Spore Story

Chapter 305 Research Progress, Species Network

Chapter 305 Research Progress, Species Network
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Today is two updates, this is the first update.

"This is the Eastern Temple, the Northern Temple, can you hear me?"

"North... hall, I heard it, I don't know clearly, the south...see you?"

"I heard that the north..., the east temple is not... clear, where is the west... temple?"



"Report to Lord Void, the western temple is silent, and the communication in the northern and eastern temple is unstable, above."

"..." Looking at the serious-looking winged girl in front of him, Kong Huan always felt twitching in the corner of his eyes.

Reluctantly reached out and patted the other party's shoulder, Kong Huan said: "Bai Min, although we are not your brother, there is no need to be so estranged. Besides, you haven't seen your brother for a long time, the other party is very sad."

"Ah, Xiaobai doesn't need to worry about it, just keep it in stock."

"Put...stock..." 囧
囧囧 glanced at the other party with enthusiasm, and after thinking about it, he gave up the idea of ​​doing something for Bai Nong, turned around and walked aside, and began to try to use Bai Min's previous method to move the energy in his body.

After a while, the magnetic field naturally emanating from the empty body began to change regularly.

Compared with Kong Huan, Bai Min has only been experimenting for two years, and training her ability to control energy is not that great. According to the test that Kong Huan gave to Bai Min, who has the strongest energy control here, she only has a control level of 3.

But Kong Huan already has the strength of LV5. Of course, that's because Kong Huan (Hui Li) has been exercising energy since birth, so there is no comparison between the two.

For friends, only a small energy activity can cause the magnetic field that friends naturally emit around the body to vibrate, and then generate electromagnetic waves.

If this person's energy control ability is good, according to the current standard, it is an ability above level 1, and he can simulate specific fluctuations through exercise.

And through the prescribed meaning of the corresponding fluctuations, it is possible between two individuals to exchange various information without the use of language and mental power, (cf. radio communication).

This is the first more accurate application method that Bai Min and the others have obtained after summarizing the communication mode of the Internet rabbit.

The language that the illusion is shaking is a magnetic language designed by Bai Min and the others, but because there are only a few dozen specific sentences, although it is enough for experiments, it is obviously very complicated to learn because it is not a systematic language structure.

The most important thing is that this cannot be scaled up, so it can only be used for this kind of initial verification experiment.

Now the fluctuating frequency that the void is generating means 'here is the eastern temple, ask the northern temple', which has been stipulated internally by them.

Compared with Bai Min, Kong Huan is very clear about the magnetic field fluctuations on the other sides, and he can 'hear' very clearly.

Both the northern and southern temples answered without any questions, only the relatively far western temple was slightly vague, but that was also because Kong Huan was not familiar with this situation.

"Although there are not many magnetic field fluctuations in the entire planetary space, filtering is still a problem. How to change it into an ability so that friends can exercise it is the most important thing. Otherwise, it will be used more in the future. , the space is full of clutter, it’s a tragedy.”

Shaking his head, Kong Huan stopped this communication.

"It seems that there are still some difficulties before the initial application. The main reason is that the structure of the magnetic field language and the filtering of clutter are very troublesome. If it is only one-on-one, and the distance is not far, the energy control ability level 1 is enough, but it will be popularized in a large area in the future. , at this level, at least level 3 of energy control ability is required."

"Level 3, there are not many people in the entire ethnic group, let alone the level of establishing networks and servers in the future."

Rubbing his forehead depressedly, Kong Huan calmed down the energy in his body and completely stabilized the magnetic field around his body.

"During this kind of small-scale experiment, a specific frequency can be designed, but it can be used in a large area..."

After thinking about it, Kong Huan shook his head and looked at Bai Min who was beside him. During the experiment of Kong Huan, the other party had been waiting quietly, just like he followed Bai Nong before.

Since the little girl left Bai Nong's protection, she was still very uncomfortable at first, but fortunately she was accompanied by Wangtu and her current partners, so nothing happened.But after a long time, she didn't want to go back.

Up to now, Bai Min has also pupated, and the identity of the priest has also been established. He has even become the leader of the network experiment team by relying on his identity as the only person with level 3 energy control ability here, and he is very busy every day. It's so sad that even Bai Nong has to make an appointment when he comes to visit.

"Well, Kong Huan, can't your technical bureau share this kind of network research? Although we have more than 20 people now, we still can't figure it out in many cases."

After Bai Min finished speaking, Kong Huan waited for a while, but still shook his head with a wry smile.

It's not unrealistic, but the research module simply ignores this network research project. Perhaps from the research model's point of view, this project is still too early for the friends.

In fact, Kong Huan believes that it is a miracle that Bai Min and the others can research this kind of human radio to the early stage of human radio application without the participation of the three Kong Huan for a long time.

Even, Dark Blood also raised whether Bai Min, a little girl, also inherited some illusory memories.

This seemed a bit too unreal, even 8051 said that this was impossible, so everyone just let it go.

And hearing Kong Huan's answer, Bai Min obviously felt very dissatisfied, especially when she saw the appearance of 'Xiao Bai' in front of her, she became bolder.

"Even if you don't study the Internet, then you can share a little, such as studying the language of the magnetic field, isn't it you who proposed the friend language! Hey!"

This time Kong Huan froze again, but it wasn't dissatisfaction, but...

It was that research model with a bad temper who actually accepted this proposal.

[Discoverable research items: energy field language. 】

"..." (You're kidding me!)

(There is still this method, 囧)

Unreal and speechless, it turns out that after splitting this kind of network research, we can do the relatively simple part first. Why didn't I think of it before?

(From this point of view, could it be that this research was not accepted by the research model because it was too complicated and broad?) After thinking about this, the depression before the illusion disappeared without a trace.

No matter what, as long as there is a glimmer of life, Kong Huan believes that he can grasp it.

"Hey, Xiaobai, ah no, Konghuan... um? Why didn't he respond, did he get distracted again?"

"No, language research can be handed over to us. You continue to study other projects now, and I will go back and have a look now."

Seeing Kong Huan running away in a hurry, Bai Min stomped her feet in dissatisfaction, but she was still very satisfied with Kong Huan's acceptance. In this way, everyone can start to study the next step, using one of them as an intermediary method.

At this time, a magnetic field response came from behind, and Bai Min, who was becoming more and more sensitive to the magnetic field, clearly felt this abnormality.

"Master Chu Jie."

—————Technology, scientific research, this is the key point of rapid improvement of strength—————

Kong Huan, who was on his way to the technical bureau, flapped his wings while checking the research mode.

Both research positions are now occupied, and Kong Huan uses them to conduct short-term research to expand the strength of the friends in the early stages of civilization development.

【Research Project 1: Intermediate Basic Martial Arts, 10%】

[Research Project 2: Energy Core Primary Control, 27%]

These are the two research projects that Unreal started some time ago, both of which are internal technologies that act on the improvement of individual strength.

As for the external technology, Void will leave it to the technology bureau and each factory to study on their own, and Void will only give them advice on related directions and projects.

This is also what Kong Huan is thinking of now, a method that can quickly improve the strength of friends.

If the Pengzu has the same population as human beings, external technology is obviously the fastest way to improve strength, because he can use an external technology to greatly improve the overall strength by relying on the number of people.

But now the population of the Peng Clan is only so small, even if there are a hundred friends carrying muskets, none of them is powerful at the level of Youshen. Therefore, the development of the Peng Clan needs to find another way.

Fortunately, the results of the elementary martial arts research project conducted before did not disappoint the empty fantasy and dark blood.

With one [Elementary Basic Martial Arts Research], you will get the [Basic Movement], [Basic Footwork], [Basic Horn Technique] (one horn on top of the head), [Basic Boxing], [Basic Tail Flick], [Basic Manipulation] ( Tentacle =. =) and more than a dozen basic fighting skills and training methods.

Although many of these are applied to the original people, Kong Huan believes that the intermediate basic martial arts that are currently being studied will have methods suitable for winged people's air combat.

What's more, the four researchers who already possessed the basics of [body training] and [skills] under the leadership of dark blood, after dozens of days of research, not only obtained the above-mentioned bunch of basic martial arts, these researchers And the strength of Dark Blood has been greatly improved.

Otherwise, Kong Huan really can't find anyone to carry out further research.

Afterwards, Kong Huan stopped most of the research, and the harvest this time entered the eyes of most students through various expansion schools and classification schools, which greatly improved the hand-to-hand combat strength of the entire ethnic group.

Yuanren who have practiced any of these basic martial arts can win one-on-one, or even one-on-two against people who have not practiced these.

Statistics show that Yuanren's individual strength has been improved by at least 50%.

As for the [Energy Core Primary Control] that is currently being studied, it is another cultivation direction that Konghuan has determined for the friends.

After a long period of biological evolution, the individuals of the friends have three major strengths: [strength], [energy] and [spirit].

But most of the time, what friends show is spiritual power and strength, but the energy is downplayed.

Among them, [power] comes from the epic biological muscles in the body, which is obviously extremely powerful compared to ordinary creatures.

But it is not without disadvantages, that is, weight and appetite, and friends are also larger than ordinary creatures.

What's more, when facing the black bone ape, the physical strength of the two sides is almost the same, which shows that the epic power of the friends is not the only one.

The [spiritual power] comes from the fourth and fifth level brains of the friends, which is almost incomparable in the current species, and also makes the strength of consciousness that affects the spiritual power of the friends today the criterion for judging the level of strength.

As for the auxiliary mental power expansion component of the brain, its main function is to lower the lower limit of the external expansion of mental power, so that the consciousness only needs to exceed 60 to spread the mental power.

For ordinary creatures, the consciousness must exceed 100 before the mental power can be released.But the current Pengzu, even a newborn, has a consciousness of around 80, and an adult is definitely over 100. The presence or absence of this component has little effect.

Therefore, this component, which will greatly increase the complexity of the friend's body, seems a bit tasteless.

Compared with spiritual power and strength, energy, which has been illusory since the cell period, has been downplayed by friends.

Of course, speaking of downplaying is actually because everyone has not studied its use in depth, so that in actual application, whether it is mental power or strength, it is stronger than energy.

But Kong Huan knew that this was only because people had too little research on the application of energy.

Nowadays, there are no less than a hundred kinds of mental power application skills studied in priest schools, and the power use skills developed on the basis of dark blood training skills are not to be outdone.

In comparison, the use of energy comes and goes with [Electric Shock], [Lightning Strike], [Grid Armor], [Electric Stimulation], and [Lightning Palm].

But is the use of energy really inferior to strength and mental power? This is obviously impossible.

Leaving aside, just talking about Chu Xia's ability to guide Thunder is a skillful use of the combination of core energy and spiritual power.

If it wasn't for the fact that Kong Huan hadn't yet condensed the thought power capable of drying up the material world, then with his level 5 energy control technology, he could already guide thunder like Chu Xia.

Now among the people who have been rated by the entire ethnic group, there are six or seven people with level 5 energy control technology, but Chu Xia is the only one with the Youshen level.

However, Void Illusion does not have the strength or carefulness of Dark Blood. By summarizing the experience of oneself and others, and matching the rewards obtained from tasks, one can come up with a basic method of energy training.

However, Void has its own method, that is - research mode.

"However, we still have to wait for more than 20 days to complete the basic energy research. Sure enough, no matter how many research positions there are, there are not enough."

Inadvertently glanced at the large number of candidate research projects in the research mode, and Kong Huan could only helplessly cover his forehead and sigh and go crazy.

But when he looked at the civilization points with only a little more than 100 points left, he could only be speechless.

During this period of time, because of the issue of the Dunjia clan, he didn't have time to do tasks at all, so that the civilization point was only in and out.


"Now there are 97 level 2 mission records, that is to say, 9 level 3 missions can be accepted. Then, let's complete the level 3 mission first, but before that..."

Spreading its wings and landing in the technical bureau yard, Kong Huan looked at the empty compound and shook his head helplessly.

At this time, all the researchers are doing related technical research in their respective affiliated research locations.

Therefore, in the Technical Bureau, except for the two original maids sent by the City Affairs Bureau to clean and tidy up, it basically exists like a haunted house.

Of course, this fantasy has become accustomed to.

Located within the four level 6 temples of the four righteous gods, Pengcheng can be said to be the safest place for the entire friends, and even the entire planet. Both the sky and the earth are under the surveillance of the temples, even if there is a thunderbolt , also useless.

Because of this kind of security, it is conceivable how lax the people in Pengcheng are.

But the problem is that the potential hidden dangers of this kind of slack are not taken seriously by people at all. Even if they think it is bad, they don't think that anyone can really have a lot of four righteous gods in the whole friend city. With a strong lineup of three Youshen-levels and no less than [-] Soul-levels resident, what kind of damage will it do to Pengcheng.

If there is, then no matter how careful you are, you can't stop it.

"Let's look at the research needs of energy language first."

He moved a chair in the courtyard and put it under a big tree, poured himself a cup of tea, and slowly opened the description of [Friends Network - Energy Language Research].

After upgrading to the level 2 control center, perhaps the data-based skills can display the explicit skills that everyone has mastered, and the task mode has also kept pace with the times, starting to mark the skill requirements for researchers, instead of level [-], Unreal still needs to experiment one by one.

Friends Network——Research on Energy Language
Language is rich and varied, with stable systems and patterns of formation that allow two separate individuals to communicate with each other.And this energy language is a language model suitable for friends with energy cores.

Participating researchers: 0/5 (please select a researcher)
Researcher intelligence requirements: 15 points or more (please select a researcher)
Researcher skill requirements: advanced language research (available for high-level hieroglyphs), intermediate logic research (available for intermediate mathematics), intermediate statistical research (available for intermediate mathematics), intermediate energy control (available for level 2 energy control), primary mental power control (available for level 1 Mind control is available).

Participating study site: None (please specify)

Key item: Recording tool (paper is available)

"..." (Is our intelligence the bottom of the researcher? ==) Void is ashamed.

"It's such a complicated thing. Sure enough, the language is amazing. If it weren't for our human foundation, it would be a disaster if we had to build it up little by little."

Looking at the skill requirements, there are a large number of intermediate ability requirements, and Kong Huan feels powerless for a while.

However, thanks to the basic knowledge of human beings, this research can only be carried out now.

You must know that in the current Pengzu schools, the Chinese course is taught in the Pengzu-styled Chinese, and because many of the improvements in the Chinese Pengrenization are carried out by the friends themselves, it is possible to have available language talent.

As for mathematics knowledge, apart from the calculus in the university, because Kong Huan didn't learn very well on his own, and there was no professor, the knowledge in middle school, Kong Huan has been promoted to the classification school level.

But for physical chemistry, Kong Huan didn't dare to teach me anything.

In this way, the talents required for these skills, in the view of Kong Huan, although it is a bit troublesome, it can barely be solved.

"Huh, fortunately, we are standing on the shoulders of giants. Although these things can be produced by the Pengzu after 2000 years of development, they are all common anyway, so I don't mind if we use them, Quack. "

Smiling triumphantly, Kong Huan turned and walked towards the nearest management school.

Although these skills can definitely be found by Wu Huan, if someone knows it, obviously they can only be found from the teachers of the classified school. They are the real elites of the friends except for the high-level.

Among the classified schools, there is only one management school located in Pengcheng.

Most of the research results on school organization last time were revisions in details, which have little impact on the relatively stable three-level education model of the current friends' "basic-extension-classification", so what is the specific effect? , it won't be obvious in the short term.

After drinking a cup of tea at the principal of the management school, Kong Huan came to the school playground under the leadership of the principal.

At this time, all the more than 30 teachers who manage the school have gathered and completed.

This is not an imaginary show, but according to his plan, he intends to digitize all the teachers at once, so that he can choose for himself in the future.

As a result, 37 points of civilization disappeared, and Kong Huan got 37 excellent preparatory researchers.

Under the bombardment of currency, the work of selecting 5 spare language researchers was completed in just half a day.

"I didn't expect that among the teachers in the classification school, there are really hidden dragons and crouching tigers."

Recalling that each teacher's skill item is followed by a long list of skills, Kong Huan feels that he is not very discerning.

"Then, when one of the projects is completed, the energy language research can begin."

(End of this chapter)

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