Spore Story

Chapter 300 Hope, with a smile and fluorescent grass

Chapter 300 Hope, with a smile and fluorescent grass
PS: The second update is coming~\(≧▽≦)/~
"Ah! The claw, the claw is broken!"


"It can't go on like this, Director, the rock layer is too thick, not to mention there is a layer of soil on it!"

"Next! Come on."

"If this goes on, if everyone's claws are broken, even if it's good to dig through the rock layer, why not try the soil layer on both sides!" The middle-aged Dunjia clansman held his leather-bound hands and said angrily. Looking at the young man in front of him.

After looking at each other for a while, the expressionless young man turned his head away: "Continue, next one."


"The soil layer on both sides cannot be moved. Those are the walls supporting this big rock. If it moves, everyone will be finished." Clutching his hands that had lost all six claws, Dunjiashi, the former director of the Urban Affairs Bureau of Jushi Province, Wu, ignoring the glaring gaze of that fellow and the despair of those around him, still gave brief orders expressionlessly.

Because he knew that this was everyone's last chance.

The kilometer-long boulder hanging above everyone's head used to be everyone's favorite 'roof', but because of the blind excavation of the soil under the stone, although a vast boulder province was created, this stone has been left behind. When the big earthquake came, it was overwhelmed and broke from it.

Now if anyone moves the soil on both sides, the already unstable 'roof' will fall completely, smashing everyone into meatloaf. As for the cracks, everyone is willing to go to the place full of death.

Earthquakes had happened occasionally a few years ago, but the ethnic group didn't pay much attention to it.

Of course, like most people at that time, Shi Wu didn't pay much attention to it, and only thought it was a temporary thing.

But now when the ethnic groups start to face this problem directly, everyone has already been driven to a dead end.

(I'm just a 17-year-old dunjia who has just been promoted to the position of director of the city affairs bureau by relying on my mental power level! Why do I have to face so many things?)

Although he kept complaining in his heart, Shi Wu's expression still didn't change at all.

Since the earthquake, he has never changed his expression. He is afraid that if he changes his expression, he will become completely desperate and unable to extricate himself.

Unlike the Peng people who reach adulthood in their 20s and live a long life of a hundred years, the Dunjia people generally reach adulthood at the age of 50 or [-], and the maximum is no more than [-] years old.

But even so, the current Shi Wu is still considered young.

And because of this young age and the particularity of his position (the city affairs bureau belongs to each province independently), when the patriarch called the managers of all provinces and cities to the core cave to discuss the earthquake issue a few days ago, he was able to stay and temporarily manage Boulder province.

As a result, he was lucky enough to escape the collapse of the core cave, which caused the total destruction of the management team;

Because of this, he was fortunate enough to be promoted to the highest administrative official of Jushi Province as the highest official and the person with the strongest spiritual power level.

But also because of this, unfortunately, he faced another big earthquake just when he received the order to become the top manager.

This time, the entire Boulder Province fell into a dark hell.

Limited by the terrain, the Dunjia tribe had many problems when they implemented the provincial and municipal levels.

Only a small number of naturally formed underground karst caves with large areas can be truly implemented at the provincial level, while most of the caves are only implemented at the municipal level.

The cave where Jushi Province is located was originally an excavated cave, but because of the expansion everywhere, it has also become a medium-sized province. Although there are only four cities and a combined population of less than 3000, it has won the management in terms of area. recognition.

"Stop first!"

This is in the rock layer above the Jushi Province. If the air, food and water issues are not considered, Shi Wu feels that even if the earthquake hits now, relying on the surrounding hard rocks, several people should be fine.

But the problem is that there are more than 1000 surviving Dunjia people below, waiting for their good news.

"Take a break. Shi Ji, take the injured person back for treatment. There should be some healing medicine from the friends from last time."

Nodding to the team members on the side, Shi Wu, as a temporary high-ranking official, put his head on the top stone, then closed his eyes tightly, and projected all the spirit he could control.

And his actions attracted everyone's attention, and a dozen people stopped their actions and looked at Shi Wu.

(Damn it, I still can't sense how thick this thing is!)

No matter how talented he is, Shi Wu is only a 17-year-old Dunjia clansman, and his spiritual power is only at the level of mid-to-high-level ghosts. Even with all his strength, his mental power can only penetrate four or five meters through the stone layer.

"What's the matter? We've dug more than 40 meters thick? It should be here." Everyone couldn't tell what was going on from Shi Wu's movements and stiff expressions, so they could only ask each other. The person with the highest level of spiritual power is also the pillar of the crowd.

Hearing the inquiries from his teammates, Shi Wu tightened his grip on his right hand, which had already been covered with wound medicine in the morning, feeling a tingling pain from it, which made him gradually calm down.

Then, he waved for everyone to be quiet, and leaned his head against the rock again.

Seeing Shi Wu's movements, the Dunjia tribe who had been replaced by the sixth batch in charge of excavating rocks suddenly became nervous.

The Dunjia people have been digging here for a day and a night. Although there is no earthquake, looking at the rock layers that can't be dug out, despair is still spreading among the dozens of people and thousands of survivors.

If there is still no hope, no one knows whether there is any motivation to continue digging.

Especially for those newly recruited personnel, when they looked at the same kind with bright red blood dripping from their hands and the broken claws, they felt powerless all over their bodies.

At this time, everyone suddenly saw a faint smile on Shi Wu's stiff face.

It's a very ordinary smile, people don't even notice it in normal times, and even if they find it, they will think it is a mockery.

But now, this made everyone feel a glimmer of hope.

"It's coming! I can feel the soft earth above the rock formation."

There was a little uncontrollable excitement in Shi Wu's voice, dispelling everyone's doubts.

"Go on, maybe tomorrow morning, we will be able to succeed."

The smile was completely on Shi Wu's face, he didn't know why he did this, but he could feel that when he made this expression, said these words, and imitated a trace of excitement, it permeated the crowd The annoying atmosphere of despair disappeared in an instant.

And he was not worried that the lie would be exposed. Among the survivors in the entire province, he was the most powerful, able to use spiritual power to pass through the stone layer.

Seeing everyone's reaction was so good, he didn't change his original stiff expression, but changed into a smile, and then he said to everyone: "Keep digging, I've already felt the soil layer, we're about to go out .”

After finishing speaking, Shi Wu turned around and walked down the slightly inclined rock passage.

"Senior officer, you?"

"I'm going to tell everyone the good news!"

Most of the team members in their 30s and [-]s smiled at each other and looked up at the top of the rock with scratches and bloodstains, but they didn't have the panic they had before.

"Still a child who hasn't grown up."

"But now is our hope."

Saying so, everyone encouraged each other, and began to rely on the experience imparted by the previous groups of team members to peel off the rocks little by little, and headed towards the not far away soil layer.

And below, Shi Wu was already standing on the ground of Jushi Province.

(Smile, yes, I'm going to keep smiling, that's more effective than no expression.)
Carefully suppressing the despair he felt because he couldn't feel the end of the rock.

He didn't know if it was right to tell this lie, but he didn't want to see the despairing expressions on everyone's face, Shi Wu instinctively thought that would be bad.

Rubbing his face, and walking on the path step by step, Shi Wu smiled at every compatriot he passed, and told them that 'the rock is about to be dug through'.

As a result, where Shi Wu passed by, the original despair and confusion disappeared without a trace, people gradually showed hopeful expressions, and the restless and chaotic crowd began to calm down.

Even those who had doubts subconsciously chose to believe Shi Wu's smiling face and the slightly loose high priest's robe on Shi Wu's body.

It didn't take long for hope to spread again, and most of them gathered among the Dunjia people under the rock passage.

Walking to the corner of the cave, Shi Wu looked at the wet river in front of him, a glint of haze flashed in his eyes, but he was quickly suppressed.

Just a few days ago, the flow of the underground river that supplies the province of Boulder suddenly decreased, but the flow rate increased.

However, during the earthquake yesterday, there was no drop of water here.

(Thinking about it now, it should be an earthquake, which blocked the upper channel of the river.)
However, what really caught Shi Wu's mind was a carapace-covered humanoid being washed over by the flowing water. Although the opponent was dead, it still gave Shi Wu a strong sense of deterrence.

However, the most important thing now is the escape of everyone.

The faint light of the fluorescent grass flickered on Shi Wu's slightly immature face, illuminating the silvery white pupils.

Squatting down carefully, he reached out his hand to pick off a fluorescent grass, but when his hand reached Xiaocao's fragile waist, Shi Wu hesitated.

This kind of grass is not actually grass, but the roots of a super ground plant.

The Dunjia people who had good things in the past dug holes all the way along the fluorescent grass, and finally dug to the ground, and what they saw was a huge broad-leaved tree.

However, the underground race didn't like the feeling of direct sunlight on the ground, so he quickly retreated to the ground, but the saying that the "fluorescent grass is actually the root of a big tree" also let everyone know.

However, people are used to and like the nice name of 'fluorescent grass', so it has not been changed.

As for why fluorescent grass can glow?Why shine?

The Dunjia people are not interested in knowing these questions.

From their point of view, maybe it was like this, maybe it was a gift from God.

Just learn to love and enjoy it.

But on the day of the earthquake, nearly 2/3 of the fluorescent grasses suddenly went out, and people panicked, worried, and howled...

And Shi Wu knew that it was because the roots connecting the fluorescent grass and the big tree on the ground were broken.

(This time, can I really escape?)
Perhaps other compatriots who saw Shi Wu's confident smile would no longer doubt it, but Shi Wu himself had to bear all this alone.

As for the rescue of other clansmen, Shi Wu had no expectations from the beginning.

After the management team was wiped out a few days ago, the localities have actually fallen into chaos, and Shi Wu's current identity is only recommended by the village chiefs and old people in Jushi Province.

According to the habit of the ethnic group in the past two years, when encountering such a catastrophe, in order to prevent rescuers from being involved, people are encouraged to save themselves.

At that time, Shi Wu, from the standpoint of a bystander, once believed that this approach was correct.

but now……

(It is only now that I know how important hope is to those who suffer.)
Carefully withdrew his hand back. After the fluorescent grass was pulled out, it would continue to light up for half a day, but after that, it would take at least ten days for the glowing grass to reappear.

Although everyone planned to leave here, after thinking about it, Shi Wu still didn't make a move.

"If you can't escape, let these grasses witness our end; if you can leave, let them illuminate the path of those who come after us."

(End of this chapter)

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