Spore Story

Chapter 302 Development, Looking for Another Path

Chapter 302 Development, Looking for Another Path

PS: It’s another haunting, thank you for the support of Interstellar Travel Dust’s monthly ticket~\(≧▽≦)/~
"Territory, ethnic group, country? Hehe, sure enough, none of them are fools."

"Yeah, while the Peng Clan is constantly developing, it is also affecting other species that have a deep relationship with it. In addition, this Shi Wu looks good, and may become the real patriarch. 8051 said with an appreciative smile."

"That's right, but it will take some time for the Dunjia clan to unify, at least not in the territory of the Peng clan. As for the Dunjia clan in other aspects..."

"I can't observe the civilized races directly, but I have also visited some places during the period. Most of them have left the ground, but some of them have stayed in relatively safe underground caves. 8051 said that for the situation of civilized races such as the Dunjia people, she I don’t know much either.”

"Speaking of which, the Dunjia tribe with a total of 6 people, which has the deepest relationship with the Pengzu, now only has a little more than 3 people, and it has become what it is today. 8051 can't help but feel a lot of emotion for the hearts of the people, and vaguely reminds Kong Huan You should learn something about it.”

"Yes, natural disasters are really dangerous for us." He waved the Dunjia information sent by 8051 in his hand, and said vaguely.

It's not that he doesn't know the importance of people's calculations, but he is instinctively annoyed.

There are many things in this world that people know very well, but they just don't want to do it, and this is the case with Kong Huan now.

However, what Kong Huan didn't discover was that he was actually using this ability subconsciously, but he didn't notice it, or didn't want to admit it.

After all, this kind of thing is necessary for any ruler, whether active or passive.

And now, it was already the tenth day after the representatives of the two high priests of the Dunjia tribe came to ask for help.

On the whole, the big rescue operation is over, and Lingxue has returned, and now only Lingyue is left to continue organizing the Dunjia rescue in this small area.

The recent count of the number of rescuers has exceeded [-], which makes Kong Huan and the others feel very gratified.

But this doesn't seem to be an absolutely good thing for the Dunjia clan.

Because of the disaster self-rescue measures within the Dunjia ethnic group, there was a gap between those who were rescued and those who escaped first.

However, the population has dropped by nearly half, and the management has been accidentally taken over by one pot, which has led to this group. The existing three 'patriarchs', more than a dozen 'senior officials', and 'mayors' are useless. They are basically incompatible with each other. belong to.

According to Kong Huan, the current Dunjia clan has 'returned to the primitive tribal period'.

This is also inevitable. Although it sounds like there are obvious differences between the patriarchs and senior officials, these three patriarchs were either village chiefs or old people with a little prestige before, and they were even temporarily elected by the staff just because they were stronger.

On the other hand, among the dozen or so high-ranking officials, some have the title of director general, such as Shi Wu.

However, the population of these dozens of people is not much different, ranging from six to seven hundred to more than a thousand, and they are scattered in various parts of the friend clan, not belonging to each other.

Among them, the more than 7000 rescued people belonged to a mess at this time. They formed several large and small groups according to the rescued area, and they clearly refused the management of those who ran first.

Although they all expressed great friendliness to their friends, everyone should and should have imagined the moisture in the so-called high-ranking officials and mayors.

In general, the current Dunjia tribe can be regarded as suffering from internal and external troubles.

Internal worries, the confrontation between the two groups of 'fleeing before the disaster' and 'rescued after the disaster', and the internal chaos caused by the 'destruction of management';

Foreign aggression, no stable territory, need friends to provide or trade food.

"Uh, forget it, let's not bother with the internal affairs of the Dunjia clan. When the time comes, push them in a good direction, and let them do whatever they want internally."

Rubbing his forehead, Kong Huan thought that he was really not suitable for these things. He looked at the Dunjia statistics in his hand again, shook his head and sighed, and returned the information to 8051.

Regarding Kong Huan's reaction, 8051 looked a little unhappy: "Although the internal situation of the Dunjia clan will have a certain impact on the friends, my purpose now is not to let you look at the internal affairs of the Dunjia clan, but to let you pay attention. If such a catastrophe occurs to the clan, will it become like the Dunjia clan?"

This sentence surprised Kong Huan, but 8051 did not stop.

"The Pengzu still lacks a stable selection mechanism. In fact, I think it is a great waste to arrange several Youshen-levels in management positions."

"Just like this time, in order to rescue the Dunjia tribe, except for a little girl who is entangled in love and responsibility, only the patriarch who has relatively few sundries can be dispatched in person. Don't you think it's a bit abnormal?"

"Then what do you think about 8051?" Kong Huan looked up at 8051, because there was another earthquake a few days ago, 8051 had to be dispatched to various places, and this time it took seven days to disappear.

When 8051 reappeared, it turned out to be the information brought to Konghuan Dunjia and a reminder to Konghuan, which moved Konghuan a little.

"I don't know, you can discuss it internally."

(Okay, it’s okay to be moved or something!)

At this moment, the time has entered January 2, 1 AD.

This is already the time for the third meeting of the ethnic group (once in the first year of the AD and once in the first year of the AD). The disaster, coupled with the incident of the Dunjia clan, made the meeting much more lively.

Among them, at the meeting on the second day, a proposal put forward by a senior official attracted everyone's attention.

The brief content of his proposal is to 'utilize the human resources of the Dunjia clan as much as possible'.

The specific content is:
Gather the Dunjia people from all over the place, and let the Dunjia people who have the advantage in numbers replace the friends to farm the land.

As for the harvested grain, the Dunjia people can leave enough food for food, and the rest will be handed over to the friends management agencies in various places.

And the liberated friend farmers can join factories in various places, and then expand the production scale of the factory, so that more copperware, more wooden cars, and more cement buildings will appear on the friend tribe territory...

It has to be said that his proposal moved many people who attended the meeting, because it could alleviate the pressure of the lack of friends.

"No, I don't agree."

Surprisingly, Kong Huan did not agree to this proposal, and directly rejected it.

Standing on the podium in the open-air venue that was built as a test using cement modules, Kong Huan looked around for a while, and then nodded to the senior official who seemed a little dissatisfied because his proposal was rejected by Kong Huan.

"Our friends have always pursued the principle of equal value exchange and the coexistence of responsibilities and obligations, but this kind of proposal is to let our friends squeeze the labor of our friends Dunjia, but not provide equivalent items..."

"Lord Kong Huan!" He interrupted Kong Huan very impolitely. After he stood up, the high-ranking official realized how uncomfortable his behavior was.

Nodding to everyone apologetically, the senior official saw Kong Huan stopped and looked at him, so he calmed down a bit, organized his words in his mind, and opened his mouth and said: "Indeed, we are pursuing an exchange of equal value, but I think it should be For those within our friend clan."

"What's more, our behavior is not to squeeze their labor. Now they are suffering from disasters and need food, so we provide fields for them to cultivate, and allow them to obtain enough food for living from these fields. And what we take , just the rest of it."

"It's a way to get the best of both worlds, isn't it? How about squeezing."

"But how long do you want them to grow? The disaster is only temporary. When they stabilize and continue to implement this model, will they agree?"

"So what if you don't agree? They can still beat our friends?"

"Shut up."

Although he gave the assistant next to him a hard look, the senior official also knew that his proposal this time might be useless.

The senior officials present are all soul-level, and the mayors of some important areas are also soul-level. How could it be possible not to hear this complaint?

At this time, Kong Huan's expression was also a little complicated.

If he is purely a good person, Kong Huan may be directly angry, but the problem is that for the development of the species, it is determined that Kong Huan, who is the main consciousness, is neither a good person nor a bad person. He must consider issues from the standpoint of his friends.

Although the assistant's words made people feel dissatisfied, but thinking about it carefully, the long-term detached position in the natural world, coupled with the high status of the Dunjia tribe who belonged to the same civilized race, made friends unconsciously have a problem when they went out to the outside world. The idea of ​​who else is better than me.

This kind of thought is the most serious in Pengcheng, and the least serious in Xinzhong City, Shuilan Province.

There is no need to elaborate on the reason.

Rubbing his forehead, Kong Huan didn't know whether this mentality was good or bad.

In the memory of the human period, it is taken for granted that the people of a large country have such emotions; but if the people of a small country have such emotions, it is considered arrogance.Representative examples are a certain M country and a certain Bangzi country.

But is the friend family considered a big country?
Knocking on the wooden hammer imitating the gavel in his hand, Kong Huan glanced at the people around him, and at the same time motioned for the high-ranking official to sit down.

Although he was unwilling, the other party sat down depressed.

All of you here are managers who are dually trained by priestly schools and management schools. Because in most cases, the management of friends is internal, so in behavioral education, the requirement of 'no bullying' is very important.

Therefore, when the assistant said that sentence, even though everyone still had a little bit of the idea that the strong should be respected, their perception of this high-ranking official had already decreased.

Coupled with his impulsive and rude interruption of Kong Huan's speech before, at this time, no matter how much he said, it was nothing more than annoying.

"In fact, the high-ranking officials in Qingdong also have good intentions, but we need to take a long-term view." Nodding to the senior official, Kong Huan didn't care about the other party's dissatisfaction, and continued: "Think about it, everyone, in fact, many bad habits are It is formed by not paying attention to some small things in ordinary times."

"I also know that the Dunjia tribe is a foreign tribe. At some point, if I need to sacrifice them in exchange for the survival of my friends, I will choose to sacrifice them without hesitation."

For the people who were startled by Kong Huan's words, Kong Huan just glanced at them and ignored them.

This is the annual meeting of the Friends Clan, so it is impossible for the Dunjia Clan to participate. In addition, the entire venue is guarded by priests regardless of the sky and the ground, and the ground is separated by cement boards. It is not a decoration to sit a bunch of souls, so don't worry about being caught. The Dunjia people heard it.

Therefore, the words of the people in the meeting were not taken into account.

"But, that's an emergency."

"And in normal times, the Dunjia people are still our friends. Just like this disaster, we do our best to help them. After that, when we suffer disasters, they will remember today's situation and do their best to help us."

"At the same time, if we only want to squeeze the labor of the Dunjia people, when we are used to this kind of squeeze, and then a certain manager feels that the labor is not enough, and the outside world can't find it, will we turn our attention to it?" How about turning to ordinary friends?"

Likewise, Kong Huan continued to ignore managers who kept denying that they would have such thoughts.

"No need to deny it, I know no one thinks that way now, but who of us can absolutely guarantee that no one will think so in the future?"

This is actually an illusory worry. The civilization that the friends entered directly entered the mixed mode of centralization and popular elections, without experiencing the most primitive slavery.

He has forgotten how slavery came about in the first place, but he knows that civilizations that started with slavery will eventually produce common sense of class oppression, yes, for those civilizations, class oppression is common sense.

But with the efforts of Konghuan and Lingxue, Pengren didn't go through this step, but kept developing internally.

Although there are several levels internally, but looking at the selection system and the distribution of class rights and obligations, we know that the current management of the Pengzu is actually more like a service organization.

Even the salary of the factory is distributed according to the importance of each after subtracting the estimated development needs and contingency reserves from the annual harvest and transaction volume.

So sometimes, the wages of ordinary workers even exceed that of mid-level managers.

This has greatly strengthened the internal cohesion of Pengzu and the public's recognition of the existing management, and has given Pengzu a strong resilience in the face of powerful foreign enemies.

But once the hole of class oppression is opened and the situation of oppression starts to appear, Kong Huan wonders whether the friends can maintain the current almost ideal situation.

(Try to let everyone live a good life as much as possible, and improve the strength of the friends as much as possible... It seems that conflicts have begun.)
Looking at the managers who were thoughtful after hearing Kong Huan's words, Kong Huan shook his head with a wry smile.

Class differences are privileges; and class differences are treatment.

The way Kong Huan thinks now is to replace class with grades, but that still requires one very important thing.

species network
(End of this chapter)

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