Spore Story

Chapter 313 Five Years, Record of the Pengling War

Chapter 313 Five Years, Record of the Pengling War

At the end of the 2nd year of the Pengzu Calendar, the Pengling War broke out.

According to the history of the friends, the initiator of this war is 100% the Eldar, and the opponent is a shameful sneak attack.

Well, ignore this kind of quarrelsome stuff for now.

As for the history of the Eldar, it is even harder to say, because what is recognized by all races today is that the historical recording method of the Eldar is the most inaccurate, and it belongs to the historical and cultural heritage of the ancient society rather than a practical tool.

Because, without eyes, they didn't develop writing and recording tools at all. They were originally a race specialized in spiritual power, and they were completely long-lived spiritual power rulers, as recorders of their own history.

In other words, the history of the spirit race is recorded by humans.

Therefore, when it is necessary to understand the history of the spirit race, in addition to consulting the historical documents of other races, you can only directly ask the ruler of the spirit race with a long life, and then rely on the other party's memory with an accuracy rate of no more than 30% to distinguish their past.

The bigger question is, once the negative history of race is involved, will the other party answer obediently?It's almost impossible.

Of course, some young people in the Eldar race who think that they need to uphold a fair attitude have sought arguments from other races, but they are all soft-spoken.

But we are talking about the overall situation, let's ignore the details.

For example, when a scholar in later generations asked a spiritual ruler in charge of historical memory of the Eldar at that time, the cause, process and result of the outbreak of the Pengling War (the Eldar called it 'rushing to the ground war'), The ruler answered very simply.

As a result of the war, the Friends killed more than 100 Eldar who visited the ground on a 'friendly' basis, and those individuals who, after the Great War, chose to surrender out of "trust" to the Friends, who were not slacking off after the great war, were subjected to injustice. Humane Spiritual Review.

This extremely cruel and unfriendly behavior aroused the extreme dissatisfaction of the three rulers who were close to the friends of the spirit race and had a strong sense of justice.

What's more, the Pengzu actually tried in vain to restrict the passage of the great Eldar to the vast ground.

Well, in fact, anyone can see that only the last sentence is the real reason.

But the problem is that now, some Pengzu experts have pointed out that what Pengzu did at that time seemed to be out of focus.

As a result, the academic world has been messed up by these guys, and now the scholar has to check everywhere to see who is right and who is wrong.

The process of the war, this process, is that the spirit race sent troops through the passages still left in various places, attacked, fought, and resisted.

Among them, the ruler focused on explaining the initial battle stage of rushing to the ground, and the perfect coordination with the dozen or so rulers in the middle to launch an attack on the friends.

As for some of the battles in the middle and later, he used a jumping selection method to briefly describe them.

And when a scholar asked about some of the classic battles that were familiar to other races and belonged to the victories of the friends, the ruler calmly asked the scholar to Almost choked to death on a mouthful of water.

The result of the war, as for the result...

Still according to what the ruler said, in the end it was the Spirit Race who showed mercy, for the happiness of the members of the race, for the long-standing friendly relationship between the two races, for the long-term peace of the entire Double Moon Star World, and for... anyway, for a A lot of messy things, but because of the lack of their own strength, the two sides negotiated a peace. (How should I complain here==?)
At the end of the chat, the scholar, who was obviously dissatisfied with his desire, wandered around the territory of the Spirit Race, and felt that he could no longer obtain any satisfactory results here, so he decisively applied for a visa and ran to the next stop, which belonged to the other side of the warring country. Friends.

At this time, unlike in the Eldar who can only ask bad-tempered rulers, this scholar has many places to choose from: historians, libraries, schools, audio-visual stores, the Internet, collections of ghost stories... …

Cough cough, that, in the end, scholars chose the library with the most rigorous and least political influence.

After asking the quiet and outrageous administrator girl in the library about the books about 'rushing to the ground war', but retreating under the stare of the other party for 10 minutes, this person who just came from the Eldar has not had time to fall The jet-lagged scholar finally realized his mistake and changed the topic to books related to 'War of Friends'.

So, this lovely girl finally showed a satisfied smile, and pointed him in a very precise direction without even thinking about it. (What were you doing for those 10 minutes?)

And this scholar finally thought of the racial habits of the friends, so he confirmed that the reason why the girl was so quiet just now was definitely because she had been surfing the Internet.

Fortunately, the first goal has been achieved.

Although I feel that it is not bad to find a partner for my future life after work, but after comparing it, the scholar found that it also depends on others looking up to me.

So, in this sense of inferiority, the poor scholar pulled out a thick book from the bookshelf, which has 998 pages of "The War Collection of Friends".

After complaining about "how could there be so many words in a war that was only about five years old", the part-time historian finally turned to the first page of the book, and a bunch of names of historians suddenly appeared on it.

Sure enough, the history of any race is coded out by historians by telling nonsense and telling stories word by word.

In this thick book, the entire process of the Pengling War is described in detail, and it is divided into three standard stages: the early stage, the middle stage, and the late stage.

I said, with such a thick war record, it is not a problem to divide it into three stages.

Continuing to read, scholars finally discovered the reason.

It turns out that, just like many classifications of friends, there are three big N small models, and these three stages are also the real 'big' stages.

early days of the war
This period was called contact war by friends, or "understanding stage", "acquaintance stage"... and other names, but scholars resolutely filtered out those messy and meaningless names and continued to turn to the next page.

This period was from the beginning of March in 2 AD to the end of December of that year.

During this period of time, there are not many worthy of praise or ridicule... Ah no, it is a case of analysis.

From the beginning to the end, the battle that could barely be counted was only the very first time. The Lingyue team led by the then god priest Lingyue lost more than 100 high-level spirit clan leaders in the battle, and was only led by more than 20 elite spirit clans. Eldar people.

There is no nonsense here about the cause and the result, because everyone knows it in the previous chapters.

All in all, this battle allowed the Friends to understand the existence of the Eldar, and allowed the Friends to realize their own strengths and weaknesses.

To be honest, this scholar admires the friend clan's ability to summarize and accumulate combat experience very much.

This may be the reason why Pengzu can stand still, so the scholar continued to turn the next page with emotion.

During this period, dozens of cultivation methods appeared successively in the Pengzu Technology Bureau, and specially assembled the "Lingyue Team" led by Youshen class, who shined in the subsequent battles.

Of course, at the same time, there was also the [Dark Blood Squad] led by the then Minister of Military Affairs, Dark Blood, whose members were selected from soul-level and official priests, and composed of these powerful individuals;
[Longyue team] led by another unknown high priest, Longyue.It is said that he was once a direct disciple of Master Lingfu, but whether this is the case has not been verified. After all, rumors are generally fascinating, but the truth is ashamed.

These three major teams have been greatly tempered in this Pengling War, and gradually developed into the three standing fighting forces of the Pengzu after the war. The total number of people has remained below 500 all year round, but their strength is extremely strong.

Until now, it is also the existence of the elite forces that stabilize and suppress the various races.

This encounter was followed by a seven-month 'short contact' period.

The Pengzu was busy contacting the Dunjia tribes and closing the underground passages in various places; while the Lingzu just sent scouts to explore the way because they didn't understand the situation.

In fact, the real reason for the short-term direct contact between the two sides for as long as 7 months was the impact of the geological disaster at that time - the earthquake.

At that time, the Peng Clan and the Spirit Clan actually almost broke out in large-scale battles several times, but because of sudden earthquakes, both sides had to evacuate urgently, so that the time for the official start of the war was constantly delayed.

But this just happened to provide great convenience for the Peng Clan and the Dunjia Clan who were always ignored by everyone.

If earthquakes were not frequent at that time, the Eldar would probably think that the Peng Clan was backed by the earth, although ordinary people like scholars cannot know whether this is the case.

And the battles that were always interrupted made the two tribes who thought that their side could win at the time love and hate the earthquake.

Of course, Eldar is mainly about hate, and it is abhorrent; while Friends is mainly about love, of course, if it is not so dangerous every time, it will be more love.

As a result, the two sides walked together until the end of 2 AD, that is, 2th AD 13.

At that time, an encounter with high standards on both sides took place, officially declaring that the war had officially entered the middle stage.

mid war
This period lasted from December 2 AD to March 13 AD.

At that time, the Spirit Race belonged to the fragmented (isn’t it the same now, a scholar’s ​​complaint), and there were only three organizations that could fight with the Friends Race at first, not counting the members of the reproductive part. The total population of these three organizations, combined with the Friends Race The population is about the same.

The official outbreak of war is actually full of all kinds of accidents and inevitability, and of course I won't dwell on those things here.

At that time, the underground passages in the central province had been completely closed, and Kong Huan, who belonged to the director of the Technical Bureau, was leading hundreds of Dunjia people and dozens of friends who had harvested food and had nothing to do. .

To be honest, scholars had a lot of resentment towards the vain fantasy who was the director of technology at that time, but he was always doing nothing, because it was precisely because of this guy's actions that the history circle supported many people by relying on his research.

But the problem is that no matter how you research, you can get new things, but you just can't get accurate new things. This kind of situation where you know what you know and don't know why it makes scholars very dissatisfied.

Ok, back to topic.

At that time, the Lingyue team and the idle Kong Huan, no, the Kong Huan pit-filling team was dealing with an underground passage in a province in the third ring.

Coincidentally, on the side of the Spirit Race, a ruler also happened to 'walk around' here with his troops.

Of course, in fact, it should be the ruler, with his personal guards, checking the situation of the ground passage, and preparing to make a plan to advance to the "broad and boundless ground" described by his subordinates.

Therefore, the god of fate finally couldn't wait, so he pushed it, and the two sides bumped into each other by coincidence.

There is nothing to say, one word: hit!

However, due to the tragic conditioned reflex of "triggering an earthquake whenever there is a war", the behavior of both sides is very restrained at this time, and they have a tacit understanding of running away when there is an earthquake. (=.=)

But with the dwindling population of the subterranean army controlled by the Eldar and the unexceptional natural environment, the ruler finally grew impatient.

On the one hand, he asked the three high-level spirits to scatter back to pull reinforcements;

As a result, the population was small, and the friends of the Dunjia tribe who had to protect these cave diggers had to retreat step by step.

In fact, looking at it now, it may be that 'leading the enemy to the ground' was exactly the plan of the Friends of the Clan at that time, at least that is what the scholars of the Friends of the Clan say.

But things turned out to be contrary to expectations. Before the friends could see the entrance of the passage, behind the tunnel dug by the Dunjia tribe, dozens of scouts unexpectedly appeared, most of them were composed of high-level spirit tribes and belonged to another spirit tribe organization. '.

Scholars are gloating at this moment, thinking that the leader of the friend clan at that time was absolutely furious.And this encounter, maybe a few years later, why the Pengzu would set up a special [architecture school] with classified school levels, and the reason why the Dunjia tribe was allowed to enroll.

back to fighting
The only Youshen level on the friends' side, the Priest of Lingyue God, is fighting the enemy's Youshen level, the Dominator. In addition, the friends' side has only one soul level, Konghuan, and the rest are all ordinary teams member.

On the side of the spirit race, even if the ruler is restrained, there are no less than 20 high-level spirit race equivalent to the soul level, not to mention the elite spirit race with hundreds of people and hundreds of underground creatures.

At this moment, there is only one passage underground, with a strong enemy in front and blocked in the rear. The gap in strength between the enemy and us is huge. Although the gap in numbers between the two sides is not obvious because of the narrowness, it is still a dead end in the eyes of scholars who are a bit of a pseudo-military fan.

But this is his limitation, and of course it is also the limitation of many people, which is the reason of 'why others are high-level, but you are not'.

In this seemingly hopeless situation, the Priest of the Moon God, who was in charge of commanding the troops at that time and who was barely retreating with his bow and arrow, proposed a method.

So, relying on his soul-level high-level strength, Kong Huan alone fought against the opponent's ruler for two seconds, allowing the priest of Lingyue God to take enough time to use his mental power to force the gap between the opponent's ruler's troops and his own troops. Yes, the mud layer at the top of that passage was dragged down.

Therefore, it was not an earthquake, but something like an earthquake, which caught the ruler's troops by surprise.

The main force of the Spirit Race was unexpectedly blocked by a layer of mud.

However, the Lingyue team who pulled out their hands did not pay attention to the blocking troops who escaped first when they saw the situation was not good. Instead, they immediately retreated to the ground with the unconscious Konghuan and the remaining members, and then quickly went to the ground. Pengcheng reports the situation.

Thanks to Pengzu's highly efficient high-level temple communication mode at the time, Pengcheng responded quickly and issued orders to all provinces to stop infrastructure construction and fully close underground passages.

This timely order allowed the Friends to block the active actions of the three Eldar organizations.

Then, the battle once again entered a "little stalemate period" of more than two months.

The battles between the spirit clan and the friend clan in various places have begun to escalate, but they are still only maintained inside the underground passage. Although the heat is much higher than that at the beginning of the war, neither side has yet produced a major battle.

However, because the grain harvest has ended, the Pengzu began to free up a large number of manpower, and with the cooperation of the Dunjia tribe who knew they couldn't escape, they began to speed up the channel blocking work in various places.

In this way, the time entered January 3 AD, and the Eldar who had no idea of ​​celebrating the New Year at all could no longer bear it. There were more and more temptations to describe the vast land on the surface, and there were fewer and fewer passages leading to the ground.

After the conspiracy meeting, the three Eldar organizations coordinated and divided into three directions, and launched a surprise attack on the ground through the remaining dozens of passages.

The members of the Friends Clan who were holding annual meetings in various places were prepared, but they were still caught off guard. More than a dozen cities were captured, and the Spirit Clan officially entered the surface world.

However, if the underground passage is the territory of the Spirit Race, then the surface world is the territory of the Friends Race.

In March of 3 AD, the front line decisively gave up bean vine planting and made every effort to stabilize the defense line.

Then, with thousands of friends and nearly [-] Dunjia clan members, the three major teams of the Peng clan divided into three groups and launched a "comprehensive counterattack" against the three major areas that were lost due to the rapid attack of the Spirit clan.

With the cooperation of air combat and long-range attack, the Eldar who still stay in the underground plane combat mode of "other creatures, and command themselves in the center" in the underground battle have tasted the typical ground-air coordinated combat.

At that time, nearly Wanling clansmen who broke into the ground saw their predecessors - who were still imprisoned in the friend's cell at that time, a tragic scene similar to several members of the spirit clan - the extended version of the rain of swords in the sky.

This is not a year or two ago when there was a shortage of copper and technology.

Because of the escalation of the war with the Spirit Race, under the leadership of Kong Huan, who has been in a coma for more than a month, the Technology Bureau has successively introduced [improved bronze smelting technology], [mine collection technology], [wind smelting furnace technology] and [alloy bronze technology] formula】.

With the emergence of these technologies, excellent bronze wares began to be widely used among friends, such as [Bronze Armor], [Bronze Sword], [Bronze Axe], [Bronze Arrowhead], [Pure Copper Coil] and other combat power expansion weapons , has received a lot of promotion in the three major teams of Pengzu, and has become an elite configuration for ordinary team members.

Relying on their own strong air superiority, and the flexible communication and command ability brought by the captain of the ghost-level or soul-level peak, the three major teams, with the cooperation of local teams in various places, will continue to compress the spirit tribe troops that are completely unsuitable for ground warfare .

During this period, battles such as "Longyue Assault", "City Defense Bloody Battle", "Lingyue Blitz", "Morshan Attack and Defense", "Blood Feather Encounter", "Ring Guerrilla" and other battles successively appeared, and they were all recorded in detail. "Pengling War Collection", please contact Pengcheng Xinpeng Library to subscribe if you are interested.

In the end, under the oppression of the powerful joint ground and air advantages of the Peng and Dunjia tribes, and the fact that the Spirit tribe themselves were extremely unsuited to ground warfare, the time drifted to November 3 AD.

After several months, the three major organizations of the Spirit Race that broke into the ground finally returned to the underground passage.

Only a few scattered members of the spirit clan remained on the ground, sneaking into the deep mountains and old forests everywhere, and becoming the prey of the regional patrols whose strength has improved a lot.

Afterwards, taking advantage of the remaining prestige during the full-scale counterattack, the three major armies of the Peng clan led the three major armies of the Dunjia clan components and continued to rush towards the passage.

Up to now, from the initial "little stalemate" in the middle of the war to the subsequent "comprehensive counterattack", we have entered the current stage of "breaking into the enemy's hole".

Seriously frustrated, losing even one of their Archons, the Eldar troops, depressed by their defeat, had to retreat into underground caverns hastily.

But centipedes are dead but not stiff, not to mention that the weakening degree of the underground to the friend race is no less than the weakening degree of the surface to the spirit race.

After blocking 90% of the passages successively, the three major teams broke through the remaining 11 passages and penetrated [-] meters below the formation.

Among them, the dark blood team even broke into the cave of the spirit race that lost its ruler, destroying the opponent's three breeding nests, which became the only devastating blow to the spirit race during the war.

At this time, other spirit races in the periphery finally sensed the situation here and rushed to support. (In the eyes of scholars today, this is just other spirit race organizations at that time. Seeing that these three organizations are weak, they just want to take advantage of it.)
So, just now on the ground, after the "Ling Clan's Great Defeat" was staged; the underground just changed the protagonist, and it became a "Friend Clan's Great Transfer"... Truth: 'The world is as black as crows'. This is clearly the same situation, but if the protagonist is changed, the description is quite different.)
After several battles such as the "Abyssal Cave Attack", "Dark River Encounter", and "Ancient Cave Retreat" broke out successively, the three major armies led the remaining troops along the passage reserved as an offensive passage, destroying the One side of the channel retreats to the formation above [-] meters.

Then, due to some mistakes, in the three directions added up, the Eldar troops who were already close to the population of the Friends tribe launched an assault on the Friends tribe troops through the only four remaining passages.

At this time, the battle in the passage was meaningless. After destroying one of the passages with all their strength, the friends and allied forces resolutely withdrew from the ground and stood on the ground.

At this moment, in the 3th month of AD 15, the war officially entered the stage of 'ground defense'.

At this time, after mutual negotiation (in fact, fighting) and annexation of the territory of the organization that lost the ruler, the newly emerged more than a dozen ruler organizations and the remaining two ruler organizations proudly followed the Three expanded passages attack the surface.


Then, needless to say, they were a disaster.

At this time, the Pengzu has also acknowledged the fact that 'the ground and the sky belong to the Pengzu, and the ground belongs to the Eldar', which has begun to spread within the Pengzu.As for the Dunjia clan, they were still ignored. (Scholars express their silence =.=)

But there is nothing wrong with the spirit clan. It has been like this since ancient times. It was okay when the three organizations were divided into three directions to fight each other. Now there are more than a dozen organizations, and there are only three directions to attack...

The elites of the Eldar who have long-term experience in civil wars began to wrestle internally, drag their feet, play tricks, and play with each other.

Therefore, even though there were more than a dozen Youshen-level rulers leading the team, the fight was not as good as when there were only three rulers attacking from three directions.

Under the oppression of the powerful air superiority of the friends, this time the spirit race of tens of thousands of people did not even break into the ground, and the friends relied on [modular building model], [basic architecture] and [basic structure] With the support, the three fortresses built in less than half a month were blocked in the three ground passages left by the friends.

At this time, except for the three major teams still staying here, the remaining members of the friend clan began to do their own things.

Agricultural planting, which has been delayed for a year, has also begun to resume.

In fact, if it weren't for the agricultural accumulation of the previous three years, I am afraid that the Pengzu would not have lost in the battle, but would have collapsed internally due to lack of food and clothing.

At this time, the time officially entered March of the fourth year of AD, and the war was considered to have entered the late stage.

late war
This period lasted from March 4 AD to January 3 AD, nearly 7 years.

During this time, Pengzu mainly did three things:
The first thing is to train troops at the entrance of the three fortresses in the friend clan's territory.

Yes, it is indeed training.

Although the underground passages were continuously reinforced and expanded by the Spirit Clan, and troops were sent to prevent the friends from blocking the three passages, but with a strong concrete fortress, the Spirit Clan, who were not physically strong, could not break in at all relying on their numerical advantage. Surface.

The Pengzu took this opportunity to conduct rotation training for teams from various places, cultivate soldiers' combat skills, accumulate actual combat experience, and conduct psychological training at the same time, so as to refine the combat skills of the three major teams and local teams.

With the support of various [physical], [energy], and [spiritual] training methods that began to appear in the technical bureau, the strength of the various teams of the friend clan began to improve by leaps and bounds, and the strength of ordinary members also began to be greatly improved.

A vivid description is that at the beginning of the war, a friend who belongs to the three major armies can only fight against three heads at the same time, the melee unit "Spiked Bug" commonly used by the Eldar, and it is also easy to be injured; but when the war enters the later stage, it is also But this friend can fight against ten heads at the same time, and he can do it with ease.

What a terrifying growth rate. In comparison, because the spirit race uses the ability to control other creatures to fight, in addition to a slight increase in the level of control, the combat experience has also improved a lot.

The second thing is to block the passages in various places outside the territory of the friends.

Adhering to the fine tradition of the Dunjia tribe, the passage connecting the ground and the underground is obviously not only available in the territory of the friends. At this time, the friends also selectively and temporarily forgot the idea of ​​letting the Dunjia people leave their territory, and began to contact and aggregate Dunjia people from all over the world.

Then, under the protection of the well-trained friend clan teams from all over the country, and under the leadership of channel science technicians slowly cultivated with the support of the friends, the Dunjia diggers began to urgently block the channels outside the friend's territory and trimming.

But this kind of behavior only stopped after dealing with a small part of the periphery of the friend clan's territory.

Seeing this, the scholar naturally thought of a rumor.

It is rumored that at that time, Master Kongling, the god of the earth (the guy in 8051=.=) had issued an oracle, telling the friends that there were so many passages for the Dunjia clan, and that the Spirit clan was not as powerful as the Dunjia clan. No digging ability.Friends of the family do this, but in fact it has little effect.

So the Friends finally stopped what they called the 'First Expedition', a futile effort, and began to consolidate their inner territories.

This is the third thing, to build a friend clan defense line.

This is after the end of the 'First Expedition', the senior leaders of the Peng clan began to rely on the gradual increase in cement production and construction levels, and with the support of the Dunjia population of 10,000+, large-scale infrastructure construction was carried out on the territory of the Peng clan.

In name, of course.

In fact, the temples for the management of dead souls in various places were built first. In addition to their duties of managing dead souls, they were given the responsibility of monitoring the formation.

The entire friend clan, under the accumulation of various cultivation methods, has added a large number of soul-level members in the past few years, 40% of which have been used to build a territory monitoring network.

The territory of the entire ethnic group, covering millions of square kilometers, is monitored in real time by more than 500 [management temples].

Although this measure was time-consuming and labor-intensive, it effectively prevented thousands of sneak attack and excavation plots by the Eldar.

But the long battle, up to now, has exhausted both Pengling and the others.

After doing the math, from the beginning of AD 2 to the end of AD 6, it has been 5 years.

"It's been five years."

Sitting in the center of Pengcheng, which has been updated for the third time and has become a real concrete modular city, in the hall of the two-story Executive Yuan, the supreme ruler of Pengzu at this time, Patriarch Diewu, took over The head maid's report turned her eyes away from the ancient tree outside the window, and looked at the managers present.

5 years, whether it is long or short, but because of the war, various developments have become extremely rapid.

Faced with the huge high-end strength of the Spirit Race, the Pengzu finally made a choice and set up the highest decision-making body [the Elderly House].

All Youshen ranks (people with great achievements were added later), regardless of righteous gods or free people, are required to be enriched into this institution.

For the selection of the patriarch, three or five candidates were proposed by the Council of Elders, and finally handed over to the Clan Assembly for selection.

In normal times, the members of the elders' house mainly practice, practice, and practice.

Their actual functions are, first, to supervise the behavior of managers; second, to maintain the centralized authority of the management organization; and third, to become a strategic force of friends.

It was this measure that made the Pengzu able to secure the defense lines of the three fortresses in the face of several times of breakthroughs by the rulers of the Spiritual Race.

After the top management made this decision in January 4 A.D., the House of Elders and the Peng Clan General Assembly quickly elected the second patriarch. Butterfly dance at the pinnacle of the level.

At the same time, the senior executives of the friends family were almost replaced by one vote.

"Elder Yanhe, there is nothing wrong with gathering the Dunjia tribe."

He looked up at a Dunjia tribe opposite the round table in the Executive Yuan hall. The man was dressed in an elder robe made of copper, linen and hard leather. He looked majestic yet wise. The Supreme Commander of the three Dunjia Legions under the Academy.

It's ridiculous to say that at first, the Friends also planned to let the Dunjia people leave the territory of the Friends, and maintain a split state before leaving, so as to ensure the safety of the Friends.

But things backfired, the threat of the spirit race became the most effective external force for the integration of the Pengdun and the two races.

When dealing with an underground race like the Spirit Race, the Peng Clan and the Dunjia Clan had to unite, and the Peng Clan Conference even put forward the theory of [generalized ethnic group], making the Peng Clan a country that is not a single species, so that the The Dunjia people were able to join the friend society.

After the Dunjia tribe joined, the Pengzu began to help the Dunjia tribe gather members from all over the place.

On the one hand, this is to ensure the number of [Dunjia soldiers] (actually miscellaneous soldiers) as the grass-roots legion in group battles. On the other hand, it is also to prevent the surrounding Dunjia people from digging around, causing unpredictable and disastrous consequences. .

As the war progressed, the Dunjia clan became more and more important.

Up to now, the Dunjia tribe has flooded all parts of the Pengzu tribe, and there are Dunjia tribes everywhere in [construction sites], [mines], [farmlands], [schools], and [army].

However, whether it is Die Wu or other high-ranking friends, they are less and less worried about the Dunjia clan as time goes by.

This is not only the confidence brought by the strategic forces in the elders of the friend clan, but also because with the support of the practice method suitable for the friend clan that has been continuously researched by the Unreal Technology Bureau, the individual strength of all the friends of the friend clan has been improved. ranging from two to three times.

The strength gap between the Dunjia Clan and the Friends Clan is quite high, even though the Dunjia Clan has also practiced some methods, it is still being continuously enlarged.

From the very beginning, five or six Dunjia people might be able to deal with one original person, but now, the Dunjia people may only rely on their numbers and lives to exhaust the original person to death...

Therefore, even after the census was carried out, it was found that there are now more than 20 Dunjia people and only 9 friends, but the high-level officials have no idea of ​​driving out the Dunjia people.

It has to be said that the Dunjia tribe has become an indispensable grassroots tribe of the Peng tribe.

And because of the emergence of various exercise methods, the method of dividing by consciousness level at first is less and less accepted by people because it is too broad.

(Master Kong Huan and the others seem to be working on a new level of strength recently, and I don’t know what level I can rate it?) Smiling, Die Wu continued to listen to the eloquent narration of the patriarch Yanhe.

"...We Dunjia and Pengren are eternally of the same clan, and we are a common clan. Facing the threat of the Spirit Race, the three major legions with a total of 6000 people will definitely be fearless!"

In the end, the former patriarch of the earth clan, after uttering a passionate slogan at the end, nodded to his friends and Dunjia clan members present, and sat back down again.

For these slogans, although everyone present felt excited, it was only for a moment.

Looking at the managers discussing their work with each other, Die Wu gently patted the report in his hand. The war has entered a relatively stable stage. Although there are occasional small battles in various places, it has no major impact.

The spirit race also seemed to be tired of attacking due to the decreasing number of underground creatures.

Therefore, taking advantage of the gradually stabilized situation, the senior leaders of the Pengzu made preliminary statistics on the five-year war.

"Statistical Report on the War of the Penglings", the scholar who is complaining in the library in later generations may not know that this report is the original manuscript that he is looking at the beginning and end of the War of the Penglings.

But in front of Die Wu, there are only two thin pages, not as thick as "Peng Ling War Collection", reaching 998 pages.

When Die Wu gently opened the thin cover to reveal the sparse text inside, the people who were discussing with each other quickly quieted down.

Because, that's the point of this meeting.

Although the people sitting here already have a general understanding of the content, because many of them participated in the statistics, but this time is different.

Because after the patriarch read it out, the content will be announced to the entire friend clan, and the construction of the friend spirit war statue will officially begin.

I want to come to the friend clan meeting in January 7 AD, more than a month later, what everyone will see will no longer be the statue of a lone Lord Spirit Talisman, but the statues of several heroes.

"First of all, let us express our sincerest sincerity to friends, armored people, hell butterflies, net rabbits, fur balls, tuolong and other creatures who have contributed to the survival and victory of the group in this war. respect."

After everyone stood up and remained silent for a while, Die Wu took everyone to sit down and began to read the report.


"Although the enemy has not yet admitted defeat, and we have not invaded the enemy's territory, it is only a matter of time before the end of the war. Production and construction have resumed in various places, schools have resumed classes, farmland has begun to sow seeds normally, and factories have begun Normal operations, people have returned to a peaceful time."

Hearing this, everyone smiled relaxedly as if they were relieved from a heavy burden.

But Die Wu, no, it should be because the guy who wrote this report had a bad taste, Die Wu's voice continued to come.

"Casualty Statistics!"

"During the nearly five years of war, whether it was the Peng, the Dunjia or other animals, they all made great sacrifices."

"As a result of the statistics, friends lost 711 Yiren, 1442 original people, and 19 first-level units in the old city, namely Daoyun City and Linjia City..." Speaking of this, when hearing these things, they either disappear, or When the name was reconstructed, both the friends and the Dunjia present showed mournful expressions.

As a new generation of management, many of them were in the battle areas they participated in. Recalling the original battle, everyone looked heavy.

No matter how big or small everyone's reaction was, Die Wu felt a bit of comfort when seeing everyone's expressions.

And the dozen or so Youshen-level people who gathered in the Elder's House not far away also sighed heavily, feeling relieved.

"Dunjia clan," bowed gratefully to those Dunjia clan members, Die Wu, the patriarch, continued reading.

"Due to the lack of a census of the Dunjia tribe in the early days, the casualty statistics are relatively rough, please forgive me..."

"The Dunjia tribe has lost 40000 people, and the data fluctuates, only a little more."


The scene suddenly became agitated, such a large casualty, even the people who had already heard the general news were shocked.

After a while of confusion, all the friends stood up and expressed mixed emotions of gratitude or admiration to the representatives of the Dunjia tribe, while the representatives of the Dunjia tribe sighed deeply.

Although everyone had already been mentally prepared for the huge loss of the Dunjia clan, they were still shocked when they heard the figure of [-], which was only a little more, which was almost one-fifth of the population of the Dunjia clan.

After everyone was quiet for a while, Die Wu turned the next page heavily, and her complexion gradually improved.

"Enemy kill statistics!"

The only function of this statistic is to make one's own side recover from the pain of their huge loss. It seems that the guy who wrote the report is not bad.

After thinking about it, Die Wu nodded to the people who were attracted by what she said.

Among them, the Dunjia people were even more urgent. They obviously wanted to know what their own group had gained in return for their huge sacrifices.

"Since the Spirit Race controls other species to fight, the main statistics here are the number of kills of the Spirit Race."

"The spirit clan killed about 36100 people as a whole, and no less than 20 subordinate underground creatures. The exact number cannot be counted. Among them, they destroyed 3 breeding nests of the opponent and eliminated 4 command-level creatures..."

The war statistics report is still going on.

However, at this time the elders on the other side had withdrawn their attention.

Although he did not reach the Youshen level, but because of the great role of the technical bureau, he was also selected into the void of the elders. At this moment, the Youshen level who was sitting with several of them waited quietly.

After half a cup of tea, colorful lights flashed in front of everyone, and 8051 appeared in front of everyone again.

"Unreal, there is good news."

(End of this chapter)

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