Spore Story

Chapter 309 Xiaobing 234 haunted, found

Chapter 309 Little soldiers come and go in twos, threes and fours, found
Three shifts achieved~\(≧▽≦)/~
"Found you!"

Lingyue in the sky was a little happy, and carefully controlled Xiaobing No. [-] to extend the head of the dead branch a little, so that he could examine it more carefully.

At this time, she suddenly felt dizzy.


Danced around in a panic, Lingyue immediately retreated from the control of her mind.

"What's the matter? Lord Priest?"

"Ah! No, it's nothing, haha."

She smiled awkwardly, should she tell her subordinates that the villain she was temporarily controlling fell into a hole because she lost her grip?Lingyue would not do such a shameful thing.

(Hopefully not found out.)
Looking around, at this moment, everyone is relying on the updraft to fly, so they don't feel much fatigue after circling for so long. After thinking about it, Lingyue still asked everyone to continue to raise the altitude a little bit.

She always felt that the situation was wrong this time, and it was safe to fly to a higher point.

A little while later, on the hillside, Xiaobing No. [-] appeared.

But when the vision was shared, Lingyue was immediately startled.

In just a short while, in this small valley, more than 500 people from the entire city appeared here, but all of them looked listless.

Among them, there are still more than 40 Dunjia people.

At the same time, an unknown creature appeared one after another in the passage. They were dressed in dark carapaces, and their body was slightly humanoid, but there were two sharp sickle-like limbs protruding from their backs.

"What is this?"

Carefully control Xiaobing No. [-], dodging the crowd and approaching the more and more unknown creatures in the center of the mixed crowd.

With Lingyue's eyesight, it is obvious that these friends and Dunjia people are under control now, and the culprit should be the group of unknown creatures in the middle.

While the small size brings better concealment ability, it also makes it difficult to move.

Carefully bypassing two fist-sized stones, and then jumping over a crack a few decimeters wide, accidentally slipped under his feet, and soldier No. [-] was stuck in the crack, struggling and unable to get out.

"囧, really, I didn't practice much before, but now I suddenly use it..."

Reluctantly give up the control of Xiaobing No. [-], although it is not impossible to pull Xiaobing No. [-] out with mental power, but at this time, if you use too much mind power to make Xiaobing No. [-] fly out and control so many friends and Dunjia clansmen, then With these unknown creatures who are only about a hundred meters away, they can definitely detect the abnormality here.

Another short while passed, and on the half slope in the other direction, Xiaobing No. [-], which was made up of several stones, was activated.

"Stones, the concealment in the rock circle of the valley is obviously higher." Rubbing his chin strangely, it was just two stones rubbing against each other. Little soldier No. [-] took small steps, and the mud in the rock circle Step up and jump.

If the dark blood is here, it is obvious that Xiaobing No. [-] is using basic footwork at this time...

The purpose of choosing mud to move is to reduce the chance of making a sound when the stone collides.

Although there are six to seven hundred humanoid creatures present, only the more than 100 unknown creatures in the middle are active.

They seemed to be discussing something, maybe they were in a meeting, but they still didn't make any sound, but were using their mental power.

Lingyue, who is a Youshen level, can perceive this, but she doesn't know the content of these creatures' speeches.

"not good!"

Immediately disconnected from the mental connection with Xiaobing No. [-], Xiaobing No. [-], who had just jumped to a height of several decimeters, immediately scattered and fell to the ground. Except for the mud stained on it, it was no different from the surrounding stones.

At the same time that Xiaobing No. [-] was killed, a mental force swept over the location of Xiaobing No. [-]'s wreckage, but it didn't seem to find anything abnormal, so it quickly shrank back.

Then, on the edge of the unknown biological group, an individual shook his clean head and turned his head back.

"This creature is really strange."

Lingyue, who was high in the sky, rubbed her chin and frowned in confusion.

This time Xiaobing No. 20 was close to a distance of [-] meters, and with the extremely weakened vision of the Psychic Xiaobing, he could see the appearance of these unknown creatures clearly, but this result made Lingyue even more puzzled.

Because, the appearance is seen clearly, but it can also be said that it is not seen clearly.

The entire head is one-fifth the size of the body, but the face is empty except for a straw that looks like a mouth, neither eyes, nose, nor ears can be seen.

"What are you doing, Shuangyuexing even has such weird creatures, 8051 will definitely cry if he finds out."

Ignoring 8051, which was also shot while lying down, when Soldier No. [-], under the control of the more and more proficient Lingyue, was formed of stones and soil, it stepped on the soil pads and walked from the half-slope covertly. Jumped down, and then took every step, and finally approached ten meters away from the unknown biological group.

Then, Little Soldier No. [-] stopped decisively, relying on the stickiness of the soil, climbed up to the top of a rock with his whole body.

(These guys must have very strong spiritual power, they can actually control friends, and they do it without anyone noticing.) As for the dozens of Dunjia people, they were completely ignored by Lingyue.

The Dunjia Priest's mental power control ability is indeed very strong, but it can't hide the lack of mental power of the other party. This is an insurmountable gap, which is determined at birth.

This is racial difference.

But when Soldier No. [-] finally climbed up the big rock that was three or four times bigger than his body (less than the height of a friend=.=), those unknown creatures seemed to have finished discussing, and they were standing up one by one .

Then, they raised their hands (four hands?), and the mental power in the surrounding space was chaotic.

(Is it cheering or encouraging?)

Fortunately, Lingyue's ability is not bad, but maybe there are too many unknown creatures, so the weak mental power to control Xiaobing No. [-] was completely ignored by these unknown creatures who did not notice the danger.

"What are you going to do?"

Following Lingyue's words, more than 100 unknown creatures began to disperse.

A dozen or so of them walked into the Dunjia tribe, and as their spiritual power changed, the Dunjia tribe immediately swayed their bodies like puppets on a string, and began to walk out along the mountain road unsteadily.

The rest of the creatures each controlled a few friends, and followed the Dunjia tribe with the same crude posture. Perhaps because they did not know how to use wings, several of the poor wingmen could only crawl on the ground with their hands and wings. shape.

(I didn't know Yiren could walk like this at all.) Soldier No. [-], who was peeking not far away, thought with black lines all over his head.

At this time, more than a dozen Tuo Beasts came out from the cave passage. These unknown creatures seemed to value the Tuo Beasts very much, and they all surrounded the Tuo Beasts.

While a Tuo beast passed by, Xiaobing No. [-] took the opportunity to climb into the rattan frame on the Tuo beast's back.

In response, the surrounding creatures did not react.

And because Little Soldier No. [-] doesn't need any major actions for the time being, Lingyue opened her eyes after maintaining her connection with Little Soldier No. [-].

"Come here, report to the eastern temple of the provincial capital immediately, saying that we have found the target, and also found 117 creatures with special spiritual power. According to preliminary analysis, the other party is good at [biological control] and has a certain ability to fight. At this moment, there are 501 creatures Friends and 47 Dunjia people were controlled and moved to the nearby city of Yunmi."

While one team member was flying towards the provincial capital, another Yiman on the side stepped forward and asked, "Are we going to save everyone now?"

"No, their safety is fine for now," Lingyue shook her head.

The number of friends has decreased by more than a dozen. They may be sacrificed, or they may be in other places. The key to finding out now is the following unknown creatures.

And the most important thing is that I still know too little about these unknown creatures and need more information.

At this time, the army of friends controlled by these unknown creatures (the Dunjia people continue to be ignored=.=), the direction of movement is the nearby Yunmi City, obviously going to another city.

"This is an attack on friends, wait to be punished." With a cold snort, Lingyue took the lead at high altitude and followed the enemies below who could not find Lingyue and others in the 5000-meter-high sky.

[Biobody Control] is a kind of mental power utilization technique developed by the Priest School. It requires at least level 3 mental power control level and no less than [-]W mental power to perform it. In the eyes of the friends, it means that only the soul level and above can use it. just do.

At the same time, the spirit of the controller must be more than 50% higher than that of the controlled person to be able to control the other party.

However, this ability is extremely vulnerable to backlash and is disliked by people, so it is not widely spread.

At this time, I saw a biological group that almost everyone can control biologically. The most important thing is that among the 117 people, although there are more than 20 soul-level people, there is obviously a difference in the decision made by the Priest School. Calm, but Lingyue's heart is not the same as her face.

However, biological control will also cause damage to the mental power of the controlled person, so she does not intend to wait for a long time. After the creature below encounters the friends in the city, as long as the other party makes a move, Lingyue believes that with her ghost level and level [-] spirit The level of power control is definitely able to easily eliminate the threat of the opponent, and at the same time learn the method.


There is an open farmland here, and hundreds of people are walking in the farmland that is about to be plowed, which obviously aroused the dissatisfaction of the farmers' uncles. Not far away, in a small village with only a dozen people who had been ignored, several adults were very angry rushed towards the team.

Obviously, they did not find the more than 100 unknown creatures inside that were only about 1.5 meters tall.

"What are you bastards doing! I just plowed the field!"

Facing the team of hundreds of people, when he saw the peasant uncle holding a wooden fork through the cracks, Xiaobing No. [-] was ashamed and shocked by his courage, "If it weren't for being a little older, we would have wanted this A brave man has joined the Friends City team."

Three middle-aged and elderly people stood in front of the hundreds of people holding their wooden forks.

What was even more weird was that the silent team stopped when they reached the front of the three of them.

"What...what are you doing! Are you still reasonable! Be careful that I will sue you at the head of the court, and I will arrest you all and go to the quarry to dig stones!"


Soldier No. [-] rubbed his forehead helplessly in the rattan frame. If these people were sane, they might have been frightened, but the problem is that they are all under control.

Suddenly, Lingyue's expression froze.

From the more than 100 unknown creatures in the middle, one person was suddenly separated. Through the gap in the team, he approached the three people in front who were infected by the silent atmosphere and seemed to be retreating.

"Are you finally going to do it? I can't wait to finish you guys."

Soldier No. [-] carefully watched the front. The unknown creature and three brave friends suddenly waved one hand as if making some gesture. Of course, the stone fist could not see the finger movements.

And above the sky, seeing Lingyue's movements, the Yi people in the team drew out their arrows and put them on the strong bow, and began to slowly lower their altitude.

(End of this chapter)

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