being promoted to the level 2 control center so quickly? 8051 eyes radiate a light that can dazzle the world, and said while staring at the absolutely irresistible Void. "


"I saw... a lot of... um... tents, the tents of the god of the earth, Mr. Kong Ling." Stare~~
"What! You can actually see it now!"

This result obviously surprised 8051. She saw her sacrificial tent from the void, and soon she could deduce a function of the control center, at least to be able to observe the location of all the individual friends, and also to see the building.

"So, is the interface map turned on? 8051 said with certainty."

"If you know, don't use a questioning tone, huh, yes." Nodding, Kong Huan pulled 8051 to sit beside him, and then looked at Chu Jie and Ling Xue who came back.

"The functions of the control center, the first three items, are similar to the previous discussion. There is a new function that allows me to observe the location of all my friends."

This naturally aroused heated discussions among the crowd, but Kong Huan quickly poured cold water on it.

"Although this is the case, except for the territory under the jurisdiction of Pengcheng, there are no people in other places, only buildings. Moreover, the information update in these areas, according to the control center, is only once a year."

Depressedly propping his head on the table with his hands, Kong Huan habitually pointed at the table and said: "As for the update of the friends' information, based on what I know, it is once a month, which is different from that in our system. , it is the same for the subordinate provinces to hand over the materials every month.”

"So, obviously this interface is connected to our management structure. Those groups that are not managed by the friends group can only be updated once a year at the most basic level; while the groups managed by the friends group will be updated according to the speed we receive information Depends."

"Now our management can't reach those places, because only 8051 can go there. So, I'm thinking, we should select one or a few Youshen-level gods to become the righteous gods of the outer domain, so as to establish the connection between the ethnic group and those places .”

If this connection system can be established, relying on the teleportation ability of 8051 within the planet and the teleportation ability of the Zhengshen Temple, the ethnic group can truly manage the ethnic group in the outer domain.


"But at the Youshen level of the current ethnic group, apart from the four righteous gods, I, Chu Xia, and Chu Qin all have positions; the newly appeared Lingyue obviously follows Chu Dian wholeheartedly, and it is obviously unrealistic for her to be a righteous god; Besides, there are only twenty or so peak soul-level individuals, and we can only see who succeeds first."

Having said this, Lingxue rubbed her forehead depressedly.

Although Chuqin and Lingyue have appeared in the past few years, two Youshen ranks, but they are not guys who can be assigned to Zhengshen's work.

For the selection of righteous gods, although they now have the global monitoring ability of Kong Huan, they still need strict requirements.

Because Zhengshen controls the communication in emergency situations, it may be nothing at ordinary times, but once something goes wrong in an emergency, it will be a disaster.

Therefore, the ability, loyalty, and virtue of righteous gods must be paid attention to.

"How many are most likely to become Youshen class?"

Recalling it, Lingxue glanced at Chu Jie depressedly, and then said to Kong Huan: "Little maid Die Wu is actually the most promising, it should be possible within two years, but Chu Jie and Die Wu obviously won't agree, (whispers) Speaking of which, we are still looking forward to the appearance of the Maid God, Mi."


"In addition to this, there are three more, the high priest Mingzheng who works in the school of priests, the third-ring Qinghe province who manages Shenfenggu, and the second-ring Hongyun province who manages Shenmengying."

"I have checked all three of these people personally. They all belong to the kind of situation where they can become Youshen-level just by being able to figure out their own path. It's just that this thing is too mysterious, and neither others nor cultivation methods can help them. They are busy, so they can only look at themselves."

"Really, then before that, I can only ask the God of the Earth, Lord Kong Ling, to help."

Wagging his tail in disappointment, Kong Huan turned his head to look at 8051.

"So, little 8, how have you been recently?"



 Thank you for the knight's evaluation, and the reward =w=
(End of this chapter)

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