Spore Story

Chapter 303 The Dunjia Clan, Split and Placement

Chapter 303 The Dunjia Clan, Split and Placement
Two more drifting away~\(≧▽≦)/~
Thanks 'brat!Don't fall in love''s reward ==
The issue of the Dunjia tribe was pushed to the third day of the meeting after the high-ranking official's proposal sparked discussion.

"What we are going to discuss now is not the rescue arrangements for the Dunjia tribe. The special team has already done those things."

"What we need to think about now is that the 3w Dunjia people who are currently in the territory of the friend tribe will build a territory on the outer edge of the territory of the friend tribe after their emotions stabilize. Which direction is the best?"

"This is the best, not only for the Dunjia clan, but also for the friends."

While speaking, Die Wu, who was in charge of speaking at the conference, also ordered people to put a more accurate map of the friends' surroundings obtained by the group with the assistance of 8051, on the wall behind the podium at the venue.

It was drawn with available mineral pigments, and the colorful map of the friends' surroundings made the eyes of several managers who like painting shine.

At this time, Die Wu pulled out a tough long wooden stick sponsored by Konghuan Friendship from nowhere, and slapped it on the cement board.

"Everyone, please see that the territory in this circle is roughly the current location of the Pengzu."

A virtual circle was drawn on the map, and all the managers present paid close attention to it with mental strength. When they saw that the friend clan territory that they thought was so big that it had no boundaries, it turned out to be less than 1/10 of the area in the middle of the entire map. At that time, they all let out a series of exclamations in surprise.

As for unbelief, there is no such thing.

(This is just a map of the corner of the double moon star.)
Seeing the people with different expressions, Kong Huan who was sitting on the side smiled helplessly. Kong Huan didn't know how big the entire Shuangyue star was, and he didn't ask 8051, but 8051 once said, 'This is just a corner of Shuangyue star' If it is, it still makes Kong Huan feel very shocked.

The current Pengzu territory is not big, but it is also the size of the previous province.

At this time, Die Wu was still continuing to talk about the preliminary proposal for high-level discussions.

In fact, with regard to the arrangement of the location of the Dunjia clan's territory this time, everyone has absolutely no intention of letting the Dunjia clan decide on their own.

Especially after obtaining the small-scale map provided by 8051, everyone first planned the future development direction of the Peng Clan, not the resettlement of the Dunjia Clan.

Of course, no matter what, you have to find a good place for them, otherwise, the friendly image that the friends have always established will be ruined.

'If you can be friends, you can't be enemies', this is the idea of ​​fantasy and most of my friends.

The west side is obviously out of the question, because the territory is close to the sea to the west, and beyond that is the ocean where countless dangerous creatures lurk. It would be more comfortable to let the Dunjia tribe settle there than to throw the Dunjia tribe into the river.

Then, only the north, east and south remain.

With the current population of the ethnic group, just occupying such a small amount of land now seems to be more than enough, so expansion is not necessary for the time being.

But that doesn't mean the ethnic group, it will make the Dunjia clan, whose number grows much faster than the friends, place their territories in places that may suppress the ethnic group.

The north and east are places that go deep into the inland, and they are also the two main alternative directions for future ethnic group development.

But the south is the territory of the Black-Bone Ape. Although there is a more than 300-kilometer peaceful area between the Peng Clan and the Black-Bone Ape, letting the Dunjia people pass by will obviously become a shield for the Peng Clan and the Black-Bone Ape. The clan knows that it's fine if they don't turn against each other directly.

"It's not very kind to do this." When some participants proposed to resettle to the south to create isolation from the black bone ape, Kong Huan said so.

Of course, before rejecting the idea of ​​cultivating the Dunjia clan as a farming clan, this participant did not directly reject the idea at this time, because the other party is standing on the side of the friend clan, which is indeed a good suggestion.

Therefore, emptiness is just presenting its own opinion.

Time passed by little by little, and at the end of the meeting that day, everyone discussed three alternative directions.

Northwest, although it is a bit colder in the northwest, it is not a big problem for the Dunjia who like to dig holes.And according to the map of 8051, it spreads to the northwest, and there should be a wider space further west.

The north, the colder it gets as you go north, but it is still the above reasons, the Dunjia people don't have to worry about this, and there is still a lot of space in the north, even if the Dunjia people have a population of one million, there is no pressure at all.

The south, the south is obviously rich in resources, but other than that, the black bone ape, the usable territory, the sea on three sides, etc. are not enough to satisfy the Dunjia tribe.Adding this direction to the alternative direction is just illusory and does not want to refute the meaning of everyone.

From Kong Huan's point of view, with the first two choices, the south side is just a decoration. It is impossible for the Dunjia tribe to make such a choice when they pointed out the shortcomings of the south side.

As for the vast continent in the east, the Pengzu doesn't want to give it up to other people. Even now, as a species of Pengzu, the total number of people may not exceed 15.

"We have to think about future generations." This is not empty fantasy, but a speech made by a maid holding a pointer like a queen at the meeting.

But what is surprising is that after the discussion of the day ended and these three optional directions were handed over to the Dunjia clan for internal discussion, within a few days, the result was placed on the desk of the technical bureau chief in charge of Dunjia clan issues, Lord Void superior.

"Is it decided so soon?"

Not in a hurry to open the proposal in his hand, Kong Huan raised his head and looked at the Dunjia tribe in front of him.

Leaving the favorite twilight underground and coming to the ground with strong light, the Dunjia people are obviously very uncomfortable, as can be seen from the performance of the Dunjia messenger in front of him.

His actions were somewhat cautious, his eyes were slightly narrowed and he did not dare to open them wide, his body was slightly arched...

The large cloaks on their bodies were specially ordered by their managers from the Pengzu sackcloth field for all the Dunjia people to go out in the daytime. All Dunjia people are welcome.

And from recent reports, it can be seen that although they live in caves and other places, the Dunjia people have no intention of continuing to dig at all. Consciously protected out of love.

Hearing Kong Huan's words, the Dunjia clansman didn't know whether Kong Huan was asking himself or talking to himself, he hesitated for a while, but still felt that he should answer.

"Yes, Master Konghuan, the head of the Dunjiayanhe clan, on behalf of more than 9000 members of the Earth clan, expressed their wish to migrate to the south."

"Huh?" Originally, after walking away for a while, Kong Huan planned to open the Dunjia clan's reply, but when he heard the Dunjia clan's answer, he immediately paused and put down the proposal in his hand again.

"Earth Clan, South? What's going on."

Speaking of which, although Kong Huan has been concerned about the changes of the Dunjia clan recently, he only knows that the Dunjia clan may face a split, and it is the two groups that are most likely to split.

But now hearing what this Dunjia tribe said, Kong Huan found that his speed of obtaining information was still a bit slow.

But this is impossible, after all, the two parties are two species and do not live together. The Pengzu can only get information from the chats of ordinary members of the Dunjia tribe, or from 8051 that appears from time to time.

"Did the Dunjia finally split?" He sighed and shook the proposal in his hand. The eyes of the Dunjia in front of him, covered under the cloak, turned with the shaking of the proposal in Kong Huan's hand, obviously he was very nervous.

What made him even more nervous was why Konghuan didn't ask the question of 'South'.

When leaving, the patriarch said that if the Earth Clan chooses the south, they may get some extra benefits, but judging from the performance of Master Kong Huan now, he is more interested in the situation of his internal division.

(Hmph, I thought that even after the split, these tribes composed of rescued Dunjia tribesmen would be headed by Shi Wu or one of the high-ranking officials, but I didn't expect it to be a little-known Yanhe. Now it seems, or this Humans have tricks, or they are puppets pushed out, but...)
"In other words, this decision was made by the Dadi clan, and it doesn't represent the other 2 Dunjia clan members?"

A few beards on the pointed nose trembled unnaturally. This Dunjia tribe was obviously a little uncomfortable when he heard Kong Huan mentioning the other 2 Dunjia tribe.

But helplessly, this is their own reason, so he really needs to explain to Kong Huan now.

"Master Konghuan, we are only representing the Earth Clan. As for the decision of the other 2 Dunjia people, we cannot interfere. I hope Lord Konghuan will forgive me for the trouble this has caused."

With a change of expression, he smiled cunningly, and then waved to the very polite Dunjia who was bowing.

So, shortly after exiting the house, this Dunjia tribe met another Dunjia tribe who came to the Technology Bureau at the gate of the Technology Bureau.

"Hmph, idiot who betrayed the clan."

"Hmph, the soul of a desperate man."

The two Dunjia people who were also wearing cloaks looked at each other, then turned and went their separate ways.

And Kong Huan, who was sitting in the office watching the play, smiled and opened his eyes.

In fact, he was very puzzled that although it was the Pengzu who saved the life, it was indeed the Dunjia who left the ground first and came to the Pengzu for help, so the Pengzu took action.

And these, Kong Huan believes that the Dunjia people know.

(Then why, they still have antagonism, which leads to division?) This makes Konghan, who is not very good at this kind of thing, feel dizzy.

Shaking his head, Kong Huan opened it to look at the selection plan of the Earth Clan submitted by the previous Dunjia Clan member.The fact that the other party chose the South did surprise Kong Huan, but it wasn't too surprising. After all, it was up to them how they would choose the choices given to them in the past.

Therefore, after roughly browsing the proposal, Kong Huan put it down again.

In front of him, there was another group of Dunjia tribal messengers consisting of more than 2 people standing. In the other party's hand, there was a letter that was the same as the proposal put down by Kong Huan, but it was more than that. In the other hand, there was another report. .

"What will it be?"

Smiling, Kong Huan accepted the two reports from the astute messenger.

(End of this chapter)

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