Spore Story

Chapter 307 Ancient Mysterious Events, Team

Chapter 307 Ancient Mysterious Events, Team
Ah, I'm very sorry, there was a power outage in the morning, cups...

So, the first watch came and went, and the second watch was put at 13:00 [laughs]

Thank you Interstellar Travel Dust for your monthly ticket support =w=
By the way, happy June [-]st, let's ask for votes and support, and it's the beginning of another month.

"Stop, who is it?" A patrol member was walking on the path boredly, and happened to see two short figures shuttling through the woods, and immediately yelled at that side vigilantly.

"What's it called! Didn't you see that it's from the Dunjia tribe? My ears."

"Uh, I'm sorry." Looking at the two Dunjia people in front of him suspiciously, the original man scratched the back of his head, smiled and said to his teammates: "It's strange, how come the Dunjia people came here at this time, and This direction is not going to the city, I always feel a bad premonition."

Not only did the patrol member not feel scared when he had a premonition of danger, but he became excited.

"Hey, you know what! I could clearly feel it just now, I have a bad feeling, it's very clear!" Holding tightly to the helpless teammate beside him, the original person had a look on his face. Unspeakable excitement: "Does this mean that I have the potential to become a priest?"

Spiritual power is inherently mysterious, and the current research of ethnic groups has temporarily stayed at the application stage, and the powerful premonition attached to spiritual power has become another condition for the selection of increasingly strict priest schools.

And just when the two began to discuss this patrol member's premonition eagerly, and even forgot that it was a bad premonition, the two Dunjia people with strange whereabouts had already left the woods and approached the village along the dirt road. Two unsuspecting patrol members.

But this place belongs to the third ring, which can be regarded as the middle part of the Peng clan, and nothing dangerous happened at all, so that after the two found out that each other was two Dunjia clansmen whom they had grown up with, they lost their vigilance.

As if receiving some order, the two Dunjia clansmen with confused eyes came to the side of the two original people unsteadily, then suddenly raised their sharp claws and slashed at the two original people in front of them.

"Ah! These two souls are light!"

With a cry of pain, the patrol member turned around and kicked his legs, completely ignoring the difference in physique between the friends and the Dunjia tribe.

When they came to their senses, the two Dunjia tribesmen who had slashed at them had their breast bones shattered, and their bodies convulsed and fell into a pool of blood. Except for a few screams of pain at the beginning, there was no sound from the beginning to the end.

This is the gap between Dunjia people and friends.

"Huh!?" There was an indiscernible exclamation from the dense forest beside the road, accompanied by the rustling sound like a breeze blowing on the grass, and the amazed creature disappeared without a trace with a shadow that seemed to exist. trace.

Muyun City Attorney's Office
"How is this going!"

"The ethnic group has repeatedly reminded, don't conflict with the Dunjia tribe! Don't conflict with the Dunjia tribe! You just don't listen! Now it's good, you dare to kill people!"

In the spacious office of the chief judge, the chief judge of this city is fluttering his wings with a depressed face, looking at the two dejected original people in front of him.

"The Dunjia people are our friends. If there are any conflicts, you can go to the village chief to solve it. If the village chief can't do it, why don't you come to us? Why do you still use your full strength when you know that the Dunjia people don't fight?"

Originally, this kind of thing happened in normal times, and the two reported that it was the Dunjia tribe who launched the attack. Even if there was a big trouble, the Dunjia tribe would not be able to say anything.

But the problem now is that the Dunjia tribe has just left their homeland and their emotions are unstable, and the tribe has issued instructions to treat them with a friendly attitude as much as possible, but suddenly such a thing happened.

"But they cut us with their claws!"

"Cut! Let me see! Isn't it just a white seal? We are stronger than the Dunjia people, so we have to have the bearing of a strong man. They cut you down, and you hit them lightly, and then bring them to me. That's it! Well! Now? Bring two corpses here! What do you mean, you're kidding me!"

If you let the Dunjia people know at this time, the other party's reaction will definitely be very violent, and if the matter is not handled properly, it will be very bad if it makes trouble in the provincial capital or even the friend city.

Calculating carefully in his heart, the chief judge knew that he had to deal with this matter well, otherwise, if the score in the management school was too low, after the probationary period passed, the position of mayor with a fixed monthly salary would not be considered.

"However, no matter how you look at it, this matter seems abnormal, Fa Zhang." The assistant at the side seemed to think of something, looked around, and finally said.

"Oh?" Hearing what the assistant said, the Fa Zhang turned to look at him suspiciously.

Fa Zhang, who was usually dizzy from all kinds of small disputes, knew very well that many times he couldn't think through everything by himself, so he attached great importance to the reminders from his assistants.

"Fachang, think about it. With the relationship between the Dunjia Clan and the Peng Clan, let's not talk about whether the other party will take the initiative to attack us. The gap between the two sides is very clear to everyone. The two of them did not do anything outrageous. I just asked out of duty, in this case, is it possible for them to take the initiative to attack?"

"But the problem now is that they did take the initiative to attack." Although he is not yet at the soul level, he is considered to be a good priest among the priests, so he can be selected as the current head of the law. He also feels that the two patrol members are not lying. Therefore, there is no doubt about the active attack of the Dunjia people.

"But the question is here, why did they dare to attack? 'Think we won't fight back', is this possible?"

At this time, the assistant turned to look at the two patrol members and asked: "You said that the two Dunjia people didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and even when they died, they just hummed?"

"Yes, that's it."

The two original people who were involved in the incident depressed, nodded hastily.

Originally, when the incident happened, they just told the neighboring village head what happened to them, but the village head didn't even think about it, so he asked the two of them to bring the body of the Dunjia clan to report to the Fa Zhang, and then, it became the current situation. Condition.

(Depending on the situation, could it be that things are still difficult to deal with?) The two patrol members looked at each other, and they could feel each other's helplessness.

After hearing the assistant's question and the two people's answers, the chief judge almost immediately thought of the problem.

I saw him carefully connect to the assistant with mental power, and asked with a serious face: "Bio-body control, although I told you that I have studied this kind of mental power technique in the school of priests, but it must reach the level of controlling the other party's actions, but You must have a mental power control level above level [-], as well as peak ghost-level or even soul-level mental power, do you think this is possible?"

While the two waited tremblingly, the chief minister and his assistant chatted for a long time before resuming the language communication mode.

Then, the law chief glanced at the two patrol members, looked back at his assistant and ordered: "Fortunately, the Dunjia tribe has not been known, you immediately send the bodies of the two Dunjia tribe to the Provincial Law Enforcement Bureau, and Report in detail our views and the situation here."

Withdrawing his attention from his assistant, looking at the two patrol members in front of him who seemed a little aggrieved, Fa Zhang showed a peaceful smile.

Then, he stepped forward and patted the two of them on the shoulders and said: "You two, go home and wait, don't wander around during this time, and farm well at home. You may be summoned by the Provincial Law Enforcement Bureau at any time, patrol I'll go back to the team and say."

"But don't worry too much. After all, this is a problem with the Dunjia clan. They are actively attacking. Even if you are at fault, you will work in the quarry for a few months at most. Okay, let's go."


Looking at the two people who had retreated, Fa Chang sat back on the stool, looked up at the darkened sky, and didn't know what he was thinking.

At this time, a wingman from the patrol suddenly rushed in hastily.

"Fa, Fa Zhang, hurry to the mayor's office for a meeting."

"What's the matter?" Surprised by the behavior of the patrolling wingman, the chief priest immediately jumped up from the chair, put on his robe under the unexpected eyes of the patrol members, and walked out of the gate quickly.

After catching up with Fa Zhang, Yi Ren said cautiously: "The people in Xiao Wen Village are all gone."

...after fifteen days...

Opening her eyes with difficulty, Lingyue rubbed her uncomfortable shoulders and got off the bed.

Because this place belongs to the east, it is completely opposite to Chu Dian's western temple area, so that she has not seen Chu Dian for half a month.

This is very uncomfortable for her who has been inseparable from Chu Dian for more than ten years.

"Some things, after all, you still have to get used to it."

Looking up at the dome of the temple of the righteous god Chu Jie in the east, Lingyue recalled what Chu Jie told herself, shook her head to wake herself up, and then stepped out of the door.

"The things here are coming to an end, where is the next one? It seems that the rescue work is over. Hehe, I can finally go back."

After working hard all morning, Lingyue, who finally finished the finishing work, looked up at the flat land and smiled in relief.

Filling up the excavated tunnel was a special instruction from Void. Lingyue didn't think about the reason, but just followed the instructions.

Only those Dunjia people who escaped through these passages will watch these escape passages become solid land again with a lot of emotion, and their emotions fluctuate frequently.

Smiling and nodded to the captain of the original team of Fenggu Province, thinking of Lingyue who can finally go back, his tone became more relaxed: "In this way, the rescue work of Fenggu Province will be over, and there is still time to go." Thank you so much for your help.”

"There, haha, if you hadn't opened the soil layer, my lord priest, we wouldn't be able to rescue the people inside, right?"

He smiled humbly, for the person in front of him, he saw with his own eyes that the other party dragged the mud pillars several people high out of the ground, and he was able to open a passage in half a day, he couldn't show any disrespect at all .

"Moreover, there are fewer and fewer Dunjia people who can be rescued now, and it seems to be almost over."

"Yeah, this is the last place. The whole rescue work lasted for more than a month, which is enough." Looking deeply at the weak Dunjia people, Lingyue shook her head and turned to Chu Jie's high-level temple. fly away.

She is only in charge of commanding and excavating passages, and the rest of the matter can be handed over to the original team provided by Fenggu Province.

But when Lingyue just flew into the air, her originally relaxed expression became gloomy.

"What the hell happened, this uncomfortable premonition?" For the Youshen class, it is a relatively obvious reaction to have a certain positive or negative premonition about something that concerns them.

But just now, the originally comfortable feeling suddenly produced a slight chill.

This shows that something bad is happening or is about to happen, and it is related to Lingyue herself.

When Lingyue, who was in a disturbed mood, landed steadily to the Eastern Temple outside the provincial capital of Fenggu Province, Chu Jie appeared directly in front of Lingyue.

"What's the matter, Lord Chu Jie?" Lingyue, who is also at the Youshen level, still maintains a low profile out of respect for seniors like Chu Jie.

"Lingyue, I'm sorry, I'm afraid you have to stay for a while longer." Nodding apologetically, Chu Jie looked at Lingyue seriously.

"Order from the top management: take the priest of Lingyue God as the commander, and take full charge of commanding the 120 members of the Fenggu provincial wing team, temporarily form the Lingyue team, go to Muyun City to investigate the situation, and handle it as appropriate. This is specific information .”

After finishing speaking, the priest beside Chu Jie handed a booklet to Lingyue.

After sighing, Lingyue nodded stiffly to Chu Jie: "I accept the order."

"Lord Chu Jie, what's going on?"

"I don't know the specifics, but my temple received a report a few days ago that there was a problem in Muyun City. It seemed that missing people kept appearing, or that villages disappeared one by one. Then I sent priests to go there. Check it out and report to Pengcheng."

"But Pengcheng only let the provincial capital handle it by itself, but just yesterday, the priest came back and reported that everyone in Muyun City had disappeared. After I went back and reported the situation in Pengcheng just now, Lingxue and the others decided to mobilize the nearest you , Take the team over to check."

"In addition, Chudian asked me to tell you 'I don't know if there is any danger, but you should also pay attention to safety.'"

"Really, thank you Master Chu Jie." Smiling and nodding, Lingyue said energetically that she would not have any problems.

In fact, the reaction of the ethnic group was far greater than what Lingyue thought.

When receiving Chu Jie's first report, because Kong Huan and the others were still busy with other things, so this kind of local incident, just let Chu Jie hand it over to Fenggu Province to deal with it.

The things they are busy with are, first, convincing the Dunjia clan to send personnel to assist in the excavation of the empty illusion; second, the report from the Earth clan about the disappearance of guards at the outer passages of Dunjia Province.

Because Dunjia Province and Fenggu Province are on the third ring and the other is on the second ring, no one can connect them.

Today, Kong Huan has just received the assistance of dozens of Dunjia people who have stabilized their emotions and are more courageous, and is processing the underground passage in the Central Province.

When Chu Jie handed in today's report, Lingxue and the others who received the report immediately realized something was wrong.

This kind of disappearance of hundreds of people in the whole city is no longer a trivial matter. According to the principle of "as soon as possible and as much as possible" for suspicious incidents, Lingxue directly mobilized the fastest possible forces to support there.

Therefore, Lingyue, the Youshen class who was closest, was naturally selected.

"The whole city has disappeared, isn't it a bit weird?" Although she is a dead soul, Lingyue obviously doesn't like the current situation where she is not under control.

Looking up at the mountain peaks in the distance, I turned over to the city that claimed that the entire population of the city was missing. After thinking about it, Lingyue deflected her wings and landed on the top of the mountain. .

"Master God Priest, what are we?"

"It's too dangerous to rush over so recklessly," Lingyue nodded approvingly after glancing at the Yiren who could ask questions, "Let's go to the nearest soul management temple first to find out if there is anything unusual recently. situation, it is better to make a further decision.”

(End of this chapter)

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