Spore Story

Chapter 306 1 Level 3 Mission, Passage Port

Chapter 306 A third-level task, the passageway

Here is today's second update, announcing the success of the haunting.


Stable Formation ([-])

Rating: Level 3

Mission goal: within [-] meters underground of the central province, all unnaturally formed stratum channels with a diameter of more than half a meter are completely closed, so that the stratum structure can be restored to stability.

Number limit: 1/100, must be commanded by the task obtainer.

Mission reward: 100 points

Mission description: Due to the irregular excavation of the Dunjia tribe and other excavating species, the ground is riddled with holes. For the safety of you and the creatures on the ground, please demolish all these illegal buildings and return the stratum to a stable and thick world.

"...This is a level 3 mission. As expected of a level 3 task, it actually involves the structure of the planet."

After carefully scanning the content of the task, he fantasized about it, and finally decided to accept it, which seems to be the most suitable task for him at present.

This is not only because of the reward of 100 points, but also because the goal in this mission is something that Kong Huan originally planned to do.

Moreover, the eye-catching '([-])' on the task title clearly tells people that this is a continuous task.

According to the general setting, continuous tasks are good things. Whether it is to deepen the difficulty of the task or expand the scope of the task, the rewards obtained will not be lower than the initial task. Therefore, there is no reason for the empty fantasy not to accept it.

[Stable formation ([-]) has been accepted, please complete it within one year, the task will expire after one year. 】

"Hey, there is still a time limit!"

Rubbing his eyes in disbelief (although he was watching with consciousness at this time=.=), Kong Huan realized that when he was faced with the limitation of this task, he actually had a long-lost feeling.

(Yeah, it seems that I haven't encountered it in a long time, and there are tasks with mandatory restrictions.) Recalling the scene after the collapse of the editing space, I am filled with emotion.

Then, a certain M thought so, got up and flew towards the Executive Yuan.

For this kind of large-scale task, it is obvious that there is no way for a small soul-level mid-term to complete it within a year, even if his skill bar is followed by a bunch of [Energy Burst], [Spiritual Impact], [Spiritual Oppression] , [Energy Stimulation], [Lightning Strike] and other things, but this time it is working on the ground, so let him run into the passage and blow himself up.

"It would be great if there was gunpowder, but unfortunately I don't know the formula."

"I don't know if we can mobilize people from the Dunjia clan to help... Forget it."

Sighing, thinking of the Dunjia people he saw recently, their instinct to endure and dig the soil with their claws, but they just didn't dare to do it, made Wu Huan laugh for a while.

It's just that it's the stupidest decision to give up the greatest advantage of the entire species because of the instability in the face of earthquakes due to lack of good planning, but this Dunjia tribe has indeed done so.

And Kong Huan himself doesn't want to interfere with the internal affairs of the Dunjia clan. He is neither the main consciousness of the Dunjia clan nor the head of the opponent's clan, and he is too busy with his own species' affairs.

Moreover, in his mind, it is impossible for the Dunjia tribe to endure this kind of excavation characteristic derived from the instinct of the species for a long time. At that time, they will still walk on the road of finding a balance between excavation and safety. In this case, in the natural world Is there still less?
Just like Pengzu, even though they have spirit and strength now, there is not much research on the application of energy, but it does not mean that Pengzu completely abandons the use of energy. Many things are easy to pick up, but difficult to put down.

"Chu Xia, we just accepted a level 3 mission and need your help!"

He rushed in carelessly, and Kong Huan flew out at a faster speed accompanied by a thunder and a scream.

"Uh, why do welfare and pain always come together?" Kneading the back of his head, Kong Huan stood up from the ground with his hands on his hands.

Nodding to the maids rushing over, Kong Huan waved them back, at this time, it is better not to let more people see his embarrassment.

But the few people ignored Kong Huan, but still stood there, and even stretched their necks curiously to look into the room, leaving Kong Huan speechless for a while.

(He actually ignored us... Well, we are just a bureau chief.) In the circle in the corner.

"What is it, empty fantasy."

"Really, what are you rushing in for?" Chu Xia, who was full of anger, came out of the room wearing a large priestly robe. The animal fled in all directions.

"Well, let's go into the house and talk."

"Huh? Ah, oh, come in." After hesitating for a while, Chu Xia turned around and walked into the house, followed by Kong Huan cautiously.

As a special Winged Man, the Thunder Wings were kept in Chu Xia's body for a long time, resulting in Chu Xia's body shape, which looked the same as that of a teenage girl among the original people.

Of course, it's just her body shape. With that majesty alone, no one will treat her like a little girl.

And precisely because she didn't like to show the wings of thunder in front of others, Chu Xia's usual clothes were also in the original pattern, so when she occasionally wanted to stretch her wings of thunder, she had to take off her jacket.

In fact, even if it is replaced by Wingman's clothes, because the Thunder Wings are not ordinary flying wings, they are accidentally formed after the powerful energy of Thunder is restrained by the power of thought, so the clothes on the back will be carbonized as soon as they appear.

For the frugal Chu Xia, this is obviously an intolerable waste, not to mention that these clothes are all in her favorite style.

And before it evolved into a mammal, it was nothing. Men and women were the same with their shirts off.

But now...

It was like that when Kong Huan came in.

"So, what do you want to do?"

Angrily tightening the clothes in her hands, Chu Xia looked at the emptiness in front of her who was leisurely holding a cup of tea and looking around with defensive eyes.

(Sister, you are the pinnacle of the Youshen class. You may become the first ghost class in the group that day. Is it necessary to be so guarded against us, a mid-soul class guy like us?)

"It is very necessary! Besides, you are a little guy, so what am I?"

"Ah, I forgot to have this trick."

Wiping off his cold sweat, Kong Huan subconsciously glanced at Chu Xia's chest, and then quickly acted like a gentleman under the reminder of his dizzy brain.

"Ahem, let's get down to business. I just took a level 3 mission, which rewarded me with 100 civilization points. It was to add those holes dug by the Dunjia people." I looked at the people who were clearly in their decades, and they were talking to the little girl. Chu Xia, who was also furious, smiled dryly and quickly changed the subject.

"You also know the importance of the research model, not to mention the civilization point. The most important thing is that this task has limitations and must be completed within one year."

Habitually reaching out and tapping on the table, Kong Huan put down the teacup in his hand and said: "Although I only cleaned up the underground of the central province this time, it still covers an area of ​​more than 2000 square kilometers. Moreover, it is within [-] meters underground. Filling in those channels, just sinking the ground is obviously impossible, because some of the channels are covered with farmland."

"So, we need to block these passages with soil or even rocks. The labor force of about 100 people limited by the task may not be enough."

"As a matter of fact, if there are a few Youshen-level helpers, it will obviously be done very quickly, but now the only Lingyue who can be called flexibly is also in charge of the rescue in Fenggu Province."

Speaking of this, Kong Huan sighed helplessly, and turned his head to look outside the door: "Now I feel that the Youshen-level resources mentioned by 8051 are wasted, but a good solution was not discussed in the meeting a few days ago. The higher-ups need the strength of the Youshen class to maintain the centralization of power, and in this way, the restrictions on the Youshen class are too great."

Taking a sip of the tea lightly, Kong Huan didn't know where 8051 had gone at this time, but even if the other party stood in front of Kong Huan and wanted to find the answer at 8051, I'm afraid the most likely thing would be [beep——].

(An independent civilization, a civilization of oneself, is really that important.) Shaking his head, he couldn't help but smile wryly.

Perhaps because she was also speechless about her own sensitive reaction, after Kong Huan calmed down, Chu Xia hesitated for a while, and then calmed down.

Then, she thought about it, looked at Kong Huan with some hesitation on her face, and said: "Now the ethnic group is short of people, and bean vines are about to be planted, and even the factory can't open normally. It is also very important, and the mobilization of personnel may still be difficult."

This is not an evasion, Chu Xia does not need to evade, and Kong Huan also understands the current situation,

The factories of the entire ethnic group located in various provincial capitals have to wait until the agricultural slack to start work. At other times, most factories can operate at a 20% operating rate, which is considered good, because the harvest of the ethnic group’s farmland must be guaranteed.

Even if there are some basic factories with the Dunjia tribe enriched, it can only make the factories reach about 50% operating rate during the busy farming season.

After all, it's not just someone who can do things.

Even the use of saws for logging is not easy to learn, not to mention that these tools are made according to the specifications of the friends, the weak strength of the Dunjia tribe...

Thinking about it, he shook his head, recalling the scene where he saw three Dunjia clansmen holding a logging ax together, Kong Huan could only sigh.

The Dunjia people are destined not to stay in the group for a long time, and the group will not give the Dunjia people some special tools. In this way, it seems that the place where the Dunjia people can participate in the work has been transferred to the farmland.

Rubbing his forehead, Kong Huan turned his head to look around, and after making sure there was no one there, he looked at Chu Xia again.

"What do you want to do again?" Chu Xia, who had just calmed down a little after being stimulated by the mysterious behavior of the God of Void, immediately became vigilant again hesitantly, completely without the consciousness of being the peak of the Youshen level.

"...I said, what are you thinking?" She glanced at Chu Xia helplessly, unable to imagine why Chu Xia was so wary of herself, didn't she just bump into her once accidentally, and remember the matter of a certain pickpocket My son did a lot, and the other party didn't respond.

(Sure enough, I'm just an ordinary person.) Spreading his hands, Kong Huan still woke himself up, and said with a serious expression: "Calm down, I want to say, in fact, the closure of the passage this time is not that simple."

"Oh?" Chu Xia blushed after being told by Kong Huan, Chu Xia was also puzzled by her behavior today.

(Is it because of spring?)

Of course, it is impossible for Kong Huan to know what Chu Xia is thinking.

"The last time I handed over to Lingxue the "Report on Unknown Subterranean Creatures" submitted by the two Dunjia tribes, you should have read it."

"Well, it should be a species that is good at mental power, and it is relatively smart. But whether it is a civilized species, and whether it poses a threat to the friend race, it is still impossible to speculate at this point. After all, the standard is the Dunjia race, and the opponent and the friend race The same, they are all stronger than the Dunjia clan, whether there is any specific data, whether we are stronger or they are stronger, it is impossible to draw a conclusion now."

This is the difference between the Peng Clan and the Dunjia Clan. Even if Chu Xia said this in front of the Dunjia Clan, the other party couldn't refute it.

Of course, it is certain that you are in a bad mood. After all, many people don't like to listen to the truth.

He picked up the kettle and added a cup of clear tea. By the way, he poured out the cold tea in front of Chu Xia and poured another cup.

With regard to water, today's Pengzu has no concept of waste or waste, because it is neither a desert nor tap water.

After thinking for a while, Kong Huan continued: "In my opinion, this species should be a species that lives in natural caves deep underground and relies on underground rivers to move. I don't know how the other party's digging ability is, but it should not be as good as Dunjia. family, and possibly none.”

"Then how do you explain those deep tunnels that have been around for a long time? According to the Dunjia people, they are caves dug by species that are comparable to the Dunjia people's digging ability?"

Chu Xia didn't take the empty conclusion seriously, but because the other party used the underground river to move and did not show any obvious digging behavior, it was arbitrarily determined that the other party's digging ability was not as good as that of the Dunjia Clan or even not, in her opinion, it was a bit hasty.

"No." Shaking his head, Kong Huan said, "It's because of the age that I said that."

"If the digging ability of these creatures is really the same as that of the Dunjia tribe, or even better than that of the Dunjia tribe, then the two sides have obviously been in contact with each other."

"You know, it doesn't take a year or two for a species to develop. The earthquake continued a few years ago. If these races move to the surface because of the earthquake, as long as the digging ability reaches the level of the Dunjia tribe, they can come soon. ground."

"But the problem is, it wasn't until the last year that the Dunjia tribe dug through the ancient underground passages that these guys started to appear. Don't you think it's a coincidence?"

"I even think that they don't worry much about earthquakes at all." Pointing at the table, Kong Huan spoke out his own analysis.

"You mean, these creatures, they move by the passages dug by the Dunjia tribe." After thinking about it, she nodded, and when she said this, Chu Xia already figured out why Kong Huan said that he would close the underground passages no matter whether he had this task or not. up.

If these creatures do reach the ground by relying on the passage of the Dunjia Clan, although the Friends Clan will not be afraid of these guys, and don't want to add trouble.

Then, it is obviously imperative to seal the mess of these Dunjia clans.

And Kong Huan accepted this task, obviously because of this.

"However," the topic changed again. Even with this situation, Chu Xia still had a face full of helplessness: "Even so, if we need to allocate people to do tasks during the busy farming period, the impact will be very long. One person's annual grain production is now 3500 catties, and 100 people is 35 catties."

Well, Chu Xia's frugal character, or housekeeping character, broke out again.

But Kong Huan couldn't help but look at Chu Xia who looked like a housewife with a face of "I'm thinking about our family".

"Okay, Kong Huan. Why don't you go to the Dunjia Clan, they are guarding the passageway now, not to mention we are also solving their mess now." Unable to see Kong Huan's expression now, Chu Xia thought for a while , and finally got around here.

"Eventually gotta find those guys."

...time flies...

While Kong Huan and Chu Xia were discussing who to deal with the underground passage, the patriarch of the Earth Clan was walking back and forth anxiously in the cave.

"When did this happen?"

Accompanied by the patriarch's questioning, a dunjia clansman with no distinctive features (in the eyes of all friends, dunjia clansmen have no characteristics =.=) lay on the ground and said carefully: "I sent food yesterday. They were still there, but when our people went to deliver the food this afternoon, they were gone."

"Is there really no trace of fighting on the ground?" It's not uncommon for the guards to leave their posts temporarily to do some private work, but generally speaking, during the fixed meal delivery time, it is impossible for no one to be there waiting.

What's more, the guards this time were arranged by the patriarch himself, and he has been instructed many times not to be careless.

When receiving a report about unknown creatures sent by Kong Huan a few days ago from another Dunjia tribe, the patriarch immediately notified all the tribes and counted the memories of these unknown creatures in their respective tribes. And submit it after summarizing.

When summarizing, he and several other managers had read these reports, but the situation made people feel a chill emanating from the inside out.

It shows that in many places, the loss of people caused by the collapse is almost the same as the loss of people caused by these creatures.

Unlike the other Dunjia tribe who escaped faster than the earth mother worm, these Dunjia tribe trapped underground obviously couldn't leave before those unknown creatures appeared.

Therefore, exclude those who were lucky enough to escape the catastrophe when the river was cut off by the earthquake, as reported by survivors of some natural caves where the river did not stop.

The creatures, many of which they had either seen with their own eyes or heard of through the crevices of the collapsed rocks, all indicated danger.

In the end, it can be summed up in one sentence: "The Dunjia people, except for the high priest, have absolutely no ability to resist these creatures."

Therefore, at the entrance of the defensive passage, the Earth Clan reacted far more actively than the other Dunjia Clan.

But just now, one of the patriarch's subordinates reported that a guard at the passage disappeared inexplicably.

It would be fine if there were traces of fighting there, but the problem was that there was nothing abnormal except no one.

"Is it a matter of guarding yourself? Or encountering wild beasts on the ground? Or, are those guys really coming out?"

Grinding his paws with his hands crossed, the patriarch raised his head and stared at his subordinates in front of him: "Immediately report this situation to Lord Kong Huan, and then call Shi Wu and his senior officials over."


Taking a few steps back, turning around and leaving quickly, this Dunjia tribe member wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looked at the listless fellow tribe members along the way, and sighed slightly.

Then, he called several team members loudly, assigned their respective tasks, and left quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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