Spore Story

Chapter 301 Save, no matter friends or aliens

Chapter 301 Save, no matter friends or aliens
PS: Midnight drifted by.

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"Found it! It's here."

On the ground, Lingxue's eyes lit up, she turned her head and nodded to Lingyue beside her, and then closed her eyes again.

After a while, one after another mud pillars were dragged out of the passage under the division of labor and cooperation of Lingxue and Lingyue.

"how is the situation."

When the mud pillars stopped appearing, Kong Huan stepped forward and asked Lingxue who had calmed down to the side.

"There is still no response from the crack, but now, in the rock layer at the entrance of the passage below, in the area with a thickness of about 10 meters, it seems that there are Dunjia people active."

"How is it possible? Although our claws are sharp, we can dig a thickness of more than 50 meters..." Looking at Lingxue in disbelief, the High Priest of the Dunjia Tribe subconsciously looked at his palms. In the eyes of the High Priest, the claws of light seemed to be almost like wood when facing the rock.

"Whether it's impossible or not, there are indeed more than a dozen Dunjia people active in this thickness. This is reality." Ignoring the high priest's words, Lingxue turned and walked towards the cave.

"Wait, the cave is not reinforced now, so let's go on like this..."

"It's okay, let's strengthen it with your thoughts while walking. It is urgent to save people. With the cooperation of Lingyue and I, we should be able to pass quickly, and..." Looking deeply at the passage, Lingxue smiled and said: "I can dig out I also want to see the person in the 50-meter-long rock passage.”

Helplessly, he glanced at Lingxue, who seemed very stubborn at this moment, and after thinking about it, Kong Huan still didn't stop him, but bent down to follow.

As if an object was being squeezed from the inside, the passage with a diameter of about 2 meters was expanded to [-] meters as Lingxue and Lingyue deepened, and the wall of the cave became as hard as a brick.

What's even more strange is that Lingxue, who was walking in front of her, would see a staircase appear on the sloping ground every time she took a step.

"..." (What's going on with this holy scene?)
Kong Huan stared ahead speechlessly, Lingxue, who seemed to be strolling leisurely but was already mobilizing her whole body of thoughts, shook her head imperceptibly, but at the same time showed a gratified smile.

And as it went deeper into the ground, the sunlight gradually disappeared. Lingyue, who was a ghost body, naturally emitted energy and light, illuminating everyone's path like a beacon.

As for the High Priest of the Dunjia Clan who was almost numb from the shock behind him, almost no one pays attention to him now.


Standing on the top of the gray rock layer, even the illusory mental power here can pass through the rock layer no more than tens of meters thick.

And already approaching the top, only seven or eight meters away, a dozen or so Dunjia tribe members had obviously entered the sight of everyone present except the High Priest of the Dunjia tribe.

Suddenly, Kong Huan felt dizzy for a while, and he didn't have time to stabilize himself, so he yelled at Lingxue directly.

"Exert your mind shield with all your strength, earthquake!" With a thud, Kong Huan's feet became unsteady and fell to the ground.

Sure enough, before a few people could react further, a violent tremor occurred.

Although the passage has been reinforced, everyone can still see the falling mud through the world shaking left and right.

When the first crack appeared in the passage, Kong Huan shrank inwardly.

(It should not be upgraded to a dead soul here.)
Wiping off his cold sweat, Kong Huan was worried about his dangerous thoughts.

Although except for the high priest present, even if the other three died, there was nothing to worry about on the ground.

But if he is really going to be buried in this [-] meters underground, based on the theory that the deeper the ground, the faster the consciousness will die, God knows how long he can last with a soul level.

There was a dull cracking sound, and Kong Huan secretly yelled that it was not good. Sure enough, accompanied by violent shaking, a hole was suddenly split from the rock under his feet.

Fortunately, at the same time as the crack appeared, the vibration stopped before it continued to expand.

Several people came to their senses almost at the same time. Lingxue used her mental power to sweep towards the previously dug passage, while Kong Huan quickly swept down to the ground with her mental power. At the same time, Lingyue continued to prop up the psychic shield just in case.

In fact, if the ground really collapsed before, Kong Huan didn't think Lingyue and Lingxue's mental shields could last long.

But that thin cover is a psychological comfort for everyone.

At least when looking at the soil falling from the top of the head from time to time, separated by the psychic shield, everyone will have an illusion of 'you are safe'.

"It's okay, the corner of the passage collapsed, but it can be opened in an instant."

"I'm fine. Although it's cracked, the dozen or so Dunjia people in the channel force below are all safe. They grabbed each other's hair armor (the part that looks like hair, but it's scale armor) and didn't fall off."

"Huh." The two looked at each other and smiled. Although there was no real danger, the feeling before made them feel scared.

What's more, as the patriarch, Lingxue actually ran down in person, and only now did she realize her recklessness.

"It's better to save people quickly."

Without any more nonsense, Kong Huan nodded to Lingxue and Lingyue, and the two began to follow the cracks, peeling off the rock fragments, and then gradually went deeper into the passage dug by the Dunjia tribe below.

And Kong Huan let go of his mental power, and began to contact the dozens of Dunjia clan members who had already felt the light of Lingyue through the cracks.


When the time entered the noon of the next day, the hundreds of surviving people in Jushi Province finally supported each other and stepped on the steps in the passage opened by the god (a certain high priest), step by step out of the ground, and came to the long-lost ground.

At the same time, Dunjia tribesmen who fled from their homes to the ground began to appear one after another in many places throughout the Peng tribe's territory.

On January 2, AD 1, the Administrative Compound
"The special team's suggestion is to let these Dunjia people resettle in the surrounding mountains first. There should be many natural caves and other caves there. It should be good for them who don't like strong light, and even an earthquake will not be too dangerous. .”

At this very moment, the leader of the special team that was specially formed to deal with the affairs of the Dunjia tribe was explaining the urgently issued "Opinions on the Placement of the Dunjia tribe" to everyone.

Looking around, in addition to Kong Huan, who was the commander of this incident from the side of the friends, and a few members of the special team in Pengcheng, there are more than a dozen high-level Dunjia people who were urgently picked up from various escape routes.

What surprised Kong Huan and the others was that there were three patriarchs and more than a dozen high-ranking officials among them, and none of them belonged to each other.

Obviously, the communication chaos caused by the accident made these Dunjia people choose the most trusted person of a certain group by themselves, and the people who escaped from all over the place, without knowing the situation, produced a dozen different people in this way. Phenomena that belong to management.

Of course, this is an internal matter of the Dunjia Clan, and Kong Huan and the others do not intend to interfere.

After hearing the suggestion of the special team leader, more than a dozen Dunjia people who disliked each other nodded in satisfaction.

"For the Dunjia people who lack food, we can temporarily provide food, but we don't have much food, so these food cannot be given for nothing..."

This made the faces of more than a dozen 'patriarchs' change slightly, but except for two of them who were slightly younger who expressed doubts, everyone else nodded after thinking about it.

At this time, one of the 'patriarchs' stood up and bowed to Kong Huan and the others, and then said: "This time, I would like to thank the friends for their rescue. Of course, we will not eat in vain. If there is anything we need, we will do our best."

The few people who reacted slowly also stood up one after another and made similar expressions.

In the end, although there was a smile on his face, one of the young Dunjia tribesmen, who was wearing the special hemp gloves of the Peng tribe, but did not have the iconic claws of the Dunjia tribe, looked into the eyes of more than a dozen 'patriarchs' of the Dunjia tribe. , but flashed an inexplicable cold light.

Of course, Kong Huan turned a blind eye to this.

However, he finally stood up and bowed to Kong Huan and the others.

"This time I am very grateful to Master Konghuan for your rescue, otherwise we might not be able to get out. As for food, if Master Konghuan agrees, I am willing to go to work in the factory of the friends in exchange for some food."

Smiling, Kong Huan nodded to the team leader.

When the leader of the special team heard the expression of the temporarily high-ranking official of the Dunjia tribe who was rescued yesterday, he also looked at the other party quite unexpectedly. After receiving Kong Huan's order, he smiled and nodded to the other party, and then continued to tell.

"This time our arrangement is actually to provide food, medicine, and even clothes and other things to everyone in the warehouses of the Peng tribe's provinces. After that, the Dunjia people can participate in the construction and operation of roads, cities and mines in various places, such as Work for food like a friend."

"We know that the Dunjia people are good at growing dark plants and digging soil. In fact, you can also use these plants to go to the markets of the Pengzu's provinces and cities to exchange for the food or other things you want. In this regard, the Pengzu has no one. limited."

"The above is the plan that the special team has discussed so far." After speaking, the team leader nodded to everyone, then stepped aside and sat behind Kong Huan.

After the noise of more than a dozen representatives of the Dunjia tribe calmed down a bit, Kong Huan, the external representative of the friend tribe, knocked on the table to signal everyone to be quiet.

"There are only so many suggestions from the special team. Friends who want to come to the Dunjia clan can also see that this is fair."

Ignoring the dozen or so people who nodded, Kong Huan smiled and continued: "We don't want to interfere with the internal situation of the Dunjia clan, and now our patriarch Lingxue is personally leading the priest of Lingyue God to the land. Rescue everywhere under the guidance of Shen Kongling."

"So, if you have any ideas, please let me know."

"In short, as friends, the Peng Clan will not let the Dunjia Clan suffer."

"However," looking at the dozen or so people who were very moved by Kong Huan's righteous words before, Kong Huan changed his tone: "I still need to click on some things."

"After all, our two races are not the same species, and now the Dunjia tribe is also in the territory of the Peng tribe, so I hope that the Dunjia tribe, no matter what your internal arrangements are, must abide by the laws of the Peng tribe. I hope everyone can understand this. "

Although animals also have a sense of territory, more than a dozen representatives of the Dunjia tribe are obviously dissatisfied with the fact that the Peng tribe has classified the mountain area as the territory of the Peng tribe.

As for the law, it doesn't matter, because many things of the Dunjia tribe are used by the Peng tribe, and of course the law is also.

As for the representative of the Dunjia tribe with linen gloves on his hands, although he still had a smile on his face, he was also slightly dazed.

After thinking for a while, the representative of the Dunjia clan came to his senses first, stood up and said to Kong Huan, "On behalf of the 991 people in Jushi Province, I understand this situation, but..."

"I hope that the friends can agree to establish their own territory not far from the friend's territory after the people in our province have stabilized their emotions."

(End of this chapter)

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