Spore Story

Chapter 314 And, the choice after the war

Chapter 314 And, the choice after the war
Thank you snock for your monthly ticket support~\(≧▽≦)/~
"It's raining."

Reaching out to open the wooden window, accompanied by the creaking sound of the wooden shaft, the fine and cool spring rain suddenly flew into the house, and at the same time, there was a hint of spring that contained the fragrance of flowers.

"Ah, spring always makes me sleepy like this."

Ling Yun, who seemed to have been softened by the spring breeze, was merciless to the enemy on the battlefield, but at this moment, her ears drooped, she flung herself facelessly on the stone table, looking powerless.

"Okay, sleep if you want to sleep."

Smiling and looking at Xiao Lingyun, who seemed to never grow up, Chu Xia hugged her and put her in her arms, and Xiao Lingyun also cooperated with her net bunnies, and in Chu Xia's arms Arched in a funny way, found a good posture and smacked his lips.

Gradually, the little aura of one line from the beginning to the end made a slight snoring sound, which reached the ears of the two people in the cabin.

Then, Chu Xia looked up at Kong Huan standing at the window.

"You said, can we really achieve peace this time? Although 8051 takes good care of us, isn't she busy with planetary creatures everywhere? Will she not delay her work this time?"

In fact, the elders in the entire elders' house seemed a little complicated when they heard 8051's proposal to negotiate peace between the two races.

Just ten days ago, 8051 suddenly appeared, saying that he would make some contribution to the peace between the Pengzu and the Lingzu, and asked if the Pengzu would like to reconcile with the Lingzu.

Although most of the members of the elders who were sitting at that time wanted to fight back to the lair of the spirit clan, after careful consideration, everyone finally agreed.

There is no way, Pengzu is too tired.

The five-year battle, the death of nearly 2000 members of the Peng clan, and the death of more than 4 members of the Dunjia clan have already made the two clans seem a little weak.

In the beginning, they might be able to rely on hatred and the will to survive, but now that the war has stabilized, the war weariness in people's hearts has gradually increased and has become the mainstream emotion in society.

However, because there is no precedent for peace talks in the case of a stalemate between different species, both ordinary members and high-level members thought only of maintaining the status quo.

Of course, the real reason is that there is a lack of a bridge that can connect the two species, and 8051 is so busy that Kong Huan and the others didn't think of where to go.

Although the friends can speak the language of the Eldar, but the two sides have been fighting to death for so long, even the dull species will have hatred, let alone two civilized species.

For races that hate each other, when the political wisdom of the leaders is not very mature, it is not enough to just talk. At this time, a middleman that both parties agree with becomes necessary.

Fortunately, Shuangyuexing still has the special existence of 8051.

She does not belong to any species. Although secretly, she actually supports Void, but at least on the bright side, she is the "agent" of the will of the planet, the god of the earth, Kong Ling, and represents the absolute power of the entire Double Moon Star. A civilized species has an identity beyond all species.

What's more, the negotiation between the two sides is not only a good thing for the friends and spirits, but also helpful for 8051.

During the five-year war, because of the racial habits, there were so many creatures controlled by the Eldar to attack the friends.

The consumption during this period has almost completely broken the biological chain of the spirit tribe underground. At least now, in the spirit tribe attack incidents encountered by the three major fortresses, there have been fewer and fewer encounters with the soldiers of the underground species that they were once familiar with, and the spirit tribe began to actively attack event.

Of course, the individual combat abilities of the spirit race people need to be tempered, so for the three fortresses with an average of one ghost-level, four soul-level peaks, one standing team (three major teams) and one high-level temple, it is impossible to create any substantial Threatening.

However, through this phenomenon, and then contacting the evil habit of "as long as you can instruct others to come forward, you will never step forward" of the Spirit Race, everyone can clearly feel that, at least in the Spirit Race territory under the Friends Clan, you can use There are fewer and fewer subterranean species.

This is definitely a good thing for the friends, at least when fighting against the enemy in the future, as long as they are careful not to let the opponent control their own soldiers, then it is a matter of killing a spirit tribe.

But whether it is for the spirit race or the will of the planet, this is not a good thing, because it means that a large number of planetary creatures have died abnormally.

Strictly speaking, although the Eldar control the creatures and drive them to attack the friends, it is the friends who kill these creatures.

Although it is very dissatisfying, in the will of the planet, the evil value is actually more accumulated on the friends.

If 8051 is not acting as the representative of the will of the planet now, and one side of the war has friends, the fighting behavior of the two civilized species that leads to the death of a large number of non-civilized creatures on the planet may have aroused the anger of the will of the planet long ago, and made the two races Destroyed in various powerful natural disasters.

Even with the help of 8051 now, the output of farmland in the Pengzu's territory has also been slightly reduced, adding a little bit of hatred of the Pengzu to the Eldar.

Of course, the spirit race is not much better, otherwise they will not have the same mentality of peace.

"To tell you the truth, we are all tired. If we continue this battle, we will probably have to rest for ten years." The 'Thunder God' Chu Xia, who was constantly creating death and charcoal on the battlefield, was gently patting her bosom. The little rabbit in the book, casually tried the feel of the rabbit's ears mischievously, and then said with a gentle expression on his face.

If she let the no fewer than a thousand Spirit Race people who were personally killed by her see it, maybe they would decisively die again.

Smiling, Kong Huan leaned against the window sill and took a breath of cool air in the rain.

"Indeed, um." At this moment, he seemed to see something, Kong fantasized about it, waved to Chu Xia and said, "It's raining now, there shouldn't be many people, let's go to the square to have a look."

"Square?" Chu Xia shook her head when she heard that she was about to go out, but she hesitated for a moment. She still hugged Xiao Lingyun in her arms with her thoughts, and then flew towards Konghuan: "Recently, I have been thinking about the Spirit Race." Forgot about this, let's go, we should go and see."

Seeing Chu Xia who was very upset, Kong Huan patted Chu Xia on the shoulder, turned around and walked out the door: "They have paid so much for it, aren't they also waiting for such a day? Although they cannot destroy the enemy, but let Everyone is at peace, and they should be satisfied, too."

As if thinking of something, Kong Huan followed Chu Xia who was descending step by step, and said as he walked: "Although it seems that the Pengzu has stabilized now, and the battles only happen occasionally in the three fortresses, it seems to be peaceful."

"But in everyone's heart, they are actually always stuck in the war era. Could it be that they are recalling the years when they fought against the Eldar on the ground? At this time, if there is no clear peace statement, everyone will never be able to truly relax. Isn't it?"

"What's more," Kong Huan said with a wry smile as he looked up into the distance, "We need peace more than the Spirit Race."

Both the Friends and the Eldar need peace, but from Kong Huan's point of view, the Friends need it more.

In fact, until now, the Pengzu seems to have completely blocked the Eldar in the three strongholds, and blocked all possible passages above the territories of the participating Eldar organizations.

But once the Eldar reacted and reached a consensus with the peripheral clans who did not participate in the war, they protruded from the vast continent outside the friend clan's territory.

Then slowly adapt to ground warfare, and finally launch an attack on friends from the periphery. At that time, the battle situation will be unknown.What's more, in order to support the three major fortresses with a combined permanent population of no less than 3 Pengzu and no less than 1 Dunjia, the farmers of the Pengzu are overwhelmed.

Not to mention, in order to prevent Bai Nong's mission from being accidentally completed, resulting in the loss of system protection, and the third month coming, everyone has to control the number of friends' plowing fields...

Now, friends, friends and Dunjia people have a total population of only 30. In today's territory of millions of square kilometers, it can only be regarded as a vast land and sparsely populated. If it continues to expand, it can only be said to be strength. Weaken rather than strengthen.

"Population, or population, it's really uncomfortable to feel that it's not going up or down!" He kicked the threshold angrily, facing Chu Xia's playful eyes, his empty old face (?) flushed, and he retreated embarrassingly.

"At least until the population exceeds 50, we don't want to think about expanding outside." Chu Xia's gentle voice came into Kong Huan's ears, and she smoothed the soft hair on the rabbit's back. Chu Xia continued: "Of course, outside the domain The reunion of our friends still needs to be done well, and League of Legends has performed fairly well in this regard.”

The two people who walked out of the elders' house had already entered the streets of Pengcheng.

The current Pengcheng is already the core of the real clan.

There are a large number of technical talents living in it. Among them, there are friends and Dunjia people, and the friends treat them equally.

And when the new year is approaching, even if it is raining, everyone is holding an umbrella or wearing a cloak, busy preparing for the new year's items, all kinds of small cars on the street are full of new year's goods, and small bags for trading Food makes people feel a little joy.

"Hang Huan, the currency you mentioned seems to be the time to implement it." Pointing to the standard small bag of grain, which is used for transactions, Chu Xia said with a smile.

I don't know who came up with the idea. A special sack with a small bag of rice in it became the way of trading at this time. Every time they go out, many people will buy a small car for transportation. It forms a spectacle that almost everyone trailers a car on the street.

Of course, this is mainly a situation in places like Pengcheng. There are many people who can afford small cars in other provincial cities, but not many people go back to buy them. Many people would rather carry them than use this kind of two-wheeled car. Car to tow.

And this kind of small bag of grain rice, in the view of Kong Huan, is easy to be counterfeited, and the wisdom of the people should not be underestimated.

Although this transaction method has only appeared for less than half a year, Kong Huan also realized that the time has come to rely on the ethnic group to promote copper coins, a metal currency.

"Now the three major copper ware factories are under the strict control of the ethnic groups. The pure copper copper coin factory in Pengcheng will be in the original site of Gashan. The first batch of copper coins should be launched in February next year. The promotion of copper coins, It is expected that an official announcement will be made at the annual meeting."

"Ah, it turns out that you guys have already started." Smiling, Chu Xia stopped paying attention to this side, and looked at the carts of goods and rice bags, her eyes were slightly bent, and she didn't know what she was thinking. , maybe she is imagining the scene where a cart of rice bags is replaced by a string of copper coins, after all, she has already seen the copper coins in the first illusory experiment.

"Master Kong Huan, Master Chu Xia." The two friends who found Kong Huan and the two respectfully bowed to them.

"Ah good!"

Constantly nodding to the people around him, Kong Huan took the time to show a wry smile at Chu Xia.

However, Chu Xia continued to nod calmly.

There was no way around it. In Gashan, Chu Xia was already very popular even without Thunder Wings, and she was used to this kind of scene.And after five years of the Pengling War, the status of the high-ranking friends of the Peng clan has increased in the hearts of ordinary people, and this is especially true for the elders' house, which is a collection of combat power.

Now even a Dunjia child can tell the code names or names of the members of the Elder's House.

This situation may not be good, but now that everything is new, this kind of strong reputation is conducive to uniting people's hearts, so Kong Huan and others just let it happen naturally.

"That's why everyone doesn't like to come out." Thinking that even though Chu Ling and the others were not forced to work, they still guarded their respective huts, usually only resting in the elders' home, and flying out when going out.

It gives an unreal feeling that the elders' home is a dormitory for a pair of nerds and nerds.

But now, Chu Qin and Dark Blood team are stationed in Red Moon Castle with Dark Blood Team, Lingyue is stationed in Tianyi Castle with Lingyue Team, Lingxue is stationed with Longyue Team in Cangkong Castle, and the elders who stayed in Pengcheng , except for the five righteous gods, only Chu Xia, Kong Huan, Chu Ling and Xiao Lingyun remained.

At this time, perhaps seeing something on the roof of the temple in the distance by accident made her think of something, Chu Xia hesitated and said: "Kong Huan, it is obviously inappropriate to hand over the entire Outer Domain to Meng Ying, should we leave it for later?" Two places, let three Youshen level to maintain, so it can be regarded as a balance."

Meng Ying is the only Youshen class who has grown up and survived in the past five years.

It is unbelievable to say that during the five years of war, many characters who were already stuck at the peak of the soul level have been promoted to the Youshen level. There have been five Youshens, but after the five-year war, these newly promoted Youshens, The only ones that really survived were those who were compiled into the Allies of the Outland Gods from the very beginning.

The high yield and sacrifice of the Youshen class is also a major reason why the Pengzu can maintain the defense line, and it is also the reason why a large number of soul-level peak individuals are concentrated in the three fortresses.

In comparison, most of the Youshen-levels of the older generation have reached the high stage or even the peak, and their strength is far different from these newly promoted Youshen-levels, and so far they have not lost any of them.

He looked up and looked outside the city. The temple of the God of Outland was built in the west. The pointed roof and the other four temples guarded and maintained the territory of the friends.

Because the place where the high-level temples of Outland were first built was located in the west, and the high-level temples of the League of Nations were mostly located in the west in the initial planning.

Afterwards, because the newly-promoted Youshen ranks were transferred to the battlefield, so far, only the alliance is in control of the outer domain. Fortunately, the other party is doing well.

Withdrawing his gaze, Kong Huan said nonchalantly: "How can you say that Mengying used to be the God of Revenant Management, you have to trust him."

"And now the entire ethnic group, except for you, Lingxue, Lingyue, Chu Jie, Chu Qin, Ling Yun, Chu Ling, Chu Dian, Zhan Lian, and Chu Yi of the older generation, the five newcomers in the past five years There is only Mengying left in the Youshen class. At this time, we can only wait for a while, and let’s talk about the appearance of a new Youshen class in the three fortresses.”


He smiled wryly and shook his head. If it was five years ago, Konghuan would never have been able to say something like 'After a while, there will be a new Youshen class appearing in the three major fortresses'.

But today's ethnic group already has a cultivation system that is gradually improving. Although the Youshen class is not as fast as the appearance of the soul class five years ago, it is normal for one to appear every one or two years.

This is basically a research mode, which brings about the effect of research acceleration.

Now the empty illusion is paying more and more attention to the research mode. If there is no such thing, although the friends can still rely on their own advantages on the ground to block the enemy in the ground in the friends' spirit war, the damage will be at least tripled. Four times, I am afraid that no one can go shopping so leisurely now.

In the past five years, most of the research projects on the research model were related to the individual cultivation of illusory arrangements.

This is not only because of personal preference, and previous development considerations, but also because of the impact of the war situation.

In the battle with the Eldar, except for the battle where the enemy broke into the ground due to carelessness at the beginning, the other battles all took place in narrow passages.

The size of the passageway limits the number of the enemy and us, making individual strength the key to the battle.

Through effective cultivation, today's friends rely on their mental strength, physical strength and energy attack, and they have an absolute advantage on the battlefield.

Today's spirit race can only use the lives of fewer and fewer underground creatures to accumulate their achievements.

However, once the Eldar come to the ground, the rich biological resources on the ground will cause devastating disasters to the Eldar.

Stopping at the gate of a large compound, Kong Huan turned his gaze away from the square, where there were several huge dark places still wrapped in linen and scaffolding, and nodded to Chu Xia beside him, signaling the other party to withdraw to block it for him. The Psychic Shield of Raindrops.

In an instant, the slightly icy raindrops began to seep into the body, causing Kong Huan to shiver.

"It's so comfortable." Looking up at the sign at the gate of the compound, Kong Huan said to Chu Xia who was beside him: "It seems that the square still needs some time, let's go here and have a look."

After finishing speaking, Kong Huan stepped into the [Military Department] under the Pengcheng Military Academy, which is a specific cultivation research department belonging to the Pengzu.

The void is not interested in letting a lot of underworld groups appear in various parts of the friend clan. All the cultivation skills and practice experiments of the friend clan are carried out in the military department, and the cultivation talents with flexible thinking among the people are also needed by the war. Next, was drawn into this department.

Of course, he didn't stop the emergence of non-governmental practice groups, but just standardized them and raised the threshold a bit, which can be regarded as a peripheral security and development consideration.

Just like in a human country, an academy of sciences directly under the central government is set up, but private individual research is not prohibited.

Most of the time, the Ministry of Military Affairs conducts standardized cultivation research according to the suggestions of Kong Huan and others. It mainly accepts the theories and application methods derived from the research model of Kong Huan, and then sorts them out in the Ministry of Armed Forces, and finally distributes them to various places after printing.

Entering the Wubu compound, you will see a small square surrounded by five courtyards.

On the right side of the gate are [Energy Bureau] and [Body Bureau]; on the left side are [Spirit Bureau] and [Consciousness Bureau]; and facing the gate is [Comprehensive Experiment Bureau].

Looking around, Kong Huan led Chu Xia to the [Comprehensive Experimental Bureau] in the middle.

Five years is actually a short period of time. At least after relying on two research positions, Kong Huan has studied some of the external technologies necessary for group battles, and has done more research on cultivation, but most of them can be regarded as the foundation.

With the help of the Elders' Court, most of the training manuals summarized by the various bureaus of the Ministry of Armed Forces are basic things.

[Energy Bureau] mainly studies the energy core in the body of friends.

The only cultivation books they have released through engraving and printing technology are "Energy Gathering Method" (Energy Basic Exercise), "Energy Induction", "Basic Energy Mobilization", "Electric Stimulation", "Electric Shock Use Skills", "Walking on the Power Grid" Skills", "Electric Shock Technique", "Lightning Strike Technique" and other basic books.

In these books, the only ones that are really used for cultivation, like the "Meditation Technique", are the "Energy Gathering Method".

Others are all practical things, but this also makes up for the energy of one of the three major abilities of the ethnic group. There is no gap in basic cultivation methods, making energy truly a weapon for friends.

Dunjia people and spirit race people who don't have energy cores can't do anything about it.

Of course, the members of the Dunjia clan who are members of the Peng clan just feel powerless because of their inability to cultivate.

In order to allow people to quickly improve their strength and adapt to the battle as soon as possible, by classifying these cultivation application methods, the Energy Bureau has divided two energy usage directions:

[Auxiliary], that is, to use energy to stimulate the body's potential and exert other powers, which means the stimulation of muscles by electricity, the enhancement of magnetic sense by electric magnetic fields, etc.;
[Main attack] is to use energy for the main attack, to exert the paralysis and suddenness of electric energy, which is represented by short-range electric shock, medium-range lightning strike, defensive grid and so on.

[Body Bureau] Please ignore this name. Although this name is indeed very dissatisfying, it may be a bad taste. Kong Huan completely ignores the dissatisfaction of Dark Blood and others and stubbornly retains this title. Said 'reasonable'.

There are quite a few things it has compiled and developed: "Basic Movement", "Basic Boxing", "Basic Palm", "Basic Tail Flick", "Muscle Training", "Bone Strengthening", "Basic Gun "Basic Axe Technique", "Basic Stick Technique", "Basic Arrow Technique", "Aerial Combat Hovering", "Inclined Dive", etc., have become the most productive of the five bureaus of the Ministry of Armed Forces.

And relying on these methods, with the support of the three major copperware factories, the ethnic army has developed more types of arms such as [Grapple Soldiers], [Spearmen], [Axe Soldiers], [Archers], and [Staff Soldiers] .

[Spiritual Bureau], this is the department that really studies spiritual power, please do not contact a certain hillside hospital.

In the past five years, relying on the original "Meditation Technique", the summary of the experience of the Priest School, and the results of the illusory research model, the Bureau of Spirituality compiled and printed "The Art of Awakening the Spirit" (actually, it is the induction of spiritual power), "The Art of Practicing the Spirit" ( Meditation improved version), "Level [-] Mental Power Skills", "Level [-] Mental Power Skills", "Third Level Group Mental Power Skills", "Third Level Single Spiritual Power Skills", "Biological Control", "Emotional Control" Waiting for books, it can be regarded as a high-yielding department second only to the Physical Bureau.

Moreover, the books in this department have the highest gold content, and many of them are collections, ranging from seventeen or eighteen pages to forty or fifty pages.

And because of the wide range of mental power and the needs of the battlefield, there are quite a lot of combat professions specialized in mental power: [Communication Soldiers] (mainly develop mental power communication, monitoring, and emotional comfort), [Assault Soldiers] (mainly develop mental power attacks), [Controller] (mainly develop the control ability learned from the Eldar, and rescue the controlled creatures).

The Psychic Bureau also has a subsidiary [Division of Psychic Power], but there are only a dozen or so Youshen levels in the entire group who use Psychic Power. Most of them have their own unique theories, and even if they are taken out, most of them cannot be shared, so this department is more often , is to use the imagination of the researcher to guess the use of the mind power of the elders.

[Consciousness Bureau], this is actually a basic department, and there are very few tactics used.

Because consciousness is obviously inert compared to the other three abilities, but because of the close relationship between consciousness and spiritual power, the research on consciousness is still in progress step by step.

So far, relying on the support of the research module, there have been "Consciousness Technique" (for ghost-level consciousness cultivation), "Consciousness Gathering Technique" (for soul-level cultivation), "Dream Entering Method", "Dream Inducing Method" , "Dream Control Law", "Dream World" and other effective books.

Even these things that belong to the auxiliary category have allowed the friends to achieve great development. After all, up to now, the large gaps in levels such as ghost level, soul level, and ghost level are not due to other abilities. overcome.

Pushing open the door of the [Comprehensive Experiment Bureau], more than a dozen researchers inside immediately turned their heads to look at the three of them, and immediately got up to signal.

In fact, the research of several other departments is not isolated, and it is common practice to refer to each other for mixed use. The main role of the [Comprehensive Experiment Bureau] is to study the mixed use of various abilities, while It is a classification of various strengths.

In the war, the broad classification system is obviously not very suitable for the needs of the ethnic group.

Recalling 8051's views at the beginning, Kong Huan set up this department in the Ministry of Armed Forces after realizing the current situation.

"How about it, the overall classification?" Turning to look at one of the researchers, these people have accepted the illusion of data before entering the military department. This researcher's 17 points of intelligence and a large number of comprehensive skills make him a Appointed the director of the [Comprehensive Experimental Bureau].

After looking around hesitantly, the director still stood up.

"Master Konghuan, Master Chu Xia (Xiao Lingyun is sleeping, ignore it), although there are many references, but the actual combat changes too much, it is obviously impossible to insist on a fixed level, so..."

Carefully looking at Kong Huan and Chu Xia, the bureau chief was slightly relieved to see the other party's expression was calm.

But thinking that he should be able to sense his own thoughts, he smiled helplessly and said: "So, we decided to divide the strength levels based on quantity as the standard rather than actual combat power."

"After all, quantity is the real inner root, and skills and wisdom need to be changed before the battle."

"Well," nodded, Kong Huan didn't get too entangled in this, he thought for a while and said: "What the ethnic group needs now is a more precise and detailed division than the 'ghost level, soul level, ghost level...' grading."

"If it is too difficult, you can propose a concept first, and then slowly improve it later. So, what is the current result?"

Obviously, today's emptiness is more looking forward to the result, not the process.

After all, with the deepening of various researches, Kong Huan found that he was no longer able to guide his friends on many things, and it was easy to make mistakes if he talked too much.

"Yes," the director turned and nodded to a researcher, who was stunned for a moment, then excitedly, under the envious look of everyone, took out a booklet from the small room, walked to the side of Kong Huan and the others and bowed.

"Master Kong Huan, Master Chu Xia, our research is still at a very early stage. Up to now, we have only used consciousness as the mainstay, and comprehensively refer to the amount of spirit, energy and strength to analyze and divide a person's level."

"first of all……"


When we left from [Wubu], the drizzle had stopped, and the moist breath was mixed with a delicate fragrance, which made the greenery a very good friend city. There was a kind of fragrance of the primitive jungle after removing the corrupt atmosphere, which made the pedestrians on the road feel Involuntarily increased the inspiratory strength, resulting in a bunch of asthmatic patients.

Kong Huan and Chu Xia didn't say much about the classification of the [Comprehensive Testing Bureau]. They just encouraged them to continue working hard, and then left slowly.

The purpose of grading is actually to have a relatively intuitive statistics on the strength of existing members for the next step of research and regulation.

After all, the current population can be regarded as tens of thousands, and it is easy to cause problems if it is not planned well.

"It would be great if all the staff were Youshen-level." Kong Huan, who was walking behind, looked at Chu Xia, who was holding the little Lingyun in the shape of a bunny, and sighed heartlessly. Of course, this kind of complaint is natural. was ignored.

I don’t know if it’s been too long, or I know too much. At first, I used the excuse of animals to control the physiological reactions of the opposite sex; later, although there were some reactions, I was not in the mood because I was too busy; When there were beautiful women beside him, his body fell into complete silence.

"How sad life is."

8051 said that Kong Huan is now a normal reaction of an ordinary person who has not been able to adapt to this attitude of life after living too long, which makes Kong Huan not fall into panic.

As for why there is panic because of the inability to produce a physiological response of the opposite sex, Kong Huan can only say that it is caused by the short life of human beings, and the psychological impact of the next generation's continuation.

In fact, think about it, you already have endless life, and there is such a large species, why do you think about breeding.

As for the psychological needs... Now that Kong Huan is busy all day long, he wished he could have hundreds of clones, so why would he think about that.

Shaking his head, Kong Huan waved away these messy emotions.

At this moment, a bright light flashed in front of him, and Kong Huan's eyes flashed, and he knew who was coming...

Well, at this time, apart from the five righteous gods (in fact, Chu Jie likes to do this), there are only 8051, and looking at the dazzling colorful colors, there is no need to guess.

"So, 8051, how are you doing?" Maybe it's because the demands on his subordinates are too high, Kong Huan always feels that they can't meet his demands, so his reaction now seems a little weaker.

"Really, can't you make some interesting reactions? 8051 said angrily."


"Forget it, I won't play with you anymore, let's get down to business... Well, let's go to another place." Looking at the surrounding situation, 8051 probably didn't expect that a few people from the elder's house, which almost became the whole house, were actually wandering on the street at this moment , Now that she realized the situation, she immediately stopped speaking.

Although contacting the Spirit Race to negotiate peace is not something to hide, but before the matter is successful, the House of Elders does not want the common people to know.

After all, among ordinary people, there is a lot of hatred for the Eldar. Even if they also yearn for peace, it would be bad to announce that the two sides are negotiating before the matter is successful.

Elderly House
"So, what's the matter? Are the Spirit Race willing to make peace?"

The plan to wander around the square was interrupted. Although Kong Huan and Chu Xia had no complaints, they finally planned to walk once and ended like this. It is regrettable.

"You two..." Seemingly full of black lines, 8051 glanced at Xiao Lingyun, who was still sleeping obediently in Chu Xia's arms, and finally shook his head giving up.

"As for the spirit race, I used the name of the god of the earth to contact. Although the other party temporarily formed a large organization in order to fight against the friend race that has become stronger now, after all, there has been internal fighting for a long time, so it took a little time. time."

"However," with a heavy sigh of relief, 8051 said with a smile: "It's finally a success, and the other party really doesn't want to fight anymore, so they agree to peace talks."

"Do you know? Kong Huan, the ones who are fighting you now are 17 spirit clan organizations, which are nearly a quarter of the entire double moon star..."

"It's only a quarter." He shook his head with a wry smile. Kong Huan looked at Chu Xia who was also a little stunned. The two looked at each other, and they could see the helplessness in each other's eyes: "It's only a quarter and it's finished." so."

"What's the matter." Looking at Kong Huan and Chu Xia nonchalantly, 8051 seemed very dissatisfied with Kong Huan's reaction, shook his head and said, "You should know that there are nearly 20 ghosts in this quarter of the Spirit Race. God level, and thousands of soul levels."

But after waiting for a while, seeing that the two still didn't wake up as 8051 thought, she shook her head helplessly.

Being in different positions, the two parties have different considerations. Maybe what they think is right for the friends?

After thinking about it, 8051 didn't go any further.

"Okay, let's get down to business. Regarding the spirit race, I have already discussed it for you. The initial consideration is to divide the surface and the underground. The spirit race wants to be underground, and the friend race wants to be above the ground. Of course, how to divide it depends on you. I’m going to talk to someone, and I’ve decided on Red Moon Fort where Dark Blood and Chu Qin are stationed, so there’s no problem.”

Most of these were proposed by Kong Huan and the others before, so after thinking about it, Kong Huan and Chu Xia, who stayed behind in the friend city, both nodded in agreement.

On June 6th, 16 AD, a delegation of friends led by Elder Kong Huan came to Red Moon Fort; on the same day, a delegation of Spirit Clan led by three rulers of Spirit Clan also entered in a peaceful manner. This fortress of their extreme hatred.

The atmosphere of the negotiations has not been very good, because the current situation of the war between the two sides can only be regarded as a stalemate, and there is no situation where one side is stabilized by the other.

The Spirit Race asked the Friends to dismantle the three major fortresses, which is obviously impossible; the Friends asked the Spirit Race to retreat into the abyss cave, and the Spirit Race was obviously unwilling...

Although the Spirit Race is being squeezed underground at the moment, they believe that because there are too few underground biological resources, there are few things for them to make miscellaneous soldiers, and their own advantages have not been brought into play.

The Friends also believe that the Eldar only rely on numbers and despicable means of controlling other creatures to hold the line of defense. Otherwise, the Friends will surely repeat the victory of rushing into the ground to destroy the breeding nest.

Well, this tit-for-tat situation lasted for a few days, and the fight at the meeting, if not for the presence of 8051, I'm afraid it would not be physical contact.

The meeting proceeded slowly in this intense atmosphere...

However, the expectations of both sides for peace are actually not small, and Void has 8051, which is neutral on the surface, but in fact favors its own helper, and quickly understands the problems that the Spirit Race is facing.

Their more peripheral counterparts are making tentative attacks on them who have been weakened by fighting with their friends.

If they can't withdraw their hands as soon as possible, then as time goes by, it will only be a matter of time before their current organization becomes the few organizations that have been annexed by them and lost their rulers within a few years.

However, the Spirit Clan didn't know that the Friends Clan also needed to recuperate.

The three major fortresses consumed a lot of food. On the surface, the friends easily blocked them at the intersection, but in fact, both sides were just half a catty.

Gradually, under the coordination of 8051, the two parties finally reached a peaceful consensus, and began to enter the second stage of talks: the demarcation of the territorial boundary.

And taking advantage of the break in the negotiation, Kong Huan left everyone alone and visited Red Moon Fort alone.

This fortress, built at the end of AD 3, was made entirely of cement modules.

Up to now, traces of blue (Peng Clan), red (Dunjia Clan), and green (Spirit Clan) blood traces can still be seen everywhere in the fortress. When first seeing the different blood colors of the three races, Kong Huan would even joke "just Like a paint plate', but now, there are only deep memories and emotions left in his heart.

The whistling wind in my ears seemed to have become the heroic roar in the first few battles when the Red Moon Fort was established.

People can't help but get excited.

"Sure enough, war is the best temper."

Although he was very unwilling, Kong Huan had no choice but to let out such a sigh when he saw soldiers with serious expressions and soul-level emotions passing by from a distance.

Among the three major teams today, the dark blood team stationed at Red Moon Fort was originally composed of a dozen soul-level and more than 100 official priests.

And now, the members of the team have been changed one after another, the total number remains unchanged at 120, but all the members have become soul-level.

Although the other two teams did not achieve such an exaggeration as the soul level of all members, the Lingyue team also reached 70% of the soul level ratio. Although the Longyue team was a little less, only 50%, their overall strength was no less than the other two. clan.

In the eyes of Lingxue, who lamented the lack of soul level at the beginning, this was obviously extremely surprising.

But this is hard to hide the bitterness. These soul-level people have grown up step by step while watching the fall of their comrades in arms during the war.

"There are pros and cons, good and bad depend on each other, probably this is the case." Shaking his head and smiling, Kong Huan took a deep breath of the bloody air mixed with the blood of various races, and nodded to the Dunjia tribe who was saluting to him , turned around and walked along the corner to the inner ring.

The inner ring of the three fortresses does not refer to the administrative areas of other places, but belongs to the outside of the fortress.

The main reason is that the role of the three fortresses is to guard against enemies who come to the ground through underground passages.

Therefore, not only the floor of the fortress is made of pure cement, covering almost an entire city of land, but it also uses a special ring-shaped building pattern to completely surround the underground passage in the middle.

For the Spirit Race, it is still difficult to defend the entrance of the underground passage, but to dig a new passage, they have to face the entire friend clan, manage temples and population gathering places in various places.

Therefore, until now, they can only concentrate their forces on three channels to maintain an invincible and undefeated situation.

Even if there were occasional surprise attacks during the period, they were suppressed in the interaction with the friends and Dunjia tribes.

"What a big hole!"

Standing on the wall of the Red Moon Fort, Kong Huan looked at the entrance of the inner ring passage surrounded by the Red Moon Fort, feeling emotional in his heart.

During several years of fighting, the entrance of the cave was expanded to a radius of about 100 meters by the Spirit Race, and the Spirit Race or a very small number of underground animals could still be seen faintly inside.

The soldiers on both sides have been facing each other all year round. One side is on the 20-meter-high city wall of the inner ring of the Red Moon Fort, and the other is in the dark shadows inside the inner ring entrance. No one can do anything to the other.

"At this time, shouldn't we chant a poem?" After thinking about it, Kong Huan turned his head and left: "With our level, let's forget it."

At this time, a dead soul floated by in front of him, and if he didn't pay attention, Kong Huan was taken aback by the other's empty body, but when he saw that it was his own, he rubbed his forehead depressedly, making him also startled by his own reaction A jump of the soul of the dead left.

These dead souls are the souls of soldiers who are protected by the high-level temple of Red Moon Castle. They have become the best guards of Red Moon Castle. They monitor the situation of the passage all the time, but they cannot enter the passage. There are high-level spirits who can observe them. .

In fact, Kong Huan also asked 8051 to confirm that only the dead souls of friends were found. According to 8051, before the power of the system disappears, you should stop thinking about such almost regular things and incomprehensible Kong Huan.

As for the rules, according to 8051, the dead souls of the friend clan have immunity and can obtain the ability to exist for a short time after death.

Of course, without a temple, the Revenant of Friends would disappear as quickly as any other race.

Just like now, after the death of the ruler of the spirit race (ghost level), the dead soul will also be produced, but because there is no such energy core as the friends to gather the body, it cannot touch the material world, and after a long time (short or three to five years, and nearly a hundred years) will still perish.

However, for things that cannot be understood, things are becoming more and more illusory because I don’t want to think about anything, so let’s leave it for later.

In this way, with the help of 8051, the negotiation proceeded steadily.

On January 7, AD 1, the "Pengling Peace Agreement" was signed under the witness of Kong Ling, the god of the earth, representing the will of the planet.

Fortunately, the Spirit Race did not discover the relationship between Void and 8051.

After thinking about it, I still haven’t opened it. Anyway, this book is like this. We only hope that the current book friends can continue to support us and support this book to continue writing =w=.

More than 8000 favorites, less than 80 subscriptions in one day... less than 1%, which is really a tragedy.

Speaking of which, the city is filled with the sound of decoration and cars all day long, and it is quiet even at night. It is really a miserable human society, and my friends definitely can't do this.

(End of this chapter)

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