Spore Story

Chapter 298 Cup with Dunjia Clan, Caution Needed to Make Holes

Chapter 298 Cup with Dunjia Clan, Caution Needed to Make Holes
"what happened?"

When Kong Huan arrived with 8051, the first ones who appeared in front of him were not Lingxue and Chu Qin, but the high priest of the Dunjia tribe who was busy with the world.

The other party seemed very anxious. After seeing Kong Huan, they spoke at a very high speed without even saying hello. Friends can understand.

Carefully appeasing the incoherent two people, Kong Huan turned his head to look at Chu Qin who was rushing over.

Nodding her head, Chu Qin handed a scroll to Kong Huan: "This is a distress letter written by their new patriarch, at least it is easier for us to understand in terms of words."

"Xin Ren?" He reached out to take the scroll made of unknown animal leather, opened it carefully, and looked at the words written in ink.

The output of paper can only meet the needs of the ethnic group management for the time being, and there is no plan to export it, so the Dunjia clan did not get it.

As for the bamboo slips, the Dunjia tribe did not use them because they were too bulky, so that they still use leather scrolls until now.

And Kong Huan clearly remembered that after learning the organizational system of the Peng Clan, the Dunjia Clan used it almost without any changes, but the patriarch was still the original chief.

This new one?
But soon, the words on the letter helped Kong Huan dispel his doubts.

"Earthquake? I was crushed to death, uh, this is a cup."

If the two high priests of the Dunjia tribe who were in a trance heard Kong Huan's words, they might fight, but fortunately, the two high priests were receiving Lingxue's spiritual comfort, and in front of the Youshen level, the ghost level The two at the peak can't produce any negative emotions.

"So, because of the earthquake some time ago, and because there is no such concept at ordinary times, many tunnels collapsed due to unreasonable construction."

"Although some of the tunnels did not collapse directly, they are still in critical condition. Therefore, the people who are still alive and can move freely have already begun to migrate to the ground under the order of the patriarch. As for those partially collapsed , but can’t connect to the outsiders, although immediate rescue is needed, but you have nothing to do.”

"This..." Seeing the two people who kept nodding, Kong Huan rubbed his head depressedly.

He felt that the Dunjia tribe rushed to the doctor for some illnesses. Although this was due to the trust in the Pengzu, Kong Huan felt very embarrassed.

When it comes to the ground and the sky, Kong Huan dares to say that among the entire Shuangyuexing civilized race, the Pengzu ranks second, and no one dares to be the first. This is confirmed by 8051.

But when it comes to the underground, the Peng clan is completely handed over to the Dunjia clan. Just look at the winged guys in the room now, and you will know that it is impossible to let the birds go underground...

(However, you can't help.)
(Gentlemen of the Dunjia tribe, don’t you claim to be number one in digging ability?)
At this time, the two high priests had calmed down a little, and then turned their expectant eyes to Kong Hua again.

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes, it's very stressful to say." Handing the letter in his hand to Lingxue, Kong Huan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and let a few people standing on the street enter the executive courtyard.

In order not to make the two high priests feel dissatisfied, Kong Huan asked as he walked, and learned about the current situation of the Dunjia clan by the way.

According to what the two high priests of the Dunjia tribe said, after learning about the restructuring of the Peng tribe this time, they counted the current population of the Dunjia tribe, which is about 5.

It is said that there are many tribes that do not belong to the current ethnic group in the periphery, and the number will not be much smaller. The main reason is that there is no way to manage communication, so this number can only be maintained.

In other words, the population of the Dunjia race is definitely far greater than that of the Peng race.

"Damn meow, why do you have so much life!" He shook his head helplessly, this was nothing but Kong Huan's resentment towards the lack of population of his friends.

Looking at the two high priests who were covered with hair like scales and had a few beards on their pointed noses, but were constantly shaking because of nervousness and emotion, Kong Huan secretly sighed.

According to the internal division method of the Dunjia people, their city is based on a part of closely connected cave groups, or a large underground cave, usually with a population of around [-].

As for the current Dunjia tribe, those who are evacuating to the ground, led by the patriarch, have a total of more than 60 people in more than 3 cities.

In other words, there are still about 2 people who are either evacuating in other directions, or are just trapped underground.

And because of the previous collapse accident, they were very worried that if they continued to dig, it would lead to further collapse, so they didn't dare to dig holes to save people. When the new patriarch led the people to evacuate, they still took the existing passage. They will come out from various passages on the ground one after another.

According to this, the Dunjia clan's current ability to dig holes is basically abolished.

But when it comes to this, everyone in the management of the friend clan is a little anxious.

Although the territory of the Peng Clan is vast and sparsely populated, on the whole, except for the mountains, the rest of the land is reserved for future development.

Because of their relationship with the friends, many of their exits are not far from where the friends gather. If the Dunjia suddenly appeared, what would happen to their food?How should their territory be resolved? ...


Rubbing his head, he looked at the two high priests who were worried about the ethnic group. Obviously, the new patriarch of the other party had great expectations for these two people.

"Forget it, let's not think about the future. After the Dunjia people appear, they will be resettled in various no-man's lands. In the future, they will be moved to the outskirts of the territory. Our primary goal now should be to rescue the remaining people."

Although the two high priests still wanted to talk about other ethnic groups that did not belong to their own tribe, they still consciously stopped talking when they saw the frowning faces of the senior members of the Peng clan.

In their view, it is already a good result that the friends can take in the clansmen who have left the land now based on their friendship for many years.

"Chu Xia, the Executive Yuan will form a special team first to arrange for the Dunjia people who will come out of the field this month, where they will be temporarily resettled, and after resettlement, the special team will also think about how the two parties will deal with each other." Kong Huan obviously I don't want to let the food that the ethnic group has just accumulated go out in vain.

"By the way, you two, one of them will also go together, so you can coordinate well to avoid problems."

Facing Kong Fan's commanding tone, the two had no dissatisfaction.

At this time, Kong Huan turned his head to look at 8051: "Can you sense the exact location of those Dunjia people who are trapped but still alive?"

"Okay, but what do you think?" 8051 looked a little puzzled: "The size of the friends, it is impossible to pass through most of the tunnels of the Dunjia, not to mention that the entire planet is not very safe now, and it is dangerous if you are not careful. Earthquake landslides according to the law, even if there is an early warning, you can’t escape.”

"Who said you're going to use the tunnel of the Dunjia clan?"

"Open by yourself?"

"Well, let's dig a hole vertically from the ground... well, yes, it's a vertical shaft." It seemed that he had figured out what was wrong, with a happy smile on his face, and this also made the remaining High Priest of the Dunjia Clan The mood calmed down, at least looking at Kong Huan's expression, he knew that the other party should have a solution.

"Everyone is saved, just wait, you must wait."

The words of the high priest were not heard by the few people who were discussing the rescue plan. In less than half a day, a rough rescue plan was formulated.

According to illusory memory and 8051's exploration, the tunnel depth of the Dunjia tribe is generally about 100 meters to 400 meters underground, and they are most accustomed to using tunnels to connect some natural underground caves, which is the most territorial.

This is also the reason why the Dunjia tribe was able to create such a large territory underground and support so many people.

Most of the caves that collapsed this time were caves excavated by the Dunjia people themselves, or natural caves with many passages opened.

Among them, a large natural cave where the original patriarch is located is precisely because it is at the core. After learning the model of friends, in order to meet the needs of traffic, this originally stable cave was created. The natural cave becomes a beehive.

According to what Kong Huan said afterwards, it would have been a miracle if it hadn't collapsed at that time.

When the earthquake came, because it was the time of the annual meeting set by the Dunjia clan according to the calendar of the Peng clan, most of the leaders were present, and the hole-ridden cave suddenly collapsed because it couldn't bear the squeeze of the soil.

decisive tragedy
The entire high level of the Dunjia clan was thrown into the pot.

"I said some time ago, why did the eastern mountainous area suddenly sink. It seems that the location is just above the top of the Dunjia tribe."

"It's really fortunate that these people can elect a new patriarch so quickly and bring them out."

Looking in admiration at the high priest beside him, Kong Huan also thought that there should be a regulation for the succession of the leader of the Pengzu in emergency situations. Of course, now is not the time to talk about this.

They clapped their hands and asked each of them to go to their respective posts. Kong Huan asked Lingxue to invite, and now the only Youshen-level Lingyue who can move freely came to help.

"Let's go, let's go to the top of the nearest collapsed cave. Don't worry about your other clansmen. The Executive Yuan's arrangement will soon notify the temple to reach various places."

This kind of temple communication cannot be learned by the Dunjia clan, because their strength is the highest, and it is said that they are only in the middle of the soul level, which is the current level of Konghuan.

"Then, 8051, I'll leave it to you this time, and there shouldn't be any trouble."

"It's nothing to trouble." 8051 shook his head, then looked suspiciously at the High Priest of the Dunjia tribe who looked worried, retracted his gaze and used his mental power to connect to Konghuan: "Actually, there are too many collapsed caves of the Dunjia tribe this time. It is too wide, and it is obviously unrealistic to dig out one by one."

"My suggestion is to excavate some more populated places first, and then try to get them to contact people in the surrounding small areas for rescue."

This is actually a choice of giving up less and saving more. Kong Huan didn't want to make a decision, so he turned his head to look at the High Priest of the Dunjia Clan, and told his thoughts and reasons one by one, letting the other party decide.

I thought the high priest would hesitate and even ask the new patriarch for instructions, but to the surprise of a few people, the other party nodded without thinking.

"Okay, now that the decision is made, let's hurry up."

 Midnight haunt, sprinkle flowers~\(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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