Spore Story

Chapter 299 Youshen Rescue, This Is the Excavator

Chapter 299 Youshen Rescue, This Is the Excavator

PS: One more haunt =w=
Lingyue has been a little irritable since she became a Youshen class.

The reason for the irritability is that although the ethnic group did not force her to leave Chudian to serve as the righteous god, and she did not arrange any specific work for her to contribute to the ethnic group, but the awe and worship of the people around But Lingyue felt that she was a little too selfish.

And some time ago, she was considered to be at the same level as the righteous god, and she also heard the news that the ethnic group was screening the backup candidates for the righteous god of the outer domain, which made her even more unnatural.

As for her previous work as the first priest of the righteous god in the west, although she was still doing it, she always felt that she was just taking the opportunity to evade responsibility.

Every time she sees or even thinks about [responsibility] in the ethnic group's teachings, she feels that she is ignoring this teaching that she personally participates in editing.

Now that the ethnic group is constantly developing, it is time to use righteous gods to open up areas of control, but as a Youshen level, she is relying on Chudian, the temple of the western righteous gods, to bear a […] God Priest] title, molesting one's own god.

Sometimes, she felt that when others called her Priest of the Moon God, she was in awe, and maybe even a little bit of contempt.

(Ah! I just want to be with Chu Dian!) The stronger Lingyue obviously wouldn't say such embarrassing words.

Although, in fact, those so-called contempt were largely Lingyue's own fantasy, but it still made her more and more irritable.

I don't want to leave Chudian, and I don't want to be irresponsible.

(It would be nice if the world had the best of both worlds.) Everyone has this idea.

The only consequence of Lingyue's irritability is that Chu Dian, as a righteous god, will feel miserable.

"Ah! Why did you become a Youshen class in the first place?"

"If you say that, those people at the peak of the soul level will cry." Chu Dian complained recklessly from the side.

"Do you want to die! Ah!"

Lingyue, who couldn't find a way to vent, immediately cast her dangerous eyes on Chu Dian. However, as a companion who has lived for so long, although they are all at the Youshen level, the most important thing is the consciousness body, so they cannot register for marriage. Yes, but occasionally the two of them will do something they love when they are bored.

Therefore, Chu Dian, who knew each other well (it has something to do with God above ==), saw Lingyue's expression, and immediately made preparations to 'start teleporting if something goes wrong'.

After living for so long, he thinks that facing Lingyue, he is no longer a simple M, but an M who can resist (still a tragedy=.=).

At this time, Chu Dian seemed to have discovered something, and Chu Dian was taken aback.

But Lingyue obviously wouldn't miss this kind of opportunity. Seeing that Chu Dian was distracted, she immediately stepped on, pushed the other party decisively, and then sat on Chu Dian's waist.

At this time, a voice came from the door.

"Ah, sorry, I went to the wrong door, you continue."

Leaving aside whether excuses are suitable or not, Lingxue was standing awkwardly at the door at this time, neither advancing nor retreating.


"Ah! Things are not what you think!" Quickly jumped up from Chu Dian, Lingyue explained to Lingxue in a panic while arranging her linen robe.

"I didn't think about anything, so don't worry." Smiling and ignoring Lingyue, Lingxue jokingly turned her head to look at Chu Dian, who was full of embarrassment: "Well, if you don't bother me, can you borrow Lingyue?" I have a few days."

"No interruption, please feel free."

"Hey, why do you decide!"

Although she said so, when she saw Lingxue coming in person, Lingyue had already decided to go and have a look.

The entanglement during this period has made Lingyue think a lot. Even if Lingxue can't come here today, she has already made up her own plans to find Lingxue to find some suitable jobs for her.

Although she would not be willing to serve as a righteous god who was bound in the realm of the temple, if she was just like Chu Qin and the others doing some things in Pengcheng, even if she was a little tired, Lingyue would not mind.

"Do a good job." Standing at the door, Chu Dian waved goodbye to Lingyue who was dragged away by Lingxue, just like a wife sending off her husband (seems to be reversed).


When the two rushed to the sensor, where Kong Huan was located in the mountainous area, 8051 had disappeared without a trace.

Speaking of which, I don't know if it was intentional at first, but all the artificial underground caves of the Dunjia people were far away from the living areas of the Peng people;

But now, this kind of behavior, which may be unintentional, happened to save the friends from a catastrophe.

Looking at the slightly sunken ground at this moment, both Lingyue and Lingxue sighed.

"Has the location been confirmed? What about 8051?" For 8051, the entire senior management of the friend clan who knew the inside story was grateful but also somewhat resentful.

I am grateful that 8051 has been helping Pengzu until now, and that little grudge is mainly due to the destruction of the editing space.

However, in general, I am still grateful.

The higher-ups treat Kong Huan and the others as they treat elders, relatives, brothers, sisters...in short, they are all kind people.

Treating 8051 is like treating friends and preparing family members.

"8051 now takes the map of the friends to mark the collapsed sites of the various Dunjia tribes and choose suitable excavation sites. This will save us time. After all, the faster the rescue of this thing, the better."

Speaking of this, Kong Huan pointed to the large area of ​​ground fissures not far away, and let the cracks fly away.

"Let's start from there. I think it won't take long for a [-]-meter-deep, slightly sloping cave with a small diameter and cracks to help."

Smiling, Kong Huan nodded to Lingyue who was at the side, and then landed on the edge of the crack, where the high priest of the Dunjia tribe had been waiting for a long time.

Speaking of which, although Lingyue didn't know about the editing space, she also knew about the illusory three-body avatar in front of her, so even in the middle of the soul level, Lingyue didn't lose a bit of respect.

But regarding Kong Huan's memory, Lingyue's deepest memory is the journey that Kong Huan took her and Chu Dian to the Pingling Tribe. (i.e. a means of transport)


And it was the time spent together that gave Lingyue the idea of ​​being with Chu Dian.

Because it was during that short period of time that the two of them were under illusory spiritual protection almost all the time. At the beginning, they couldn't even communicate, and could only chat with their bodies and eyes.


(It was boring at the time, but now that I think about it, it’s fun. Maybe I’m with Chudian because of a habit. I’m used to staying together, so I’m afraid of changing?) Lingyue followed along like this The figure in front was thinking.

At this time, she noticed that the figure in front seemed to be dangling in front of her.


"Ah! Ah, I'm sorry, Master Konghuan, I lost my mind."

"...Hey." Covering their foreheads depressed, both Kong Huan and Ling Xue expressed helplessness. This phenomenon seems to be a common problem among the entire friend clan. No matter how much Kong Huan evaded it, everyone still said that this must be his reason. Who told the whole group that the favorite mind-wandering is emptiness, and it happens that emptiness is the main consciousness.

"Okay, let's get down to business."

Bringing Lingyue and Lingxue to the crack, the High Priest of the Dunjia Clan saw this person exuding dazzling light. He knew the Peng Clan better, and he quickly recognized that this was another Dunjia Clan. A righteous god who exists like a legend. (They didn't distinguish between righteous gods and non-righteous gods.)
(Pengzu is really powerful, and it is actually a new righteous god.) Respectfully bowing to Lingyue, the high priest couldn't calm down. I have basically seen them all, but I haven't been here for about a year, and I am actually a new god.

But Lingyue ignored the respectful high priest, and just turned her head to look at Konghuan in doubt.

"what should we do?"

Nodding his head, Kong Huan patted the high priest next to him, then took Lingyue and Lingxue, pointed at the crack and began to explain step by step.

Time passed by like this little by little, and when Kong Huan's explanation reached the point, the two of them already understood what to do.

So, in the eyes of the high priest of the Dunjia tribe, as if looking at a miracle, the soil on the ground seemed to be boiling, and began to flow upwards and then piled up to the side.

In terms of the use of mind power, Lingyue, who has just entered the Youshen level for about half a year, even with Chu Dian's personal explanation, it is not so quick to mention it.

Therefore, the splashed soil looks very mixed. Although the light and shadow effect is good, the size of the soil is different, and the excavation speed of the passage is not satisfactory, which shows that Lingyue is unfamiliar with the control of mind power.

"Lingyue, take a break and let Lingxue come." Patting Lingyue, who had only opened a passage more than ten meters long, her forehead started to sweat slightly, Kong Huan nodded to Lingxue without noticing On the side, the high priest was frightened by Lingyue's effort to dig out a tunnel more than ten meters long and two meters in diameter in just one cup of tea.

Nodding her head, Lingxue, who can already be regarded as a high-level ghost, is obviously better than Lingyue in terms of mind control and application methods.

I saw that she did not constantly peel off the soil like Lingyue, but used her thoughts to compress a cylindrical area in the ground, and after condensation reduced the radius of the cylinder, she dragged it out step by step along the previously opened passage.

It doesn't seem as gorgeous as Lingyue, but every time a cylinder is taken out, it is a standard three-meter passage. At the same time, from the passage of Lingyue to a passage of more than 30 meters, it appears step by step. In the spiritual power of everyone.

"Lingyue, you can't compress the soil with your mind control, so you have Lingxue to compress it, and you are responsible for dragging the soil out." After thinking about it, Kong Huan assigned tasks to Lingxue and Lingyue.

So, after another half a day, a standard sloping passage, more than 200 meters long and two meters in diameter, appeared in front of the high priests of the Dunjia clan like a miracle.

"About 50 degrees, it should be enough to climb, but we have to hurry up, our passage can't withstand big vibrations."

After thinking about it carefully, Kong Huan let go of his mental power, and observed the internal situation through the space of the passage.

"Sure enough, it's a rock layer. Lingxue, can you break through this rock layer without damaging the specific structure?"

"It's a bit difficult. My previous digging method was because the soil was relatively soft, so I could further compress and reduce the volume, and then drag it out of the passage. However, the rocks are already compact. The best way is to completely shake the rocks in an area into one." The debris, and then clean up these fine debris, but since this is a collapsed or easily collapsed area, when the rock is broken, it is obviously easy to cause further collapse."

"Also, it took too long to do that."

Nodding his head, Kong Huan turned his head to look at the curious high priest and asked, "When you were digging, did you deal with stones like this?"

"Find a stone?" After thinking for a while, the high priest said respectfully: "Small stones are pulled to pave the road and pile up mounds; for larger stones, we generally don't move them, and may be left as walls; As for rocks that are so big that we can’t touch the edge, we will go around them.”

Speaking of this, the high priest shook his sharp claws: "Although our claws can cut through stones, it is easy to get hurt, so the clansmen generally don't deal with those hard stones. In comparison, the soft soil is much more lovely."

"Uh, is it?"

Feeling the rock layer below, as a mid-soul-level emptiness, although the scanning range on the surface has been over a kilometer, it is only about [-] meters deep underground.

"Lingxue, how thick and wide is the rock layer?" This is related to Kong Huan's decision later, if it is a little thinner, Kong Huan doesn't mind cutting through the rock bit by bit.

After closing her eyes and feeling it, Lingxue frowned, shook her head and said, "The entire rock layer covers a very large area, and I can't feel the edge, and the thickness is tens of meters, but..."

"The rock layer below that is in contact with the passage, there are some cracks tens of meters to the west, and the position of the cracks on the ground is somewhat different, and it is also about tens of meters. It is likely to be cracked by the earthquake, but for some reason, there are cracks. It didn't collapse."

"However, there seems to be some movement in the crack, but I can't sense the specific situation. The distance is a bit far away, and my mental power can't penetrate the underground rock layer."

"The cracks in the rock layer may have been caused by the earthquake, but what happened?" Looking suspiciously at the high priest beside him, he fantasized and asked, "Tell me, will the people inside dig their own holes to escape?"

"..." X3
(Isn't this obvious? That idiot will stay there to die.) Several people looked at Kong Huan speechlessly, and the High Priest of the Dunjia Clan was also stunned for a moment, then nodded inexplicably.

He himself is very aware of the situation of the ethnic group. The earthquake problem of the ethnic group did not appear in the past two days. At first, the ethnic group would rescue them, but because of the continuous earthquakes in the past two years, they often lost a lot of people for rescue. .

Therefore, the ethnic group educates people to learn to save themselves.

In this regard, everyone is very helpless.

"Since you are afraid to dig the soil, you are afraid of continuing to collapse, but although your claws will be injured, you can dig relatively safe rock layers..."

While talking, Kong Huan seemed to think of something, raised his head and said to the two excavators (excavators?): "Lingxue, Lingyue, move our passage to the crack in the rock layer that is moving, and then try to Take a look inside."

Speaking of which, we suddenly thought, in fact, the protagonist of this book is illusory, and everyone should regard it as a thread connecting the plot.

above =w=
(End of this chapter)

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