Spore Story

Chapter 297 Modular Metropolis, Cement Applications

Chapter 297 Modular Metropolis, Cement Applications

"So, this is the cement you guys made."


"Then... oh, no, the steel bars were actually replaced by bamboo strips, so there's no need to do that. 8051 was shocked to see the 'reinforcement' concrete wall in front of him, which replaced the steel bars with bamboo strips, and was speechless."

"……It's not what you think."

Rubbing his forehead, Kong Huan nodded to the professionals on the side, then pulled 8051, then recalled the specific content and explained: "Do you think steel bars may be available now? Bronze is available, but the output alone supplies the entire group. If it’s not enough, how could it be used to build a house.”

"Also, we are only building one or two-story houses, not high-rise buildings."

"And this bamboo reinforced concrete is not as good as reinforced concrete (obviously), but it is also much better than just pouring cement."

Speaking of this, Kong Huan pulled the prepared professionals aside and asked him to explain this bamboo-reinforced cement to 8051, as well as the application of cement recently researched by the ethnic group.

While taking advantage of the emptiness of the commentary, Kong Huan used his mental strength to inform the few people who were sorting out the speeches of the conference that needed to be used in a few days.

Before 8051 told Konghuan that because the geological activity has slowed down a little, the rapidly changing emotions of ordinary creatures began to recover. Although it is not sure whether this time is temporary, or this geological activity just stopped, but 8051 at least has a little time available.

It is for this reason that 8051 was able to stay in the group for these two days, and promised Kong Huan to do what he could for the group.

But Kong Huan immediately took the opportunity to raise the issue of cleaning up the river. To this, 8051 agreed after a little thought.

At the same time, 8051 told Kong Huan a piece of good news. As the agent of the will of the planet, because of her busy two years, she has gained the recognition of many species and has the function of driving some species.

In other words, when the river section is selected, 8051 only needs to inform the dangerous creatures in it as the agent of the will of the planet, and migrate to other places, and the other party will leave consciously, even without the need for the ethnic group to send personnel to escort them '.

However, 8051 at that time, after waiting for Kong Huan to be happy for a while, decisively began to attack Kong Huan.

According to 8051, she does not agree to drive away these species.

She suggested that with the help of her agent, the friends and river creatures, the two sides can reach a consensus of 'not attacking each other', and 8051 also relieves the responsibility of driving the creatures away from their homes where there is no problem, and at the same time allows them to Friends and river creatures maintain a good relationship.

If you agree with this consensus, 8051 will indeed save a lot of effort, but the group will take certain risks. After all, 8051 cannot completely control the species in the river, and at most it will embed a kind of "this kind of creature in front of you cannot attack" into the other party's instinct.

According to 8051, in order to obtain the dominance of the will of the planet, in other places, the power that can be saved must be saved.At the same time, leaving these river hunters in the upper middle of the food chain can also make them a hidden line of defense for the friends, but the enemy comes as a natural barrier.

This kind of civilized species gets along with natural hunters like river crabs. From the perspective of illusory human consciousness, it looks like a fantasy world, but now it has become the consciousness of species masters, and what is proposed in front of it is the agent of the will of the planet. After thinking about it, emptiness thinks it should be Trust each other.

Then, Kong Huan came to inspect with 8051, leading to the origin of the river problem - cement.

In the past two years, research on the use of cement has not stopped at all.

Although it is not a quick research using the research interface, with the accumulation of a large number of people and time, Pengzu has accumulated a lot of experience in the use of cement.

From the perspective of Void, once cement is mass-produced, the group will undergo a major update again.

The first is [Road], which is one of the several methods used by friends to maintain centralization.

Today’s roads with three levels of clan power: [Third-level Dirt Road] are completely created by friends in their spare time, without any planning and details, but due to the weight of friends themselves, the weight of things carried by friends, and Influenced by the weight of Tuo Beast and other factors, after a long time, the firmness of these dirt roads is no less than that of the roads opened by human presses.

It's just that this kind of road is not as smooth as a road roller.

The [second-level dirt road] is an imitation press made of specially polished cylindrical stones. Under the drag of the Tuo beast and friends, it is driven out little by little, with a width of five or six meters. .

As for the [first-class stone road], it is completely built on the foundation, with flat stones and clay, piled up little by little.

However, limited by the production of stones, the construction speed of the first-level stone road is extremely low, but the effect is indeed the best.

After fully owning the cement, it is obvious that the road can be further improved in terms of hardness, smoothness, and construction speed, thereby increasing the speed of clan transportation and strengthening the centralization of Pengcheng.

After the road related to the centralization of power, there is the [City Defense] related to security.

Although the Friends race now has a great advantage among various species and civilizations, but not to mention the threat that may be caused by the beast tide that appears in some extreme situations, the Zerg race hanging over everyone's heads alone is a big trouble.

And if a large amount of cement is used in the city defense, at least the overall defense of the friends can be further improved. Obtaining a strong defense when facing the enemy is obviously a very important part.

At the same time, if the building model is improved, Void is still sure to expand this kind of city defense to the city level.

Finally, there is [architecture] related to people's livelihood. Here I have to mention a unique architectural model proposed by a researcher involved in cement application research.

When this pattern appears, the empty illusion is bright, with a little more cordial feeling.

That is, 【Modular City】. (Can be imagined as building blocks =. =)

Initially, the concept of "modularization" was told to the workers by Wuhuan when it was improving the car factory and promoting assembly line production.

When assigning cement researchers, Konghuan also mobilized a lot of manpower from various departments, and arranged for them to go to the Technology Bureau to participate in research in their spare time.

The researcher said that he thought of this kind of thing when he was watching children playing with clay. After he proposed it, everyone improved it and became the current one. It can not only speed up the construction speed, but also unexpectedly improve the earthquake resistance. architectural pattern.

From the perspective of Void, this concept is very similar to building blocks.

It is divided into four parts by the researchers: [Floor Module], [Wall Module], [Roof Module], and [Auxiliary Module].

[Floor module] is a piece of bamboo reinforced cement poured, with a thickness of 1 meter, a standard 10X10 grid-like square, as a floor module.

How many such floor modules are needed to combine and form a grid, which is convenient for the construction of walls on the one hand, and prevents the house from being completely separated from the ground on the other hand.

Of course, the second point has a hint of being close to nature.


[Wall module] is also made of bamboo reinforced cement, a solid columnar module with a thickness of 1 meter and a height of [-] meters.

When in use, the modules are directly inserted into the holes of the floor modules, and then wood or brick walls are embedded in each wall module.

[Roof module] is a half-meter-thick bamboo-reinforced plate-shaped module.

This is designed to deal with the problem of the current thatched roof. It is used for horizontal placement, and the concave and convex embedded patterns accumulated in the past when building with strip stones are embedded in the wall modules to build a stable flat roof.

There are many types of the final [accessory modules], depending on different situations and applications, such as window walls, gate walls, step modules, kitchen modules, and so on.

Subdivided in this way, when building a hut, first level the ground; then place floor modules; then insert wall modules; then lay roof modules, and build triangular tile roofs on top; add subsidiary modules;

Excluding the production time of these modular components, a standard [ordinary residence], the main house plus the courtyard wall, only takes three days to complete.

However, time does not matter to the current ethnic group.

Therefore, the main advantage of this kind of building is that it does not go deep into the ground, and it is at the height of one or two floors. Even if there is an earthquake, the whole house will be displaced at most, but it will not cause more damage to the main house. big damage.

Although I don't know how many levels it can withstand, but one of them is slightly resistant to earthquakes, which is enough to make Konghuan feel that it is worth the money. You must know that even the weak earthquakes that often occur have caused many existing houses in Pengcheng to experience it once or twice. is updated.

At the same time, because the population of the ethnic group is small, and it is not long before the ethnic group implements family private ownership, many things are actually provided by the ethnic group to the public, such as houses and seeds.

Therefore, as long as the supply of cement can be satisfied, the ethnic group will not pursue issues such as economic benefits, but will build with the purpose of first meeting the needs of the people.

At that time, not only the [-] provincial capitals plus Pengcheng can be turned into concrete cities, but it can even be extended to the city level. This is all feasible.

In this way, the entire ethnic group relies on concrete roads internally, and while increasing the traffic speed, it also improves the defense and the happiness of the people.

Of course, cement is only one of the technologies currently developed by the ethnic group.

Although the ethnic group has a five-level brain with extremely fast thinking speed, it is obviously still a little weak to gain the ability to fight against the Zerg.

What Kong Huan wants is to give priority to the development of individual strength and improve the individual's survival rate.

"The total population is only 14 to [-], which is still too small."

No matter how you calculate it, the population of the Peng Clan cannot exceed 15, and Kong Huan can only feel a little helpless while being anxious in his heart.

In fact, this number should be quite a lot for friends who have just developed civilization. If it is only a small farming civilization in the early stage of primary civilization, this number is just enough.

But now because of the emergence of the research model, and the school system established by friends under the guidance of Kong Huan and others, with the basic knowledge such as "Mathematics" and "Geometry" provided by Kong Huan, plus more advanced concepts... Today's friends, It may sound scary, but it is indeed developing towards an industrialized society with the organizational model of "centralization" and "semi-public ownership and half-family private ownership".

"Maybe I'm too impatient, but at least these belong to the friends, and I just provided the basic theory common to all civilizations."

Smiling, Kong Huan looked at 8051 who was being led by a researcher to look around.

Obviously, she is very interested in these various cement modules.

At this time, a spiritual link request came into contact with the illusory spiritual power.

Confirming the familiarity with the mental power, Kong Huan smiled and let go of the mental power protecting the brain, and connected to the other party.

"Chu Qin, what's the matter?"

"Representatives of the Dunjia tribe are here, they are in a hurry depending on the situation."


"Let them go to the Executive Yuan. In addition, tell Lingxue and Chu Xia to go too. I will call 8051 and go there together."


 The second watch is coming, open the door =w=
  Thank you for the knight's evaluation, and the reward and support of Tiandi Fenghua.

(End of this chapter)

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