Spore Story

Chapter 304 Underground Shadow-Pan, a Game of Civilization

Chapter 304 Underground Shadow-Pan, a Game of Civilization
PS: three
Since the agent 8051 has been so busy in the past few years, it is obviously impossible for one or two ordinary earthquakes to be justified.

And since the Dunjia people who have lived underground for a long time have to leave their homes and come to the ground they don't like, then if there are other races underground, it will obviously not be very comfortable.

Opening the messenger's first report, Kong Huan turned his attention to the report, which showed that the other party chose Northwest.

Originally, this was a normal choice, because the Northwest is much more stable for the development of the Dunjia tribe. According to the calculation, as long as the Dunjia tribe develops obediently to the northwest, then at least one or two thousand years, both sides can be friends.

But the problem now is that the Dunjia tribe has split into two parts, one facing northwest and one facing south.

Under such circumstances, are the friends willing to accept it?

After thinking about it, Kong Huan planned to submit this to the unfinished annual meeting tomorrow for a decision, and then put it together with the proposal submitted by the previous Dunjia tribe, and turned to open another letter.

The clattering sound of bamboo slips moving and flipping echoed in the hut. The Dunjia messenger was equally nervous, looking at the illusion in front of him who was concentrating on reading the bamboo slips.

Carefully opened and closed the paws in his hand a few times. He hadn't dug a hole for dozens of days. He always felt the urge to go up and dig with his paws when he saw something, but as a priest, he still consciously resisted the urge.

'Only by controlling desire can we reach a higher level. ' These are the words of a great priest of the Dunjia tribe who has reached the soul level.

(I really miss the feeling of digging soft dirt with my claws before), shaking his claws, the messenger tried his best to calm himself down with meditation.

Of course, it is impossible to enter a meditative state in this situation, otherwise I am afraid that Kong Huan will be astonished.

And at this moment, a tremor woke up the Dunjia Clan messenger who was still in a trance.

Looking up at Master Konghuan with a serious face in front of him, the messenger thumped in his heart, wondering whether his previous actions made this legendary good-tempered Master Konghuan angry.

"Is this confirmed?"


"I mean, please do the above! Didn't your patriarch say anything to you when you came here?" He stared depressedly at the confused messenger in front of him, wondering how the Dunjia clan would send such a messenger. A messenger arrives.

Even if this catastrophe completely damaged the high priests and administrators who were mostly concentrated in the core cave, the rest should be a little smarter.

However, Kong Huan didn't want to discuss these things now, but shook the bamboo slip in his hand and asked the priest messenger in front of him, who was defined as 'confused' by Kong Huan.

"Yes, yes, Master Kong Huan," quickly replied, the messenger looked at Kong Huan's movements, and quickly realized that the other party attached great importance to the information on the bamboo slip, and he was overjoyed.

However, the messenger's emotional reaction made Void, who could sense the other party's emotions, frowned dissatisfiedly. Although he attached great importance to this letter, his previous performance was serious. This guy was actually happy in his heart.

However, the messenger still quickly replied consciously: "Master Konghuan, the patriarch said that it is precisely because our clan wants to confirm this situation that we waited so long to tell you..."

"So it has been confirmed, where are they? Is there any accurate location information?"

By this time, Kong Huan had calmed down a little.

The things on the bamboo slips may not be so critical to the current friends, but they are only a problem in the long run.

That is, civilized species.

new species of civilization.

According to the report of the Dunjia tribe, geological activities are of course the main reason for them leaving the ground so quickly, but there is another reason that cannot be confirmed, that is, they encountered dangerous enemies.

A few years ago, some tribes who dug deep underground found that occasionally there would be underground passages that did not appear naturally, but were obviously not dug by the Dunjia tribe.

But these passages have been abandoned for a long time, and the Dunjia people are not a race that likes to think a lot, so they didn't delve into the problems of these passages.

A year ago, when the earthquake became active, it was also the period when the Dunjia tribe began to reform. These lower-level, marginal tribes were discovered when the patriarch sent people to organize their reforms.

They all disappeared, leaving behind dug holes, just disappeared without a trace.

This still did not attract the attention of the patriarch, because the reform had occupied a lot of their minds, and there were not a few tribes where the reformers had disappeared in the past, and there were many directions.

Those were small and medium-sized tribes who chose to leave because they didn't want to be restrained by the tribe, to be split up and reorganized, or to be an enemy of the tribe.

But since it was brought up together here, it is obvious that the new patriarch also thought of something.

Then, the time jumps to a few months ago.

In some large underground natural caves, there are underground rivers that provide water for the Dunjia people living in them. A few months ago, dead humanoid corpses began to appear in the rivers.

This caused a certain degree of panic among the Dunjia people. Therefore, the group had to send personnel to dig holes along the upper reaches of the river to find the source of these corpses and the cause of their formation, so as to eliminate the panic.

But most of those people never returned.

Of course, since most of them are said, there is obviously good luck that can come back.

However, these lucky ones returned to the tribe from the river like those humanoid corpses.

In other words, they are all destroyed.

So, I thought it was a small problem (after all, it was not unheard of before that the underground river rushed over the corpses of animals on the ground), but now the search teams sent by several big caves are dead, this is not a small problem. explained.

Then, recently, geological problems have occurred in various parts of the ethnic group, the reform has just been completed, and driven by this underground river incident, the patriarch of the Dunjia clan in the core cave issued a meeting call, and asked all important management personnel to go to discuss the current problems. question.

Or the patriarch at that time had a sense of crisis. While asking for the administrator, he even asked most of the high priests to go to the core cave together on the grounds of protecting the administrator.


Later, the management of the tragedy was completely wiped out.

As for whether it is really a geological disaster, at least most of the Dunjia people said so, and Kong Huan also thought so at the beginning.

Then, the Dunjia tribe fell into chaos, and temporary managers in various places began to organize the evacuation of people.

And at this moment, some evacuees in the cave, before leaving, discovered that a large number of cocoon-like things began to appear in the underground river.

People who are focused on escaping from the dangerous underground have no intention of caring about the appearance of these things.

The current patriarch only took the time to extract relevant information from the managers under him only out of a dark premonition of crisis.

Although it has been sorted out to a certain extent, it is still very chaotic in Kong Huan's eyes, which is why he has been looking at it for so long.

And three of them caught the attention of Kong Huan.

Article [-]: An evacuee from a certain province reported that the giant cocoon that appeared in the river seemed to be alive and would voluntarily come to the shore.

But at that time, the evacuee was already considered the last person, so he hurried back to the group and did not investigate further. Instead, he took it as a joke topic and let others know during the chat.

Judging from other intelligence, these giant cocoons are obviously conscious, and may even be a kind of underground river transportation.

Article [-]: An evacuee who followed the team always felt something behind him when walking in the passage.But when he turned around to check, he found nothing.

One time, he accidentally caught sight of a human figure, thinking it was a companion, he planned to go to check, but the teammates in front stopped him, saying that there must be no one behind.

For this evacuee, Kong Huan thought he was really lucky, because in several other articles, there was information that the person behind him was missing. Now it seems that it cannot be as simple as getting lost.

Article [-]: A cave evacuee who found a large number of river cocoons reported that when he left, he seemed to feel a certain sound coming from those cocoons, making him always want to go and have a look.

But because they were too far away, and everyone was in a hurry to pack up their things, that feeling suddenly disappeared when a left-behind high priest happened to pass by.

From Kong Huan's point of view, this is an obvious mental influence. However, the spiritual power of these creatures should not be high, but the induction is very sensitive, so in order not to attract the attention of the high priest, they will stop actively.


There are many similar reports, but these three are the most representative ones.

Among them, there are three points repeatedly mentioned: [-]. The huge cocoon of the river, conscious;

"Another species."

Although it is still uncertain whether it is a civilized race, because even if it has a human form, it may be a monkey, but those active and quick reactions make Konghuan not intend to underestimate these unknown things.

"It's a pity that 8051 is not here, otherwise you can go and check it." Now the role of 8051 is almost an absolute golden finger for Konghuan.

At this time, the Dunjia Clan messenger also reacted and answered the empty question.

"After determining that it might be a threat, the patriarch sent people to guard at the entrances of the ground passages, but because everyone didn't want to enter the underground passages again, they did not search further."

"Really, you guys did a good job." Rubbing his forehead, he fantasized about reaching out to the messenger, "Let your patriarch continue to send someone to guard the passage, and I will send someone to receive it after a while."

"If possible, use rocks to block some more serious passages that have collapsed."


"Well, that's about it. As for your decision to choose the northwest direction, I will submit it to the Friends' Clan Assembly. It should take about half a month for a conclusion to come out. Anyway, you probably won't leave this year."

"Yes, Mr. Unreal, everyone has just left the underground and gained a stable life, and they don't want to leave so soon."

"Okay, that's all." He waved his hand, and after the other party left, Kong Huan called a Winged Man to send the report of the 'Underground River Giant Cocoon' to the patriarch of the Earth Clan.

Kong Huan believes that the other party, or the people around the other party, must know what to do, otherwise it is not worthy of everyone's attention.

After doing this, the sky has completely darkened.

Looking up at the gloomy sky, Kong Huan put down the teacup in his hand, and slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

"The black-boned ape, the Dunjia clan, the Peng clan, who else will join the game of this civilization?"

(End of this chapter)

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