Spore Story

Chapter 312 Old friend, are you an enemy or a friend

Chapter 312 Old friend, are you an enemy or a friend

The third watch is reached =. =
Thank you for the rewards of the youthful dream of the sea and the sky and the winter of the wind and snow night, as well as the monthly ticket support of Mango Hero~\(≧▽≦)/~
Oh, tomorrow's update is the [-]D chapter.

"All recruited?"

Looking at the peaceful face of Kong Hua, Chu Jie was completely confused.

"That's right." Stretched his whole body to make himself more comfortable, he shook the tentacles behind his head in a dreamy aftertaste, looked at the three soul-level spirit clansmen not far away, turned around and walked out the door .

When passing the gate, Kong Huan seemed to remember something, and said to the guard beside him, "Close it first, and when they wake up, come to the Technology Bureau and tell me."

After finishing speaking, Kong Huan strode towards the main hall of the temple, while unceremoniously letting Die Wu serve tea, while bouncing up the steps.

Unexpectedly, there seems to be something wrong with the coordination of the empty phantom body, and he stepped into the air...

bang... ah... bang... ah...

"Chu...Chu Jie, give me a...hand!"


In the majestic Eastern Orthodox Temple, Chu Jie, the master, is floating in the mid-air of the altar without any image, and the high priest Die Wu still insists on the way of a maid, obediently doing the work of serving tea and water, Kong Huan and Executive Director Chu Xia sat by the altar.

For the treatment of those few Spirit Race people, the empty illusion method can be regarded as powerful.

In the dream, first let the other party go back to his hometown, and then let the other party who has recovered his spirit go back to his childhood, and start to look back on his life. In fact, this is a kind of memory playback.

There are actually a lot of things recorded in the brain, but under normal circumstances it is impossible to recall them, but dreams are a way of recalling them.

Through the research model, after successively studying [Improving Conscious Ideas], [Construction of Conscious Illusions], [Formation of Conscious Dreams] and [Dream Composition], Kong Huan finally researched the magical thing [Dream World] .

And that spirit clansman was the first to actually use it. Afterwards, with the help of Chu Jie, the number of Konghuan boldly used it on the other three early soul-level guys.

After reviewing their ordinary childhood life, competitive teenager life, and melee and fighting adulthood, the outside world is only ten days, but the actual perceived time inside is nearly half a year.

As for Kong Huan, through the dream world, after observing the [Memory Retrospect] of the four people, he fully understood almost all the information about the Spirit Race that this Spirit Race person knew.

Of course, if this spirit clansman had deep hidden memories deep in his heart, since he couldn't take the initiative to check them, Kong Huan might not have seen them, but what he has obtained now is enough.

"Generally speaking, this group of guys can be regarded as the losers who fight the autumn wind and lose their way."

Shaking the cup in his hand triumphantly, Kong Huan said with a smile: "In the previous report, everyone knows about the life style of the Spirit Race, and our inferences are similar, so I won't say much. To put it bluntly, as long as they said what they said, they didn't lie, but they didn't say a lot of things."

Having said this, Kong Huan's expression froze for a moment, he twisted his body to make his slightly sore waist more comfortable, and then glared at Chu Jie and Chu Xia.

"Well, I won't talk nonsense. In fact, the Eldar people are probably stronger than we imagined, or in other words, they are much stronger. Moreover, they...well, how should I put it, it should be a mixture of two species or even more species The body is right, and most importantly, it seems to be old friends."

After learning about the essence of the Spirit Race, Kong Huan was also very surprised to be honest.

The essence of the spirit race is completely a race with specialization in spiritual power. Their main members are divided into three parts after the void is divided in a way that the friends understand: [dominance], [main battle], [ Breeding].

[Reproduction] is the most basic part of them, and the only part that has the ability to reproduce among the three parts.

Every Eldar tribe has a breeding nest in which two creatures live: eidolons and scythes.

Well, that's right, these are the two types of guys from more than 1000 million years ago, but they both evolved. (In fact, I don't know if it's evolution or degeneration.)
Among them, what surprised Kong Huan was that the phantom spirit worm and the double sickle worm, which were supposed to belong to the affiliation relationship, seemed to have undergone some kind of coexistence and fusion during the past 1000 million years, which further changed the relationship between the two parties.

In the lair, the phantom spirit worms evolved into a simple, brain-like bug.

The newly born larva, apart from this brain-like body, can't even move.

Generally speaking, no matter how powerful the mental power is for the phantom spirit worms in this situation, they are just waiting to die, but they also have double scythes;
The double sickle, evolved(?) into a monstrously large bug.

They rely on the lower body to walk upright on two feet, the middle two hands to use tools flexibly, and the upper two limbs to use the sickle as a melee weapon.

Generally speaking, with such a complex body, there should be a third-level brain to support it, but the problem is that their brains have not been upgraded compared to the double scythes they once saw in fantasy, and now they are simply gone.

Jiong, in this regard, when Kong Huan first saw it in the dream world, he felt powerless for a while. Those newborn twin scythes were simply a puddle of mud, allowing the spirit race to fiddle with them at will.

And the weird situation now is: phantom spirit worms have brains but no bodies; double scythes have bodies but no brains.

Well, at this time everyone knows that the combination mode is necessary...

Regardless of the reasons for this situation, the result of this special evolution is: after each phantom worm is born, it will fuse and coexist with the same newly born double sickle to become a real spirit race, with the phantom spirit worm as the brain Control the body, the double sickle is the body, accepts control, and provides brain nutrition and other things.

The relationship between the two seems to be very similar to the relationship between the pilot and the mech, which made Kong Huan have to complain. (No wonder the phantom spirit worm who is the controller doesn't care about the punishment.)
The result of combining the two in this way is that their individual strength is very strong, and ordinary spirit races have the strength close to that of the priests of the friend race.

What makes Kong Huan even more envious and jealous is that their reproductive rate is also very high, which seems to be a bit of a loophole in nature.

Because the two should actually be two species.

Although the phantom spirit worm has only a fourth-level brain, its mental power is super high, resulting in a slightly bulky body. Only a few days after birth, if there is no fusion, it will produce an independent survival system such as a reproductive system and become a real reproductive part. member.

And because of the lack of the brain, which takes up the complexity of the body, the double sickle has a high reproduction rate.

In this way, both phantom spirit worms and double sickle worms are species with high reproductive rates. After a large number of fusions between the two parties, a new species with great strength and high numbers - the spirit race has been produced.

And those phantom spirit larvae and double sickle larvae that have not fused will slowly grow into reproductive parts after a few days.

In other words, the reproduction of the Eldar is completely independent. After growing into a real Eldar, they no longer have the ability to reproduce, so the breeding nest of each Eldar tribe is the core of their development.

Of course, not all spirit races use double scythes as their bodies, and a small number of spirit races use other special species, thus forming various clans.

Then comes the main battle.

[Main Battle], as the name suggests, the members of this section are the ones responsible for the battle, and only they can truly be called the Spirit Race.

They formed a strict society with each other, communicated with their spiritual power, judged their strength by the strength of their spiritual power, and respected the strong.

In normal battles, the solid body of the double scythe is more of a mobile tool and the last line of defense.

The main battles are all carried out by controlling the underground creatures with their powerful spiritual power, until finally destroying the hostile ones of the same kind.

And because the living environment is the reason for underground caves, their territory is based on underground natural caves.

The people who were in the various underground caves at first did not know the existence of other kind, but as the population grew, they began to explore along the underground rivers, thus discovering other kind.

In this way, the caves separated by the land began to connect with each other, but this connection did not bring peace, but war.

Gradually, during the long battles and exchanges, the Eldar established a fragile management structure, forming dozens of organizations, conquering each other, and each organization spoke a variety of languages.

Among them, the spirit clan of the main battle, after combining the classification of the opponent and the classification of the friend clan, is divided into ordinary spirit clan (spiritual strength equal to that of priests), elite spirit clan (spiritual strength equal to that of the lower strength) Priests, that is, the high priests at the beginning and middle stages of the soul level), high-level spirits (the spiritual strength is equal to the powerful high priests, that is, the high priests at the high soul level).

They form the middle and lower strata of the Eldar, and are the main fighting force of the Eldar.

If you don't know that the spirit clan is still fighting, and most of them are in the underground caves as a unit, so that in a single cave, there are not many members above the elite spirit clan. The illusory number of individuals with strength may cause you to worry to death.

However, it is the ruling class of the Eldar that really caught the attention of the void.

[Control], as the name suggests, is the boss, a boss, a..., a dangerous person anyway.

Well, the most vivid comparison, according to what the Spirit Race said, when they felt Lingyue's spiritual power at that time, they thought Lingyue was a commanding level existence.

Even within the spirit clan, the appearance of each clan is very different, and because they have never encountered other civilized species in the ground, they mistakenly thought that Lingyue was also a ruler of the spirit clan, so they would surrender later Act of.

And if the memory of the dream is not too inaccurate, the commanding level that this member of the elite spirit clan has seen is indeed a ghost level.

But the problem is, according to what he said, the heads of dozens of organizations of the Spirit Race are all at this level.

"Then, the Spirit Race has dozens of Youshen-levels, or even...higher?" Kong Huan was depressed. In comparison, the Peng Clan wants quantity but not quantity, and strength but not strength?
Of course, this was just his momentary complaint. Compared with the spiritually specialized Eldar, the Pengzu not only had spiritual power, but also strength and energy.

Moreover, this spirit clan's team was just lost, and the high-level spirit clan leader was crushed to death by the earthquake. Obviously, their failure had nothing to do with the recent increasingly violent actions of the spirit clan.

After analyzing the memories of the four people and identifying the differences, Kong Huan came to the conclusion: the spirit clan has serious internal turmoil and is unable to expand outward;

Of course, 'the overall strength of the spirit race is strong, we must beware' is also one of the conclusions.

(End of this chapter)

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