Spore Story

Chapter 311 The first appearance of the dream world, the mighty interrogation

Chapter 311 The first appearance of the dream world, the mighty interrogation

Two more drifting away = =
The next six months are still busy.

What surprised Kong Huan and others was that there were not many incidents like the last spirit clan raid, and most of them just retreated at the touch of a button. Obviously, the other party should also have some scruples.

This makes the channel filling work in various places go more smoothly.

The Spirit Race is the name of the Pengzu for this species.

Although the analysis of the other party's language has not been completed, simple communication is no longer a big problem for friends who are also good at using spiritual power.


"How could it be possible not to say it? No matter how stubborn you are, it won't take so long."

Kong Huan, who was about to finish processing the underground passages in the central province, found time to come to the cement cell not far from the high-level temple where the spirit creatures captured last time were held.

Because they didn't know each other well, and because of the inconvenient communication, there were dozens of prisoners in the beginning, and many died one after another in the next few months. Up to now, only 11 of them are still in a healthy state.

To Kong Huan's surprise, the Pengzu couldn't get the specific situation of the Spirit Race from the opponent no matter what, even if they attacked the opponent's body, or even broke the carapace, these guys didn't snort, and even seemed to be disdainful about it.

This surprised the interrogating friends, and at the same time admired the endurance of these guys.

In this way, the Pengzu has only relied on various information until now, and analyzed that: the Lingzu is a biological race closer to the center of the earth than the Dunjia, relying on natural caves to establish organizations, and through various underground river activities, there should be no cave digging ability.

Besides, what is the strength of this species?How many people?social composition?Internal group structure?Waiting for something useful, I didn't get a single one.

Standing outside the big house, Kong Huan looked at the concrete cells with hardwood fences, pouted.

Even if a primitive person is inside this thing, he can't escape easily. As for these spirit races, their strength can only be regarded as an ordinary level, and the sickle on their back can only dig out some burrs when encountering hard wood.

He stretched out his hand and stroked the slightly burred hardwood. There were many white scratches on it, which were obviously caused by the Eldar inside, but it could be seen that these scratches were very old, indicating that the other party had given up this way of escaping.

According to the guards, at the beginning, these guys often exerted mental power on the guards outside, trying to escape by controlling the guards, but in front of these priest guards who were mostly high-level ghosts, the simplified version of the body control ability could only be used countless times. Miss, not to mention the high-level temple domain covering this place, Chu Jie is not an easy talker.

After a long time, even if an ordinary person stood there outside, the Eldar inside would do nothing but lean against the wall sluggishly.

"Is it because you have been locked up for a long time, and you are a little depressed?" Frowning, he looked at the dead-like spirit race criminals in each room, and after thinking about it, he asked the guards on the side to open the cell door and walked in. .

It's not that he's extremely idle today, but because the fighting between the Eldar clan in the unblocked passage has become more serious recently, and the friends are eager to understand the internal situation of the opponent, so he has to use some extreme methods.

As if sensing movement, several Spirit Race people moved slightly, but that was all, they still didn't make any big movements in the end.

Smiling helplessly, Kong Huan let go of his mental power and scanned the creatures in front of him.

The prisoners in the cells are all at the mid-to-high level of the ghost class, but their spiritual power is higher than that of their friends at the same level. As for the three soul class, their mental power is also abnormally high, and they are placed under additional supervision.

"Is it because of long-term use of mental power, or because of racial characteristics?"

After thinking about it, Kong Huan pointed to the person on the far left. This person seemed to react the same as the people next to him when Kong Huan arrived, but his mental strength seemed to be much calmer. Much better.

The heavy cement door was gently lowered by the guard Yuanren, bringing up a cloud of dust.

Looking contemptuously at the Spirit Race man who had no resistance, the guard put a bowl of pre-boiled broth with a slightly hallucinogenic substance in front of the Spirit Race man.

As if he had resigned himself to his situation, the man picked up the clay bowl without hesitation, and drank the broth in the bowl through the tubular mouthparts.

"Actually, I can't figure out why you don't tell us what we want to know."

After the spirit clansman recovered a small amount of energy, Kong Huan connected to the other party's spiritual power, and then asked in the other party's language.

Whether it is difficult to communicate mental power, or simple but not simple, it depends on who is using it and what method is used.

At least under the fifth-level brain of the Yiren of the Pengzu, it took two full months to initially analyze the spiritual power communication method of the Lingzu.

Of course, how long it took the other party to form this way, Kong Huan didn't know.

"That's all I know, either let us go or kill us, but the ruler will definitely come to the ground, hahaha!"

The spirit clansman was obviously used to this question of emptiness, and he refuted it without any pressure.

But it is also true that I ask questions every few days, and there is nothing new in each question. This has been going on for several months, and no one will get used to it.

But Kong Huan seemed very calm when he heard this answer.

From the reactions of these guys, Kong Huan already knew that physical torture is useless at all, while mental torture is effective, but it is easy to damage the memory. Don't wait for the other party to answer, but it will be a disaster if they can't remember.

Wu Huan, who had no experience in interrogation in his previous and present lives, finally got impatient after waiting for nearly seven months and planned to use his trump card.

"Well, although I knew this was the answer, you killed 17 of us after all. This crime cannot be undone."

Waving his hands, Kong Huan nodded to the two guards.

Then, the two stepped forward, grabbed the spirit clansman from left to right, and entered a high-level cell except for the restricted movement, surrounded by birdsong and flowers.

Well, speaking of the prison cell, it was specially made for the Eldar people a few months ago. It is a model of all bamboo reinforced concrete and hardwood. Up to now, it has only been used by the Eldar people.

"What the hell do you mean! I told you I don't know anything! Isn't it just killing a dozen! We usually kill dozens or hundreds of people in a battle, and it's nothing!"

Sure enough, he still had energy, but when this spirit clansman saw the prison cell in front of him, instead of being satisfied with the improvement of the environment, he was deeply puzzled and angry.

(Is this called not knowing good people? Although I have no good intentions.) Think about it, too, for the Eldar who have no eyes, noses, or even ears, a land full of birds and flowers is no different from a sewer.

"We are not your society here. You will pay for your life if you kill someone here, but you have already killed dozens of people, so the rest of you like you just need to continue to be locked up."

This is completely illusory nonsense. In fact, this time I just want to lock up this guy who has already started to suffer from drug effects, and then do experiments to lay the foundation for the next interrogation of illusory.

Feeling the Spirit Race people in the cell in the cell office, from fierce to calm, and finally to silent, Kong Huan put down the teacup in his hand, and smiled at Chu Jie who teleported to the side.

To be honest, Kong Huan felt that he had done a little too much. You must know that torturing the spirit is the cruelest method, but these spirit tribe people give Kong Huan a really bad feeling. In addition, he has been busy filling the underground passage for the past six months, and there are constant encounters. It is only natural to feel irritable when seeing an attack.

Therefore, these dozens of captives became a venting point.

If they had known what would happen to them now, they might not have surrendered at all.

Shaking his head to throw away this kind of thinking, he felt that the spiritual power had calmed down. The spirit tribe closed his eyes, and the consciousness that had not been used for a long time reappeared.

"Is it a little dangerous for you to do this? After all, it has just been researched, but it has only been tested three times."

Looking hesitantly at the empty illusion in front of him, Chu Jie was still somewhat dissatisfied with the decision made by the empty illusion.

"It's okay." With a smile, Kong Huan began to inquire about the fluctuating frequency of the opponent's consciousness, and slowly comforted him: "Anyway, I was also a dream god before, and with my mid-soul-level level close to the high-level level, let a ghost-level high-level There is no danger at all if the guy enters the dreamland."

"Besides, it's not like entering his dream."

Trying to control the opponent's consciousness, Kong Huan's eyes lit up, and the world began to deflect rapidly.

After a while, the void in the prison office was already in a dark, untouched dream world, and not far away, the spirit clansman was still in a sleeping position.

This is a recently researched method. With the support of the research module, after the study of consciousness, a relatively advanced result-[Dream Realm] was obtained.

To put it simply, it is an individual with relatively high consciousness and high consciousness control ability, based on his own consciousness, to create an illusory dream world.

Different from the method of entering other people's dreams, this dream world can drag multiple individual consciousnesses into this world.

Of course, there are many restrictions. For example, there must be at least three times the gap in consciousness, and there is no difference in consciousness of more than ten times, and it is impossible to really hurt the other party. However, everyone knows that even if the spirit is not harmed, as long as it is messed up, it will It's a tragedy, a reference to some kind of hospital patient that is often built into the hill.

Kong Huan's current consciousness is 803 points, and this spirit clansman only has more than 200 points at most, which makes Kong Huan confident in pulling him in.

He took a closer look at the spirit clansman in front of him, because he has a high self-identity, the appearance of this spirit clansman has changed very little, that is, the sickle shone with a cold light, other than that, there has been no change.

Smiling, Kong Huan tried to rely a small part of the control of the dream on the spirit of this spirit clansman, so that the other party would seem to be dreaming by himself.

After being imprisoned for such a long time, no one would miss the previous world. As the saying goes, if you think about it every day and dream at night, then there is a high probability that the other party's world will appear in the dream.

This is also a way for Unreal to verify the results of the other party's previous interrogation and obtain more information at the same time.

The body of the Spirit Race man in front of him moved, as if he was about to 'wake up'.

Discovering this kind of situation, Kong Huan's eyes suddenly bent like a fox, matching the consciousness frequency to the opponent's consciousness, Kong Huan said softly.

"Go back to when you were a kid."

(End of this chapter)

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