Spore Story

Chapter 296 Duanzi Duanzi, Little Duanzi, Bite Him

Chapter 296 Duanzi Duanzi, Little Duanzi, Bite Him

The consequence of being too arrogant is to turn the crossing roulette early, and the success rate is lower than the runaway rate of the first machine.

"Fortunately, we are not arrogant enough."

When Kong Huan opened his eyes in a daze, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar thatched roof, he finally confirmed that he had not crossed again.

"you're awake."

A very stiff voice came from beside his ears, for which, Kong Huan could only vibrate as a physical reflex to show that he was indeed awake.Strange, why am I lying here?
"Okay, it's obviously already promoted to the middle stage of the soul level, why is the strength still so weak, I can't catch a fist."

This complaining tone seems to be all Kong Huan's fault, for this, Kong Huan can only say nothing, you think you are the violent woman of Dark Blood.No, obviously the name 'Little 8' was originally called by Dark Blood.

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking!"

Seems arrogant?
"You little Jiao, do you think it's easy for me! I've been running around during this time, and I have to wait here for a day and a night when I come back, just to wait for you, an idiot with a fragile body like a brick wall, to wake up!"

If you say that, no matter if it is dark blood, brick wall, tofu, or human beings, they will all cry.

"Ah, wait a minute, I've been sleeping for so long!"

Kong Huan finally came to his senses and struggled to make a sound, and then his throat suddenly felt dry and tingling.

"Um, water."

The cool and soft feeling passed through the mouth and flowed into the body through the throat, and Kong Huan suddenly narrowed his eyes comfortably.

"Don't think about being lazy when you are awake! I just want to ask, your outlander groups have not yet connected with your righteous gods, so how do you plan to deal with it?"

"Although I am relocating them to a safer area, as an agent, I have been experiencing troubles recently. I am very busy and cannot pay attention to every detail at all times."

(You can just ask Lingxue these questions directly.) This sentence is not uttered in vain, and even thinking about it is just thinking about it in the depths of your heart.

Carefully turning over, Kong Huan looked up at 8051.

The person in front of me who has been staying together since I came to this world and knows himself better than Konghuan himself knows himself. He used to be Konghuan's auxiliary consciousness, then he was the head of the Konghuan search team 8051, and now he is He is the representative of the will of the planet and also serves as the god of the earth, Kong Ling.

(what did she do?)
This question, Kong Huan only thought about it for a while and didn't go into it.

(Anyway, there is no doubt that 8051 cares about the ethnic group.) As long as this is confirmed, Kong Huan will not have any pressure. After all, he is not someone who likes to get to the bottom of everything.

With a smile, the relaxed breath made Kong Huan let out a comfortable breath, which once again aroused 8051's contempt.

"Okay, okay, leisurely like an old man..."

Looking at 8051's expression, Kong Huan suddenly felt a little mischievous: "Isn't it?"

"When... um..." (Even if only counting the mental age, Kong Huan is several hundred years old =. =)

"Ah! Long-winded long-winded long-winded! Hun Dan, don't interrupt, listen to me!"


"I am now the representative of the will of the planet. In addition, the geological activity of Double Moon has been very large recently. Many species are subconsciously releasing a strong will to survive, so I have many tasks."

"For civilized races, the will of the planet actually puts them on a different level from other species, and is generally unwilling to interfere. Therefore, even if I am willing to help, it is impossible to spare more time."

"Moreover, if I pay too much attention to the friends, I will not have time to deal with the problems of other species, which will cause the large number of survival wills of the double-moon star species to quickly give birth to a true planetary independent consciousness. At that time, I will never think about it." That's where it is."

"And in that case, although the friends race got my help at the beginning and developed a little bit, they can only get the same status as other civilized species after that. Star races are very disadvantageous."

"So, what I want to say is, how do you plan to deal with those foreign friends? I want to hear your opinion. In these aspects, Lingxue and the others also have the same opinion."

"I should have said it earlier," Wiping off his cold sweat, Kong Huan stretched out his tail from one side uncomfortably, and finally sat up from the bed after thinking about it.

"First of all, we must gather everyone together, this is for sure, and at least one ethnic group must be guaranteed to be no less than a thousand; secondly, it is necessary to ensure that their organizational model is closer to that of friends; If it's in the center, that's even better."

While saying this, Kong Huan also directly opened the map on the interface to check the locations of possible friends on the map.

After the first use, these interfaces can actually be opened outside, but only the main consciousness can still see them. This is a function that Konghuan only discovered recently.

In fact, Kong Huan believes that the interface at this time is actually just an illusion of the brain, and the place where it is really opened is still in the brain. Of course, this has nothing to do with the use, so now Kong Huan has not explored it.

He bowed his head and thought for a while, as if he searched his memory and calculated the specific situation, then 8051 nodded and said: "It should be no problem for a tribe with a population of more than [-]. But now is the geologically active period, I can only send them Move to those plates that are neither big nor small, otherwise the big ones may break, and the small ones may sink."

"But if it is arranged according to the structure of no less than 6, what model will be adopted? You know, there are more than [-] friends who belong to the outer domain (not subordinates of the Peng clan) and are distributed on several continents, and the number of continents and The location is also subject to change."

After thinking about it for a while, Kong Huan realized that he really had no other options: "It would be best if we could find farming food on those lands, then we can just distribute them according to the current provincial, municipal and village model of the friends, just remember Distribute the troops;"

"But if you can't find it... Well, let's use the New Central District model for now." In Kong Huan's view, the management model of the New Central District is to achieve population concentration under the premise of ensuring the lives of ordinary people under hunting conditions The best model for this, although there may be reasons for it that are equally unreal.

"Speaking of which, 8051, won't it consume a lot of your time, right?"

Although the gathering of friends is also very important, the position where 8051 acquires planetary consciousness is more important in the long run.

One of the two is the current internal situation, and the other is the long-term external situation, but both are indispensable for the development of friends.

"That's what I want to say. If I really managed it myself, it would be really difficult." Nodding in agreement, 8051 smiled, and there was no worry on his expression.

She shook her hair, and then said without pressure: "What you have to do is to provide the available Youshen class as soon as possible. At that time, I will further gather the tribe and let your Youshen class become a management node."

"And now that there is no Youshen level available, it is no problem for me to bring a few paper books to teleport. At that time, I can use knowledge to instill some people with words and languages, and then let them teach their subordinates. gone."

"The success rate of knowledge instillation... this."

"Don't worry, there is still a 5% certainty. 8051 thinks that the relationship is correct, but it shouldn't get too entangled in it."

"Okay, hey! Wait, you can teleport with things."

At this time, Kong Huan seemed to have just reacted, with a surprised expression on his face.

Because the Youshen-level gods teleport, they can't carry foreign objects at all. After a long time, Kong Huan subconsciously thinks that in this world, teleportation is like this, but now, 8051 says that he can bring some books.

Glancing at Kong Huan with a face full of disdain, 8051 snorted proudly and said: "That's because you are ignorant. Although you can't bring foreign objects in the Youshen class, if you turn the foreign objects into body parts, it's fine. And , and didn't say that you can't bring foreign objects above the Youshen level."

Seeing 8051 with the expression of "Praise me, respect me, kneel down to me", Kong Huan decisively turned his head away.

(So ​​that's the case, so it seems that Chu Jie and the others should try it out, by the way,) Suddenly remembered something, Kong Huan turned his head to look at 8051: "What is your strength? I have always said that I don't know, I am very curious. "

"Didn't I say that?" 8051 looked innocent.

"...Not even once." Kong Huan looked helpless.

"Want to know?"

"Really want to know?"

keep nodding

"Do you want to say it or not!" Kong Huan was furious, he was oppressed and wanted to erupt and want a revolution!
"Okay, okay, I can't help it at this point, I'm back to my consciousness." Looking at Kong Huan contemptuously, 8051 glanced around, then sat down on the side of the bed, staring into Kong Huan's eyes and said: "If you press Kong Huan’s method of division should be regarded as Spiritual God level.”


"Well," nodded, 8051 said with a smile, "Your allocation method, Konghuan, is based on what I told you, 'the gradual improvement of consciousness'."

"However, this method can still be used as a standard when the consciousness is low, but in the later stage, even at the Youshen level, this standard can only be used as a large-scale division. Just like the fantasy novels you read before Among them, ordinary people, cultivators, and god-like levels are generally large."

"Uh, is there such a big difference?"

If you say that, you can only see the front of 8051, just like the last time I simulated the shape of the main consciousness for Chu Ling, there is a mass of unknown matter appearing in the air.

At this time, the voice of 8051 sounded again: "In fact, consciousness is a very strange thing. In my opinion, it has already involved the foundation or origin of this world, but we don't know if it is true, because I haven't even reached the level of the will of the planet."

"According to your classification method, before the Youshen level, there is no problem with the soul level and the Yinhun level being three levels higher than the junior high school. But after entering the Youshen level, the distance to improve consciousness is very large."

"For example, your consciousness value standard is 100-300 for Yinhun level; 300-1000 for Soul level; 1000-5000 for Youshen level, not to mention the difference in levels in the future, and if you compare it with mental power, it will be even bigger , because with each level up, the ratio of mental power and consciousness will increase sharply."

"It's like Chu Xia and Chu Jie, who belong to the peak of the Youshen class. The two of them, any one of them, can easily play with the newly promoted Chu Qin and Lingyue."

(Playing with...) 囧

8051 obviously ignored the illusory impolite thoughts, but continued to explain: "After entering the Yinshen level, the gap is even bigger."

"In fact, the representative ability of Youshen level is mind power, and I have experienced it here; after entering Yinshen level, it is another thing; and then entering Lingshen level, it is my current ability."

"What?" Curiously looking at the glowing ball in front of him, Kong Fanfan took a closer look, but was taken aback by a pair of big eyes that suddenly opened on the light ball: "I am alive!"

"Yeah," 8051 proudly embraced this mass of unknown matter in his arms, and said with a smile, "I classify myself as a spirit god because of this ability, and this ability I follow your memory , When deleting similar names, I found that there are two mysterious powers that are relatively similar: 'existence' and 'creativity', of course, it may be a little different from what you remember."

"This ability allows me to create some short-term lives. Although the longest life span is no more than ten years, which is my current limit, it is also a real life body recognized by the will of the planet. Of course, when the ability improves , can also be extended.”

"It's amazing." At this time, Kong Huan didn't care about playing with 8051, only to see his eyes glowing, and his eyeballs kept rolling, apparently planning something.


"Do not think!"

Before Kong Huan could say it, 8051, who knew about Kong Huan's method, shook his head directly.

"In fact, some civilizations call my level 'true god' and this ability 'divine power', but I don't like it. Anyway, each civilization has its own name, as long as you like it, so I Call it 'magic power', it's both real and illusory, it sounds nice."

"As for you want me to create a bunch of special creatures with a lifespan of ten years to help the friends, but that's impossible, not to mention the consumption of my ability, my current ability can only create ten at a time That level of life, and then you have to recover for a few years, the gain outweighs the loss."

In fact, 8051 would not have said these words if it hadn't been for the hard work of the last two years.

Seeing that 8051 was becoming dissatisfied, Kong Huan gave a wry smile, dispelling those thoughts: "But 8051, you are at the level of spirit gods, so do you have a good method of cultivation? In this way, the group can also increase their strength quickly. "

"Um, is this..." Stretching out his finger and scratching his cheek, 8051 clasped his hands together in embarrassment, and said to Kong Huan, "That's why I said it should be at the spirit level."

"That, because when our auxiliary consciousness was created, it was at this level, and there is no need to use power at ordinary times, so whether it is the cultivation method or the understanding of this level, we are very bad at it."

"Okay, I understand." (- -)

Reluctantly, he stretched out his hand to pat 8051's shoulder. Although he was patted away as always, and Kong Huan didn't mind as always, but this time it was different. The touch of cute little dumplings.

Then...open your mouth...click...ah!

"Why do you make temporary creatures that bite people!"

"This is self-protection. 8051 clearly stated that the offense and defense of creatures are both important."

"My arm is about to break!"


Cute things are dangerous [laughs]

 Finally, the days of the daily W word big chapter are over, and three shifts a day will resume, quack =w=
  Then, one more decisive haunt, ~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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