Spore Story

Chapter 310

Chapter 310

Thank you for the three-legged witch crow's reward, and zload's monthly ticket support. I will continue to ask for support at the beginning of the month. ~\(≧▽≦)/~

All team members raised their strong bows, connected through Lingyue's mental power, and aimed at their respective targets, while Lingyue carefully calculated the impact of the wind direction on the flight, and at the same time used mental power to assist in coordinating the surrounding space to ensure The accuracy of this remote attack.

And at this time, the dozens of villagers in the small village below, regardless of their size, have been controlled by those creatures, and the people of the Lingyue team have just descended to the airspace of 1000 meters, so that the team members can aim more clearly. Target.

"It's actually this kind of control method. In this way, I can't wait for long." Sensing the opponent's biological control ability and finding that the method was different from her own, Lingyue didn't dare to wait for long.

At this height, if you are not careful, you will be spotted by the enemies below, so at this moment, everyone is fully prepared to ensure that they can attack at any time.

"Attention everyone, you must aim at the enemy in the middle. There are friends outside. Don't die in the hands of the enemy, but be shot to death by your own people! Of course, I..."

Perhaps this was obviously not at the right time, just after Lingyue finished speaking, because of nervousness, an arrow pierced in front of an unknown creature covered in a dark carapace with a whistling sound. The creature that hadn't reacted stumbled solidly.

"Ah, yes, I'm sorry!" The voice of the rash team member came from the mental connection network, but Lingyue was in no mood to pay attention to him at the moment.

As soon as the first arrow was shot, she immediately yelled, "Damn! Shoot! Shoot them!"

Lingyue is not worried about living alive or something.

While launching the bow and arrow, as a Youshen-level, she has used her mental power to protect all her friends and the nearby Dunjia people, and at the same time restrained three of them. From the previous observation, it looks very similar to It's the boss guy.

As for whether these unknown creatures will be wiped out by a wave of bows and arrows under the protection of her own thoughts, this is almost impossible in Lingyue's view.

Because there are only 120 members of the Wingman team, and there are only 101 people present. If you can kill 117 creatures with one shot, Lingyue doesn't mind spending more time to find more unknown creatures, and train them by the way. The strong archer also took to Pengcheng.

When the unknown creature, who didn't know whether it should be regarded as unlucky or lucky, tripped over the tail of the bow and arrow that was mostly buried in the soil because of the missed shot, the unknown creature didn't react much, only a few people around it turned their heads to look at this A similar person, even if he found the arrow, chose to raise his head instead of warning because he didn't know what it was.

So, they saw densely packed flying arrows.

At the same time, Lingyue's powerful mental power has already covered their location (the mind power is used by the mind power, so before using the mind power, the place needs to be covered by the mind power).

The expressions of all the unknown creatures changed drastically the moment Lingyue's mind power appeared.

Although there are no eyes, and the mouth is also a cup of straw (whether it is a mouth or not is unknown), Lingyue can still feel the other party's panic from the chaotic mental power of the other party.

"Hey, it's good to be afraid. This means that the Youshen class is also a high-end combat power for you."

Because of the barrier of thought power, the spiritual connection between these unknown creatures and the controlled person has been disconnected by Lingyue. At this moment, all the controlled people stopped their stiff movements, and then fell to the ground one after another, which caused There was a commotion in the team.

"Don't worry, it's just a normal phenomenon to let them out of control!" Seeing that many team members turned their attention to the same kind who fell to the ground, Lingyue immediately explained, so as not to delay the battle time and let the enemy react.

Anyway, there are more than 20 soul-level enemies among these enemies. Even if they don't pose any threat to Lingyue, they may hurt the people around them.

However, in front of countless strong bows in the sky at this moment, they could not make a counterattack for a while.

The bow and arrow factory attached to the Pengcheng Military Factory specially equips the Yiren team with strong bows, which are very strong and suitable for friends to use.

Although limited by the output of bronze, most of them use pottery arrowheads, but each person is also equipped with 3 arrows with copper arrowheads. At this time, they are just used to deal with these people who have dark carapaces on their bodies, and they seem to have good defense. creature.

Accompanied by a series of ear-piercing screams and various green blood splashes, the result of the first round of bow and arrow shooting was obtained under Lingyue's powerful mental power scan.

Of the 101 arrows, 61 missed, and the remaining 40 arrows all hit.

The missed arrows directly caused Lingyue's protective cover of thought power to be reassembled, but it also made Lingyue clearly understand the power of the bronze arrows shot with a strong bow at a height of 1000 meters.

And according to Dark Blood, if there is something called feathers, the accuracy of the arrow will be greatly increased.

But there is no such thing now. At this time, the tails of the arrows are made of relatively tough and flaky leaves.

As for the 40 arrows that hit, they killed a total of 27 unknown creatures. The copper arrows almost broke through the defense without hindrance. The sound of "bang-click" tells people that the arrow has hit.

Before these creatures and the surrounding friends who were still lying on the ground could react, the second round of copper arrow shooting came.

Even though these creatures have powerful mind control abilities, and there are even more than 20 soul-levels among them, that's all there is to it, because their mental power can't interfere with the high-speed flying arrows.

Facing the long-range raid launched by the team protected by Youshen, even if they have discovered the enemy in the sky, they can only send a fragile (Lingyue) mental impact to the sky in vain. Inaction.

After the second round of attacks, less than half of the 117 unknown creatures were still standing, and the rest were either dead or injured and could only lie on the ground.

Among them, except for the three soul-levels reserved by Lingyue, who were restrained by her thoughts, the other dozen or so soul-levels were also eliminated as the first attack targets early on. Come is no longer a concern.

"Change the pottery arrowhead and do it again." Keeping the last copper arrowhead as a precaution, leaving a way out at any time seems to be a behavior pattern of Lingyue: "Get ready...let it go!"

The pottery arrowheads were obviously not as powerful as the copper ones, and many pottery arrowheads shattered when they touched the carapace of this creature.

Although it is still possible to break through the defense with strong kinetic energy and potential energy in the end, the penetration depth is obviously not as good as the bronze arrow (some of the bronze arrows have shot through).

However, the stones that splashed when Tao's arrow shattered caused a lot of trouble for these creatures.

Lingyue even saw one of the unlucky guys, the straw-like mouthparts were directly snapped off by the shattered arrowheads, and they could only be connected to the body by a few cortical substances, which was very miserable.

In the third round, although only a dozen were killed or seriously injured, the rest were all slightly injured.

"Still Tao Arrowhead, prepare..."

...time flies...

Pengcheng Executive Yuan

"They actually surrendered?"

"In this case, if you don't surrender, you can only wait for death, and you can't even fight back." Xiao Lingyun said sarcastically: "These guys are very smart."

Looking at the little rabbit amusedly, Kong Huan stretched out his hands and rubbed those cute ears, watching the other party squint his eyes comfortably, while Chu Qin helplessly shook his head.

"From this point of view, the strength of the Wingman team is indeed good, especially after being equipped with that kind of strong bow, even with the strength that has not reached the priest level, it can destroy the soul level of the living body and use it to deal with ordinary ground races. It is almost unilateral. massacre."

Withdrawing his hand, Kong Huan looked at Lingyue who was sitting there with a proud face, and nodded with satisfaction.

And Chu Qin who was on the side added: "Especially after being attached to the Youshen body, the strength of the Yiren team can be said to have doubled. I think it is necessary to form such a team, or to formalize the Lingyue team. change?"

"That's true," Dark Blood on the side looked at the battle report, and suddenly looked up curiously at Lingyue, who seemed a little at a loss when she heard that the Lingyue team was going to be regularized: "Speaking of it, why did you Can you be sure that the opponent is surrendering instead of resisting?"

"It doesn't need to be confirmed at all." The answer was completely brainless.

"Eh?" Everyone immediately turned their heads to stare at Lingyue, who looked indifferent, but when they thought of the strength of the opponent's Youshen level, they knew it.

Perhaps because she also felt that her explanation was too short to meet the needs of the audience, Lingyue thought for a while and said: "At that time, they took back all their mental power around their bodies. From the perspective of mental power users, it was like giving up mental power. use of the initiative;”

"At the same time, they were prostrate on the ground, and several offensive weapons on their bodies, such as the two sickles on their shoulders, were in a state of slack, indicating that they had given up the initiative in physical combat;"

"The most important thing is that the pleading in their emotions is obvious."

"As expected of a Youshen class," although I don't know if this was Lingyue's feeling at the time, or the result of summarizing and analyzing it later, but at least the fact that Lingyue captured 37 unknown creatures this time is there.

And judging from the performance of the other party, they are obviously organized and disciplined civilized species, so obviously communication has become possible.

The principle followed by everyone is still the same sentence: 'If you can be a friend, don't be an enemy'.

However, this time, the opponent caused 17 deaths on the side of the friends and 6 deaths on the side of the Dunjia. Obviously, this group of unknown creatures must pay back the debt.

"Speaking of which, this method of biological control is really overbearing."

Flipping through the battle report in amazement, the report on the ability to control this creature, Kong Huan looked up at Lingyue.

Now that the person involved is here, the role of the battle report has changed from understanding the situation to a list of questions.

And Lingyue quickly nodded and replied: "Using mental power to forcibly break into the brain, closing the connection between consciousness and body, looks somewhat similar to the way I use my mind power."

Speaking of this, Lingyue also explained in detail the composition of her mind-power soldiers. After promising to teach the method to the other Youshen-level soldiers, she continued: "But compared to my mind-power soldiers, they are directly controlled. body, so no thought power is needed to restructure the body.”

"However, because of the distraction caused by the control of the number, and the differences in habits caused by different races, they are obviously not as good as my mind-power soldiers."

"However, after all, this is a powerful and even vicious control method. I still feel a little scared when I think about it now."

"If it is an encounter on the ground, then we must first break through the defense line composed of our own people. The other party is completely using our people to fight against ourselves. In the end, they will reap the benefits."

Exhaling heavily, Lingyue patted her chest gloatingly: "But they didn't expect us to be able to fly, hehe, this is also the tragedy of underground creatures."

"However, I still suggest closing the underground passages in various places as soon as possible. Although it is a busy season, we can also mobilize the Dunjia people to do it."

"Since the central province has accepted the task and started it, it's fine. As for the other provinces, I personally think it's better to mobilize the Dunjia people as soon as possible to deal with their mess."

"As for the solution, Master Konghuan, you have been cleaning it up for more than a month, and you must have a good solution." At this time, Lingyue has completely brought herself into the role, thinking about problems from a high-level group.

Although this encounter with unknown creatures seemed very easy, it was because Lingyue, a Youshen class, just joined in.

What's more, even so, there are still more than a dozen casualties, and it is not known whether the controlled people will be harmed if it is not a sudden attack.

Even with such a small number of casualties now, it is already a great loss to the friends who are already short of population.

After a little hesitation, Kong Huan still nodded in agreement, and after obtaining Lingxue's permission, let Lingyue be in charge of the passages outside the central province.

In fact, when receiving the task of dealing with the channel in the central province, Kong Huan had thought that if the task was continuous, the next step should be to deal with the situation of the entire Pengzu or the surrounding areas of the central province.

But now the threat of unknown creatures is not small, and Konghuan can't put friends in danger for a few hundred points of civilization.

Rubbing his forehead, Kong fantasized and said, "You don't have to worry about the Dunjia tribe. This time, you can persuade nearly a hundred Dunjia tribe members to join, which means that not all Dunjia tribe people are timid and afraid of getting into trouble, and shy away from medical treatment."

"And," thinking of the Dunjia clan who were also victimized this time, Kong Huan smiled and said: "They also suffered a disaster this time, and the filling of the pit was also for their own good. If they disagree with this, then they did not stay in the territory of the friend clan It's necessary."

When he said these words, Kong Huan suddenly felt a sense of authority, and he seemed to have a sense of majesty.

Laughing self-deprecatingly, shaking his head and putting aside such messy thoughts, he looked up at the sky outside the door, it was still blue and clean, although everyone knew that it was just reflecting the color of the ocean, but everyone Didn't bother to point it out.

"So, how did you deal with those dozens of captives, Lingyue?" These guys are related to the connection between two civilized species. The other party has to stand on the bright side.

Lingyue is obviously aware of this: "I left all of them in Master Chu Jie's temple. There is Master Chu Jie's coercion there, and with the supervision of Master Die Wu, it is impossible to escape."

"However, their communication is completely based on spiritual power, and even observation relies on spiritual power, and they have a systematic mental power language. Therefore, we are now doing our best to analyze their language and communication mode to facilitate the next step. interrogation and exchange."

Nodding in satisfaction, the battle report in Kong Huan's hand also turned to the last page, and this thin, slightly yellowed booklet was covered.

"Then that's it. It seems that the filling of the channel needs to be speeded up. I will send ten Dunjia people from your side to teach, and I will also notify the Dunjia group. It just needs to be coordinated."

"Of course, the main thing is to beware of the attack of this kind of creature. In terms of protection, you can temporarily assign the soul-level patrol team."

After finishing speaking, Kong Huan nodded to Lingyue, patted Lingyun at the side, and then got up and walked out the door.

(End of this chapter)

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