Spore Story

Chapter 308 Xiaobing No. 1 sneaks up on the stage, ga

Chapter 308 Little Soldier No. [-] makes a sneaky appearance, ga

The second update is coming =w=
"Master Lingyue."

When Lingyue brought her troops down to the nearest soul management temple, Lingyue frowned dissatisfied with the number of souls crowded in the domain.

(The number of dead souls is really troublesome. Xiaodian’s high-level temples are okay, but these mid-level temples are not easy to deal with. Although the ethnic groups only have double-digit abnormal deaths every year except for the death of the elderly, over time, people from all over the world There will obviously be problems in the temple area.)
Ignoring the dead souls around, Lingyue asked the members of the Yiren team, who had temporarily given the name of the Lingyue team, to stay aside and wait obediently, while she herself was led by a priest and walked towards her. Come on God of Management.

"Revenant souls, is there anything unusual?"

"No, Lord Lingyue, everyone's emotions are very stable, and they are all focused on improving their strength." Seeing Lingyue's serious face, the soul-level management god sensed that something might be wrong, and immediately replied without even saying a word of politeness. : "The last time the priests went out to search was three days ago. Because the priests are short of manpower, and the ghost class can only go out for half a day, so we usually go out every ten days."

Nodding in satisfaction, but thinking of the method of going out to find the dead soul once every ten days, it is almost considered luck, which is obviously not good for the harvesting of the dead soul.

However, Lingyue could only shake her head helplessly when she thought of the ratio of the number of ethnic group priests dispersed to various places.

"The number of people is still too small."

"No, I came today to ask if there is any abnormal situation around." Shaking her head fiercely, Lingyue looked at the messy souls around her, and used her mental power to connect to the God of Management. And tell the other party the purpose of your trip.

"There is such a thing?" The other party was obviously surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, the management god still shook his head and said: "There must not be a large number of dead souls appearing. Even if they disappear, there may be no battle or a big battle."

"Why are you so sure?" The sensing range of the soul-level management gods is not as good as that of the soul-level high priests. Even if they use their mental power to scan their surroundings every day, it is impossible to confirm the situation of the entire city in this way.

But seeing that the management god was so sure, Lingyue became curious instead, and she had the feeling that she had discovered something that hadn't been noticed.

Hearing Lingyue's inquiry, the God of Management was obviously very happy, and he said proudly.

"I have been a soul-level god for more than ten years. After serving as the god of dead soul management for a long time, I discovered that I can sense the death of certain individuals in the temple."

"Although the induction is not very clear, and hallucinations often occur, but every time I ask the priest to check it, and I have counted it, and it is accurate two or three times out of ten."

"At the same time, if in the same period of time, basically within half a day, a large number of...well, more than single-digit deaths occur, then I can definitely feel it clearly. The last time there was a large-scale fire in Wenyun Village, one I could already clearly feel the sexual death of six people, and immediately sent a priest to bring back the dead souls immediately."

"Oh, there is such a thing? Well done." Looking at the management god quite unexpectedly, Lingyue got confirmation from a few priests on the side, and her own telepathy also told Lingyue that the soul-level god did not After lying, she was also slightly relieved.

Since there were no large numbers of deaths, the safety of the 512 people in Muyun City should be safe for the time being, and Lingyue's task now is to find them.

As for the ability of the management god to sense the surrounding dead souls, it is better to report this matter to the temple management.

After explaining the importance of this point to the management god, Lingyue bid farewell to the excited management god, and flew into the sky with the team members who were practicing bows and arrows.


"Master God Priest, can we find it by flying like this?"

"This is called a net-casting search. It is to imagine ourselves as a net, this area is water, and our target is the fish..."

"But you can see everything here at a glance, do you still need to look for it like this?" Pointing to the open farmland below, this Yiren seemed to have no idea that he needed to save some face for his captain.

"Um, this..." He scratched his cheek depressedly, Lingyue is not good at dampening the enthusiasm of this very active Yiren, but this is the only way Lingyue can think of now.

In fact, the main force that really participated in the search was Lingyue's huge spiritual power as a Youshen body.

However, although she has powerful energy, her energy control level is less than level 3, which prevents her from using the magnetic sense delicately.

At this time, the formation flying in the air suddenly became chaotic.

"Um, the recent earthquakes are really frequent." After carefully stabilizing the flight attitude, switching the flight mode from the magnetic field generated by the energy core to the flight mode supported by the power of thoughts, Lingyue was in the mood to look at the shaking world.

Every earthquake will be disturbed by the regional magnetic field, which seems to have no effect on the winged people flying with flying wings, but in fact, because the winged people flying in the air determine the direction entirely by magnetic sense, so this kind of The sudden disturbance of the magnetic field will cause the wingmen to have a sense of direction confusion, which will lead to unstable flight.

However, with the frequent occurrence of earthquakes in recent years, everyone seems to have gotten used to this situation, and just adjusted their posture in an instant.

For the Youshen body, this magnetic field disorder is more troublesome, because in order to save the use of mind power (using too much will affect the mental power, you will feel dizzy), the flight of the Youshen body is generated by the energy provided by the energy core magnetic field to fly.

Therefore, when the magnetic field is disturbed, the Youshen Body is more likely to have problems than the Winged Man.

Fortunately, mind power is not a decoration, and it is not a problem to use it for a short time.

"Everyone, don't land on the ground, carefully check the situation below!"

"During the earthquake, if they were still in this city, it is impossible not to come out." After giving a more reasonable order, Lingyue thought about it, and switched her mental power to scanning mode, floating herself in the At this moment, the sky above Muyun City Center turned into a fixed radar, which began to monitor the changes in the entire Muyun City.

The earthquake did not last long, and even the wooden houses in the city did not suffer any major damage. At most, a few clay pots shook a few times.

But for experienced friends, there is no pressure, because all fragile items are placed on the ground or fixed.

Everyone hovered in the air around the fixed floating Priest of the Spirit Moon God. The strong bow specially assigned by the Wingman team was held in everyone's hands, but the arrows were still in the leather quiver and had not been taken out.

At this time, Lingyue suddenly discovered a problem that had been ignored by everyone before. Not only people disappeared, but also large animals.

Since the Pengzu started farming, most of the surrounding large animals have been driven to the mountains and large dense forests, but there are still large animals similar to Tuo beasts raised in the populated areas, but at this time, not a single large animal was seen.

The priests of Lingyue and Probing also ignored this point.

"Attention all! Fly higher!" A sudden abnormality appeared in the mental scan, and Lingyue was refreshed. In order to prevent the altitude from being discovered, Lingyue immediately ordered everyone to increase the altitude.

At 2000 meters, neither the team members nor the people on the ground can see each other at this height, but there is no pressure for Lingyue.

Gradually, at the foot of a mountain that Lingyue was monitoring, several figures of the Dunjia tribe suddenly emerged from the ground.

(Why are Dunjia people here?)
Because of the centralized resettlement of the Dunjia tribe, the nearest Dunjia tribe should be in a mountainous area a few kilometers away, and according to the current performance of the Dunjia tribe, it doesn't look like they will dig holes in a short time.

Her eyes froze slightly, after thinking about it, Lingyue still retracted her mental power a little.

Then, on the hillside not far from the two Dunjia tribes, several broken branches began to move strangely, and finally combined with each other to form a small wooden figure less than half a meter high.

Just in the blink of an eye, this little man began to stretch his limbs, and then, as if he had life, he walked timidly along the gap between the stones, walked carefully to five or six meters behind the Dunjia tribe, and then stretched out a corner.

As for Lingyue, who was flying in the air, she raised the corners of her mouth in a slightly satisfied manner, and withdrew her mental power completely, leaving only a trace connecting the little wooden figure.

[Psychic Beast] first appeared in the temple domain of Bai Evil, the eliminated Youshen class. After analysis by Kong Huan and others, it was promoted among righteous gods.

However, Lingyue used it outside the temple domain on a whim, and came up with this simplified version of [Psychic Soldier].

The principle is the same as that of the Psychic Beast, but combined with the way the dead soul observes the world relying on consciousness, Lingyue allows this Psychic soldier, who can't even beat a bunny, to gain the ability to share vision with herself, and become the best scout.

This is mainly to deal with those individuals who are sensitive to spiritual power, for example, the priests of the Dunjia tribe.

Because this kind of Psychic Soldier is completely composed of things that can be seen everywhere in nature, and does not have any spiritual power itself, only the extremely weak Lingyue consciousness is attached to it to produce vision, so it is not easy to be noticed by individuals who understand spiritual power.

[Little Soldier No. [-]] carefully lay on the back of the rock, stretched out the broken branches and dead trees that can be seen everywhere, and checked the two Dunjia tribesmen in front of them.

From the conscious vision, I can see that the eyes of these two people are confused, but they are still looking around, as if to confirm whether it is safe or not.

At this time, perhaps thinking that there was no danger, one of the two walked towards the top of the mountain, while the other walked towards the woods ahead.

"Damn it, it's enough for us to control one at a time." Shaking the dead branch's head from side to side, Little Soldier No. [-] thought for a while, but by accident, he didn't follow anyone, but walked carefully to the edge of the cave.

Then, it lay down on the ground in the shape of 'we are dead branches', and let the dead branches belonging to the 'head' stick out a little from the hole, so that Lingyue could see the whole of the hole. (This is completely true character =.=)

At this time, the cave began to be faintly visible, as if something was approaching.

(End of this chapter)

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